- NU RLLE FWUUI bian's appétit@ beglua to baknthéu tijsane old tliiog- . j Gl<jus hlm nbo tbng tîke ibis, 4LETTUCE And. always serve, a cup of 80-cent cof- fee-that rich, md'1 Io*' favor that ling- era. The cravlng- unt only be uatIsfed1 'with à OUP oti . E. T 80 coffee. I XPUTORI LW{Rf YVpLLE M [< dkiAReiaiid GR a l'i Jewerl Watches I Repairing Clocks A.r u H xz iaoS' 1 SMITH..& DAVIS from MARCII 24 to APRIL 1. 1 etr a e'kl esRt) ................... ......... c Smith & Davfis 20ë Choiee Mixture ...................... IBe Smih & Davis 23e Choice Mixtre ....................... 20e 25e Extra Choice Miture................. ..................... Z2c 28e Coffée ........................1.. ....................... 5e 30a Java sud Moche ...................................27c 3&e Java sud Moche ..t......................8..... e 38t, Java and Mohe ...................................35C 25 Japau, Tee ...........................................20C Wc.................................... 35 .... ...... .................... 40e . ............................ ......asc 45e . ...... .................. 45e J 55e ............ ...:....1... ....... o - 40o Oolong Te&s......................................... ie 50e Liptan Tea ...................................»«..«....4ft Our Trees and Cceearme frost cime. Once tied ulwop »ued. GW eus a tral. fr..me to ame we ore goitg te gwve bgmtteo ur aasso»mrs. oftegreluaded to oayUo umse0secog uoces.Comte eerlg am get loto Site. Sm~h &Davis MFA .AN ÇOFFEE' LEADERS Adoed mIer li" mmliailnitysot, otCbilago, le viseisoaIt th James Davis home ibis1 week. .- aw nse l (IaboralsInuSup ihe p>oepoecU of ils country tIare. F.B. Léovetil remodelig portions 09 ihe interlor of is store and irnptoviln lic IsogenenL.1h SWarf nRet*.ifJ., le borne fornlit sptlug vacation froni Culvern lita7 Tlw DcaHure sel bold a card pariy unegti ouday evegn nhe bmhall oierc squillI & Davia' sinre. Admislin151 cinats.t L14» M. Colby ien de building a hou I. Li~ie is bs omnu q~ sud uovlg lf&Iaulty ber.,=rtrh dalyttee icly. Phlttp A. Lslsy, tbm femous. vlol, vîtIh . selleand J.C. Bmdscbalt. a Do"tImSitll rpslnei of (Idmeo, vesIl towu Wednesday calliug astitseIsaboru sud Draad boume. Offl of ibm chlmuers ai ibmhe hool 1.11 Wedaeeday. ]Utile da-op vaC doue sud no ans tnîured Mafl wuas durtng achool bourgsud tbm chldren imobltuaryo0flire.Je. W. Hart, tàtit aur rany subserihero wbo formerly iookj the Wekty Sun onty may reil il. The obiluary eppeaned t-a weekO sga lu thee SThe regutar etetion of village officers consisting of dires irusiem ad a village clerk le calted for April 17d. The clerk will be elected for two jeans for the irai dîne, the ofins e i ibis sietilonv eoming under tbmhe e taw.A The. Lake Foret (lIse Cub boys eppeaed lait Tuesday nigbt ai the Union chure-b, inging sud playing toa a wetl fillted boume. Tbm boys are -Otti excellent etertainesand are jrnsit cloingv a very suceeseful seaon îlslting mammY0 cties and tasens ln varlous Parti 0ofthe slaie. Tbey alwaje plase sud yearlyb drase fMI bouses wherever tbey glvet "her eniertalumenta.v Frank E. Wire, prWsdentaof the Square Deal Mnulu & Developrent Companye let Weduesday for Frisco, Colo., for am ~tyof tIres veeki ai ibm SquareDea1 mine. Re sWit. have varions &Mya@ made of thce mm"ator.sudM ou Ms retusa eUhoharemir tom. e nyoimg alatement regardios tise condion lcfib ulne sebe . elleves one of ibm haut lu the district.r Mils Sàash Butler paed -&ay Wcd-( unsay uorning lia., 21 ai ber bornec in this city bar desth beingl due tue heari trouble sud oiber complcation& t She wan Weil known by Ibm oldenramei-1 dent@ 0of lhbertyvile bavlng been rnlced ber. For thlty