j"- 6«- 1 ' and IWAUKEGAN W EEKLY SUN -VOL. XIV. NO. 37. LIBEKrTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ULI\OIS, IÇIDIAY, J UNE 15, 1(,ffl- h rages- A POSTIE UN COURT TELLS STORY 0o: LIEIf. DOWIE APPEARS ON WiTNESSN When asiced ta tell bow ha started STAND SNRUNKEN IN FORN t la lite, Dowle said. AND VISAGE AND RE- 'i m Do0w qlieriug my GOtbyear. i COUNTS 'rTHIE REAM ýsarted lu lite currying my uncies 0F MIS LIFE. horse back Ini Seotîsufi. sweeplng out the asoli, and rîunling errauds ah the munificent saiary ot $2 a moth. I LouiCi~£ Vala a!MisPo~ood fdh iwus ut heiug îroperly tréated M Mmd Lsbored After T*weniy-four b y ,hlm anîd told hlm i1a'outdreslgir MaursetaiStretch ta Gain Ambition unles ie made me a clerk. .1 did re- But la in Old Age eseried bY aign. buter i took a schoisrshlî trii Trustud Ouies. double entry bookkeeplng, and tbeîî ai -met a wealt hy uerchaut, whom 1 John Alexander lxjwie. lu the aked for eBmp)ioneut. 1 worked for rni unted stahea court :fusday alter- £1 a week sud frout tben weuh or lit. Ili nouoe, recouuted the dreanis and the e--l was a keeui business man, If you bi labors of is Ite. wili piardon me. Saine one- bas sa1d ni He was a aworu wtuess btfore t never earued a dollar Iii uy life. 1 ac .iudge Reneo.w M. Lundisl; n the legai jiever did anythlng cliluMy Ile and Di proceedlngs brroîîght te deteraine tht- i have tlled for ail 1 euruied. (lad leadershipi ut the- Christiaut Catholile aus good te me aîîd 1 was a good dE chîîrch of Ztaii. accounhaut. i ive-îlbuiss. 1 am wa ne told hum tho had- worked miny auylenaely- fond out <.. K audl mauy a tima, for twetyfour hours Works for Houri Wihhiolt Wearlnesa. sud More wthout sleeping; how the'- "lu ten years, accordiag ta my w vision of Zion came ta hlm wben bee cemies. I1nmade $10.o,000.00anîd se- ai was a boy audi - ver liadtlofth hm; cording ta- niy frinds i made $20,01), M how lu ten years hie hadt accumulated ueoo. W between $10,000,000 sand $20.000000;1 Ila ni sbamî(-d ta tell the- nuiner cf w how tbe exerceAe ot bis beenn huai- hours 1 worked. 1 never knew wilen th treu- -en-e - & glvenlmrejoy; how * te stop. I1eurnet understand gettiug tliougb 111 healhh hast bowed hlm weacy. i am s great roasir dowu, lha sili was tur tramn the grave "I am advlser for tht- retomni party and wasablhe astîlita figt bis eure- lu China sud I keep them out of war a ites. the botst1 can. Sonetimes i bave' The apliearance of the prophet lu arisen ah 5 ocioc lu the morning auda the courtrocin was dramatie. A ai-.tiet retired until 10 o'Cloek the net h, lence absolute and oppressive huid dey. aucceeded the wrangliug of attorneys, -That means five houra over tbe the scraplng ut chairs and the whis- g 9 perd al o!th cows a crInstwenty-four. NMauy lImes i wprked tr persans lu ofthe rowlienofe duble the enlire twenly-taur. i worked peron inth rumi wenth -,ubI bard. Iu carryiug out my Zion Cty douo that led tram th corridor ides 1 iehd tht- assistance ot men wha opened and an id, white halred mnu,I thought were dliterested and abM, with hollow eyes, hls cheek asunken. but 1 found out 1 was wrong. 