CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Apr 1906, p. 6

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!~CO, OFFICI IaxH. JUSr Editor lrsWephone No. 141. loi FR] TWI 11; Lake county rpubi M'endee, who is fghti h as hed for he pas j nosîremnuneratie ofri 5County Treasurer.. Deputy Coun ty Clerk County Cierk .... THIRTY-FIVE PE The peuple of Illinois direct prirnary systin satlsfled 'slth noting le seem there eau be no r jection to theic per c plan of seccli ig canil prmre liiicls a î:'Dscussion -1 tbée t local caniddateis and oh lu ecurîîîe a sv,d piii closes serions (. utl i a plurality end i'najm! i A bareplili1ai o iun RE Honorable NV. J.Co member of thse Interst Commisin lii a tsà fined tIhe reasouiS w i hlmt for sîîport fiîîg St He said: 'Il do nit daiai for ,and bis friends will à ha la one of the great 1 country. le la a pisî sensible man, who lias years o bis lite tothie Hie wss elected to hack lu ties Itilessoin termes. Sent, I believe, cratlc district. lie sel of years Iu tihe lllic was speaker of the i Uies. finaly was e THÈ The hert of thse wor large wtb sympatisy. In imtes of great di perffelal layer of! elili -and ail that makes towi ns are reut aide an bumanlty. Au soon as the wu through brave and devt men, learned that Sans MRq iJou.ty Clerk liendeq t licsnism of whicis lie i been questioned prier city election. le being, cl.aed lu sonne quartera: attitude of thse Gazeti6 the Densocratie ticket. Wbatever nmotves r pelled Mcr. eîle party t Isc,îîcededd been al arde-nt Rl-ti lie bas i eaied Iii (ongé at lesst is seifish msut tisere are a grat uauf publilans wlio argue, e. e T TO ~ "rge Oak@ f roettle Acorns Grow," and the illuotration apprîlleinto thiegreat. store. Startlng modestly we have grown anddeveloped in a moet wonderful manner. Our effort@ have been ~ampiy -re*ieed by the splendid business we have, buit up. Thus Anniversary Sale will be made a worthy coMjxnêifon of our natal d&y. Thi$4, ur first year Iu business in Waukegu, lhas been omW.of ýglorloxs achievexEents, not only in the Smuccesa whickh as crowned our efforts as a firm, but in the weiI.nigb nbellevable savings we bave been able to make, not only for the ladiese qUiWakgnsdLe County, but even of Keuosha, that thriving little city of our sister state. Au unewerving polivy of libei-*lity haï characterized ail our dealings with the people, and whenever we have picked up rare bargains in the eateru markets we have passed them on to our patrons wlthout profitivg ourselves by their normaivale. These ecor- moaus savingis have attracted the atMion qf- the women folks of this section and given .tàLen an dnvaryh$g iionMeQ . lutitis store that han made- each month of ~e year more succeesfu.l titan its predecessor and -en- bedus tbrough continnous1y aufflmited trade to Icntautly seil ou sraller and smaller maqrgins. WdX UHALLENGE CONf1RAIUflON 0F THE STÂTE. -MENT THAT WE HAVE REDUORD THE COST 0F -RESSING FOR WOM]IN AN AVERitGB- OP?0% t is not by argument but by achievement that we desire ta convince-'<deedinot worduè." And herewith is eloqiielt yet sIilet proof of achlevement-values tbat bear wtlitk themselves evidence of the