CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 May 1906, p. 8

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1 t s< ho ledShortly Aficu ,0#«% iihfS f il the destitOf J- W Oceficy qt lu ttie Jame UcAlilwbr loi et W4p»kgal, vas eOWiOIaf. ~ a teft d@wn the sie- cluaft 0frfte iosplfai bulid-1 P"y eveelalj, laeth ccnsatlonal M of- hIe wlft.. vhs hmsbrouglif1 hatmer fe thc attentioni o H. L.1 ut cf ltse-Harrison Mutuel Ourlai %n interview wlth a reporteri ty 1 MàdtoO Linegl declarcd hoe would ievesflgate tha 1 fer hie coIPnpfY. the hfler binai, Or ouriey, fte s"ewhio.attendcW Jcntlcy ho- end dfisi fhec acident, declare I.e lngel, of Uic Harrison U.BarlilAssociation, wuaset 'r4tInca &bout ths affain, but ly linfd vbat lic kaev vjif thc tb fat lie lid net y cf cout- *d ms jveaflgatlous lhe oàiYle, àai told me by Mes. eq'4 ho, somt"fiat EentlY coM» lin Mt ~ o r Go urcys on - ak, ù tsses»" Irsait- 6919w Wt *«100r&fday, se- #at qients go t. flic foilc lic vsinta iseios Mis. L opfop h m fIdae lied and h cs et.ha& .Af fie Ma' b * oo - il fi ys ln if 5a" enuit ad lic o uld no f sec fiat le lied ai cvenine. beau milll. Bs lie opencd the ý' ne ee4cd f0 pk f UP a" lut ta h fe clevfor 3Aie! ffot &* aalb* lo b lmortheast icw vimb wu loti ý Obtfl ALout a ool roq q4 douna feoh r lic lic u mI! iI vc fiat Utche l = ibe tb1tuliohmthaitensi lie U bu #Qlcuous ta gay fiat fie f511 toecd Benfley's deafi," emYS Dr. J. GoutIc7, flicphysicien vWho et- ded bbL i7, septat B eey theUic oipitel Fr1. r aiglif,àasuffem rfrém liart dia, SlunpIy Stepped Off. lelint other pAtIenti go loto fi. hw et flic plaec, lic tiongliflic ÏW ad 1the vay *imu. Af mîdaight. idayy ho arase ced vent ont. ic uafoli thec clevator door. Tb* Oaltorvia standhig af the mail oraad sas offqu lapPcaii. fie foo fie clevator vas about siU incici & foot liclov flic level 0f the nmal OFARRKLS. HILA04 ISBora f0 Mr.e. *1 in. WIlIaSm C hmli DEPARTrgeNT STILL. ncdy Of NOMta a htr. or Born tg Mr. aSudMre. James Hoff, ofpi L yo as ib d a O ard of d u iti n, W est W eiiin tou u s tre t, a 00M . ' lei PL " yon e Med ofBoar Of douton, Louis Wynu. le recoverlug nifely lai Cate efar.t 90 fr fmom lisi ir ouf .vry severe Miusseiof t S O I e. Pneumonie. -ab -Superlatendeaf Gaggin liai issued ita OibLthdme m lv f At flic big session Of the City coun-6i etfia«o efctatn»ea W i hL aite boe . Ta » @ad fl cil lait niglt, M ayor BulIoCI< mue i er tifi ite f p rf ct att nd ec e afig Dafeepeie le. e tlie follcwing appoint-enlta tu varlous ta fa fis y 1 oBicig d patai uteo ciie actvi y Atorney Claire C. Edwards u oiau tliey e rîe ail orafirmed by Uic son 1pirchaqe su auto car. follo vin s ail CONCEURN TO BE RUN aoncîl: eal o lrë btethe example or il aw partner, At. Wi O N O . P E A T V E P L N .V it F e s D c a r m e lt jto rn e y J . K . < J nvi i. t ON O-PIBATVBPLN- heFie ef. lit. Tere lea a ev assistant sup)ervisor Wl Tle~ oa Pl tc wl tla W l f ic Bars <>'Farrell, chie ! lun Deerfield, bo ra last niglif, sud M . ' Thýcmpet VMdawl f he D. A. Huttan, assistant Ci J. Gibibs, of Higlivood, lias becu busy wi trade o!flie POIlisl, Austriali and Daid Gibson, captain. aseigcnrtltr esg*t Slavic People Of Waukegal and-Northi John ifleme, lieutenant. j oe00te tleVht' ll tOda essge Chicago f romtlie stores lu Uic tva 0. Stanley, F. Webb, L. Shuer,.u- Attrnteyteeisse hv ciles la a coup plaaued by caepitaliste lins BaIS, j. H. Jansen, E. Webb and AfrcsWlsadBllyhv of Chicego iiid Michigan. Chiarles Jackson. foremen. tdissîved paRtcrs o, M.Wsneot 1plane tooli shape Saturday nîglit at Wil! Murphy, Loireuzo Stewart sud Streiutgthed r.ouic es a. asiug tau di a meeting fliIcORU alO IGaledivr. h Wrighit blocki, where lieliai ký Fourteculli Srect, aud a resOluiOD , The Board of Hoalth. op.doce.