Park vla FDI -ie raémlaQoib. k N. Mm j i.~~~gr or. ud7. #s tisais ~ ~ l bsiYiw cbjmgoviait r iik of alWPig t e b 'M*wà *a t sihias t D. IPaul~~er. - 163 - nn d1 rri waahiaovilo ,,»gudtobhbd wih ab ri Sla..t aslflit e bIa ýitroubles taaau ofaust silln, 01 adont ovn nt UlbirtrvtleaMi ce 1b. e ebrbrteang a ibi @a b Cta $410A. M.,AuI .,ewdAýý i is ;Itaie asolhW otaIbo, depol tu tu pànod lue bru.' a salbsiseli shtwbm 0 m If imalm am. d.nvrWould ambu. u comte r, sall 'e M *0eW 'e a t lw tu * ai j ,, M * ~ ~ i 1*1 as n iageDe'Nnensb (amèe i 1 kml tel!? iEglnBros. edi n lth. e h .a't twtUtOtlble 'el filin 1 'lOklate t 01 EolBglan Tbe Ladild Ad ai oclie iir eh .a:h~Od m. ewbg-k Lot -a w neW ags tc i Y# oûy e u ncrItm a w1hédock »,i we»ww. 4ra -le atitâo .B C " "MhfobetgfWgo ib v Wd T e week. . .- MOu Awo tos fha lAtto bosofVil.ou...t Bosbi iOht m<io edi.qre,, Ti.aget1okh 4O>ty Wbul c It. jDý MCCbh e turuci boue aoA&*0 L .11. i y ia avn1pntti I t., 94dW Mil l oR 555'1 IO VAmetheMo.007 IId [l Moud of____ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~ skdon bis ~ ~ tou nos ntoawll iuaI tYi veit to e Ùr100 fsrbi traILt5stILHS.Friloodbe <ooak i. notingdeckslner,;ate I" bit r o n i ato hro *.t~o*efgund8iay flg.' vlitehasebula okeu. thelé leeoett ao*nm he "Y. cd lims.C. & .Wolo sud lir, and le or *0feoïfla»es Mt lVmLsbsrie oAu G. reen are eecaflng rosi- W*erWuohait lois lb. amBr th e b 1)ê< ut lii la Long Orvo" nLd Out l,~, o u veI...our tbe Miss Wcfhbi tau frKule W oe Pratâ 0 9 éi Zm-r lu tb. orde t _ _t__ __ ___Ir_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ eom1uisd b empsta t ho epIaii hi& i. hiirenImm Losv-,AibortiWls, dehorW oi e iehbr cbo ai Iis o wo . ug m m er by the C . & 9- hictrls bis , r»é W ý John, Màg 6b laifo ru . . F un, D erfield bute rit GOlberI t cUaloli, Wouna tae litr W ovel bonhnmbisd__lou A y a. B dlg an udy la lIds cibhle mothor BaturdaY, 8 acs t pac Dnt ek l eai= 11,04 ooto mouru hi. 1 !l sala.rce o n~ ssditin. At > < e "%>eboloil I goandul en de i B d Jti sIem oh pn Tid il orta e gM Mm. A. T. n bi uiss.W aa'bn aM. edlPia akgn on 1Ilho is idut o Or__ ; erMY eI0001Iug te Amoeria -bon Mlr. And lirs. liagrtY 1spent Sanda! Stier su tullîha"ie rturned arc 9117 ta BOU t 6t élbut Ihfittb Y0étMof age. 1s10&t Oum lluit veet a wei'î lai wliarelatioe I *bliikle aliinprovlag 4om tecamto t aYter lýruon, thls couuty SellOtf Fr-Es rSna ne. t pBiiCthresrelaastIive@Il arnt etn9tieghtees Frani AneiEas lee Utayig 'ith ber l ai insaiwh ieh vn afýox ao Ai r FU u Wof!toure.- Wukoffl 110 MMn th wagQu end lMra.P.kUJorennsn sd ebiJdii, f sudd lieu.h* F. ek , C ot arra W et blni. ~this 'essi com- «~ trisgehUIîg tai i hru W kegan, ho t t Pratt wus tI pleamtiy omr- n Bùý Oie tad h fll* anv 's e beveipen d, » home bye Baïumbe ofhiefr-ndeet 41 4*oeotg e .