and the quality of the oe yon sow depends upont bloom. Everyone. whob used our oeeds know th are depeéndable. 'We e fixrnih any ni 'thlng 1Lu i or vegetable seeds. Spec sale. Now le the Umne to buy and laere la the pluce to buy JIE3LI TRIGe'US" PROPRIETOR LIBERTYVILLE MARKET and UROCEIR Cheaper tanyou bu1 t di Ou,- lghta - fmthardore l«&.The am Imoking for your perm I The Way to. get iii. to m 10 it to yow advantage ta Chicagffl er. mge your mster ep=e bme ym ai m in.Chicag< er and ou ben agi.». w nuaent trade nake you m. tmd at home ooy am .M, CalilaaffdlSee I A. HiUSS LoDonyvout X X X IJ.INis When You Paper Your Ilouse Begit Righi BugJ gour Wall Paper of us and gou wilI De start= ing the -wau gou ought to Wç are UbejiIIe's Weil Papsu-spedahists. Pe0oe bug their Wall Papegr of us because theg know it pays thm to à'osgo : : SS e 41 SM& BogI l .pdMtBon Butterfield r J. 8.«iey in re:rted to bd LAnd Ion. oyp RfRlif a boy.aolontegi.To ot9 I_1V The TroubaàdM )@Ih .(Thur"dy). Lkleemtr sol*o the You had btter go. Stopbe. boUS on Di vision atreet.- b» Jor, fetweek, toa MerlotiatRAI rS20 e .onBdrke, a aine pound 97 dabter, i, are vluting Un.CIPJO liey Mr». T. R. Quayle visited iantelk aîloay's leter, 'i>. IlcFerland, lui ea ihrelative@ St Clifton, thi.tate. . ____ e e d Pa Henry -Kingweilland lHM Hyde. of IA.Ile Webb i. is ii. ciane-I1Libertyvîlle hau been dolng niâth Id? Cicago, are visitîug nt thle Butler home. t fml ib à- Day>. sund Intends tIA fgid 04 ftle sufferere frain the earh Mr.1 1rand lMr. E. W. Colby wilI return w , ~j. T 1dn o fBD .quake 49ti1t le Ian Francisco. Ail th toLertvlet ir h Ie o etW..aUOfhep éaVirtchurche. s8*fi sî ided in collection. and WeLDelbe t lâon, brother of Frank cf l O thidg. The past few day. Mr. and Mfr.. . E. WarMr, of Delevan. WU.on, s ~et ried rcnl tCa-four petition. have hm. taken around e yorg dn Wl.., a fitlng at.tbehe oi of O.,E. boui-ue, N. C., wîiîelhenw Hies.Bei, by the. butinest men of the. t4*n and 0 Warnr.h:l n.w l Lbety lz alug ii.ti.. ae n very lherally .ubscrib. have ever1ghiq Berman Meyrcontemplae. building place qsou. tbr..year . ing omè s bih lfire dollars to the. fund. twt. W0 a house on Park avenue in the near There wMlIb. aun elaminatifu for two Agent Affàîan when asked by thi. future rural carrier to take the placff tOfN-DEPENÇDEN h mut0 eoyfo-To eg ae e JohnLstetibuilding a uew u1 arer ewnaîlCuchlreln d ed tatd tal ready *iio. had uniîtiret eteet -WoYrk Wt- come-n*d e t e eiay- ay 3.ardedr ibs ee.deolrlng ta t6e .t lie eamluatlOn .hould bren sent frain the fond and that ho this week.communleste With Poetmastor Heathi beilevedl enough mort badl bren prgmlsd Mfr. and Mmr. Johu W. Lynch attended and rcletenuuur nomto. to brlng it up to the. two hundred mark. 6 the funeral 0! SU uncle of!-the latter, inl Chas. Loeelatid arrived at the, Trot- Thtis inludes the amount rai.ed hy the. Mlwaukee, Wedne.days ing Asocation track Wedneeday with Methodiet ehureh -but flot the Catholic .111..i Viekery of Mson Citv, Ille., a couple of apeed'-rs f rom Chicago and lei. e udwic a owre visied L E. lackey. smily train now, inriialllng hli itraining mare. lucifdwiihnsfrare S Friday lest to Mondav morning. This year telepiiones will beclniu tiog ifrn hne.Ti r. o iIladteba sot a ni t the. track. tieveral have just bren in- byterian, menit clothlng but not money. o '111fn h etA» t S Soavenir potal carde Of the Californi- .