_ý lm- ' -e - anid-WÀUIRBQ WEKLY'UN XI.NO. 82. L1PJMTYVILLE, LAK ECOUNTY, 1, FRIDÂY, MAY 11, 1906- 8 Pages 81.50 FER YEAR IN ADVM~O~. U -AD DISEASE MAS AGAIN veut aO tseplt arn sd persuaded RNF E OUT IN TItI CITY OF ber taiait dowu. H.te spu $TRlFL-.FEAR REISULTS brledy, explainn the position tisat1 qfAl DE WIDESPREAD. be sud bis motier bai taken. As for ipiseif. b. declari 6e bait bruitez On MidWook Meeting Wifo of tbhe i b VUefcin.bcueI 6 Stenuuo posie oclrai InMisbold been guilty o!fgrass exaggera- Own Presence jle Mat been inds-dosadyig cos-el Wtb Otites Women. Young Dovie Dalant. - "I du not support my father lu Dr. Baker, Member ut the state aauy oft te thinge vblcb hobihast dune, but iL -Matters nt vhethera boad o baitsMoada vlitd ZonJohn Alexander Dovie vIns or laies City hi probe tbe emal pa ases re- lu tlis flght, 1 amn dune vith this0 po&ted there. On bis vay back b he V- buncb ut overseers toreverZ ho de-1 Iteà tIse bea ut the Waukegau board lMàe&- cOf healtb. Dr. Carter. Ha agreed vlth lr.Dveaansru ubrte =b akgan autbority that the ZMon sud lauucbed lotoi a deuse of thea .-y ele vestaking ail precgu- sUInstry o! vomen, deduudngVoil- ~' y . ~ s' iv.Jar4 Mu, t~.d.e bas takeu lu Or. Baker, "but 1 ou .-- ...'htcusedfilm t reaklug taitb vlth lberr tb. peopewviii adopt It. Tiey are concerning that sud ssserted tbat abes takisia ail other precauttions and the voùld demaud that V<fivs permit bera cases arce isoatcd." 10taspeak ti the peuple lu the taber-t Dr. Carter founi Ute ijre. moua aci. Suuday. She said abc vouide viti the iread dis"aa coufiued hi thb, demani Ibhis as an oves-secs-. Dovie laku shore pet bouse, nbiuO sveun oneddthe Meeting. though .hisc puoile vbo bai en expased noeeal- ownuaddress bad ual becu flubaie. 1 no quarantinedl. 1r. Carter tears no Qusrantins Us Violated. %prsadi thUipont. H viii not force Thebe hati departinent t Wanke- vaccination ber. unuluathe peut docu gan bas beau apprised tiat oÊlies-s of1 spread.Lb. cburcb. aftes- prayiug for Utcese-i Soevery of tie patienta, have Inter-t White aIs! trumbling. sud bossse mingimi vlth tbe otier peuple of tiec w itb enxWtlee. Mi. JaneDobvie taced cty. A report that onu duosI4. ai ber buabani. the depoeed apote of ter spendina the entIre day vith thet Zion. on the platrm, OnZMon taber- sinuil pox patients, attendual a Volivat imcle Wednesday niglt an sa- meeting tu thse tabernacle vben nesr-1 Lý serted datli n luhec eas-lng 091 ly a tiousaad prsons vgre asmbici a crovd ot 300 o!fIleproet Iias casd grave cocr& sud ,former follovers that he Becs-use o!ftraquen$ tmuso 1 bad been ludiscreet in bi» raie- Ibe Zloai te toWsu, siePoPe. tiena iti Misi Rut lioter, thueSlas latios of tttavu *toO,aousedi huis-eus, sud otier yoLUS vÇMeu. It suaun d zfp#esire ha bec, brougltà vas the. firâttUie that' thevte of to bué cM the aathoociea toenusioe Obvie bai tisebes!hlm publiciy sud the healts s-guMUatiuaTbe districtt lu is presecce sd tbe 600001te« «Wr»ey has beeft eonsuutcd vue tie meut drumati.e opicmIe la tisa - areuaii vay. ta tent sei«let o! eaaosal ergotaaM a i force of depoty seh toulling fie iler*PUatic«o! de cmv sbow of feelig on tbc per( o! tic iuuder wbo depos.d John :Alexander vite, vhliehvas brait about by Danlu, may ha divested temporarlly vwie ixseif. vbo bsdakeal Mc.!of is sutburity la Man Cty and the Dovie for a statement lu bis defenie.j business conser4deilu a huard ut three Not oniydild the albosti&s beipmeet mati. Thila vas the unexpected turu denounce hlm. but