Sbos-Uto12i m.u1itéo8 sud 7 to DL Ji LL TAYLOR. »tu.-7 to 10 &. m. 2 to 4 and 6 to Louldeacoan Broadway, oppoitePark. UbertyviUl,linos. or" 0EOVZBE LOVELI PEll @TomE aus-fromito8Sad 6 to 8p. m. Ubertyville, milnois. PAUL MCGLJFFIN ATT!ORNEY AT LAW. Uibertyville,Ililinols. Puons 33. D. P, MH.SMITH. 1 DENTIST. OFFICEzOVEk LAKE COIINTY DAME. eoOtT-8 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 p. m. DAILY. Libertyvilie,Ililinole. Livemy la ComacetIen Phono 887 Librtyvlli.. 111. AL STEARNS. LAWYER 213 Waehutaa Street Waukogau 'Phono. 2761' NtWaPAPERS 14M a. .J. NOeMe MAGAZINES LbnyîlII PERIODICALS - _ CibGARS and - n I laite ORDERS fer ZUT FLOWERS F. BMIRSTOW MANUFVOTtR 0F o Marbie and Granite Monumenis DE GOLOING cemetry Work of DENTIST ertoq 8 o!mStou j,4a.,.-1 ta i5 pm. . Ujbeftyvllie..Iiiinois Correspondence' t5olIcited DR. o. F. DUTTDRPIELD,S VE1rERINARY SUROMON. I 26-Genmese t.. aai5TA? TAT VEZUASIx.Waukegan Things for the Ladies in Profusion codanad Itts.IjSitkWaists ReMUI «Mde Sfts and Suom.eGoods -------------------------- ------------------------------ I. Ihe Secuity SaiùngslBanlk CAM TAL $50, 000. 00- SURPLUS $50,000.00, Charles Whtney, Ga. R. Lyon, Theo. Hl. Durit Pros. Vice, Pros. Camhior TII4AC tom ÉRL NI STINES RANIJSMNS The Sait ha* a Sataty Deposit Vaut eodastiOmtn the Ualed Statos. "rge no 0 t.Accoromîdte man of the Po.ogLakçe Ooentr. l arge of a Competont and BlilAttendant _ ena ey Roesembe. Heavy Mge onry.atroion. Llned TOP- Bottoonmd S RmtiraOffi i ul. Flled with Concreto, thon Lned &,n wlth uiatoSte Ôà%CLL and INSPEOT IM. A Td G6eWigS #he: Mornitig, T "le làai . C"s bai abandopefi ail pretaume. Ho » vasady te fitee1 the wved at ber @Mae. Ibo stolo a iovlnsgiauce at him -y«.; Captain Anstruthor oft ti. In-c dian staff corps. If be vii l ot toel you ail tint te bus done. boy ho baS savedi uy lita tvonty times. boy ho bas fougt single banded agaunst, lghty mcin. sal me!"c "Captai» Antrutiier doos net appear ta bave ieft mach fer us to do, Misn Deane,- thc officer sali!. "Inded." turning ta 'Robert, "la thare any vay la which my mcn viii ha niefali" 1-1 vould ncommeni! that they drag1 thea uen stuff off that fir0 and stoP11 Iç iftps 1 enu me aa sins. le.theamk.Th" adetachmient sbould elder te cover tihe opeations o e tin t &hor c na~>*~ go round thc noth aide of Uhc Island tant houtig. sd drive thre ramainaing Dyaks lnto ecaling fmrt>'. *'hbr' yeliledMir Jan, dravnfue Ii i aud !tc at oubvandei!. i Jeoa nalled ire teexpse mm5ifbis retreat by tii. caîtrîrotion vithaut. os 1 undanstani!, et thre fartbar end! of ix vas te court na serîous vouud and *,Yes," aboutci! .Tnk,. thre ioutii beach. Mir Jan, theo Moham- t, achlevo no üefui purpoce. Ha fell The ustIvo. lu a*vi cracked vih me!atn bare. vira bas taon a malst faltb-'U back eut of range,.litd dowu bis rifle axctement, jtlid hlm eunîethlng. Tn u iydrn at0 u sudgrairi! ic robur Atbref ib nuor ako afew raidquestions ta set as guide." térvdiî a -deep boluw boom camcup make qut sure tiirt Nfir Jan vas net Tire otinar man caut