CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Jun 1906, p. 1

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4 and. WAUI4E( LN W*'EtEKLY SUN * LJBERTYILLE, LAKE COI WAYWARD OAUGtT<Rop JOi4Z cines te bee that big dAubter SOWER8 0F LAKE FOREST. committed suicide. but attributos hber TAKES 1MER Ur£ WITi4 death te ber cvii auocita la tUiclc. CARULIO CIO. bar reoma of Hlgbvood's "vhlakOY alaver commented btteriy on the Dica In Hé,r i'dibere Sarin Attendad city'samusrtoiewle oi 4 Si r *t$P AW&tidOafd bî lie *r penntirls eof 17 te b uy drinks la T *Escort.-A Sad Case. the saoons, especlally vîitin a few foot ef the mayer's evu groggery. Hgltvood andlits row of saons. irls PFather iBocks Vengeance. whch the United States goverumeut, "hr muet bc sometbing -wrong nit thruqugh tihe army ofilcerset Fort vith the city oSfciaIs," he sala, lat * Sheridan. hae attemptedl te wipe out, "Whilé 1 caa net belleve alle teok the Mi exacted lett uellofhuman if,, again actif hersefIf. s ha dId do it she vas e Sunday when a Young girl cem- dlrectly affected by ihe--Vle resorts Mi mitted sicide. 1where abe bail been takeu by boy@. 1 Miss ed suide. su hedagh ad where te bad been permitteit te 1i * - Mis Gergina eves. ii~dauh-drink, by so-calted men, vue took their Ir( ter of John Banvera, a Lake. Forest licenges et the recommetiatlon et ta bouse palter. died as. a' resht of Highwood's mayor. I intend te matieVI' posoulng hy carbolie acld. whlch the somehody anavor lof. -tu ame ta] ' t.à%~Iken art r. Î'exogi e«V OjÈ Mi~ ~. *.p~ lia two Hlghw 1w~u.O ~ 5l !n b~~i praitted41 She was 17 years nid. leavlng ber the sîlonnkeéper eto thia varleiy te 1 home, ou McKnley rosd, a mile uarth thrlve lu Highwtuid.', r' etfLake Forest, a short time agu she . Censure for Gibbs. bocenie a honmemnaid inluHghland Censure for Mayor Michael Gibbsete Park. It vas there sho mt the aç- ef Highweod and perbapa a recomn- th qualtancos vhe taugt ber the ways mencation fer grand jury Invetiga- li ,of mighwoeri. tien were promised! todae vhen Coro- hfi Girl Frequents the Balcons. nrTyo.o aecut, eue i Wthout iettiug ber farents know tuer neTaor thae body t G resum e et ber actions. the youug-girl becanie teana uoert ete odel.r. th a troquonter of bhe saoons. fibe mae aaRvr tLaerre.t trieuda ef nome ot the bar renia leat- lu the bande ot the Jury vaan telbe, of ers aud accepted ancetftbem. George piaced the testimeuy tram Police Laurence, It la aaid, as an latiniste. Magitrate,-Poi' court ehowing trat b) She vas dlschirged tram lber place John Hart, a saloonkeeper alderman. th as housemald aud returned te ber brther-in-lav ef Salooeleeper MgLyor 1ro tatbera bouse.1 Gibbs. vas one of the divekeepers du Her parents learued aenething of vbo sold the Baver girls and their le ber tops aud abe vas net permtted compaulous lquor. .. le Io vist HIglaveoi as frequently as th lieore. On Saturday igt she oh- May Sia Cruséda. a taineit their etsent te go" te s dance As tic murder ot Mns. Seusleflo-t vlth bier eIder ulter.EMme, 19 years isater led te a jeneral inti-critue jil oid. The tvo girls vient