~~IWAI rTYVVa, f-,AKER- 0 FrIPÂ, APRI 2o'. 196- 12 Pa"e [81. 60PIM Y£ Curry, xbt VIBSP ro xRoole la whielà UesPMW Axe OCONSZlDDEADLE CAUtr ANDOTDEVALUCAJILICI lma gebaume la vicb Oum- bers vers sleeping. thre. robberu car-. icd a trumi oui of a Tenuh Street remideuce lu Wfakcgan MIondaY migit, emptila ome raous af the claties tiat bumg on a number of hook*. looted thc plaie ami got asy viuhout dii- cory and vithout leaviai e single clus, ta ticir ldentlty. Thi e. a lii of the bootY thet tiey ccured'in thm mimlgbt raid: Que iiuudrnd amd, ion dollar, in .Ont peir of tommis. onc revotvm.. AUMXIMien. Thmy cOel ibet the. boom mai vibiovs vre ail locked moveva, mec umovu maraudéei gt tbfmo se ot the do0fliy th me Oofm a Iot ber. O uibr Saab cec soai 0f cao mo&fa a fini s too n M*ltole 05be. em .Il ai cae téa tis roca. N~lI bcer Ibm - -ilomDleptg thro* tm -um 1i i T Im amkcla laisi aesla x4m à" i flic is a mseliareUrulaY ltkïfInima r UM the ectslm sY to* MIft Au AusIleacomlat huca tich catrir ourmMWcr8S Vlii. or lbe moaluMWeva hit la ibm building but-did ot go acar Il lineSlsrnpffl Avabn. Wheu tue Acainlan loghtg house avoke thisi.lbnltug- lhc fin-t ing tue thuse robbei ou.. diacoerc ami the fat timi Uiey ba bea robbed. Thec Wauicgam polce foce vast once communlcate i viiiani Chie! Svaibroogh detaiel&bi4~o sharp- est detectIves on the cae, Aistant Chic! Tyrreli and Offcer Hicki. Tbey discoverci thc facta outilurd above bt founi moc due te the rab-J ber. The Waubegan police have ecuei tie names o the. mou vho tout prop- erty tu tic afeair, tageher wtii Uic watch umners and description.sud viii sSeur Chicago pau sbops. IF. Y. IOWLRJ4T!RS~ Former Editor 04"y Waukegan Con- corn and WPli Conductitlbon Modern Lin**. On Mondey the Waukcgani Dairy ami Produce Company. reported lit fer a long time, obk lia Iat gmap aid kcoici over, tic NartiSMore'Pr Fond Compauynter thc erom managemen o! Frank T. Fovier, t1 tue sarnc tîme belug brought loto tic vorld. Paiteurisci miii, creaia. ciieese maie f rom ithe iygleaicmlly iiegtei miii.Ice. amdi I.crern i yl bu tua proditct !tic mev ami up-ta-ate plet unden tue umaie n i a!fmma-1 ugeme1 Mr. ftaler la ov tu charge aid promises t. dlIver the "guois' ta tue People of Weciegan as tiey nover1 bave been ierrsi iiffore.hi laWnm- morei liai lie bai a dentlan for the acquisition of tie Barris ami Puniy iely aise. Automobile dollveny o! tue moin- luemik and of tue geais la gen- crail lnpromiel viuwenhe ais arc geai. Fshlng Good ai Lottes. A fea ardent fichetmnnhave dared tie vis ewbloIi sweep acraaa tue mny hile labi 0f qetral laie cùunty aid thes bave bai Most ex- cellentuig a a rate. The. lniab- flietof!tue .,Waters are cuuacal bainy iis unl* mi egerl OWMa.bitmlvMors Troubl. ZAb o 3b.0f - Lawrence, Parocs and Wqlb e olleges arc 19 a debOat t*onbe of e a reilons nature b. timona tho fecnl and tudeu t f la» Pr~ethbadebae ici vi av- rem muaesdWabie Manibeele bath. Uf bas iel>debeied ih llllola Tics thc laurel of thu ichogl are mombeL. Howver er, ii membera of ithe de- batMbwtouin. Erakime. Palmer and Piillpu. bave remgned on the ppona tat they bave no mmcii