ith yhmiettI w» hrnin Vis., éOpt 10, 1881 and died At Cok -u Feb. 2i. fis early buoifwoa ela lWisconsin, wheu wae six vearm o! age the- faknily ,*Umviffgto Liberty vilh, which pam.: M ehddli;e, wa» -,f a tlrmaiiy, ý)jmLttve dIspoeition, fond of sdorts days ivere sge-i fit Lili.éyiii,'ý .. Lake Faveet and Evans , ;,. lie. î"as w bat alibost miit be1 ý!'1 i1rilliant a hi; eitudiea sad had an- eI-(iaIIy fine appreclalion or lI;eritn;e.l[e nas a ('n ifr ! ph;iounathia ,literary aolty nt Evaikelorlr. audny nnd to. titis phîpé-rcint0Iîhnt-d sanie o! the best -ltàrry efforts, largely in versée. -Dutiing bis. Iat Year fil S;.eool lie coutro.èted a liigé anîd ulile i a weakened condition nm a re.uit, ikas -vacciaited théecffets o! which reinedè, isith' him. Hie parents lwcon;lng *à~ee had hlm examlned by hie hoine phydiln and hy h lnng specialist "lit .bleego and thongh his rase was not goousl4erd daugerons by the doctous it ,umédeclded achange o! limate wauld te bensbcla oh;m aud an overland trip to the wet wae plamned. On Jnly 4, 1904 wIth bis failier ho set out an a ,wagon tp tbruugh lî nnesta ud the J>*kotw lto the Black HiB;In lbth watuapnhewassent to th6"Y. M. C. A. behath farro" at Denver whemreéllved ln 'Il s sadisea tourof the poustains sud bc witb threoeompanîons ýlgtfflout a traveling wagon aud headed 'ovYqllnwtono Park.(hie o! thé oung "nao! thé company reeelved set baek ý*d wlth a comtrade roturuied ta the " léavlug Charlie gnd one .other. JMbeie two ths)n headed for Caifornia 04 ~it wu late in the sesOn fo..ildit ipeactia ud owihg ta exposure lesufred a , light attack of nia. After samewbat recovering boymeontinued tbhr Jounuey pitch- tbWrtout atl: lu nthe Ssai juan ai thoru Colorado.fHors lit tsold usts)p asthe offsets o! his uemad ta hé comihg back. te bis parents weîe always fuQ~ »ud eheer yet reading between they !nepected ali was oct godis fathot urgsd by other 09 thé !ainly doclded ta visit Md Ifi Oagt wlee ta take hlm Meêkmé. FOlOimm rewldbis mon $0"hMm mSni weako thén b- MFssay Feb. 27. llîq W» mSue ébansol but 1le8%1thé daàot.wlm e h âpp>lusibbl fates. rias the Y. M. C .4., s U eknown bn"Wais 115.45a@ a tborougb 1. B. ..Lawlar I atn et w inl Laked ho10mlmsatth Pesy. égeh asut Sudabth mor,%- éevion ist Suday at tue hi curtt. Phase note thaï; the -M ums at 0.-45 sud eveniug a18.Visito.ré made weleouie. bl arei 14 at the crm hurehthé Illinois Snnday assocation under thé direction o ybqesr, Rei.d worker and the Lakte - oe ieewMl holl an intitute. othé Lakte Countv Sunday kc sesocation and othére interested "Quoeeteta, hé prepent. LOther wilS ba hld at Grayeo, 1,Waukegan March Ir, snd 1# ud Park 1(ach 16. IF0R 8ALR-Blatck haos, 5 yearis aId B" 10. amare, 4 yéare aid wIo.WMUusCATBU, Libetyvllle 1~- 281f. ,~5r o! othsrwlii "J-I - Div ided mbt 2,000.000 shares of the par value of $ 1-.00 eachi fulli pou and non- assessable. No personal liability. No preferred stock. Over 1,000,000 shares uet in treasur [for development work. -Through ite ixte directors, ha8 voted ant allotrne'tit f 50,000 shares ont the market at the extïemel!j low. price of only 7 cents per share. Thtis is rare value. With o ur elements of certaintU coupled with'onr elemeîito of proh)abilbtyi anîd - po8ibility -givea yol--j an investment worth over7 cents' pérhare 'and a -speuilative value worth several titîlet that rnuch. OF. FOR and DIY the stockholderq.4 Whenyôu nves, ines Iiti; îîo Free," *Pronotion," "bonus;" or :'advertising" etock-. %Vith no promoterg ta bulidoze or f reeze out thé honiemt iureoors . in a Company With oçt progresive, al aaeet With a tnoderate capitaliration. Do You 1Appreciate that U ith aur four water pawers. 