te a H%1b. movomet lu Chicago. so thc suicide W] vood sue,. Dnale'. vbere liber of Mines Googiaaao*r. of Labo met'fMouds. Herberoaty ni'anud rv- Vro. bis&51.00 bat a, ,crasae t" t lut l6dieg. testimoayai lthe ooro promîs ate vipeo«ouuhe .dives oetfa nu* Inquei deadopOd d. " beesia iuvop&d. *ai t ave omGergianas svet: abitt. The Sig uade by ibLabo C e bai; oihaebert . eldginuasu Her- Couty Lw sud Order -Loague and bourt; Harbit>'. Br. femer tve er-stue oficers at 1tort Sheridanl vlbe n' iecompaniod the girls te te lit train remuamed at once.' i for their borne village. and, itlit asald. 1 WtihIu the lst tew iveokseverai e Lawreuca quarreled vltb orgia..& convictions have beu securot agaiust di Tbey reacbed Lake Farest at 1: 20 sud1 saloonkeepers lu the tevu. and five c Harr Rudolph. au acqualutauc. vbho!.ave been teretd out of business. The a * bail rldden up wibh tbem tram 14gb- Rer. E. . Quayle. active secrtaryg woved ou their requeet. set eut vltb and manager of tbe Lw sud Order tl * tbem on the long walk te their bouse. League, saidinov prosecutione yl ho r *Takos, Poison; Flls tbraund. begun. The midulght closiug iav la tl As tbey nearod home. Georgana ex- ignret ou every baud, at least three r cuaed beiself aud stopped ta the aide!e teresorts keep &peu. on Sundi', l of the raad behlud a clamp ot treee.o h She retorued a moment labor sud fell and nearly ail ei tbem aponate gam- prstrite lu the road. lier @iter and bliug tables lu fuit novw. Three et Rudolpb tbought that she had been! tbam uperate hback romrne"tiat irep ovorcome by the offocts et the liquor 'ffluivalent ta vine reome. she batl taken and'attlerne time 1 Miit' sr . Ban 6 caried ber te the Rever' barnu col. 8. R. Whitall. comrnding oft ueary, starahe aitrefuet e vîk. icer t Fort Sheridan, hie rotertet it vas ralung at the tires. bi re rhItl&&hesdes At 6 oclock Rudlph vont home.he, drpOiitn5tesiir * At 8 o'ciock the alter, lu despair. ýt rom entering ia{ghvood and estab- veut for Mrs. Devers. She came jugti lishlng a penalty et fourteen daya lu lu trne te fiud ber daugter dyiug esolitary confinement ou broad _ad Mirs. Riva Wrght, a physiciau ef vater for offederi vluo are caugft. Like Forest, vas caloed. but tic girl: The village Itselt.clowly le vaking v as dead. te refermi, sud an - ordînance for a *Coroner Taylor, et Lberyivlllo. vis $750 saloon liconse, the entire smm aummioned. sud began su lnqtuiry. te be pald lu advînce, luatead ot $500 Noir the place vherc the girl bad piid quarterly, le expected tapis teppeit behiud the roca vas touud orer the veto et Saloonkeeper Mayor an ament emptiéi tour aunce bottie Michael Gibb at the next meeting ut, laheled carbolic acld." Au examina-thconlonSe14 tien et the mouth et rthe deait girl the ________onlne_14 showed severe huarn, and Uic peut- rnortem sbeved that seobait diod a! Saved Frcm Drowning. raeld,palsauing. Four persona vere saved tramn file inquestvas opened. but ESte drawnlug lu Pistakee Bay Sunday if- thbctinter, vas harily able tu tell ber bruoou b>' Chiot 'Deputy Sheriff sbory connec'eily. She toid, tbe Charles W. Peters