CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Apr 1906, p. 5

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and thequityof theail yOU 1W seudm upon tba bloomn. Ev«oe uwho lhms uaed our me&d know they are dependabIe. We oaaW or vegetable me&d. Speci Now le htiUre to buy and b'ore latthe placeto buy ýJ. 1L1 TRftý"XOS An~jthing You are Interested In the jewelrg lune, I. A.iLS-s LUuwrYVuiX X. X BUiM pwMuw5wpvwygvUuvuW~WF N To-DolThingsý: la dSm Sewlug Madile liasdurnq the remWaIder of dis moud,. The NEW ROYAL 6 Draven, Atomatie Lis, la the. 201h Century menterpi.ceof elegacseand perfection la seevng machin. construction. Positivly tlb.bandsomeet and not.complets sevlag macin. ever bult. Golden Omak, Piano pouah, uew Frencbhlkg stand, velv et-lla.d draver font attachanst,, malametie llt-hsad raising lala place wbeu machinlalaopeued. Wortht$115.00 tiissale The NEW ROYAL 5-drawer Drop.iead la a hauicome new design, boanctiful sud synumeüilca lu overy detail. Cnter drayer la Serpentin, the ite dravcna ovni la harmonise wlth tb. grecs. fuil curves o! tb. balance of lte vooiwont.The stand i. equlpp.d villu our lateet improvetl ball-bear. - topi. Worth 880, this samle.~ I Aiso a cheaper NEW ROYAL gnsraaieed for 10. years. 4but la veny plain finisit, for Ibi mie only $14.75 The Above Prices (Iood Only Until May 1 SrwshDav s TAAND COeFRBý-LADM MiseBlamItChapma, 01Elin i vw.tiag frisais la ibis village. ýWi LypColhbckln theM. B. Colby MecnIeCospany store. R. C. ila» amidangi«ter,, oble. of, AntWI sl peflITussday algit ai tho Oeonge Wr<gt home. 'Mre. Troekenbrodt and daught.r Ej=e a1 Monroe, Wl.., bave been viiting dc Tuesiar ai th. Fred Allemn buoe. Mm . EP . Hubbard, of Harvard, bhm bisa vlsting thc pan fsv day. et the home of ber daugbtsn, Mrm' J. J. Pôonm,. Mis, Bonni@ Vale, of Chlaf~ rsturnsi 10 lb. Cty Weeday MoraM1. ater .pendiig a veet wlth bon cousin,1 M"la Olive Wlle. 1.1 ThesQ etQclub rvu motbr danceas~ the tavn hallPnlJy igit ofIbis e ek.L Thisin lale lait dam e iore theo anual' liay.Party vblctclos"e. lb. n President F. E. Wre and Dîetor Om1ib& Davi' dellvsry bores bocase fnihleei ala an au mmy dumping brae. egcaon and breknosu.thirty-slzdoua egge vbicb bad t albosa loded uon tihe wsj9n. ýTic borne- vas scla 'beo on kcsm.%p tbIc rlg. îïi" tlv*ee t ,tred a petition for a train leavlug the Union depot at 5:30 for the entamer monthi. The rond bhs Intentions of lnsprnrwil.service ion b. ounBson mmd tise petition vill h addtihe company bofore the iced leanhonced. The annuel eleiton la district No. 73, titowu ae the Locke district, jnst iouth of Lihotyvili., viii ho hod tue y.ear in tbemjfternoon froin 8 la 5 p. ai. instend of la the eveulng as in the. custom tbrougiont the. countriy. The eection wil b. ou neit Baturday Ar il 21. Tb. depanlure froin the general custom, la iomucvbat unique. Leloben Carroll on Mondmy nigl ennei bis conitioni vitb thbIM. B. Celby Mecantile Ce. and on Tuesday mornxn comamencet workiug for E. C. Hoot, of Graynlate. Mn. Carroll bei beum vlitte- Mercantile compemy for nuary a yemu coming ber. froua Virginia. Hi bammy frisatisla titis village. 8. S. Wie., oft ibisvillage, and Wifllim Newton, of Rockefeller, retuumed pse-ntir froua Uir trip la Alberta province, canada, vin th.y oaci la- velsla a enction of landamsan scises eof lirhf a thlb.futume of ltaI eonmgp. The ew Mandeaofthlb.fer Bart- th1. e "an&mfM" devoloplng *Id pnidici a gremi ftum, for thm Osy . fubted. oru.niyof Lbri 09 tial laio% la lta" it ly on dagter ofWilllm O uibuan vito lime vill. Sbc basBmivaju lnl hc fin latogimculidat iti. al bavlag vfelied ber parents. hcIr. u RubMerdln.traveling for ii.beDw oy'sa C=D nad ti tjsntuel vwd, Cmom@tU"biso Tthe ter dme. aIt th. lova bai Vondea 1 htui«er .ausiles of tii. (emieiurcheore vas unumly Wini attenduSedn aiot excelitime bai by &Bi pressai, Ha ha ontetra of four pèce faniste mSkam ie le supper vas sevedby Atndge la ibm biaet. The Mamerchor. i. nom- poet