a comprehenelfe fron theo valay. At frtit lipuzÉzic ist . thei untîl the sallor bit upon an ex. o -giauca ovar the rock, vitir lis acaling plantion. lkir nnwa busy. The» ho tbrev his arime round Iri.lilidcrs snd dangling rope iaddan, tira Thacn o astou, oubl mdedrcv ber close and whispered:' cave, thc 1111e groupe of deai! or un-F Theaddar of a gtn rotb uke y ad My darlingt. vaaire saîvad! A val'- cousclous prates-for evary vaunded J add ouglhuat l e iada. aoadst:ip bas ancjnored just iîayond thé man itho coul! moye a 11mb bad bange agaist th ledg. Befre 1out reef. BAnd iwî' iraits lIled vlth rwe wyiirth ie hl ae Jeuko couid raaeh It thoe holîting fi armed salions are uoývpuliiug aébare cn rave waa etre rat sel us loto position tîestliy etnatcd. Thay -a rwadcl rah wera standing ln front of Uie cave and!" ':i \."Halnveeenutnce"b Uic Moammadan made Play ou tram tr -vtng ýag, stnI no0ankcd. c vlth a rifle at tarty tact. e . hfor f "vertinyhor. JarrsusIa lts rovrarasheleera léje discerna!. it iras a great lftgtr' . tÔppied Uic iaddar cdean'over it --îl- [0 JJenks trIii t eaue Ilista t "Soonawhat orse than it loits." sald ouward and disconcertcd a section of iucb a moment.Aastrutirar. "This la oui>' thc eu! of 'the ,nuaketeers. He, calloi! ta Mir Ja t. IL ..kitogether ve bave4eunted'fori "Wcii 4pne!" criai! Iris. .'Éake* ot l..fib~*%.h1!it ucariy tirolcor of Uic p85lrievils.1 The sajolon. -- 1 1 . bove eunt bcaI f vin;iÏ tikiÉ lny can Robert locked toWsi! icheappxacir-tg gave 'ber sa., - '"-2w 4 séoifed l sîp" li& boat. 8h, vould Dfot land Jet fatr TMy paie nov, but nt viti r a. Han "Il W aili rigirt, sîlÀbi," cama the a Mlprtlot nu. oyez ver.- sigbtiy contracta!, bar nos. ' chcering ansev er. "i>lie boat le close *'By Uic vay, be sali!. "vii yen trils qulveringa.brn lips met tiglît sud Insbore. 1 thinit. f r mi' Uic unifonrm. eIl me your namne?" bee ciamndlmpicd. ftastIug on oe n kca they are Eaglisir sa1li1s, aucir as I "Playdou - Lieutenant Pillip H. vltb a revolver lu eacb baud, ase en- bave seen et Gardenrilcacir: ,he Dy- Plavdon" cd! ne puingumate for thre gallant man site bave ail gene." 1"1DO You know' te vint nation thIns who fought for barn. !,Nevartircles Jellî ewaitild. Tirere t sland telongs?"- Tbere w s n ltmetfor further speech. vas nothing te gain iîy beine too pie- IlunmasladIIbn.Itu Tinne a lddr vere resr arai gttheicÀîpftaele taiep lt 1w migbt nndq markeci!'uninhabited' on thre cbart." 1Uthe ciievemailte of nîauy yacks. "Tbi,enlnd Anstruther, "I cail upon Mir Jan vas dancing about benesth yen, Lieutenant PliYdonu ail a otters x in a sallte of-vli! exciteliint. boe presaut to vituesa tbat I. Robert ' "lTbey haires"en tue Iiyaks runnlng Anstrutiier. laie ofthtie Induan army, 1 t tIir sampans, saliriL." hayeiei, ctlig On btiraif of mynitf an! lites 1 -aue Oicocni! boat le bciug puliei! lu Iris Daidie, daclara litiraIvahave taken 4i~' tinat dlrectiofll Tet auotlî& iras mat 1possauon ot trleie land Inu tirqhome iett the sblp." eftiis Britrnnile majtsty tbe kng or - A translation