Mmm. ppile ugnato' abk *6iWie amati ýhls- 61. lmsosehle mmlb l5 LETTUCE GRÈEN ONIONS LI~ Âuid aways orve a etmp ot 8O*oumL o* loi flavoe hqla un 088ozàly be atbWi irithac0UPotJ. L t 80 cSffe. em EUI TRIQGS SERTY VILLEMA.RKET and OROCERY -if You are. luterested Anýting Ithe jewelry Une CaIu se 5cents per roll and up. Jivoe Ijaif I!vke Border sane Priçe as side à RCAI pans, Ion"e tmey Bet 1l mac tia. - m~ou"U t~I T.; C. moredtata lhé MatmUlYUcI1 James Triagge place. 1 Tb* Wgnkogm amly SO&. Ton tante parl veé iïIled la lUhirtyvlle. L. I. Allemmaid'Robot Sîmnuon, of 1ao ent Sunday aitt lb Aulma -11m. dama. at * towu baillaut Frà. d« atglt was volt attended unr a (2ms. Seller I mood labo the 1 Doukly hoem on Sehool troot jluit omt of thb Bulkley bock at the coran.r0f Mlwaukee avenue. C.F. Wrght bua luen sM tel sl ew deWï'atgdgerten, w.vwiter son, Win1 Wulgt, lîves. visiai lbthehomeo cf boideightor, Mm. C. A. DOmiii the rt oel b voek. Wil» Thomus vbo for tlb poont.ewral mcmlii. hmau onwltla lbMchigan macaroni Company aitIDetroi t raturDed ta lbertyvllle atrlvlng lust woL ek oviiirem*ln bore permanuntly. You Ilice 10 rend a vo» 1uslld local Coanan. Why flot eau os UP Mmd guve unSu am cablyonbave? W. are mivays g lad 10 roa.tve ltrestlmg -locale amd = Wso anmd appnelte.bavlng tiiem Dc't forget at Jon701 cm gelt th Waukegàmm Dally eun dellvered for ton ceu* per vook ai yonr hm borbe la Llbertyville. Try Il for a voek mc mn tiffe or drop aapostal card Mmd gel a local dally ful of intereellmg l" onov Ç" yoa podadiobtter' Work on tho e ter mIn. vasbegun eryTudymorntng a @rnail gang 0o manplki thro3gh the bard layer o Y Wh"v lèfor rthbeled of tlb mnet. The contract glves lb men Isylul the ps.on. bumdrod vonking days ln vhtolfinishbthe wonk. It in exVected liaI lbe von yil lie rused Ironi nov on. About twouty'-fve children vere onertainodatet lbhomo of Loy FI Saturd a atoon in bonor of l fourti b . f1fr'. Fag'e11. Ltson David. Gaines vers played, refrosti ment. errod and a good time ojoye bou ai.Ti.chldren rolned tojil boe a bthoe eteruoom vlbh many plom e imorw 01cf b occaion. This ening (Thuuxlay) the. Chicame Lyeum IMy Quartette, lbe ut n- ber onutlb wInters Mlctreprogramr appeare at lb Union churci. Tue -mm ber i lbefoture 0oflbhe atli courue md pmewrite-upu .peak very hlgly of thosho tako part ltlbph ga viierever tiioy bavaeppaaed;Ti=o tertalument iw coelo f moulnsand roadinm Mdlivowortia vhule. Liai veek WOlia Peser bougbt ci 1ae u ThmmaRai.»tal Irub lan il blacksuathing bnsluu[Rmmnefl~ ul m»d from nov oneelruc tlb bnlni alome. Mr. Postri ail ikuovna u Lii. anile d vld-hyg' md s a t g th ksmla isud te0 suou h ouuslleèitiae* e & Ba huadi abOI& Theia 01 lfIaun &I1%«« i"b Luti voda L.M. Colby ompieted d"a*mhr"bu a a" tlehi ee "lali* 1. ML Coby & Co. evely boausevii hehbeua Mnlrth"M coule0Ey.I'Lioi Fornmat bcvawu ajorpm 9 amolb Ci IL B. colbey e o w ovlbM.B. Col la *lb"beius bM m d" ill baik hlinolfa hôme i UbrVvllle,-t Theru vllage vll!m ha.Ie put i va beau ceusing