The. Illinos Hortcutreano isai. noat~e omdre d I A I0 N ~ 1 eliety hatcompiieti taUtistca o appld the bond lu10 pi podotii, udthé_____________ production ln the.tate and hou. in'abaVo tatementt Wll ho a surprise toi iarle > lPm IteremUti- teriittat tt rdt for viet il5. foarw dy. ho on whlnh thisl. tate -le tu be con. bas 11d116-111tifis induotry, andi botter itrs uatodyeeotn gratulated. Foiicwlng lg one yearma yet ta generaly recognime apple teurnaîneut t hO beld ati Fo Lake by report as ecureti by roquent of tts grewlng au a great practicai adpro- întrry eand ll>ibI) iU unli Batirday, %qcety frorn the department cf cern- itai>!. busiliesa fti thetate, andt gisil-aed tiuuday àpril 28 and! 29 under inerte and'labor et Washington andi Il moe attention and the. opubar4o iilier-tt, mrie«. 'Plira viii b tweiv.- baséd ui>of the ]est conusu reports: more cmn In the way' tf cultivation, evoutm On each da.v andi twc bundreti Arkaafsas. 7 million trees, 2 ýml- spra7lng& prunifng and the. other tergets.. Toe dollar. tute highogt ionn hubela apples. tems that, mcleeehanm hcvn areamateur for the. îwo day. eat! ive Kansas, il million trees, f million seeamary' antiprofitable. The Pro-'tdollars te second. bashes 4ppes. ducticu cifte prenant crehard tie'a T.L Michigan. 10 1million trees, 3srmil- cf soutaieru Illinois have bs .be.rtv Téwt iiiPlie h.Cuba, of lion bushels apples..manitaNl>'Increameti by foflowlns the . ke" seaOt Sndtaty on tloi îr1 mi souri, 2o million trega, 6 mil- udvice of the. Illinbli. Hortftmltural gri and . t!"me i. exImetaln 1 lion buehel. appleu. ocety. ati centrary tb the gainerai spite cf'tii. earineaut cf the . marn.1 1Illnois, 13 mllilozi tron, 9 busliels Impression appies niay, b. prfltabuy, Pauiof nnlid Beniin viii twiri for the 1 apples. grovu lu centrai and sothern 211f- Libertyvilleand boîl are reportid tw lie Itlam seen thatIlîlinoise has more noe.. ood monn. Tii. Cubefthe. Cuie>. tres han apy ocher of th.. statho 'Thronghout thie mection tof'the Athietie association, hav, iu the. pai except Missouri, but what la more tate Il la a rare thing to ose any maode au emceile, record. 'Imprtant that the proportion of ai>- effort ho replace the orcharda tha't Br.aagiugavelf piea to: treem la lurger than tu an>' are t!ylng eut or te enlarge the acre- ihe rs ngvn eko other state except Msaouri, and ugeocf applé trees. There le ,carcely mem excellent vaudeville et thei. that the total ameunt of app'lem pro- un> 'effort te even, grow appit. for licliarta opera boume, IVaukegan, duced Io le largçst of ail thia group. famlly use. And there are plenty cf Pme5tliugthet~irwn cmprnny. fItleaa (ommentlng on thia,. Treauror J. people rend>' tu rime andsd ey wven popnbar prleed attraction the price 01f W. Stanton of Rlcbvfew suym: "Mis- temtter Io mentionedi. thatkapplea admission bing ten. lfiesatwentjy and souri te conidereti b>'mas> te are sot uted teuor black: soli and thhrtY rente anti the sbow$are goot!. land of the big red - appie. Tht>' veatiier conditions, and tint lit don't Tiei. Wuluger boy, are alil ctors and probobly are entitiet! ho the. credt