CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Jun 1906, p. 7

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22Mail Sci ........ ~euadtaad eppela Shake ......... .......- i puak- «u alà . ......... J.a Ms mmwtckf p ià SO .0.......... Mess Dre s brts Scsleno .. IGLEY & CARI Departmeflt StOre .Qrayslake - w Saveq vourIMoi * BuungVoue Spring lf'un ATr fêStrang's Furniture -Picture !aigaSe fê rayslakc FISHINO TIME IVe haive everythiuï Fisherman happy. Poles, bobbore, sinke in and look over our Gragalake tWrware IiKNEIN, Prop. When You gel ready. SPECIAL PRICES 1< ho i2,in, tilt W! HAVE PLENTY !K RtEMEMBER iteding ime le comuag. Ifs have à ____________ ~~md Gain - PS. Going to repiayrwoofs?1 We 1 coversngs. paque and shingles.SP topa. Corne and scec EMMONS-MERCER LU Do.- YOU'-WANT A 1 W. have ataur Factory ea i l few smali.lots of Odds and En MODEL FENCE: These arec high,,Carbon Spring Steel as stock. the only difFerence h, unevemu lenghs. WhiIe theu lest gou May ta% BAL! RMGULAR PRICE. !1A SERV!D. Inquire eaI factorg ad take l'em American Wire !fenc ..... - -@ Vliiity , - 2Eye1 ........At t .......and i C. AI. à st. P. TirmeTAble. Mr$. Ed Wagm pent Thivreday and 1.ê*e Obium O AtiveO Giyiake Friday -*t her mot ___ndite n ......7.45 a. m. Ex Sanday 8:48 a. ni Watllkegau. 'e. ....£2 *1 a. nm. Sunday onlIy :30 a. m Mri. and lire. P. A. Mbi,îs.,n and Mise ANI '01 IP. nM. 'lU' 8:55 P. ni Hattie Robinson @peuti.Sunday wit 4-,00P. M. E. unday 501p.n Prof. Fisber, of Wbeton. 6:10 p. n. Ex Suada>' 6:11 p. M, 605 P. nM: Dally 7:12 p. mi Notice Ffe 145 p. mn.Saturday ouly 2:7P IwihWanUiet). frdadj. ifte _________________________________patiente that 1I guI openi a denital office Mise Knin the bank building aitt liaysakp, fils., os .....2 O boutsKott je a get at.the IRobinson on May Al. Thaalking yui for peet 1 '? Mr, Bariie*of auconda, visited lier@ lonereeeIa tflv. Th ..... ondyDr. i. .. î<.. Ato LX Çenent Whlitinore spent Friday luicllg -- là.M Ecausee( .... 35 lire. F. B. Sherian ppent Tueeday at F.C an eonte ,kl.. thse ........ oere ele onisbeincirlekdi-ttbut fift lise. Ianicolin i l iitigfred Fa ine >îow<.rsof nain alîi.-h wa lireh la.eeded vleited this iocalii~t i. week. ok Lakrs Iie e qîte>1 the o Mon .rtimer* Fiiket in si-i-uitg George alter il séat uWay.Captiiin and lire. (rait ..of Liberty-uaslun J'.. kngaauh 1ad uale ai Fo vill. wer<.callers in 1!pljace lat; eein Wnî. Higl ,eyuanîd a ife visited at %Vauî- Jh itoîîe, tSr., or 'iuîdLake ê e. - keaii uîî'aylils ail i vaîshue visiti X d ofutthiîs Mr. sied Mrs. liter,, Allèn cjM-litTres- é .i h us _____________________day nt Ke-1îio..iî. lMie: Wllijuîiie, of C"fî i .. ues-îp k e.. .ia-îîby tlîa g lier*fortno, j~,I~j,~? 