1 and a broadéloth'out black en- bought the- land through a inu4 veloplng bis emsaciated body, vas seeirnamdWelc n ooek sIttng n awbeledcillir.attnd i 1vas buying It. I put my money at n by buge colored servants. It WaS bis disposai with a littie string tled [brie. neteteaIL1h aher money vas reallzed fetra Slowly,whtte crowd made way, the Mion Cty band sud Improvemreut a tiLa, chair andlils occupant were Association sud tram me. I whulued sarld the roomand lifted lu "iqea not rumembur 4 yuar wbenr the lrtnea-a*sd *flethe judge's I dld nt receive luherîlancesansd bench Dowe, bs hed auk onbislegacIes ieft me. 1 thlnk IL vas never9 chest, gave au Inuoring look amritn.leus than $10,000 sud It bas reached ti Faces Traitor ta Hia Intereth. $25Ii 000 lu ont- year. I1uever con- DircOytirfrot o 'hm wre hesente toit elssulug auy documents or il umtn wbo bad triîîped hlm of the laking property or mrieanyus a trust., i power hie was seekiuîg to regain. It i îook it lu trust 1h woîld bottierb Amoug thein vas the leader of this nîstelf and the churcb. The diffIculty revoit. Wiiir Glenn iVoiva, s-boni - Dowie himacîfrt habonorefi above ailtwas uhtet a-hth iudlbt o re tht- others, and wbose persoualilv e-lough the!. e flndI Zo youthftiansd vig<oiîa, contastd in ysed tht- ice$25 anlacre lurZIo queerly wit tat of the Iuvalid. -si.i 3 25 narefri -Areyet reay t proeed?- I-uad ater laylng it out piact-d a utini- quilred Attornîey P . Hlaty, wlio reli- muniîî value ah $3,iîiîî) au acre and dii resent hiii. netoesi uroder that.' I ami i-tail>" aîiswered the uraliet. * Land Title ls Retained. Ie-le ioke witil ai) effor-t. îailing hi- The a itress tht-l exi.iaiiied that bce tween hîs wor<ls lîke a child taea-hum ldii neual the- land lu realily, but lb.-> acre iiîfamilllar leaacd it for 1,1(K0 yeursansd took a For air heur the- questiîîniiig cuni-Ictrtain rt-îtai tri afivance, whielî tilutîcl, alwia> s coicerueii wiih bis ineait that lic rciained tille. He sid peisonai caret-r, the mauagýintio<f lie estalidthe- varlou iîndustries Zion bylils forni- r rler, the- calah1- at Zionteta urnîlab enhfloymetfoîr lits lishiir.t hY hini a! ilsa sarittis indus fol lina-rs, but kept the 1rintiiig cstab- ties. may ot tht-ti uuw lii decay zaig jlbruent for himaci f. Hegiuning ai. a resait of the sti-hetsveu the'4 a capital utf100, lhe hîilt It lit, teaiar .iralîhct asud thce oi onwbaini le stablishiment noaa salued lt$10>u1. reliet-e lieil p buîn hild tri) the Cit5 . lieralime h c diii nt a-la il so. MarîY Buys lndustry for $90,O.000 ÀI thîe legaries lett hlm, lie declarcd, "\\'~lien diii vu iii rst îif k utof Ziori t1 ii, iriste-attul li the Irilît lue estai)- City?" asied Attorney Haley. l- ii,'îii as lîre -Leaves t Heilng -I bave thligt <otZiai ail mY Ilite. aîul TIc V ýoire ot Zian" acre lîrixUtei i sav a cil v %bta hl ititie fellow. and iii iiiaiy laîîguiag(sanaîd settth-ouigl-1 I