25. 1t~O0- 8 ~s~es - S1.5( esuns An APOela acaut Borne South Amlin Pied noE£vI*uwe ofVispp Of et PiaisTheqagt *5va H NObeAepoieied. dedlaei, abrupiby Judos, Londi ttb"usitoMates courtsfobi o us sttouaey bat dmttod tua "oser- saV"inmeyeo«, A eMeir et adjudiction vas on »M AU~i tbe credfitors *lm *hhlovoi eté Min h wlcbte snggt fatum a action te the court. The appolutmsetC Ve @W rla ule fl.otra1ue t lug Voira sa ail uo actfor bn docopt uhasais eea itt utb eoçaiflt et the ordlatry busisaa a- torprics, unil tho stata la adjudi. Wbat, doese <lis anwer Meserhobe sakod Atteraoy Haley.'1 t, mathat houle la bsukrult. ropie théa sv ol iV5. The onlraof 6sdudicstion wu e t4 once eider te se osrecora. AM a c «£aglftei'sReport. Juig. landis too actson t e tr hoa bi iciras euidertlos toa s rprt1 ~vok ona.ofetthea hertas. IL Nua, Muisuafor Jobs V. VFu-l *Usaà ôC... ubusahbe b appointai aM Imemisrstofrthecout Sito, the e taasetZIon Cty. nea gw ofetthaé&rp wuvla a bas"i4q, a tboue M*sta or e di- in aZio. Iaaoliia log 0bu~ lCouiat Il s I a1 B s '4 a, a 9 b" b VOUce esiu eu ,for -t»s "T1 poUlaSOSbas sugotilulge towu lai inlaLibeïtioe ta vote, for or bsa inisis - ~ sjslthebouluget ustowsbip lor elther4 2,ag.Usd5.and6eOdang sbig de. $J,M [or thepurclasas of site auflta« $@- pisios fremtbe begcb. sSI: building Of & s big slol th PropotIon ibeau oa 1isu aifam i"tbattbls leauo avs. iaet by twenty votes. *TIas tt-ri potenti uste hat caflafor tii. appolstmoual-49 the motter »ta fa ormiéresetiosvsmnorne i a recstvhr. Wtla the a tn -.aârnld by a narrow moqargan sd Vs. fat mau nu ailiereaetsiI *we*erc tlsou dlgseislu theo - asqg*O remerm d dthe ctat The losing'ai the proposition la due Thm !tz 0Im- le* te e tarus oftw et i. lfr«r Jug mdsdcae ,~l item.As thes mtter le nonfat the "bat rmum of e bious, hodil ,not îdo** qutatiawill rensln settlad sefer as a mmhItl ta *Ans tba ontire report publie. bjttubwaibp bigla saool le eoucerndled uises U ltmtte lIat la no pat of It ,l»à atauns fatafl ime sa p4 aanbrougbt This tiaere cuitmWcharge a saliat fouil, te vote ub letuimprobable for & jear POtiic 11comspromisee POaalbw "or * t bt" asat. - The PGiObllty that a compomse le u au8fale vot, Camtthbugla tbe orviei May be e effcti etvoes Douteamsut ingid tha Voliva fceeUt tic birLaiSofPoli boots eol 88lvotiug. of til.. ès the «asela thie odenai ourt fadai 172 roted egmaine omreia *W aatS" »,ld r vau admittol hi udse 5srues ina a154 luisfaro M u.. nlb. q-Ws*ors n %Dpeecaillon taberssCllm ea o- M ofrectins a bilding thée vate stood rhaut ouaa. osta ne sa hllethe bond iJsuam itbl *"Tha deveopuents In lug IseAs- I as 168 agnict sud 148 for. dis goutitomorrow n" brlag tblng te a Ot point ee vO e mata»sail tue A prpsta n oupoudig ng t o f lu proteat agalat lthe ova l a Po aourt S*d aoiat thana by agrosaist schooi projeot,.wbilc tbey bi lrIbol be ani«Seconai trfor hU$ide." agld opposebeeasa .of t<limmea.1 te thne e" hie.ansd Is allagltrauste be»eita, t*w- Allge loue of e i.mettlag3Ju«e ersoa bre Uiir*vW sto*ubi, Woinae-to60 Usassedacaml t