4y auiiro~~IV î. - ~<w ; Ir.niidýlr. Fooketàî:. îtîaJning! wen- Miséi Rsni-it lï.ktrSutiday, Satu Wtiou-ailcaled Frank IPol il§jepollitqz ala.ige 1tii.m 'n1fis elriI)o li:tIýf aulé-au aled for IL. C. %I.Ttm V i i. w r a-tuio A t eile i ui-eîds ieri uiidiày. gn.,a qui-k iiîd %%-~avayOfknew Mis. Effie- bason is eitertajniligfrinds dispîîsîsg oftiis once '-I'. lt. i.w ,r fro. iiiCh inîgo tiis week. wortliews lsfne. ill et S oréi1D. Pubiliandil1 ife ..tertiiieil fienîls iat.f o;n ch 'cug o vsr $nîday. V L ialt. DU'tfori le éte siuoo) play ut thb, Illinois ~ >- iis 4tra uii.W ii. Eretechaier, of îîo spelît -4 Siverul frontiluhe ttended the îdance Sunday ini Vola. iL ltiiniil Lake Saiiirday Dight. Missiiescie Ciongli, of 1% u od.we Judi Meuilai f licaosuut Soit- a -uo-aller Sunday. c'ourt, day wtb . . Marvey aud %vit. Ira k Miss Wald l fiurliugtion. s1eniSuuda Volo.'tuconaf y. -l tî~ a nhr witii lier brother E. %N aid ad autalyI. loatra.f Niro. B. N. RIU-key les p.nding a few Miss Liiey Dunoil aeint -% ....l d.. ville lays withli er daugliter at Iaukeshu. in Waucuiida liat week. eveili Vighou rrot Chi-ago. vimited oI!ld re. Jagen Converge i- iiiîing bier tnit A ~da day daugliter, Mire. John Walr-,iî hu t a i ît two wilcaoMo- P .BeceDunnîili, I llîciagelle hall.>. yheter) lllwIlivieit ber--. ejending lier vacation authbilie in fornis g to T MstRhen o llcg. ceaa Hookf, LUnes, gi-stme of m ise Mary Tloutesaover $il iduy. Msr iog uiu - iLn E. fi, Sîrruan aîid Wi. Iiglt Lake, and Howard Conu.-î-.cof Fretuoiit 'andeo ers, etc. Corne teuded the.-ghrinere iîmeeing at Chi Il 1 a reinrooaionas Frîday evening. a'wýeiVoMody sllpply. Aifillefne i.ooke and otiier appro.-L£es A. Hueun and Mis., Ro8e hueslnon GIRL prite gite lite graduates at Graye, and lDelia Croker, of Lit--i t y illie, calied "'r pa g g on friende in Volo Snnsla.%. ville,1 / r.and Mme Wni. Ward and diangbter Mr. Thiele and grani¶..în, Chans. and SElEEE~ aukegun. epeut Sunday with MIr. Mire. Henry' Thiele nad monvi Bernard, of and lire. Ed Alans. fiosheu.i, d., are vi..îiiig Mu-. Thieies Th lire. Gardiniar had the migfortune to parente, Mr. and Mn..Johni Rosing. , h1 lail and'mtrain the inuis-ie inilier riglit Mie.->. lanle WallonandHelen ay- iild hanu laInt Saturduy.. inonîl were McHeiir.î iallers Puoîduy Si-_ Lynian Lewis and vle aud Howard eveîiag. servit Higley ai i wiie orLîbertyville, we!ctall Mise Rotcbtiîî-l ji lJi-agi> andl Miss a hi.-1 Ing oun Grayslake friends tiattîrday. Kate Ro-dng of ifîuîl Lake @peut Sin- icae Mr. Barstovv, and brother nad hi@ two îlay ai Johnî Rosîuîa - ý leur, T IM F4 dag Ir drove ni) Sâîîrday in %elar btow'e aound aulled on iriende berm. Mr. eandl lrq. 4. -Kuefiler of I ». A Plainesvisited l-.r indMre. .John iî h lieu. Waltoii will deliver tIhe iauau-adeon Satuîrdîy amiel Siîday. Lai, roadi arc good. rete ermn o th le graduaie Suiday'nii ldeveuiig i the toiigregatiolial chon-h. Mr. and Mrs. .Ul...î t hanglt uni Mn. pi-t. ledMiss Susie Kretelirner, a hot lias besu MIre. Anbrose Iiîruait atteîîdîl ti. pî teueclîiig s-oi aî, a Big Hollovv , will t i .uî Rogers goldnîleîa-1 b I iut NViukeguliî+(el ilier puIllei.a picuk. Satoîiblvai Dick lmet week. Lak..JohniîSchi-î.îir of MI1Ilejntle seinjîlîîed 1lIn l or 30 days on 3.4n. Thiiîîenîorial services A theIi. . E. as clerk iii theIi.. î,.h -it.r..Misi clionu-livers Iargeiy attended Suîday ____________ sîl evening. The Woodiîmen and (AId Fellow e ------ ~r tels. aiis.n.ieî in aàboudy. LONG LAM ten Wdil w..