CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Apr 1906, p. 6

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î , Ice'cae 5bim 1 Mt 01 06IL Pu*, wuas agi 119h. Wu. Thoi r. e s..Niesbouse. e LPt«t Sereeat the te bUrchUpal'A Pri 1 S, bout sOpstlug wtàWm. Ipopurlng J. 0. llonnr's rodpsbas * jamusupesud 001%irseader. >t l a iroaisland tb, Stiefs W55 DO evenlflg t.JmeolPagdtt sMd ,h vho bave been vlaltlng teeutb witb ber parsatit 'Stirday ta ber home 1P commuia, of Waukega n. ~tt paS lias em very iel. smO, At prisent wrttle tbisi vieiity were Mard âjy. Apit 4t teOiS us. Lewis llet, 4 ao4 mlj>4"e usai' elâtives of tf parti"e were piesént in l theety Thursoly. et Tbuftdoyinuthe elt.i aeOnardsest aGrayilake ,tratteluw ithelqunrso $0,v. r« bàs btrei r Thuaff the ename. lègte la psding hie sprilig kw, 41 Smith vsbda ta4.gJkw dIk. wgoetkv. homeee di ssiIÀlw LU Netionait ber moth ire tieet his b» Now S II1N G IT WAI$TS ~7p 40 s 4«»u e . oir Gteat £Eter 51e mls li that 'Vartoty la »e Pt. o f Oro if tht. lua , yeu wi l othis 40 ie aplott«eh" ibi Shirt fWisto -4hat ha@ 'vor bosa s*ibtod unie oho rofr. Ttlo vrity lu égo at Mtat t bas ýbeen* bor th soimet particular wàatsfor iOntlOflW.rft are tnadoquate whosel It comteste 469egIbne 'hé boaUty au variety of ths eas aiiblifor 8his L :ài - h old Il b O o .îstsm e at made up lnfiue sheer qhte Iawn. gmrrlhty *ernbrodered frontSý. nme trtmrned wtth IBcp and ffggting, nmre wth beautiful dotted fig- uresnurneroua design», and any one ofthe IotiWorth 81.00, Sale t ........9............. ODttl Sher ,Lwný Walt:t. vthtiree rows :)f embrolieri' iown- conter SUi cluster of #ne tuckà. very full bront, touir large- tucks tu hock. 119w aleeve, wlth cisep eue. a splen. dlasi. 1.1 WmStr Our Grand W. maie efr e mu"i the b est% *~a ver affer«04 9 W4 985 Bonaare t i vlbu-"«lI-oo 1, em bib rgft, ssofl itIs short alseessma bvttoils po n ome of Telntilawu, besuttf l roui ol eletani' Qus Worth 3.> ANDIT P PURCTI&SED »QUIkV YWý MOiT APPEAt. CAREF iY ~EAD¶ G CRT- ONE IN EITEMS "I,, Very Handeome Ladies' sdtMisses' Box Cote in tan. egverd'lotk Or i ene DW mItures. wrtb $7.50, for oui' great atr agie . ... . ... .. ..t. .. LadiesaTigh;Ztilno Cowrt . te, -fm trbuned wthtalored estps, lined wl thsatin Or sre 88.60. for oCgOk eGreat ater aie -6. 7 Bt....................... ........ Ladies' Coveet jacilt =ade o thse finest doubée twlsted ecoveft clatit lu lS»q or »tlgit.fittlng hutIs, bilsome snd srcl int i tuede wit ftiflttin a98l 1$12.0 value, for ou s 7 8 Master Sale at.- ............. 1........... la tite neateitan latent mixtures, aise plain tan, acOst f*o4 from aiMe 0« thefott 8.00 sad- $S.00 garlsêtsl; o ow gI'eat M5ter Sale t......................... ....... Laites' lsok 'falta 'ekOp neatly mads sntl~t wlll ho offéebsi as a .sB4 Lae~ -Peau de Soisor I7alo 511ik C40t%, loir. solles itsi 7ABI ifo u reMt Upere..... .... -....-. ~:4~,~- :~u~;m:~8:: .~bol§ w..- atew 5%nrsl'od . asdan wO #à WWU bau bud rsPPOlts Oselurr a tIe sbom rumb o ae ferlu. ý. Resotionmwth5 o esatqr at to facIor aaworkln Bueigtoo.0sgm t le ua s eted thte Leoitu os" eh0sjnd lmo Mem i 12 te h theyoke la trimniài 'lm l s ,ucsuo1su eavy »iace, edê ettb fin e pn tucklng.short oleve, Iseutly bmuffl WUtitVienciennee lacebanisme St ~ rom Utab4 xelN 000 vlt, -i anlsl Sûeifr Our Grand, ,àb4 *by Imot Lmase 01IOctth 88.00, Bi sali fr Wortho State 9ti'5t. for oa Grand Ima i spanose silk Wai'made of extra fiqulity Ja>4eIO5 vai. itt lie yaks, edged vitit più tuecke sa" rovs o! feather teituxla