iousl to 12à.la.1 t08 «.d 7tu SP.n. .ou.- tol10a&m. 2to 4and ôGb S P. M. sslIdeucs on Broadway, opposite Park. UAbertyvý1Ii , Q6 DL. C.R. GALLOWAY, oi105 m OVE lviE&Lo fl'5 uSDsiOR. aoun-irom 1 t%4 8 aad 6 tu 8 p. m. -Libertiv vlUo, Illivos, PAUL MAC GUFFI, AT'TORNEY AT LAW. Lihertyville, Illinois. m .E. F. SMIT} DENTIST. OpFiCen OrmOLAir coUSiT SEXE. eouoa-8 10 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 p. m. DAILY. Libeýrtyvilie, Ilinois. DR. GOLDING Kaiser Block Libertyvilie. Illnois DIR. O F. BUTTSRFIELD. VETERINARY SURGEON. auISTAli? STIe VR mEIX. Librtyeille. luols. Phone 487 Libertyvtlle. 111. LAWYER 213 Washinglton Street, Wausg 'Phono 2761 NEWOPAPERS mns. a. J. Nouai MAGAZINES ILi-ty8I PERIODICALS - "o TOUDACO. jProtin4 Boc(d i talcs ORIDERS for DUT FLOWRS MANUIrAeOTïRgw Or Marble an'dGranite Cemettery. Work. of Every Coirrespodence 59itçlted 126 GeneseeSt. Wankegan ~ - - -------- ------- ------- How isYour BIood? It is good if gou bave tokenflComipoond Celery *Nervine. That is sure., um~uE07 zj Ask antpsme"who hstakentgitIandIthey wiII tell gou that it makes theun feeli "like new." Puts lfe into gou, makes ySu feel strong. Prîce 75c per' bottie. IOVELL'S DRUCG STORE £tberIy~We, llIIWIs KINGOF rToE-sAIPATi - MUUJ !MAnd.%vlnner of diamond modalfoZpq*l SOLON RATTAN ro.tting ft--R -- rood 2:111-4 Bon o! raianis au :. =ZIoMti (dm a laofiriOrtani2Liua GoI mn l o sosd da rlooras. b 40. . inox u ba l latwo SFAON g" $2 JON TOMPQITOCI< FARM SI~A0N çio6 $2 JOH R.TI4OIeSN., Prop., LIBERTYVILLE Addm.s J. W, MURRAY, Supte ai'o p u mce 10lac ice li. t. e aqacomu , ai n eu s1mWg4 na" dtir prisoersm'esapaead- ed ln fronst 0frMl .Jan, Whio ldau i SI-a.. . s-: ve-y Mu and iound by couuting I W". oada ttnoue was oint".ndi Robart dMdnt forgat 10 write out. ab formaI notice and fasten it ta lb. rock. J ?T1 I8 StTis proceadlng furtinar mysttfied tirad ~~~oMeiera o! tire Orient. m'io ird graduai- ST LU * ly formed:a conuevted Ides of thre groat 8ýI OUI fiht adeby tire sbipwrecked pair, 1% PTRACY i:t thougir Antrutirer squlrmed Inwardly u KU~rU sB~t.110.b when ire tirorght o! tire manner in ei5 w.oed lmbch tril would pictune tire scane. tan ru o t undenitando ire de,. Tislaqueer yaru *vasi tait ldue. bnegea onetIlni a cribed thgir ln'&fortitdeirrun- tion tbey reacaetd *f»mavireesiouts Sund uSCOeF tMouatie excitlng avents Iglng cireerfuhnre@s. ber uncomplateing t of auj persons Wbo mioit pomibly bco0f tira iornhin& .Afterwurd yon muet rendiness. te do sud dore. f sb1pmrcked Rupasue, 4 tl4ougir Dot bnruMr ÂAMiUr a"trrL.ugain, and m'a Wben ire .ened,ttiraiit lieutenant, . survivons from tbe .#tvdsr. Ânyhow, will guide bleu over the Island. 