mot convincing naie. qTERATION DËPÂRTMXN¶':-The altera- Stion departmeflt in the store is in charge of a inost skjflful tailor, and ail alteratlOpni are.made promptly and withoUt charge, insur'ig a PER FECT FIT IN EVZ-RY INSTANCM During our Annvers5rl Sab -aPle belp will b. provided lu this de- partmeflt su that iluaine Casesout o aýi ta!sale i.l needet' it eau b. -MU b ef-tO YOU be thé Sia.Ors, but ln casaIt imnot pauibloltodo tht, Wb vili pay il for- watdint ehakges on paokago",Wnt teo nt-bf -ov custonsors and deiver by nmemiger to Shus. re- sldie, in Waukegais. Thse prwa4l sud erScllent servie l this dspartsnedt witU pro,.a sources etgreat*&sat4fst*4la "ilwill lbe l. strlking contat ta servie e- corded yen elMe*#MMu Tailor liarnieews sop ille îand arn g ende'pairmu the sisal. I M SUTYOUR Anniversary 6eil Ail aur Tortolse Siseli sund Cellulold'BEwk Combe, vorlis 6oc, for aur GradS A.flvCtlY Sale'at -.. 190 --- A apeelal cut la made ou aur Unsrei an d Parasols. Ail aur 11.50 Umbrelias u ..... t..........7&c Ail unr $2.00 Umbrellas et .. ............. Ail Our 13.50 Jmbrelaus at. .......- ... Si1k sud Lawu Baby Bonnets, nicels' made, neatlyg trimmetl and a great variety. Ail 50c Baby Bonnets ............................. 2. Ail 98c Baby Bonnets.... .................... 6c Dressing Sactues, made out of! Sowled Sotte Si fini,r rib lio n trim m e d c o lla rs , w o rth 4 L ,i t . . . . . . ..i: Ladies' white emriodered Wash BeIt4, silver, golda pearl buekles, 25e kiud t . ..................................10 50c tlnd ut .......... .................... Automobile Tisrows lu siU ciffon,wvIlle and bIne, north I75e ai aur Anulverser? UNe................89e Siban taengUe lace lbe t.., m .. Elbav rLength l 1k OlQvÇs at .... Regular $1.60 1Md(1 (Bves, ail "simd - c l Pancg Face Veiffng, all colora at,.,*...........-g Monrulllg vetîs, lA yd, Ion5g 3h iLLI 1 4l -. M1ii11hery~ Beautltuly trlied. Mats39 aI.............................. $30 ta$40 stiets'Gage t4lioresi Mat$ aI........................... ..... 14 1.0b8.0SlIk Chiffon HaIs et S........................ . At . ... ................................. $1.88 te m 5 is born Hals M1. .......................... Trtmnie4 Mts, Worth t- oD se.................................... Wire rie et M.........................**............. I ix large black it1k Ras SHundredi !ThOs orb5.t 11 . ...................................... ....... ... ..... Bi1ev langt Glace Kid laves S-t -BOUNI> TO AE STJERLI CW VA FS DONINU$ L VELINES,'yly HAVE VISITED BUT OMPARATIVELY mnve=a t'\x v --------- E- - A very pretty and servlceable Suit, Lton Ladies' 511k Shirt Walfft Suit@, Mmde ont Of Jacket. detachable girdle, satin llned, fan- be*utltI Imported Bilka, fuit cireular cy brald trlmming. fu circular akiii.4 sUIrt. short or long sîgeves. aise lulud- pretty geay ritisre5, lg the pôpalar grg>' checks and strI peu fer Our Anniversary for Our sale... .................... Aus7 ierary'$~ Haudtiohae taliored Butta, nomne Etonstyle. aea ....... smre 24-inch Ut it tting Coats. lu oid Ladies' Shirt Walot Suta. very neatiy roï, AMin bine; repeda. eoral and green, made, ln white, tan and other mnovais. *taffeta .11k lina, the greatest tures. waist and shirt plped wlth Ales value ever seen for $2500, bine or red. welI wolt*i 14.00, ou.Anniversary U U@ frorGadAnvt#r Sale ......................