front, nev sera vith Valencten. auýlace trltmnei cue, a very pretty *uallu istes. really vartit *Pate au- .....;.. . -0# toetbehfo l- mats eAt........... 810 p t 80 tt c ootly Gage ti- Meunllg venu wthlarge laod !Velvet Wreatita worth 350, iteguiar Tu c Ca 4)c Regular filceCaps Paucy VéullliU woith 280 an sud Uc * 19C Veilins. Tuzedo meuh, plain "à dottsd 25c00 mn 83.80 for Our Qyil M, -IW mater ale d immoocts., des 2to l, Wth 82.10. for oui' Grnd EàMte Sale si......... D ln t y L i t t l e W t I ek e t s M itm I u d O i k W Une, rimmel vu wat su 51k h esu linu, tlt buttons sud pookg 11t85, ~oar Gran »aster at .. . ... ............... sa~tei *511 ~tb, ail ci nWo cmm at Tr t ddRt.. .... .... 78 ud 81.00, eghore& ats an o.. . ......... ....... Wiro Trames Hundreds of Flowers vortit50ecup t ILù00,auoAt .. ................. 59C 19C ,Absolutoly Indspensable ln titIs Esters outût: 83e .buys a $1.2t elbov longtit bilk glove. 98c buys a $1.60 11<1 giove. 2sc burs a oc sflk gloire., HHI*g n ftjue omy Fit L0aoth CatI4, Anlge dutcli oollsrs an4 s, m ei tises, <atli Ilai peso butons, ise h 80.00. for n uasol "Ivet olua" udo&,fspqr*oi ab»s, for maur .. . .. . . ... .. .. .. Onas for Glil, soflars lu 41jaS bine or ci tome velve mIage n buttons, vartW, hier 'NT YXAR8. -HUNDUD)S0 ix PÈRSPÂRED To SER, VE BI Y RUE ANI) 8X IV! TUE1 DS MORE, ARE NoT W. have Provtdad ni.. truiy rontsrka bio bar- gains ,. Chlliron'. Déesses fo« thit Great Rster Saie. $Paes limita us t. the mentlon .4 but tw., but yeu wItl find a doren valuses wl w.thy of y70w Gin hamDrosses, ail iee up ta 14. imade up la good materlal su positively Worth $1.00. for Our Great Master sais t t. ..................................49 ACharmlng Assortrmont of White DrOose for mimses atdi eblidren, largo *selection, for titis Great MALSter 881b et ..........-....................... 30 'irns, Fauhionabto snd Uê.ta.UstsShirts, black, ailthes Dow grays a"i thse Tor latut tyles,ý corne early taoeure ané of tIses. on- derful valusa. for ur v GIreat Buster Sale etý. ............... 2 Fins Durable Shirt for Misses' and La8:e1W lua ales up ta 38, ail Iranaleî hds ase lng the acrne o! sassaetion for our Great aster Sale Y et............. .................. Fàqcy White Brillitantins Skirts, pleatai or lu any of thse otiter new styles et aur Great Bauter sale ..............:............. 2 frindsome krs cireular style, lateat eut, al vool, lu back and, alothe nov gray shades su, mucit admIrai, voll worth 8.00, for aur Great Buter Sale et .. ............................ Ai Wooi Pansams SkIrts Very Iandsore all-vool Feua-a tkirs, a&U the, latest grays snd aile ln black sud bine, 51.0 creain and white brilllantine ShIrts cireului' ut. sorne ln panel effect Lforeour Grand Rester Seat.......................... The Finst Sirt £ver thown for pive Dollare, 'renylvo ,différent styles, ail calois. In cing ligIst shades of gray. connut ho purchlasoi uCi- catgo for leu tton 88.50. 9 for aur Oseat Boster t . .. ........................ Ladites' Vary F insVoille or Panama Skirts eiroular or. atraight eut styles, Ol1bk Mores, Voila ir Pahnaa Sirt. Utrsaiely bania XIMres, Voieor pi'a mg kIta, lateet ereatoLqs, al w3.00ô values, for Ourt*ore"t Buter E T sale a8... ...... ........... ago déevhSe eat $3.00,. ln black ad colors.,kfoourqN Uter 4M.6 t........... SeauWut Huvy T&aý 511h 514,1 tblc,ô rose, esstis lavender, pi*m,ý bits, wbltet etc. Worths 80.0, for our Grerat Botter ~e *~*~< ................... .

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