1 arnm wro commnnded tira bouts ient In Pur- s tire tiny dot lay in tlsovMs'o irortr. osure you m'l lnd in tilà1tetell. hlm suit of thre ylng Dyaki-tire Orient t war trilck, so a course wau mt tu .., meauwhUll - s .noeount; both sampani s o a s.1180tiey I rieofteIsland Bso afier dame. Tire baront m ot fo)-t'ot ere lrtunciro-uiiited up tire gener- Evento on chirse, as éeen by tire o01&-tiramanar la wm'lir tirese two ad- ni verdict: cr On wmatcb tbld tirir om'n tale. dteoied nOfl otir, tIre fearleso love "You do uot need Our admiration, Wirerever Dyaksau à fgiting tireais,' h Ohlal>oi trOm e3 eta ueye, th alm Cuptain Antrutirer. Escir man of ns mlsiftlaf oout oothelaOrient took a acceptauc a r eatrii p noi\to be envies youtrain tire battom 0f his t brand In tire proerdingi. quetilonod or puail Robent and noul" But Sfr Arthr-Donne, aften an a- Iris,'thout spoiren wrvuN on tira ai -"Tireal an error aout my sank,' ulzed acrutlny o! tire weird looking ject, bailscilUy agrnta OavOid thr e e al. Ildidli oce irold a commisslion Pariona eicorted by thenaosnto tira igitait en!lilane rf subterfuge as la the Indien aruny. but 1 vm'as court mater'i odge, aadly acknomledged trtuum'ortiry.alike of tînir achilevementi uartlenjsd caohiered in Ilongkoug a neltirer o! tirage cold ho tira daugitrand tireir love. . at ir mentheo mgo. 1 wasi unjuitly con- s hm'ion ie songtt Haeiowed iis iead i Ouuggasll'ou leradrmirabe;, crad rlted on a gseave cirarge. aud 1iboille lit humble reslgnatigu. sud ira tbougt 'Sr Athur. "Tire shirîs stores Maynnyome day be clear mysaîf. Meanwhile ire m'astire victim oe t &cruel hallucia-provide Iris m'tb soine sort of ig-out. I nui a mere civilian. Il wae oalyS lion WOen iris trepuloue accent, sud an aid fs-tend of bers b. on board nil -iss eanes generoni eynnPtirj rancirriiri ema:'ene. rnntIllleex~eetrn me pis whlc laed lierta meton My former "tuer, " . - ff"e YOD -ctlomrlntt1bLV" [le stood np, mmazed sud trembig. -btd i.> .Yes faher ilar. t l 1, For on Antrutie flmbe a d , ýepbroze,- b depeplirirellleeadauddaun]lL, "itte. slrJgvnbockdean.îî . Iris Anorten larI rn ze.btmîdat o! tire group o! offieersI il mould lith gIr glen mc t ~n. Iri brke t: iave creatad leue dlîmay thansu tue un- They rad nmrnadiBeulty 1 te u, im "iatirt.wmhjdid ie corrrk1wltiyr yni expected svowrsl. Court mnrtialedl To examina aven-y aud Pstcir sud'a SitArthrur, driven lirîo Ibis oudden Caniiered! Noue but n service man trea covered i ain iutire Cubla es ..iqusi] o! explsuollon, b-carne dignl- Cani gras>. tire awful mi-' 5"""' nf.-L an Impossible tssk. AU tire orient fied. -tirose wordutiitire commiseianed rsuitî0 could do m'as ta vist tire princIpalisn -"*Wll. FOU oas. nuy dear. under tire 'of tire rmy sud navy.e landsansd institute Inquiries among the clrcunutances bis feitan u mxiety ai- Antrutirer vvell itues m'iaI ire-wmai dehiermen and omalitaders. At asat. ot commansurate wltli my own." i dolng. Samelrow ire found notblng baord lire previaus uIgirt.a Mailly, tempted But why,m'byf' klire performance of tirese Penauce by balpe o! rem'srd. boarded tira vessl Iris wiin<ui. calla. WitbIRobert nmc0fcusetronl rui uIL viren lYlngata sclon off lire large Ws r-nainsir on' a ourirgeons. Even tireire revealed tire moment Lord Venînor land sm'aY*ta tire goutir sud tld thre perturlred barout experlr-ucent s uew ireurd bie nome. It wa'hiot fairte10tire captale samondrous taleofo!a devil