Plcked U>Imm*" e and the qna4ty of thoe4 you sow depouds upon Ii.ra bloom. Xveryone who bas used 'our me&diknow t*bey - - - ~are dope be.~ e furnish auything lu ýfiower. or vegtable seeds. 8peclal - Sale. 2 PIkgs 5c INow Iothe tlme tobuy and here la the « plaée . W buy J.eIELI TRIGOS LIBERTYVI i MARKET and QROCERY -----------w w - 7 - - j- IU , WWaWWà cý« h=rie you buy dma j OurOSexpemusea reIIht profitsthekmeloeem. Th areloking for your pet ift araYaie1The wil to get If uCicionelrsge ou1 neyer expect le me you @V Cail and See f A. H-USS LID9W~VLLR WYXIL m lachikago er mad Our lms agai.we niche you me bide et home, w mooey md 9"e "J ,w~mPft i When You Paper Vour Ilouse Begin Righ t Bug 'gour Wall Paper of us and go~u wilI be start= iog the wag gou ought to We «re LibertvedW&Wal ýPàsr .edartsts.Ppe bug Oheir Wal Poper of us becamSe they know il pays te t de o So s s s 1 ere c Leslie Webb lait for Canad da a>' OY QÙ MW aPeut Sunday wth relative@ e'lfug whare bu wlIl loin bis Parents. bo lire.Duaha., ofWlmette, vliiedUtus W. M. 4*b iaving the coplog On Min Cruse on Saturda> lait. tb@l..HttM reliai red this week. Samuel Cloque.suid famil>' of Chicago, SEEKO OORN111-Early King PhllllpB. velted witb Mu. i. irotlue Over I$sowNu Llbp r'iie. 8. Bunda>'. M yr n iqo ua las m oved lo t s hl. ,Mise Ilonnie Watt.>', of Chicago, @Peult home juil cooplted ou the eaat sida ci t1w ûfu-t fhe week with lier cousin, town. Mima live allaIL gXKeMot,of itoit, Wis., atteuded Wil people who owe me for gravel the .&belracege wedding Wedueeday peuse cai at houa. nd aettle or send &aud ciidOnfriends here. aie check. C. C. CoI'ELAi<D. 31-2 Widrtlred!ala fuewa lilas Stella Wilcox who l60ettendiug alan la Ltbirtyviil. this week. He lhas the Libérty-ille igi mhool bas meenred1 bals living with à daughter at tira>'.- ber teacher'a certificatî and will net lake. >'ea tech.Jack wens lha@ been reuewiug Martin Deeker, of North Chicago, Weil acqualntancslatîî.uttown. 1e baibeen knowu have, ia the lather o!l a twalvs in the wee5 for siîa time and wtt. at pound boy which came tu gladden titi sal i eiïco ut the tilîja o! tbe quake Ueker home ou Tuesday lzorning. but fécapéit withou t damage. It ha. been arraugsd to have a. Mm.Heuryg egprt, Sr., of Nortbuleld, potsrroitbeNortbwePter u nuver. wai buffl dit place on 8unda>'. sit>' .ek et tbe Methodit church a tibe la tbagreadmo(tlier o! Her Seger week froin net Suaday. HIS tOPle will ofLlb.rt>'vflland atth-tiîe of ber di7ét' hae upon the igher education., was 86 yael5 of fige. Sbe b.d been sick The mee-ting of the Pastoresand Bunda>' but tour waeke. aeilo& Auperinteudeuts of Laies count> Runer hm. it t bat a. certain Wet callelfor Fridey, MaY ' i la noie u noien binsînesijau îlo atteuded a QIft h i -.of, man>' o! iewd, pa ieliîîg. rmeiijJy. in so partlcipý-ntàa t PCe-itWsun ad ilIl ha-# mgvistah-en1or thé grec~pi ,cglled etct - 01 a kise cnpAÈ. ley. H. F. Laieler wà# 9% eduesiayiav P. Dfats nuothte a'itai r iu ettaudauce at the Semi.eentounial pàiTtaa osacte il fara ceebratlon of the aniversarvy of thp ver>' retiSut. (iarîstt Biblial ntitute at EvraustOn. D- itM. amdir". J. J. Port#ot.q, E< 'l'us sehool lias been turuing out palsun. f Hubard andl tbrir l,iler, tirs. Edieurd for the. patt f t>' ears -wtbout inter- Rubhard attended t 4 fEnferai o! Edgar mission. Hubbard lu Auriera, IMonda>'. 