have nît-r lost sigbit ofth. Irtgla ouct the irld 1tii le traîîslated lto j purt ot niy ito-- >hec laiîguages. lie said it wsvaid b. DliDirau havt au>' mait-ey waru udifficîîit te exaggerate the- poawer aîd startt'iIit ?' ili iieiîee ot these Publlications. -Yes, 1Ilbail a tcaa'enieiis. But 1 At tiie close o! bis testlmouy lie nover tld au> ale lîaw otlich Ihui. toid ot seicîliîg the enifluîyint ut I liali $9i1OiJ for the goailwill. lplant lace -niakers Ili Eiiglaiid te came ta and itaI the equilîmeuta o! the- Zionito Utitedi States andîiwoaiu Ziait. lace iudîîstry, sud1 buai a rcecit for lie sld bie bad saute difficilty, luit $90.001> lu my pucket betore oedol-1 inalV 'sîîcceedet-lxir ixtg saute ut the Iar vas subscribed' I lest lu Euglnnd. FAMOIJS TRAINER GÇRA1IAM GEl§ ARRIVES AT TRACK. SIOOTING IIONORS. Ed. Geers. World's Most Famous, Long Lake Crack Shot Cantin ues te Reinsman Installa Training Quartera Keep Honor-Breaks 99 oui of 100 ai Libertyvillu. Targeta. Efi Geera, tht- famoîrs traîner, ar- ivefi ah tht- Lîhertyvîlit- Trottint- As-ý sociation track BSuda>' afteruoon wtb a strint- o! saveuheen horst-a. Ha shippefi frein Memphis, Tenu., lu compan>' vîtb Botau, vbo bafi san<n. Tht- bornes accIvefi lu ext-t-let coudtion, but appeartuhobh sufer- lut- somevhat vltb the- ceif, 1h tb-- lut- 94 degrees ah Memphis vheu tht-> ieft. Golfidut Maif, tht- big-black CVlorado mare vbiclî Geers drove for tWe firat hume ah Lbetyvila ilst yaar. arrived vhith tht- bunch. Geseviiitrain ht-ersand fIliipar- ticîpate lu tht- fouth of Juli> -meet, aftrvsrd auerlus upon tht- Grand circuit. Tht- tracit la lu ext-t-litu condition tor th.s sesson ot tht- year audthie man>' horsumen are dolut- iuenb taut vork J. Grahanm, of bout- Lalat-, Illtois champion amateur cia>' pigean abat, veut o niluto Wiasconsin Suda>' sud toit dovu tht- amatur honora. at Mfil- vaukeo. wbert- ha bruite 178 ont ut 185 art-ets. 0f tht- fli-t 100 agets ha broka 99. DIES WEIGHING 425 POUNDS. Mrs, Aice Thompson, for tht- past ive yeurs a ceIdent o! Mear>', dît-f asat vaak lu that ctl>, tht-rtsuit ut au oparatian. She vas 41 years pf at-t sud veit-hafi425 Pounds. Mrs. .Thomnpson ftemrîcl> lvafi lu Vermout. Sncb vas htr aize that a cuffn_ haît to ho mafia ho ordar te cecelve bar. Burlitois place Thurs- 4ay lu the- McHt-nry cemuter>'. -I I ~~-~-~----------------.--- - SUICIDES TO JOUN UIUSBAND.4 oung Wauk.-gau Wlfe Unable to iear LIfe Wîthout lusahand 1 Drinks Poison. 1 UADE PRIIPAIIATIONS1 V'oit HEM AWFUL DEEI).1 .i rau 01t ilve asithout hinu, su i ,ni t-oingt- talit-." Thus eîîdlng ht-r fash viii aund testa- -tiet ou a aheet uf note paaier, Mrs. atit-Krei, out-.22 Mayu street. vhoae îusaîaîî, Fritz Ki-el, dit- fi tpnecu- ioula fast Thîîcsday, look carbolic ~id sud lit five minutes was fitad. De@pordent Since Oeath aofMiuaband. -mca. krI-chlas despalrt-d since tht- t-ath oflber busiîaud. Tht-'couple t-er' dî-vuted ta euach otbýud aheui ret lUt-fithet- Jpa Js 4 Iu tht- hdtuMî ut «M NIa>'y te with bier