CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Apr 1906, p. 2

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wub#Tb 10vmi à l nolvhbe gai the Eamer dec 4 r. .T. tu viiul iire M rem li i o lEpzi Maaday. O(Ici m =ar1e Prouty eute nreClub Toal rse us efrain imrelera tuai îb.y wffr veaiber ibeul bd, opea doar.aa ,tiingWheufor m #lits o. Dmk, Tm of ibe Wmnconil I fc .T. Oi twte e aiâne bahy eA e baveu dii 1brbo im c t Wuh. gaaecia"dvue l «Vveaeh&Umsged. le for méU0cç"h l.tdcull <ousbo mmE ana e tu h oe MMaso ib. ie.thait .18 t-Mt = otbey o ua ho ol or ortt isgubrfo 1vda. BS bimp veki a sil.., l4qutters ce ~ ~ do 9vpvUlgtal figibuigtodaud i il IYhitIO ii. ahoa vok boibers tlcui eapê- viaât. Vhtwthe -pont twaor ubre. C cali nweské;, 'vbaveaticeil boys oausii unda. mrteaor holdin ova chairs I h il Main. of soree,'vha t "e idebauïhoaiichoot il latirsàinliiOur Ther..eaonle ai tbey 'Idon't vani .ta go."' Parents, you owe h tte i ililei ta, the comuiuniy, ta the counutry la genorale CNNT ubr uh-mnd ta laur chidireu ta mes hat ibey Ji o theblmdi attend echoot ai regffarly ai possible snil acquire wbatbey a, ealy, rghi tertaineil the ber. iaiinsomea good comun u eboo Ly eventng. educato. .Ili t.abeowlntely aeceeeary ourNorh tattelbkepi mi home for work, no arNrbmuet lh be; but Ii t.ecoi aeceeary seai encounioreil ttem ta oecooand ailthe rmsntt witI re iban- the eventually te murea attsfactory ta a il 'wtndove ad to tlem. Above mil ilan't ilo0w ibeni ta log ilurtng chool 6trip ta the boume. r ee&i n te1 ibm- . 1 = ipt1 Ca. John. mben and @inter, Miss Emma, ai ugmjlsa av Chcago. caltldon their anut, MUn. Jame gdte &luustTe Tb village cmucum lait Satqrday rethene are troveil to * buqui: i a sptttted mfair. tAie nt erEgtcandidates vere ln tic S eld for Oetaethe vtlmge truetees, thuec ta bs eleteil for b5t tva years e arupmaJOne for ans yet * OirL. tua*11 t y vamay massil thereelgue-. ar friands, a ou 01aE. RamodTbsre vas no àattag la ibi o on, ata K.IL .Wsrden for village cThe Tbc ilcafl é resuts fotiavi. oemssdt be otl ambe? o ovtms palteil88 For ~rmt, f. ruieefor torni af twa yer., uic. ta tC4w, . h is: "17d aaJ lcr Mhni................... 60 s WcdMy. J. W. aak ...............................70 J. M. Voiler............................ 6 S!tdJ. V. erieotl........................12 nmeFrakRone... .... ..1...........l b4 A mai fai &&y.D&ginu............. 4 bMand viii For &tru@esefor teAn o! one year one to bes, o oloteto I a Ilvacaner: soi & me e.k IL &Klnulirly......................... 4 *lco dravitbc H. R ick .....«.................. 0 iropwm cupon TLAi Mt et K V. reriden . C.... ............... ....6 1t. kJero.The. etection vi lbell lan the village ituirenlueba>,t=hda, April 17,malh 1.11 i mamr thiae »Wit akRouey ailH. E. Mioet@ la e luhen umnilidte Iof 2:rrt waunMm ir. N.o Or. buibeenan ihe sick sieéols ane home for reavener Aato* er ,aadEm ekr N.mi ia IiPteSt" wl IowsýWll Kruersvmud fasliy moet a det last Seod4ri Mms.8iPbea Keller mund cbilireui ver. igow là-.Hawkns i lerepoted htIdra. Schefft bai bu« m inth&Oserbomquit fi theputweek. 