âêd Nu-9Sondai. F& inc . tue Va wa, i i frb e rmetsd xees1 $itallebagllf lu Lae Zurich. Suuday wlth R. . iner sud ftal. ?aDy Navrd Oranges s~dau. leFnfW z ui~ n . et l. umert a hu b *e la Vhle*bafl 8UYSladPaWg s . OcFsCbocolate.Crmmue 2 lbo for... 2e Iltslites bis bualuss. A t cbld ne okFak F4»Y'wt&PPed MOUl- imi Fac adîEbttEaml le ithe 0r" . A ot o a i i robttam aimbaif vor ao!t .tadb eabihd li.0 obl om %tlvla &btemaadyainwilobg w tve âemotg »bl. ___________dieubookmst'e a ct mgrive mu mas ai lire. B ih i bcf. .1111 o b. mliii =9l "rcwn, 4Mtiy, louenotai for liaI. ~Bbyer. Bros,~ bais e rtsb> vH i ent ;ksourjd a" . lmt en ande't» b. b. m is i ..s O t "" eb o o w 9 b i g l.* Ill b u t h o lsh m l b ï T a O M W o f r iM rdB o u d a i v a , o U xat 01 Wou 04 tu ias asanab, tru lb.'.7hemota b l e a a OdI ys t »j a y uge i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bue t, liBiC.,OW fl day. cutel oty JoAmiIl..1-0 ue7 Vw 1.s S01 > $ç O bueil o q-romit Om al @-»tln . Ar ,1amomd h moteUt. Prainlas tmo. a tiii à s p etA liv do ai lreD_- lit b ave arim gler _ _ iof~' i t < ,~ n' D IWmde't babe1o1ofl:tuu P & -pm 'ct - viil o ogaatae toir-mb m ulIela nod . oI - - YOP M, k for ift b i I TOk y sI -etRooN !.Yuoc ia b.oo pt b . ? oo . ...,f. . ..r vin byeraa MdalisàAteneoom s as omttru ousSnb MmCriaitS asige 38 Fos.,poupaim a traiait Tet Bantî te âti oa, Ipt e fl.......... 1.00 W pIst pebage ro v s uil . Yle b "~l s . m ou i ~ 0 . P a mca u e , elao ....' . - P lat ..T..o ..tti.......O.... ?Caoëf tlT ieu o o @s CailWor a apilcoe........ 1 iteta ouis - b Uiitlever.5lS4 sut Sd <>r................l...0 t.. ...... w~is uas. o . w msnunista btw usru S tar lp aletas555i11. a prog m Tomes. citu$Uabme 55 saN s..................... 2811 o uei pur good à okI........... 2 uq ai o so do e us le a ha i. iT ve A oB us i u n o na t S t g f is s la P éM t pr e t. B a s . byobst1rim ailes .100 pioge S.20.a.. wi*bormol, r. or 0 b M f t "tlàtbe«Ip »Yr u s feImvattî »>Ron o glarcmut, e r 1 .......... .2SioP. kge.lid ls»tabm...... C.e *poi mm d . Pst 4ruI tae Zutw e l ie ea i *ut ldIe Imoltt tti o ibuam eebsulstIe igme st, Vu. lit& ~, Frank Dior lt a h ar N,xl 'Ibo........ 8 r om t lal Modal kfl ..... Dot Pt en q6ce. nw lbu*......-A.t.abc4iÙmled .4 12 Sri Veiaidoap......... 28 e ar Plhoa p4hl at...... 1Iayuge~lu . ir. . E.v nêW aROMlMd W.labiéebis taA-" ? sfijarom anîÉtaisbotterr...........tO pârm e t "godi *ý ý b ëîoý presigu l irni Jn W lb umoele tî A ns Om >aW P * M (Igo » ..x .....ocsr Oph, fl CqwO ,e t ea u.........» 50*5WtaAtlu.Baap.............. i .... g em p oid h hs let 'h cir a llo t p i)it , Ne lu l tebiantg m-Fl-m ie» onb jýeuDue " w éeS et k n0véy. . hem- suen,. Fridaf» Mi l~ .