a*mtie, aoi*-s.day fai p"DMrslt ue 5 vaast M n u souseloerbeilevlugta scotapacaiseeoslusegist oIsT55 , D"s' 0 tolihe brouelt about. Idéal; !tbe tula, lji sdcclboue t m a "biy Attoruay Charles n.of the Ropubflca ~ omittea, - tot for WW~ay te vit -uwith bhis b~eBoat Company, sud of hie daughtar, MXis -t-oty reportaI thet ha br object ln vlev. tbst 0f »bqitg4or rejectint s post ipiWtl'reported that haobas er4Ipast of minlter pleut- ry a0uevoy extraordnary td vuth'-Aaercan republfo et a ry id lat he decides tjai tho tlp whether ta accept at suà Iu chrarge of bis afficec At- ' ll6dy. rfso g~ - g te 1 'be la - hink se. Atr bua apractic-e In WaMlcgau ortite than. jny diplomatie Lt puWd be ortered ina." la thp.,geverai opinion amontg fts. 4ttuney Whitney may.ha the Pqt as a means to- some- kpm ut he le a clos&. par- î*% « Speaker Canon.BSn- a" " Hoklns an (eorge- ý Vm. unthat he coul hbava gj* toir owerte gise. for Youns Estate.' part, Ethel L. Tobng' ted administrt511 of ke late Jaines ToUnu. îbeen stabbed ta sife in the banda of illiain Tauns. sud Md David Welcb bave 4ppràaers id aud approved sand lted lu, the. 551510 Of ý. Rckey, ufho cou- sithasu ovedroseo t >y at Orsysa*o. AU. aYT S llPnom BURNINQ Soya StsÀsd Pire;,,Ate Dnner; Whlie0 They Ata, Pare caughI 1511k Houe*. AN People entd N--omeo The lire an the John Goul tarin, the aid Eddy pace au the Mlwaukeea he1 ýroad. asa a dsastrous ane for bath expacea. tlould >nd for Zian City, ta whlcb the reporta% taein beiwaiged. qhe lfire oecurred Tues- milles Cfl dey. Ail t' Every building on the tarin wat M10,w razed. the faundatlons sud a plie oaIn-te U The building lotsa viii total about rsdu smoing r1~uine~ be i ta alft hr The ire tartal *bout udon -th, h white the tanlly uas t dinner. lu NOI the inorulus thse boye or the. farnli No. ilw bad beau burninus rubblab close toero1 thse barne. They vaut luto dînuer *lat and toit the lire. AAtIt Whie lu the bouse th iseuld 'siiti- Ai ed ta the sauth and the lire caught l the mýik bouse, the southwest buOd lItdn lus of .the tarin group. p.rte Atter dinner tue boys startal do"~~> the rosd, but sau tha e sud ras l9apd fi back. The barn esugbt irom theomn, Mi$l4 I liapse lu, met a feu iminuteSsuMd ha-, ing aid sud dry, burned Uke tinder., ALL ' No bey uas ln the barubut two lMW* stacias outaide vote burued. fiat thé Heip fro n ueghbarlug tarns ,came, Min Vol but nathins onld ho doue, as -tise10111161101 pump vas broies the firet thiug sud ttu uoswtqr wusa offlable. miit Th ian Cty ire deasrtmant Wuon th cailed. but diIInot reeponduffnl aINtWW ter the lira usaover aid theuon oly t'bI. Ivo mon In a buggy appearad. bc, Pm The Waukawa epartiomt v ai il1. mked tu a go thne lire bi pbono. but $s Itwld hi ave boem;luipoasble Ifor flbe thena tedeoauytbiug, thai dii ~F11WEPLfIO4 EARLY BAT- RY.MoRmiq AT PLU$S- ý14 PRAtftIE T"OUCNT Ait OvoeLakte OeaaniVAw*k- Dy sheck.