vert- a aisher, Nîrs.Hanse, aiii 'ir. Schumidt, ,a-ha came tront wfsconalin ta attend tht- font-al,1 whici loutk place Sîîuday atternuait wIth gi-tat cereuiouy, tht- Turuverein, tie Macunerchar aîîd tht- Arbeiter- ci-chu turulut- out ou' parade. Soughh Acld and Gun. lit-fore tjtis, Mr-. Schutifid",tatt-d ho art-porter, Mrs. Krei hafi fitvelopief icidai symliloms. -Saturdu>' i tounfi a loadefi revolver and tva battit-s ut carballe at-Id lu a hidint- place, tats't-ct-fiha clolb, -I removefi tht-athelle tram tht- ln sud emittit-fithe bottits. ceplac- it- tht- acîid wîth watt-r, -Mca. Krel muat bave discoverefi bis, as I noticefi lat-r that site chaut-ad tht- hidint place- ut the ar- tcles sud i coulfi not ifidtht-m again.' Made Ail Preparahlons. Mcas. Ki-el arase ut 5 T'hurada>' norunt-g accarfiu t u Mr. Sehmidlft She vurked arounfi as usuai sud at- t-uddtfitatht- bouseholfi hasits untîl ,aut 7:30, vheu, ha anys, shte vent loto the back yard aud unlerud thu outhouse. ,--Z Haret- shewalowefi tht- atidvhlch shç bought lu a dfl ovu lwu frug store the day litfore. Tht-n shte vaikefi back luto the bouse, thruugb the- back fluor, berl sae streamingt- ith tht- acîid, vbic buniefibt-r horrîbi>. Dies Five Minutes Aterward. Bt-fart-tht- borriftidayas ot bar relatives tht- auman vaikefi hotht- couch Iu another coom sud la>' dovu. "You baye taken somnethîngt- o khli >-oist-f,' creamef IrMa. Hanse. Tht-n sbe rushefi ho a nighhor's bouse uaxh fluor la t-et aid sud eaul a doctar. Schuifit vas alane lu tht- hanse. It requhîcîu ail cf lits strt-ugth te, take t-are ofr Mn>r. Krei. vitose daath agouy vas awful, ha stales. Flnd the- Last Witt and Testament. Late.r ilta-as flhscovereuilthat Mms. Krîihlad deliteraloly îlanuxod tht- A tntti- on aatuhet of a-ititît-palier was tufi. It tuîid huw she vishefi ta lias- eh-r îuraîoî t>divîdef i i)sud vas iii i-flirt a iast avIli andl tesaentu. It t-xuued ic astattîme that tht- arltar coiuld 11<11lite avithouitlier liusband, s0 shi' vas guing ta dit-I. , »s Mrs. Kreh taas lu delihate hbauth, lit- athas aillt" mort- sensathoual maid utocihle lu fil. RUSSELL MAN 15 VICTIM Of IIEAT. i I su 0' su" 0' su il i i o o ê * * ê O! O! O! O! O! t * O! SIVERS MYSTERY FAMOUS MRITER is SOLVIED.14 VISITS TRACK. Girl le Married on Tuesday To' The LîbrtyviisTrotting Paçk asSet-n Konoshit Man on Speciai Permet of, By Morse Review Man. Court. -- ~Marque.' thefamus horse-ai'tî The myttery oif 1 lie récent fusi>i- for tut- Horse Revit-a, visitefi LitIert> - itearauce o! Carriý, Sîsî'h). of Antloch, ville receutiy «lu the Iitleetn o! Ilus la solved e a st, ibiaiî u iibswierpu u Albert E; Itirinan %Vs i îiitedIn iimac- 1picainadl l rt-iio h riage ho the girl ai, abuTcdyLibertyviile TrottIng Associationt mornlng, aller baviig aecured a spe-~1a;'l-îieiLtryi1 ~t'îc cIal cuuut folr mi r o inîiit agie tdîay hoa look tht- horst-a avec. The cf the bride, abolii 15 yearq.fit la track was ln recocd breakIur aider, also ieceas4ry beci 'tof tht- tact bclng us fast as 1 ever suw a tint-k that bride aud gi'. iii wlabed ai lut- lu eucly alîring. -lits footing wa irni ma-diahe cerleffuuy. yet full of sprirîg andf duullity. It la Tbey were uit- 'i1lis-ylies. W. W. certuiîly a grand plant li e ""y liar-- Stevens ut the 1. 