CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Apr 1906, p. 11

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-1 Q'~Wài y ARoW- f. in -Lwu5im flYf-wi MW»Mrts VU UbT 0 0 b sh 0 ic8105Cie>'et i ta eoboi n oinatpeHN LN llLT-.IOS ai Maycor amTic eot ii iitdbB S OAT* Oir .AIE TOMAIÇI PO4RT £ U8>'O SM ar m~'~ae r te ti fuiics al«ai. 0 AKGNTf S8l Inaaniaut-efAxtur Fadiv.lmS m»5et lb iU' 901.0se 8ton avenue. eaijo b. a Wanko its,. M]THO0 MAY INTERftwa WITII Ease *edy promb"etg aoni atru M eb. flty. Mperi WIREILES S. r upport Mt. selet of thse th <em,> vaucourt *abolut _______ his 04 Ath1wJ..w m o »Niait mi day the fers»c'Witti w OId"0 br.lienU ewýet er " 11atmbrette but dok i le c arle thIis Ï,IW tbouw l theUleuwan hm t*k-ubo o <f the tes oenmmdmiatl, tme. Pen MW i.êebWeglsegebut 9d bAr ah» bu tbc 480d mm @honte&. "I bae OC"ul1>' * uà emai.u# hî mt te 10 be brok up Ibnvirtue." Risvite wuvas an simh U.1 1»9&- e ddiovnSct lier hbusd lua uer wnî£n uPe1:6 tbo&Wa mw thebitter- verdb Math'bu 5.00*4 ber Ttm. Piespont »«»W'4 isicl191 ta* tbe ndi RMailatu Av>'M- XS 5 v% M ou bi oat vwulaumém laeturiter lu Seal luliting les~g. bulsi. 111; fase »»- e90*hoqt Clufo t#.- - OrS t WUt 8 la yi= in18 ve a iO.LProudIe b.d hWiidatfterge. bala twmiedOb vr uff Maute t lb en,.inulutiap »qjm tb sea c rstàm luitends k -&ba m rtimme M a mcm uth . -ta eperate oor e, tsa arpm t plant t»Oic WU r4liesTe Ce"At111511Clubfit Mdla eonam hsv$lb the -rls> eSut toMwedl 155bsa l 131555 dra«M #1 andis>'ai St lie dMdeslac té du- L* dice1Icd»»et, 10Porttorr*0 S au ose "i Ithe apsedatrd vtnt 4 ille Sm lb v icat vii pr enMvacmzadNo~lrton m aacoemte a P-Ïl ii »" eflthces e11100 u saemee. for thlcale ageser- o,'I imb&Uah- - Pièce- emm nte clocal Umuguiçisame ta 1 b* 0 b l m om «ù-hý ~ _ -~ ___5wuawM ri8 tst* MMa *llaýUt iemett es_._ b b*btbw ê l» b. ecM 0thlbla Jet r e*.t bM utp snpeÀlos.' Bui. Paàmci nov»Wsoboomer. Tic id U Murra uir asseistn octor limithelbChamgo <rm PoiJa wwe. vWho yotvsi lms appoint. teatl tp pUsiig opf e tic bot lilas lbé reelgns tio iJ. L1-viii do lira go. »r, reamai s ome fine U«0 la j 1 Ptlie*bSeniors of LAe Rd beuoLi a more lucrative Pvret Ooiiega appesreilucaps sMd ý» wu i l.witet ag Cool govn villi viiinov bu vota for w4>' 0f C~ , O.for VIIOI 0m- thse relamiothe lbyce. Tic>' ne- ho bu Ig*als foq rmy- . ceirai b srmSola iapeltram Prses wbs tlr0sl*~ bolce oai daent Rarln., Lae te lita ac ai lberaoët lU- Tic Wtandei ltnboo n Nrh Gem At publco Odicela u aien. ece streot la taitilir becoaw tl OpicisUAan ex0811et os*. A. V. copias et tlbLadiée Hotte Jopvna ta lbth osai>'amn et AwweseoW. Ibis gicti agslmaMi lie trtor mll Ma youg tOnm" WvoaNewion hunOIa uolici l ea 0"a moretia aW"tins tMr. Tirs. wagons are filed! vils .lie t.M*Wlur aile sud o~ « ugamiJouruals aMdihe tic cmlii.vdov la masi a capable o0*"s., 83210 encloue.! ili