-Many Rush Prom ei~pt Disastasi lsud.Lafiie postier w.rks st î Prairie were wreoked by tue bs At 8: 15 A. m. saturday. Tha Sweomterrific and WSere tait fer imud. be northehore -towua ware snd the. shock vms lair @von unewan d *Il eegti et o ft senti amLake OFormatthe' te var tiarwoun actaa oulc th e eipléoaRasy " ~'1 the naost bestffhti " slghts mnsenlable. Tva thouassi pSald powder reepoé shock. A pllai of lira$botlup the air, followad by a el miles. People af Wwa> bave seau h Tii. saund of the asplis the citiseasbledwwthlet rlsited bg asWeartbqual lske a dNixe s aslia proW ratulrnngbo~ ionutii pouder. - vmascuse .1 tbr- book *as fat a"de pubiiabua namkImp tu ME HURT; LOO* $WIa,0. nayoi te P is amre ported !Ott ad.otbat oIsif 45* lnjuredL The fluancll athne strestesau ed etstS ,0. -tlalnito< .ssllsted PrM"s dispteh fom thy le epeb WW ueoh ko't Wsi Othrougliaut .tm "mra5 Pat olty snd as fornat sai uPoastPar fro al.Hundreits*etPettMa lààdtnÉd P b ihel.is lmbIfvlli$ tuige. lng te a bellinhegfit n sauqa aoet h il' detroieé hp t elIs frÔm PlasBa.t PasSa "Y ibo eii.tt e or'soieom MO, fa se ftes i. naa Maaay Tovsare Expeoiiencog Fatte, Grewth Ta Evr Before-Msny Structures Gains Up. A building boom bas %truck the suburisa ai the narth shlore. Wilmnette. Keiiuorth. Glcncoa, Elgiand"Park, Lae Forest. La Bluff sud Norths Chicago are lu the. mult of buLIlding operations ubk icl vii tal saurait«- meqt or more than a Million dolsars sud wvib i vi give the reglon soutb et tis city *long the lake saine of the fluat 'homneslu Uth eet.lu al thesee shirba reuldenceansd business structuras ara bolug erected -at s rapi rate aud bhore thea sunsmer la oser additions tu the population sud euinsapoa nie -pîscos eau hbc am- uodated. Lake Foret rous Rapidiy. Laie Forest aspecialiy la undergo- Iug a change throtagh tb. construction o f nov buldings, lu tise business sac- tion of tise ibwn nie Auderson build- ing, valuad t $70.000; theo0'Neil bloc. valued at $40.000; theOriffth building. vsiucd t $25.000, sud the t fhacaga Telephane Cluspany building vaulae t 18,000, have Jmt beeascoin- pletal., A nau- garage aud insuY stores are piasnel far erection the comng year. A flue new blet la sen a posslluty J. Oglen Amour la planning ta huilidona is uaviy acqurel tarin at LA obePrettho lineat resideuce nortb of Chilsago. 1Mr. Araaourbas iust pur- ohae, the iat et 900 acres of land voene tLake Forest, vblcbho v ini couvait ito a country estate resao- blais cim tagi hôhmea. 1Mr. sud :mm Armo" rtais ote abroal sud are otdsthesIba 01 psate oiEurope lu rna .Hamili la suotiier Chi- cago busneas man uho la building s 0017y home St Lako Forest. Mr. EH- Ill'$ rosldeuca viii CM t hon oin- plètal 090,Mq. Thc basier auna ton acres ou the shortit o ke Michigan. crter Fitaisugh, ubo bas une of1 the 'fluat resîdences lu Lake Florest, bas made Plans ta reinodel hie borne et acooltof $19,000. B. L Bakerisa about Ici aroct a homo ta cot $15000 sud Samueal T. Chose vil bon inove lut a nov recllence ouf Green Bay rosI uhlch cot $20000. Collage to aulld. Three noe buildings foi' Labo Fer- est College viii ho erectod duriug the coning year. - These area library, a science hall aud a darmmtary. Tiaey viii coet about $120.400. 