puy '10 try tu nalue tht mit. q45i n..Teyaplaying~u~la ut belng the lund of the, big cutiap- ILut rightt over et-, Chanl-gn >..ttpubi eticbrn la ia pie treeé,Àî4 thet cppeu the toP ttrablIfiten *Poducton." going aales ana ghere ana!tiithe*,fat-- The year referredtu t abovo la 1899.1 tbrough central Illnoiu, the mas thut Tht>.. who ýattend the theatré ta, the year before the issue of ithe cen-lknowu boy produce. gooti upples ndti mugit, warbhurànfondeu..for briglît, mien, but the hortlcultural eocfety let mukea ome money out of It, bealdea bre-zescnaed.,brilinnî stage pitturela. worklng upon the t maiatcs vwlte'lthe gret satisfactlon he pro- viti n buckgrousd cf.hasdsoasely uet- rlew of brlnglng the comparb.on up! vidfng ucb uplendîi and bealthrui tired girls, accompaniet! by catch>' songe le date for publication sext viter. food for the family. Moreover, there and rythnie daices, ahouit! is ans cffe.- Such a tatemtent for everal yearm r u>'pthm fohrtha.n isg muni> tu îieir iking in E. Dl. Stairs ulib. cf ittrest. ialk msoiher. .big -imusical cornet!',"Down the Pike," Contet etLakeForet. bieh viill e eattraction aut he $101 A GRL Cntem et -ah.Foret. chwartz tlieaîraWaukeguii. Thio pe. L0V SHOOTS The Nortiieru Illinos Oratoricalis .declaret Io e empiialic laugl ii, contemt vilIl be hel t ItLke Forest machi cf thie pleaeing condition beis>' lu Wukrnan's"Utle Agine ,~In ithe Reid chapel os Frlday .veu- due'tte ipranonce lualthe leatllng roitu In aan't Pny t. Uff Ou lng, April 27th. Tht lollowing four 0, Jôhn>'anti Emma Ray'. A compuny Do«n lay t Ou OutVou Frandcollages are 'nembera cf tui anbgue off ity le aunouncet in Ilueir support, -90 UeuTriug There. andi tani>college viiillie repre- _____________ eteti b> eue orator. For tepmont andthle production la saidtu ho h ex- t ho Jeurs la titsanianul content lremeiy elaborata, en honda>' April 30. »ftue »the mo abis %à Lke oret clle"basý ben ep. The Evaet boy@ are gefug te iry tbii '~~eneeanoter mc aol igrl, rerneatOti b>' Crence Diver cf tuas year te vin bank the great naant wlich a . dno nt ret auolaal t il e.Ule.îEverttI oruarly huiti in the. loeil base a lent stret Aulnies ent Lakte Forest tt.s year vilI ht TOp- bail vend &ad have formet!acud *SeuAtim ht mter a dance andi whea, plat. vho la now, attendng Michigan "iteut!. Whlle the. organsation i. sot t he kidnapper of the Mi,.aCPretty reseateti by Carroll D. Eralcîne, vite.. usyet entirel>' perfoebed it la probable &*uhlan belle, ventt mbta.he baéhorton viii ho "ieverene for Law.-~ flo~g vi i h iap rU8 of lte boarlug bouse VIner. 1Mr. Erallu, han betlcosimlerble te, Lavregwu he ne truk: -»Mstope, te S e - aulp-expenrennte ln publice peakfug Mbie PthrLweSRdod rn t18.8nia ha b u ote .air. hî' coln esiewon -.mverni primes Vauln; catchers, John Moran. Emia efececosorc.1cnêaa.H hmbeuFreet, te alternae of lot anti a2n' a. aiciti>amno e ve r wt liffte edr te Laite Forest in- miorlastop, Franuk Redanonti; rd beons, i tppOegle e baau g tuant vhi iehla edimond-It ; e ,Frau.k la chre vth ii" adrnem tat ald 11114ls olelge ln fte e ld ent! utilit>' mon, Corcoran, Coriolan. lh