DOWIE LIVEIro tomON. 'hba reoIt aWnlut tisermie ofuiessulacâpBAtY .&Rd mlurltY Of -4=potle" Davis, mat usr ba remrh- purpose lu bis reginue uudrtMkigo abie career la lravlug ta a close, pro-, bo vauld have long beu rmemhered absUs pasiblhlity cf' is dYIa withs s for tise cltY iho Jou d nîsd falovln visole caîumunty alilbut vorsispplug b, Inspired. ,, hm fltaposition nov la montunueuvlable. 1154 Dovie lied a yesr Un, lbefiroRidiauld y hi ie world. scorned bhi the eI4me ised npou hlmby, it$ bisovu poofule.Wif sandsud mon, 1al wu people vvriled the vorldu opin- but à braken aid man, nsemerlas af lmo f tise mnu. is ,galnluhitoryl*visaisat prestige alons diattnguisis1 vol have beau unique. Crédlted hlm tram tise rahhle. vus wouderful genemalship, .hrOwd Davle llved to long. Prom the. promtir's pint of ,lew been meutioned. Friemr.ts Davie ta fnlIy enttled ta tise 5 per promoter visa faunds a clty andI tartsl ocatof tise pmoperty -of kion It bas Industres bas grostar qiami ta don- bseu uggeted iso bouid bave. It lia ideration thosu the minu h(chua ~. tv.tisaItishe money vistch vent for brougit abouts' raltroad or indnatrma ~4thésebuilding up et Zion vas sOtt Ur. con"oidatIou nd tbas unloaded ou sn aluhl by hlm. Tise land vas Isouglt Ignorant publia tise blocks of wvatéred Svlb th' cotributions of thse tsitisfnl. stock avirdel hlm for hliclugauulty The titises tiseîpalS put op tise'Tac-.'and labor. Of course Daoltdoes not bites #al. tbckeS ýtisentitis me,- vlshta o%,etrosted ua apromoter. He~ alner7, But ail tilpoul nt have looks on hmmel! ou tise absalute ovn' com about I it iS o not beau for er or tise Zion viic ho issade. po«e wvastise organiser. Others ,But as tiseZionites am ta' bah at _V la mous, but ho put lu bramas, tise mtter la onotiser Ilght aa obipre- -p aMikevifl sat moueî and maoemise vonl ho ibotter tisou legal smilie. it, produ*vcU IbitW le &ai aprousotatDowte eau wlvfo»ste ta tesaspro- dfl M o ottareoo u a sor uiaterle prollta, sud retire, leaving jts' Dcvtebas ulven srevard lun1h. Ziutea W' vaoriront their owu *u eof lise &pur sent wicis bas lvgtiom--Cisicago Tribune, Aaastabba E~te.Potatoes. aauhlaislui IOu Modv uast J.I.L Rrovu. o1, à *' .040à.1eBbon* Iauston, vl biavesà asalof a S itk.m s ha tret.aIthes id depe% State of Illinois, Connty of, Lake, es.1 In tise Circuit Court of Leite Couuty. DeWfltt U .Joues, Theodoro M. Dnrut*pnu1 Cbarles Whituey va. Mary1 Erîasman d CharIot Boatron. Gen. Na. 2738. BIl' l foreclose. Public Nott le ahorehy glven that. lu-puramsce e! su orlon sud decrehu ai tise Circuit Court- ofILaie County enteraI lu thse abave entttied cause ou tise Iti dÎY -ofMarais A. D. 1906,1 tise underaigned, lant 14. lans, lmter la Cbaucery. viii. ou TuesdaF, tise 22nd day at MmY A. D. 1M0, tq tise iour of ou. o1aa9k ltis te after- noon o! maid dey ait étise t door aI tise