years sha had heen a teacher in Chicago schla sglîhig up ber position but lait December owing tûe b uuderrnlned condition of ber health. Invitation@ are out for Ibm weddng Oft Mines Leia Herrick sud Charles EhoIng-1 ton who sili ha merried on Wednesdy liarch 28 ai their nese borenehibs village *hîch bas tissu ltied oui for tbir occupency. Miss Herrick l0 the danghier, of Dan Herrick Whbo reèdesc souti of town. Mr. Herringion' la in ibm employ of ibm elecirie railroa.t Bath youu.g peopte are welt known ndud popular here.t The Llhertyvilte villagle board gave the cotract .for the Septilctank sud oulet sever, which ibm citinlBta bave constructed hiis ouing ummner, teE. A. Bucb & Son, of Merose Park, aitimheir meeting lait Frlday night. Bncb & Son rendered Ibm lowest bld of neven conipet. JUS, contrater, heir figures bIng1 #%925.66 for lbe catira job. BIde nengod a&l Ibmway fronibis pril ot te $4,740.50. The vork le tu haocui. pleisd ibis cwnlng summrer. Oshorne Widlug wbo 'londaýy suei (Çaatlmm Jobnuo a renter on- tIgt uel qm m onbvemi0 o lvfor 4Pý7q midisho ctalrnd vas d» "hl* 1 s*r eesud àa visilm ci8, .lfe; bâd worked for Jobuoun a ltie ovsr lv4, mouils sud bat durlugibsiSt.. deaw= rz.10 acoroalng tu ibe evldeuce ai iis tria. The verdict ,etthded lsbalanet c ths claini. The triai vas hsfore a tlyr ath tbp esn ball, Attorney ÏCIprohUl a raylake beng eounsee for Ibm plaItif sud ttorney liacOufltn for ls TheLocke place on Lake street, con. sstlug of- four acres, hmbai e leassd by O. D. Sweln, of Gleucoe, sud sellt e con- verted ito a poultry ranch ibis cornlng ceason. The management 0f Ibm plac wiil be luthe bandesof E.C. Swatn,s@on of the proprieter, who wilt derote is eutire lime te the raising of bloodcd sud manrket fowsl. A specalty of Orpng. touesud Rbode Island Red@ wlsetth miade sud seul ibe excelentanucens seblch the firmn nov owes, smre prise -vluuer are sure te recut. Mr. Swalu viln enter i shows sud promises tu liBe secmen aSilifar le scomlng 1ýý runer.Iedrw eW' a m - iffacewýQ W odo -w - .Im~ts ere"Cii I Aima latîl, of Newe Hipiou Wa, le Dov vorking as Clarkitheonid rsus*AtIytahelshome of Fred G&abb. .mdlfalkbsre ieaving MS*ai.raror bar loa». Ne" t aiurd&Y venlnxné ai bemof Fh M hme re will hu & pari.y ln eebsailo f ihs fourtb naiewy o ismaelege Of 1Mr. and ige. PisIfr. OCWd@-&1au WNcsc vin b. ployel. .uo0404VOy0Wconducior of the aviteh MWe *ogklUg between Blaouon sd UtyvlJlg vairs marrled l inlaukms to 1u1(f e kRemb,atl te bomeof kre. 1. E]ILoude. Aire 5Ispu, cged 23 Yeau, dled ai ý»bo»Wi btbothfer, AUgiuil N"Do ouý Ibe lisAis.faim. Nereh 21. Funerai *111buebeld 8Sdaq eteruoon f ront the reuidsuce. Itermeut ai Lake. Mire V. IL Slth, of Remngton, lud, a eier of lire. T. R. Quayle vieited "Vierai-day racentiy at tbe Quale bonis.Mmra.Sieth letl Wednedny for <letfruta sebare@she willt mals ber future residem., Pred kïMan who ia nov bandling iU.- &-«Î" busuin edlvr te ail pailici ibmvillage suAvDè av big wagon mal for packages if notidied. John MeAtee la deivering for the James expres Companiy whIiecti hips via the slectric rondt. With the ussn'lth ii',oming Sunday Rer. T. R. Quayl. completffs his Pastorate- at the Ioçal. Prechyterian c'burb. He ia now a.'tively connected with thé N&uril' Shore rotera teague which work wilt take his entireuie. As Yet Do regutar pa»tor bai beeut eecured in 2ev. Queyl.'s stead. Sýuperiôi W. E l ller i. weering the ring giron hi b>' the iBoard of Super- vior@siIbthe tof the March meeting wbh h cepped out front the position Of chirulan of Ibat organizatton. hi. a heautiful tOken Of the esteeui in vhich h. j i ld» bis Ielow supervisors, beurs ihs embleui of the Enigbtc