u " eg > fina ~ lleete leote.In ga=mrit le VOtaIOLeiî. Manager, F. J. Curcuma; IlWt.Pe f boa., t aaty1- th aaiî oratodicaiprise tof Ilit>' captain, ,re Front; aumpb%, . . '~b.pp. f iepIb> Iea>'Ansoa- rs vblci airo mate. hlm the ie Labcamter htaim pen t. boc udt a ve a aau colotaie ntiscnt putebo tbe b4luasensdoiug thé oo_019p1mWatvelutt.colg ~anti lb.thémanager wli navrecelve and bonsevoik. Thi ooking m ex ha e onu et the l or fthe shoot- Prealdont Richard Harlan i»pr-- o unainarmoletm.Net fieie. The Coliege Gi.. club vilI fur- linuda>', April 29 the tesa ploya tii. POlice failod*tu tcatch ii iait amhmui . large deiegaione il.Mro4 I Mbo' II tipter, but I; is understSooti t ofentitualastln tntenta front the ver-Hlv t. ý'S 15$ 18Ç,Warrant 4ont for hlm. lot.collages yl ho preuntte 10 frmanagers 0f h. va,%us hem baill cheor their aima mater. teammt throughoaut Lake county wiliimail the dates oftmmea booked tb "Sporting Departmmtnt. LaeoCounty hidendent, ASPRING W l$I1 lU PL 11>1cokimn. These annouincements lu Oaîh f Tam Vlusd.~ FNC IfR OR umi ,.îki uq b>'Wednesday of ach Reeults na et f__ weud t T A C E OR ^ek authe .lent. M0Oshed Through Coal Shed! gad Dahed out Braine. A seIOnS accident bappened inl Bprlng Greve Slaturtia> vhlch cost -the ives Of tvO VmlnUable horst. be. 104gi08 te Bert Stevens. I%'e > cflr vas a double runava>'. 4teatu belongisg tu William Watts hblben left vfth a boy holding them. MEe IropPei the Unsanti tht horst. liceitfrigitlenet asd tiartoti to nu- Thle>' frlghteneti the Steves a ui, whlèé vas standing star, andt ti.> tartel OUfta amati puce. liter go- 1119 I lle distance (ho>' left the rend anti timaedt ttugi thte .11. or a * ramee ai shedi, mmashing atveral O w.ylurs ati the slding. Thevagn as amaiteti atid l i.prses er. kiUea. Tht back 0f ose1 sud taie neck o! tue other vr wva avauabe ena, vertI about 1300, and fh la quit. qk kms te lMn.Stevens. e Blood fee "kl off *agt, mu «Mt Ayer'g 8aý TtiI! STAT!? NEXT TlEST OF KNOWLEDGE COMES FRIDAY, MAY 4. Teachen. cf Phymînni' Culture, Manuel Training anid Music are Ail Wanted. Exeminutions fol- tht. positiosof principale andti tochers vîlI b. holti Fritin>, Mu>' 4, anti Satuntia>, Meay 5, 1906, et t Illinois State Normai University'. Normal; tht Iliis Southtrn Normal University', Carbon- 1lais, asti tht Cook Count>' Normal Sebtiel, Sixt>'-eighth mîreet and ti5ev- 1art avenue, Chîcugo. For- principale and littrar>' ffbeh- ers tue scopeo f tut exainatios viii 1lie: Reaading, 2; arltumetbc, 2; gram- mur anti compomsiin. 2. geographY, 2; physlology, 2; eloisestur>' enuce 3; mottodm anti scitool economi, 8; iiistory pi tlla tes anti hlinolts, 1; civil govemnmest, 1;. mpelllng. 1; vritlng, .1; einlgtng, 1; tiravbng, 1. Total21. 1 Intte examnAation of teacliers for !the Illinois Sciiodi for - the BlinI, Jacksonvlle, tue ecops and veilots vii b. an above except lbe velgbt for eeting vhflb. 3 andt elementkry science 1. Dravlng viii b. omIte& In tht examlnatlon fcr teachera o! phyaical culture, muelc. imanuel trgan- Inganmd.kislergarten, tue soopo mal Weightm viii b. as fellova: 'Pechnlcal ëA.ainatou. 