~ y v s b ien nadet tbi en sd en o t'5 4ooa..................... 0 f it e mi... .... .... ... 8 BlebuAt, atb"Y Im D.d aCaoper, by r. ,t la rs4 0lo t me .t h e agaiSia i r. Mr cm ewsLi... ..... . T.2c utta glaise fat. n~aut r u oc ougeedoui eie olff-4 iem ds h lanel the oeot sw e~atyoi d levr le'*0 pai elg à loooriérmaPtoamm -- 1 M i s l ~ ~ e w a t U sPa a n ta e l i t m m li em L s W r r e b e s u . . . . . t. . . . . ..le t a alier 'p acbk agseaset a g ( u N Uic s . n d y g o d a l.1191:u bat awd" Ab" Dr.5a etAmd riiih boaandlre Mm leI.55 e rtotle la vest vas nim ow- IM S InOiaa_ __ _ _ _ WWSlSe _" Ro1iuuer,. rivefln éco ofI: fre.nrvie* WiFrn ,lbbsuml',h d abohi l 1overAi.m1nrhumbram fit: mai lrAlte.nons.os0,;%W. icago. Mis Blanche D........h..bas2tho m501 ai Lloyd U 'Wei0,.15îasu ~.i~ . - palili ee. -ipulafb r » vacation ai home. To.i- LaireÇ..... lr a Ko.u Eéfa m= qpi lurch .iwta L. "u I.velthnelu ai ' aaaofniaiare laWareg aiaiall athomi~~~~~~~~~ ai" ,l o d i i ntK ss I V u o d onsr. ,D m a r ixand b~ t o us. !Fbiiasetx W ooos 'n da ireê~ m ra s e e i ' --S , P m I o s Im an oy* edtapsarl ni ai la t vesi. 'i b avej ..........W !U Sfla vol es ns t dhombs an hters f rtla m u d e wte Le* Ca I nbkioEït t. oOa Mo ucs v lo"»" 19 p t am i" Y 39e1 S duraiselbQcltg 1o r-1b.dai. w&7# 1sud-el- -ét6 ofonoago D aîl tcausai.i .h... ...... m9 du e l w t.f»r aIe dehit. Mo de l Oane oo l b flg elly 's vta 'uII u i Oo pu * 'ok eb hicil b.u' » Tbt4oro Bmm enili ou *forer o i ¶o by lu ___Ioaen. Fîe rc ars ve........10 la0i m g-s..... a Met the'penentîWe Ceané- Qlaum 4c s.......... 30i>SI 2=tiidtsutieui5. lit t Th tie leq*a abepte c Chrale lele ans.....saMMAlot PU 5'IW leI. aI ana flbMr . a ed .Warrenon b aa b Wsl IttGa Tsave ovi Aid viii ou b a iis51 "iwlthderr it attemé* je"M .ý l ar i 0.8-.-oriTgr5qSSllr*41I V-l mllbrt erW , 0 -I l . n r lb."I tg' Psati, oory l C**eti n 8 o, îae' 4OWI '~l K :l aIb - *aO4t-UltPOaPlq- *e - .M.IIUMr.I Md l. .. ... ... ... ... ...tnAO;liW=,coumt]ili o lisln mm Mmiin sesol'eMZs_________lis___________nS«d Qsc fa gr l, 4 i« l Isinal. OU u w - **'cat à t M . . . . . . ..adies2.ofaithe au O uitiLakes D osat m is iM m . glucquiai ' m . , ug-m t O ntt - S ulky e flia ôa m " W u t % -b lut er P WMe. tata Bogbtut sato Dm0fr 1.0 a am r*- - - - - -- - - - - -- - witliito Mr.snd lotmm. «dOMustoobith Fran j u« -tW nod.oo u 1 diu çn-T oe wsqio ouif w*wei os d jo atur mir o . P &.b a E[M1 am« éoi YtbpL 3 di ic.X01âsymoiring-bk Îî nueo..... . S or..... ... .. S . .. ...... . . . ÎL ..., . baldit ý4atX11 -11MUMm 1 'il