CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Mar 1906, p. 4

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.. tut agr tc aîl*Etfpiii.. w.. oMesiec. - aA Usa. iloaveeN. - ~çte.goa e Iisumrte tg thmbtaper thé Wsitegsu tinet, -%gir.t' ' vAbMtIl", prrpvü cg, tulle dq 1 a .ZeeosM et> Md ho liai Do* i wtbel M»»W otheflb.Opt6iila a aing. Ulo 1' k.itsu *Wjlof th ubau leattaiie! Ur. enudison evry*ue. M li cyq the wm Bvas Raisle. a dk«" oa@ b.bil th le PU& t. s"y uotb4.g 4 of M k*eyf < aa" aim~Ua ï *si b TJvperatOe. la ',ltOr ailiothe i. iett Bedod. lu j»i r# tsh nn " U.beamieni hie slndid cleyc, tetc.' If s"te eprqélonteapermineoble, "Would't 1; jar 0 tu 451 0-i etbinam siosfor Beudee-he neyer vas nos ie ws tii Lai0. OC"ali> ladependnt. 711e . bitter, icurrlloue attmek ep isliaeted la. b>'then CtrEditor SmIithand *aofie owa wgnaeS Independet management 00a th..Y dld republcans h. îcutIdtntil the -c»nt tbocame on. elveMr. Swayer let!..rathertItan newapsper villficatlon of -Bondes, ibe ,Ake .,etyfavored àMm. SoeI* 4ùk-kRe.s-'e, oeution lu office vae altogether uuresaouable, unifair sud decldedly Lr. Rendes believea for a moment te publie do.. not ëee ' Irongit .whlfcb iavolveti Editor Sith'» "swlteh" anud change af heart, > thé intAIlwenim 0f lhe peuple. GUIJSRD et icunas' liore lii. e fadoreci tbbro gla a ojecet!andO ~ leleU# . Mobjeo tt* e i ait! beforé Over- il. aut! te reent ia>' h ta vil! visel>' ake no Ilu ll'ghlend Psrk Home of W. K 16 for FO*Man sud Sciific Die- lmeetLflird Life. a*um>'y-.Cwo0f HighlIand ottsaled meveral omlliolOE au" aIt duÊer lit Deani OU- vir m.Frank Dsggif M me a seneda ttYet th, Homme Muaer-' taod To lixtent 0etSO0o. Pernit>' Abasut ONLY b3>IÂMONÎMAND j1EWXL1UYW" AfiKEN. Ultu nd ,%hi m m vaevaued' at 11.000 ver. Igon frot Uic resdance of J. RILaum. lu Jacsosn boule- Y" 0, Hghland Pàrltr US"' -bY dsrlug bulgiar, Who rT.geg*.lb.- il>. Ireer' article of Jevelr>' sud MWl vervar 1ln the.uffparé ê* f tii. honsc ae astalion b>' the »htliswM ansd IL 4 mpi>oftdtbat 1h03' w*i4la. tirbed la tiiel>. vork. as artCIO otf 1vaine dovtotu&o ve .ltIt- V*abed. The «*bb.Y 1vwu dltovéréd At ;I D oclock la teevoenln, Wgw iolbru F a! mimeta the honte of a nelghbor r tospen t e fternoon, and on tlber retumu round te back door open and the b6ue. la tiliorder. t Notice vau sent to, the local police and ever> oullet trou the. ubrb vin mguarded. 140' trace of the, thlevOo à could ho tou, and the Pol-ceOf > oher lavai sloug lte north bc-or ve r. uotlfied and asiedt1 o WOn the lookot for lte thlevea. Car. run- nlug betveeu Evanton andi Chicago vert> topped ai the. barns near Devon avenue by Chicago police, and de- tectIve tram Sheffieldi avenue eearched ail_ cura golng veut. il la supposed thttthe bootY 'mvi *carried awasvu ia cuit case beiong-1 lug to lit. Harmon and bearlng hlm. *initiale, as the suit case vas MISclu> à- tram hie room. Mr. HarmiOn 1e cou nectet i vtii te LehîgIt Valley Coel t 1- r. 1, e Ér. h.. et reepel sud il s tu IsSmait Murds i z. UpForTrialOue Malfetence of OfIRce - sie Mauliu. saoire eTried- ldo:a aW. ue> " tlI ev akeg-a ud lieSooet < elnunl u la dema 14 meb iatptuton. A netiter 0<m« ~Ieit qe"sare 0a'tbe dSoia aie biu d ' fdtIntmi u. NOMsiPbw&U-B-7r. 