Temptar, of whlcb lodgs le bai bean a member for ihe Put twOutY-thres jeans, and seli ever hoa a lusd memento of bis cair. maushlp 0oftibhoard. h vms precsted hlm i Wukegau and cornes Be a gifi frmu the entre board snd counly offcla Whbo have blues closely conucted seti hlmx durrng Ils oiçial ener. The Y;ung-Gaduer Belt Company anued todny thai It lad decldcd te remoIve ita Plant frm LlhertyviIIe te Chicago wiîh beadqsah the bmcerner 01 FÏfthavenue andAde met The lmi of tbe faciory Weimcu much te ths village an the conciru hsd corne ta ha looked.upon as orne of dis mont ratSd sietm of Ibm Village ernploytng slways froni ten tu tventy girls and coutinually growing sud ezpanding i its output sand variei 0f goda manu- factured. Meurs. Young and Gardner viii continue to*reslde i Libertyvilis for ihe prelent at leat, golng dality tu their business in the city. We regret the loec of the establiimeni. The hest saeguard aganst headache constipation and lier troubles la De- Wit's Early Iiaere..Keep a netal f thesel fanionsl; tte p1s in the houses and taes a dose at bed Urne when you feet tInt tthe stomnach' sud howets nsed eansng. They don't gripe. Sotd hy ail druggists. Blind, bleeding, ltchlnt sud producing piles are instanirtie ied by liauZan ThiI s redy le pot up cotlapeible tuheu vlth nozsl l i. n t ihe mediclue a.y l~pldniedirect- !y Wbee sitrobhetnlae iu Mmretleves IIc st ôdby ,WILL BAUMa, Lbry~~and GaÂvsÎau cebvarts Iheatre w ena s Sude MercI 25. It la oui, o! â"oss dellgtfutty raereeins plans. z11s a @tory iba moral, le replets e u pathousud force.- fui lunIc dramailo ctmatong. lu due proportIon a cous4.r Velu le intervo*en setI the patheila romnes vhich beghtens in inisrua the bmtale leunu. lolded. Thers la' m>l a duit moment fromn the rise.ottbe urtal to its final drop. "The Ltte Iometead,," auitis titis implies. le diogtlly a boume pay- a eset, simple sMd huiewsilng chapler fbom evcryday lue, m9 vbolesome siory, heauiifutly told sellaet-ries wilh h is tesson. mise.maris Nielson ou. 01 thon pochut editions, sehose "ch mIe I ansdmusIca vok-» bave obarnmed 5u.y notgd galber. luge sud W'ho lan Mt selabout emorts of local admirera, lenuc»0* 4eseved4y a fult PRdoled star ansud vl» 0'Mu i;enau cart dais as myrla "mev ' . nsorat.a î , ss , 's à preyw,' oiuaial «abeguon . Oourda y l*Ecl p aa .. W. B. 1allier ead Ralpb Balkley Wo Made Race Two Vern»e ge Atatn MILLER NOMINATED At tbe Libertyville town hall ltc saturdey boti the republcans and ds.ooeaie beld their township camuuc et the cme hbour, 2 o'cock lin shealer. aion, sud madie up tbelr tickets for the comlug .lctioue. The nominations seh"lemot aIniststhiespublice -SSci. for supervieor front Llbertyville. Thbe fspublicsess omlinâtd .DtPh %»ktY Whe mua two y.ase Np ai-0 sea dsfeid by W. B. Miller, Weho now bl&d me -dotée iu t5i'rmoeratîc ecat* Mfr. MiSler was bonored by bcbng g the uneumous vote of the lboucs,Doa dlesntlng voie bstng eci. Co.aldsrabte latememi vas- sbQwn lu the nomnlation linme ffblcan# for coflecor, Chas. Stoîsman delisting Bert Austin by a narbose marginu. The two tickets nornlnatcd are as follows: Republce-Aseeot, La- fayette Bond; coietor, Chas.. Stotsrna towu clerk,- Fred Craker; commîisior of bhlghbas,, Ernest Davis; sehool trqMme, C. r. Wrfbt. Deumorat- Asceeor, IL P. Schnaebele; cottector, Ed Wellc; tosen clerk,,Chai. Smlth; commislousr of tbighwaya, Ed Moran; schoot trustee, B. J. Grimes.. Hlglh Behool Election., Notice is hereby gveu chat o, Tue- day the 3rd day of April, A. D. 190M, at the regler annuel township eletion, the propos3ition to establisb a townsbip) high sehool for the benetift of tOwn8hîP No. 44 Range Nu. 11. East of the ilrd P. M. will be submitted ta the legel votera ofmsid towtaship to be voted "F&t" or "Againsi". 