abe scori Over-:talien Tuesday lu the haariug ut the secs- Volivs and is lieutenants' ,uijiiictiou proceedinga agaInst the re- ended wtb a statemeut that she foruters at BelvIdere. vouli demani a hcariug lun ber own Tise proposai vas made hi- Juige defese ek~ a olia auic.e nat oasily. o! the circuit court, vbo sait Sunday. î-.1 anc vIth Judge Wright, sud vas .Aske Wife's Testlmony. agceed lu Imemdlateiy by tise attur- I cati prove hy uîy wita, - Dovwie neya utflotb parties. liad sald .lu the mîdat ut an aidresi Oase or the- arl>ters Io ta lie chosen lu whlch he bai deied the charges faou the Dovie faction, une frum tbe of immoraiity against hint, "that vitat Voliva supîporters, sud the third viii this Vuliva bas said la a mass ut ha appoinici by Judge Wright. lien" Thn h caled o Mr. Doie. Il la ibought hoth Dovie snd Voliva 'hles.Ton hecaliaion Mca. Doim. vîli cousent Lu the compromise. w -uvsu h patr lhhm Deacotîs Lewisansd Pters vent tu hi rse sud *'tell the truth.*' Wth Zion City le lest niglit sud lu- cheeks afisme. is vite began by de- f<îcmei Dovie of the proposai. They * dirng tbat msny statements laid toreudltrtosy htbrrnt lier by _Vllvs vere untrue. Dowie Duvie hsd cuasenti. Basylug they vas visly pleased vlth ber varda. muet consuit vitb their attorneys ba- hut suddenly abie paused. fore making any annuucament. Their "I1 muettll the whule truth .' she sîstemant gave tihe impression that crici. sud she taced ber busbsud. Dowie msy accept. "Hut nu. at dvu."sal haie, IL vas statai by the attorneys that vlien ha sav tha Matter tsking Mai Voliva hsd iven is cousent. This turm. vas deulie later by Voiva. "yuknow.' »-a. Dowia ssid, The carrying out ut the plan vili -about Rtuth Hofer. Yuu knov the cause a vithiravai ut the Injonction eh chrge soeraia It relatas tu youusu pruceedingsansd wyul give the business ber ila traie."1 administration uf the city pover ta "'Hus nuv. ait duvn,"' the depose couet the industries vifhout re- leader repeatai. "Have 1 ever been etraint. 1 guity o! anytbing Immioral?" Povers of Proposud Commission. * "You bave beau very ludiscreet The povera ut the peace commis- r vthRuthI Iotes- and youll have ta alun vilI ha imited by au order ut repent ut that betore God sud the the court lu vbicb reervation as te people," vas the rehirt. "I viii saY the use of the tabernacle andithe t. ilve bai my moutb topped long censes-lng ot articles lu the Leaves of enougb. Von vere guilty ot mauy i Healing yl bc maie. Leaders ai c ýdlscrtna vitb Uat yauug voman botb factions velcomed. the compro- sud etbcru. Coi knovs 1 bave been mise sud regard il as affesing a toms faitbtui ta you, ta Zian and hi tIse porary solution, st least, ofthUe trais- sigt." bes lu vbieb the city bas been Women ln aClashs. plungei ince tIse beginning a! the At tuis point Elvangellît Mary Hall struggle. arase sud demandai t talnov if-'Ms-s- Numeroni conjectures ver. mais Dovie thougt tic "is-t apostie-.ii- as ta vbo the men vill hi vbo -vwi sauue'" Wben Mrs. Davie sttempted bave the ordering of Zio's affaire, hoIignore tic questioni sud proeeed but tIse'cboice seexus hi have. nar witi bar taik. Dovic put the querY roved duvu ta leaders o! the oppos- bimsef. vbeu Mm. Dovie sbook her Ing factions. Almost vitiont excep Butt dufautly t Mss. Hall, aaying ue tion the Voliva party desigustes refueed ta ausver. Sbe tien lauucb- Deacun Alexander., Grangor as tuae eaiinhi a fiery defeuse of tise position ins ut likely hialie chascu, sud -ib sh. bai taken, ieclsrlng abe voli Dovie supporters naine Deacon J. Hi not hi muazlei. Levis, vIs ana been more cloaely as- By Iis lime Mr. havie vas pale sociatai vti Dovie lu is venturai vtb anger sni avuns -ber arma foar- tIssu auy other in, as the init st ap tonîiy ta emphasize ber vorda. ab1e o! guardiug lb. ciîy's Inters"t "Saine ot these people bere on Use Who. Use Iird inu ili bc.nham plattorm have lied about me shlame. ventures to gusi. foI4y, aui they are unnvrtby ta ait lu my pronence. 