made Iris excltei! *a- England, flinat va arae e 41atù«,u ger te go davis and seee thesa vondero tpiars ani! ovacis tllierot anitiCham ait 'linaboom Ot il Çaqon capmc frggr M' PrOPertY i'iglts veilla iteureiu" te*. Ivolinctively the girl duckei! for ThiSO tlmQ i1'li il Qiiîg nt sncb 1 afety, tineiig Jr comlranIOn smilld a moment, iard a2bs flerera. Iris et ber feans. for tiea ibali vonid have alone Lad un intg oftht-iîuticnlyng long precedei! Uic report bilalt trav- motive. e1.d thcin vmy. *"I#14'Xt suppose any ont ii dlspi~ "One eoftthe romaîtng sampansna lurtt.,"su teIÎva gce bi. à* enud«t vmy," ha axplalned, "ai nd.e 1ly.fIte ubqluestionabiy Imagirai! that vantiij16e. fring at ber."- 5»fféril? ind! OpolUre Md asfghtiy dis *Tour Ivr@Uchesl" murmuraid .I turbedthUe ether l,o Umm. "Califat the pliviis be aflavai! tu £t'ank jeu," .plIW EhR~ wi& escapeuainecopipoeure, theughb jif011 iu. eluneilte laugin at 'Iyi!n's Ysthfl. 'Wa evaare unaélM iterfra Wa.ýq OW di . om mE Those catight on theliMiipoe.-Jiin nubitof itaeed. fravei biy be taken t te emaltilani! andcinten bero tm bae a F«buin hangai! for thirlrcrimes, »se cmanuelut». te spe 1 vol mmx a legal notice et Uer end lu net of mucin cou@>- On the.vanl ln fraotnt fbr cave» quaaý"Plsydon boved siglOuI. Thora va te te gl's malfest relief, thon Uasiohins la tins ope~$eV mannes' tlat WUno more fdring, and! Min Jan an. pu.zlod hlm. je detafle a @man sgun Med tUal a number er salions veto ttaaccmn"Y Robert and Iris, vina 0, acualyon ahana. Thon ber tineugita ev valkoi! tovar the. buebach "mi cumd ta fa mattar Of C1eeu te i.akoi!Mir Jan te pilet hlm m sugge.t Now oth rowar ad 9feminine mtud caen ln Uns graveaft me- cd! by Antruther. Noc bos c Mowa i lfilOrWi0monts of existence. h lavei! ber face The bot vwa Jet mamy yards froza rock. They ee n i sed " . vtb vter and soug t ber dscari!oi!sh re vien Iris an forard and! reok.Tic>' er s e posctomti el klrt SitretCelne!out ber arma tauiheman vbe hoiock at JeniAs ouid ont forced.Uiem Seaun the eteady trsnp et bout clai! vas .taring At ber vitln vl.tul de. hackarr A aurin 5peid. lu est advauclug at the double vas spair. coels aabatte loamlug lie igitntek.beard on Une elîtugie, ai!an ofn"cr's "Fatineni Father!"mie ci!d. "Dýoit the bernaetofsome ggauttoimaLvaîca. speakîng thre crude Hindoostanes yen knov moer The four covared practicali> the vinai. of the angine naom ai! torocastis, BE& Arthnur Deane vas loçkiag at the. front o e iclo!ge lave viner. mitIje aboutai!to Min Jan: tva Itratigo figures on Une Bauds, mai claire! a1lttle space on ths level. 'I, yon black feiiovi Are thire acin moment bis beart gank lover, Tine sillon vas staning nav, vli -an>'wvitie peuple bre?' This Island baud ii finalimhpe. DMUrg the cravirar lnchadin la htbands. Joukt&sang out: mati>' earY wveols. ince tino day vheu Thne fiting in tho vailey liokouci! and! "Yes, two of us! Penchai! on the a klndly admirai placed tinec er <lId aal.A Dak aoe grunlg 1k.rock over your Leads. Wo are ceming Orient at bis dispoosi, h bai! secornd a Japanaso <limon. appearad at tic top dayn» thUe China ses, tire cassis of portie and cf Uic iadder nearesite Iris. He ciet ioosa ttc nope lader. Iris Java for soe tiiings of tic 111 fated "*Don't lire!" ehoulci! Janit. And! Uie vas llmp and tramlilng. idrà Iran bar crusirci dovuvard. Trio otin- "Steady, swetliear, 4ho vilspered. (To Be Cont nued) ers pitched themacilves hait on ta the "DOn't ferget thc slip beveen the cup ADJUDICATION NOITE.,- iedge. Now botir crovirar and! revolv- Mai!thre p. 1101ld tignt. but have no Public notice la hcery given tbai er ver. needed. Tiree iaidcrs wve t tit. 1 viii ie lest beneaUi." thnug cumireai sooncyhat fttose he- It vas weli ire tok t ni precantion. ttc aubacriber, Reuhen W. Ceon, Pub- neatir. and! Jenka eprang towal'd tie Sine vas ney 50 unneryci! Uiat an un- lic Adiristnaton. vitinvii anexed faurtii and moset distant,.lMen ver. guardai! movamet migit bave lad te of Auna M, Hapite, deceasad i iiiat- cooding lt lIke anto. Close te bis test an accident. But tie no oveige Uat tend tino county court ef Lake count>', la>' au ampty voter casit. It vas a ber lover :waa near, tin o tuct of ie aI a terni theneo t t o b oiden at Uie crado vespon, but effective vhen veil baud guing hen test o at the range court bouse ln Waukogan. lnu iBd Pltched. ai! tinmo er bai! neyermdcetofUne iadder, austained ber. Tine> bai!, couuty, on Uic fret Monda>'cet Julir a btter shotrifor a geai ln the mcadet almost r.acirPd tirje l hen a ion! next. 1906, vhen ai! vinoro ail per- et a bard tought orimmag tin» e «elamation ai! tir ecrashcf a heu>' ions baving laima agalnst sMli es- mai!. vitb that tub for Uic beai! cf Une Nov Cused Jetaits te halt and look tata are notifie! ai! requestei! te pro' uppermost pirate. devuvard. sent Uic sanme te sai! court for ai! Anothor voile>' came train Une gands. A Dysit, iyiug et Uns fo0t Of One o! Judcation. A bualet pioee! Urough ie bs air and Une scallng iaddcrs andi! erleiy vani- REUBEN W. COON. r-sent hiis ou'veter fiYlng. Agalu tUn.. b>'a abeli spilutor. vttesuded Ur Pubie Admnistrator. wlih vili au- hesiegens avarme! ta Une attacit. One deecent, I is leti ha"i ho grasvi a nexci! of sali! deceaiei!. vay or Ue tier tlinomueana uccoci!. parang; bis night ermivwu b"dage!. C. T. HEYDECKER U& BON, A man and a voman--even sncb a aMa Tinugin unairie to. ise, Uno v#Mul tony mn ai!schna voman--Couli! net keep at pirate mutene! ilas remaiimng auUnWuteaApî 0,rO. ori ho>' an infariate! bordeoaf fifty s&v- ta crawl tdward theireavylg ,aOtreng* It ______________1906_1_ age. Bgtng at clos. quartera andi u- vas Taung SAUi npirei! viUn UieSaeohIlusCnt'fLies <loy Uese grievous condition&. baté sud venomo f Itheiylng anake, ute ofCinois, Couty o LaeCunt. Jenks knev vinat vonli! tappon. Ho UVen yet ina hope! tudemi a mortel IDteirt CourtJonfeLTke or H vOtnli! obet vile rMailing Unee cci- strpke aithUe monn. be ai!d falhm Dnut mn!.ChinesWinTney r Mar iug Party.. Ani! Irial 'Dear ierti Ebe ai! aU bis cutthroat boni. Ho migit Elanilson aud Charles Bostron. (3e» vas Uhnklug