alsorte of trouble. Pim il bocaine 1usd vlth qulck usnd wviel vas pnmped ot bylbeue 0oflbsoa *prossr. Wiion Ilvuiliovlng laudu alampeOuoncemort thora lvas a cave- somewbre dovn lutlb dpb0e fth earti md tlb vel! becaime clgpd for distance of about tvoty - aet vit gravaI vhicb prmctlcmiy oltoff * vater. Titus boasbeena vokhng olori l of lb obâtruetlons sud a iri, vhicbtlb tovu bai punbmod, 1$ hoped, vill pue au end tu frtbr trou!l troubla of 1k. kind.- E. W. Pankhursî mmd C. N. Durand si planning a mmv subdivision on té soutl ieo ust moulu oflbhe Mettrie roW About Ivo acrez of lb. Pa;tkhut l pl erv i be culatu m lots, ton innu« bar, four faclng Lllvmmkee avenue a the rumalnlmg eix fcing e nov atm ýwhlc viilie -cut tbrough to Steo avenue. Mr. Durmmd ovni about@ acre and tbisvilhbe divlded inamcoi vient mannar. Mr. Parkmrst le pli aloi; tu lay cmetmiaalke lu ýfron lbe properly ozMlllaigkea and o011 Wise lm Il maklng Il a vluat place d saIbuilding proporty, Tii@ appeurance about Ivo hiudn end ifty odiem aietthe Trttine Aisi mîlion park Mlonday noon ocausd lutrof'excllemmen tuh, vilflgeM o oii0flocal vege tartod lbhe t that vir hmr MW ahe mording t10 »tO *W&@ 1ttedmi amkaLIbea tt o ttl*mIs an novudf omard tvo uosth'si t inlIowa. Born, ?wehmy, Apil 38Satu. me.ed Mcl.~~~ C.A oue on, Donald Aibuio. lir &JI8.GL dleyirocvrii mfi M.iMaib Oa paiîîter mmdddecorsitor bai mom loItthelb <ruumtlhoos. Wum 11111à, leborne for hie &prias vaca" o rou bbs sebool et Jackoml. ()onecE*4mesodl obrokea glassdoor lu Je. Drêve place Tneoiay vealng viii ablilulo. Th019b somethîne about tlb lumarue- majt iT vt columo that do.. lb burhai &aphM dCharlesgellrati, of Obcuo qn laurdeyam S &dy villi botisirgradmtherlire. A. W. Lmuit. <loorgoFairbanks, of lb. t merlean Volunteersi, of Chicago, formerly et Ubertyville le nov in St. Louis viSa lb voluoteers. Amy stylo of finiebed room-miould- ingis in stSk et ileowîck'cSstudio at loveet prim.eeu match any vood vonk or vall paper yon have. O1d0 aa ilkean Daily sun for on. àvweok. hvllonty cool you ten"cot rand viii nterset you. Order iltbrough hbo.inuPUiN'n ffice. Wiia âV Uoing 10 have fur EButer i3 prmu mflor hOcoIL Thou e ots f1 seleclodfIm lhe inest corn-fad Younm' of jiorkor.-moee, jiay, eppetiuing., For t.nais by . B. COLart MERCAIÂTLE 0o. A mission for the benefit of bot Catiiolice mmd Protestante vii lia eopened dattlb St. Josephs Catbotiechurcli at nLîiertyvhllo on the fim1 Sunday alter limiter. The rmission wiltlie conductls< 'e liy lia. Fatber McCorry, a Paulist father 9 fr12: = ar's ehurcli, Chicago. The la lnr a c fternational rmputatlon againorgioer mmd ail ohould striveto e ttend. d T1o mysierlous "wornen In blaeu' Ir vis of lat.