and Augut Sievers.1 evets ot the eveniug lu Hlgbvood The saillng bot C lara B. capclzed and tateit that sbch ad seen the bot and ail the occupante vere ibrowu Uc of csrhoiic acld in ber ster'a finto the vater. Peters- and Sievers roont for a veek. Rudoîpla vas thc put out te the rescue in rovboata. It cul>' other vîtuesa examlued. The otiacis couit net ho touni sud the cor- vas muli> twenty miuutes before they ouler' s jury took nplits verk igalu vere able te roach the capalzed boat, Jur ecomandeProscutin ad t vas vith dilliculty that thy Juuy Rcmad Poeuin gait te tour meu n tabthervboits. Censure o Hlghvooed sud Mayor Onuet the recused persona van Gbbs sud formaI demaude on State's Samuel Biedgett. The nanes efthte Ateruey' Hanna for the prosecutian et others çaulit net ho learnet. Higbvood saloonkeepors vure feu- turcs et Uic orauer's jury verdict lu MARRIAGE LICENS98.. lji Gergiana-Devers case teday. Marriage liconseos lled-ln the cana- The jury demrndeit firt that ty clerk's efficu are: State's Attorney Hana-prosecute the James L. liards. 28; Waucouda; saboceepers for selilng liquor te Grace Gagner Deualdsau. 21, Milvau- minore ase ail of the party lu vbich kie., the auaiduit girl vas oee ere minora.R George W. Morris. 21, Darwinaville, lb dmana l bb seondplae tatR.L,; Anuie G. Mayffeld, 20 Wauke- Mayor Gbbs revoke Uic licences of Albert Laraun. 26, Highland Park; theosaleonkeupers vho haie thte vine Frances V. KIrby. 30 Highland Park. reomna sd vbo sold bhe bighhalîs, Fred Rendfiersb. 24, Racine; £va heursud vhlskoy te te youths. Gulev, 23, Mlvwaukee., The sauons meuioneit are the De- Oe cniWues,2;M vinesudFisuiga blaea.lie Stevart. Evanten, 17. The Jurymen vbo iook the hernie _______ stop arc: Joe Murphy, fonoman; W. Manchal jau. F. iln. W. NI LL - ken C. G. Wsuban and Jam eordaau, *ai REPUBLIÔAIS-DoWt fomt th nantitsileremon. oftt. l. u4IU* ectie on da* a. -dey text. TheeôiOAY ecetal ool WURaai-solier, fatker ot Ibe gil. f am ugea paait .jOt*rt ou1 : z UNI" JINOIS, FRIDYI JUNE, 1,' 1906- 8 Pages 555L ~UACCUSED» Or rElif LUlIV'Im-iATTEMPTD J4NUARY I CandidW1X« State SuPreme Bert hMURI)ER. - Iporters. E~ M BIstil ComaîreUo - ather endiBoas lIsesWarrant Work Delmg Pucb*d. Car@ jndge , Orn N. Carter, Ropublican for Arr»tlo!Brother Wbo te Raciel la jal>. nommne. forA usbîce et the aupromo Threaens 10MIII. - court, -et SM informai roception at "'RUIANDSOFBREN WÉÀDr oa1 s1egnMflu IL Y iao -*>'. kteeted locdal Sbbmmys, count>' can<fl A B A NO MILLONS OF DOLLARS dates,1 ceatral côrmlitteemen, poil- j IN JUSTICM COURT. ticlans andit nempof the press As Svittl>' as 1,000 graders, team- Tuer. vas ocn spech makîng, the E. F. .'ppeîi, vi eenlcta tii.- rua trc. foremon, coulis, repaît mcin and affable jndgecontî-îiing bimseît vifh entyprasdI i fhrad aborete can rush It, the Chicago & obaking bando andl ecomlug icqualul- recenaspurhe M ' Is tl-pa th ofn iI%,aukee Electric mmîîvay lino la ed vltu Repnublicat~i.s n this end oet1Ivauluae. - (I.arge.