eensation as iis troubînti glaurce fell be- good fellowî crowdlag nround hlm anda baunted place lnirnblted by two whirte fore ber seaarcblng ayetn. lins dausirter offering aenr attenrtion that tire franitv spirits, a male and s famala. m'.lither biad ieft hlii.s joyous, heediesi girl hospitrnlty of tire Briller sallor coulde a local pirate named Tsung WAII loti He !ound ir a wmau, stroug. sel!f s - uggèst la Permit tram ta adopt tired gane by chance.wlth biis men as u f- liant, purpoSefuL. let be kept an. toue of frleudly equallty whici rrigld fered grant leu,. But Tauug 'AliI ma' ioousia.01srl frsdidsciplinue if uotilg ese 'auld not ai- bemitciradry tira femala spirit slndhall. menue as tue oly ihonorable m'sy o! loy tin e m uantaIn. s-ourned tuera wth gest foce clearnug s course no beset witir unaus Tire finst lieutenant by reasan o!fiis im'enng ta capture hon or pealitTire petîd obstaeis. s-al m'as compelled to oay nometing. spirits, tue Malar snid. haldm'lt upoa 'Ilta @Iin ny s-aaonablc. Iris, luit your "Tirat le a devIlish ir ed job. Mr. An- tue Island for many foIrer slliauced huairffl aeiould enfer unu ag- itruti-, ie bluited ot and gratitarn em' tue place sud Ony Of sPprehenslou onr your sccouut "el o um rdbti a. féRed siIL Taung l'AIl*mud nove- bc and do ail liaI m'aspossible te affect Ha Mlasienn a d te tte wan-1 I seu.Man yur dering rl.Heao, won masan officer1 Inth ba ad h mn u"We1tok Y-lftunadei gmt.prlaps ut band appreclatad tuair sentments. Tey mrenoh. iasdl, the correct phrase fri. yons- no bravo sud madeat. uh s splendid And th" tnymaet tlent.sud th u - point o! viem'. Tet you conut fail ta typa o! thre aoldler sud gentleman. yel Or% lett tream e te «-om'd - roun umeibrs-trot 14d VentoS"- I iy tiroir comuno lam' au outeeast Nor .Asntrtrn sd PIF hlm m'th a hua- 1 Fa lin i r" ailIrs oleal eould tirey m'iolly nndaitaud hi& e ds-a quetion . à& fiehafoUinu m'tl, SonTieaW An adlutla tirihiumer sud gradually plece t 1- tY. '*Manmdhusbnd et sbore! bis candor, s conolons Innocence tirat gatuer tue îtlrring stry hic wuWo pilgirtOtaur trotir at theo veOt7galledindainel.te 10 selti Ilief! under a pas-- SUPPlemnented oacb Instant by tue as-- of destin. It m'as ratMfe the tra seg- ta tuh rival o! disconsolate Dyaks sud tueeonce o! Gosi andiabaeau bleasat by Thnotirnit lieutenant agalu pbramed comimenta o! tue men m'ho rturuod atm. 1 bave muade no "Ômpact wit thetintso jnos fram caveaspd beacir, litasoul m'as filhed Lr eto.H aabs n n- "I and evary aIrer man in tua Sbtp mttu tire slgbt o! Iris sud biri atues- worry min. Dld yon but kuom tira cannot ireip but sympatmiese m'tt on. and tue lappy. Inconsequent demande ntu ch oncerulug hmm you mould Dot Bt*aee a eyu eod wt hc a suhtemention Iris nsme Intenimeurne-ath Bt*aoe a oyu eodI m'iirm'iicr aci sugit acentaiu Im'ti mine. Would ire. Robet?, you trere su escaped convict, Ms. An- aud relieve tire extent o! tira otuo' t-tieeoarecudwtiiodta auxiet>'. . "Die advlsed by me. Sir Artirnd str e-nonecud»wthl rm Then Iris cslliled ahlm: yen, loo, Iris," line sal. --Thirs les .. you tue prulse deseeved for jour msg- "Robent. 