1 Miss [aura Stal % pent a few ilys lu n<tlur eiurnsd hain e ity lsu vemi. or opadtng tbe vtnter J& la roporteil that Rer. Àcbridt. paseor of tbs Evaugelleal Lutberan of, Wàrrentan IW td hureb viii ooan bave Long 0rave ,1,A us ~ ~ ~ ~ wt plcbeie ~ :" tamuly vilimom to New Yu k big lac tbet)wez* hi b.hobat nmpcetd a position se mpsttaed ber fauhr pasar le tbe old ilkie bone. iii Ue.k. MiiNit. eKruegr-le etmajg n ti aitue pareanwue next bermun, lire. Wtt Erwpegt Lake@ . à ftoiitunanS la Corner. at present. tei to pracitre Rmer Born, talMr. ar l Mro. Clisi.Eis>er a baby boy recently. le ver, 10v mand eighât er. J. Buéie, of North N,,rthfild lared for ber recovery. madce everml pastoral caile b,re lti Tumedayv histebeil out, the bird ,e trses but don't ptleut Mise Emma Schar, Of Buifilâo Grave. >t quit yet. @pet Sondai wiih friendsboe.. The Aptaklistie echoot wilt give mu eu- ldy vltb a wi1d dter. tertetumont hn tbe Union bail Avril il r oye ni o't b l m eu d, vb c b y l s4xss t 01 l ughab . dialogues 1.7178 O! elealug boule.-ad reltatioce. Proceede are for bene. ahlecion Tueedav, the fit of chool library Admiesion 10 & 15C. btickt carricd il mof aihibmregular se buleteil. Win %0I ieeIndigestion ibat it% maoirludgeitu. Kadl l)ys- cure diete vhat you cm, manl the etomacb ota i-recuiperte ttoniig &ain. A few doses ai cite unaavisonretore ihe k inu4 igestiv oa a aafuit macsai teirfactinaturally. Iruketeanvisiwila th. 1gev«M tetu> cvpa b I.t.ta ee.iL wcvsn rt a tAi eu iy wkv Ir.a t ohs «M la m*iFtelt IpmUt ROCKEFELLER lire. Ache Ltrop te rteliing relative» la the cty tilîis wek. william Newtoa@ ns est comupetoil a fine ccv resilence vet iof towa. lire. Ftzgeiùdî adil tdren bave beer seadîng a week in the city. Tb@ socialgircu .lasi Frbay evetal mi the. latbrop haoc»vwu a saceebath soaly aud inanclaly. E.Rq Wollo pufted a'.uOei m voit teau loymaekgmm lb.eir&Maoflb.heekaledi îcw Pftejamw4 tado ieamn. T4?lp wmrvmmeb club vii gvèews Englachi ppe iitii. bhiof li àr. at (misJohn Ausly pmaeu Fzdqehmeu, Ape6, %bile biagi*0l"aitbthi the club vwiU give for sane NiaueW* bepeeresone la bovra- se vi à§aimo â.ù;.tn if rm-maé .uàlàta Mr.aioe tae55udmalervu 1f..E 'maùu ail ddinher latoIN vitaiai lipmeteRiteon'a tht&.vsk, loba Gazy'of Chiemua vietted bisaI ber* ower Suuuuimy. pwdly. Xlitr,-»ibUabherof the VOQ>a nnm uLinSOOI, Ut, wMe nffilcie wtt amw hil a d i ou«h. lb ~f milleme.wlthouggi mbondi t t lMý lm*ti w. oalméscwltoe m#arwwnoqey emil Horébouiad..This med ilesg-v imedlSt#reliefani soan cursd hl Inl bound je the mntswonderfiit mailtertaîn cmel ibmh world for all tbr0at And 1n g troubles." 