suonlon >*le, of Wuke-. la e&&lpr .home b-n., as Wab ,tbe I1UIpmmm -buhte1 g *bmt Il.Do llaow. .FiNir 04d . L Car m u la te cI oàdy. iiItieb aS urmed frota Iutdai' ier h. bus tbrmotber Who in an a evere attack of ma mgter, o %Hiad Ob At th. home ci th iMu. Jus, Walc titi [of algblamd Park, la wvsjof DssPlae§4 ie > i$esk1milom. Ut.b sud Mie. C. mi lo tu 58v. wap&. wto ,1 MMm . n.I>sm f 4UI o'S i3tem JO&r 1'amli buasdhl-,<of ist Tb# etnentesge0ntbboimm LAW , $MO Muq e .prices mni - -%. Ht.. L~ Peas sud deàimoi Ietluho" et , mm.Lý.wa aad Mn. Ale hqfe # th wh.k __ Mr. M" Bd uee srt, mebr tbae, mtteOt a fne bo;grlwoD.o btkl Mr. e mm M. in Wasathl. . S»oro j.u othertheUt. George WCC t i hlig, ae.dn h.oua w t MiOCW!ULe& IAR U mraive. mmd friena loodui illage y vicwDt. mi. and Min. baweao eft oéty The villageWeetlon wau Md Tleaday vietore Monday. P and davloped nme,.exctemexit on teUlEmeK1 fMthe 1trWi t rmuertua Mkwyiiw, a gusal at homte over nm14asy. Scandidate. The detMbld votéeUm IL" HaleRdolpb se l Sonai IL eilinirq:Totl number otbalkoilm polled vitI b« parete u ab JeV.v 18 TOSEEÀ nuber of cour C. &. member atm l Rsary lI~u......... 77 ddthe rafy at Wmkegabut «ke. d J. W. ........... ... M~ r. anmmlivugPaffleoeOipwsl J.M. Fullar..................7 home Ilocm fom tbelrvlatt Itheioutb. iTo PLL VàPMI.C' wo ,1LLAOE CLEx <m enet. Y. . Wrdon-....................7 W. 1»abla nov rellevcd of latte boute'* C. 1.Prat& 6d"sn.Clande iftfor th.delg v or uw t tlb. dIlnetb Il vtdulVoR GMma.Colotdo, T Ieda lho operalor front Lake VID. VIa,'. Ith@ 188 vl JOSSIe Upqf il romkýwl btipon ioph" alis ad .4mI Daa dsiht U "t I Siu aeIsdt o ë«Wbr A. 3. o<WutPF~ '8k »~'Y iKsdtu i6mvas. idej1Ilah i ~ ands laglas, talla lar om a. Ssi meai! vWetod h vue -a go@" a !estupla a ec. Crisbhu lAtar iiitbsir arsbers.o BT Fredtohtet .alagov it er laugbler IWSa, of Libertyrîlle, vlcitedl meatives bor e adey, Mr. mmd Mm. jo.LUnir versed Wta maMe . M UtAlbert Wagner and WueM lUit a the .Ssa Mise CiA? Wlmnd 0fBoutkagm aponi ' mmbr n.hi tome »ad t ulml b. Si.aHut« l4idm-oh sbrat»9.1 u 1~ ~ g~ 'a. WW ~Mhsgfne ta Nev TorI on Mitea OaPila «W Obleago ideled nr. Tb@. LadeMM inloMWW me vi* xn. PdBsogm Tbimtina mles. Mise.&Suite P.lal$peaut day ta U. e CI* utrtsda lady friand me, Mad mm, 5.Frucl cme op iem Ismofaut IW.., t a ttaad'tit ImuermlMw<M*St. Hies Bawai rwnquertg homtoon *hor t ealio àuHtrenom Hu4 M.5van Celai Ut~V?~P.KnOw* adfmily autori fa-W.' ytlD% mujoye I lameUet oslreu e thioVou, ý»' rmmIn, ovurlmday. utst,,F iba8p. ofpsrvlll tebs 0aM letFridmy and Smlorday wilbie bertm finLems Klspper for a COUPeIwof moite., tI. reported that Mr. and Mia. bbrié kaeier hmd thbeIr baby boy cM.tffld Seinday. John stemipel « . d vte, of Alingtla Helgt, vélted wtb telb.omuer'e omeMr. Mmd, is. Chas. ftumpel MWa.somma Krusger e ut.sverudmys Vltb ber ut, Mn .F. Popper 1mat veek m u ri t e " Z u r c h . 