*c vaSpujd that Uic people Of the tva Drs. I. M. G. Carter. F. C. Kifuglt, Tphed ofices.vilg oadlagr-g places should support tlic store- If if E. F. Garin, j. M.Kalovsky sud C. E. duced tlfe salcon licénse fee fron g slionld,*ctuallY lie hulît. Danlels. 170pn y a alie -$500 lîmit set by T y,,, irtlierm ote agrecd ta ttRe e T. hé Lbrary Board. - th0-e r ta e l v, 50 as ta pe mî t e ~ u ~ u ~ ~ 1 I ~ ii~ ê ~ a .. M ii P ., ~ e p l a n i ~ i ~ h t l l i e u W .o ' c on tin u te d o A n and ôili th à conùdition rdr 1ffÎft iifliheorde ,rscft-the officqrS et Fort 1 Headed by W@Jt05.- Charles If. Lyon, cliairman for anceflhc towu. di 'Fic mo em li l ie dc ly ta -year. Ail of the W aukegan police olf4crs Ci Lley Wojtou. one of Uic leaders of the L. M-4çklstrnand, tirst yard. . îî 5O eov odr a ue vr people, Jon recolTovurdeds second ward Poliali, Lithuanieni ced Slavlc ePS oi1.Twsnscn ad hooPe for the catchaS o! untaggedt Lad the owuen of WOltb a'B hall, Wol' C. F. lugalif, third yard. , sd uulce msned dols. Thli order gusocs ' tans Saloon and otier caterPnIece. C. H. Burucff. fourtit yad. inta elfeet to-day. Eacli policeman t lic le the pronoter of thc acw de- j. C. Mercliant, fiftli yard. receives a fes for ecadi'dot tht hlie epartaient store. Hgirbormatter. catches ad, som. of the mca vili It vililie a brick building ta lie Nicir Larsen. wari liad tf0 cira the extra moudY. erecfcd if flic-corncr or Prescott av- leepecfcr General. 'Flic people of fie city vere, given a b sous aud FourtedlifiStreet, and wil Victor A. Mlle. ful veeks uotlce befare thecm~. be a departniCnt building for tic salé. oardi of Local lmprovements. paig lanrflan,5 there la no excuse 1 tof gen" e m-hlatdlie. It la de-Joh 9.morowJames T. Mena, for the negilgeat. a algueti especialîy tf0 iuthe ~acDes" o Peter MeDrmott, James Morrow aud Th rset mvn tst ha g famcpeople vho have plédged fliai- Charles CM 'Flic kgrcaeef movlanow la P f lut a Selves f0 ifsugipport and la «P ected _ _ __r__ _ a ugket athevcon ir leo novad io prog- pnd&wtosaets of dollrsgan md ReAncumfd Minatier In«a». gencae streset, vlierc a large force fenonth l éreforlicta ai Rl. justiuGoodone Wade,' Uic o! mca la prcpcrnig ta mnovc flicold N«W CICSZOmarc Uic%- profi teWaukgan nilulafen vliO.aCter beng pries building tf0 Wtefr Sfreet. thie aie le a sliVtcf h roi'amrceuti by thc fedenal authoritles, Thecbuilding la belas unadOlaid te vill b. fret n eli the sfockioldcri. aftillpted ta 1111 htimcecf by lUmpins vifli a fouadaflon of leavy tlmbce, S Two Ocaits la i e hé C caanty. la front of a frein, vas ordered me- ou vhie I I;f v i eIb.roled ta ifs des- ' W. N eil. a farmer vho nesided veaf uiovcd from tc uthe U Y Sai liospital tination. As if la tva stories la o f Gomnes, dîie et 2 .Wcdnesday f0 fie defeuflon liosplfa Tueiday by heiglit and aixfy test square, thc e ak te mornins 0frlisant diseuse andi vllb Jadgs Beflica. If tg thouglif by flic or movins lea linge one. et b lc froMtahfe home At 1 Uefuda fcderal authonitises flat Wade lela - ,'The adiqnalce fer tihe PavIng of aflarwoon. He wvaS 68ycans old and sae. Hec as arreod for seuding 1Marion atreef vifli brick, vil ic of- li«vca eghtchilîdren. Uadcrfaker objectionabîe Mattet. thmOugli fie faercitheCcity ecouncltafthe meeting Lf White, of Waukcsan. leaadlis fie Mal!. o! thc board of local -lmProvcQUts de &sc. __ý w 00Passad~ ~ M~~ a nov rimbler caWy After tiai.1 1%0c 4mpro»iamc ....