@ha. terrifted the villagesoio BY rlnto md Àptaekisic apparing ab umsmlboure belore the yoy fcome p of lb prossimlalcitizen@ of thoos places s- gave promise for, a couple of mgta lut l, voak of eoiaulang ber oprallons bore n- Tvlcs von. boy. living dovm lu the i Kuebier eusdnvlcon friglitensd inutlb f dark Zy a forsavhich pnrsuod tlbn m Wbolbpauole ean no e alaarno a- but la otglt norne practlcal joker va id at vonk.1 At lb councl meeting leist Moud&Z tetgtlbe wrordinaince vapusae or aN *Igu oExvtiath* ini *oepioacflourhundrod fstafl o a- *ubmsUove rond Tb oumi 1) mabe os Il pain h te al Ias mv. M ,W imndvlhaadequaete 1maryoff a34 ceta mmd bold tt 41otlb rot femoe aois end wvosibasins vw" â ail bs fablete 10logtlb miver. mnscMMU wu i uer vilI do wa Wd10ge rehimlelmofmatiom on tIl elss Mtby mu b put t10tie « upens of dolng lb woré;ail ovar. S&M Hav allovaiy mmd Bd McCormlck ' vill humting tb. réotlbvoek o d lbe soth aidsof Llttvllinums d muar mistook Mm .Gorp eclal, Il I rqportodl,for eahlrdaMm:eoherinflictin ek leopisof llglala oande lua r an .t Mie. odaIWho wvasetanding lu ti. lei dontofhberben hum et thb ime statei M, abat Gallovay mMd meonxnck wva ne croushng a lot mamby viien souli l10 bem vwua nreport of a gan mmd ab b9 recslvei to fine d"tainu br hanmmdn r li ae fbrmond linger. Sevsra l icl'ait pemtralol ber corut but di 111 notenter thesekln. A.. lbeviole amli Mg va. an accident ohilng Ils inbougit Mri yUl liedonqlai:l t Ilbtougb i l Brt Mr.Hect "rs"sdto proceut bileMcomiick Whoislesg~dtu bave lim 1the siiot. $306oo OIVEN AWAV BY THE NORTHSHORE OAS CO@ Theeliove amounai viiib given tu lie ladies of Northa Chicgo, Llbertyvllle mmd Wmnkegan au priss for the bel Ivwelve rmoma for cookIng viti gai: Firei prise $15.00, secondl pris$10.00, thbrd prise $5.00. Combt viii closo Apnll 80ti, 1906, at which til., agowmcvrs muil be lu oui bande. Thiefollowlng mmsaebelen ,'elscted as jalgus and viii docidethb v1umuers of lbe pluss M. P. I& mhinlen of lbe Dally Sun, Mcr. Frank Simii of lbe Deiy, uomtta and Bey. LW. Chidester. - To enter this outee t Ilai.only nscoury to dolach and liii outthelb lank belov mmd mail W lb. North Shiore «Ou Co., Wukegan, 111. Blenko may alo b socured et te lb ce cf tlb Company. TW!LV! RtASONS I'OR COOKING WITII GAS ......... ..................................... ........................................................................ ........................... ................. .......1........................i................. .' ............................................................ .. . .. . . 4............................................................. *. . . . .................... ....... ........... .......s..q. .....-.... TIME 0 . 6 Ail Camidalma bY 'r-0 eue te Immure Lmgalty. DOYES ALONs ON - CITRN -9's TICKET. Ovlmg 10 lbe fas el$thelb mes g0f Ivo aoiifflefoi .villagetruse mpueaed on boti tic"et. led iSa VWM ersk Sanloru for tlb come«g vlflet.ctlou tlbquestion of logaltï arose mmd sa a recuit the Ivo mon uiand on mmci ticket vltiidrev lrom on. leaving their nanas on lbe othwer or Indeiioudes t ticket as lb le calted. Tbe Clillas'sticket vas tlb risai oue a"d for ivillag bte àI nsnaumdob M CharesBoyu mmd Willu clork. Mr. Lmyçoek riumfaf 1 aen*t and 6'med Graiibe's »M» .vsoue ui.ltutd amom'ofMu eMAIs, GaaeMmd Fred Aleman e tsa us mda&baIl Corloît as clark. Il via thon 4iscovred liaItien candidates wvisus me. appor.d 0ou botîliticket. lied ottbec 10 vllbdrav f romt ome or tlbother and it wvu docide lu vltbdrav from the. former. This louves lbe Indepondent ticket Intact ii tiares candidates for trustee mmd a larkvhlls Mr. Boy«s alons appearc for itrusts. on tlb Otize'u ticket, tlb origialone tuthelie ild. 