21; remuing, 2: arlthu.- tie, 2; grammaralde-position, 3; sepmppb, 2; pli>'ioiogy, 2; éie- Soate>' 5 . 2 ; methoti a an Po101eleoacay, 8; huston>' o! Uijted *s an uldiuR". 1; civl bovoru- Ment 1; sPOIBell, 1; vnltlng. 1. sîs>'- bu. 1, liavt& L ToWa, di. Manne! tralulng teseher. -wLî i a.miud ou the <bovéue ebth«l of lie uatl aien«a Ues lterny. si; fnee baud a O IsSUd leaebeek,O. te lIe temu Wateh our vant columu grov There's a reasos ferile. AmI Roat! To Site. Otto Muntzenbergen anti Otto W. H. Kahlert, cf KIhonehu. tue promettere, vhe have purchareti the property of the Solomon Sturges etate, met sorti> of tht Ptssoyer Sauf tarinu, vitit tue vev ef locetlng, on il tbe large pleut of tue ICusmes Oit>' Motor Car Co., are sov tilnierlug vit t he Chicago aeuh Milwaukee Ruilvu>' Co. vitit te vev cifiavlng tue trac. of lb. Kenosha Eiectrlc Itailîvu Compas>' exttntielho the. ite of tue propoueti maufeclnnlng village.,.4 Suce...lin 11e la large!>' a malter çf goot! heati. IfV!>on sever liave any aches.grp.n u, or n you noyer gel ia tire a tigyou viii sot b. întarested l ont of sorte Il "biné" ant et tiuna,ç peteesti ont,?,'ve visiteativi.. i Zjr dmnggit F. B& Levait bas menu flr 1h. smie of a met noetinuom .W.te.euto~ reetorehe beug, vlntandulvigor Wh"c belon% te u.afifmo n oi Il einova a* Se-Goe Tonte lmxt a r p a sat Bqua medlcine a dtuame umetir t!iàly on indireetily 0 ulilon. Try It vianon ae't um" 25e, 50t f6tlles. Scîtib>' F. B.Lj À vuife,.vu> iii" e manuis lU. It wi eethe eusc et.1four skleel D~hl-r . Soiei'villé, n tif (iae ron(1v:Tii. tale of lie aine tler. st.l a «Il , ûn. Tii. dotor alaisebs te a 0&16» b oxasa mron f afeetion, a 8elg for lii. .Nov ne pâne te se tiat aonueune ele Yf n- for chteie, etai Iuttheii.mgnupoint Ibet * My*&Yý the. doctoe"m prime nios feabee~ ir c ai u mlslgThatle thé. remne ho teemetilu bies> e N. ow II ais b nw et tht. *llme a lia Y Bo ià4 etailed a n euery a=pon. eaîM ero cf the. broat! expenée of t* laie.s. iéfundt! tntam"«-g hiýeý vau uextra cune but it blidmore.than 111lse feMire. Ail th.e cope la crawe lais ver, are4ully exaeinue! >'lamp ilgit ani b>' torchl ight, but lu vain. No etra hua coulti bu foundt! villeum featuhed ving, anti ne unhappy hemé eouit!lm. louàd vhere a sorriîwuu chantîiefr va, veepiug ior a let bride. Thé -excitemeut in (rayalake grew Inatense.. Sterai butiemm sien joined lu ibe alitihast. Wiii igiey alosetetoot! aicol..o il la, a reili om mt héa mluet h. either., Biglev'. cbièkea boume or iauthe Vault ut Iii. store andt tint big nun..iatereet ini th irit I- mmm lie due Iobflsi.desire Ibut ebe sot fie A eomntitte waited upotu lilanst demandute&ithat ti>ey eearci is iapree He wqat owieit bacîvard and alool, protemtlighi, insocentq thue, tisie. Finalli Dr. Soitiervllle offèeot te bet listai aben, vili aine leathers in ber wlng we. b.