1 knov my bushani Cyclone Fonce lnos-posaied. bas doue many thlngs tbat vaère Springfild, Ill., May S-SpecWaite wôvou, sud bell lbyveto sufer.butiiltise UN.-Tbe .Sartarr of! Stte- s5it.uof tist hg le 51111 udrbuabani. day Isud a licencu to iuÇOpepoaWto mi l loe btna" tbe sid. the Cyclone -fcuce Ca.o! WVaukqt t~ ~ ~~~o li tles eD5e »WBtIde. b Qislteleteo.$1000w; Ob»q4% p» 1 i AGED FARMER, WORN 13Y DISEASE, ENDS ALL UN MOMENT WMEN HOPE SEEMS GONE. Agod Vuies-an Wàs Noied As a Man Of Cbess-ieki Diaposition and Rash Act Cornes te Friunde as Most Un- expucted Shock. Because Uie rbonmatiom imade lite unhearable tahi hm. flday Joseph Sumersil. esidlng about tva aund a haIt miles nrth of Lihistyville, coa- mitîei muicide by Isuang insmelt lu a besy chute lu tbe barnu back of bis residuace.. - tIe orere1s--k Te suicide ie ail temr eak able as Sumeriki le over sevesst ycars aid sud vas Icuav tise vidUs sud breaitb o! tIse couuty as onu a! ils cbeerlest mnen. lie vras a mugi- clan lu the civil vas- oid an aId veb- esau. Rbcumatism vas the otaiy possiblei cause for is deean sd se bait.beaui cripplei for some tlic bY 1be9dre4 complit. lie vas seen ln tie yard t'èzotf minutes betsise tic eeê b*-b dtda« OM tomt iulgs i Sumerski vas a ceIdent o! ILake county for ffty years. Hlm second vife aud chIli tilI live. There la s sou at Lake Forest. One oa!thestrangeat tilsioacon- necîcd itblthtie suicide af Bornesski in that b. bauged hîmsei aon tbe anni- ves-aryoa ieis o's tmars-luge eanion tise aunuverséry of bis fis-at vile'. bis-lb. The colucience la au nuaasuad staxtling one and bas cs-atei s- great dealof ommnu. Mayas- Bulliit bas decree4lCiat tiaItieru ibail be nu munie an Mar-- kel treet lu tIse saluons., Thia ia deignei as A measure ta preveul lb. introduction, of women imb the resorti. Wben ou. ot the 0uIM'uuthe Otier uigbt stapped music lu asaloan. the keeper producei auno«de, $WU sau- tiorislng hlm tu bAYe'pauztc. TIse ofices- brogt tIse iatterto a>tise at- teton cf Use iayor sud tic lpuYosal r«Ie v»s cnfos-ed. , QUt' salcoukeepers regard tiseor- uc u n vid euce o! ParttY tud are -orebuad.i BOND COeb. FAILS I'bouand .a of Lîke County Pgoplea WifliLoe» by Burut- lug è! Wiid-Cat Bisifle. LABORERS AND BANIKERS ALIKE ARE FLEECEI>. AT(1LM~REvery Carrier lutate W.II bhoCall.d Ùpon for Stateosfl Regarding Con- ditioR .ff.adt. H Travels by Site Borne. Oaa maries And Ail Other Highway ConWesWoer. Building» Excupt Dwelll nge OfrDUWordtmiton as to the condition ut the public roads tu il parts of the state. TURILLINÜ:BBCAPE and at ail seanote of the year. the 0F ESUE 0 CTTE.State HIghwS Commission bas soght the ca-Paf.lon of the pool- office departtueft as011)tico the best Shortly atter four oclock SaturdaY manhlet10 coleet this In formation. atternoon vorkmen on the Ernet In resPOnfe hi & eqest from Mr. Pottn' tarmi south of Gliner, were A. N. Johnson, litate Ilighway Engi- P surprised to see flames shooting sk>. neer, the fourth, assistant postmasto a yard from the strav stack at the rear gnfi etamtrdasigthempo a maters hlntthe stato. a4kln hmt ut the Ibarn vhere they vere at- vork. give ait Information ai han£l as to thed There wats'a heavy viud and amait condition o! tise rural free sieliveryh inimediatçiy the fiemes caught the routes. The post -.ogce departinent tinderlilsa voodwok of the barnl and iefuruise 1 1 ..statp Hfghvay began eaUng nt the structue. 