ý.... tlice wifl b. ruelied. ai rapldy as usible. lf0ec to ,c»Mi ai buasPut liim ~ou eco d - boiuoppoffd f0t flic. agal salle of ilquor, to minora 4A,4. as aun=nuoed fiat where hoieheara 1au, offepse lo wiolslgf thUsecoca lait Ifil«eoucsry f0 pubjitflicomse afavorci aid the parla wil be Id from BelvIdere street tô TenUi mret, or the clty Ilimite. Marion ad Market strecte ar0 fli two mont ravaled fliorouglfaras i>the City ud Marlou efreef propety owucrs re anxious for Uie pavint. Studente <of NortliweitcraUniver- ty sad realdeute aoflihe uortli slore viil talc îdvantae cof a xnovel'meaus oiglit the saloons at 1Higlwood wheu. on next: Saturdey niglit, the le club of Uic Methodls4 institution ill give a concert for the benefit of ie Higlwood M.. E. churcli. . Oscide in Join Chorus. Tliursday aflernoon, after one or Let lied been punished aeverely for isofflience by lier mother, two Wau- kegan girls, aged about 14, fled to Chicago witli the avowed Intention af going on tlie stage and being chorus girls..1 One of the girls. wlio belongs te a prominent.nd weil ta do family. was mlssed,-wlieu thc f#ther wcu, hos. %he WaS ttraed'ip and .lt -us fouud liat 'lic. lid not becu hInsP>io,ýl fat day. This waseat about 6 ilu the ev- eniug., The frautia parents at ouce began lie searcli for lier and feared ail sorts of thIngs Outil tlicy got the chie tliat the girl lied been scen ta board a train with a companion for Chicago. Tlie fathetr at once loft for the big city and there lit a thonier lie found ils daugliter. Illie lad gone ta sec thie shiow as the bout way of getting a start on tlhe sàtq The f un girls were brouglit home mucli dlsgusted with their attemptsaia belus actresses. Kncw Diath Was Near. Law Turner dicd at the Jane Mc- Alister Hospital a fcw daYs 850, after a short ilVncis whýcli It la stated lie lnew would lhe fatal. He was forfy-eiglit years old and wu, bora lu Englen4. He lia workcd for James NichoIs ai barteader for four years. Thc only relation lie lai hi tis country leLewis Turner. of Keoua" Tlic lats Mr. Turner was a mnember of Verbena Lodge, Sons of St. George. Tic Lieu CouIrry Iunswaauee? XTand iiS S pop row ma If .l1 là, e, OccaW f o ~NOWIS."TUE TiME Bqai *1 in W:whU. ,lm*à re go Havi l asw iin ta.flhW DO THE. WORK W i m . Y u gS et rcidy. S M!O A L N O M 1 «or M & pys on 3 oh t t1 , iRA , mi Wr. HAVE PL!NTY rOR ALIL -' RII !O!R assig qi l l Mcepef. W.a hava afi kidi 0e lad lSuds P.S. coing fo repofr a=v roofs? w e bave ciundu&cf roc co iings. Peper ad shing mes. pecwalbon grvel tops. Corne aMW Sm EMMONS-MERCER LUMBER CO, ~ EDWIN A. BISHOP, M'g'r, LIBERTYVILLEl ILL. TPhon. 47 .67ý- DO YOU WANT A, BARGMAN? W. have if otan Pactory ai LibertMithe a fcw smal lots cf O<l idsad Ends of' our MODEL FENCE: Thcîc are o!fie e ma hîgit Carboit Sprng Stsel ae our regular stocka. lie only différence belng le tic uneven loegthe. W kl. he l st go a es v u 0 & ck et a " Éu tAlL r GULAR PRa. UIRST COIU!. lRST Iqire et r«t0y gsud teks e e om ewith y"u. AmescgiWire Fence Company Wa Am TAiole Ruk pries tha r~uyrs ofOP BNIN O )AY encounterd, more than e uliIed their expectations, as was shown b j, U,. 