25c, 50o ail 01.00. C1d by F. B. LoELLbertyvlIle WON LAM W. Patiner eatertmuued ,hie two brothers fron, Evaton Biuday. Mr@. T. MoCena mail RObert vibtteil relatives in Chicago Saturlmy and Suu- day. Mr. aildire., Dan Sheeban are rejoicIng *or-the arrivad of a son bora Tlucdy Mar. 27. Mfr. ad 14rM Nelsea attendeil the funa" of Mr. Nel@een'.iother in~ haried atthe mOakmiil Cemetery Tu- day. The Smlaaly aspect te -ove aut te thir summer home lnambouit tva weeks. Anthony Gouiya recently sali l@i blasât tesa ufor *500, tae1mrm &ctt tara1u ike Farrefft, Ufr. Cahn ad maiamly have moisI tranu uthe Harie. ftaimrte. ibmhBachus Umellis lanyio hIlorkinugut Bem- stabls laplace aitbilasEva Tueker vbo la spendtng a fcv veeksetaihome. li" Défi* mar.b ai Evanetonattmndei cburcb ber.@Suinday viih ber brother E. B. Mar.h ail iamily. 'Mr. aildKr.. Fred PhelPe ail daugh- tir Blen risiteilai lir. muid Mm. Keller aaFriday. mir. Phulpe leaves for Dakota Stceé Young returneil from Dakota lait saurilay iaight. 1fr. ad mai r.G. lMxvel Lbail ibeir sot Arthur af Obleago vitb tmibend iay. lire. B. R. kuedier mand cbitdren sPenI jTeuilay mt Nortb Nortbfleld. î1Mr. aildlire. (da.. er.bliergsr visité( ut Long Grave Sauiday. J. P. Rltzeethater muid S. E. Kuedie tranemeici businessetmiWmakegmc Mou dey. lirp. umina Kruegmrertm ed be nhese iromn Libertyvitte Sunilay. Rer. anil lrs. BysenieriaineilReu Wm. Sebinus o! Chirago arer Wedne day aitgbt ail Tbur.ily. Mfr@. Dan RifeenÛbaipv dose@flot igi provemefiit as i.r i-idse ouuil n., cbengatiiu cou i .ý'i te ber theu. r H. steliilebavlcg bisebue.. fliiee ano W qLat Iprhuug bhm came. Itatr.ul Mli J. A. blason enteriaine kEd Darby sanday and liouilay. ilmughter 4daof iti6rhlmilPark ispet * undahy vitte latter's mieterM1f. à w. Iceier. tir.. Friteh lfit Tuesile àfor Paiuîyrm; Va., tu, ittit ber slister Mr t. R. Sîuitb. . tir.. Chao. Hereberger loft Wedne di ta vi8uit irierudé. Bbc wii tt.go, Mr. uid tire. Frank. Wells gpeni, Su day vitti Mr.aildtMr@. Win. Meyer. Mri. and M r. . L. Tripp ail daugbt Hlaret ai Ubertyville visietthe Bm ebaru imilty over Suuiday. Lait Sunday. evenlng quite a fev Capi. and lire. Saph'a iriride gather at their home. lt eng tInata ure H, fareveit Party as Ompi. Cap.t. BaI lft Tueilay ..veriing for urffaalowbe lm tnluew coarn fLié b oat fori season. Cassie sapu epnut Saiurdin ud Su day with ber parente. M. W. Knedisr bai hesla on the eickIl 4 tâte ek. Lulu Smitth le isamnosi mnireiy recarer frotu ber réent aitack of typbol fer MIr. >iaxvell le againl a te hablmc le miter bs epe ttbflum*Iht. Seboa1 atavisi Tumdsf' aIter r veek's vacaion. td limm A. ,J. layms and 'ebudrcti vii aï viii Mr. Mdaz MB,. upb 88041 ut Mr. nd lire &Z asrm 004 85 Sefcat Suedaia my >O'* wws bia uome i Ormai hee b o!. mter shâ & home. 01 no WIMS eWOU' 41athebMOIa Icooptal fe "18 te.rarlag. EHt. vle itu l tait vuel, aiea u, 'oeye.m a id 7rmaýClark, visel ibisZ " i 1 Mdisesear~lkier ectertau cousina Bieeaid Beui hHigghcl ai Wankegâr .ntly. mm'. A. Claurkep»Uit a dmyin t recenily. ,1 Mmre.Pbflhlp D eayerwasa gancalter Momslay. Misas Fra 1Reng iRound Lake Mdise Bl. mitih epenistersi dan I duflgth wms'eekwvith, relative. he lits fent