1 W. C. Taiis, Townshlp Trfflurer. _____________ .25-2 Toe'The Publie. The Marcb ilune ta the Square Deal; Bulletin of Progreess out. him afuill o intereetiug sud vatuabie information and veit warih your sehîle.Read lt, Free copies for akng at Dymoud& Austin'. realeeffte office. IMe.Josepb tW.. NantI. Mary Coudol vas borm ai lb.e Wll knovu Coudelt bameelead, uaimselai vas-kabwseaBoclad, Jsu.Z>, At the eop aI elgbtesu abc, 101usd ilu lisibodisl cIrcimof wvhle, mvras a member aitIbmetdmof bmw deail. Sbhwuvasensof the rsi Snndey ecool teechera lu ibm tIen, newety huila Bock- land Union chureh sud continned tSa ha identihled seil ibme vork of, ils churul and Sunday achool until Ibm churel vas flnaIly clossd. Tbmre are rny litiag wbo Birai geined theIr klnwedgs of Ibm BWibebr classes. On Juns 20, 1877, she ras united i marriage to Jooeph W. Blan shottly eltervard mavlng to the farm sebicb bas mince been ibeir home sud vbmre ibsir cbildren wee r a. Ie Wva devated vIfs and mother sud ever ready toa scaiflce heroetf for the weUere of ber family. She vas a greet borne body and seldon tsf t. thee faim, ber beaut heing tied up gimosi sntirely ln ber borne circle and domse affaire. Ber deîdi whicb cousummeted a long sud painful ilînesé came as a relief from ber suflerings. ln memory of Mrs. .W art, with loving sympsthy for «the bereaved famIly. Icemnem e esu« acnosathe dort river. To join the uiad throns of tffe beIM; Llte's woik la endsd. thslr lotion ew»obvqr,ý Now shtai thelr spirite fintreit. Over the river corloved«Oue mwsltlna. i'her Sil sud l%"rbeelsuos cai over Uic river nn alisur owfa& Viome lS svesotes o&fihei sous *"lcer tu od, lt»Sécmu theyr aluel. Boas, sud lomeas lIr 1~. !hro' Heevens ereles *0m mierus a rnalu, "Glo0ry toïeuis Our lIns. Once br Oui 8160, %hW PrOUs Md MlUs Uhi ow he oâ a .VS e2ela i emll "SaisIusn Xse0"tgm* aMe .nom nOe a ane u*on M 1te lests «Cerner. dbmncs, br eset Oses mto matrs*" J eeotoSSs.Sdvi. scoeu Ibsa vIf u i Ioved ouse vWalIlJot inle sied anour. *aÏoir le God for bis love." J. lierriott, St. Frauis, Kansas, liarcb 8, 1906. Bbection Notice. Notice la bmreby givnu iat on Tuesday the l7th day of April neui aIt'Town Hall lu ils village of Libertyvillin lthe County of Lake and Stais of1 Ilinols, su election sell bc bmtd for r Threc Village Trustees One Village Clark for iwo yaars W hlcltsection seil lubcopened aI seven o'clock*,uinbhemming and shall ha cloed ai fine o'clock ln the evenlng of ilai day. Dated ait Liheriyvilis ibis 17th day of 9Macb luilsthejean of our Lord one. 1itouad »usue udrad and ix. Wg uov have la stock a complet. lIas et fisSdeS zoom u odI iý- a*h Ma vood Imm* P -51î01- THE, 81-G 1 Wool Panto 12.60Oto $4.00,. FiiU Une of DOM 02.50Us -"etinthie WoeId'. Coulplete LUne -iàbertyvlle Phone 29 flio- LAKÇ CO Centrally loeated and conservatlvell 1 we invite your patronage . .. MIENS SHIRTS A W. have purchased a few dozen of M*e Laaaa- dired busom shirts, with separate cuf.frfmet cas wei mmde goode which have alwaye, ben snid at 66 and 75c; sites run ftom l4Y to InL yot a q fake your Pick et, We have aeo a lot of boys and youths-laundéredj a hirts, Sc cValues at j Little Boys Laundereàditaîtet. itele 0 enti,> he.etofors *soldat Sc.nose Wb*aeiwÎskusiod o010.poor sbumw,wb vil, s.d bei It. nov bhm, ae mor»e oW wi 110W PEOPLE LOO£t Ni DY conceo*i labOnt 11w pemega;by lue sd lr;=b881s2fugtiupltuskzesànd1 unrt à» om Ot he udY . y lu. oomr tliebsir lires. I'ow Peopi. Save lbw Uy pumtnila a Go4 bl !4,on1Ident tbat " I-bmik'hfufly noedé, we tonduioe s umptoe *k..ping on ieiml@atid.