et hlmf. bave suceade!, as JoW u v noi takein No. 2739. Bliito toreciose. "Keep huoki Theyca noever gaan- p vith Ina, vers fi; MU ethUe vatch- PubietoNotice la inerein>'given that thn edgerl" isU abeked. *foye.m cf Min Jan. The Iiaiammedaa ln pusuance of an order and i!ecree "d !thon, aboye Ue <lino e to i- spvong t hlm, vith qs eetlhnd i!gave ofthte Circuit Court of Lakte County cole, lb. e etoftheo tmiuni!4" linu 0001ia&murdr.,ln*aI vth Une enterei! la Une above entltled cause the. baWlng o e b ettet a rile thatb 1is i* i le.f jon tino Sttidai ot Matchn A D., 1906, cae Ibrçagl tinoei#& ca to i lêowaimg breatroi! cet lIeL«ce plrit tie nderiiislginei!, Elam LU Clake, 1 S& llPPli sni!vilh Rt~~u a KMater lu Chanrnn>, vl. <on Tuesday, [«b«&s.lit travelow wu' M c " dd it r..» tin.22n.d day. ofMay A. D. 1904, ea -- MEMUic the aur et one o'ciock lu the aller- ne". tà">» oi - -0 .A 'A *i Ino-ona-,uur u loi mosever et, vIi tinoe Ir les peril h Lt Ie Nve i oourt hanse lu sali! outY 01 Mle mini!StateofetIMUIOis, Bali at :bi'ch vendue for cash lu ban! ta thUe fflie.t ai! -best biffer Une fol- 1yvngImad i!reailcate it elted ln the (oonty etrLeke mand Bte ai DiluImWaid deucriffl as failova, ta- o u <1)' and usre i la~ .01. tfil = e-u l UBERTVVULL LOCAL S C R'1E I Mra Frak . ymnd M....U cordiiyivtdtoh rsn. SCREENS Service@ aseusuai both morniog and For Vour Wiad4 ventng at the Presbyteanau ciureh. ',The Ejuotion oi New Lite" wili ha the SCREENS ubWecîot thp mwrmon at the Methodiqt FrVu hurdi next Suticday mo)rning. Eveuing FrYu « raachiag sermnon at 7:110.Vifit ur C ! S ,unday ochool "!d ise whether you C ÉN ",,,id fot likta to loin one oft îe clasFer.. For Vaut Pop, Strasigers ruade welcoiiie at ail servicies. lion't forget thae<oid tolie rncert next rw.eday night ut the Unimn eb3urch. it Leave orders with Dymond & A&Iiý promises ta laaad enjoyabie aliair. Cari! of Thauli. ietiil ,!& o! To aur onany tniends and AN.b the Knighte of P%-thiam, Royal Neigli- a)re and ail who so kiudiy extended tbair aid and Rynrpathy duriug thae ick ' Ubertyvile - à" 'nek4m and deatb ot aur niother ve wijal o x pre s Our bea ttelt t ank & 1' JoKLA G.HiN(e tSTRAW13ERRV- .%[)A M. GHNEStrong Plants From M.;;od Mit@. WIWA31x MILwIZER.% laSof FOR RENT-lix rotflat. lnnîuîre o Warfield"s best for caning,per 10 0 J. A. NIVATEF. 11h per 1000 81Z.25ý Loveitt very aariy, per 100 M0,. FOR SALE-Hanse, tire years old, Pound .1000 8$.73; and ail rigbt. weiglit 1000. Aiea Havertand. Ptra fine, per 100 30e, tiaruemsud buggy. CHARNLEA OODULrK 1(0(<) $3.00. care THmoîÂie & MOBDlTHtxusT. Libprty- Beder Wood. godx ferterlîzer peut1 ille. 31 t 10e, par 1000-82.50. Higbvay Noie Gien Mary very large, pr 100 60e 4ioT X&C Brandy W ine, latet o9 ail, p os- rusuIc i.Tvm iEOC reTac 60L, per 1000 $8100. 