'l' UCorge Ioore wlo bai been woring decehaed sa a hrwhlar of Edward at lb. Barr fuîî. south o1 toien bas ulibard who <ied iii Libertyville a year severed is couuectious witb tMr. ]Batrr ao tast-February allil vasknoen blie. end wil ork for the. Cr.stal Springs H ana about s--:ety yeans of! ea company lu Chicago. it is reportel tMr@. Hnbbard diii flot rethum tu Libt-> George Ilock will take bis4 position at ville but la visiting 1ilairsin IHinadale the furia. ou Wedussday-, àMav (,at tbe home of the bride's fàthai, tierbard Schreek, Misa E. J. Madole andi famil>' are hack after Rs .& mLadII.WlimSg a short te! in Wi»eonin wlîere Mroswe E. iec t marrd M. Wlam Sgies Madoit. recentlv purchait-tiaa quarter adWer latlie# u i'nage. lit e>' itUeff section of landi. Ha tbinks there leaudheapyves itrl iray ea'i ultiand something about this le thath. kintited paetaî îaî eniu n il e Wil ov hmusefl pset.arereceived. Tiie of likes alter atSLbrek hore@Ma r h rast of this village famul>' onto tbe Norton farmi. tadw. the soneofii uîcb uerrymaking Rockefeller,. lu the clebration i4 the nupitals thb Tuaiyeeingwaa the forty-Peventh yoeuug ole beiîîg viwy popular amont auniversar>' ef tbc marriage of William tiiled.a heyvilibo at home at Whigam. He was marrieti b>'a al ýkeForaater Jâme 1 wbere tir. Sage Raptiat preacher b>' thé.naaeof1Smnibblaemoeti. a ntio the site et tb. prmeet Methodiet parsnage. lRe. mt rahd~ R. H. PRadar. i Chicago, arrived lu alDa aud 11us in LibertYvilie. town lain, Beurlay eveuing aud at Tha reahterln chncItraisti oncesegan a celebration of somns hapkY thirbvtwo dollars for the. aid of fth euhhadasutoti a>'bimaclip aton = kmIaICICOsuffierea bitaea Makg mg 1 idofcet ain morteil w~ avu àontoo lth7SSr A e m Z to ube e bu h. uj6agoinstno othel lacd apelus lu suînmln ited 111S1 Srefl a nu d o oic. wit elthe &lne a enbis villa e oin Rect ws on uafieen d luJustieg &moiuts given Mtrvm awIrl ukelecui ine fve dollars an( -varsa ciùrcsand w* wakio _capac& mmu uns as am-set pow-iýii lb. erroi. lacehathie neconsary wulerowlthel tq T. J. Hunier, cif Cryea Cly', Canada, p*y lia îudge and aller a couple 91 day lft for bis borna Toaiey evealngaere uhc itb Ohm'. cooking us apendlng nevenl days bqre. Hae;Il a promise te teave tl iuterati t he Libe 'vile ryoa vilhge at the carliail possible momnu %ri ngsCompanyi>'and liaunM iian friXua ba. durlg hie bref sty>. 'The nId flk@ concert et the Unie l'riidnt habav ofti. cmpay e cth bTueeday ulghtgle by the. coi ettl ers tbough ha expacte te tater gi'Sgtatii fh eioutcu rebuu t Canda.proveda treat. Quaint costumini Oeum terada fti .. t itl o powder and the hewitching manuerisun On Fida ofthi wek te Lttl Fot o Colonial niaida lent an eariy tds Moviag Picturs Compan> lly w lus v a cotar to the gootiolti sangs uhi moviag * tu e sow at. the Union coutd net but bia back Memoriesl cinr c ib.