court hounes lu saiSCoùhuty of Laire su, Stateo a! Illînois, MR eta publie vendue for clair lu hagdtS t tise bighuet ud buat hldder 'toi o- 10oviug 1 nd drosi s"tets atuated l tirel County ofI.ake sud State of IllniandaSsacrihed as folovi. ta. vt: LabItetn (10) and tisrteahu(13) -lu bioc i sghl(8). lu SeSrll* nrdt additon %t be bava or Uttle Fort (»av Clty ni Waâmga). ,sted tbi litir day of AprIl A. K. We are alwayu on the look ont for..bagA40's thm benefit our ousiomers. Uer. are some speoiti purui that we made that Win b. of interest to you th*w. »Il for two days aItho"e piiooeu. laborstay trlmmed Hat$ made of $11k chtonu;and trimmed wut On1k go"-r sd tonusg Girls' and. iC asm p.Soc values, SPCOIAI, ON AADY-TO- arday aud MDay euh aons tg sa O gosier Wauiene Coata mid. ln twelve long lu caverta sud rnlxed clatis Cisirlde'aCoMt.a, 2ug o a6 years Made 01 ail waol materlul lu plaide "ud maixtures.. niaely, Uned and Domu~ ciolilfi le rbl bo tuti or lice pa: le. le. u ail tire' laei, varlh *6.00 la B. 'I taped and Irlinue.f0r tva daim oeil per suit, 3Uc Womeua Veste - ad - pautq, ývitu long or shart ' lewe. In vhite oaiy. mualin. Corssê'Oovmra.niclay dimI sud elhraolý trimibed wlth lae aud embroldoei white Ptilcoàta tiased vitir OS' broldery. tva dais au I at short aux 1 toJRa«eIbg P A oIueoe & wf ta R 14.. .. mg,6o# là*1s&e wd.,ý;.... W. À »flilè & w t ERnaL .lsoob.o 3 ils ad I bm f bu I Iai C" Hibwaa "fqeva ........ WP Wiebadt & wf tac VA Futie Itchu2 8 irview Le h w~d ..........i.. 1 LItU.k IL B art Iume8Pa SbW4ê3!uiileeP W............. WB ele ai foijarEma b Wae ga;, ............ ....... Ethe oldWt &ey to -tCd P ich MÇluan40ftita 1e Paustend Parkegwd.... Ethàl1M4b atue t lmaHw bihé i Btê &Folistuhe, 9Db Wake44e wd ............ p ÎdRan a40 ftlL sive ant # blik 1 ai Ilue anli-i arbt bWp u..... ....J Eti mottsuulsto rlt aeth 1 aaie.e t2weospetc lu40iam Oscar1WOd *& wFoItea Abn- Uberkvtllew&d........... M gA SM Fn& latto Iors r, port wd .... ......... .... PoWlvo 1a landg7.1o t )à . . .......... lo ea lutht . os eHo ê lmeans@it seohLCom. akbua je Ble s s& bue AaC J Anm hIoM8IJ» oA j aton GRmna *qolu......... .. Otto rsndik rto arie 9airoa 0 a.Oeeln wd ...-..... TH evu Mlt F 1 bu tt ~os a*MM la nIl ard Hlgblnd Pak-wG............ Cpu. Hntleywftwen OrautC 4 .......a.......... MaaisM.Wd s . mieFrestB Ca , .ees...... ..... ...... TKm al .Dte E Cakeit 9 William G.Earre. .O..... sklne. Gea. No. 2750. BiI t ioreclaue. Puliec notice ho bereby lgveu. ti la purounce ai au order sud decrêe of tise Circuit Couirt of Luake ConntY entered lu tIre abors entîtieti cana. on tise lîtis day of Marais A. D., 19Mé tise underaigued. Zat014à.LCarke, Mas- tir ln Cissncry4 vill, ou Tuesay, tise 22nd day aft-May A. V. 1906 ati tise iour o!. o».e olock lu tise aller- moo a asti dat tis eosaitdoor 0f tisa court hous luuaMd