CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 May 1906, p. 1

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Thon bg launche Ito bquestions as ta vhether anTan. lisd gone bungry in Zion wble lie vas there, vbether ho bad spent their nsoney foolishly. sud ouisr similar queris., sud re ceived satiafactary asavera tframbis tollovers lu the front ravi. 'il b. the.frsI aipo«lie farever,"- ho ibouted. as h. rose for the 'Brit lime lu bis talk. *'The cburcb cMn Dot tr the firit apostie. The &Ma apotie eau tri the churci.] eau nol asg th. dog.", Davie sud ei audience iaugbed ta- gthretaI ila aliy., vhlcks vas lu- moderaiely applsudeit. WhiSDovie otinua inlalaugb as if ho. bugey su- joyed thse lao. Th. afleinoon crovi aetl*0.Dovis meeting Vas. ltaben as0<b.lest ne bis Smtregji vhim Wvas n«MursI"mv et t» etosi mw inig uMie. vheu le peracoos voespreseul SMd thse tb.a tva bouis. srved e.nlas aMIa et rmbfoite lb. fl5SeO Slgtses r.Masy. ..Is bigastiauflet the rirai af, 1 1 maouses vuâdue ta the- olrd taS- %a b. e eusatioos maeeotslccar front Chicago sucaail the -agaitnai Ms lisis former folovors1 north shore towus. aud made a sprlug vIfre files. holiday o! thse occasion, mhes trooped1 At a~othlb.»Me moment Over- lnto the tabernacle la draves, and, s!- i serVoia.ciseýn bh 11 Ziontes as ter lislening ta Dovle sybile, strealu-f liser leader lu 1h. revoit agaleat .41 ont and over Id the college campus Dowle, vas tailloig an open-ar audi- ta bear the bruns baud, the mae ence of more thon 6,000 that the robes, quartet, tise vested choir and Over- vhlcb D Iovie publcly donned for h.oseer Vliva. fritlime lisd, cot epproximately The constant advent sud exodu. o! $1200O, that they had nt been pead the cuins throngs aroused lu Dovie for and that they served ilînply oas e sentlauce oi bis aid-timne flashes of another evidence of Dowle's iavisb- anger, sud h. roundly beated the ar- noman sd lave o! dispis.i riviug sud depatlng groupe. Other Houard by Wl!. and Son. Iings occums'ed tnananoy Davie sud Mrs. Jane Dvie andt Gladstone detract dignty tram th meeting. Rie Dovie atlended lise aflemnoon meet- savagely ordered childi-en lu h lng. Mrs. Dolie set ln a speclaisales ta be seated, and vhen saineo! providd vcieer chair lu the open is questions met villi unvelcome e- spece ta lb.essnt o! the pîsIforsu, and sponses b. vas vlslhly Irritated. ber so, vlth a yellov. tullp lu the Once, jnst atter h.olied restomed quiet lapel a! is fracie cosi, net welI bacie aud vas lauucblng mIat a pathetie lu the audience. sentence, a set braie. aud a fat in Desite their preseure, Dovie, tu vas preclpitated to -thf fior vith a broken toues. vith drsatlc scam- crash. psuiment o gestures. referredin laAller denylng lu delail saone of the thir repusdiatioms a! hum, declartug charges egain st hlm, Dovie asiee Itf tisesbald beeu trlced lis Volîva. ho liad taken th. péôple's mney. WWue lis vomen adhereuts tn tise Theme ver. cries of "no"-lu front sud frot ravi gave voies la sympathetic a "ses" tram the ear o! the audience. Isîlrances on behaîf o! Dovl, ie. isAr-lu h. question vas asieed. sud vifs bowed hem face lulier baud and a stentorian "yes" vas beard above vept allentîs. Dovîe liad ione th. chorus o! "notes." Davle de- tissougis practlcally the sanme aller- manded t Ibhie accuser ise, aud tbe suces ai the inaning service, vlien minu d. He vas sad ta lieJohn tise members o! bis famls vwere ah- Buasli, vho bied deposlled moues lu bout. - thie banie and falaiedta ecover IL. Ou Ibnboîli occasions lietook for his Dovie snid hlie eev othlng about tee the clapters fron Mattev r.