îatied and _tii. lsr4meticaru now ho Villages-n iisaloe i. onr in la u - eartli quake and tMr, will b.oOn 6"lerpaebed 4. t'bla*ý aving buoines withhV c n iîlîl vrtecuty fetofSÊed i-o ne u Saturday at Hackley's drug store. tbmp ar re î-ponding in alike re neT S -Mme. George Yager nWho h.. bren i1uite TheLV»rqi-lile t- and supplies have brencumin ii o ow-e.-We are leadersin suJ' oe ule i4%4i. Ofme n-hr efb btrain !o dDig wilpeople n-ho owe me for gr a; e tirne atl~ f fsifn nd maudger -2 JUitçheck. _Ç. Ç- Coi»FLAN.D. 31-2 tlnr~îa rF. C. BulloKk % fM N DNGI îi;hî frge1 tiiît «h y(glaent aynianîs os' n-ile the new b igbfilhiMthe Troubadours and that 1r nilde n eui BIîam CliambersCeebate.« you nl mind o«AthiUg if you do îlot Wlunp uOcie-Uh uiandCibrtd ' go. Abouit IhUkt linîi, rnofthe Kniglite - I -g ro 1fr. ifo~'r.,1fr tit lrg. »Bb Templare living inu %ýauk a e r ' fA.lç !grovitW,<.~ Mere.midowetrifçatMr. n Acomplete Une ofueusfo os Fe Spelliaîi aîîd Tony Moi-i'e ttended the ent-stained by Lile.rtyville Ine ts St s uife lm »ek-hin wedding at Iffselo Or,,' the- Maeonit hall at L.ibertvville eTuda3 eWednesday. n ight belng gnonI t fthe. resideiji A <erman weddlig alter the ge!~ ld i cleaning tinie 8 i 011 b., el M .1Lib.rtyville menii.r.. After drill aud fashion of the old couîntry, to ai lut W a r n I e t ,J r .retu rn i al e w w o rk ref reqh e ut îv ,r, e erv cdl b y t hre d a y . a m i,] rejo cin g a n dl jo lîfica tio n ' L i. o le u m . W a li P p e r . C r p e asgowith an abece,, on hie eck. wivffs of the Libertyville Kaîglîtsud began at Buffalo Grove Wedneeday noon -9 wp le. n-Illater return ta Cnlv-er Mlitfr3' the remainder of the...'.niug n-as @pont n-hen Anton Joln Bohm and Miise Ais.e acaderny which he is attending. eoclally. Paulina Becker, o! Wheeslng, n-ere united Beagers. ttc., !Etc. Mr f erg aker n-ho iad a vbry )f. C. Iprenger %vl] ýy he at iii luwedlock at St. Mary'e churcii St 1fr. Geoge lt1~îartBuffulo Grove. Alter the. reremonv the. serions time the re.ultfrom a pin scratch, of the week lie ready tii tae ordere for ges n eaie doridt bî-ing tbreale:ied witb lock jaw,is now BsalîaketÈ goo. rtee îO'e . uîuci rcoveed hat ale k lcat d B i bae of Croe'Whreling whei'itthe fatiier, John fem,l one eoeedta naletabcrsat »tun.h. wapil dii of whoe ha@ for nearly thirty year. conduct.d M r. and 1Mr..Chambers leittfor Îtlir retail halmg#aiîa.ulie In a mai5 aud ertiime h nn "Uniaiotel."r home at Winnipeg, Canada, on Wednes- thoroughlv underestands- ii, e r r aol o thrthanded inte aticowder day morning. 1fr. Chambers I. tiie new eucced. l'h. retail end o! the busi@mees s ent ont sn teds hoe .conded preident of the Libertyville CrytaIll obde yIr rkri i Dancing n-a. a fenture aud everyone bai Eprîngs Company. rsaan.the. very beut of times. The eIder "inm The reheareal for the. tld foIk, concert Bsn Surnom. heare a châ.toed Iu it. -h retire trainithe. hotel n-hlch n-ill be et the Methodit chureii lut Tesa Nether mail poucties. the. elemene, nor managed by the. groom in the future. , Lielyile phone 29 intsohê , nlght n-a a failure owlng to the heavy bihting cm urnhar au b ahas bren _______ J raen torâ whlch vfrited tub. vicinity at eostrated. Wednesday nlgiit s tih::oret for the. .oUg4<eff. oi o bgtungitrik tbe ehimneY o1 MOTIIER IsINDS B &s.P.ur»Dn~s tend er witT othend M erW aY .ar A nd O Eei. A.PeW ajDf?, vicepPr*e. tainment a ail oe. oe p sa suddenly ttiatis bat lew tao afOdDuhe edDw Antan