Lakte connty. and Stote of Illinois oell at publie ,reudue for cauhilu baud. ta tise blgb- set aud hast bidSer',tise folloving descrlhed landtS dgel siestste. mt- uated lu tise Co*UM t' o! L an sd BltaofIllinos SudSeacrihed as toi- lova, ta-vit: ' a .t:et .Tise easterly W ob Ltl!et '(Z0) helng sa. &Wp o! sud. fronting le"tisepterly aon Grad avenue, sud sbutherly * (3) roa Lg a tract i vidtis ai 4) teet. reS tbln13 of tise vu ktyrue (Il i ail mismdes tboimb Id1h 01 ixty.lx 0'oi; sud alo tisheterlIy tUsntîY, (21) - haymla sunl. lmas 040u«bi Stiaiof 0 irte) fot Ke MW ai#M aIM o kto the tise ov Csity of Wa5- r or pr#rA. 0.1, ~ - ~v q wby cPW*w 'u nsbu.lbae wwbz 511 60Pnagau*«. boa eud 41.00 OÇLÊ4-ofierm owd TrIalboul e se l ots-4w4 "VoadjwA"m 44.P10kM À oôt ' d lot ou Ma. -uthe aSIctrie Voa5IItag 5M nfpo. iI. at ut aktla Dowtlwan' &Wb- iàekïo)psrtdo.IDo 70Usv .....l............. I eaa1 aMivau e o. avd Fen .s .v............... LSFO AE.Sdelred. InveetigateaetOc., F ***.... .... 4'00LOS ORAlE- R a rs lots, FOR SALE-Bnilueoa lot an liwsuakee Rst.......sodJa.a... riu. B.tM. PiCW.sudgrg lo. ofooailbe. 140LOST-A ioldwaiii. Bm'L .PIPrac u i udr aprvann 0ai0woehchnuda Vi FR SL-160sxmnouns-T. Ubertyville. ciel. . . Iasn vnI 5cn..S5 FRSL-11ouse and lot ou Part Fone u8AniLE-200evugminFqy .. ae, 0 gss..... bouse, new, ulno elyrlynlehed. eyw MW i u a oap"se et. 450 00 Aeae AU MN'Iu lst e oauées forsaie, resdy iMay 1. UIE~a FRSALE-120 acream ieý FOR SALE-Fn argge eus O.OMO<iY-un -ounpoewdr.......D 754)~ ~ ~ ~~~~0 04 aDr.PU.Mcun, 5 by village pruperty rA»igng f ia,000W . seah oa 750 00 corners. uo. ___________,______ BARREZOPLYMOUT14 ROCK$u-eei o anhyPaa Mn. *. Y. FULif ORNAM OHE8 le 2200Ë (M .- F9SL-.o" .. allon en Ti11 w.i 4 1 PwM NzL6. i eelafrin, LihetYvilie, FO R.SALE-010 xotag ntri vSeediet redpkg,SSa FOR SALE-Fan»ai of ÎÏ a25Mm'yt) jan et law rtsauonfan» Shredded Cacuasnt; pur pouud .......»g timber. Freinant Oýte tvU rieaShiCeaIlspg.. .......ýjI '1 0)0 C. M. POIKET, Ivanhoe. ii. 2"- pn..tOe r*>e NI% 9&p.. ... ... - Acre tfactA 14lDakota, Mluunee>aPetdjo1altuuae ard upg.s WANTEO-Cirle, limrjeSt National Wi«oanaiu. Toexasuad Cnd.E. aso rekatP o rp&.j MicaaulCa. Uhrtylli. - cnrsiau rate* ta aboie landg. Fre. lare BAKI OP40000LAT.cak.. 0FOR SALE-Au aimaiot througbre a lrcer.bAICE$WS 0000k 1.2 lb. o...ld IMorgan anare. Weiait 940. Kiud sud puib...... reilabie. Excellent roadoter. Inquire at Lst Vour Houa.. Caliornl ine Re u per lb ..... 1 00 this OMM e,27-tf If yon have any hanses tau et it SluIl Po- CornppstIlb .............. FOR SALE--ingle caub, biack Idinar them wltb us. People are waltlng for _ukBieu saprlb..-... )r aChuWJ: fltng f 15for75 onte tbm. maunistad TbiovWcors Nm"I pur lh..48, rPorati An hse. ioSotyin 15for7 it. et.Ar»Hmunsur Soda, 10e pkg. A. 4.aaun, ibetylle. 