'ttsIo ortou--<Larm u s) îliri. E'- 1 -11 FI" SM w-ic maie. job* V. Gertly-Olauotmne.. For ai omm Mnt 1 . Gos'Son-<Uuodkys, case> 1. GI~,b~-OsW0uu tees dca b -O~b~~'4foUiisàaeS lu -t' bave is gfgo anp W"bRu ýe thee mlnIl j Medici' t 1l*aroSl twoSUizSll tethe, forl buost 1 se .reaul of <iwhwome beteu,*e bi ltsi- lK ivi i -t madiélteoIca, ltt0Mcb4. tis.Cmi& enforce tii * lau ,wme hb66,hiaru> =yie mi h piotectod.botlni gbai beé ~ ~ ~ ~ t dol ol(x n~I eêpeéted the. MOM oge Ml enétasor 1 o ombe' thei waskogsu m«astoobe>'lte lavu thiéWugb lt moreA courta. ; Cçidtioai aI the.fort arm Indicareti b>' the fat t bat lter. are more than 200eoinOr$ ln the gunardhongee It -la holloeve& w ili b. onere v111 ho taiten to-Fort IT enven- worth. ica>,, 10 te foderal Prieon tir.- UAeut. D. IL. Euorr-tuanod an order1 ou Batnrday requlrlng the. setries Ita "arc, veryc1vfli.wagon enter- loon Wou are, ai t ta bve mnt liqua? lt tbe grounide . urrPtitlouelyIn Wagons. KIAS t PtCILIAR (X>IN. of Mon.>' of lEari> yO r;inof- the.0Coin. A curiosit> bas been dîccoveret b>' Rl. Hf. orrlsoi th le 2InStreet bar- ber, lu' NorMi Cbjkago. itlalelu the torm of a cent , mode i.of copper Mud vas.,ilcooveicti e Mr. morriaoit a"Moi the change la bu apdcet The. pocket ptec~ e ou$e of ov per. te about the Mat>"sas tue modemrD'sulky, b 'l-a, i11300tbtn. ner. On the fSt,à in tto, "3. I1& 14veira nd ot! . Wamkeoa uht,-I, de~ A: e in timtl"United v. stand 6Jbt! tàli" alaluàgm Wliea ür. Marriton dicovered the lil t Ivas covered vuiidmirma wu oiseligible. nlie leaid t.i p ant seItWd il 10 everyotlO Who cOmo tu Mie ebop, -but the. inn nane -Îvas etrange 10 eli. Wben a SUN reporter camne the cent vas shoya te, hlm Tii. reporter toà thle plece ta O. T. Heydecker and! learne the ii.oliowing: Mr.LýbyeSa> came in Little Fort be toré tlii.fMlle.sud tarlet! s large geners] store on Washington etreet beven Geuesee% and Shteridan road.: He Ieft tovu about 35 yearc ago andi diletireceuti>' lu Daktota. For a fev years betore the ver' au dduring lte var t vas the cue- tom i(mong minu firme tà get out capper, plecýge almilar t. tls aone.1 Théiy"'Oucetasupenltesansd.ver. houored t giffereut sores lu theit' homoe tovu. The reglar cents of ltaI tinte ver. the oId large aonee sud peuple oh Jectet! to carrylugt hem. These conta ver. orWglalet! ho remedt!>hie dialîlce sud ver. abandoned as the cents grdê& MAller 'fic>'ver. qusc tii. main as beer checks are nov, but voe. Itonret! b> dîfferent stores hithe tbetovn. A"ofiet'eeuthle oit! torekeep- or. j>ifct*led wvasthc une of "eblu latr"Tiieecver. trp o pt> Mnd ure ivm eluchiage Inftesi 40IWO.TiiecebaS. 10. o, - y.r PLl'or, lia1 The. aubunban 10<115o fWiIcttt, Konlgvortb, Qiolte andsut!Wnr*tlt are Planning a tresot drain is cItyul empt>' lhe sevasfl r tat ital*sut lte nottit $bore lutot.hlb. BiA. éevnu.Il l tg inistet iat Il liii costl$M00. 0, vile 58 l mthlile igur.mut for a ptevious plan t. con- nect Uiese mrpidi>' grovlus laine vti UicelSgc driiogc inaI - .O poseS b>' h. Ciltgo anuter'. tins tee&, The.presa $lan-10 te mIlS a canai tartint Kt l06 laexo r oâ or Wluote asmd ontIala a uouhIi essorly irectlo uluto tetii lort bwwaue e c tof<Irisrver.. ffl ULn IIi _P>t AULc~ *VÎ a env RBf.T.