69 Iode or vean daims, two im!uenee plac-ers, patented town site, lots in Frisca, çtc. that aue stock is NOW .U 1YIVOitH! more money thanaux 5 cet or50 ebt stock Othe erlco district. Il Your iMenis Won't Lay Try Our A sure wsinner and EGPRODUCER A welf batanced ration, ad Jusi what io hon lîkes. We aIea have SUN FLOWER SEED, KAFIR CORN, WHEAT, BARLEY CHARCOAL, GRITS, SHELLS, BEEF SCRAPS, CORN ALFALFA and ail other supplies. OUR -OAL [S. JUST LIKE THÉ WINTER ADImblq& il Fers Furulshilug CUT PRICES- TO REDUCIE .STOCK.' AWARM ARTICLE ongl'bleig m ade AND ENJOVED BY ALL ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___Mr. F. Protine ILibertyville. 111 EMMONS-MERC-ER LUMBER -CO. 1.YUG BD WIN A. BISHOP. M'2'r [.iVUG LI9EWrTVILL. 1ILL 'Phono 47 67 loisePainltinlg Vhe are gving their ENTIRE to the nepi. days of the Company. ,55 As ne have no proaloters connected With thie Comnpany, there id no danger 1bv ISo omln of any "CIliques,' rings"' or "CO n1binat;ohs." wmo» Charles A. Takacs, Manage' aea oc l optn We are inthe BEART of!th I1NERAL ZONE ci Ourrday, td Il W06. Wofk miind igivne s Our mountain le the best niountain in camp. ce t 2hs tI JOSEPH and WILLIAM vo aigua.ests' Our consultilig engineer in the hast in our couhty, being in charge ofthe n n ocud 1 i- - t1 foct"o Realize't stpped for ura sinleday (except 8undv) mne ontha owJEFbRSe before re were încorporated. 0006. s1111000101àta"e .dC . nSherida'% Famout' Comedy of ltlnVn Our superintendent o! mines is as reliable and comipencamanascasE.LM4Sd du Manners Li ii11 I 'ff'I~~~~.Ail the alficers, and a majority of the directors bought stock at the 7 Cent ~UI'I. IlIdL Our capitalization ileaw, yet we have more tock la the treasurjy thsiu TheU il(1 mm 'ldieBust 0 oliui ni evrwill hé neededfoai developmient purpose. Supporteid by an *Il star cen large eni saI! quantities Your dollar ln juet an big and precions as atiy ather fellow's in this Co. Prices: 25, 85, 50, 75 and*SI mixed te suit. Ineestôrt put 47000 of thoir own money in fhis proposition before ba- ing ,ncorporated. .Pheui 1, L 0. 0II1 à 00.. O0M Thatwe re orkng igh an da (eecet Sadms.>Ask for the l900 Kodol Almante and Sunday, MarCh il, 1906"oemm hpa That w are wrkiuguight nd day(exeept Bunays.)200 year Calendar. SMedSlpe That our tunnel le now in 297 fret. ____________ _JO&.. P ilgr sdLouise Billots :Mao- 0W. TRIGOS' OU> STAND. )AIL That people in Colorado are bnying our stock now. nive production af the seasonsa WAUKEE AVE. BOUT» 0F MOTEL. That we have plenty o! "Mill" ore. 0. Milliard A. Wagfer ùUbetgvill, III That we are veryfeur to the(*ceerated'D. B. Ifoffat vein, expeet to cut ! R IE IIitanyday. R HE B - ýnThat we are lIkely ta get ahipping orseanY ,iin n te 'IdlO Â ~ S K That-vo jive rainai over $14,000.00, and pu' th,~pp4 _________ on; and the llle Comnpany mn't 4% mo4ths aid yet. ACTO iRSbATIltlg tryofFa-wa W f That i i le air to ralse the uext $40,000.00 titan the dbrut CTON Ru TIlnsyifa il Iui@ That we only nesd 120,000.00 or 8W0,000.00 Ruai W n#l l" M rdThat wheftw::e rie 0,000.00mor, :r stOck wil! bu between 50eand WAUCEOAN *- ILLNOIS o= .1thfl1ybs ai That Our treasurylei in FINE shape. OACAG SIPrCn Prices 25.85s,50, 75,La oc 661 it in up ta yau. SatIsfactIon Quaranteed. Mar.15.pd Whoweare.edjI( >Engine Bsuildeu's What, we haoxe doue. magdaeon le ue<tute I wiU.grind f$ed Tnesday, Frlday and R pl hp YM lc offset ou the lir.Té ss What aur property le. rIv.MSWby WLBALeT, t3-Boryaturday o! each woek, untll inrtber _______________________ ilie sd GarsLXnWP:aAC. notice. FRANE DoLpn. Ivauhae. 