'i-jidiat churcb I hlcî*lp- audl i-as suiîîhat sur- Keitoshan. prIsemi ta fiîîd that moce traineca were As ta-ilha reculb' d. Nlias Sivers dis- nt there. appt-art-luner i. nu-dàrotia ci-cus- "The- Grttan Finît horst-s, a itle stanxce> aboutici wî-<-,s uga. A Tramner 1iarry Pîîtxîailit clîarg'-. vouug,>uau alleg(ed o have been en- nutruber sîxteen iîeaui sud atm-c dis- gagefi ta ber, Bai,,- Satiha,* as sels- ouutig theni oit a hais of tuaoimuclt peàtd . o! ber _ àtirlg ~ eieve theint qbols,- bt denled i1- be one of the hast bauches that bave The mystery a i parti> aolved es-tr bt-en seet-nli thet raliing stabîle wbeîî a shirt wait, kricsu ta have ot auîy stock tarin. uelougefi ta the glu>. 'vas seei i n- Dîtk IMeMfahan la workiîîg out a lag on the Ruie Iiithic ack yard ut string ut tea, ot which the paciug ber tathers resideîîce lu Kenoaha. mare Citation, 2:06i la tht- star. SUP!ftVISORS IN SESSION- AT COUNTY SEAT. Supervisors troni ail townships ln Scbeuer of W sukegai< who wishes ta the county are In attendance this open a saloon at Wadsworth. Aman week upon the regfflar June meeting Birothers, of Round Lake. îietltioned of the Caunty Board, and presiding for a renewal of their license. Ail over that ditUlWuiihed body for the the petitions were reterred to the first timi la uîrir Alexanider license commttee., Robertson, of àighland Park, repre-1 C. A. Appley. superintendent of the sentative tram Dee-îfieldr He ls helfi county tarrn at Libertyville. was re- in the higheat regard in is townshlp talned for another years at hlm and by the supur'.isors reterred to as usual saiary of $800. a "fine old man." He la about as Committees are ut îpress trne busy popular with board mnembers as is pos- audtlng bis and the day's session sible. Sbieidud by the dlgnity he gets can develop littie more oftnlterest. tram Scotch mucest ry is la as klndly a Rev. Tom Quayle. of the new Las' disposition and large heart as ever aud Order League. attended Monday manirwas endowied wth. Tliougb on afternoan'a session of the board. It board but 4t short tirae, Mr. Rob- ia underastond he wants an appropria- e son lal foremost lulits doliÇga., and tion of $1.000 for the state's attre'a yet wthout the osýtentatIon s0ot ten :office. to be used lu "appre edng obaerved lu nien wlio lead. He i18aS crime" lu Lake cuunty, tbuugh as yet man of wealtb sud bavlug retlred there bas been no formai request tram trom busines.s s la position to de-hlma or the league he represents. WILLIAM YOUNG MAKES A WRITTEN STATEf WRITES LETTER TO lNDEPEN- tnîy father), whlch are lu thIa. aM DENT SUN GIVING HIS BIDE oft'.