-eebrate the Fouîrtfî? Weil, 1IE: n ®)R ALL gri-s.! -Tie lurgest tend best celeiîatiiî ii Iifford 9Wfite us., a Chicago ulsîtor Ae ler 1l,» a iii lie bl-id bei..Coitse t..latta eek. tlent siauelk ud have a gond tlulie. P. Ceveland Cl iîîuilv enterîain..d ýd- The pianos useil Saturday eveilsîg ai severul Cicago boiiîîlis over Sîîîîdey. &Ui idi nfi Feld Stade Avon Conter I li dalso ut thîe reclalTues- Rd. Horan andu f.,, fChicagopent (, da eveninig ere kinutiy lurniseud Ibv E. Sunday ai Water W ie's. B. iîlierniau. The leauiy oft ieir tone l Mis. Jac-k Kelly ofî Vox Lake station the. wus coitispliiieiiied ytiy uay. u-isted lber niothIî-r lu-i- ibis week. Iday iarne Warden Biinglinni hale the big Edna Sinan wau- a lrayelake calci exp. have ail kiadu cf roof picterel record for Grayslake hating tîîie vîeek. wuei leecal n gavî reentiy cuptured a fort, laie incb SPel- Jav (Grahaaiîdda% ifbave inoved f0 TI celai ~me cogae snwhcli tiîuped the seules at sixteiai the Sttnton tari t, ~o ud e d u bnlibaithe iglîelt. The lSouth Chicagoî stock Yards base mui] Thenlil wa îhoîiitîflnthrays akes . bail tenait played the. Lonig Lakes IDecora- Theflb as onitae rou iL ak. tion day tbe &ailile stîaning i to,5 in Itev Mooaym~niit hearynortbboiiaii favuur of the Chicago i-an,. Neit wsek tIhe, MBE COpaistiger train iiirew a eiîark upiiiithe the Oak Parks i il 1a the Long Lukeo int, IMBE CO. ro7of tiRe depot iguiting the. siîiiîglee. ai the Grahl aiis.1 Thîedaines were dimcovered bv Agent a A b m r ~wagner sortly after the tire stariedaind J. Il. G rabani ýii ý. tied fir the I. C 1 g (rasake's valiant ire flgiting force Siiiitn cuisuvith(ai Xalladelr. I thede was iunîed uOt iLliuîediately and tIhe tire Peter> Cartriditi. t.o, M.r. WaIIadl.. the qece.Ni> daîîîage of any (-Ouse- 'booting fronti 17 Yir,l- and lMr. liraluani, 15ece rpeîtled. tront 22 yards. tbeliiît. Iu the shoot quencu be loset lîy ai.- target. The niosiet The rentaI given by Mise Avi Doolittle teas divideil. and blerPlipile ai the opera lbouse Tue-idttY eveniiiig wae ans10Ilong to be INGLESIDE. tii0 "rennsbred by those who attended rcen Tii. mose sas otanrtexteptionaily iigh Frank Rom bas soiiipleied his ew ea- lie eti etise and shows what the training of an hanse on Duck Lake. 1k will hoid aboutI eflicient teaciier can do. Miss Doolittie 20, 00(0 toils oi ice. o BARGAIN? and ber pnuils are to lie bigblv coin- Mr. and lrMu-s. î inbrigbt, George 8 pieted on rendering sncb an sirellent Behr, and 1fr. aud IM ... .P. Lakofha, Lal prograun and the many waho attended of Chicago. epeiliheîorétiun day wîîb iik ibertyIlis a as their gueste feel greatiy îndebted for lire. Frank Ruh. --a nds cf Our the enterta!2mei. neý,,suilg*L Wini. H. Uîbniclît. f Chicago, s in-an of thesarnetending to tart a uv esomer cottage set ~f h.cae aving pnrchased Mr. P.