îug detuiset inb hie coope.. Tii. bet va, on. Cigure for ithe crovti vas te bu the vuger. Ti>e ail th. e eding, anti foetn citîm&ena cf 21rayeluke nuaarL-ledti t Bigle>' homeetenti. The chicken boume vas . urrountiedt andthei ar.ny eutered. Ait! b,. lier. bu a darkned re.. va. a heu. Shu va.s tealtliiy jacnet! opon anti ber féathers countet!,There voe nlse, jugi aine featherw upos lber ving. Bia* thie Party veut twIbméstors, vlierathet n-plumset!Mr. Higie> prdc- du.ed & box ofRHavmae. Dr. soer ville titan exahinedtte hbe. . "Sh. real>' den'tlookl ie mise," sait! the. docor. Ilia a flt i tobeom'n' ioseumaethei jovial Mr. fBot mcdthon h lket! ont1 liati th. e o e69070npMU eu etlemen lied cauglisthe ienncent ettraheu vhich hat strayedt! te iiAot benser>' andi byeacarefol ysteni cf ub- tcticu boitireducedthél. nuber of ber vlsg feaîbers te aiusuatibox] put ber lu the Higiey mcml. Igle>' lto eded t laI b.wm adua te et them up afain. The LAKitECotJtTy IxUxPi2cu.cT and the. Clucapo tudetig Ili- Ofts afor $1.85 per year If pali in at!vae. The square Deal Company. Tht Square IDeal Mliug& l)evelopsaent Compasny han gstarte a mais tunsel et the bume of Chef Mountain antibuha arev of mes et vcrk wtb teamogetting ot loe te, builti busk asti boart!ing houm.. Tiree suifte cfmen are eml.i vrking lu th. tunnels asti geting ont ore. 'Ph. fore-lins ala,> been lnereaeet. Truie Muk Rec Ognxed. Lat vintpr lthe oldeel @on of Mn. Pauni F. Mueleor, publigher of lb. Vola- Ruudachau. Lfncolu, fil., vas aiflictet witb a ver>' bat! colt! eat! congu. lu 14peuking of iow they cure.! it Mn. Mueler s@y: "W. usedt!lffesnt kln. omeiinea vîhhout Sa>'beneit te hlm oustil vo commesette oae Hart.' Rouey eut! Horehounti. Phlm mediclue gave itumediate reflet andit! mcccuret! hlm. In mY> estimation Horte Holle>'anti Bore- hount! in the, mcml vossuleut!andcertain cure lu lb. woni4Wioau11Irowtandat Zn gu troubles." b*, OSe amui p-. eo lv ilP. B w'. M4 Lilw .ile. ?~ t itote t efre ci, hum~ I util futUie uotlee at - VELO is coiS Mack.' vitt ilage star, lekt hW d octwblte ?&y 10 1899>' bemâWbor Lacae, dep.rtmealeof Sariie Frane. H. u efel b orn 44784 ofaIioI REPAI RED with Thorougbes& AND. 2682 <38)ý by BrOmet 1899 (756) by Coco Il (114Y. by 'Vieu Chmln (73), b C«pW AMLAYCOCK CO.- (712), by Mgaou. (715). by'e' 4 Je.eDec('739).fr4 tb~7 75.'f 'LetvI U 'ZOr6919)0, 9v12)4 Offam St. Paul- Freîght Capot L92) 6 ~e3065 (1334). b Bri 1qiant 121 < 5)i " 99>75).by Cocoil (714), by VÎmiiu 73>1 .yCoco (712). by Mktcnon (715). b à4We (139), 1.- ,- 'ofLart t &e ua4form-p" ice ! 20 toimwe mun arset e autec "Ue aftm" g LUMBER JasnStock Farm, E. J., Pintier, Mgri -ALI- KINS- If jotti ever bougbt e box uf wIi Rend Salve htuaI ebltoteRive mtlsac- tien >the chaneeare idlt sot have lb. sne "l'S. DeWitt & C." pristeal on lb. vrepp.r eut! presseinI.the. box. The org",NaDWItm Wlteh Demi Salve neyer feus legive msfat tion fer burn&, aures, boit., latter, cemket baud. etr- Forbuli, bleedlng. iing anti protrut- p'les il aBfords elmaietàlaundlaî o mteP*alýS: 501by o.1 à,Living Indoors mc mué turing tRie 4wlntv y.onthe oreatne a sortel mstuffy, ewant,4df-mncnition in ti.bibot! endmymtm gealiuy. c(ea Up andi get ermdy for mpijug. Tahe a few Eeèrly Riomrm. Th menion ttle pilla e enas tii. live, s tonma atiboureli. andi gi-' I b. bicot!aehajiato.puify itmeif. Tbey mwleniadachmAaiIow oomimion *e. SQIby