1 mant yau." irons- for cxplanantions. Leave me te nificeul stand againot oven-welming Tire use o!firié Christian name crent- demI m'ti Lord Vrernînor. I ar ntntutOdi. Our- duty la plain. We wll brlng ed sometiig akira ta a senaton. ai-te trusîtirhe ultiane verdict te you, Sr you ta Sngapore, whleé tê other wil Arthur Deana m'as tan-ied, aveu n isAstnur.You trillIcaru Indue coup* nom'u etue capteoi m'hat aaebeau Iimneasurobie dllgir t aIfiuding bIaRU tint bae hapînrrred.,4 Go on board,. lltl h atinwa o aebe cild uuinjnnad, lire pictune o! ande Iris. Meet Lord Veîtnor as yeunm'ould goad enougir to acqniaiut us mi. Mban- ireolti ad irappIles. Meet auj otrnfriennd. y l al m'iblIe m'e %-Ill give you aven-y assistance Âstrutien advanced. mars-y Imin, knuw. I eau t-ust y -,"aud--er--tteutlon te oun pam'er." "Tis telmy fatuer." @bireo-ed. siMilI 'Iam very muclirobligedte yb  A murmur of approbation s-n you, .tirnougir tue lttle circle. RobenVe face wltir Joy. "And, fation- darlfug, tris uuurmurad tireIba rornet, m'ho, nottu paed iomem'hat. Wirat finit rate cirape Màulagirs mort. aa on 00exxonintiray m'ene, ta ire sure! - aascd a man or thne mas-idnt te se- II can only tbauk yen," ire nid un- kuomledge tire go -.1 seuleo!fIbis ad- eteadlly. "Tour kanesa ta more try- vie, na malter inurr rumlnhly migirt bc n tpaveat. S<e,.'.- ,rr1'1.n~. te~ tue guise of tire strange persan wm'ir o nd mte of uIt. tthe intrusion teto lira - . gave IL intent kuot o! men o! a young lady ira * ~ '~N>~ * TiraIta settlenl, than," muId Robent, s Psris gown, a ParisaIbat, car-nying a -.'ila' b ng good rr.nîrredly, for bire m'euTrtuvlle pnrrsl mi nd ost exqulsitely knem' mhat a iveird spectacle ire munt gloved nia rnrotr-r. nrade r. -r-ny en prsosnt ta tire Incu ldenasi aId gentie- gasp. inu. "Obr , Rert, den, ow cuulYou? I Evan 0Si rtburrDeane on'asacinait- actunîîydilarlt knwr yrî es i ytiera rgged a nd iri-glant m'ira Thus irim, rwtelrrgiy rttired. m'ai - cars-lad himseîf 50 mistenfully and gazirrg l mn inumuIrprnrvukug nadmiation belpedi evenybody aven tue salie ut tire at Robert,.%% ion certainly oltercd almoat nlgit moment. lie trIosi ta dovelOP tirefis grcat a eonrrst ta Iis fon-mer state ébhnhge lu tire conversation, ai dii tire girl Irerself. lie raturinat "By tire waY' ire soid. "Irom came bier look xvtl tr nest. YOD te be on tire Sirdar? 1 have s liat "Wouid any mau helaeve," ira lauigb- of ail tires passeigers .aund creW.and ed, Iltint clatiras wouîd do goa mch for your nme doces nt aplear tuarolu." a womsn?' «Oh, tuat le ennily ccotnfted for. 1 "Whal a lait baudosi compimentl ahlppad as a stew ardlate cnme et But came, deareet. Caplaira Fllaoy Bobost Jenks." and Lord Vetnar have comteasahore t. "Robert Jenks! A steOm51d" m'tu fatuer sud me. They wsut us te bTs 'iat formn a e part.0f tire shom' tram averythingi Yeu wll ez- promisasi explanation." oua. hlmm outyou' airdtdeti, viti Irisi-mpdly gatinenlre thedrft oa!behan-seraphie amilo te tue