-sA. Robin- here neit week. Fi. maur regular -son's liremnu-aDOs business 1 noix hold :ing in the hie lîserance booke and recorde andff TI" op5iiing granîd lance of the seasosi1 diif your propertinleinsuu-sd witluih in 1ilî wiliilis beld aitbuetel Lfinct Saor8 notif>'yodibetors ,onr policy expiires.1 day evening Juie 231 iiatater that the gi repreent threes campanies as gonid as regular daîlees andtiSiioda>'afteriioon th ient and eau write your insurance ai t cncerto. A ieut uit- and ie re iaili su k3 gour ick dat about rate@ as 10w as anyone. Your business Parlai bas beeii apesîl-el li the boteL.. lai sT- COIM . !IR T l soiiteil -Luxe(oLç Y. Sau's, with the H ~R on 20) tf Grayelake, 111 Mies Lui-y Gilbe.rt, of lndepsndeiice. la. Those wvio atteîîded the graduatiîg heis been viting liti G A. Truesdei's. 1 exeriisse t Avcleiter lasi Saturday tue returned iîoiii Tiiîsday morang. 1>pi evening uvere bigiify epaid. A file pro- Mr. ami lire. J. H . Se-warts are vieil-idu cé Hoime With Vou. rnwrnee. A pianist. violinist ing in and render..d soute vei-y bi-ijtittiinutilc. lir. Post, of '/ion ityli, le inoviiig iMA 'Vte alaLirtvas a great sottes» and Mies housesta Winthrî.p Harbor. Bn_ wiii OPIf. 0. Optomefrist and Optician EYE SPECIALIST roubles Treuateui ly Miloen ,-i,-îi tifft metliods. lie office of Ir. tGolding on Friduys Saturdays. SLiluert> rille II [10CM GIRL en Vear aid Carnie Sivers May lve been Lured Away-Lover lni mrk as ho Whereabauts. disappearante ai Carrne Su-ci, uit >la. bas perplexed resideiits af that ib te pasitcauple of weeks and lias id coueiderable commîuent aioig ifeeu yea-e fu ag- left the homîîe of -ý Richiardseonî.foira-hîuîîîMlliewae ng, aDuneeiig abtîoni. il t bial] tie-îiîiuied iîti she wae ill ,e and reetîces. Wb.-îi the nîîîien rentionsi-il e..tati-il -lie aus lii alli-ged lover, XViliaîi Sîuii" uuIl,) at (irase .Lak- ctiaîîs îî kilwu îreviî>us tiiil t uc lieisiig forc i lgbî - A t thut tlime .beir.parnlts jrelinililig t.> sisu.-in 1 kitiik is diesiaur i bi hegîirl reuuseifjta .- Id froui lie-r lover, it ls epeçîii, and mine. ulot r,.tiriig ta Autluv-li otil e..t( the ii- îîîily bil goal- sîîîîti latu eit îu tîs hoIîugit Sim. u . ; moitetliiiig if 15.-n ii,îlng jolac-.. fihas isen -tan,- iaik thfai ithe ginl ge l«antarlirbi. of tise sîsuureiîuc twae in toaus recently tri sisit theu k. e aili have a string o!fiiorsi-s 01 for trirning a-itlini a feuv day>. [Ps ai t i he Young ladies ouitlifcu1 dpeidel ul ite - u(ideilyvoui the ig of lednesula 'v, i)uu-oinutious dey,A a dace. wauld be a tlie.thfinsutot eandi auîi) impiru lîtu am suras ngeil on the montuîent aud tué tuîa uîeureii. H apkesoexnelulent uîrcbeeina îhed the unuaethtu oue part of the ng lifter whiecb Mn. aud iea. iek playeui for the daiscrs oit î,lin aud piano. Tii.-evenug uvas 3si enjoyabie, one. LWANTED-Fot Oueral bous- k. MecS.UCHAulLiE PHILLI's.Liberty phone (644. 35-il IANNOUNCEMENTS 1: he Chlsdren'e day sxer.-isesa!f the. 4,yterian Sunday se-hoal will lue given ay moîrning Jâue 3. A gîuod gram lias been pnepared. Preau-liuîg iee iii the enting at 7:31) alter b- a cougr.-gatioaiul meeting seilIlube veed for the plirpose, if the Îva*t he rof calllug a pastuir ta the tbu-î-h. tishe Union oliurrh date Friday Jususe 100. Under the auspices of the îe Aiui Souiety of the- M. E. cliurch. E disau Iiograpli aundl atlie Motioni tites suill lue exîsibiteu. I hi luîld ve quilte a thru-ling evelît. ManY s ai distanl andls liraiîgbt honte ta Mlauiysuujt-.