of proulint gocmans bo lbrougb these oci.ty bricg tackthtie prmmat musicd m m orne oftheb The Troudedours wvlll appean ai ibm .Union churcb on Ttureday ovoning Ma" 8 la an entertaimment wbich promisesu la heonouaiun"salhlgb close. Tic ecoainyconsiste of four Italima musianmd a reader. Tbo Trouba- dour. have a wide reputation and you cbould noltamisn e hanitg tiiet. Rosurved smis@ vill b. on sale et ths Lake Couaty National Bank. A ulxed mission for Cathotici yul b. 0onet ai .Jsph'sCatholle cburcb on udm prl22, ettihe 10 'clock mass. The remions0eerliesyl b. conducled bytiiefaon# Paulist Father McCorry., ble.miMeou vil! continue for one vsek onde mi bmenbjett labo treatit a&mot vital Importance loaail wbo have thein eterual velfar. eI beart ail non-Catitola ara lavited la attend. Willl Follett, via bas for comse Uie bssn pnactlslng 1ev lu Chicago lu part- neshlp vith Attorney E. W. Colby, of tii place bsaeverdI bisconuection witb the. rand Sucpted the position of attorney for tii. Havkeye FIr. lueur- nue coupmuy of ilsiols, luwva. Thc Position le a lucrative on. mmd Mu. Soltinlatho ecougraliulated on bis goo fotune la bcoulnx conuected wlth a im o f euch standing. Bine. lait veek'. issu. of ths*@ . v ImleitIJudge Hrami Bond,o rEt, Wasb.. vWho vas reportel paralymot ai the recît ot an accident at tbmt- place, la demi. Relatives boe state that b. vas suideuly sticken vith l wblj»lte a lt ct of moutii:r r» * Pt' th e bismparanysie ulngth résuit of i alieromche mgies. sh4 D >rb«gtte ysas lof»rh 190 bisSacumoda ulsie 85a9, Mre é mISMn.C. A.Besilck vilîted JemiL ta eoit and jasvills, Win., tIé, rtofibe week. -sEsolakm been lylng la nuaibos nimd i.vsrl sJOWhunteni have begged corne ofl bth birde lately. A iLdi utting ouit lb. clause witisi bav e e logglug thePlsm elv *fbbkoffa.d.. stuenc te "ol C = hepipe Tuns u Wcaig Wra . W r<>îltt, xe$turmd ,froa lbeN .WKnesay noon where the.4 vasfflsdby the serousi unies of ber MWOWn Who lernsevently yef9 m0= 19a ldto undergo adangroum oeaIna ortuinon. Mft aud Mma Lyman Lewis, fonaisrly Of OMYalk,w-ho @Ponttbe peut vinter la it"eut are no w making ther humr wftit =Itsdaughter ]mreH oward Hlglq. Mr. and lire. erlg.but reesmll7 oved hem. froai Grayslae. 0"q Newton was 'the vltm of a stnoki. cf Paalis Tuesday monning àud m blaaoelgb ty-six yeare cianad veryJssbklele hope in stsrnd of hie uovt.HoBehas lived la Llberty- Ville &ai paosi everal yeare conlg ber. trou waukigan. eans mgo ho'vas a promiiM$ mendiant of that place. The wont oi. the. vatinmain. la Pro tie ' dly and ilhe wonk la ».. as »1.ý as. tho Corner cofIte WeOdmiia nar Parkhurat's bouse by tbeetrfklig of a spnîng whlch caueed cneidei>bbs etr to flow Inta the ditt cau.lng botîjen to lth e onkaen. Supeglate Udent Bol) Downs, çf the C. &I Elsot railroad, had a narrow ecpseat lie tinte of. tii. vonttrain collison Monday at the Noribvestenu intesilon lmwih reeuledinla onIdWu- ahle dauge to a nunuber of cari ussdinl construction teork. lit a vain ende*vor to coupe a string of cars la order to avcnI i. vr.k lie wa mw vuboIve.. tbi by iii.concussion of tb. cari striting, and had bie face badly ikinsi aumamuno badly busdthat ho Iras for @serai daye unabe t10cnI t. serW avic e e. eld lait Sunday et iC7te ethodist and Cathollo chunehie.The bouse. of worehlp ver. bemtiiclyi.cdorated wlth Eater âfieaAi the Methodist churcit cînefteni orf estrlc llgbti bugdovu frouxaiIv. lte pulpit vhlle lliseatd palme veed to carry out th.e chenis 01 iscomàtn. At tb. Catholle citurcb a u~lelpranan as a psslaleaure. ThoPuuelsrfa e bld reglar services laii slU er.Quayle prmCl4ag.1 Tilugi yul b. dolng crvetatheb Tnottin-g association tracà lanthe. lunmsdlaOfiture if Wvit l. orseuica tll W la *m. Réso 's troua mw 0 tb. Ismdilag alnere Sa. country are la teieît tat »WUi.ymm -bare la amb ele.vry eg to 1epr for tii. seioneMIracine. IPOser. I.oked for ens au asure thlugr. Blet IlcEalile viii mls,. oui torue v.a =pm unWcliedfatr