'ComiasloulIth &,ituof ail thse r96 nclghbors hbo qnickly gath sl-ot aud belp tron Gilmer it seel inaismucia Sa ec drriers have tor- anu inredlbly short turne hefore 4111 travel uieir sonde onue a day, and ln0 te out buildings on lhe.tfatm vere soins casses ig"OMuda once a day, e,- affame. ery day la the lyde. they become fa- Thé cattie vere ln the barn at the teiler vith *evsj lut and bad place jý outbreak et the conflagration and, Er. 4àveil as th@ pla gces upon theirt neat ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o PotJ.sno h ve fra They. b*t1:«than auny une mentPots, r.,sonoi he wne l.10 babythe bow$olml difficulties of the place. 30 years aid, ruahed loin t'a. raiadbv eba potn lb. barn and encceded ln releasing ail t, to, olmasalOuIly and lutelil- but tbiruc oft tem but barelY OsCaPedlgenutlrenod eouUleg ln ail seasons i wItb bis lite ln doing se. Tire of of the yer. the cattie were burned and Patta vws WIi A^là *Wd Roads. no badly njured by the failîluzof the . Ila ebeneliuved th te Information upper floor of the barn that bu had tinse collectud by tte Plate Highway to be carried troin the building and Commissli, ooeuMs as 'i l viisnob cloue obmstvatW* qM $bout tv-tbirds the attendance of a physictl a à o f the total mlluigs.ý et the ronds of1 founi nocesaiy. thec sats, *W avaluaeai ilvcrytbiug on thc piacu ltb "tihe ln suggesting Jtbe r metofo exception of the dvuflig bouse vus lmprovlug t to o te ronds burned. Barns. granriles. heu, boueln any pat dl? ilty The ad- and ail Uic out buildings vere o> vice of!th- Mc i n vIII thus hi ~medWiUin te spce c au ba » d on a ida accurate knovl- and a hait. The sinoke sud to miMM ot actuel ns codM bu ecmfor inleu d esuasi omlsrbluecu t lln the imtia B et liam m e k, Rockefeler » ll be mla partialybiy Vue 67ta- hflein tie' fa ecomm, a booistop on Foot r, rt s aeRsqubilcan 1 mim uwcêra. but 0u 0 gt. Ib ntie1i vii b ~ o S stitae 'wil Probably Folow Suit. R!TLJRNS HIOME '1 As the guests of Coi. iFrank 0. ]FALLS IN DEATII. Lovden. the officers of the Young !Men's Republican Clubs ut Stephen- J. B. Gavin, Aged and Respected son, Winnebago and Bonne counties Waukegan Educator Falls ai Depot wcnt lu, Sinnissiplîl Farm et Oregon As He Arrives From California and, thîs' mornlng and mlet tbere daiega- Expires. tionst; rom Ogle andi Lee counties. tu ______ pend the day. itlai expected that Away from is North avenue resi- 'plans for the organization ut a uorth- dence in Waukegau for montils ou a ern Ilinuois league of the clubs wiii California trip, J. B. Gavin Tbursday 1 cnidrda hemeig oi last veek returued home snd bad o.Lwe1sdohr rmnu bareiy crossed the threshoid vhen he poiticai leaders ot the nortlern part fell and dled lu &, hait hour. of the tate have liecome interested He vas taken slck lu Californis luthm uveusegnzt and viia oi l some time ago. His Intention -x frlg rsizt(nS l oute to corne to Waukegau for a munth where clubs do flot already exlît. aud then return to the state ut sun- It la probable that later lu the shine. sumamer a convention ut delegates r His vite. vho vas vltbhlm lu the front the