%Ir. lîcudet-, the county elerk. >' 0F UNFORTUNATE Since uîy fatber's death 1 bu AFFAIR.adlîed in ta s tari n uacres, V bouight tcîîm s ueigbbor, Mr. iui Bt-haves Me la Victim o f Wrong lu Neal, andf tht-e uouao a~~ -Puhltctty Glven iï - Killing ot' i ishowia that thia boute lace, W Onuly Son,. ramte ta uie on my fsthers deal3i, h t-ver since bis destb stood f eord Il Tii. INI>EPE-NDEN'T Tueaîlay re- ' ny ninte aîîd that 1Iastitli théto " celved tilt- ollcwiug satenients of Ibis prouîerty, fret- tram any cs ot bis iase froni Williamîi0ou the iart ot anybofly. excelà,c yoîiig, the Aîtloeh man uc-I course, tbat mny vite bas her dom cusedltiîaviiig killi-filbis sou with a ltereat therein. litk-k ulls e o sa th e oe é c u s St-o. A s 1ta îM y so u's w e a t ; m y YÀ 1h t-s c tt- triîrtyowîeî b'Jaines uitver had uuy Inherltauce W each. fther aînd son, and isluilncitecitateblari by anybufi>' he neyer o"9 aî at-ru eftaiofthe çtuacges that -uîducver latinsofito-awu or hieý Yonnîg stalihei bis saut, If lie did ut tille hoettxe lanfi wbere vaIlived or ail, foc the salie cf mney oi prolI- aji 1t& o't isd. andi neyer had-; erty. m -'ney -t y given'bi ~Vuieganc. iI., lune.,1906. than wht ýayvilte or mysuit r Ný"arkegan Dally SUN, Waukean, fii.: bave given hlm et -duerent ti* Gexticxne.-It haviuig beau brouglit Tht- paliers lu my sou's estahu (wbk la nay aiteittion.that lu une ot tht- are alau lu the office o! Mr. Rlec* coutyîewaiapers ahurt-s have heeu tht- county clark) show that et îîîîilisheîl lutht- ft-lt-hthatuty sari, lime ut iris deathbmy son James ]W Jamues, ownt-d tht- t'rm ou which va nouala estaha. but left about $ lived, that 1liafi only the lite use ut lu personal puoperty. Tila $1M Ibis farm, sud that my son James vas vas mointy sud persoual preptt t weaîtby sud bad inherihefi saveral James birseif haed earned and mye tbousaud dollars ($12.000 I ht-lit-the Sud noue of Il vas given ht u il. stary goes) tram bis graudftather (my capt'by my vite or mymlt . i tather) or trai saine other sauce. aud Before auyone belluves hem.1bue uuderatanding Ibat these stadtes aud unfair tonies, 1 hape thliy Udi1 have beau cîrculaled i vdely hhrougb- kiud sud nuerciful enougil ho U*M out the couuty. I nov vish te say 1ha1 Handea, thea auuuy Clark, toahio they are entlrely taise, aud yen viii thain the paliers lu the qatateî ha doiug ibU a great favor, sud st James Young, my father, and la î saine tuInè4Mrform an sct ut justice. estale ot James Youug. My wsu. - by publioh",,tble ltter lu full. viii provethie trutb o!fvilat 1I Il Muty tstheert nte wva loo James Just sfld. Young, sud ha dled with eut a viii ah Other taise stortes coucuralog i Antlocb on Marcb 17, 1895. As the sud my fally affaira have haLa elrç records lu tht- connhy court viii show, iated. but haking the abovu @W ha left ah the hume of bis deaah saine menite vhîcb eau ha veiSud bY d persoual prcperty, a bouse andi lut lu officiaI recorde o! Lakte couuty 10 the village of Antloch. sud the tarin tht-n conslderiug hcv shamtlly th where my home nov ls. Ail o! the- have talslfied, 1 thlnk I sm u au ýp p 1 rperty aud ruai estahe ou tion ho sait theiei