CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Apr 1906, p. 7

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R. Loi s PEAUII . ...... ....... ~..............................I 2pae&s.CarmSie .................. ~3?P.é..........a.............. t~ ~ ~ ~~l Sb si ii~~.......... Ladeim Drus Sirs Iomerlv Sr........... Odd u Rae CIdGlve. ri........... Lades'UeIa~ oroerl SO ~W ................ pimni" inov .......à.................... ChsckadT" m ae5 onceeljernov ......... UmesDrems hirts oc acIeS. *9w .............. i-b.-.-&g" THE GRATST lea GRpAY" ~WU. JAHNS,,THETAILOR Restaurant bl en d Luaches Served ut iii houri CIGARS and CANDIES, Phone No. 19. MISS EMMA GERLACH, Prop.. 06 35 .39 HILE.& CARFIE3LD -tàg~nuWut tor (rayolake -- ~Illinois Chiidrene -14mW Outting a eSp.Ialiy toatd ln Oppods te sg 1tors oraytg&e . .Illinos and, Oral Suraion. ,Ib.plaf inet,& . ae"h a laca atoe Chng. t~ser_(etn WB hm*a a fin. lin*a of EASTER NOVELTIElS, CAROS, EASTER POSTALS and UiTER -OYES. 4%is, a fine-lot of That I im a chis. <o tIwt !ASLEIIGOWN Grgsiitile Phancilull Graalee i"lol it le mot -dMkWut te - relleve bluI, Z. ptopin hpnistubes wviombce am bsyLelaoou "d miapplied ai the. amof tà. troub. Sto"pu pis lustatly. WILL Raoek.aUrLatayuil IN ýTHE3IR Gl We Are Mis.auamgsbter, Mrs Book; cf Ul M m ar hM ase, ofi llwek qsnt a ber dffl aIt OeLame of hsr P. Onyo bans etsd ari aonhbislot bar sud fat"a building a large store CadR Hues vrnI bChicago Wdfn. dw for,- au. u*ismfor appeudlultis. = ,elmtwvtsg.le doing nicslj. ul. Lewl dug, of Waikogse vY4iWi reU-It là Ba Starday n. &T.smR sies anda mter, Miss Ulissat Suuday wlth theïr sister, 1%0. .P. NK S. of the Salemebt b wozcg l* viha goai attendeuce, Sixa ueo' memben s vferdsdtathe 11.1 as »a Tagfood pogma, wae reudrod. Mra. Jamus MeKay returusd Senday avsaing hm a visît vith frienda and re" mla e echicega. Ubm SsUarah Laniver and litanie Bohlu spout Thoendoy vlth their encie *t-Park BRig. PMedRoloif vislted vwith his parants. - .1 mis MUflila>'. Tharemp .sa t hOu olrs. Col. ,aeumAwth the grippe. Our »erd eomamiosio ner le tr$qg bo - dis vWaya. idm I.Jô'OUfflrle verY Iow and haa edilit ecance OS tms0iIng.' MisesHea 11s*Hof aiMinnesota ia visting ber 4 piele W.. Nesa.ith. John Dizaa of chiefago Ipeut snnday witb bis mother, MUs. CLarIt.s Dizon. Mir. Rogal bups a new roof on bis itars and in getdeg ready fur the eprinil opening. Masletervas obesved in thp chureb by a ispo r.giroen by the Sunday Icl end choir Wrn~, Pendse b« mov,,~d to *ads- worth having reniai bis Iamta lMr. Bristol o aï aukefan. Watch our vaut colurnu growy Theresa reasonfor IL fi Save Vour Money * by* * BuiOg V Wou psarurilture + AT * StrangsFurniture Store * PcMare radg a Spschlg. f Layalak. -Illinois* OCEAN R. J. DRIJOE. Edit.. - Amen entrnt - T 8ng en mnd Hourd Pertalaing te (fray.luke viclnlty 11111 il s msu ~ynn¶uo srnoMAPWl44eo RaIl Loflus of Chîcego spet snnd*Y at home. Jo Ploiana s a Wsuegsn vistor Senday. Mir. and. Mre, Zangle spent Enster et Wanhegan. WIlllrd Rein: and wrue ai Waukegen Klbtetteson ai Mr. and Mms. @ot'uay oe theay Cnuon rhma been very w i@ L. Y- Sikes made a busiess trip ta ssiita e imrovng.Libertyville Manday. Mri. andU Ronnes, of Chicago, Robert Grummatt of Libertyville called rvtelted wltht&former's parentes Bnday. an a frlend Lere Mlnday. A. G. Gleeke. MK D. C., a graduaIs of iChce<Veterinary college Las secured e