-te opaards ai 5(10 tfeet -nugtls. the latest auud monstrikiung i flyiug trains, grandu paisornies, uetr> un ai-tuaI hatife, tbnillisig lire is- unalîysyeeies eo nîtorul anîd neal i peoiple- tuten sa ' ihiey tel liki- mor- frous thueir seate tuî esc-ais- haruîî. missiona. adulte 27, eens, -hîilen 15 s. Reserveul sentlua t Luitell's ig starE. Service@ et Ivanhoe. us-iusg ta tue tain andl usundy ruade gatieieng ai hl-aniioe for De.-oration ysertices a-as uot nas iugeas stas -s-l.1 haugh tIse liisntiu uvas ftiirly ýi tiflied. bu- prcgre iii ioueten. suas î-aried st amarrangeil tbe inuilt,. cthoir ileuiug su-nenal fiiin e lu-rulioneofafusie. iv. Il. F. Laut er, ouitlfsrtyvvlý. uvas espeaker of the ulny deîivering s>ltt teuestiusg uudress. - bouît tlulrty cuIiidl-*m gravtes acre ouateh uviîuî ureatbe îîud littvers by eethuiol -ildrun. in Charge cf Smith Wr-ghît. R. Vanîlesen utio neveîuly joru-hasll te Hartray place on Foontit Lake le îîloîeling the residenee juta a entamer tel. Ever>' aindowt in thë building ok>. ont upon iithe lîkue. SmjithliWright a-li alsbornaoithRound ake and knowse iutire, chsahi o s-s well wiil have charge of the hoiel mi grouînds..lie atone tiuoenmade a t of24 mnfa p nlliebed uy Auierii-un ..ed Pîîlliebing compauîy slsawiîsg tbe fenint bars, weeui belle amiu depuIs of liter ai uselI as wlere lue differeUit pies of fi eh aere ta lue fond su, tiat a tranger couîld loeateuiuoeîf ii astranite îk. Nr. Wrighft lias speuif forly yî-aré i tiie lakes. AnihrBhg Pish. 1.,l Vanilessen cauuglît a 711piai )ekerël et Furini LakelateteIt aliti neasured 32%4u-lies ils leiigti. Tihis i. si recoird for Miltirnure's lke tii easoul. Adjudication Notice. publIa nottees le brebu glven attat the gbse!irltc A.nlntrator of lie Estale 0a Jon Go0 os .thOlinDg de,-ud will attsndlbhe osuntY IcntufLes(aui bavitag cureilthat the scnaruy..nao1 uoneected cyaem f siers teltafnehee. '*5bbAcl and hou>.. aoqueffloit Osuce, 1ni% the Vllage of Lîbertyvilîe. Lke ounty. ~~ llnois as telow-trtran d conneauluis If yon are 8ufering wthh vtb the manliole teolbe bnht br a VIIIa of Lib.ýrtyvIlle ot of fîînda provided for a poor appetite try sel' nuitreuse. bit baud Issue duniratborized REliALt MALT TONIC. bu' VIllage Orlinan.ue anuer udate ai Juse Io 1".S sai iialiois beluit kicateut si a péait A s.few hottles wiIl do the lus. uaruisi ntlapd urla iured b 1-1IiVillage i 0f Lib-rtyville bu'deeid daedleseMtOer 22.1 work. ilm. tram Johtn Wmslulllgeandul alil' ___________ %V oolrnhl I wife. wblth Poiunt le ins (91u teet eset tramn a pttu th ie west fine. of toti rglk t - n Mi .i ln b l e t îw o nu s e v e n ( 2 7 ) I n Lc . ! G a s a e F r m Front Wright% addition un Lliertyville m... aufd nurulî foîr a <itanueaiorit>. huindrI andl clxii 160) lest frein whieil luti"ol poliit seil sowsr shai1 rua auuthl..ry_____________________ pirallel% luis i,". t-tliut seu"idlukt >nsa III and "sid Twest lise nuuriutd. tusa pûtntu le -:-1 -m-e-:u-s-e- î-e-s--------- tie center'of 0,-uard stret and ul thLe j ------------------------ iolwtusa Brete. avenues adsuif o -Parts thereot nlut dVisacaî Lib.e1yvile M Y NEW SPIRING ANDO oriuhar.i