tudylng ta do ibat tbmy canuot debaIe, or tbat they bave n Much debetIlg ta do tha tiiey conna t udy. Al of tiem arc overworked viUth tva wothinga ta attend. Hovever thc tudeuta have aricen en maase andI demanded concesions for the. favorite debten,. Tbey de- laie tt tbey vill go out'ou trIke If 1 e ebaeru are -net made cer- mtL lloVanccs for tudr tudie.. At Loat 80 Il Appeata If Law Were Enfcrccd tboLeter. L.ocal Ilere, are puuzllug viiibe or ot ibm follovlmg section of the. game and Ssiilave o!fithe mai. of Mlinoi do. ot apply ta ocker fiabinim- uthc varions rIver of U»i cout!. UBvrry poesn Who s0a et mi~ UIme km or atteuipi ta b i: i spear la amy 0f the river.a, creem poeU ls laes, tream. elog, bayouu. or ailier vaier coureme viii. le tbe 3,uiwlcdom of thiida"ielssm Isi.h amp~t Gerai cap. uafl b. ireelmi guilyof a midrnrmom aMd *W, » npeactirnilu ibis ac-IMO 04» A" Wu JA4spege87. lu Mm ue lr 'Ieo mer sopeererbave hbo t la lx» jremuly madmmeç bi ýssdsg me reporte& Gravai OA-M Cehlite NMoir Osa- send Engins. A, train o! large dump carsi aici viti gravai hbritslu tva lu tue graie ece o ldoot on thc C. & ]IL Blcctrlc Moaiay and the. ruawaaY mition ciaaed inte ai eleciric car usei ton iaollug grevai car, forcing fil tar iur to e locomotive. The ac- enat va. et the. mev C. &A IL-. Intersection. Empioyeonsame icgravei car bearing dean uPon ibem lu urne te jump, aid the oec mai on the cars releaei by the accident JornPed b.- for.the train bai gainai great lm- peins and fortuat.ly no eue va. ln- jurei. The electric car eud locomotive ver. badly vneckei aud tmaflc de- layed a considerable time. ANOTMIR L!TT!R !FROO THIE WEST. Anoher of the INDEPEMONrS Western Readera Telle s Uof the B.aulieu of thec Fair Land Mela l Vlshîlng. We are le receipu ibhis vesk o! a latter from . P. Meyer who la vu.iting ln Cali- fouala. The. latter tll of i be beaile. of tis SeaJocquiu vley vltb h ite vemil- 110UM 01 srtngeacres mrroudd ou ail aides by tbm lofty Sierre Nevadais andgarded by> the grand Ut Whitney, te zhibest Pek la lb.- nied slateu, covered viii snev lie jear &roundinID vederful con- toot wlih the flewered meadowu and S&leaeo!the Valleys et !tén fet. Mnx M stau e lai o!ail Iii.spotÉ bh . esuithe anc ho la et patm lau Sv4Ielaachoies. Then rougb un- p)o )àn mahob buglaI for about lifrIjâve dllars prer ae.Iprovcd the umrfn -1mai. ngunas bigla au ibis. bunui. Fruit lu profus.e br. thua eMeron amd 'tory chesp. oranges are are twectyqvcctmae egrain emact ul* fie %lvs. Iis country ta be ou@ of rae oppart4ties for ths young man IMlsarulng outilu 1e. A se,000.000 Morlgmge Fllcd. Tue Knlck 1enboobor .le Comny o! Chilcqand oi tiier place ha. mort- gagel ail of Ie extensive ltereite fi Illnois, Indiana and Wscousin labe popety for tue tremenigoi um a! $600,000.j A4 trust dcci fan ibis a-mnt va. filai ta-day la thi0110Offie !tic couti recarder, tic qtuer parile tatue deal belng the Wiset Trost amindvins.f Bank o! Obteago. tonr neronsPO pie ana Enilie K. Doleot. S Tiei cklcerbocker lac Co=pmV qvatremenoiau M aioutao!f ai vad atci lu Grant, Avou Mai Anti- dcii tovu amdi»v MM O$ f té mp-Èagé&roundi1La4bOs ÏtO là.p00009 Slowaund atibon. Divorce "w Sweeptmg ead SaffliioneObealmid la laletul tteasot 209000 CHKLDEEN AF- PBVTED IN MULINO. Wasington, D. C., April 16.