lbecavera. ITièenvas an aatiqnako on 'rmhl W. Y. . U. Celobutes. aIs-et lait nigil vlan emm S*,- it weck licew. . rTI.lU. celtlis-became - itmaictd.tlu the d i il - U&rlyfirsl birtisiay lu lltty--cnbdee SMdabat us lie sapon etwta ons llb heTom. etreeL. TicPolice olt aterhlm tand w»s Temple. About Ifty et- b.ho ok area lubis boevdlmg bouse, bd lbe exerclee. Mass>'vitta ta viicb tie police laId frlimea Pesant aMi ble mcvmns-asig, aslie feIlov . boutieta vouli ver, vecive&.!nemO urrenber tli ilarlous Teta.t ,@ oqtertslmetbeun viàka vwiut a; warrant, ami ve"Misivi- 1 niai sin dutswi*, i Mcs ed ebots ne siouteb distani. ilg the euly listai>' ofitlb Peapie or waukagan ver. yter sapa union aMi li e f édy anno>'eb b>'ticpronenceofeta 0 nure iven onpaper b he U dmo ntevtrs nt taobe awerei. fli'Sdllitl i ae uplvy "ic vas 2 'b>'th i s- Thua WsscUs««M r the fOkt tint * -'.str =am , uW um w«viremuses sme.pmpss* Fi entmtaumnt stcb t Mram d ,aTsea ostal oiso nus.g s. IL mmel er ari a &,"yu Tia 94' vaine rM=p le Waek0mb union 01itlb W. C. aMi lu lbedirection opOift e ha Lvus icqmleb uOnvilà=i trm vlSth prme mss Dml for momeUme la XaMdi mmmet liber bave esl1 >Scan are lmre.melen tt; mm e Jnsi. Jue ,l9mIre.ILR VMer. C .A.OIglu, trous. Y«"une. bâomidales> lbe preaibet.vua i e to b. proucnt. lie de,04 b>' tbI laica litaIt vas le coui r te 1 se calt lbh gII F lml vinthlintentinor f b CiL- cago an.!*'Mlvmuies Ekleil Raisos &»'I lunlocting tiitpaver bous icre la lie quesotin t la Pu«a0«n aa lias. vibamare lteretebIlutlb It lulai Ibd tat I la ecie!ta la- cabe lic planton tl it le oli of liei4Mbor amd »ouet ievlopesble mm ountaauisautlat e i atemenlt, atliauisV67=an reMtu worin gtaun i tc Duvami Gouter pnroprtly Onp etisetisas tiat ms eto.tali 'dica"t lIahelb mostisite v*01 b. cim tes»Tc yul lb ègns mi sà"ou fb otoa ci lbhe lns ompe u ltb sie sSaana>' Tiser ver.acompamici i Cite rami. dii an ai ttc ssrveyots'lia bas iednWoiM»g çenlSe ouvni Atiougi lb lamtEavouai le D" mli aMi flis Goutrl Immiflrvi va lnsmected liv lbmath. lb uter oorparatloge belng able to carr about 13.M'0tons.' . WliIIMletiat WWSMagnts. Osce ie tb essons for lie' flcton of tic aom tislbe pope Plant on tlie 1mb. front la adta b. t omrsot, viti lbe vire mOi for outret ta b. .boiglhng ipet t l al idoIL An immensevoltage viiib. meel amd thse cautruot viii b. a subamutia Qae..ý 1 Heu' tiseTriai la Turhad. Tic métarco Ihf db>' means ar eleor. bgatt<t geat paver amd gsum tt.astic bout ta thi ang cas SM et the> meiitrou lbhcarM tothel iuveyor vhci rfn* tien igI tlL iedoors eoftlb blate fr-- bam Mx Meats are lifISi aet c lins. Tic@S00tM Cbsgo raillabave lu- stui lie evic«e wllY>perfect sc, Tisuhem lemivmtage. it tae alpled hlaer, t4mnthtisu. 