oars. loveeso misiras. They walkod off tlgttiezr. "Came, fatirer,- sireeos-ld mrriliy. "Jimmyl" gispeti s fat midshpman O - ~ 111 aI ascite to sece Wpt tue chip'e ta a lanity youti. *'Shen' got on your e tores,'iricir you and 11*ort pin Four taol", -.faitt aconudo for mI la %hé chape et MoeWng tuat Iris iratiransactedth te .4*4 sa tleu « ttadi ics. gas-meats. I bave tire utq>ïéAt belle! Itee rUnti tre al,.mardrohe sud pouno- Capai Bore-t ratrte o tua Brit»b anavy, ansid a aieptlo ati an the swell outil to! the prncipal inCaitli Rbet nsr to m'i, m soulilc ho nviaced;o! ýtaBillbity fomala lmpessoutos- in tue ehtp'a com- akeloine. der Gffld's llI, I ome My Ilef .S.O-o t leain .t provide s psny. USD7,',ManW limas ince tire momentIfE]L8.Oli t tiam r-woas1l0st."ladreo outil." th1* i 10lmefr1utonig M~Br .Athur Deane glaiJt aTaieasi m- (To Be Coultnued4 *th6rDone tek off mIdabat an"i irld «sef otue proffered OfflPro. m HO «t i% ba!d. asslstti Iris teto tire bouj.tinougir tuaIt "Ctpt"lA»±nststlr." ho nId,- 'a 1 activayoung persan wc as MrbeoM School of' M lIIine am 1 !MiEh I1 .nOVr sqM. Ami?1I OS'Mt COMmand sont Us Mo gl~yu r *WV11uw .mn u!tO tao iemunBot 100teOtbesi. P-A1U1OiU10a Everythiug perteining To irigir t 5*~Wus tio kowsq~tirI ireOaoaasrydoli ad M'S i408et oi sMWlraoY liroughly tanght. - 1- m o à alia Wpacnnt. Spcll tnottn ivnb ucr upl M ______ __________________________ Obtuary Died. Friday aitornoon, bMay 4, at bar home lipar Our villaile, lir. jamna Welch, âge 52 yen, 4 mirthe and thr'ee déys. Mims Catherine Nimpa'nwu b.omi iu Cuba t4ownÉllip, 1 . conty, Janary 1, 18~54, arnd was thé. joungest da.nghter of John 51and Maris Nitiegeaim. On the 27th day of April. 28 j*av.ago ah wam nnited ini marriaile tk Jamest Wiilch. ahso a rratrt.. of Ibis cuunty and urito tbeui wtri orii se ce..ehlir ail of wbom with t, rie.brîiand lard fathp.r ourvive ber. 1r oldtie Mon nrarried Miss May ru.* %Itiiiiiavi. f t tIn place. and trwey réside iii Warrluegait; Entrua tedim iiiunthe >lr.rray distript and remidem et homrre; .Xlýnrt hob1it a 'ixfitin In trWaukergan; IAîrr-tta,- Cora, riuvtorr and Esteillulfre at hornte. Lins. Welcb wans a dnvout nener of the liotrian (atholic <hrnrvii. %wama fitbfii attendant at mats n]urfxrg ail kinda nrf .weatbjer until eh.- wa» taken sick about Ove montisago. sinee tiiat] tinte sho bae graduiallv grown weaker tintni at latit ire was ralled *"Honte." Tihe lutteral was field Mlonday from the rîrurrir 11v. Fr" Woulfe rpading tire Requriemu Mass and delivernug the sermon in tihé presenceeof a large gatbering of iriendm and relatives wbo came to pay tireir respects t.) one. whelbas hen a rlevoted wvife, a iovirrg and tender urotirer, a kmnd and blreing neiglibor and a friend to ail. Thre remaîna uer. litterred in tire Catholie cemetery. Our nleepesit and heartieit sympathy le extended tbh.e oirowing relatives in their ead bereavement. State of Illinois, County of Lakee.. InW tire Circuit Court of Lakte County. Surah M.,SdY re .Petemon, tihe unkno*wd flaira of seit iB* (Ot«,.-deeasd. Robe' ~ Et .