- tise case, as the mouey vas reeivred lstluk to the betraysi sud crucfixion vhu lie vas lu Jamaica. 01 Christ, aud repestodîs Ilkeued bis * 1Off.m ta *uy Lasnd. «gPosition la h. divine sacrifice. 1*1er lie asieed if suone vante t ta u4flly b. voeuldraies.bis vole oeil land. at th.Mme prie Il lad ta ils biglest plcis sud cri out lu beau bought, sud a inuarase sud Ozarting toues: afféred ta close the deal. *"My 00f, 'my 0041, vhs hast Thou -"nIlboy t," sait Dowle. 1"1 dont lms* ei-mer vnt ta liuy il ail lacie, but l111 lin . rave Dvine. Pareliel. yours. You're sucob su ugis loo»eng Me lieed thb btterccp of dealis dog, ve'll b. Sied ta gel rig or yon., dienie lisChrist ta lb. blav tht hait Daie's Ipuper vas groving iseated *ômo ta hlm vho liearn.d of the aud befo -, meeting closed lie b.d ddeartons ofie vite sud san' screit uss.o! persona for rfs -no. ising Chris," lie mai4 1 couit lngto romnain or for seeiiug gesm- l %sa no-C, od,-suÈ'aier. Theme vas front. Davie made as reniarrsl spac, lter. vas notblag but dur'itehovlug, hoîli as ta vMo u su use. Doul you ienav tht there si-e ment. for a supposed dylunsu= H il-- &fvh l ,an 004 - an' sal aideciar e v iii liv ounItil iOns MaUti I re liasPM",odtkmrugli sme debîs are pld and the id ZMon Ila te. terrible tribulation? Wheou 1 loarned tareit. 1 of lbe treaéeri of mi speople iu Sald ta bMave Cash Wfs Out. --i - .I _- .- -ual î.0;a. n lurte trous Mon are th"aiMr$. Jane wept, ana 1,ooqidic s.nothusut i darines nil. my wvitednoumne i me sud my sou repmdited me. I1ian1 tisaMbttr cup ta thse di an sd Uati i italent. ovle vas ejoted irone r hoe u ii.; asd of lgt adsu Ibsie sougit 4îge mril Wednesdoy in Ibe o f aliboit -IleaÏan Jàsper Er. Def'èv fa iâstn- iug tram Texas ta Ziou City ta taire part lu thse cruaade againat Davie sand ta prove lise Voliva accusations. He vas fommerly h. Dovie priouai at- tendant. 1 Hie coaming bas'eacsed mucis ex- cRaement.- Boua. B.h.mnglug To Kîcker- eDooker Couesm 1Ecfdien 60,000 toes otle. le it v-as pming âëw. >'th'ieral' in ltfle- dlately loftI .ttge su ad but for the fact 1ha1 St Ibis point a swtch left the main linos, tIse titiu wouid have been dtchsd a m sbably entIrely demolioe&d As Il vas, the drivera fôllovod ÉS he ob sSof thes eiteli vbehflb aus a gl4iWe and IeptIit frauom Ob*r 0 akment. * 'a b oeaisaïg curred at sus Other he upo ý AUad las o!Ilite sud greàt ..5 conld flot have lien av«otAi. K m i ,uch daMage vas 'don. sdWlt ,creýv kept huus tgl noce y clearing the tracte. LAW4TR 1 Alw MtrETS. SARKhFMO DNT eb.dhrectom m fuOance eomgt ?*OUGE?