-lt la doubtful If a more mornun deci.' sien in the Interest of Amxerican mO- clety hus been delîered by tiie su- preme court lu récent years tiiai viien to-day. by a beuch divided 8vO te four. It bl that divorcées obtalued lu states vilch do mt. have juriie- tIen over bpth partie, tu a marriage are net enforceable outzlde the mtt granting them. Tii. décsion la give *M11 faltlý eni-ciedit. ta theiged cre of anoiber state. '. . -The. affect of thie décision tiierefaire la thai divorcéâe 1.tiiond olined lu Setii Dakota iiy the eacquisition Of a temporary reuldénce for ibat purpome at valid la tiCustmte lawhich ïUic couple rneirn ly sg ongM ai. tiir lcgality i mot atociai aL folow. uierefcrc.tiâa edivorce la aider ta b beyoni attecimu«t bc obtinei la Uii state of wviehibath pariiSwe rooklewt& Ended,M Divorce @cek. Tic cife othe bm 4eWSloavii e tudta m eb rulâcuocs arm*lng of decres ami cadoqbtrdly' lba along stcp tavardsalmiimg as icviU eIy b. coriscirni by B olfOrm di- vorne lav mna«ciciby *6 Mdfeln ou The gemeral brnlrnfle ual divores vMi h Com l equrnt 5* lak thc p loi0fUce islo boom kW"ovmarnely. lb. UoVrnt la gui@W&cinforetme laý e9M !b.eerlIatio o!mm> innocent li-: ina voWho leth ite iof-aimer- riaged o, a!ertoudivorerni' y ithe courteai Boti fiDaetan or oer stâtes of vblch tic parties ta thc proceedinu beai ot becu reidaula. Affecte 20,000Chu Wr. lu la esutaici tht ai utau 000 chUuuen are affecied by the ollion. The. arc tua offsprlug o! marriage base& eou divorces grmici viiere but oofe tic partie reied lu tue sMae lasulus tue decre. o! separation. Befere tue iccision o! the sopreme court lt va. ibe gencrafly recalyci opinion tiat viierever parties are domlIelai hey vil ho e llavci ta avl ibemselves of the law o! tulu domicile, Includins Uic nlght ta bring sit for divorce. Tue courte o! New York have been thc cblef exception to tuis rois aidhave r.fued ta at- buowleige the. valîdlty o! divorces grauici ta ctisens over ahom thefi jurlsdictlon lies by tiecocurtm e! ciber étate@.. Ater Counlenfeibere. Acting vitu Kenosha ai base o! opereltiaus faderai offies Satunday began tueir efforts ta locate aid put oui o! butine, Uic fanios'-hani o! counterftters who hava beau attampt- lus ta voek lu tic mdlei.vet. These dealers lu "green goode'l are sai ta bu ibe most dangeroos gang lu eistence amd tiiey bave svindled huirede o! people lu tue pat !ew' years. Tva % vecis ago a baci or lettere va. recelved lu KenoahàACaI- vartlslng **green gooft" and on. o! tiem va. protmptiy tminci over ta tic posmaitor. itv«of a! cclia iager- oeehcaracte tiat as. non ai lu vas rclvei by Uic poeiollice offiçW*uIl vwa. turuci over, ôth i e &tal ce ficcri ani thcy ver. ordel ita 1à: ete ami arrepi mon guiliy o! endiing tue ltteratUr~ugh te Unluci Statue mail.. Depuiy W. A. meyer ta la charge cf the figit ta be maile ir tue goverament ami h. viii have tic ahi o! Kouasli People. Wqil Known Lady Dits. Mis.IMr I LMes, mgced 65 yepMe