î wbh ;ateinpt ing hnrrled au tram ,Kenoeha to the district. udrh hrealr)hr » livaukea. lu ~~~Inthe butaI diîiîîiig' roo:m dînuer mrcrb'Cala î.t. Gazing upen the great beit of carth, vas servedit rmediately upon Jndo TeAplecm to>(begvem 00 teet vIde, and tediousl>' bauled Carter'& arriva] ani kesidea .îndge the fathet nnd tlaree bîrîîtters li. The ro place te place b>' Scores oet tomeJoues sud Scuatoir Tiffan>' bbc recep- tarinta w8cuu,-i' Ithe acîet-wsou0 x) miake the roadbed level. oee mar- tien cominittcO lîîvîîîî press repre- bbe* tatherowuiing ali personal prolp-rty is that se great a tank le under- anlitl~-4 d tftesitms'ee-ing tie.-' Tiie tiken luat ter the sake ot reachiug Later lunUiche I lparloealarge yoiyug mnas aid te have rîegh.--teýl tlhe ilvwaukee. If the (ureater U-iu e '.-eR'uîîw eutIlublicas5 «W g.el kele.ofetcattle asud otl,-r rit ta thi eee ofbuis company's set6t iejdt.Tx-babr u Abledmu. u ri ucerations vili previde bhem ne&Tevlthrsad i eaI taitb.- Carter Sentimnt la strang lu Lake Chicago and lr-etnntruted %vitl. lîlu., a Millions et dollars are being put lu- ceunby; lu tact the-re ls littie other generi alunI> row rpsulting lut vbîch a. » the tank. Man>' bedieus mentha and îasancé oet llli tactuatîxrallyte licer knCe andl revolve-rare ,leclare. te 1e vork on, teants and men he- pleaaed the ciindlýlatî-. The preblein bave lguroîl. Emni>' V.'nes.isy metu- îg tiept steadil>' at vork, lueur atter et "getlg, ont tlu- vote- van dia- lux ane brother, Charlies, iîppcsred i)nr, at differeut places aieug the cussed as lh la difflenît te lmpress ttn utîc aea ietvle Ine, ne that each moment iMay' hoput ratera wvlthe onî'cessity et interest- 4oeJsieWeeo iotvle e the ment adrautageous use, auSne noIg theoalves te bhe exteu t et goîng and a warrant vas iasucd for tho arroat nue or labor lest. tu the pelle lu a judiclal electien. of1E.E.F-Appeil, cbsrtgiug "amault vîbh Out ln the-brollng au, a big drove Judge Carter fcels that especial effort a dffldl3- veapon vitlt luteut te kill.- tf mules pledded steadîl>' onaIs ai usa >sfth oe i getten The- acense-Imaxi turnished bQnîeanud rporter vms shevu about the vork ofir anîd bte local committeomeu. bbe beariug in te occurJ une 6. by- C. W. Merrillen, traeicemanager oet viiibs persnsal rienda. agree oi Tegorenbaspn*2.01u te Chicago & Milwaukee Electrlc Tegvretbsoet$800i road. The>' vere attached te patent do ail lu thit ein*wcr te intereut the. trv!ng te eust Senator Snoot frointa amp carte, tram vhlch tue bottem votera. *e,000 job sud ha isn't ousted Yob. eii out viion the driver shîtisit a __________________________________ lver at the doaired spot. Nov ud -- anSm .a ioen the vaterbo>' vonî itonse Etue TS 'B uJNÇYa MADE animnals vith a buet of cool valtr undthe Ui>oult ceuteutodly sud las- Il Ile tor afa arenfibàBIG FOURTII JULY MEETe rhIio bbc driver foi* a drink. Th spnot as àiorMalle w tla &UA80Of O ACING WILL OPEN! that date wlibe no bar. 01 : vofla. eiagmta, nu of it A T^Ir L VILLE wiTrH A 1Soinse afthe umosint etd reinâuacilu wm bropohit tl> tia*pt troua trnt F DUWIY'S PROGRAM boe .t e tboes il btotreasud anite un a mu1e lesu. mmi or *ame.««er AN0.6lG PURSES. et.