à&n4e .Gelgtett 011IStit Fred S. Erokine and Emlly 9. Er- ekine. Gen. No. 2750. Bill to foreclose. Public notice la hereey given that lu DUrsuRnce of an order and decrce of- tire Circuit Court of Lake County entered ln tire'above entitied causa on tire 27tir day of Match A. D., 1906, tire underaigned, Elanu L. Clarke, Mas- ter ln Chaucery. yUll on Ta"day. tire 22nd day o! May A. là. 190« at tire iour o! one o'clock in tire sitar- noon o! oaid day at tir e at door ot tire court ironie in nId Laike county. and State of Illinois oeilit aipublic vendue for cash la hand. to thre higr- est and irat bldder tire !oflowlng descrlbed land and rosi aitate. ait- uated la tire Couuty of Lakte and Stateofa!Illinoiisuad descnlired as fol- laya, to-wtt: Tire eaoteriy irai! of! Lot twenty (20) ireiag a atrip of land frontin nortir asterly on Grand avenue. md iravlng a uniform wldth of olxtY-aft (06> feet fram front to rosi; and aima tire sootierly hall et 'tira wateriY three (3) roda ,o! let twenlyana (21) boing a tract of land havlug a uni- form -wldth of farly-ulne anC OUa-hait (49%4) foot, and a daplir of one irundred thirty-two (132) lfoot aito onff cfthe westerly side af said lot twentyr-oue (21), ail ln thea addition to tira nortirveat addition loe raTowu ~Pated thla 151h liaY 09 AVUi A. D. ELAM LU CIARKIR. Mauter ln Ohancory. NOW HANDLE O LASSI And am Re adu te Ilang .e iSnye!'s C Aspararrus, RItirand St8nm'tbs- plants cari b.. safely sot et any *d rîntil lune let. See ps-avions li»90 lsukPENDE)'T' fût- lrti H.1ot OI tw-n-nle. One yernr olît CnlIrnal Aspaieglo plants $100 per inindred; oua yeairsO- 30e per hundrei. Victoria Rbuhrlnrrnplants, 7Me P dozen, $5 per hautrl . Divanf Obampiru", Ponderom. r Stone tonusto planta, tranepl*no plants 10e per dozen, 60e per huadrd.", Extra large plants20c uper douen. - .jermev Swset Potato plants, lc pi bîrnmnîei, $2 pen- tioussuri. Ail or.-i frn $i.0itwiIIlie *deliecre k-. j.Isr-trin- lin.., cirnnutle-norders-ig 20 -et ZMon City _ Tha Ovnly Fonce With «Vaty W of 14gb Carpon Spring 8Lee Thea White Modal Coatinsg ps-sage gustiand Doubles LUfsof oncare. Pices, Tonal Book and RellaW Information on Fonce for thre ^*kW of m 2:0'.ye letto " dam Eglatirne(sisms-oi match 2.11%by ambrlUO8.Ji%. Will Maite tins seao f IW00 al At Weukegmi. MU lu For Punras- .Pardlgtni.,Ad,111*1 JAMES DIJGAN 3.'18 S. WEST ST. - WAUKIUGA%,1 Rlghway Notice. *Public Larm iro 0? OUT55. WALL PAPER o Wihk b - Store and Shop et rosons tirnin W hl t a OEO. TRIGOS' OLD STAND. Ml. %ated t lvnab o t wAuKEE AvE. SOUTH 0F MOTEL. 'A 0.WMz -o Libertgvllle. 111. Imported PérheonSt'aio Reglotered No. (24655) 44784 VELO le cool blacit. with -lagestar, c lefo fot Wbk«, m'eghfng 1925 Ubo Fod1ed May 10. 18991 lied by Mo=s of the greatest dmreslaPice MI M116 (2919). by 2682 (36) by BriMat18"9 (7S6) b-y Coco Il (714)ob-Y VI= ~Chaalln-(713). b-y Coco (712) by.,MpSo (715), b-y JuwamehDaa( 739). Dam Rlcke t(41821) a".ie or0*(1912N> S Thngs for the Coats end tUatsSK Waiste Réado mde Skfrts end Somierr God Mis Potnu"