<onceru promses 10 show other tbues e ho d. r members of Il 2000 fet of film illu.strablng the Battis audience. Songe liaI oungrantmuthez of Fort Arthur and man>' aller dScnm as. nterl'fnywre cnbo Illustratei songs and lectures@uil l tea te ltTheisri faay a agaunoit part ofteeorm nd other faniliar luaS received heurt Mmt. Sarah Cooper diet at the. home o01enchore. tendiugs were given and ber dangbter, Mms. Sarahi Ely, ini West solo b>' Mumical Diretor Utt alded1 Oeago, on Wetinesday Mtay 2. Sha makiug the evenlng a mont siîcceust wailformerly of Diamonut Laite and in oue. Tbe cbnrch was weillilte uell knoun bhem. Ber dou Fraak .liveansd lu the neigbbonhood of fort>' doit.i lu Libertyville. At the tume o! ber tisai wasceae. se. uasixty-eight yeam andti ne month olti. luhermnt wasinl West X SPORTS aM AzMiSEIoENTS Chcago The Gurnt-s basa hall teain defeatt ~.Charte@ Buhcock i. laylug off andthle Warreutîîîs lait Suay >'b>' a sSc atout>'recoveriug from the affecte o! an o! 21 to ; inii a oue itiet gaine. TI accident te hia biggéàt fot. AI h. Warrantons rau lu Ibeir thescores states it lie- wai out walkiug with a th eigbtb undni nnth inilga a-bile ti homse o!feasitise but gigantic Weigt Gurneéec îîred in suer>' lnang eut one, irben the animai playfully steppati open what b. usars luside hie sho.. Charlie liait Sujnliîy-the Libert>'villes bowi bas been finding new broken hons dosen te defeat before the L.ttle For alinot tail>' and la letllug someone sena. o! Waukegauil ter maklng a 8at in t smash trunks for the presieut. tifin in %ilis aunilooketi a.if tbe gai Tha electioni o!a town.hip high sho1 oluld go 1the other way. The Libert huar ivhch ol pacelestBatrda>0atville boys .jîîowed a !ew weak spots i b. ow hait r pelet lu at ~il;la thoýuglît thes» willie bolsiereti1 votera appearlng 10 cail their ballots.tenetk am. The ticket elacled anti thé volee seci Tlic World's Challenge" will b. t recived il .ai folloies: James A. Bradlley' auhiect o! thie sermon uda>' niu 50; Chai. M. Willoi, 55; Johu Li. Taylor, at the. Metiiodist churcb. Ths Epuor 54',obr J. Proctor, 55; Jus. W. L.eague nwill hava charge o! thie eveni Bte,52. No other ticket wai ont service prcîeuting an aunuveroaryà but voles wre most for Charles Kierl, missionar>' erercia.. Allare ucicome. Jef. Lancaster, John Austin, William Cater and J. E . Holcomb, eacb o! lb. A liquiti cold cure for chiltireu thal ahove recelving froin eigbî t10tien voe«lasat. harîxîesé, antd effective la Be There were a feu scattérlug votes@ a ative Hone> and Tan. iSupertor Wei,.ail other congi sympa or cold renie, Mies Fanal. Mors., tiaugiler o Martie because it acte on lb. bouets. Au id Morne, o! Gilmer, uho hm. for flue ysars rami>' for Conugli Coltis Croi been a mîsionar>' among lie Chlppowa Whooplng Cough mml ail curaible lu Indiana near Ashlaitd la northern Wls. and brouchial aliollons in cbild cousin gave the Epworth Lague o! the aduit. Pleasaul la te.. WILL HACaIL Methodist churcb a ver>' lnteregting al andi GRàysIAKIt Pflàm4cr. ast Bonda>' alght taklnq lbe Inidien. as h* subjet and telliug o! tfslr character- .ities animoesnuflfe. Thir methodas of makiug aset. andi wot-k ua Oublinati and lbe peculiar Irait. 