Mr.'etid Nlr Wui. Moare Lave Imoved goad practice ln Barri ugton and into the Mr@. Me Greth cottage. iviclnity. . Joe Reily is vorklng witb contractors The Gaod Citlsennhip Lengue held a Royes sud BanLoin et Libertyvilie. r tery iutereeting meetind iu the village hall, Settaje night. The speaker of Miss Nora Bter Lus resigned ber a the eveniug wn W. A. Brubeker who; position at F. 1). Betterehall'es@tore. Temerd nexticvut furm on by Mr& I. A. Feuion, ai Guruse, vas the -the liarriugton band. guest of ber daughter Mn. Chas. Wight- men Manday. PRAIE IE. Lms Meddeadarf, of Weukegan, @pent Jennis Knedler, of Chicago, ie spend- Suuiay and ifouday with friendseSt !ng a week with ber parents Mr. aud Drune'n Lake. Mrs. 9. E. Enedler. Mr. and lire. G. Maxwell moved t lir.aad Mn.. Crittenisu aaoved into H[al Day Wednendy. the roome above the Pester bleckbmith Mre. M. W~. esler vislted with rela- shop Monda3'? tives ut lNarthfield'fueedey. Ms.HlnBrir iWet Several frOm this place attended the "w nue a . faneraIai ofMr. Rd Miller st Deerfield Mm..Howard Higley ai Wednesday. Uetvlese~Saayvt h jMr. eud Mn.. W. W. Knealler and sOn lattere parente 14r. anm e E J. Rugy Týed spent Souday et Hlghlaad Park. of thie, place. Lawrence Amaunu aiWarreaton Grave eilid on Lis brother George ans dey lest ,A.. Husan the recent edItar ai the veek. - St. Anne Record ai St. Anas vue married Bon yWbersnberger, ai Libe,àtyvilie ta mi"ss Ben Austin ai N-oïmai Ame s=entlonday ià bis aunt misE-R.Chicago ounRester dey. Ksger. F.G. Kelroy spent Seturd&y sud Sun. Um Floiene FPenderson ai Round dey witLhbie parente et Byron, Win. Lake basreturni froni Lom Angela, Cal. Clarence Loomis vllted yu h . snd vbere she hb ee spsading a pýortion of lir, laePouiton ai Lake Villa Mou- tlWvînter with ber»Ister Mms.Badge. dey. Ad* Loomis spent Rester withi Wbeel. Miss Berthe a ok vo bas hoein mak- lng frienda. ing an e:teitded visit wlth fenisl h Mn.. Leua Bolet sud son Rdiesepeat West rstuanng lst Mon&dav ancanipa tva deys in Waùkegan lut wesk. ed by ber mother who hm also haen Mi;PZHis l v myloy aI pxn uleltiug la the West the pust month. vrtn and It la fers ce alrecover. Eo esrvices. yen popitl Oî ceiee av en umoe brated berse at boL chreso S lire. J. A. Masou @peut two deye visit- eventeseen m nmbers vers Scived iug fimode at Llbert<vilIs lut week. lote te lb CnNraioaalchueh. Bie. A. J. BymnleIt Monday vmn for confereece reioh e is bo hld at M r. sud lire.LymenLevis retermed Kankakeea Ris congregetion l is sux ans ilo',,Miss, ltheir deiareW i tbat ha *ai,, b returns for anatar home t lbertyvle Beiayveulg. yen,. Mn.. James Litwiler vu caiisd to The Rester execinse vem, vol! rebd. LmCetgo Yldcy to attend tbe lmerai af *Mdg a gond nunihar haing prement. Quito ber graadfcthsv vin vu hurt iuna Sa Aui m vnreailissi for mniàmec.rshot cere l t eWedday. ýAT WORD CONTEST Giv iay, a Abuso1ute1-y -Preýe ~TII~~ DUT W WILL allow the face value of credît bis yi>u receive frnm any other piano firm dautng business in Waukegan to appiy on any, new piano in our stock, under same condition,, and we want to say one thing right her,* that our pianos are not marked Up in price, like some, whereby you pay the regular price af er ail. un YVAUI COMON SE NS£ 1I adbuy of the oldest est.ablished Piano house in Lake Ciuvity, where, if your in,ýlrumeri* do,ýs not prove satisfactory can -have 1: replAced with a new one.. We have been 'n Wi4ukegal1 sin e[6)~i xp-tzt to b n1êij~i 90 DON'?TOU THlI I WISE TOINVETIG Al OUR OFt *i you Yf yu were saving the face value -of your credit.biut by buying es~ir we couil fit blim.