hm Rocifod hbors la taIt of closlag ibm Wbsston tract finr repa ire vhlcvii tond otb.r trainere " fs ay. Thté entertalunt ese at Thuriday migti et tIch s.uue tt«a va. W"fuly aq" u, lathe.repoglWe bcbeachadi s la savonne of tIheow U»M everyome wlth- ciexception hba aWord or vrais. for tis vng of phaio*whis theiLyceu Lmd"se gve tbftl la aàtsdance. The coursles bsYsermr bils l put on sons moil excllent alàtons flled am fà VOIngpropodsiougb filancially It di no lsetbou wbo put it on mi mi"cbasiWou ethipae simler la ibm «»=.onThe Atoal deli of th. entirej cue la about utvs dollars sud Ibis wil b. id by the. bumlussa insu bo bact t vntur. NEW~ Ili WAS VUWY Lmck oet erni N alceaVillage Blection lEàarkable and Vote L.w. BOTUS RETURNUD TO TUB COUNCIL. The village el.tlonie eprlag whieix occurred laut Tuenday cm cdaim asuIna only distinction th. lack utilntert whlch waeAnte ndfupop if by ts vota publie. Tho lack0f oposition resoltud, ln but a llght voie heornai. Ony four candidat.. apped for lb. office of village none of thes. dld aay work tesoeur. votes, looklag upou the officeS. on Do .b. oghl me.' Boy.., who rau -&loe.-upol. P.ople'd ticket was rsturned lato t. board whlch recelve, am new msmbu', Fred Alleanea mnd John MeCAise.FrM Grabb. wa>défested receivlmg Se vote& Eau Corlett recelved 1071 votes, for towm clen th. usie utT,: R. Quayle bolng wntten ln on four ballots' for tb.he MI. Office. A year &go 858 votes were eit or more tban ihree urne. tbe numbor ibis y«.r. mmary Boyen ..... i........ . 0 Fred J. Alleman .........................3o Fred Grabie ........................ 86 Earl Corlett ......................1(n1 TR.Quayle . 4................ Tiers wIll b a- grand da.nce ai. AmunaBro.oI Round Lob. hbel on Thureday ApnIl 26. Comane éry md bi your «M. Thore wlll b. gond and .agod il i m seured. Mr. W. B. Patton la a. well kuovu Metropollton actor of more ltS. rie ryabilty, mud ilaezoeptinly Obve=t ib harata of Dexier Hubly l Luti Rose0of umme.Th abounda lahigItclama oumedy aud- coitumu aun beanni, um Iniponiet trou Pana b lmJo moite "Thet 01IDoeo ute"a attraction ltai oa ieieon mt alord la mise Anl loyM erSlema sud moral &muILc.w menat wlllbave an oppoaiuqw « cI "-hWinga repentis. cd11u mittef. ou@ ami .W layI, I il. bewhwmnte tb.mlm doIr. Bron. and iteoir own cou my Ul op .tatu engagemntntupon baov î Tbis organisationose la ue hfgi.y P e M o m e m d psa d u b l 1ie tà entire@= q ta doubi ons cd, il mot t e b eetaog ibo opG â rice $ows p y~la ihietril Prim 10 15, s 02ceaime. On.z freL The babaili seamon bor, la la, open at once. Thebebrtwvlmnb bys'«*uanm Cap'l Lusie Webfrm rodersi la report for precilcA aaei. beben aecuMe wltb the Little Port. nf waukega for thei fore pari of May. Gatue.l wlll b. booked from nov on Mmd communication@s hould b. maied %0 George Ymger. Mgr., Libortyill . m- HÂRNESS -- SilOJ 1INwlsh la announce. bat I bave opened a new and up-to-dat liannese &hop over H. B. Egerarwareynneore at Liberty- ville ant amainov neady la do mil tinds of fin. barnuis ont and repalnlng. A frt-cls haines, mater is in charge of the @hop. SOLICIT YOIhlTRADE ÀAD ASI( TBÂT IOU LIVE IE ÀA 11W Oý 1. LUCE3 LibertgvIlle Over H. B. Eger's l 4f.-ý Illinoisbi I-rn We Seli MEAT Thatf Can't Be (endos It la a g o demami? Do' qS té% gappredat.damtlt wl Pau gou te §Ive ms ur &a"d? Belore go. foretit give ms au order. Ouoe à cuoaier das a custoum. LAKE. If yen would know the-vaue o!f .h4 00 ai tii borrow mre. To udine mre tundo quily the. IowW L works aold a big lot of their w.» kuavs, deirable LaceS to a Cicago Jotiber at.é big Nm lice prics. W. bougiti15 pie.. (86 yards ln a place) of eho"cep&li. Lace md Insertions 10 match aadicmitcf 40 PERý CENT trom the. reguler prie..W. cen thorrerofoSeryou Qi tem buhi TWO TIIIRDS the nuai prie.. Things for the Ladies in Profusionli Cots end tinte. 511k Cravate R04mo re nd jmâýé--.à- ------------ 1 q -

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