Du.altaiChicago, viitaI ber parents, 1Mr. aildlra. Fred Dumail several dlyereuiyl Uns. Chrhs SBe" vioiteil relative. l Chicaglaiut ad Frlday. Geage alt aildeSier Mande vielsi rteaetuGhlaga airdmy mi Bunday. ls. Rhariehâconpton t. visthn e daubther, lMr@., JsnnieConmaa MW isIi DetI v as a Round Lake cmUeler8udmteunoon. Mr. Whbur, 9i Wakgaa, made a businen trIto taVola recently. Gltm n Ué*m*àlon. ai Elgin, vieteil fried nd ai eltve. inandailarounilVota Saturday MailSunda. Miem eWRiteWattnanmud Helen Raymond wv eRenry.callers àMondait mternoon. 1fr. ylvesterj.Wmgcer and ilmgbteu Clama, ai Fraimant, are vtiting the former'stareute, Mr. epil 1r«..C. Babel. lieur.. KRwT.Fuller ail Leelle Turalli, a, calieil ai the cash store r.csnily. , 1fr..John BEtchadoon ail motber lire. Shultz &ad 1?isuLucy Duanail @pent fio raun unait Monday vtth relative màail irienile lae DePWîes. C. 0G Rusa> aifLibertyville, spent tMoailay a i wteay. ai bin fana lui Valo. il Mise Mary lauglit vai a McHenuri cler I M ICDAY apccauni ofthe tltne.s i ftuetoucher. 1 Tii. Apt&kisie mu-hbal i viirepestth t entertalnnt gironatm Prairie Vlew laite veek, next Wedwasdy eouing ami Long (;ro"e. Prooeeile ar for the beneit afi the scbool ib ilw. GURY4E Mir». W. W. Apployard ad lbi ie fintchinsoan were Chtrago vlitors Weilassday.-1 Ums. day MeClsAtce... of WVankpgan, vas a gumtet mthie Dlley boume a couple. et day. af the paut veiek. . Mmr..Dr. Young ad chilren. ai Ruameil, epeni Sunilay vitbbMr. mnd Mmr. Oriasby. Mmr. John racbe..and MmI.. Gmggia ver. lu Antioch Sainrilay. Uise Mary Crteon returned hoine Saiurilsy on accoait of ber ili beltb. Miss Carrie Lyou, o! Wmckegalî, te spendiag a few days witb tMm. Park The P'iemsurc Club met ut the borne of Mr$. Leach Fridmy eveflifg. Mir. and tire. Eil Smitht were Rumsl viehitr. Suiuday- -. Mis. Autir, eatertataed friendo froma Wiseoaeîn t suiday. Mr. Waktl.efl w wn tri Ctlcgo on' bueles Monday. Mfr. and M"n. Brocher s4pea% Sundmy ad Monday witb ibeir soa bert and Mir. and lire. John - egg9art and mtugbter Edith, ai Joliet, are vlulthag vii Mr. andl Mm. Kuieh thiI week.. t gfr. mail lrs. RaBiïona1Mr ail lirm. Ed Omth aildlir. J.,ân re aitendeil Ut 51v. Sae tuue"sTuepJ. ll amrb, oai otas bieted it ii ià l the XmesBldveUi 4gortat w. plisow. dutugei, o&Qta6u bc lw 2 woilpg phewe14 2 beathu uon s e s*pe, 2 fl cb W $s , 4 mc,*d e, Cihdsome, tailer, 2i.mlo ms boue, tâk, forkset Eruapeot otle, *hot gu ad carlde, qdebéé; Irai table, bieuo. wemh stand, . c~ .l lampe, kte ts i maiMdma other artist a uMneroum ta mcenionau. Us"atterme. Motte., thfe placecmiile rented dayo01MMl. JAE s amnmW»L, Ant. LAKE zuRc hore Tueeiay. NMo is MIand. maLottie Hokcmeyer w1re blmao vietars lioailay. CornyBro. wipeila cmrlioailofai ver Cblcmga vitara Tuemay. 'nr:Volflg clerk H b Prehîa TuteWm..Tanik, ilh.