-qustpert ot uaevrtonop1 FOR 8ALE-Let- là 0ilà Bee' u~aib d44llb 1 Mghiube.,t'iue oftt 01 Pdi, teftm S0av. . PO~I ALR-Anô« 10 Mmu ide* *#n ou bOitesto lb.re4di for occ~iecyMay1.Appiy ta MCDOSALI. FOR, SALE-,%»bon«Su&d lut on Me- Kibley avenui4 la JCuebierle îubdlvisloia of lbet~vJ1îPêv MÂGrra~.21-g FOR ,SML-ggm for> eettinu fuit efeiler. 2- FOR RIENT-1SZ. acre* of good farin land (;ne mile north of Lake Forest on ureen tBay raid. Inquire' of lira., là, Mine. 122 Genee.. St. Wanikegali. FOR SALe--llee. onfrtg îl ail inoditru improvernento, barnî a nd haI ucre lot. Inquire, at oid depot. .$270» F. J.AiLEuAri, Libertyville, 111. 2114 FOR SALEm-Black Sors,., 5 year. nid tl 1400. bs>' mare, 4 year aId- wt 1400. W .uAx CsrrElt. L a.rtyville. 2dtf. SEEDS-1Fsmirel ire wîll enti yot 15 packages ofi dlerent vegtable ieeds, pootpald, for ten cents lu etamps. OeowN MÂxvu. C. Dept F. llutrick St., Wsukegan, Ile. FOR1 SALE-Roui. sud lot on Park Avenue. PÀrLu MsrvFFipN, Libertyrile. '>5.21 FOR REN't-2 TOilas on, t-ouý X*êacrie otber G&~ri.Ood t-ra B. 4. Ilîaauvy, r##éaIaîe, 41. 24-4 FOR: SALE-Obsp, a ies 6 oo cottage. WIiltae a. 99W work teant inu payment. BoI 000Gayoi4ke, I. F05 3ALE-Twp good rubber tfredà buggies. Eoth lu exoellet chpe. WiII oelatbargaîn. Oeil or wite licioapriç- nuarr office, LIbertyvilie, Ill. 24tl FOR SALE-8 acme twa milles et of libertyvllo n C. & M. electrie a"d opposi te greenhouse. Price $1,300., . EtA,2192 9Ilcol Ave., Chicag. 24-2 FOR SALE-120 acre farta flear Gage. corqers. PAUL. M'cGU'iiN. ,çýLiberty ville. 24-tf. 1 BARRED PLYMOlJTH ROCKS- Quit-k leavy growtli for table, Inria raised. tiood egg produceri.. Egas for batct'inix, la for $1, 100 for $5.00. PETER N ELWoN, Hecht tarin, Libertyville,j Ill@. R. F. D.No. 1. 25-tf. At itandout, ilk.Adlreae, J. (îîo~ R. F. D. No.. 2 Waukegan. 25-2. FOR SALE-Far'me iu .izetram 401to 640 acre. u, n prie from *88 ta $20 per acre. For full particulars adâreme C. F. FulIton, Greenville, Wayne Co., Mo. 20-6 SEUD POTrATO ES-Ssrly Six Wek. ààd ? 'law .Vsty cholce stock.1 $1lper bl. If aksnUat Ô»&. 0QC. Cltp_ FOR SLE-SdnqIlue heat, 01 Per bmetr. Appi>' J. çMug, 2 ueu weet of ounue,urue . 0., 25-2fi SALE-A broy tiivr, l yeai old sud ehowing soin. epeeti. Misa J. L. M oxturnu , R iu el, fila. tFOR SALE-.On. <eveayesr aid ha>' mare, one danuble, bu, on..ý work harnéei, corn hsrvesttr, ha>' rabs.' lu. quiri MP&us.AcN &SNgDY. ne, i. IFOR SALE-25 pgrebr.d Sropaib oboep. Env. Bons, LlertYvlln& Da FOR SALE-Farta-of 100 'atm, ii imber. Fremout tovumblp. Wgtw 4,B& t.tCLn cO ftO beeter.4 Frs Wat.. orr0f tKan Àè mme.oro uwt:i Wh 't.1c M orme.. .ioa %,C»LM u. ardlin of-ed 23.4 A ceo Aidormas wes HI. o"le t.QmmberbWa'1 "I n ea er I> sdcoalelotey e affections of the. Ibroal anti lnngms Bou. John Sh.uiek, 220 Sa. keoris SIt.. Chicago, 'Tvo yssre aga durlng a politieai campslg1, caught cold asuer being overhoae!Flh irrltateti ny turoat sud I1iras fInl>' compelledt t stop,:ras! oultinotopesalo lud. lu w> . tremity a ripnd advised tue tù ose. Chamberlain'@ Cough itemedy. 1 took tira doe. that afternoop sud could ual believe mY euflsa when f[fouud the next moieu the inflammatiou baid largely suluidet. 