Aâdugism. Ra ia - <(Ma) RecordaI vttb .Ped ireIn thoPercheron stuti Bok of Amorica DmqfWi#mand Ptdiee Rala t. a bledk, long mIip. ln face, bothînti feet vile. veiglit, 1900 Ibm,. faleti March 14mh. 887; importaI tu 1888 b>' M. W. DUnhanu cf Wayne, tI.; brel b>' M. Moussabi& Commune of St. Aubin. Dopant- ment o! Surthe; gel b>' Menarque 5149 (2428>, h. b>' Brilliant 1271 (755), ho b>' Brillat 1899 (756), ho b>' Coco Il (714), it b>' Vieux Chanlin (713), h. b>' Coco (712), h. b>' Migncn (715), ho h>'Jean le Blanc <739), dem Brebis (5162), b>' Prelse belcsg- lng tu IL. Tacutan, econdi dem Paillotte, ast iet recorledl number lm 9328. RAIA,' - #= vini mai.e tht smuisg Seaaon, ho- gluulbug Aprnli23, unt! «nI>' 7, 1906, as follovm:, Moule>' et Oursee. t -the bars e! Mccoiiough Brou., opposite tuee(tanne. Hall. Tuesdey et Fovler Venin, No. 1, Laite Ville, 111. Wedsay> at Wm. MèGulrt'm, Millhuru, InI. Thunutia>', -t Gietmsen Bros., Romemuan, lIn. ffidu>', et WalnorStb, nit, Nlcholas Lu' barn. Sattirtia> et home, Pope farun, Zion City',iI. 17h 'Piereedlu of o bhornm b sa esotel anti vo kao* hlm te . aseu eletbreetie mals u re.foal getter. ABRAHAM BASINGER, Keeper. TEENS. Fiftees tiollars fa oui' price. For service cf a borse mc sîce; But we ast you for un tract;' uti jour colt viii stAandal stck Or If yen coee ton doUera-toa >', Kunovtuga'ur-umrteuhobu l.i,'on me> SIonYe u detiet oecnrau WTh"c vrntmngl, vfi Wb atperjanoeat c ae We riait auro huma.. hAstlottir mr ~Um. ail' maceilsi WSuln I iahi.n. eat.~ (iood Grades at Fair Prie«.. 00050, WINDOWS, MOULD- IN08. BRICK, LIME, ALPHA PORTL-AND CIMENT. SEWER PiPE,-DRAIN TII-E. ETC. Olover Leaf ecoreled vith Pedigree lu tue. Percheron 13tua BSot cfAmerica. - D.U*Uu aété~ Cloven Leal la adent gray'; fosletiAng. h, 1901; 1) bands higi; weiglit 1810 pounia; brel sad ovuetib>' Zimniormmc & Basingor Brm o.. cB lufloen, Ohio, nov of Zion ait>'. Pot b> BOuaMtaure"1428.1; ob. B>'oie- centaure 8378 10W,) h. b>' iflUent l5U9(758,) etc. Dam, Louis. 19M49, b>' 2rimum IL 9886, hb >'Four- tou! 6423 (4487),.ihe b>' arome à655 (438), h. b>' Vlloq 11 (723), emie. 2md dam.,FPan>' Blommona 11731, by Beu- esntaure 2378 (1097) ho b>' Brillant I (758), eo >' Caoo Il (714), oic. 3d anti tiun ealus2203 (144C), b>' Fevora 1542 (705). ito b>'Frencit Mosercb 805 (784), etc. 4ihdam Wo1te (14, b>' Fremch Onancit208 <784), etc * 11v dem. Rose, etc.. CLO'JER LEAF, 29784. vill malete.en4uing Sta- sos, begbnnlng April 23, untîl Jul>' 7, 1M0,as. follove: Mopdu>' et Itummell, Ili., ut the barn of Wm. Mei- ville, star railrcad. STuesia>', ut C. Zlmmormaa'e barn, knovu am tue C. J. Custerton feais, vosI o! North Prabrie chainch. Wtdnemlay et Zion Cilty, III., utt bars sean Planfsg MIIL Thuruda>' et Jobs Debur'. liern, kucyn as the Weile fern. vWet of Wauek n Frila>' et Guue, 1k, et tht bars of Mecolcugh Brois,. opposite th. Gursee hall. m BaluterMy st . F. Petmeon'. barn ne"a okn iu chnri..Mtladiee oc&L Tht breedln#, fro! h15ho«» bu sot yet bee tuer- onghl>' teateai, but vo ltuow hlm te ho a vo» mold wtul al a sure 1001 setter. H4ENR4Y BASINGER, Iteepor. m