0of lhe triW POrTraed. iss Morse ta very mach ln love wibii ber work sud retùmra 1 b er lahorsa aiong tb ____________ À Settl paier efeio tuie late 1 Iwisb taannoance that 1 juideHirami Bond uho died À amauacoeallu. . jf est place as: «VU' <haielt-a o ove H B. Bond ' uai boralu 1amrvilla, ilaamnoret>t 0ausarid"gucnut>, New York, lioy 10. andi rapeirlng. A 1886 and wai neaul>70 yjaue ai ge. Ibe abcp> Se~'H raSived hil. sari>' educat jen *0 i *dff aIset amiillSk iN. Y., W hoh newuv aidnveamrltsaw a 4olfront1m U m RNESS m iSIOPI SALOON' ICEN SE la Mode $764.80 For Corng Year-Cryotl @ prima@ Co. Wante Switclt. VOTE TO PUINT FINANCE REPORT. JThe uew village board met for the firet titaI Monde> night for organhzatlon aud ld t ix the lienses o! the. salonsi for the Y o5mlug year. Settlng the amount of lieense ho ha paid proveti somewbat o! a tilult>' andi aftar !ailingto d-eide upon any aum tramt» thousaud dollars doua ho neveu bundreti the. ait>'fathers atijouirned hou a lunch andi began aIl ovar. Final>' alter mmcitdiscusion-anti a itmotion front Colb>' that tbe>' reconsider lb. sueenir. malter *nd ».uot grant an>' linne it wai suggeut.d that lb. licena.e 1ha maid $764.80, ."borause lb.>' a.eded rthat mmcii moue>'." 1,-The roll uai calleti Colby, LoveIt anti kGalloway -votlngu'* a, MeAtee, Boy". andtilentant, yea. Pr.sident Mactimifi itbeu votedinlathea affrmative andtihlb aifintion carried, flxing the lieuse for lb. leemii year ah that figure, payable i4. deAge- e R rraè re Presideut Chambers, of Lubertyville Crystal tSprings Company' wai present .d anti aiketi the board, to allou the builti. > ng o! a sitie trnck acrose Oh-harti street Ir!roîî the C. M. & St. P. truck@ 10 the d dor o! the ronpany's sprng, IrTii. matter uts turneti over tu a cool- e- mittee t utlponi. It le tbougbhtlie erigut wl egranted ai the romtucil la tIei. t aë shoun a wilîingnees to. nf futeral eterpriseu and tin a cident bf rouit tie preparationa being madie b>' Mthe managemtent o!fIthe spring thal it lmwill witbiu a short tinte hie une o! thé id industries of bbe toun. le HoId Up Bitta. &e Tie counel alter to aettoipan 19buileatijourneti until uext Munda>' aigle Igwb.u the regnlar monthl>' bisleuil ha hL allouai, other husinesa aI the meeting 90 taking op tb. lime elmoat entirel>'. Witi Prînt Reports. iUpon motion aofticAte.,isecondeti hy ' lemafi, the counl Iter an amenti jyment b>' Gallowa>', decid titho print s Ig monthl>' statement of Imme paiti ontad te a report o! tb. fiuance conimitte. r i-president MecOuflBn atedti laIt a a le earIs' date the annal report o! tbe ti year's husila...o! tha board uould bo Re a" .pubJic.ý s itanding Committta. for 1906. ra Flnanoe-colhy, BorMsLAoai. le Strsat-McçAi . 