1>' nuposqlt l vimmlpsel. - râco b"mwo 040C P a"am M~ai%-1 15epoo litmsage vviw *i~ relVibre- iiO4i ta jrair flo * me=& of Os OW .S n mgnil pIt. huscWd no- e i r lb pOW be" te eWg e crice May $Mli id e Slip. Oo Mrees> 1*r Wo oi.!bnld a »Wv sip an d~,t a cual docia af Ibir ave, but lta vwomis!.otelini- ate lic carplb h ature. May' Dreipe UtIleDe"i. Anotelir plan' 5s ftilla icclarei la Maing comaldib>' thecopaur -Il lie extension of thc Slip ta the Ut- hie Dcii river,am* i ildrciglng ont ta a point mcv tlb praoc itel, Wib"isla ent 4ou lberiver. Pimla lewbPeoi.. Thii. lan Eoesmal.osemi un apas- ile as aet. &rM tiaugit.The river ooasi f Ivo larige shahlov ponds, eonele.tiat nnm oti and souli 0»o4t a qu miter mtlc ofntihile, sllips. The fiat elgo les about op- pse- the soo*Isarnpond at tbe .Sue nd c. . Fas iapond lie rivet dlv eosti andimaies a s m pbond la liee ast, runisaimait'« ta lie laite and sonset Inas emptylisg Imb t»c laie. " Tic valertg pthii.elamnel le Quitoe imp tu aamg pplas. Tis e ulsaun 4M ot mllie f*blnantis Ilan thi plans for tih e$=of slips catende.i tehul coe ur von ta Wýrf* t a rviWot-andmaietli recute »lut, T'h tm"t mw otha I U"Oïteï Msd baMes4U t lIee and Large S&mg ore,00 15. ytaie stibee ateicture u W*obmgý stuai omweé sMliInéèr. Tee .AhI t* ha onatheeait* of the etrboet St M4i for seo mny nuo cou0wPiaiber An1OII eybrtpeole Ib a Lu»=et. am Q.i .Lynroafn Tiuredàr, J. V.. rr a 'Cà.. $2.000. t drawiigs and epcifcatons wilUbe SprsucWerner & Ce.. $1.000. umedl$iy orded. -oarge, .Pirie aeMM & oo.,.pooo. Modern Smprovements. Red, . utdoek &£col. 87M Tie eite for lie mcv »tore bulding BrnL-Sli pranl,$100 le 38 toot vide an.! exenda bok tO Kuppenbelmer Cloting Co.. $500. the ai6l107 rmnnulg bet'è«D Buc'. gjlth Erothcra, 80. mariol snd the -Peoplel fBank. On il. C. Durani (p6reamai>. 8100. tii, alle>' and under caver la in bo a SrrngtnFamilas Analoe. t remIi1pamsudapplua plattiasinwitls s meden iproensnlavii bolu-elater.,.broier ala, rlatives. te- stalle..I d theb.rumlity. U .A. James Thc basement and th lre.llcmswil bua ameautliera.and lMma. ea. Wag- affri 20000 uqae M ofaddtiomn- i rotier vas speniint the vinter Teants In tic building ta be rasei havWetu e allg for their renuoval pg y vieneverti@c wner demires labu"l 'on the PopeS>'. ,- 'ý l A SNew M011hede t. Prevaill Who e, b evbudnglae««ede ~bwMu ~ lsilu ustt tic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R" Losvi niel' ~ T eN* T C iuA4110wtai thoir bide u n lte departmamit Oiet peri>'. plan, nt>' depsilmmnt tuaIboau- owausag sand Individual lu tseIL 8814: a mai vms a feri-0 All lime viii bu. 105*17 IIred 0" ammarne, ta banni overlthl o40 of the mont complotesaMd up-a. Mjury mmdcvbonde of PU00hbe date 3"armetu matrum Wnalsu incausaeihoibon asant touhan ana pramlaod Wamiegam. blot ml Yvet ai aWainlto BrDy ùe Wm* iOt oplmbm ,, is a rU«s th* belme ta bi t iMadgtise bapei by tlb nanaMeoet. tie v OIF oS mae». trucur viiwM ecoapilte. triends do moi uma aom.Charles Whitney, puiient; Attosr J.L KL Omis. serelar>'; pltn.5 aiS. treueurqr; cama- morrov, VW ai lslslw, . Hum eamdeS Séatsls Tus î onmmtte lmi appoint asatce ai tic, raclbe r hi viii be tancuooi ltar. Amy -aofthée aboya éort 1101vappontctee amatior- lac" ta solicit tonds for tic ýreilie fond. Thc banis of ticeitys te c uh- trcaannics undi vIissue reccîpta b.