- vou, bat in this case we alow you just the same amiount as the conteoust giver.i, and ýour regular prices are already known to you. The Women's club lest vltiiM Marsal Atwen lu et Igoaday e-9u0-%1 mmre Atvenlsurprseci theladimwitI a lencheon amid very piesmeat social evenlng vu spàn. We nnderstmad that Kelly Kihnbeaflbon aetd afosîtion et Zicn. George tiung vu là- -hiaeocW buminess Tassday. L C. Bitta is servieg as lurymen tg Waukaga. Dont forget the echool eloction 8aIt.ý day eveuhug et the Fecool bouie. ~ D)olebChard and faml1yo Cios are Ylsiting relatives ln Qrayike l viinity this week. Mrs. Meson ywbo h as heen qnita i*, le aoîewhat iniproved. MissAvi and Ere Doolittie ' e*: Chicago visitore s .eutly. IL Coombe and bis sonq Normanse Georgp Coambm anad Regnald Cerne, of- Oak Park, were 4nipe huuting in Uula vieiuitv the tiret of . ewea.k. The dance given by the Bachelor Boya* Enster Monday vas ae sue>ens Lad every.. body Lad a fine. tirne. About daty tickets were @Ml. Several iroiu Wnuke. gan ettended. l>on't inyt the 50e dance et lt Opéra boume. Seturday evdaing. Lonie Wieks visited Mion Sunda>'. There o'lll Le a 50 cent -danc-at the' opere banse Seturdsyevening. Munie lurnisbed by the Rip Ve nlk ore*W -tm,. Cemeand have &.gondtus hors at Grayeleke. Mies Oie Battershal eo bus bMe isick for thespput week yuLh maloei lever ià convalement. lir. and Mr@. P. A. Robtioeu let ftim- deneralg for Spiiegmliyrehere*f 2ýlattend the prohbi tion eoevet.iM retarning Thereday. J. L. Carroll, of LlberVy1lil, le sMg meat at Book'@ market, Mr@. Neleon, of Zenda Wis., le gent oi ber Maiher mm.. Wltshsm m Belle (wane, ai .lionvlllsmi bie Toeeiay. E. B. Shermas Iansetedbuiess lir. Chao. Thaver, of W.uhq visilsi Menis bars eedayW. SIdre. Waidetsrtaiaed ber couda M Riebarde sud ber gawMIe, lire.UeLo LaisV"i Tsday. Work hb&4ounimesi on Ils m factory oun tse gudlate for l. i» P Toul compaay. '_,.- nette. Noticeais erokbv givathaIbo bu sud abehlg viii e peoltliion lat Laka» or prope" yovuoihle fn i tauthebide. Au onmoU, Tlb@ be .action, I l"i', bwaIeou nApif 12. is. Tai om - 09011à; 110UasWs- dey vlth ber parens. John Berne bvery ill et promut Iru lut. m e.Jomep h Toresudcedolidrec op -1endeyvith D. E.ibbons4. Frank Gibbons @pont Seeday wltb Parents. iseo Jeunle Daveon spent mve ,iys vith ber grand parent&. The8eaday achool led a vsry155 lug Eastsr econcrt ile ogsai kcrlestkm aiibatb. 7,i. andlireLS.Mersohd e for thae mer deortiaus for 1%9hebaieraihalon Monde« wo VIry suceaufu svent. KmIenNe"a, ei fox Lake Wa recoin roini her ilînéts. Dr. Ratch le attel ber. Peopie in tbis viclelti aue very b with their sprila vork. HSICKORY. bis iausbters. Mms.Pflan anmg à Tom Premier. the lut oS of.theal Uns. George Rivais. returMka Wednesday fronia vi 1 l1h Mrs. Mari Bdvsetd çsMe out cou Wonea oa luber prntMn. dýM m 3s. Webb. lMr. DvdS la aeUMM10 imepltbL. -Rey. NageaSudayai-vlth Jq "cGi"e sud ftaily. No snq 4h. churob ou Seeday on ceusa etetorzn. M Misem Hoard pent, Sab"M ber bombe lu WaukegMe Moen Guot aTholu ,W dgi't cha*Le mterest on ~S&Ies That s1on±* saves you frem M r...., r.,5.F r.. sv.oo tred bY iii. roui farce yorfr15,

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