$ &9 lu rGanAnf«& Saie ..................... Haudsome aii-wool Panama Suit, beth short and. long sieeve effect, satin-limed, richi? trimmed n oid rose. Aie biueW .' a j reseda, green, blak ad gra, - a splendid $20 value, for aur le&______ Annlversary Sale. . ......s...ý= = - fl 1 - .. o. Ladies' Fine Shirt Waist Butta maqte.,aor RE88Y WOMN WILL FIND tue usercerlzed matertils, bîseit and white checks a"d many allier stylish and IN TE-- HEINOt4STEIN CO. bandsome patterns, worth $500 STQRË CLOIi4ES MANV LIT tÔi oùr Ânniversary PiTS NT O Sale. . ......................... ... LE SYEPIT OT Ladices'- Whte Indien Head Shift Waist OIESE SN AT OTHEA STOEII But, vasta and sklrts with fne *à«0* THE SHApr ' TM * OAT, tng, a 4600 suit, for« aur Antversary ~THIE SARTNBS. TE-N~ s u " ea t . . . . . . . . . N E S S , T E! N O V L Tr Y . A l t A.I llao4sme Tatfeta 511k Shirt WI V $t, TIOS WR* CNIE-Dressing baeq.q ail Imaginable colors, lateat styles of U 5.5O OTH CNSP season. worth $16.50, for NWIE OTTOUY our Anniversary gags_____________ sale. ....................________ _________A 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - duAce&snli guhmdremti po 12j, gootIs, sIM i p ta 14, worth $I, for ostIr &univers&* " slesat,............... .......39 Child*aU"S sger uitg in white, trimmeti with - -'.bine, or gâ$*ibýp -la faBdY ginghams, worîl $2, £f*r our ~sf saIle ..... ............98 L' Chldren'5aMd Ladfies' Biset Cal Hose, worth - 15e and "200, for atir Amuivarary Sale ut .... .90 ~~ 5 . afans inuel 1Cnom#. sUtSepdwith !aggot- 118, lu cMl a, lig it - or - pin k , for ou i' grand AnnlvOt'5817 Se sAt. ..........100 'Ladies MLUli s«n l*blt I¶N 1'I>O titan980, for aur Annives'àary 5X j*d n n»«4 * S- Ladies' Whlte PetticomUo, four, ri lWs hdran heavg Torchon lace or ten ro*$, nt , said wn oi' lver 85, tithlttg, dust rufflé d. S - fo> t . . .. .130 , deep flounce . or îli $2.0 . f o ?If veg n '>Caver . Irimmd niversary Sale at nItJb for ro 0i es lace Hadabme Pettîcoats, made of Insertion or enliee O front, soft finish Cotton usaterlali vestt Tpqa~~q.-aumversa -la..3- ss. îmsa.êortis 13.80, for aur Superli asortulont ! r Or, viSWSl t.......... made of long clotit, lw4doUll' -Ail aur 16.00,sud 17.00 white ad'nfSS vri$50,so t!r- etiob.............. sas sat. e..îa9fVpn dnatly rade liliht I i kiiotl N~ ~ *.~' ~ ldred oeregulsr ~it aurAnnivorsarg Same t ,timd*tb Lad~5ies, or rmed wr Next Doo,>o AmericaalExpesslPffict MR. 'ALEX. HEIN, /Vice-Pres. XERITABLB BARUAIN FESTIVAL WHICH NO WOMAN CAN RESISi1 THE TEMPTATION TO JOIN. LT WILL BE' A TEMPTATION,.BECAUSb, (F 1THE [ITERUNEAI)0FLOW PRICES ON SEASOXABLE GOODS. RQH.TOR EiINN F THESPRLNG SEA$ON WIE-N OLDMOTHERNATURE .RB AND TOGGING OUT FOR RER SPRInG AND SU-MMFR C' MP-AIU-N, -ALL WOMA-NKIND YXARNS TO JOINHER AND BLOSSOM FOIl IN ALL HER MiisT CON'FES 18 GRE-ALY ENHANCED BY PROPBR GARB AS IS A BEAUTIFUL PLAY WITH AL>IROPRIATE SETTINGS. _ALL WULý'CONCEE1) WH() ÏAT STORE THAT THEý ACME OF PERFECTION IN BEAUTIFUL GARMENTS HAS 4BEN REACIIEI) IN THE MAGNIFICIENT VARIE'YsTYLE AND ORGEOUS ARRAY FSPUING AND SUMMER GOODSTHAT HAVE BREN PROVII)ED FOR YOL'R APPROVAL. ,SII)E BE SIDE WITH THE MOST NI) THE SIMPLER AND MORE INEXPENSIVE GOODS PROVIDRI) TO FIT THE DEMANDS 0F THE MOS~TMODEST PURSE.