*:ilIumn, abd WilimC Bkeuame. -Wiiam Ehhina t. mia unnhag by petition. Tlu fotlawlag amrecandidates et.cteil mi' the tova élection lait Tuemdmy: sua r, D. Hatigtaii; Ct.rk, (leu. 0; olietar, F. C. Ugyer; Higb., way eommtson.r. nr Krupp; acêmor 'F. L. Tht..; thitUsCommis. douner, John Dedunrke; ochool trutee, ed ilTht.. At tii. rffnibu meeting af the village 6board lenitN oaday alght the bond af the DeePlalees & Foi River eleetrtc rail- 1roai wonaeepteil. Owing to aeck af space w, are unable ta; gie the entire report af thi eetiUng but t vilI appear nit week. FZiILY Chicago @peut Suaday wit S. P. Huiebi. sand ail uly.e .1Mr. aMmlr. Fred Sellg celebraleilk tetr china wmdding unday ereuiic Apri 1. nouoy. tice le reportl by ail. Jan. Bledersiedi viditeil in Chicagot eterai diye ibis week. Mir. Eni?, ai Dougan'Park viii promb la ibm Prebyterian enu rcb Suiudmy norning April M.. Ail are inviied ta bit1 Beu Rois ai Londonu, Canada @peut Weiuday aiternoon viib relatives bers ead 1Mr. Sauuul Hoie Ici t for Arizana Weiuueday nhght. The . R soeetybel a business meet- mg Mpnay aig th ie haome oi Mies Rackcbub. AtertEebushnuesebour ibm moalicocucittce toak charge ai the eveaing. 'Coaacl.vaier. ver. erveil. E. W. ller la rery tii mi premen t writ B. weaver ûnul family bar.. utnacdi mua ihe boume iormaliy oeenî,wtd t'y .1. B1. Mubike. Limt Welneeday efierarocn M» Fred Hareuberger gave a luirtiidmy iuncbeou toit ber aroiber, lire. ebultz Whuu as 80 year. nid. Cuîvermac%%re laidifor iwecuty. Bbc receircd a cucuber uf nie. fut premecita. Au emuoyabie tinte te reporteil. lire W. C. Eggeri visitel r.lativesin DeertietldWeiltcebday., lir. L. P. Toilat visltlag la Chilcago wih ber dmughier Mmr. imelter. 1fr aildlireBrewer, frit Moaday for a ibicee eeke trip ta Tonems. Confirmeation servtti vh wli be bell tn tbe St. Paul'. Erageiical cburcb Sîundmj îaaratng Aprhi 8 cuMeaeaeing uit 19:3 o*V.tock. Ith e oi"iag yat<Chrisianr witi hue coalfirmeil; Lena Keilirig. $ne Bieder.iedt viola hhdcrtemdi. Id& 1Ciavey muid Arthur Witbaeff. Frheuîds are kindiy tijlt.-d loatateud by the 1pa6tar lier. ieu. Deckicgîr.. The Darca selety met wiîb tirs. S. *P. Hutebtueon Thureday e! ternauuu. lir. Rd Therinu wiua las beenît ck for the pasi vuek te stowly trnlrcviuut: SAA-TUCK Mrâ\ H1) V.Knox le mi haine aiter a tbre moniieii nChicago. it.. Douala inb, af Evmcuetaul, pea ibm v"lt snd wlth. ber broiber, E. B. 1fr ml 1r. R.E.Thormai vtited viii rtàamircela Keureh nnuuy Mie lar8Meet sock iLake Çouty. We, bu icar. loto. Qt Our pwlces on tools wlth arputaLmu 'ChallengePr4ce List0 .Speclal 0f fer For. Easter Sunday Deikacles. : FmccY à;emaupr lasea. hU......... lé a yWas lenroue par lassa....... M Fmicy Navet Orangepr dose ... . tc Fancy MiixedCandy par lb ......10e Fmîcy italteil Peanuts per lb .......... Fane>' Chocolat. Creains 2 ti for .28e Fmaay wrappad Malltaises Kisses p- Facy Caudy IEaater Egg ml ailses à pound .. ................................. Colore fUmt u Due or en MkisdumW iColome r id - xwuâe- iReueov )ire. GeorgeBogla ae mienueulianulvc~ay ai tas. mâait SI by sivhtg 1 1â iteecon aMd mtiker lui .5 Boyer Bros. Ivanho< Iflhsois- lTbe Storeduht Pau$ Morefor 1499 X EEKLY PRIGE LIST x 21 Ibmo ssaulateil Sugar .......