Mtesuperintendent 0 c.te ilMng, but slter a sllgiib îrushing iA Hatrif l D Onbe R Med Un- tower fur the C. Mf. & St. P. relira" W"es goodainDow. i ae.LtleO.RaudLAKE CO. NATIO NAL. intends moviug tw Lbetyvili ini the Tie nen- Caîiioîî ic h n-a. crowded hurt. es. future, with hi@ family. He ha. ta ita utnîost almoset every nigiiî lait C PT LS OO soyeral ,witcii wwer.s t varnons pointe week. The mission conducted through -C PT L8 00 00 o! the. road to wstch and keep in sh151e. tii. week by Paulîst Fatiier McCorrY, 0!1fr.. Fred -Mordthort, n-ho litaesr.s 12so0 Iniatosar n frti.mrrseSt. Marye church, Chcago, Vua mont thre rmle. north o! Lîbertytille in very S R L S 1 1 M O !ivtose »0e out Scir e b W l . uce..ul one aud Lbertyville's reideut tiiankful that @eh. happened ta ]cave ber SfMi ag e u Wedneeday a liaehme J. ter, Father Scalon, states uhat ie work Sud go mm tiithewood shed at tiie of ber father northeast o! Libertyville. Ien-eye# te meetings have don. much rearaofer hoyme justti.moet9h 1fr.sud fr..SageVItIhbomei.atowai-ilreawakening religions lite sud did afn a.ago. Hearing a fil'gbt iT iian old adsge liat "a. the. twigla bouhai the trie Inlefm" trf rnd rat ae w F otatr. ue1 erramong hie parishionere. Tii. noire iii. ateppeil througii the.door of Iyonr child to enve n-hile lie in young, andSting willl mnbecora.aa subjecto spokien upon lhe n-rek vere ai ber kitchen and wa. horritlil e e 1h. n"o hlm On SudBabred Âes as . ,lIon a I SavatiOn," in,,," "Iu. tîny fret ut ber eigiiteen iponths olil 0%Fultn d0 auFed aUet.rand tetempeace,- lelyor Repentance," daugiiter protruding tfoin a ble ull FUInlgor Brus., en aii..ed thean The Mercy of God.' Father o! Water. nleted î wrek of shows at the Sch-artz. MCorry ie a ingnetic speaker, a mari 8h. did not heitate or stop ta faint. rieTl= at Waukegau, tasa dinnerat the.01f nn.nal pon-er end force sud a but siezed.the littie forin d pressing il Nencastle hotiel coming-ont IrMM WaU. irlliant orator. Thc meetings@n-ere to ber bosonn bore the dripping bah. ta kegan in buggies. sbtended by Catiiolics andi Protestantsen-ber.e ho could giv. il fress air.. The alike sud when hie relurne in lb. autumn Icliild bai evidently failen loto the. bolier Tii. heavy raine of lbe paot fen- daye ta lecture upoi -The. Slory Beautiful~i- lîicii luckily wai filleil n-lbb coud n-stsr, s i are flot welcomed by the horsemen isi plan. b' wvill h. greeted n-armly, but a moment before, as k n-asInluai ut the truck n-ho arenDow gelting Before beecuuig apriest Father McCorry incredible short tinte retored. TIh. ex. anXiQoabout th e eon. The epring n-a. a mont suvecesfln eaprrta inre iugh ltobta a brie! the ear is reveral n-eeke bhnd wn-lian sd forged aliead nitii anc hexcellenît period o! lime wa.uone lie yaun y n-ai a t yes r in regarde to roriditiîiue roguIts tual nt il" time h. gave up the inother n-i long remember. Tii.,cili and the training will h. delayeil. work n-as editor of lie Nen- York $un. in the only one o! the. fsmlly E. E. lIaroli n-ho live. iortii orLiberty- George Stelmiiî, n-ho lites nith Edw. Oujr Spng fUne of BoWs'Sutits dmt ville is the. po8sssor of a humer pigeon Boyes, found a goid n-slch on the. F. B. Reynolds, a hllI brother of whiih came ta i@ p taie, evidertly 10 t, afair <rounds lait Sunday sftsriioon. Jarnes Mack, with a triend by tiie nani mp te we efle r eled u klSidesIha. : short lime ago. He eaughit te birds and Wh!ieon-alkinîr