271 YMcOND & AUSTIN AGENCY. Ssrdhns lu Oil per oa ....... t FOR RENT-20 aces trlth bouse sud Proctor Block., Ubertyville, Misiul. InmPertoSurd"n pereu...... 1500 00) cltyvsur. Wlflho erented toas armer - Mnadd " 64" U or garduer. Pleuty ai ot" >rk.1 lbcesn Silun ...............1 k JAMS. -Û. Sumv, 207Madilson et., Plut BOUMieC"sp ........ Waukegan. 28-2 1UNOW ManssasOlivs per 1,0*11e..._M 2000LOTS-TO ayansduerlug large hullul Monaaub Cddessdik o;r..;s Iflot, lu tes acretracts or laraur 1 I W» i , , E Ya A4smrted i pe u m.JS resnhyau trs.28-tf HPANbDLces19 urse omta.... -, ..-,. Ob "W»MMÎ osé Crnes 6[ubaId ...... . ........ m & . ...............lIres s. S lb e . ....o.... rW lia at fuO veDe A.d 1aaMW Plus TaiS Sit - 150 0 usrâ i» . 'ma a10 ' ff mLandt8-OP 100 Q' Clmd W o adrsetU'1'g 0 Est. LeOp. ... .. .. .. 9 D u a und av e, Lib rly il e , 111 5, '10 i t S5U n.' 1~ x8 9 15000_e_. SOsp. pur b'IN 0 1500Oô iîANTED-Toung la"ic18 to yare ofsu9 go dcained charmee MMIO gaoes.... tu t"a -t o year course lhu ai Pi& Exanarocw À,uuaus rbos.. *150 00 trlait«1 Vmeb o r atunis. No «Vnie ......... t n lled. Graduai. u osiva 020 t l rt wae................ 5 00 pur voek. Addrees Snp't. fRoosèeoi De A. soi.iïg -74 osptel,805 W. Monroe et., hift. pur cake.. MS34i 850 00 DL 27-2-i Si sp et MieIg Sun Stave Polis ..............i FOR SALE-Boijas sud lot an New -010. TRieuS' ou .STAND. MiL E. E.E L W Ti, r orry -Ave. MWWlmpreuetéinluWAUKEE AVE. BOUTE 0F HOTI'L. * *E L W R f *750 00 every rnaPîsc.GS hb= sud gardon. 2tf Osa. YADZ*, Llbert.yvlle. brgIe.L 1 (oC FOR SALE-TsreS young Poaad China _______________________ ~~botim. Beedy for service. Lae W-8274 C. 1L CAsE?, Libertyville. e Cta. FRRN2 ce as u .n etsoanFOR.RENT20ràSpuii boue on 9 cl B ety vater. Wil» ho rentei toa a arier O rS rn ieo i>. Bat«, ar gardéner. Plenty of outelde vork. l. Darrett. JAUM 0 . BUIes, 207 Madison et. lu SCtt. Wanlkegau. .-t a LýcLiO TIIING FOR SALE-Firet claie sueplana, la excellent canditiaon. WIil- sou very treasable. Mu. C.'G. Pawins, Llber. tmille. 29-tf« WANTED-43iri for g=nrat haou. work. Write ta or oei ou n . N. TOscua. mail, Narth Chicaga. 29-2 tLO8T-At Depoti oh of aiUt.Panl rp.llroad keys. FInder Isave at deoa sud recela. il reward o azo u»Au.uuua, LO-nscha0aime oottaremit for gardon.Il . F. PUOarM. WANTED-PIp. rsIomt& tBe.what lboy are. usa BWOansi, Lberty. ville. FOR RENT-A six roatu dat. Inquire J. A. M Icv FOWSALE-ýGaod tutted eonch, uearly uew Iiqfr t01mSfce 41b AS aurly Ilngwuum, :sd the CU«cetwo Ug Mg 51r Oee.l for 01.89 per »W il pald ilu sdvMS. Men's fâne Babo, iMayere sund Florabotin mae. moule vork slhose, S2.06 ta 48.00. men,'s sud bay@' Neglige.and ,vorh shIrt.oversle sud jackets. Mnoul sprng bat. sud cape are uaw arrlvlng dally. Mhon in want, of any Qoode in oua. Une 0.11 on E. W. PARKIIUIIT 201h oeautury OsSt« 0 Bciianck IStock Ubertgule, 80-b i-J