$.00 ILarge cime gumkage Mlat Breakfasi N. Y. Full crealul clîes, p<.r lb..17 ilo ................................ Seedeil Ret4ins pound package ... 10! Racdoipt Breail twesit cra 4 cn Cleaneel Currants, pounil package ... l0ý for ........ .................. 30C Noce Bachb Mince lient. 3 packagrs 25 1 Foree, per package ................ 6 Grape Note, 2 package*..........28Sbredîled hoble Wbeat, par package 10 Shredile Cocoaut. per lb ......... 18 lîr, Prie"e Food, per.package..... e Posutme Ceremi, large package ... 23 l'ilehnry Vitoe 2 packagee ..... ' Nary Bemas, 7 im............. 1f Creartu of Wiuat, 2 packages.... 2 tthu cacluere Aveu& Rolieil Onts, Ï il> 251Unela 1 ltuta 3ptge...... ......10 Oîîelpounil package Grain-O .......&Bc PhIt jar TOellufrit butter .......... Our Pet Branad Evaulorateil Creni !J9 'l.. enumuled corn, par ri......06 3 caafor ....................25a lb. iemu (Celiruuia aprkicai... ... 1.' j allon cauBarilti iars ......... 0 2 lb. eau Groeeutrlng bas..... 8 jPon package ,Comfo ............ 0* afilb. eau Bos-ton Baked Bemne, 3 i'YeaNt t nan il Magie yemat, 2 pkg .03 canas...................... 2 Poufnil pkg gonw.d sming tobacco .»2-0 a lb. cnuis Piumpkiru. 3 cane for 283.à. T. totuacro, 8l 10-oent pus - .- U ail). caeu.Toaoem,.13 cana for ...28Iitig (1c pug tobacro, 4 10e pleu Je tieuuarSO Cofefo 32 - kepgiCo retie toauco .. .l Reguar ilecofee.or .......... Z ï pac;kages lied B1 t aeco,.h-- O Our [lest 60e uceolored Japaa Teel 481[cîun ud orangem, ter do ..... ùl ;.r- ,- Prit,. S-mp ..........25 tiDina, par due. 10, Ilmuid .2e .1 ii L.-uîo, io.................25fi tu nds rie.......... 2 12 Itîr. NixâIt ............. 2 Wuî'tàîra CuidIleudalF 12 i:aàrmilýîIun)i-1 .,»&p.............. 411letb mu-k ................... $8.10 12 Biars V'tctor 8oep .............. 2 lien lieur Finur, 41) lu .aek.... 1.0 15-11.. tumkage Johnsoni We.birg Ccremîa Flour. 41> lbtmaek .... .I 14t. I 1G0raurilui a-. thorax 151 r Soccp............................ ,6 c.1)olo Cote threail...... ...... OI 7 catkes Scouite.........25 10 siî l Kig»e:resd............ 25 c anffee e a 0ýI)iI adgo psfr . . actsLevle Ly: ...for............. Cut prices on dry goodis right through LL. MAN'S CO. Northern Grown Seeds ,, cents per package, 2 packages for 5 cents and 50 packages for $1.00. Raitroad rFuckes for the Northwestera, St. Paul, WiSCOn- sin Central and rIectric for sale here. WilI Knigge = . = z = Rockefeller :tPAR1I fIACI1JNERY I h#ve just rfceived a car load of >abnr' conelatlttg of Wamktg imdRtdlngPlowa, Steel I HamR~Twa, Ooxu i lanters Diu., Rmwe mmd OuWvatora. *Ournew irSulky PloW -le a rônder, a bey caaeaudlaitIe wllk bM eet and nu both bande to -baflte .16. CIIa»4 See Us! City 1 - . CITY 11 - -1- 1 waukow 1 a -w- W-k-il ., - el . à . lm 1 -1 e

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