îiear bhe eating houëes h uf ltUSis,,l$peîut a part oft tus n-ek n-lt tound aà silcer baud about .ils ieg n-wt noiiced a wateh chai» exi.nding from thc kfmlhos heaoti' m "(m sce te wp t. s numbere andl initiale. îHe nill deliver 1V the <round. Ble pulied ik and ws atoi. Mark famiyhr. Thyarnew on eir sv uaand~u nt. haes w the on-ner upon proof o! propertY. surprised to dran- s Vatch ouI of te n-sy w CoitCn. nnUBiersd fii. mls as whl. l na. a<aI oneopur miingcountry, frainitheir home F. . ar. rturei tom anFra- uo! an aeaas c nhhseîell t u§agl n@ t Joplin, Mo.They le! t Lih.rtrille for ALL SIZES IN KNEE PANTS FROM 8 ato, 15 ciiwo Monday Wheme be nus calîild on denoteconsiderable value. George woundte orierl'Tu.ymrng accouni of a large offic, building bhon-ai tii. ime piece Ud n-a. surprlsed b reuit Last Salurday afternoon Willam Bo<ys' odd Coate, in AUl Wool goode, shoe intereeteil in being n-recked by lir. sud start runnlng. it ha.- bren golmg ever Maman, Sr., an ageil r.lired fariner wu@ earth quake. He statesinaltii.e devast- stuce. Ii. jenot knownn hether it n-a.e uddenly eîricken n-llh paralysie in front 4 to '7, worth $1.50, at . . .. . alion in that city à wnorse than realized lbat tant fair biîne or if It hbail een of James liron-n's saloon n-hile n-alklng Spedld Une of Ail Woôl Kue. generaIIy and conditions are bad tauiie dropped but recenily. Il n-a. quit, ont along the sîrret. Tii. olil ma»n-a Swu - extrme.Hie o« as onsierale. o! algbt ii hel so unil and bore anddeniy sento0reelandttter. Severai Pants, .at . .. . ... exteme lis lsen-a cosidrabe. evidenefflof haviug.-n Ihere @aienie»n-lia n-ere uearby immedlately Mmie A number uf Libertyville Maso-s tîie. 1fr. Boy.. hua.]! a. n-Weil finde to hie assistance sud removed hlm ta os n on o' UW et atiended the tueraI of Louis Fishier St thinge, lu fact basa abit o!filoing so. bis home. A physiclan n-as at once adYugMneAlWo et Deerfielti Sunday. He n-ai a Maton oif Wthin the. cour.sien- n-week. lie ha. aunoned but cOnîti do very litîle for at. . . .. . .. . . tonty-ehx yeare standing sud for lounilt tre. puekethooka- bwo o! thein hum. 1fr. Mains» le abont ixty-eightral lYogMeaalWoCataniV ise tiîirîy years beld the office o! sert.ry evidsntly uirown an-a. by pickpockets yeare o!1aMe. Hi. condition la deem.d 11 3ran nYugMW I olCasadVs of tiie Wheeling lodge. He n-a an aid n-ho h ad looted persanson tue. <rounds precalotis sud utIle hope i entertaineil îhom for lois tht., haif price grand',army mn and n-eil knoiwn. lie and bine dlepoîied of pocketbooks sud for hieroecovery. Mien Elsa Trepton- Irai a n-ell knon-n pionoesettier of th. paiers wiiicb îh.y dld lMlt wnSt. n-ho ie a trained nur.e, le in altendance. viinty n-ber.e llted and i dd ____________________________________ The nal.r main, are laid at a H E F I vry aatisifactory rate despite the amal The menl bave th. paItn-o or thymNES the.dlbcbldngth. pipes are laidtl bh.. Jointe cladd th p es.'epubtou0o1 bhwsver ti I are completei 1 Wve Mm of ppe are . Iedn lbtnae I Wish ta antiotine that I have openeila nen- and up-to-dat. i evi ee têètipez mdi ot wtr* Sai èbédbéèe belig covsrsd up.. harne.. abdp ovir H. B. Egers hardware store ut Liberty- a l1 - Ti.folowng troi .oe~« file sud &à nomrady ta do ail kinds a! fine harnees work Mo Tb awfld eféna Chcaoum aV pIrlgif. Srt.clasearneu.maker je in charge o!f * SOiCIT yot »4ràfl z, TTYOuJ 8E NE A TIIALf - - ~ L~Li~I~ 'i .iJ e»