çnacboe etana b IbJo a Dastantout, wda ueV- - îralck palortu te teng. Ai bbc b-Iueesim ÀvUpyMcliEnthuslatin Proeut urne Barnry Pelum baslalomse9 clue by Jl I1." salit Mn. Merrillioa, and Inties Wali Undcubtcdl hohe aita ss ath ick-ovuOi by sund luto Milvsukee b>' Jauir>' 1et Large-Neted Reinsaden yull race. toGatn Fr.Dc eatn ext y-eur. Just boy aWn en vwvlI get anether brallier kuowu frein bbc Alantic ovuton tvuu Milwsukee depoufis -te the Pacife amuang the borsernon as eu a largo oxtout upon the lîbigation <inut preParations are being made Ils a qecenatul traiser and dri-er le ut the iev iuvolviug the firat avenue via- lte maagenî.xt oftbhoLiberbyvîlle tracti. viii a -tout stable und it ii duct. It that in adjustoitnce Uit ve Trettinu aal-iatio te malte oam .-partic-ipabe lu thoenmeeting. cau go atteint, kuovlug 'there vo are mieeting ,clsdnl-d to begiu Wedaîesdiy Ed Geers la dite to arrive frein tbe b., there yull h o n cessation of eut Jely 4and t.) luit tour daya the greatest seutb with a couple of doeon horse. ou prosent efforts tu giro Milvankeeasa onrh0 lyietta a ae « Jn 0wieSotMCv nndtm ho best setvlce te ho bad b>' electric the i> jctta a vtbeuJn 0'hl cb iC>,s i ii road te Chicago. The mstters et bld iu this av-enltDo the country sud triend et Geot..sud a man vixiel>' kuovu tnue andtaro are sbll open. Wo aro bbec rnuY ber-,-îien vho bave ulreadY lu bhe rîcing 'tond fer the past quarter nav runaulug cars over>'. bety min- sunonced thliî intention te) participateofe a century bas decidet to open trainings utes, oxcept an Sundaya, vou en mainur«e. buee .uofaIthe venturp. quartera et the track. Senator Clark, ol -n thein evor>' tventy minutes. Sine tue tirat %vertxu dayai malle tbeir Monitana, will aIne place biasatable in A'hat the nev seludule vIli ho de-a th.ta bsbe okdtangaiterc alyuJu. pends uluon the traeicl, but I thiug fl aac-ti- re a ruwrkdtann tbe rc ml'nme wuli be tvent>' minutes every dayv, mmd it i5 alr.ady lu excelle-nt shape. Ali lu ail lt appounutuaitute umeeting5 s-lth an Increase as traeic deinuda." Bomseinen abat. --vithout ra-serve that it 1cînnat but ho tho ment nuccestul evei - la je onetoftb,- lnstest if netthie ver>' heliin thia part ofitbecoauntry. *REPUBLICANSI-Don't ferget te day nexb. The ceuni>' centrat ccii- mibtea urges ail votera ta go te ithe pulls.1 LAKE COUINTV AND LU!! INSURAN4CE. Many Thousanda of Dollars Paid te, Benificeries Last Year. Hers aiêé the Figures. One hndred and uiuety-oighb cltiec lu the United Statesa-and Cahada te- ceived tram tue bauds ot lite Insur- ancecocmpaules more than $100,000 eîch ln the yeam 1905, New York sanding et the top et the list vibh over $27.000.000. The busurance Presa et New York bas Issed a etilement et lite Insut- suce policlen paiS lu evcry db>' anS vilage lu the Unitedt States. Among othen figures am ~tuoso for Lake couint>', giron b>' bavus. Tue table ica auteilowa: Barrmngton.1.,288. Fort Shteridan. 