'bd. i ann r they r oce iveé their urchases. TUlS S LCL ES MY 9t. hi rce gu ed uin th s sl ar e un u..tôI0f l yi ;, by do! gv isrig by ng r, the 1 next t n day% our wart,t' f iIas at a great savng. A VISIT Coqwrs YOU NOTHIN O T MA A e OU, DOLLA RS . The rcz i îvoru beow how 'sml ercentaoee of. o u r 1i ndu» m f t . s a e o s no ai w al b ra t % - to be m nl n 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a '-BStley lvalkcd loto fie gip aMd' g M about a foot. HO Simply stcpped « Mi felu on aul fours. Denica injuries fe man. "Tr im e vcn nD o v il ne auI f e f fli ,filt.Thelinurses foni fie patient Th tu flicelait vhers lic lid felle a ncd 'l et one cslled me up. bt Pulse Fcund Rightf Il bld flou ta take hiei puise and o kt iiu bita biti Coudiionfl a n cd fiel L iqgcefed liok fiat ils pulse wau un- «moded liehviaemnoe tUic vors.ý ý«oép for a certain, nenvousaess,. io m aa asd avay." *"M.y 0104 'cf 8"sertf Omease. bosb« ed Tuiiaretifl1. 1» mi*s uys a lsontmbaitdimesmu ,MW t e cause 'sud fit flic io ld oIl b§4 tW e f0deorm L. XW14 a> ey1 am la nge,11 901 d eclaa *a b falliastenci fhecdeaf i. »MM iila flicprcecflf standing oC 13* leuàu. It A É vo SRbu AS mo , i mruit. oneo fi. dr ti lDongcafcmtc oem t:*M,11tb.t*L best trea lw a Onp.w Wh"de ot - opue, om ?ens Outer Garments Mcna sSuifs, lu unllmlfcd Styiec. Cuti and Venilety of Maferials maie by Amrcas beef talion», evcmy suit a vomr of art, 822 Suitea, lat esi Spriug Styles. ileOblution salc price $18 Suite 0141L $16 Suite $12.8 $12.50 suifs 9.95 A savin 9fo you of $3 ed $4 on ecad Fpor cliceor 21 moule Coite from Suite fiat sold rce 1 0 tu 81 6. sizes 34, 36, 36, 37. 1.00 Extra,Trou ers Extra Trousers lu flne Worstcds and Scotch Clieviots. Peg Top and Outing Styles, 11 o!flice latent Cuts ad Pattern, $5 values, $395 and $3 values 2.45 Extra Pnte for vorkng ad golng to work wear:-2 values to dissolve for 11.15.' ILSO values ta dissolve at $120, a savins tu you of Long Pnts, a f ,ll sesrtiaclif 0fis- es. il te 18, Sigle ad Double Breaete, lu Worsteds, Chieviot» ad Novelf y Plaids, 10 ad 112 values. f0 be dlsolved.vhlle tliey liat for C W=3re'ssuits Tiat couteas * m Dy baadred BOYS' Suitt& var ln a position ta fit fhlilttIe fellowm ta flic moflierS' taste. Thli nobby cut$ of Buster Browus, Norfok» and Salor Suite are uuquestlonably lust the tblUi for Utfie feliowa 2% ta 8 years oId. We wiii sel $5 Suite NWednesday and Tliursday for 12.95, It, Buite for Oflier bargalus just as big. For Wednesdey and Tliursday vo wiii seil 100 pair- o! Boys, ifae pente best f o!0ecqualif y' for 290. only tva pair ta a cuetomer, also 60 paire of Il Blue Serge andFtancy Peuts 75c Top Coats and Cravenettes, Raviug liel a foreruaner tothlcestyle that would pre- ,çail la Top Coate ve secared fnom Eastern lailora fth mucli alked of style Lou& IV, l lateat eie4c of grays sud fans, te aoed saaieto sve yos caactly 83.76 ou each *qatf 8el vave~u, 9103; ~812 ai ivalus Shoes c Sbeies tltered eif filssale veme purcliseed o!flice best manufictuners. To malte these a speclaà objeet ta you, vc have taken a Une o! $5 Patent Lcathcrs, ail styles, vhlclA arc ta go at flicedIs solution sale pries- 3.50 '13 ced 83.50 Patent Leafliors ta lie dîsaolved dur- lus tuis sale for Lsaving fo you of $1,80. Ulm Couarsw m 1 5 C ,euor 5, ach5 Se t mn Co lline.. m wvb reno ll tesfs ylesO9cc aci.t LangoR m acnd Bi ls dirfe. e. XesFlacn*HematltchiiWite Hdkfs . Se. oery,B lfedsaud Tan.1 5c q allty 80.P ]Wbll U nderveR 1 70.1 00BslWbnlggfl, coloraBline, inkrad White 3 70. Mas5 111M emceiscid.vonth $ 1, 79c.' Wii. l«SS urffl a 150oq ualiti.$ $o. if la mi c e tey d bmae olveit llofiud.ii MIN - quoi mý nié" ----------------

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