~ TOD A S 0 ils 4 brder Laeueo -teLae oteaJiM aeeof Tb.lie ekfbm.Islehums ouIug at là& fisyni we*es f eM LAie.wvus eutroyed V Fridas iJr. hy mfl WednosiY sMd theO ,00tu t Ie ee fMv Immrvf, r of IO,Uosvbted lb. peu vlntor la a5 Ilu adition ta Ils'. Fsrvol. there tto bd t tem lEWgliloMiPark day. EseliBras. anis recenUly aI41 he Val], E. P,' Sedgvlck; frbon5tLib5rty ce bon» e illi Its contente ta, th ville, Rer. Thomas I. Quayle, and Knckerbocker Comnpany, tise latter irons Laie. Frest. E. A. Russel treas. isvnlng anotiser large plant ou oppo- jurer; Cavin Durand, Pichad G. Wat- site shores o! the laie.. son, George Fludlay, Marie Morton, WN'lli Nol Se Total Lons. John T. Putle, Jr.. John J. Halsey and It isfnt tliougbt pile of ic Andrev 0. Jackson, secretary. vilie ba touai loue. bowever, as men wîli Fb. Leegue us highly encouraged by b. eut ta vork et once àud ail that eau thé rezult of the Informnations brought viii b. remos-ed sud .hipped te Chcago hefare thse county court lant veek hy In arlad otsthebod oflesthoghthe atate'a attorney. Tliey, wyl con- lu ots he odyo! Ie ton inune ta arouse public opinion sud te badly melted sud mun togetber by 1h. give their moral support te Mr. ar not h.lng lu as bout shape as Hean, uiilIshe salon business l would b imafin.d. carrled ou lu thse county as other huai- Thse tir. in believeil to b due ta a sp5.rie esses, they state, lu obédience te tram s passing engin. on tlie Wiscounin the lav. Fbey behold s vlctory far Cntral whiei ignited the dry sua public opinion iti confession lu open ingagnable roof of the structure, court. tltey say. Washington, April 29-The naval A liquid coid cure fu clilîdren Ibat leaprrito bl,-eotitt th Étaentau harmuiesa, and effetive ia Be'saprrato bieotd ta b lixative Baney snd Tar. Suirior te bouse yesterday, containe, tise firit ai- ail other cougli symupe or e<ld emedie propriation for the. maintenance of beease.It acte on the boveis. Au Ideai the Laie. Bluff training station of 1he remudy for Coughb. CaldPCroup, gréai;laeos, nov Iu proes. a!f con. Whoopiug Congli sud ail curable lung struction. The amount la $26.940. aud branchial affections in cilid or cris$5,0 ocu edUit. PI.asat to talle. WILL HÂCELEX Thebill. asoe ans$6000t o sud OsÂAvLÂKiE PsuÂsucr. lInue 1h. varie a!construction. COLLIEGE IN INSof T11E STLJDENTT ON MAY ýDAYý THE FOLLOWING STORY SENT strung acroose the recitation hall. THtIS PAPER TUESOAY TELLS Tben e barber ple vas aliducled OF AFFAIRS AT LAKE tromam ovn harber shop for Use Me3 FOREST ON MAY 1. ple and a wagon vas tsa .n forà chariot. A vit vas paid 10 the lion - at Blond B1aliard, a veallis Chlcall Studenis la Ansual Frotte Ilun Thînge broker vha liv.. aI Laie Forent atÉ Wih igli Hand and Ps'f.srs a". a largoeo«»mental tranu deer vui Pnw.rieàs. tabou traom tise yard. Il vas pisoed upon vh"eliandt vi *Laie. Foreil Coilege ia lu the mIdst barnoei 10telb.evagon sud wvu used late ra 1evtIse IMyquesu. of te lMeststuent rote an rue FTe May pole, wagan sud deer wva sînasliing petiad nf Ils history. The ail decorated vlth bunlluaisud ai vi vIsai. collage bas laineit ln s grMld reay for Ithe opeulug oai I e xercîseo picnlc that ilarted ai mdulgtlit ,,The tait.vaa made hiteilthe pro niglil sd la ta continueunutil inidîsustt,,OWO . mme ta openinir *0lioe. Tbîl ta-ulglit. * wow bet lis 1h.evlole colage, every No on. la Permitted ta open a bokane baviug tuned out. 1They ven unior peualfy o! belng ducead* ln h,&obeered blisthe tudeuls viso 1he gsm Pond: sud susono cauglt.inii ~a