81,50. Highland Park, $18.31. Hlgbvood. $1.199. Lake Bluff. $8.328. Lako Forest. $6,793. ,Lbhetcile. $4.681. Wanikegai. $14.049. This rnake the total ot lite insnt- ance paît beneficlatesn luLake coun- try, $54.171, for the meet Part troua the treamuries of tratprual sacieties. Oithert tevs along the nortb shoee net lu lAko count>' te reap houqta are: Qleacoe. $1,070. ICenuwvrth, $16.648. Raveusvoad. $4,000.- Waukefiul total le $14,049. la comparleen Wtba ttencîties: tateet lu bhe coîutry and are lookiug SPEED PROGRAM. tu e eesane reü. rda made. Txe purs 'a for.tho meetinig nl umeunt te $7,M0)0 wEnNEg5AY. , Y4. vhich lb le lelevet yl ho cuffieit t-2:30-.Trottiug--------------$....... 600 2-2:25-PFAd --------Ii9.................00 luducemeut te l.riiig the apeediest herses 3-2:18-Pating----------------........00 lu the land hi-re lit the aboee rentioued TIUUttiY>A, JUi.Y .> dates. 14-2:21-Trotting--------------.........$400 Ib le beped te have special rains rmn 1i-2:12-Trotting---------------........600 from Chicgoeadsel t tendaneo at the, 4-Free-o-a5pace ............------... 00 meeting %villi siredi>' ho lirge. NMie-b1 FHuCî, JULY 6. outhnaiaaniisla howu n aeng tiie-rae 7-2:17-Paciug---------------..........100O faiiewens even as carl>' as thiesud ail I8-'2:09) the tramnera hîsviug stables in thia, >-:1-Trtg................ 0 iciity as uv4llas nuan>' Iroma adiatiaiu- îtuu.v rv v will eter. ce10-2-9-.Trtting-------------$........ 00 1u ne.11-2:2-I'aeiug .................600 Ruties wiliil- lim@ Monday, June 25 12 --218-Trotng--------------.........(H) il a'lock p). ii. snd records nmade atter 13-Free-for-all, trotting--------.....6W0 ILMJNCI PAMTY LOST ON fOURflI LAKE. Los* Bsarings lu Darnais iand Fcg- Sesrch fcr Landing Place in Vain Until Midnigh-Wcmen Exhausied when Shore s Ruached. A pleasure 1ari> bocailot eue niglit m'scutiy onuitourth orn Mltimuore Lake, on the.launcî, Msay S., vhk-h vas ut tai tîre taken eut on ber initial trip. Late lu the ev..niiig the part>' vhieb vas coupoacitof thnua ladiees, Rule, Kabe and UC a 'u Eeaahn ii Ed and H. VaiHsen, startetecrsa the Lake. *on manut otfog suit Sarlincea ail bearnge ver.-lost aMalter vandetlng about fer heurs in masofe a landing the boat ilualI>' groundin uthe exige of a mrsrh. A penbi@h ofthe Part>'y taveimrnking au attempit te aaclî solld <round b.> vildt.4 but thia vas tbe lanmch vas eoai , ated lrem the svamp andt the amuilàfor a lîudiug 1FPll>alter boum ia t ailee eaiscl fouth lisoriginal eit*riigpoint solid écu4v aun4 U t4DSbc "tois*ogun ot ,,c an~ if elé wj* ers carricd bo toe~moet 11-Iasl wbcre atinunlauts vore adrnxnlaterel andi the>' venu revivel. The boit ,vas net broughtb hct teits abartiug place nntii la>'lighb. UC! BAfl, 13Y lURr US NOW INCAS!D. Knickerbocker Company Mlas Built Araund Body ' Loft Uncovered Baverai Weeksc Agoa alLouaiLake -Meana Saving of Thauands uf Tan$. Au offrt in hiug matie te sve the gigîutlc field -)f les wblch vas loti standing ou the vent hauk 0et Loan Lake noverai veoir a go h>' thete which î'ousuuxed the Knickerbocker lce hanse at that place. Thousands of toua ef the cengoîleit vuber vers loti ithoul pr-otection b>' thie isnewhieh couunîed the woodwork ef the striucture. At one workm-n 'teeoPut toIeiang bbc maimoth cube oet