20" Whast yau want. We are equlppod to do Whtyou WIll get. Ký'FTCSO PT Rknso earwr WVT EI KNOW Thàt you wll never ha dimappoiuted in us4, our poliey, accompllehmeits or AdKI'IG orf itSOWPTI iamnm"frtotr.poly N ew r p ub wr our holding. Adwneodlmnmdlfourteapoptly. .ow.part Now lets get together.. We have the opportunity. You ha"e some nwoney to invest. S LN G A 2 j/I 4 A EUtiloe lula m uvestalent IMm dis gpusa long wags.Remember Mis7 cent . OEFIi 0 1 h3 stock woo 't lest loong, thon the price *111 not bo leua than 10 cents. It's slmply this, act ____________Oth83 Race fleord 2:11 1rWi-4 XTr Il11 s quick or pay more. Je e' o !iicursiomsof 1906 to our properties. Watch us 81Ê fGU" 'MaPd. Z=lest.0~ 1 thiOWtt&: iodul grow! Watkh yrmoney glrow, o watch your niýosgrow,an they ýu at at your or e1g~~~r uny a edaft.une 01tue t=%sit.d trotteis la the wr. sMd sk»dythesieoa hgrandic. m lot o olots àanie Opposite Si. Paul Freight Depot bigher pîce. -_______________SEASON 19o6, $25 JOHN R. ONSTOCK< PARMLoeyfi X Id __________________________-___------__________R.__THOMPSON., Prop., LISERTViLLE LUTu Addresil. W. MURRAY, Supt. WE DON'T Ape the spectacular. Cater to thé galteries. Promise thé earth. Appeai ta predjudice or an investorm imiaginationu. Work among the amateuribvetore. Self stock on neighhorhood vaine#. -N:EYW - IIARJESS 2 It Pars t) psy lu adrance for the ix DEPENDENT sad éither the Chicago ,,Dafly Chrouicle or Dally Inter ()Ce". NITh I N»ECPÉ<DBT anld sîther o! thé - - esfor OUI y»B. 50on those terme. Appeal ta the huvestoreres. Stand on aur -érita.1 sh1t noneta1haeoeea een pe4eL U M B E ~~W E DO Inhowethée de ! thépopstition. . haineas. hob over H. B. Ege's hardware store at Liberty- UB 3 InvItethe lewtbeppestition.I lhtanunetaIhvepndaewsdutoat villereandnam ow ready t oaiknso fine harnais work KDOGVEep laet thé Wt4repore. and repairing. A firet-clas harases maker le la charge o! -ALL KINS- Tell the bru eh ab.out oui titis., the slop, GSod (Grades at Fair Priea. Mdidurowu banns, aud keép digglng away. I 1SOLICIT YOIJR ~A IAN À% TUAT YOU <IVEIE À ATRIAL I ulh to quit thes "ppe mine. and tho 'Ip" miners, and Join an honest, d.c.nt fot of bsIness DOORS. WINDOWS, MOULD. l...invusttwho have béen through- the "ml.i" and w&M to 6molte, m=n, gond cloa, money, MININQ IN THE S"GROUND." whers wo wiilsein, ana whor. vo'...Sot an intesot In the Industraisand commercial foatur, , aN l In INGS. BRICK, LIME, ALPHA ILInveetmet. thon imest. à *atnwnes utodo@poW utdpINwt h IH idfrpry n lofe PORTL.AND CEMENT; SEWER UP40t t iv :ey elo a*f*r thakieha and kln1 0fproDam,". nd sh4p.dPIPE. DRAIN TILE, ETC. Apply the strîctost tetou Us. 0 e L C Referem«e 'IClorai.. 0.___le_ 10 WC. Cramer, U. 8. Del). Mitsral Sgurveyor, ILM.",' E. Gihareo, Frseco, Cala. C.mmreeulgCI W. F. Foreian, Couuty Cierit and Recorder, BrSeén- 13 ou. J. W. Swisber, for tant lourt@ ee '.Cunty .. ibere. ll IfH.oiB. B I. SÇ IANCI BrJnigColo. Wm. Vattai, Poitumsr, Frlsco, Calo. Otto Weserman, &Scek Photgrapha. Dsýegoarldpe Augtos L4ua, Filec. ,~C. A. Fudng, leadiug hardwar e mrbat, Saieken. ]Frank CO0114 FIisso E ~~~ ~I 0igs . ?.os1UHwkhÏô,4flh, Go., or my businuess, pro. I C. C Mlutéison, Frtwea, Colo.Ju&"mn oi mhser la ftzmtgCou«W,' Colo.' j ddrom al commountatlo on.leWIL lw, âwte 901 and"54 *&«M 1 -ri]