ng. "Na cias to-day, Pb casi It cae rocou Je te bufer a 1k. fate. day. Vog , eau fnet have claie uMi, SNoIbu but fui la silowei sud the Day."1 dam la oe eotlnuous tisicl.prou- TFb. sofessoms agreed snd demasi dtont Nanlanla lu theoaI sund lhe ed ta euov vhy they ba&. bs.u.foro& faclli la poverlesif they try te te ~came ta the hall tbugh l thf stop thes proceeinga visicis they lisve rain. They ver. cheerQ4 gusln e-m àot ranceh intention i ioing. vere, laId tisey could re trm ta thel The fomilytios vers sf*-tod lat homos -. Ue~t vhs lte aPP@e eluffu uft A 1M97 queen vas th0n slecteil ai Jus. *muaqlo su 4s t4 abl'mertIre houai f ill ta "-MotliI' Çiapnui 1 lX #od be tm raeqeeigOr on lhé MM bl . t t, "2lt o fnt oI wa*s, 5i4k tulise c 1soni' ~v - FLOYD MONI LIONS.SHOOTS SE DVONG ONI R. N. ai PsohbbtionitteCboomo Candi. LOFE data.fuirs upeseeach. 0F a AGRUDEÉÈ il@IN BM- In Bath Cases BARIRASSINO POSITION Death wasC Caused by Ili *The Lake county delegation ta thie Sucseds In Republcan judîclal convention vent "Self Destruct to Chicago Monday lu a body ta partlcipate-lu the nomination of a (bing tu the bal candidate for the state supreme court- to dinner la*t Fr beucli. it had bléen hoped. there Monroe, ut Gu miglit ln tise bolitical exigencleza afire in à pool of blocoe an opprtuttotat present Attorney in dpath,. A rifler Chas NVdtne's amé lth-chaceswîth the mursle Chabs Wtey' a @lhchne tory of bis tragie ofhmrcvlng the nomtnation. At thei nqmet It the deal another vay, and Coiiuty .ý lU6 Judge Carter vas the ouly candidae bal goDe to the tu before the convention. fatpri or to ber gbant cause tu believe he Attorney John D,. Pne. of Wauke- gan, vamade assistant secretary aiflRe vas -ln bsi th. convention aud that vas about ex9ption of the f the extent et recognition accordait dipem d wth he Lake county. ber dishesasd Wsnkegsa wbere Judge 4!agruder viii b. anu'Inde- Itra nto i pendent candidate, bavlng pro"pu wbom he wue dot ta the convention prepared bis peti- 8h. bellved O il lion ta vhich, 9,000 inaturet are bis set. It vas kO appended. It la ual consldered un- Iliheaithl fora likely the Denmocrate vli i1ndo doctured reiuli Judgi Magruder, thaug W. . lourd.nsntl seelca the nomination on that ticket. inis ofai The delegaîme ta the convention Orni Thers wâs s-s Lake couats voe: smong iglibo A. N. TIFFANY. suicide lidkno L. P. HANNA.h. e W& harne owl PAUL MACgUFFIN. reu.nbaarduit la. L. CLARK. vas ailitw J. 0. CORNIAR. Frieislinon. A. K. STECAKNO. trouble aud fi l JOHN D. POPE. bis auflem a ta, A. L REND«E. lie'sires OMI H. W. COOK&.hg~vejeg D. H. JACKSON. tay F. T. FOWLVER.W$ IL J. DADY. Moo . u .E KWAY. ls P. H. GAtiE. otlsE à R. W. CHURCHILL *latlon. ne ws W. E DAIS.botb bie sudh W. B. AVIS.proininenl Lake Démocrate Nominate Cooper. affaire are nidi 1, star. and but fo d For Supreme hencli. - set caunot b e c W. Fennimore Cooper. For Circuit bench. Willlam A. Doyle. Th, yAfter a new county central coin- Tii.inqueoî v. Itmi ttee had been gaveled tbrougb thse verdict boitg 'y amid a pendemonlum of yells tand fu- nndprsigued, jur 1tileproteste. the sjemocratlcconven- o! the <iath 0o ti ons at the North ide Turner Hall, natif do Oud lbat rChicago. Tuesday conmplotedt the tram a bullet