Street. Pourili Street.,IBrodway,. Cherthi Street. Cook Avenue. bIVltôuiSommer Santpfsarm Aurcet. Erainerd (Conrt. MQuhuiae tirous lload. Stewart Avenue. Lineroin Avenuei now on exhibition Milîseukee Avenue. Park Avenus. Hurîtint Covurt. Bei-onu)Mu-et andl Park PlaceSad I providiuig for the main« f aitsI iirees. mn-t by i socall aoseeent Iloi dun lbhe orPtutt nled end te lb> Ilîu of ai sd aseesmnentlaemua iltlents. nd tise: O fsii i ia ro ve n sn t b o n dit. th e : -T E G E T S .r, .. Iue fur the ésesbel. g an ite Ji> te.TEGETS orne oftIeVillage (l.rt. haviog stiplied te Lbhe Counîtu' Court nf LtsetJaint, for an kne ever dispbayed - gasesmOU&Ofut he. us-te of Raid has-rnv.u- in GR.ySLAK munt. aonillî--g ta lieuefi. andl an âge". i ment tier.,iur litig twieu madtcaul returueul tus darnt, the, final biu g WM. JAIINS, THE TAILOR - A. D. liu,.-r as ss-auît-rosfu..r usefil,,____________________ jbusiness ru thueetîourt Ill p-turaI. Aù <1 I# t iIt pensons uesînn ay mer II-. tiüînn lun __________________ mehuourt i-lore ecil te Cla . nis rua a-er an te hli,-.ig sud makt ieir dufues. e 1benuu l lu .- -M er1 us. usai.a * ,k e= L£eLiE P. H.NtsA. tiil. Pers a ~ jIk B k r hyil) thPr-stlent of tIre Boardlf Lo-el lmrunovenu.-ntc una nuits tr Isusu' -l - a1 C. T. IIEYI)ECKEàt& SON, At,.il.scs. Restaurant P.. k-ioloil-e lmer-b y gelusa tathi. sîtî--nit»In EtunsIL.Suiuuienskil Aulih -t.-i.-.tiX Ifthî- e las0 Jfet-us B. - au Me Servc îlatlo.tpq L.. ldt C ouriofMel>nd Lunches Se- e Lak, ntvu i tl > i-. s~rm tîIt.n,ul t.. eirholdon et t.-Court Hause ln Wauk, uau l.i ai CourIt.ii- etsute lrcu hWiiuîu(sf'ut or next 1I8a1heurs nutti-- d alil P.r.n. hait IR -lI m iulsua uIlEu.-tae u oiffed atndl CIGARS and CANDIES nsîiiee.uut o sc.- Thotc ce e unsald Court Imivi M gugieKui. Âdnuisl.trutnlx. Ph Oîîe Nô. 19. aI1îusIt. Maryu10. 11. nn a Il Wllyninr MISS EMMAGERLACH, Prop. - DENTIST and Oral Surgeon. bhamplein Building. t3tats kMadisoni streets, chifago. At argysiake eseh Monday.S ta 12 ami. and 1 ta 6 P. I. A TELEPI1ONE Defies lhe weafhsr Savea lime Prects the home ToosorilArtist Chiidrans Hair Cuttiuug a Specialy ocated i B!IIM BUILDING Opposite Orug Starse Grayalake . -. . lilu. i SCRENS, A kw cents the daygSCRrr.N Lake Countg Telephones Connect wîth Chicago Also your friands Lake Countg Telephone Ce.' Oilces K.ltht Block itbertuville - !mfinois SCR!INS For oaWidows~ For Vour fDo*4ç Leave oude t hh ymond à Agathn. UbertuIle Soma& pwo# -j. IIAYMAN, .> Ubertgile - ltl 1Y GEORGE~ CARY f GGLESTOWN MluMtrtd by T .uuei Telling how a Captain cf tan- f ederate ArtillerY wus trans -.- formed into a Captais c0f In- 1 dustry. Yon find the hero. gaunt and àunburned at Âp- pomattox serving the guna; e- you leave hlm out West plan- - - ning and building trunk Une of railway. - The scene of the main ILL -,tion le Cairo. nii, wbm ereh ~~ flinga biumelfifnto the biit ~ neus of - Nfttion1buWb4ID<, and achieves euoeeuM An ail doue by bcnetY5 curagew energy, seer abllty. A -dl M sd lmJmwdem PW -Philaihphwa Notb-AflUiI The best novel Mrr Egglsa. ton basv-et wen 0 IdOv

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