1 A structure wblcb la . attracting much ttention lu Lae Forest t tise preseut tue la the tiret ai tbe madel double cottages. rected by Cyrus H. McCormmck for .isenampioyees, ln naenory of is dead daugbter. visa, thougb only 13 years aid, became lu- tsrested lu the questian ot goa liv- Ing quarters for vorkrnen aud their famille&. Mr. McCoiack parchasedI for $10000 tuelve acres bau vway be- tvean bis owa iarty-acre, homestead sud Lakse For-est station, on unîcla ha passin eret model cottages for tuenty amployees sud ther familles. mhe tiret ot the structures le resdy for occupancy nov. Itlas of white stucco sud contalus tweive roonas for tworaiblles. Around the. bouse ts gardon roana. The cottages are rent- cd tu thse MeCorrnlck enaployeas for lais Maney tissu they cauld reut other quartera. 111 Colt Was A Freak. 1 Lest MTbursday. at the Jabu Clave- 1land foin. Dr. Dubla tooi a liva. 9bealthi clt Irona a mare belouglugt t n a Mr. Kaley,,of Joliet that vws cer- raaaya aus aiPhi..su -If >st 0150UM0. as a bandoo animal sud pertBotlY ra coattlb pacier foalae lna ery vayi. epi fiat ts 4 o $19.00. Te front legs voWtenuniardund, tie lu inplanned vIlilie isees being bhblulInsteat ai lu IVOI Cot 151.0front. Thse colt wu. islhhbred aud fra viii bc.exda.- is value voulal bava heen t iaast over uhlch yul ho$800 lifnature haiS pe 1 1 dIts uori L Teramcs.roai, ight. Dr. Dubla tciao ed 1Mr. Kaf- letalis viii hocoin- h .statins nie conuition. of the colt ni téregidence 'lAMsudasking Vwhat ha shonl do vtb -1t.1fri KellyrepliIe that sa horne or place Athurthat vas canapl lad - ta Vali baci- s bone.on a tract'wr Nould nottb. ci inumi" flge'a t ouna i hha use snd requestod that- t hbllel:« mon *111 cmet $0-This vaassn,, bt nia doctor viii àe raiingS of b .hkeep tise ltmnbeau specimiens of iraai dao rsl2 jandsiIquine anatomyi. Il~ ~ ~ ~~ * hkftb1f. ayLocus Prs Ooeuhg. e*ly $leumse Baine of t ho'a Olta pépers aIl hi"~ sisnsapublishlng nie - -Tiaay ak tiedefeniants uMaîlta show cans wby iey cbold ha~d of. lice or the prolect sheul procoee tn view a' thse tact thst -mie election sud organlation proceodlugs are ai- lege ta ba irregular sud tisertor6 ilegal. The *rousll am, are mong other thinga. tho ladi of proper no- tice of olection. the silegel tact that teutcsbad Clauses "uritten ln" ater baviug o ited, sud the àlieged use of slips ln addition ta the rçgular ballots. Proceedinge tu Issue boude ta the ainaunt ai $20.000 aud ta get thse cou- sent &< the peoplo ta the erectien ai a $20.000 sebool building aud pur Chase of site are sought ta ha stopped. ROMANCEIN OU> COIJPL's MAIRIAGE. Sweethearts- of Forty Voars Ag. Meet and Renew Oourtphip- Parted st Outbraak of Civil Wsr. James Shi-eva, agcd 66, sf54 lra. Minute Keliagt. aged 60. of Palatine, Ill., veut ta Chicago and vere mnar- ried Saturday aiternoon. The cero- manywao tise culmnlation ai a court- ship vhlch bad ils oriplu haore tisa outbreak oi thse civil var. outliveal an- other inarriage by eacla. audf inalli vas cousqiniatel uben, tise fariner eveethearta met