- IF lVBR A DOLLAR WAS flONS ANI) PrRýiCÉS CAN 13E SiquWl. o ettuS.f$6 s od oi Car Tare reftndd tb' ôt of towm ww- Pfsrekiu Valuas fer this Occasion anch a truly magnifleent seleciiofl of Waiats canuot ise found lu Chies- go i su hI e pricea w e quota aboul iton prove Irrelatible te an? ouun. A An Ladies'white and figure-i SbIrt aur grand 1.0 o Annîversary 3 Sale ai .................. Waists. made up Inluflue sheer Ve w hite lawu. *mre ricisly embrold- (ered fronts, smre trtnamed nitb lace and faggoting. soMe nitJ beau- tifui dotted figures. numneronS de- signasan su ay one of tise lot Worth$11.00, for aur grand AnniversarYc prettur Sheer LanWolos, BllghtlyL afolied. niltb tree _rofo!embmld. ery down the couteur aud cluster of gune tucks. very ful front, four ljuge tucks lu bock. uew aleeve. wltis lare guIse, dged witis pin L wlth deep cuit. a splendid $1.25 tuekesud rows of featiser mtitrising Walst, for our grand lu front, new aleeve willi Vaieu- Auniversary *f 1ceues lace trimmed cnit, a very sale e .a . ........ 9 preîmy W'aist. lu ail ases, really The lest Waisî oser afferei at 99ê. forth $350, Berne are made witis aIl-over sllk. Auuiversary ernhroidered front, smre wltb shsort Sale et. ............ $10.98 aleevemsud buttouad, orne of Persian lewis. beaistifui round Swell Liugerie Waist. made lu es. yoke etfeet, any Oune quisîte style, tise yesks Ie trinitied Wortht $2 00 wlth Valencieunes sud hessvy lace. for our grand edged witis flue pin tucklug, short t nivergar? sîneve. beautlfully bemmed nlth sale. .. ....................... t Valnciennas lace. handsorne stock Perstan Lawn sud lia9erIe Walos attached, excellent $4.00 values. T'tucked yoku. made 'dut of miniature opacially pricedl for our tncks aud Val. lade. Ina rows lace grand Annversary down frout, sud conler of silit Sale ait. .............$~. open nork embroidery, long or Bessîtiful net Waisl, lus Pcen r t 'rwhite short aleeven, open front or bock, liued iscongisout wisis Chins silk. Worths $2 .5anme nth hamisolltsemhluildered Anniveraary front. beautifiY tfimrned with sale U a madallii'sus.Worth $8.00, forounr prI'e.......... 8s&-grandÂAunivereary Smart japanose 511k Waists malt sale af extra flue quallty Japanese 511k et .. ................ jt.~ ar boc and 660 value, . . . . . . .1 9 C SALE IiusDraftesEtc. I Mud Davy duet, worth $5, for aur gry sale ai ............$98 mn's Very beaulîful dresses, ixes up tU6 !î, worth 82 ............. 98. ialablo Baby Caps, mOmnetblng 1ong ~can ho lundereil lite a haudkerchief. have ta do le 'butie rIblions aud lac- banS for aur Grand A-nuversary Sale .5 .. ........ . . .. furtOnur Ânnltoreatgliaie ......250 Ait dur $3. 00 s4 $400 1NitS 0015fi .11 Duetr 181.00 C'émise. Sunegi'evérOr ai- ML$ù^& ,at aur -ÂnniversarY Bale .. I Our $2.00 Chemise, the inS thal 5t'Ss sodous mo iS........... 9 Ail Our 50-cent Corsets, lipat mates lu tise . - eountry. long aud short hip, lucind- lnt ait aur gledbes. orîli up ta 76c, for , on AnuIverssST Sale at....... 9 lAiI-,our $,.