ditterent clubs viii be heid. .ride trom the Northvestern * depot,' This wiii be une of the. plans dis- v as prostrated by bis sudden colapse cussed at the meeting to-day. Las ha had shovu symptoins uf regain- There bing uo permanent club of1 ngstrengtb and vigur. the kind lu Lake county. Col. Loy- iug den talled lu Invite delegates from tbis county lu the nmeeting, but It la For bioating, heieing, Indigestion etc. undarstood steps will be taken as a Rte a Riugs Dvîpepeia Tablet aller result ot the gatlîering to Iminediataly meule. WILL IIALzLy Libertyvilie:0 GRÂYsLÂKE PRARNACT.organise a club here. TIIIRD SUCIDE 1UN fORTNIGIIT JAS. SUMERSKI TIRES 0f: LWE The Resvrve Rond '-onipaiîv. a cornerai proilalur nioc nd aîidoisig a gm-st amont ut buiî.ness in WauiogaP and Lake countv liam goni- intia thu-,Iiainds oft a -efeiver. il will'psy soîuetiig sonitiie ollar, iseclîpm. Tih- e lempany a@ laken thotitsanîim of doillars ou uofthtise upity-coliected weekly froni lisue wiruE vvent intu it sud ut thse end of s cerstain Vired and v-are psid. itiiers invedtai i the eouceru (ijil a, vecy extensive business Ioi-alIY. Severai Wsaalegan bauki-ro held polie- es 'and tue agents ufthtie cuippauy alsed tbeir nismes lu inducinjg men au otlseri wallon ot lite hi invesi, saying that tisei coucerua muet lji-soi or luBee men *ouli nul bave risked their oney. For1 severai yVaig tise business of the cana.9 panyr bas beeai steaiiily ines-esing audilt is ssii tse tallure vili effect many1 bnrede of local parsonsaviso have1 vrs-lamionuts inveuteo lu tise lbonds.1 The bonid.Compnpcy la sSt. Louis11 mènse but bas vorked Illinois exten- îively sud suceïeitaliy.1 Intervcig pelitions hi the sonnunt of $6.000 are hi hi fllei agaluat theO PJnerican iheserve Bond Comnpany bY Os-vIs sud Edvards, vbo are rep- aentlng that amount ufthUe local Proaf s o! daims s-se heuiig gatherci aud put under allidavit everY day nov by thseattorneys asd tbey vi saon present Ilir petitian. SThe&praoof ! am ia a speclal orm suppili by the. fcieral courts for MessolS. aya Flfty Cents. Attorney A. J. ies-scbel. for lbe Chicago recelvers, an oid acho *olmate of Attorney Claire C. Edyarscis.vo vas lu Waukegan Monsy. gays tlsat ha la ufthIe belle! that the boud Coms- pany vîlI ha enahlai ta pay 50 cents oas the dollar for all daimis as Bonn as tisa assets are galberai togethar. SA Kentucky ceceiver vas appointai Monday lai tishes-sou of a man al- lagai hi have beau lu the emîîioy of tise cumpauy at a aary ut ulcat $12,- 000 aud than $11.000 a year. Mcv Company Opos-atcd. The compauy proinisai the Investur 5 per- cent on bis monar at the end ut a stipulsted tine, plus s share ut uts acinga un conition ut s veekly payment. This vouli have beau aillsight. It la clalmai. but 25 par cent ut the ulcat tee vent la the agent anal. 10 par cent ot the collectiuns veut ta the col- lectur. su thera vas not sncb left. Racalvers toc the Ainerican Re- serve Boni Company have discoverai that the assats ut the instita- lion Include nu listai secus-Itlas vhat- avec. Ail ut the securitias thuagtas- discovecai are ut daubtful value, mac- katable viih difficuity and soeaou tbamn are victuaily vorthiesa. Diaclosuras vare maie aiso that the bond campany bas heen a dumping grouni for undesîrable securities sud legai proceedînga againat seversl institutionsIinvoived are baing planuci vits a vlev ot holding thein ta securities pleigai. Boughi Friendiy Reccivos-. lu addition ta thetje developinti. it becs-me kuavu Ibat