wn la rouI o! the Dunne-Hearst forces by li 1% arifle 11a hi defeatlng bath ts candidates for itb suicidai I nomination and aelectlng tise candi- d9rranffed." dates named above. W. D. Waabbîr )r the deceaaed test Justice Benjamin D. Magruder could Dotl li nfailed ta secure the nomination for ,,îelaneboly dk the supreme bench because h. vua made ans rens Dunne-Ifearst candidate and not ~aone tu sulipeC l Demacrat. Alderman William B-. culciste thougb te Dever vas defeated for the circuit ohé bad once1 p. -court because he vas suppasedl ta li e cnusdprpd "deam ar backied by tbesanme combipatian. tbat tbe average le Roger C. Sullivan, national, state laand county cammitteeman, wa the Dr. R. N. Rieci SWilb griru generaliship lie marsbel: - epoie e d the Dunne-Hearst farce and county, taok ai marched thein ta laughter. Mis at 9 o'clockN *home yard recorded hlm for Ma the etiecta ofw Sgruder, but the others whicls. le con- 1:30 a.m. Tneui trolled vere throvn ta Cooper. In sud Clarke, of! thse circuit court contesta bld votes houma aver bit were for Doyle, and finally. vheu lthe At on. timls committeeeblp fight vas precIitateit, h p tatrec h. vas vlh the "regulrs"and it vaa c bis generalship vhtch carried lt cunty. Bis Dra tbrougli and ousted the Dunne Domo- ed crata front the body. &Y Th Msgruder fer' Prohibe. Teprablbltionista of ibis, the Se, Sentb judicial district nominated Ben- ne lamin D. Magruder as their candidate 90 for supreme Indge yesterday. They d milamrd M. C. Harper of Evsuston foS as the circuit court vsclancy. This banor puis 1Mr. Magruder tu as an embarraasing position. He already a, bas filed aet Sprinfield his pétition ta run as an independent. havinstaliel r:of tbe Démocratic nomination, and il ie e cepts the prohibition naminS- astion lie-must abandon bis independent B. candtdacy. ro- If, çn the other band, lie elects t10 ey continue as an Independent. lie Muet ry. reject the prohibitionist nomination. SPECIAI. Ire en G. Re LYON Nr.W Hosiery pri BANK P fIf T nderwear idI ed OcreR Lo aWedno-sdaycbnuen président of theseurit.v Savinga Bank 'Childroses en le of Wanlcegan ta succeed Cbha. Wbitney, qat onl id eined. WIDE EMH elr Mr. butnev annunneehi. reason for at per 0 tand tlhe itrin af coudt al bumineassand 1h. affairi the latter living grwnD tu iab oteoudsidmable mupmtl ag % perliave Waukgs' n clluiatborougth cs. cMe ms suceauoil lu hie« aI, pi IROE. 0F GURNEE, renowu as a minuf a! saty ïb ELF ON MOUTH Profession extended far. Fer Y 8TANTLY-DR. he lived lu HaIneeville, at a RIOKEY, 0F *hen that town sbo*ed promis. -V US1.8E. Wss This Smond Atteniut F DRUO. itl: labellevefi thal bis 4doutt 1jît due ta a second att.nspt,,a &» the day the aged dociar emom aRelatives Maintiusta cousclausuesa by bis attendlug 11101 Due ta Despondenicy sicians. Me recovered suiflclen0te 11 Health. Dr. Rickey discoures wth bie family sud ,#M"i* iSecond Aliempi at anis and wbeu questlaned econu ltion. Iug hie. acta. admlttçd lie bad: tA#= the drug vitb suicidai latent -li stated that hoe feared-a paralytie sk 61n ta cali ber Isusband tack'wbicb, sight render hlm ho>, idsy noua tirs. Floyd le ebda-ayhdtas~* Gurne., tound bmlemsHéhdao0.a t slh A upon thse barn fioor, atlncke. and