@0 andIlîS 6Corsets, lu beavy à"d iut mater'la, alnew styles aud stIdda rapersatIra....111 0juIilte Corset%, beat ou lhe maritalfor olla Wr -lotSaI Han& the meuey, guirauteed. for our 4w X 5 , aps it-lenic Ua nlvergsrg sale,'. . . 1S1 1 ofes t, osJuckets ud Cravenettes for Ladies, Nisses. and Childmen Such a superh assrtment of ('oats, Jackets and Rain Ladies'p-a e0oe rtaffta fs k Coats 36 luchben long. at o ,sie ise'sdChlldren le assembled but pleie bcand fot arge ace embroiderod collar. 7, îsf L e .M s es a dreg ul sel r S $1 .0,f rou r ce ln a lei , but we bave outrione ourselves for tisis great ffvry n Um»iersary sale, sud the values we are Offering for tis Sale at................................. 79 dnnivcrsary Sale wll long linger as plessaut memorles. aisadmse rvntepetdfotadbMfl ýadies' new Sprlng C'onte. lbse sud tigbt fitting backe, lengi, ni ulive, tan or Oxford gray, worth nies covert cloth, a worthy value at $6.00, 110, foi iur grand Aniversary Sale < I but for noir Grand AnniverBar'7 £901 at .....................................$ .9 saleet .........Haud,,isu Ialu ioat, made o! Ounest cravonetted dotb, Very bandsome Ladies' Covert Jackets, made up ln !aucy pochi i, o-iiw sty le sleeves. ful leugtli, ail colore, made tight llttlng and luas back styles, to emli $ 12.00, for n,,r worth $750, for aur Grand & Annmsei.ary Sale < 0 AntiLversar7 sale eaI. . ..... .. . .. . f , 9 i-t .... ..... ... . ... . . . Ladies, ali-ool Covert Jackets. satin or serge lluing. twe Bw«eill ravenette lu tan, Oxford gray, olive, dark red, navy traiss in front aud titree lu back, distinctly bIw sud ather popular asadas. pockete stylish uleeves and colaer, shows, everywbere Wil h ontalde flape, worth $16.50, $aiee a. .. .......................... < ~sale at ..................................... $ .9 L.dis' looehack Coata lu tan and grey mlitureis, the Chic little Coats for Misses, lu pretty grays. collaris a! bandsacrest garmeuts of tise seasan and lu tlain Alice blue and reseda grueu braeoth, variat endies variety, worth 112.00, for ur Anni - $5tto, for Our versary Sale ............................16.175 Xuiveiaary Sale Ladies' Taurlst Coats, 45 Inclies long, strlctly man -tallored a ................ garments lu haudsome .tan covert aud Scotch mix- Extrernely fine Misses' oste, iuest creatlaus of the isa tuevg, vert $12.50, for ur grand csa. li facy eBtrises plaid aud gray mixtures, short and Anniversat'y Sale long lengttil. uoblily trissmed collars sud ai ... . ............ .............. $7475 - Ieeves, aIl of tiseni $10.00 and $12.00 gar mseutes, i-s lu 191, furrur Auuiversflty E Ladies" trictly mnan-tailored Covert Jackets trimmed with Sale at .......................... ...... " 9 tweive tailored strapa, ail wool. lined wits M ,,en' flue umixturses sud iulain Covert Jackets, busBe aud atin, vorts $13.50, for aur Graud < 50 ialf-tlgbt hittiug backs.svery îseatly made, Aunlversary ~~~~~Sale t.................. et................................. Ladies' black Taffeta 811kCoats, neatly made sud tai I slnddvau,2.r9u8Auvear ured. will ho offerêd as; a leader [laideorn 1k IEton Jackets, sosnetbiug entirely new, our aur Great Annivertar? 