- glnnlng to>morrow mornlng. Conti-. butions mur id ibt tiers. Fond* viii b. transmllteil as gati- erci. Tic fallovtng conibtiions bave aircady been anmounced.,Triýbepi lieu Mut. $25, Vikion, .$50; Polar Mta. $5; Ainerlau steof and Wire* Comansy oeplormyc oru Proincts esmPioycu, Narth Siore Eleofriac m. playoce. Sunul Obvurts. Cooke and!' pope Md 3P, J. Graqity. 825 oaci. 81111 -More ViulleDepoais a0 Found ln Sunderlia Tract Wb.-a Tivo Weeke Ago Rlch inods of Torpedo Cravel Were Made. The fini o f torpedo undan.! ltic Ounmillu ro yr 'continues ta grov botter or st leset lbe conditions do. Wbive',vslce «amtnmptlbpro#- ernv. Miloli ard blscovercd tiat on top '09 the Sorpido sani vas a layer o a est *Qi mi iead. Tu. layer Ns quite t111* admieil ar«asAs m 1 1«t bo*& It linvev VWausle aiviimos li par thIe leou" m noverlnt tie-. torpe 71% 'Is o f aintins a campur for diedu. the pae tga a*IDth le arrivai Of' ab *tmfrot .CMUicco ,vIa WMi dcetçns lbeexact velue of .i Iitens. Ti>' jewurnite fini a1 I aubt - AUTO' 3PA5OI i1 NOWQN Nov lIaI lbgaeage domsi b. 1beau lirovm open ami lb ato. obgIle la tade fothth i eai0of th ilalwm eroe la a oms, 'ta th City' aces for liousa md taoe m Chie! Svsnbroüegbla e.lmg rue ta lassotle upeedae. "I bave a <oi astop valci as.! arn golns te iteep t=ra a le e#"« es.Amy liat mu aen m m1 an haut vin lie arreatiSM on The otdimsnccviiibu -obew tu ,oUt. We bave nappai o«t a on= ý eoest vii io> ai. Tiet luavisaIteSW wav" iptuaraitS>' owmae ami.e i mit ei*5 *Ï,' mir Uime of banstomai lt. b" icptey, ibisle tno o d. molseat. ipod tiller viti the dmL Wrt er, b MWterv. f, b.101m- fng dbta; U C. Teves, $M8; oCh&& dlcr'tor ml. $130; Wred Palmer for soule.800; *o.IL miu. lm5 OMM usway *MlW 00W liaItic l iu Tho dalry mpuy loi.bopdeiilr- te bedl li mSobheand théa pl clamai. TiesaeIeD am*? eaylute luvol"isx thela una; ensambate obtaswbst le du hi. Tho uilbate roe .butbe. a MmO e"l mmd St labelieved M. Fonder vw sequin the propefty. via, le cum b» tu aetlfavemb e isue ~TbaiNSeinummmrew,« ua d eoO1UU 40Ovesa moiuhle i w*mt -CÉr& .EveyyForty Minutes Fare---(c. Round Tnp 86C., At Kenceba connedkuonla made with the, T. IL F.. H. & T. Go. la cars for Racine and Milwaukee Pare Konotiba to Racine 15c. Round trip 25e Pure Kenosha to Milwaukee 60o., Round trip 86c. 1WII 1k Aet~~ator ail Coolers T'he J more, ~~Ifor m 4 itww* 'lrthb bols tavnv Me ParIlai Bonse tws rovsled a"i mrae ooi bavp li4en *deOnmao-r tic exellarnt havita lieuoe. c a

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