tbe-,fesr of a thurdIt È rstifg nopton hie arni came à couinueaghobmî la lihW etovard hlm tlid tbq mlnd. ie dehtb. Pl. ned 811S eul sluotlon. ifled tbat ber buand end tinafly lhe Piiuouà* wnuta few moment# structian. Upan thse telure c f è tly Sund aud sahastno fi-at attenspt, lie recoueSi toe ol ao bad -canlenplated bie siderable extent sud vas lIeil#sI usual spirite wlth th.elbe Ont of danger. ThepiiWu tedt tbat liehast benu vbo bad remuctated bin e B' ber for reiung ta 1.6v. sud durins au absence of à hW a scmayhm ta0nmente by is attendant ho "nbsW nome lime. Re bad for snd la a $eV momments rwQ1oiê lrly but nogresabodside t* I i m i eie ma bie condition could b. deasà. sf*@*Mg ail the hairint taies a a emaisi etl Marital Trouble. son. Thor wltei 0,01' Mu im, a tal son tsinla t oubisa tîn ia n t & .30 uos 18%lit r . w t h"lo ln t O n e m m ta> t . oua a wn tuS5 tu t*av yoga «0 oli - r ! wik ba is Authse presducerfmo&etrma *as tbought 0 i7tuiI omu MO ins 010,0ta4*. G mm» thereoffluved bis praolet Wnothlag 00 Iwaitbs'b.benneM of boslli M4 w A 1. rl4 tbossb. a gare at m. osi. solinteNs »64 ud su e a nd li SSl r ft he, bm-ý wasb weld rdy ateoosi hie as wa W., tMse ce cam tabl U 'swhrehoWo 1 nd hoin àbiser fe dep- - ls an bd f r Mmy C~ l a s BaIsg Tlof U Inet. Re wmutsly S nik rsLocax-lem'ars or qO rus bd riayri. aftrm .1 lod Jbatonir.,Mon n fts îue ntmu et eme a s suaf otn smis l4h usd7c aresd vnhie voulir esd li..vihbsjI tti p bis.o Wahburobteelei 1tetAiPoneDb s 0e haentrdbhlme 1t1lie Stlb. resuiLocfan osirerse à sifd men mor fartuae tOnLenated Pilota'Ad meta see auv insu." Tfhportasre ,l0tmebib tbof I - oton ebilD rgranit aeaIo n d veo. r &M n ~on -11M csy. an ahid swud e.o1 .lawie bueg %ta t d 1 t li aiclan orutesLied Six dtuosu &ou d4 0* 0 bovardohs o!morhin e sudthe tubI b a reaet beqi Mdayen mornegfornethe0000lAciisIei SSO, or s= w lch e scn." be TaIhoirs. ,300gMen rsu Able 0q Gryau ldA nd, ad vre thla k$ e nvigatio 114m Icelsa nts physcin aof h.Lak I thoui a utme ci »oit u o 'acice voauccvide d et h.wles'. tres n.Or=«d0 Our Ecisti .54 lisr«wwrbnsýlnI very tact W. %te building Up 5 gai standard Unes, wlsiuifur vaiue OsaM anyvisom'. This veebveuýl'je VALUES. FO#t WOùar4Atqo Q14iffl GARMENTS FOR BOYSA ^Mf ýP lices-loc c, li2c, S6c snd10c gr prie«. Mut sud Wouseu - -. 8 a gr prîces ciildr n d. infjants-1Me p a<oog SPEOIAI. SALE ITEMS T"113WEK cltaon bail Uusdrwdluts, fSo-.-2 4., 8. 10 cly, eachI...........**.....- . ý..?.......... 1BROIDERIES-tor gfoue&olg pwiwa er yard... ..... . ... .*. .HIGH OjI L0W SORO TO FIT A G, - R4 1 tePoopletfoi-r "s ighlm ansd ho"t. se. them etSthe weury mer"- la vie uPudan sd lu th ai- aswu0. Ne, .apes e <l he i ho eêl e ue i. haiy mei. by àdaplu ai le ebo'gss - hlmsuw fu.dIeue * he the, *bu".is. il oi!esy. ai am»~em0imorIltierh"bad Ne f oresc er «i'avy "MY sOum - mu.Pegataes ThM rovi replai.They liai al- ewpd fim by 4*408 "b»"wet. mhs. ý *euls est oq« 1h. train -. 4)%mr was ser fuIlm«., éw *0* m :Mi, ee auivmd et *Mbl o id. ud &LSn«ewe Lipi OoIi.him egouimevapma toile y" etc viste Md Perpie.k eàbmi»& hAxd-e vilWU orm muD1of et b. vaSe. Joln ~lo%* vs lm c e i ~ .5fiith tanesae la Zimi *1

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