1 5 worth $8. for our Auiiiversary Sale et ....................$4 2 j............................... 49 tons, aud peekels, sizes 2 lu 6, worth $2.60, for osîr grand Anuiversais sale.................. 98 Dalnty little wisite .Iackctis of serge or brilliautlne, trinimeîu with wite silk brald, mnercerizeul sateeu lin- 1lug, glît butitoss and Pocketg, worth $3.00, for ouîr grand Auulversary Sameat. ............ $1998 tons, sure 2 tu 6, worth $6.00, for ouicgrand Atniversary$29 Sale at. . ............. $ ,9 ilandianie red Iiusstissg Coats, fine hroadeînth, green sud black valvet edîlars aud culTe, pocketa. and gold buttons. for our grand Annlversary Sale at ............. $ .4 This week's bargains wîll create à new These rich sud beauliful fineries wili Ilow pries mark ln seasornabte vw5.rahles delight woenuwho lave fine clathes, t but who might count It exttravagancee te fer Ladies', Misses' and Chidreit. Lew pesecas them nt regular prices-bUt the prices hers hecar mean cloubttUi quai. prices ire no lew for aur grand Anniver- ity--each article offered sa tha resuit of mary sain that the thrifty cari bny with- careful plsnning ln every detail et ils eut comfptJtctiafl. make-up. ecd the best productioenet the Here In royal array la Lsdioal Misses' best Producer.. When you bny hers yen Chi idren a.i ment fer mpring at stlrrlng- pan ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 1e ur...yurpu.h-ciS- cr&t..p.cs r __shes res 43 7econe y . if net, yaur mony hiet ad tan& anly b uts for tb £ la the met cern- ea ne questions. pisestock w. bavs ccIr afleresd. ine durable Shirt for Mis.esasd Ladies, aIe-er i oil or.Panama Sirte, (Our Sba" Di"-'y w«Ild command attention lu sises op ta 38. aIl imaginableshd, cireular or stiai ut l tyles, ail $1500 asUy passee fig thO e et tvalues. for uanw e !fc isfa ferr- ur Aniversary 7.50_ A.Ildt1517 sale e a -- --- MSale at ............ ilaudeome Sitirta. cireular style, latent Ceut, Extremely baudsomenia eu Moires, Voile or lil voflnla lck sud a100 th. nov «M Panama Oltri, latent creationa ail shadOs so Much-admlred. veli $20.00 valuses, fouir nortli $5, at our Anuiversary 1 % Anulversary 1175j aler y . . . a.. . - n.. . . . P a n a m a. .S a le . . . . . . . . . . . . . ie s azand am a 8lu 1C44 au ' 5adles' HahrbomTafttta Sklrts, joli * hluej Me zn arn d wlhie briNf*Bi evèlYwbere at $300 abdt~ n Mdrt, ê eux, nmre ln and colora, for our Atil-s'ary ~ panel effet, for oui' sale. ....................... Ve Beautiful iseavy Tuffets. 81k Skit.In iback, o~rmionuto~ Ie ' , nid rose, res<Ma, lavender, pluio Alice 11kw s~les, %Il eolum', hW, wbite, etc, Worth ' cli I Of gry, $6e., ,u îOoOfor3 purchsuod lu Chicago for les tian 18.50. aur Annîversary Sale . foS urM lesayM aies' VWblte IsîdianuHeadSSklrts hast .......... materlal sud latent cnt, $3.00 asked for ~ $100 sît Ptticatstham evergahere. for forou AuLieruy ur grand Anln'erv for..ur...ntversal-yale at. . . . . . . . . . . sale. .. ............... ------------- jamigul 1 %ffl

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