vitle of Davi Pale., ils lu Ailixl c*t,. viie.the bfoly b4 lvmi fer t-ent>yeara.. Uns. Pals via vmusa member 0f the Socety dl tic Colonia Dame., vas bora lu Ncv. Port, M.IL, andMcmj oCIca4 l 180. Six chilien, I>avil Jr, and Caiberne et bous, Jatnés a muILM Oowrtom U4*i*fre yesurdaw y juMStIcUhdo*i%0of LakeBluff, *by i. w-g 8f.mtr.Stanford0M11aân i*èa ~1qSJ~sI'25luMr? Wore w ~e4tvicet TItue iuourt omcla ls.ven Mhe na jsiddmariage mo- lico. lin bé emd Cironlcie: The l t ~iIbdsecret mei- aflgo f tva *44'mavuyoung people of Autin, wlob vas dgecloued yee. terdLy by 1119bi confession of the. brid . " tie! mefubject of go*- si o> ave tabIUeInuthie uburb lit ulgiit. Ou leau«Y 26 M«. Luteen Race, daugitar o'Clarence Race and miece o! lderuel Frank Race, veut i. Aroravtw». LStanford 0111. a nelghbor, mdam i merrled by a Metii- odht umister. The secret vas kept by botb bride Mdi groom until yeef- terday, viienuns.KM0111,viiose fater séeeÉst. av e been.ousjulclourn of Uic trutii. told iim aIL Parental forgive- neu. vwi "tbaril to obtaîn, as iii, onir objec" otliiibeen the mga ef ims-asof Moiutlad active la Moibo- dlii circle.. A eliguar coincience la théetuat t' ibe elopemeni ce- eorrrnd on MaUaverary of thc eldlemet & Mda5et veddlug o! a «M«teo tb mIF, ,nov mm . F»ae.of ffl. daghte lalaav of ~MimoeapW ~ The. aintty uc- twrnÈpolldBomuace aseema me pécially .Mtbsf 1w he Uic ftyemt l'hi;e qyfIéo eepened by tbO tbat -Mm Us. 0*fathier va. vIi ber vira « -be o v aiprecred ami ni rs i Mgforned. SAY ME 0-se0 W A*Muied Hien South Tdble U Afions of Apoulle* DM a iporty nod tiuir lis t iiii of theday atZmen 0"mu ai tarcim o ulzoote, an adioet of Voeve noWi,. maéniithat viien heotroi came tote Bahmas alter ho becamiiaccuatomeci ta Uic cimat.. lie ftrot aposle et a negro boy ta get a huudrei dollar bill change& .1 Tuben he gtiierci a vhio utfit o! plump egresesaurond hidi on tiie pier.. They ver. lu tue mtogetiier. report bau I. Dowle tooi the change ami Brod a dollar t a time lie Uich vater and langhed ta - etic checo- late girls dive for I. l'OR A CROSS COUNTR LN!., Survoyors are ai Work For C. & M5. Elect,-lc near State Line-May Go Througii Russell West b Lakes. hi la evideutt hut Uic officiais of tic Chicago & Milveauie e lectil hllwar Company have ieclded te makm- e comploe.Investigation lint Uic requeut ot the fermers near Wlmturop Harber ami Russel for a line' ta connect the twv villagesd a corps o! uurveyorl la tic employ o! the rilvay compamy bas heen put ta vank on the. route. The vurvey nov belug mdla net czacily lu keepins vib ithe route sugbeqiciby the ferr. au ibm sur- vayrs are working more liai a mlle oti of!the village o! Wlibrop Her- bor, ami the farmers iselici tuai thc lino ho bait lu nortberp ]Minois, lu order that It mightoi«thccle twto villages. The. lIianpoe y the cômopany Ila wiolly vil=the tate af Wisconsin, but It lteionght ibat tic lime vouli bc dIverted ta tic sout n tiat h voli toucb lb. vil- th* eib surveyora> of tic com- pmam aretvorh tiie Karmers. are lm go, ùUre ami tloy bavre been crcrnly circulatng the flsUon and seelngla secure a fe lit af vag fa>. thccosnpeny. Sofaithe