1 I LinaKeier md epb anmd taleoe, of t et. .ame guesis 0f relatives h.ri forthe week. Day. Scmidt b.d hi% houaebold goods takto ibaci lut Saturdç wbe be med amcar for Buffalo, S. Y Schrlsy cordes Who le wovking Mr Waods riatd êt home Schda. Be lad hb ie n tedla th.e bed mndmorne- mv 14 me u et gion.. W., Uts » »oROmd WWintslf ébmi dimetWon ÂdAM i~~qIo l oung's ha a eSk bq se gtlaey., ger.m1','elm val la s.lvo- J. C. - Wmlhiy, Oeorge proa" em mem &bdbeç ba" tslmpbhonut ui Insu, tmis mu f*lbv.m*. WUlM mous, ~ su'oiar TtmdW s*m Si.fta h. MlIW B*e. bte"PM01bi a t h ans la 0P Voom. num. wih i la i kfl.thi. comilngs alorday mlgbb&in t mbool a te mm. Raymond mmd daughter Bie mhoosefor tii. pulpas. o1 aîoeng o»a ..r wue vlatini frk-ode )a Chicégo. diectot.9 '5. Via. Kn.taebmer o1 ChIcAgo vsîled Ti. illagp bonnd vil!tct puirst Mon-1 terwb frane a br. ovrr 5nndsy. dity uirbt la .,...lil seeion for the pur-. Genoge Bronlmua 0 aiHaneallle pose oforganistion. Mraelled on lrieuds bsn. Sonday. TIbe féllowing candidatu es al, lure )km. H Hea.nry etadtfleld and DUO Tnsadai for village offices;fi. L. Pmbm, ,tFrosepst Thorsdoy la Vhtèegr'. clerk; Wilaui Tant. WIlitam Flebtaul' lis Sist Daualîl of Colcago O-Pen u-a M m kllm Biams, iretes, there isday wt bebatparents lMr. mmd h. 52 votesc eai. Scm Eomlng 0f1Ccego ialmt Snudmy r 1, AI wth hie patenta Mr. mmdMHa. John ROelo. 1 Mm. P. O'Boyl.tammcl baller mter CaKatie and Frances Rosia.g olRound werlong sichue. et. Lo*e seut Suaday at homW i th iber Framit mtou vue ma Chkao vliior tu parenté Mr. mmd Ma Jolm Pise WOO~51. IoL Wda4r whte ruacutsd bciueinesl A Luky Petmwftmcio ondm. *P a1M j dsai ,M a, wbo hba Mn.ira, aé tplr vlsîted ber mother Am d ' Ka'iSU Pillt . irst of 1. wsk. 1h.butomch. 7Ltver mmd for-kp MId. and MMIL. .Dovuisof Chtmp à«tareicyh. u a rial 1Pb la pn e a t.b e@bai piteorder. Youli u;reewith ber if e '~~ 1ota r7 lh.espainlese pere s Jobs uyspmta ev dayo le J. 8. ~ Inuse ev lfe.gemenwd b; Coat b.ft f o! the te. MI »W nid e. ouLAEE bPUa. B. 11e eleCaeva GaMl -a;tM, a OuIh.25aL&mt lalld.whsjfllh m alet ___ li't<o ls i t ek am- ISy you ýWlm Ye MI ti 3TIMEi" 4. rods art AMel pu.MS!W e #* *al asu W élite las tWla" SW i EM»» iWMR CO. Iargept stock la Lake County. We buyl lucar lots. elour Primeon bols wlth*a spiin ANNUAL iIOUSE C&LEANING SALE Moule white shirts all uizeii, autual, value Ibo to $1. 50 sach, damaged by water, 3ust as good au nsw wba. Iaundsrsd,çwhile they luit 25c ech. 5 dos »elta shlpped taovubX miiiake ordered eold AS A LEADE[i mal" vaine op to 75e, your cooleS 10 Beautlfal Marbhat, 1 Rubber Bali, 1 Top, aIl for se, 6 don chlldroe a bosu id alippemitear it i..,odds and ie vaines p ta $l.5O1wble ibey Imat, pe-pair' 12ae su m C s sooPouItsg INettiqkBoebeW Wke. etc. WhIts Iawns and dainty wash gooda foIr thoos e U uximnier dresses, just the. lhins for this coming 'saln at ilowest possaible priosa. BoyerBrs 8.o Iemda o Mr o g IMiiou& ~EBLYPICE LIST 5x caD, tgood fo hieto onay»O onIy Ilm = = . ... I.OEa" 9"8b..... ..b... 5~Oni~s.........p . .O QBiN pVPS....... Ulm onn o la età P"echage.....08 loMmis GlOb oeper petI.......Ob gl,.4imb.d Locannt ver th ......... 13 7 ppol Co&MeTbvmad ....... 28 10 Bans Leflox Soap ... ... a 28 2 spoo l aTb d........ 25 10 lareSwift dtP ..... t le per yard on on ail Blemhed an& 14 Bard Noimil Somp .......... si.nblewm s ul,Gingam, Ribbous sud gwest Ruant (rang«s per doua -1I Dm»esGoode. L L..MAY &COI. Noîthern Grown Seeds 2 veetq per package, g5. packages for 40 Ceuta Me CoiEbr Md Iec r ltsaleho. WUtI(uimge R=«OC eeller FARt fIAINERY 1 have maýt recelved a. car load of machlnery, .conslsting Of Wdlkng Md idifl Plows, Steel JAvel &rr~ II dom uPatera Dit.Hênliméuend Caitevatore. *Ouar new .8ulky Flou' 18aa vonder, o. boy . e» baudi, Ia with hb s est and une, both hands to bandilb tsam. Cadi and, SeeUs h.B. EIGER No Md or i," i. tw 1 cw icoawl-lm 1