officiais of the Amertcan Reserve Bond CompRuy. s-ealiziug lusolveucy, sought ta Ibran Lhe affaire o! thc coucer Is nto the banda of a frieudiy reccive-, and gain, contrai of tIse assets hitore the creiisrs couui lie up tIse.salvage ai tIse vreck lu a federai s-ccelversbip. Revelatlons. aigu, o! Irregular Pro- ceedings la the mai effort hInlus amaIl luvestors by impossible prom- ises, ut extravagant expenses fus- legai protection sud the suicidai colt ai cuuniug the businloes serveal hi assure the recelvers sud altos-neya for Con- plainant luvcstors tbat tise total ainount o! tIse faims-e vîli tas- exceci fis-st expectatiOais. iailltîce as-e Enormous. it 113 estimiatei nov uhat the liabili- ties o! tIse American Rases-va Bond Compauy vill s-ascii $4.500.000, sud tbàt tIse asets cati nut exceed $2.000,- 000. Thug tas- legs than $2.000.000 In sasis-ities bave been discovereal sud tihe actual value oft these securities, attturneys aud receiver a belle-se, vill nut be piore Usan $500.000. Otiser Isugotablo securities inay li dscovetoi. but Usure 18 litti#e ,pct w m* " "euIe tast apv 10 Appeai to the judgenient of vomen who waut 40 1 s ,,--The nov stylet! lu High s uas-e aber t., a per- pais--..... 39 $3.50 il vou pres- Loy SUnes youn îlI eindiOurs-wnew ustsnst lu patent or- plainlestiaricoan. lets. sud se- 2.0.5 "Queu Qnlity" vi shoee nt , per pais-.......... wite Canvas ()%for" .er CILDREN'S SMOES-Wc bave made a n u lefori.al" bave a suporb stock of cbildres-. hoo. Mothera*1ii1 assorimeni partIcularly interesalng. Ge'ReLYON &S9 LEADERS OF 1.0W PRICQEN e s- .A. '~ .WM.a EARANCE $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. t. ANTIOCII M NMURDIERSSM IN PASSION STABS WITII WILLIAM YOUNG QUARRELS WITM %Ir. Young vas asked boy ebu b WUFE, SON INTERFERES AND slept sud ansvered, "Vcry vuIL" IM FATHER STABS HIM Fstory. vhlchbchebas tlid tou mauyPan TMROUGM THE rtlpeated sud It le alvays theb. bft HEART. evèn to the details. "Jim Wu@ a Good Boy." - -f had nu trouble vitb anyone; 11.odged lu Couniy Jail on Charge theru vas nu cause for It,11 he starteul. of Mansiaughier. Deciarea. Sonu Jim vas a good sou sud a good boy. Fell on Knife sud That He Bld! He vas tbe ouly spokie lu My viel. Not Sirike ai Hlm. ~Why. he did ail the vork on the tari ami 1I uat beiped hlm as mucb as 1 could. Why, Just thenigbt beibre tbisb ntchwas tiie soi-a- ut a m1urdIer ltapîîrued 1 vent sud got tbecsbep Mloîday night uupuralled iii tal annulai t of th e pasître for bim sud I dld qut Iske county crinic@, sud as a reanit! chores and iittic vork for hlm. Wiilil:i*Young a prouiucntuand Nealthy - . We never had any troulé.' farner la - ceunnd in the coufilty îail work-ed for hlm and helped hlm as awfitiug theliaws course. Bis souý'. urh as 1 couid. - vla.ni lo, stabtad, l obe buried to-day Only once last vInter, I1îB1 v* ena 41e wwu~fu0aiits ere lu thea bar "> âsi.aiy fu%;s ougbt tu bed thc -mts T ho senior Young and ie wifo rc- aad ha guessed b.e vas ruuiiig Ib . side.a mile soutbeast of the village aud I didn't say any more. But 1 dld't and are well known peopIe. threaten hlm. That'. vroug, va Muaband and .wife wiere quareoling neyer said any more about Il. ast nlght, botween 5 and 6, and thie Yoii kuow that Iu a tamily tisurc son rushed between them to sestera bound to be soen dlfterescM. Bat pouce. vbenever 1I toid hlmauytudula Witb à Jack-knlfe, thse father Ua ai- father suad as biseeider, hoe-mmYeà* loed to bave stabbed the young masn svercdhb-tc, but llstcnud