ferm- era c'wqiag laid alont ths pioposi route have -coima forapdi vu offers of trois. rghts of vaY, but ailiers are of the opinion tiamu tie r>liway nom- Pmmy shoulipay ticeu', velum o! ih*but mThese memýWU liaitue owé counry lin. wo»jýuve a val- cailesuit t te. - vy itila a sien ftiac amdi M 'libatthey ebouldbeoforeed to m' thbcrlaht- lf»it ie al!o e!of 1 owevr, ha. beau Mtobcrtmeo t fHgiuIIn U. Ckqeca Cbalmen Par APPOINTMBNSO Talc COMMITTBES. iu compliance viii a cati leds for a speclal meeting Wedesday, memberi eoftthe Lake County Boaurd of Superviser, gatbered ai the- court bouse for purpose of organlzlng Uic bord. .Alexander Robertson. of Highland Park. va. ufged by bis fiends ta bc- corne a candidate for the. cuairman- sblp and flmtly cousenici. Wieu the. board came to-order. Dunnion Hunt- lugion. of Ela. vaiemai. ternpprary cbalrmau amd opon the. IfaormM - bal- -n je 1O!iSlLmt euhuljieiMr. Rab- r r 110esc,laUihankIg bis egl- leagues for tt honon confersi, sald that @noMldha pcrteore Uic duii., a. ebairmen haif as v.ll n a bisiiDmc decessor h. kuca ho vpuli give im- tirem satifacion. Licenees Mlcmd. fuyard P. Siccaiel, o!rai! Day- Bartliet & Arlghi, of lMand Laie, -adP. ,T. . DQo elt . f uti pctleaci for liccuace ta .codact em lconsinlatUicpliccm rnmUmrnd. A spécialcomailul.. 0"40d heiepe- titas mi uevcreataiupoM tAv. 'fli Doad ib adaiouuiied i cii 'l'baiy. vrbcn Chairnian Rob«Vt TheC Ounamlies. Omlel-LAMq, Dur, Appleton. EmnoornoceAaamm-ut-YUlmy 0w, De" onPrrnimt-Eserdou, Binious X&MMiob-Bluoam, Applalc, eSimu- SFeue mi UaIlee-AppIeSo, LaaUY, flaacm-M lsrNeye, Hombsrw. Murray. Liceoc.-Qumta, Uerdça. Unger. Poor-loyer, Sutib.nlud, Gibba. Cntr Fanu Auditlng-Huatlmglom, Raymnd, Quentin. Priattug-Ghbbe, Miler, Rardon. llsroltione-Umger, HantgiOn. Fari.y. State Charltier-Murray, Conrad, M1iller. SBwamp Lad-lraiani, Murray Conrad. tiettlement viti Tresurcr and Cnuntv Clr-Horeuberger, Gib, Lamrny. Setileiueut uti Sherlifand Circuit Clerk-Raymond, Edvards, Clou, DITCII IN4BMG Drainage Canal Through COUnW$' Gratesl Swamp la COompl.led-WlIN Make Fertile Many Ars The big dîteh ibrougb tii. "SUg." Lake Couty's bg gevamP. ta nov completçd, Everf ince lait fali tiia vork, vitii the.exception of a fev veeka durlng the. cldest veati- er. has been under vay and tue, MMm- moti floatlng dredge abau acoLng îis vag loly t te imouth or the chaunel wblch la ta reclalm bon dreda Of acres of! ud ni lthe béIt O! Lite coutys met fertile beL I Beglnlng ai ibe oppcr end of Uic cbaunel ibe barge upom vbii vas eloaied the rneary eud englue of tiie dreige Uiceibig Machine fOOt by font taorepUicthemattci, vampy rot viich fer mnu baivli .euh rccurrlng ear growva toto lite aid thoen mimd dova. rotted and turaci ta ennUi e gala. Scoop by sooop the fertile vaetable 'dcpoaît e ve.re- movcd and tu. main Channel Of the greet drpa formed. Uiroc hUieat bais vblcii comprise acres of Lake caumty'm lanis.. Nov hIt tgproposed ta rom aie draine ta ibis grctdtcb whicli"el," tend% for severai mile, trougb wet- er Lm aie ocmnty and thcu roclalai a vatacreago. " The. vork WU.carried au by a