3 ~ueoowh b' b., Light, Fira anti Beler- Cveil, Gallo an wa>, Alteman. re Uàona-Allema4,Boy.., McÂtee. Ig ;Haaltii, Saniter>' md feucrage- ' allouay, Colb>', Loveit. "Supervigion of street llgihing-Lovell 1cï ,obituar>'. l o! te william Meman wum humbora h or Province ut Brandunbnrg la Grabai u er Meyeuburg, Ganmen>', on Match 81 ta1889. He servedti Ibis.yeas la th t>' Germaan anti vdalteruard ua aveteran o!titreas, ie heDanisbwar la of 1864, the Amatrian uer, of 1866, ans i, the French war, of 1870-71, winnlng1 lidgoldtardt in a ecl ur. aré lu Joune1867 beautia marniédti 10Mie Wilhieuina Senuitz aand five years tter lu 1862, tha>' removedti o Anierle a.ltling et Rocklanti, ubers lie>' live four yeara. la 1876 Mr. Meuman put aie choseti a larm about fur miles north ire Libertymille and tht. uts the tamil rie homeutil about luo yearm agu whu l tir, antiMms. Meuinan retirai, comiag i tlie Lihartyville 10 huve. Ht. b.albh baga fait about lait Christmai bume anti' 'eti Saturdary April 28 beautt attiekea uit arts paraiysis, tiyiug on Fnida>' Ma>' 4 et tl the ega !67 yeass1iuoth anti the, de> mle H e leaves a ulfe anti four chiltirei rt>. MIr@. Ed Peters, of Wankegeii. tra. E but Suret ut Chicago,, Leonard, o! Lihani. nui> ville, anti Wiimuba ru.the farn Four chiltiren are deati beviag tiedi heinfaur>'. Tii. fluerai uai heldti rom tl teLutherau chnreh at Lihartyvvll on St nthg day alternoon, Ma>' 6, inierment bel luh nth. Lakeside coetery. biti - Card of Thomk. W, tiesire 10 lieul oui man>' frien for -tbeir kintinesilso wn n turing t tIs sicluées andi deatiofo! urtielov e'@ bushanti anti father. r0 tmas. WuLLIAMzMEimÂN ANDi FAutiat clite. teal For beatieche, conatipation sl nupt, Dade's Little Liuer Pilla are bat. Th lu § oiseuse anti toute tbe iver, W ' 1or jýX HAAXLEY Libentyville; GHÂYsLt£ 1 bave opened a new and up-la-data Eger'@ hardware store at LlbertY- to do ai kinde o!f Bue harnais ork ýas baem .maker is iu charge of IDAS T TYOD (IV! ME À TWL (ge Sed Tine Get gour garden read#. have iverythl u om 1 it With. We cwrrg Gm Tmrwel,, Rakes amiW. !orks You widf (ld the best Assort- store. We ar~e taeil Acomplete âne of useluls for house lime:8 Vif Ctoth. Matlq.. Lioem, Won Paper, Carpet' Beatwers tc., Etc. kilo' P. P. »uo4ui> Lus Ga. A.-Wuewr, VI" pr. P. Yon eau Bvmye rs thea louti nk. K-a"aDiY axP.M MM wsek. Under tleb.hAlug "Unnacs.sey Expia" aa«tal pendituue ltaâtis Dot raaly-nacai.rv 10yonr basItt g Il yonr unuscaiiary expanas. mount la lweuly et» O A4 liaI amolunt, et tii. end ofie aa" ym on wMl* $e#M0 le id La r, e )y, er, rid ur- k f çn on ,t" the en. nO id rl. in the u. ing ids rec île- iLL --1 f lu o O. I. LUGE 441 t...o- Our WprhUgne t cotuplete we eve r arieds ad ibedl*#thmt. gave.9 gole. 50C ou thechpett$ the bea tte"adsof suites. ALL SIZE, IN KNEE PANTS FROM 8 t. 10 Boys' odd1 Coate, in Ail WOOl g0o118, lze 4 to7, worth $1.50, at .,.... . Splendid lino of À11 Wool I<nee Panto, at .. ........ 50C, Boys' and Young. Men'a AUl Wool Veas at . . . . . . . . . . .1 Big Bargains in Young Men& &U Wool Coates ad V«4---ai them fer.oleutan baf, if ric TIIEPA IR, uuwriVas 6 MOIS t»'