ater iorty yeare. Wiseu the 'civil var braie ouit1Mr. Blreva lived ln a western Peunsyl- vanta towu. Miss Minnle Neberer. aged 21. vas bis sueathaart. Wbeuf tise var hrpie oui they vaero angagod, but Shierve enilstad Sud vaut ta nie front. Thé girl. vitut ber parents. re- rnpved to Palstine. uboreasit trace of ber former sueetbesit vas !Wat.' Wheu ha returpe sud vas m ue- lerel ont of the servie1Mr. BIbrave round no trace ai Mies Nebrer. le. removed te Ilinos sud vas marriel- 4Kttheia lt stetaconveution of the. G. A. IL, tibreve met a coirale iroin Pbliadelphiaa. ubo luvited iim nier for a, viait. Thea invitation vas#Ac- cepted sutd lait Wadneday libreve ual Intraoluced. to lirs. Klologg. Thir recoguilon'vas mutual. lira Kellogg nov a widau. vas instautiy recogalsed as the sueetbeart 01 othar days. Preparations for the marars were - usde et once. fari Wfli ha Tempere«*ce It la,, se soldÔrt Sbaridsfl pri liet Vii» gt the, rsortar at Oilgboocd Ii, usauagng 'poici bas bou cbangel rtrs tem ta item sund 1 plue oretthe vaudeville s)ovs.li, t M11*1ofi ier mues and glaefl sait v, açcons acrpe oft<ho _neUde tyriliB <la~1eLÂKE S- WM~KE( -w H>APPY' LOWE WHO 1S HABITU- "staked" bain ubsu ha vas Out Of ALLY IN TROUBLE'ATTEMPTS cashl. TO SHOOT EOGER MGEE. Mce oIngal at bmain d grappiod vithb hu, catcins hua about thse ALSO COLORED. valst.1 SLwve twlsted anea smofréesu d wound fi around Mc0o's nocit. Then Officer Liiempis Airosi snd FaCeS Gun ho placed the sun aginst tni a nas ,-Happy Then Maes Escape but la neck sud pulled nie trIgger liat an Foiloved by Shets *Ilich Break UMcieeo ducked his bonad. The hullet Windws.sissged bissi, an but di not pelptrate. WindoW5 Had ha not ma". tise ucky inovemrnat - hie vould havre beau a dad iman. .Iut as tbe hour Oi midulght sourd- Officr ilpe on WsUk. ed frona the court bouse tover Fr1- Oliler Bursoe vas trs'velisg a hast day aIghtinlu Waukeu there vas a &Crossnihe U 1ol revolver battie betwoea tvo coiored, He hurried caver ta the MoGee pace mon daun îown folovol by a gun sdvaabulagb Epy"cb duel between the. chiot ulaturber sud a haabot uha h*a p ona clus- Ofcer .John Barson. ma pool sudtell i ediouc. A crwdOf o!people vaiting for aire- Vbeu he arase the negro vas malt- talc cars et the corner Of Gennsee andu gdw asigo lret h f Washngto strets àâ âatteed -Icer ran t arhlm vith a drawu re- paulc as ofilcer Burfios parued tise volver sud cangit siglt oai hm atter fugitive negro. The chose ltated for r igtbraugb a crovd ai peopile gaeai blocks and minit et thse night wuslngfocasdw are»th vas taken u nialufolavtns dues that Melody store. voulal lead to a bis ptIIr. lia-gave the order ta hait ad ban The Men Implloa»d. the coiored mazii reiused - ta ahai ha Mon iniplicatý'd lu the ight wara: ireal. Thse baslet, cranhed throuq1b s RICHARtD LOWE. esc#ped alter a plate giases vldow lu Saluions héan- niurdcrous assaîjît UPOn Livard Me- dy store on Southa *Gaee street. Go., ai Washington street. Lw ad or EDWA D .