La d uow the vork o avinitig bla uiriy comiplets. Wall@ have been huit au-eund the bod>' ot iee and a roof îlaced ovor it &0 thai the greater part wiii ho kept f roua rnltlug. The original building vas conipmoas e ectional reaunaand tbb, les whiçb "ra9- originaîly coutainqil lu ton or ibses ilI ho incseit. $ 1.50 FER YEA-R IN ADVANCZ.5ý *!ALIS PROM GAMBLIN IIEL TO MItS DEAT CORONIR'8 INQUEST ESTAB- and recalîs tbst WekioiA 44"f LISHES TI4AT WAUKEGAN MAS He asw Mordo bave, beaui a OPEN OAMBUING JOINTS.- eue te go sud osee IfMorde had8 :ROPRIETOR 18 Ho vas eue of the fraisit t a.t the body snd beard the vWk FiNED. ng remarke as stateit steve. Plain About Gambwiln * Negro Vrap" Came Rade<I the Samne The verdict utfte ene'4 the Lasrson and Courimorg Egvsuing Nexi Puer tu Wclch Joint, day atterpoon 'wtc s" in Washburn iMoeaÊi i. TtMrededto uj - celjved by tallng oifthetii. Asteop ou-a table Iu a gamhiugdoj-ts establishment- nt Waukegan kelît by Irred Welch.t rtinn hy F. Welch, vb" chsi Siturda>' ight. gettlng Up at 2 1 douce shovw s tmrn as a Sunday uuornlug te beave. John Merde' place. The accident happuu04 a tell aver a ralliug Iu the rear et the 2 e'cieck Sunda>' mornlug, May Joint tort>' teet into the ravine lbe.:1906. 1ev, rupturlng is lunga se that hie S. S. BARBER. died lu fittecu umiuutes atter belug D. tàIBSON. torind. WM. DECK9R. Eunier lu the eveuiug thIe negro 1 R. U. MURRAY. crap gaine nex'ilor vali ralded. i CHAS. R. LYON. Was He Push*d From $top#? CHAS. ODEN»lER There veaat tiret the suspiliîi Dr. Brown Telle of Cas iti sitoeluth ear oet bbc Jôint, but the same, 'OOOt titt be-fiat=1 the story teld by thoeoIl the place. the hall tor tbbSabtimo ah about fifteen. Includlng a mysterlons tendlug a temperanco mccii'. WNaukegau lawye-r,' serves te diapel civ Merde sleeping au Uic tablea thîs Illusion. heard the nolise et the faill. Among the men Inl the reem aet the Dr. Brovzf met the amublançe turne the alleged accident teek place a police oeil lu front of bis -re', vere Mîke Hokkaia. Tom Ahe aud ou North Geues"ee treet, and Fred Maki. wlth Morde te the hospibaict l What otikaiaSBaya. bis coutreres3..Bts. Daulels sln&!' "I came into *Fred'a place au nard, Who sru'lrcd.tee laten. Water street at about 1 'ciock,' H touSexeptondestsa uai siys Hoktisla.vlhbceepinoacitud The man va aseep ou the table chin, net deep, sud a blacit syw, lu eue cerner et the routa. lu his opinion bbe man hW it l'AIle.Maki aud mysoît play-- vitb thé ltot arm iuprabie sut srnear' tbr fun for somo tîro. tblarmhboueshad pieoebted te' "The man arase tramsth b bc e vythu îugh h db vbere lh ohid heen sleeping sud venttelg. out the hidi vay. We ail rorarket Brown Thoer>' Certeet Orad, that ho might fait dov n ttuthe ta-' The ont smortcm pMeu& ttbl vine as ve thouglut tuat ho vas rectuosa o! ibis Idea. drunk. *The. boues o e calapm "Ahe vont out itter hlms, but theu rn'e aide sud rtured bbs-Me coutld uot asec auything vraug vben Air fotrahbc an5.~- ho tout oun bhe porch asu iddnet brthtb. 