11tc~l etb iveflthat vroposals-wli lie reeelved' tiy treund"eriuned. Commis. A#>arasPatiy.lpn0> loe (; oh Euas,s ai tTown et ylrraet i.n t1 8.0 ... .e .7 u~i e.... a ouM Transplanted! abbffw .W '=b1ne. letoaà, That the ime ilelebtonr"%t by Celory, Sweet Potetesi Tommt< U u l lttna10tire loveit isponglirle idir hlt our of 2 o*dlook -of snid dar, athor hot..bed plante In seamin. l'Ioam bere wbridgo le a te bulAI. Th.e amtan d klnd et work ta te done .Prompt service and satilifetioi &re as tollova: - uaned A iteelbridfe vOir 20 foot Aasu,16efret vIda tanod Tbe lvOrk o te oompleled by tbe let diet. o orua Joli A. D. leai 2201 Enoth &aw. Thre laid OommlsalO Of R igvse reseve irerlub 10raOtqB 0 the lidbi Zo aCtm TowFn 50 tu do.t th ries tiobotl W e fAr. ,W.FIE»VQ 11i aamuC.ama IL 0. Uwiti fIsorken. A nDisrc ola O utr et Otares B. icssud = eat SoMlaviduml *mi!d lireIret Ricin I Not Te ea»"01milbe.inuso rpasnd iptu l .mai a fac OLree1,e <aDi la' ~' on M4,ndrmii siut es tonson s. Onbtris reh daya!AtlD.,y.lacsb. roadnalrofrcallive10 9161l W.t Tii. leami!iis<.aI DUvas 2v aor nuNAnev ons pa Znu '. l uNi!tiraitict of Bânoaes sua tirs nraoastnà"eratay r Avril liema!pac udso cae,&ayy<e bavte. ii tr pav 01,1lie 1sii p tilionr shoS nl bem01oE M d.a uiimîir<~~ir uytmilhe ail ca M ii! p.etle tioihpacsore sae Il notic Wlnoitreaontisa. H. eir.. ada h o ard ct e ai! etrsnet aprlie, Tr.dÂcId.ii. rk State o! Illinois, CSont>' cf Lake.,Os. In tine Circuit Court of LaIe CountY. Sarah M. Ward vu. Fred 8. Paerson, tino unknovu boiraetfAuguatas B. Cotes. deocassi!. Robert P. Bates, Minnte C. Bates. Sarah M. Barrett. Wililam 0. Barrett. Cmi Scott, Fred S. Erskine and! Rail>' M. En- sitino,, Oc». No, 2760. Bill te Public notice la iereby givon Unit in pursuance or an ondor ai!ddame of tine Circuit Court of Lake CeunI>' ontem neltheUioabove ontlei! cause ou Une zitin dayoftMarcin Aý.,..1906, tire uuieraIgneâ.Bmain LU Clarite, mas- ter lunCinancer>" i ii, en Tueaday, lins Slnd day et May' A. D. 108 At thc heur of one o'clock in the after- noon of sali! day et Une eaat 40cr 01 the court bouse lu msali Lke aunt>'. and! State cf Munois OBUetl UblIC vendnq for cash in hband, ta the blgh- est and boat idder Une feflowing i!cacrboi! 1ai!dai! ramiestats. ait- utied uin e Caa>' ty fLaine ai! Stmb. o! dilincleanmai!deuciinci!as tlI lou, to-vit: ný ino aeni>' yhallt a!Lottwooti (à&) ineinni a strp eof1aidfroutlng nortls ootely on Grand aveusnami bavl a unici9naitin of Mmtsà (64 enfrotrait to rer; Md up theo saterlyyhait ofthUe Wctetéi tins. (3) nais cf Lt tveui3Sae (U) belng a tract cf laind haslag a nul- teoni idUn o! !art>-alum Md =6b«a (494) fet. Mad!a iehn ew m buairoi!thfitPt (M)80-L an et lte505to* We ci-- S i . twutrosO(21). anilm àlàn;t the wdbotmf* ai1U UTS Factary aLbmeetYvUI% Schol "of spoclalattamniloisgivm n lowl6 Poeltioda fsrslbei! ildm"s,e are ver>' reaoeie. U.ui M Serv. m Protects the h«u»i Afew ce Lake Cc Lake Conneot te Aima o ueW 't Iiow isYour Blood?ý t is good if gou have takes Cownpouisd Celerg Nervine. That is sure. IAàk angone who bas taken it ami theg wilI' tell gos that it makes them leel "Hke aew." Pute lite into goui makes gos leel strong. Puice 75c iper bottle. t OVELL'S DRLJG STORE 11, i I~sI~S swela lý! r. e d y Y. I. ýy IL. at )e ty le 6, kt Ir, .f