qaumberoplfarmcr wbao mnblard Phone Wfrrna Underground. ne i.cty o , Labo Forest bas peu.ed an ordinance rcccntly gieiug the Chîcago Teimpiione company the rlgbt te conduit lit vire, under ground the. lengili of the, clty. It in belleved thai ibis ordîcance la auc lin, In the coudtng of the. tel lin., bctween Milwaukee and chicago. Hoi~er It bas a vider application and la belicved to cover mare terri- tory than the, trunkline viii cover. lu fait-it là belleved ta provide for the, placlng of aIl thie Lake Forest telepiiome vires, mder greuud MILLION DOLLARS IN SAND. WanuobeaamenBelleved To ». audieniy Midi aesMcumi Of Fin.. SOMB BAY WORTR Elcavatlng a basientm for hl» lu dne n the. aunderia -POu& ore ?gonday, A. Wagner, of the dru of HilIIairi and Wager, ceovered a favicue 0of qv.ou4lion dollars. sur Wliam IL Uunderllm. STh& a the ii.eui.atei Valu. aetich bei cf toede .stibat W«maa ehovi ucovweeltour IS* amUI graac Md. lesthenu m dlg a v be tsk., over ib4 m trat Suril d ba uiewn ir vnsd Ibm ccmios le tbm tmUcuierla' îwib lbeky evuer ~et t &* millon 00b4 yuda of ibthe UBilfleo Osai over dlscver.ila liOe The qanmile tubltyZbt la de<th et pointo «*em r~u bibne berna take.nbu m *vii Miubwoiy vag laý mocsi St = 0Uf0e- Bem* ai ravine on vib ib * bed hm hgIt* T0rgo mâ .1»- ts .mo~u bu ecolonedl Il.Ibmhel Ubr.ugb tue cay a end ail ou the sa"a. Exporte estimate tuai licheaindlà Worth iflfy ceai. a yard lu lia gPound ani tva dllars a yard de- Uivered. Somierîbu ha. elneeiy eomvi mcv. endl lilgb ffers for tue bel, but vii refume ail, h la undeistoni, çotent. lus huIset if vhle formation of ae stock Company 0f local mon Who wSi exploit tue gravel, bei tiemiolvea dm ship the pibioci for cae viii cernent vaflu, ée. Mn. Sonderlu la iaci viUihlmb gond fortune, a. Uic b.d beau , 1e founi toaticlly axicai .ntirely1 ou bils laid, andiUboa mt Ldecl"c abat ta do. Tue conservative estimatito! tue value of t» .depoit vouhi place it et et IORea emilon.do#)oi. . sauve koutb id«c L~ people te Tulu GIML PIGUKES ZN MYSTZREIOUS .*FI À umooth young aman wlth.0 &mieand abhappy tilt tahe h iuto Libertyville a couple of"W~ aid,ancu, ->gàn 10 Mao. ai tai Irlnde' Re seugli hoq Chuils. Woalrldge, gr., ami 9M very careliy nglseesi W" 1ad ranoe for hile covoscs. ,H. wie lbtroduced tasveràt "en suo! the iowm and ipeai p la thar oampemy, evea binda i badià aiomeout uienn ce bt the mre ci Gorlon.- Eagea-ly 8!uchtsichi lob.Hr.lecimsf V, aiccoad.t mul vwagbK b tiM~ oui l criurtobsho mautiaebor bativs4 PRO iU r. 09 , shIrt "Md t nus bll aIb worstulee bim dW ma it vwgdi 1, Laaaiv'sm ae aIT Iti la » coaltun, butfa oh lb ie usmsf oneuhovi Wm..LaxatIvre Hacl Md tis bavels-ilavenwa ài vie q-stem. fle'u Io i. ai tive Koun Md mTirean Imgbe moi hiocehlai m MiIk Aeràt6r iiiL*0,C ami, ec pyli asirea! The Licktfet Em*vc trou i atc, t tqbamore poînts, Ibm dtch cmei la tebh* th.U*W>ou m f about a thoumsd lo<lt ie e bs a u ato qaâe t long go und It lu poeible attend nmeao a rami or no. Th protïa meë '.-i Ose caaipeny hioh cOuefrou>the ùmIlk: - emage caabi nofa out lle to I9Mld 1 wm cuatr iaugit. u glilkran dI s nhahbe #M NO.n. Y SUN- 1