'bboat0 ei ic ki hoar anythlug. lirgoi theb boiyt>'t muet Foue dueAccient, normal sisa. Alier ibis ired Wlc "Atervard. fcariag that somethîng thce aaug nebooma, va=s ef hait iappenseithUicma, vu al vent t=d&U4t tiffl &0se dcvi te te bridge sud te. luilte h k e t t "MakI vwas finit. Hoefoit dMorde uae.hfoe3sle ing face devu groouxlng. 1 belpd uitpu e t>' eoe bb litb hlm np." apiedrnwiu boe, vath HaeeMaki broko lu. suastag "We could nuderatanit cul>'part fut oes 1vhab hoisalit." ssid Maki. "He vas tryiug totellîuns boy ltbahppcued. but thc ouI>' thiug I1,could maku eout wvsa Remrkabl. Mns. that lho ddtnet knav bey far t lwvas Aben bloangt M AI G* ls ste the grouud aven the ralng." vho lires ueuza, tbree ait«, s Diu et the Hosptal. veit et Waucenda. neocuti> bl The body vas carrled up bto th egg vhlcb au à curli>breffl rtreet andt OMicer. Davis vas anus- proviens records a as ile ?h 9moned trams hett tWashingtou cimon measuroit ane i te. 1 wA Ho callod for the Larson and Cou- rad ambulance vhich teok the man te the hoapital. ilarel>' had the body' boon lodgud there 'thon the man died and the ambulance vas oxchanged for tbe 'dead' wagon.' The Iuquest vas beld et 6 lu the Larson anud Conrad rooms, yith a crovd et Findors sud others lu at- tendance. WhstthbecWlbnesses Sait. Tue ovideuce of il af bbc vîtuosses tended te show that the afair vas accidentai sud there vas ne dccided hInt et foui play,. sithougb te Inci- denta surroundlng the case mark lit one et the mest peculiar accidents tbc db>' ban ever bîd. Fred Maki knev Morde tve meublas. Maki naIS h a vasilutue hbcl playiug poker and amoar. There vas another gîmo. roulette. 1He knev that Fred Wolclasa the oporater of tue estab- Ilihint., Ir curntoreuce te obur. RWhom b a compîcte egg of normal mise touud vuthin tte yelk- ot Uic outer cgg.. - Bot thbe tuer and aoter agu surronudei b>' a bard ae.»;the of the big ogg entil>' ysurie the fauer egg. This samnebo prcvlous be this laiS seaud yolk cggs. REPUBLIOANSI-Det ' vote eb theJulclal etitià leý à day nexi, The couniV contrati mutes urge* ail voberaI e, te e Iibo Plue salve, natunes rem*&mêl boune. cerem etc..- Wu£L H.CiMai tyville;o;anclâx Pàgm IT Was-hDress. (ioc As ueul this popular store aosahowlug the greatost aswortnt of summner DroasGoodéi 10 b. mon lu W..kegan. Corne and ses. -:ý Colored Wash Dreas GoO&st s1e to lie per yaid. White Wash Dres Good atabc86. * lie per yard. Linen Finished White Cotten, Skl*igs at lie and tOc per yard. Ail linen 91)o.incbwhite Sultfingu ài Pic per yard, Datted Swwsae-more-popular ba cru, ab 75c toIlle pur yard. Fiowered Dwises-vOrY gond ibis soaon, at SOC ta Sfte Putyard. Nev gray cotton suitinqs, 34iehat ouiy 19C pe yard. Yery sber White Goode for Walat, etc., st 33C, Z54, 190, lie White Ltwu Dolera Jackets-iace trimmed-the new ides. Faney Nekwear for Wouiu-the latest lad1. Weinen's Bete in kid or vashable ceitoa t 78C to, 10 Speeial bargainh lu Bath sud Toilet Soapa at 4c or 3 for IOC. Speeiai bargalus lu Val. and faney odd Lamesat enly Se and 3SereIl G. R. LYON &SN Waukeg.m p -- LADERS 0F 1.0W PRICES VOL XXV. -NO. 86. 31 Il )f ýLà ig ir

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