andatK.lL of twenty-flvu once, &bave tbe heurt., *My vite guts on solug Bu' à4 WiU a&buartrqnding gro&n thse Bonscaids me soafetlmee. but 1 feit te tbe greund, ibut arece te Pur. foiigt ltht ber. 1 usA te Bu tue tbe fatber whosebsan toward theite bedi-aom and »aie ov. bouse of à neigbbor, wbes-e bo vas of- We bave Lot gaàtqienbo» la thé u terwerde captured by Constable bouse sud thse girls tibe MUMO10, Hooper.Bos anud evcrytling lhnids, but »Dmp Tbe son foi ead In bis traCke ton limes msieges made MO d500MB minutes Iater. Telo f Fatal Qusrs'e. - Patber Plans Suicide. "That day nu ddl~t have amy il'1s Realilalg vbat bu bai doue, It, la hie. 1 disaoms busiuenq .V- 1M alupsi Uihat Young grablic a sitot- son in tbe moruiug snd lrtiie d1i. gun sud lied te tise residence of WIU- noon 1 vent up to Autiosh, éd b0sA laus Hatera esubm a. scoconunt.' 1 The purpose of MOe8110t vin was "Ivnt back vltbsu ad net suicide, as Yrouug récliaed the esor- Uic bouse. Mts U"tPed o mitty o! bis déed perliape by thia Uuiid* about tiser. biit» oisatk. coustabie, Hooper founi hlm lu the odbrtou IM* # » lk ffunier yard, valing almiussîy ~tOlibrt unusks aud fro vitis tMb sot, gun trailng l ol seI eiatoe~. - bis 1,9 ..W, qfl le t a 1 téài& Laoced Courage f..- ibid. "~IUJed e ~ pertorin icthe lpea.it d4l He offered no resistausce te, Uic f- do any d 1 9c. butM no Ocer and vas tractable vben tairen lu me again, sudIspeest charge for the_- lght.- ont la the baM to JUt L n Sheriff Powell sud a deputy -i veut out on the posais a4dai t5 brougbt hlm hi Waukegau tuila atter- ed to brak thc cooaSuvt.çà - -s e Wu& Meydeckor's Client. itvsfrJisufoUc ettst William Young bas been a client ot ail ve c a e fom ea ban . Attoney C. T. Heydecker for tventy "ii aeta h asua * 1yesrs sud vas lu Waukegati nu later quarreied. He came up the staps suai -than at Fciday. 1nmade s pasat me, but be stuisiluaih1e His oniy tauit la sai hi ha drink. tue ou the stop sud tell on me. but It la ciaimed that he vas nut lui FelI on thse Knlfe. liquor at the tîme ut the quarrel. e"I bai the coconunt lu oue bandl sMd the kulte in thse ather, snd 1 bnvtbu CORONER'S JURY VERDICT. kuite bit hlm. but 1 Uiongbt In th* James Boni. Young came te bis baud. deatb frocm bemorrhsaqe cauéed by a "-He sali. 'l'Il fx yon nov.- Md stab In beurt wiib a jack-knlfe In tbe started tovard Uic vood pile. ihande of bis faiber, William Young, i vweut Into the bouse se VO isitis Intent to kili, and vu rcom - c uld idu n a a. 1 k o h mendithut Id William Young bulgtsymoe uu II beid to tbe grand jury to answv e sJlm bai a qulck temper sud a bad oe. charge of mur, se goI1vent Into the bedroom sus! 0 ELMER POLLACK. my revolver. l'y. had onue am in=* BERT OVERTON. i vas rohhcd once. JACOB SAVAGE. Oid Ho Know Bon Won 1)De0111 ELDORA MORTON. "I put It lute mY Pooket, sud Ms GO MARRY OSMOND. la rny ludge, 1 anly did lt-to frfgbtfa SIGMUNO KOPP jlm If lie1 came st mc. Young Tells is Siory. 1 veut davu ta Hunters ani 8lI Younsg waa interviewad Wednead&y at tiiere until they came after MMc, I thse jail by alan gXEPFrsuxa reporter. dldnWt kuov he vas demadUtUI tbèua. Ha la ais aid, vblte-balred mi nsusd lobu as Bics-y Inde. bis face shows nu marks o! crime or Youngytold bis story lirokely uad dissipation. It la red. but bis eyes are sobbed et different turne. lNc Aubes clbr sud honeat. mauy ejaculatoty questions a" made He ls short and atout sud lboas lîke remarks durlug bis tale. Upeteire liu, the prosperous 'farmer. îContisued ou Pogb 6)