1 taok eeveral do se. thut day, kept right u talking lbrough lhe campaigit. aud 1 thank titis medieiue that 1 wou n Myseat ln tt' Co)Uncil." Th,,o remedy lm for gale b>' F. BI. LOVELL sud GRAYSLAKE PHÀl.îtACY REAL B1ARGAINS IN RMEL ESTATE SOME TOWN LOTS W. are offeriug from nt ou l ive acre Iota on theflyinond farta sdjoliug tain on lhe .lectrlc rosd ti.oin on the.prO- DOM>'.* Doyu wut alot lageepough for a little farm? WiII bliti o you Il iedQ. Inireetigate aIonce. 'PO SALE-Busines lot an Milwaukee 'FO00 ALE-$1700 six rot, hbnse Mud itWglot. 0,ORSAL"-2000 six roont boue- and ail modem improvemnente. #OR SAL.E-14S400 even os *boffe eue3 nl 1ab.d. rpR aI,5-10,00%> acre. of Dakota] 1u W Mdil la e1w 20 ORSALE-Firet tuotgusne! 'i>' vlage properl>' rngluf.u 000 POR $ALE-Gooti payig baker>' anti retaurant vitb baeila smitlsei. Lon sbau, muet sacrifice. In fest grvug NorIli shore towu. Lst Your Houses If'>o bo av-e t7oues. 10 rent Iîlt lta vlwth us. People are vaitlug for DYMONO & AUSTIN AGENOY, Proetor Stock, Llbertyvllie, lillInois. ',Sp.aklg of the~ torture ha wh saine 0f lte avage tribe u lbhePhilllp pinesa ubjeot hheir captive@, remîntis me o4 the, intense euffering I entinretifor tbrSe ioulue from n ufa>malou of ltew Klfneyu" s>'. W. M. Sherman, of Citmb. sta. Me., "Nothlug bulpet! ne.untilI ,riet! Eletrie BtWter.,lii..ottUs. 61 N. y. C'ull (Jr.a m woo prpoud.... ............16C 24 lb ea ellkrirPeches ............. ..... Is- 1e GWô utTable Syrip ....... .... ....... ... .doiýffltw4u - P« ea ~-~ou*4 Cas8aiuun.........3it... Sc - lweUow .le àfor a lhn imitaUn oi> *âout Uuoolore&Javsa C s, perpouud r Bu neoe JpuT O., 0e uAity ....... E E. E« SW01."f Uibertyville ýMEETING Wil be lield at the TOWN HALL. Libertyville Saturday Afternoon,. March, :24 at FAIRBANKS GASOUINE ENGINES ayfin is 'to @el HRigh-Grade (joods at low prlcei, fo! ýp machiner>' le dear ett çv pricesand eau be purchaaed au ber FAIBAN.~GEA QNES are durable 'an '01Ll a b ECLPf WI~Q MLLS ç$l ut *and outiast ail otl Au owd..h>t Butw hSSi '0" i@ ï*.4mt mg -uop for $08. Now li tho limt NuwE ti.bsultb DQCIOB AlI I! asd ettungtbeu the, lange. Tii. bot The remarbable recover>' of Kennetb remedy for congti sud, 001dmla e Ue Melver, of Vwneboro, Xe., le telb > ii. e H oue>'and T. 7h. oui> jOG4 of. neb tatereet 10 th e e ont"gbs»o'ompt bternit>' anda i vkhclIe 0of t ,i o u "mp o 'o cnup Ho maysor bi cees. ,O*I»g t6 mev@; e ~bb"ît, but wbkhb oui th. tr iiaud luflaunatl «gftii. Throat. ud con- .peliail11cold bfom lbe apeteta bi>'$est geetlou 0f[lte Longe, turée dôtors gave ing a a piesest lazalfe. Butlifor lme p to dh b iinaus a laut meortl *ai niaducei t.> trvDr. KÙWug'eW .W 0egi. coMa; ,Wheoplng con4t, etu. eover>' sud 1lam appy t. m, Sve old b>' WILL Bimum ,Ubet'tyvflll sd My> lir.," Crps the voret OuiaatiGàm uamwàcy. Col, Bronebli. TuIIfWésk Lawg, Roaresuisdlarippe.Sus. e Boedb>'L- ]B .L '#£jý'!ad If you e tronbbed viitt Poue and bote rimcmt n'tdsa curte, te>' W"tcb H.lSave, _____________________but be anre von gettit*mise %C. Pthol &n -il effiln. t I * -. ý ý: 1 ý -il -Zàm =mw -.wsjý L â - 1, m Illinois - 1

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