%IGEE;ho xpeled Love thon douhled bock for the Love tromtlhis shac ahlang establal a- pace betveen Meiody's sud, Mint and uns rewardol vitis a shot amtsebu 'sadteoferiat in teFICERasisedbyain. This timëe'thse bulloît' *Ot O"ICR BUSOD; asiote bythraiamlt a pane of glass lu the 1MOI- Mcers Tryou. Daia sud Captda a dy store. V<gi. ho pursued ticfloelng negr otiOlle avis arne bY tlis lime ira.: for iniles. ni. corper aifCln«an sd .Clayton *Heu the Trouhiea Started. strelts. , He vas joned hi Captais -Wheu seen Saturdi nIaraing -Ed. Vogel sud'Oflicet Tryos sud ait throc, MfoGS. uho rainsa a absla siing stand raked tisa aile"s bac% ai the osat ide lu theKorsu bock, *linlgly toid bis faioneee troat for the fugitive. tory ta a reporter., "seur RoigroO atl rds. Rlcard Lowe, marc, coapuonly buowu ?aliing tua fnd lmnatbey divided sud as "Happy," came Into è1$s store ai 12 while soine kept vsteciblera sco'urei sud saked the loan oi. dîme to get tise yards af the Ziglu. Joliet sud lait- s sandwichs sud a cup 01 enlis. rn raliroad sud the Chicago & North- !le vas sccOmulcd5lod. -western hetveen Wanbegsu snd Ijngratefut for IP4vors. North Chicago. ..HappY" then engpd niemnuIn Tmeflieeiug mnn ouid not ho fouad. eouvaxtiOO nsu t51t9d *0comilas h tlaq supposed tisat ha made saus gthe 'bout tise manuer in- wbln ha allegad laies shore Booth. the varld at large Îran t;atlng bina. Hn Evil Rtputatien. .11e aigu told Mlc0pa-Uu*lho, McGoe, Love'igle kovuas a. crap shooter hal nat treated bl, i« <lýl- sud ue'ar do valt sud . tu net re- This angereal the mean *hé han beaun pected amoahg tise colored people 0f fXfp rs"ialnd for,, Sar5 ad bas Wsulcegau. piton given hlm vrtand ho ordered He bas beau arrested numborîes .bias irons the place. 'timnsfor roudylsin and ganabling sud - "lapp>" backed tii tbodoor 8a111811Y bas serired savera terarinuinthse couU- ent uhen ho gaou*l 5r clAr trjli, once for participation lu 4 ragliasha turned u0,pted usaieisbll* aUrai. St~~hlo Mae._ tl bsIthat q fO urema - ~ ~fin last I i... l* e Plant Nov UaSet au Monea 8111 PRICEOFEN LARGE» PÂCER TOI Ths lzçugazs»»Tv evr wathfni te lW marethé ne fimwsae nd. sppserauaeof theo P"«e ban this wvasipIasseL% a5 Menias foing utnaeua Vb lle iMa ,MdI tria 2000aigt. taiý t ç vem pages per houa sud il demd poste tise sbaete tagstba r tjy lu th is adIle.1 Wltb tblanaacbluat ww % a-l1maPlb inatter to prit a tais pangemillion% lu-1 sesd af eigbt palea do beratoo&Dén It la the plan ta eairge ta a tonimage. svgularly tbcsý glvloagoor sulasqrihsra papar better by fartl tha buah evw bbeen betore. - Wltliour stock of fnoticns as notion liewiiiiaorb 0 montaifc*ita tast hdle ec OrnasuuetalBac#ana ld "b uhsels -8.... . to stai@ Orsy or whte, Bhoppleg Ba#@ -.......lie, Isand Zao Womeng Fuse7 Relf et........fM,-ne dtSo Sbell Bld. Comabe et.. . W ole kil lair plus froi sSeae"Ch go Se psr domei. sIoag musila, linos finish. 86 biseotilde, per yd .....10 câls, (%PMIonl 5...... OCmeha ebgdn*ls Knit [Je.4çualâte. 10e I< y"is,oi . in!lite gobath tIi. mner la i end we aspra toi thair tnpul Il> la rdi thé saper vsj mari. The pi e10lu sindva iPeux IPsu Bulb