'iai Preabylerlan ladies' AId uocety rwlll ansot tihehome of Mr@. E, 9. Wela, Thrdey Apnil 19. Tbere vill ha von 10 do. à Tiere vîlI bea "prit.r'c pi" social in lbe M. E. churci Fnldayovening Apnii 18 r under the. auspices of 'the Epvortb ýr The Lakocide Cemeteryasocation viii mut et the Stale horne on Division streot-on Fridey .Iierncon Apiit2O, for quiing and usving. "'Risan vitb Christ" vill b li sblcî ocf themoBuer sermon eaItlb Motbcdlet g chureh. The Epvortb Loagne viii iOld a oa~urin prayernmeetig emI6a m. At- S7:30 p. rm. tlb unday ochool viii = pest lblr Emter prograun. Au î fann vib rea.lvod for mission.. VIsItons volcomo. se The Lxi COUtrnvv lmasT niatimd 1. th u4$cseo DityIntleur Ooome for f8.5Q dIe aoer lu advmoe SCbartes Koddeii, vis o worMmle Pnte faim otiavsof 0EUbentyvlll Vcamht tire.bunlers Ilu lbemcetcf shot. Slng four &nm e ducks belonsing Se It hlm lutl Snday mmd gClonce. earted 1 acte matlerhem. Svra mniglbor.jotned lu lbpuiat mdlb omm ovnta Westgaof Bar. la lak o vil a a to P= g t o. r sah t h a fefftaeréeiroal . Pjumnivas de. Oe maudel&M *9lis hutveld over à *' themour thle b.d, s éif a % liory Stolm", a von mcvii leî young mm of liis vlelmlly, bas busc r. absent- hmrie-hm b sà ndo far no t.cao ilubasvW hgbomeim ai lbyLil aest md n"e& ie. Hmfia, Auguo" ts ia g*o lisheycntgsmm, vho vau te - * elgtymo m uobutla aorb lIme uo )a 01 à ,i tponwbhicév»a m bon"e. D the ibnla *0i te falbr pr ed hlm vita a tou ci î bors, a bundred baibals of ocatia qummly ci00M culu tlb ald. Vas be ,iogtb wooid starS bmlg for m aenp" a por. Wthoul my word ke up a1 w beongings, Ivo mlte a. o!folsadso thtis land ad a ev iior higet md dopartsd. Relve mi eaunmot acut for bis actiom mmd saiy Id hlid benomctroubla viatover W air ead talaisunddom md unexpocield opn. hil ebac relatives lu lbe Dakotas mmd et may b villa Ibm. His fâmmll t te anxiousi 10 bar from in m Md vh ha ed glad t gel voard fron anyciasvho bai usai hn lm ai s ba uddem levtskize. LAKE- YcU mcv lb utWho le 8b l som em hobua agool siudanomali toc, but va dom'l Balbb mmn ou mmm vho vati 1= rata qw:ek. W. vis =&liko p tal aim iea vlBm baw m m dotaiMWadme aw ë' Mon'. iglit mmdiudm doma geirtavwlUout oolh sOçerale cutasma n vlla plumtid bomoms. Wo *N giansa thotaIare vorhh60. 05 and 75&Ibo. hmw sud ma. manplem; but ame &il clm anmd roadi t0 oot 14%~ t o n Our pria.for the. lot 01.00 *0 81.25 IMONABER I)os hlrta i glt midd ~oDu, wltlioemor ot ii ttmebed coDoaaa, the. shirta on the. market We have fl um e Ut*s .C"esWswi whd ,1 must suipltîu r usede. SP*ring Duess Goods of aul K3 EvergtMing .iii Seésouw#e SPRING Mie 0 -