eadraof, th-le W"-ArnâawIll de t mmediately (lu- net ho hastiiy lelluve u Y ý seenduaiÎ6- me, as 1 vas hls only tbey héer. child sud oui>' haîr, aha left no viii. Thauklng yen for publsiiaiug Anyone deiriug ta verif>' this article; 1 remaîn. atalteut eau do so by luokln.g ah the Youra ruiy, tîspers lu tht- estahe ut James Younig WILLIAM TOrNQ RAYMOND SAYS DENS EXIST- . î u w -STEARNS SAY$ "CLOSàE TMEm., IN JUKELDP - AmanunBrothers, uf Round bake, itetîtiaut-fitht- Board o! SupervisocaUN A T furto a count>' lîceuse Tuîesfiay audIN A T -- Weduesfay tht- Hainesville villageSH board b>' Its lîresifieut su nitI1 IAttorney Sieanu, wt-ctonahi aud tioljeet. Mn. Stearuis coud iruni tht- stauîte ta show a su Swift Car, Prom Lakte Porest Dl - bonlilcense coulfine ua l egaliy la- Ooinig et Porty Mles An f - stred i alilitva miles of an lit-on - Ilour Ville over ou --ploratefi village. I-e demonsuated fHi. Wthat AmnnoBrothers a-ont-located - s;iti a utile cf Haixesville andf * - ~~aslked Ibat the- ilceuise he utot gaited. SVIA NUfD Supîerviser Raymnîxd took issue VOIiTLY itili Attorney'>'Steartis uaud asserteul a liceuisefisalootn taas îrtferailet tablirii d n 'ogutt' ra e cr fart-Y mniles w( lies. lithe ht-at a! the discussioniilie -' 'î un.r n ii îvhiu oî-î-îîîuled b>-N ati utoîl Round laIe hîtasut blinfi pigs i, of'î --- tMris.Lit-is F. Switt w hert- îoliern tres a--nare uîîîlii. amuliLlu--i lu'ierr chauffeur, avasM Stournslsiîu a suiiciir oirale-'asIcîl. l i u iiIl-slcaula--tuu-îî > - - - 'Oi ti' ut youïile uuîc u iun îatiolit 11-" n tlý[it n v rqilel si tit tht s ite iiiîilx>- xîf Ixso i iu x 1 i i oi lu i t Is ut-aictii-e- LII tlItheisuatI's attoriiey and ROBERTSON thxii cliuaedul i la our îluty. Siîuiîl.îy lti Sheridani mail îti- a voat- t i litsi,-;iesas chiairnti uthe - Thenthue iuoanrit<rgîtd as belstei u - iiu iui Ia lta-o uotthe bt ticte Ie>- î- jir-e.h11e s htl5r, ( if lid pi-s andi olcl uciui.iu. sî--i iîiiaili> fatullyI ll-ix l Mc. R wi,--'isb onni i St-utauaius îarils said the qictiol jtir-eul . Ail rueiyivd sescue bu-ta. Il landîit lu o i dfuilowta he rli' ia- vi>li-el>' a suaI char>- ont' and ltîxe T' lt-iille spîeu'ui and lthe-valience ofo!lt htinotfii icutîîi sa-89-.1Tui'tu>boardi rotull lt gralît a liceiui- x-tht- expliosion mtiîîîîc iedt'eumachinie Ili yýa-s agoI>l,--'. it- 10 Highluand iPark, fi-rait> conrdtion. il s corsuu n raxu ased Ilta odescrilie a v fLake c mli- il id tlias sit-,' lui-ou i flurixitîRobintsoniui thorIizeii Ilal 't l l ~sortî-isait - il as liiiiat n lus hxonte. Fuir lt-veut tau-, atter the hIormiat in eaextt'd tu uried ilatotal are-l,lc lîhejucrd are: w gîviti t ih l'. a hi liesar o - ii c ttathe lîcejîse couiniitt'o, .1tt i-~Ptg'.MlsAshi l- i tthu t-at-tfil iii' i- tu1lber uand cîkl huaii-Irt ntheiîciatten Tbîucsuay iii- Fi*- plaii asvenue, C'icagoi. 2.3>'Oa id; f ut-sa. ile il0-icmit a yoan <ueo lastfa v. pruoblableicfractuire ot the skuil ; riglit s Janîîary toti '-Nortuh Shoret Fuel PetitiOof A. lu atuu n il dauti ahoauIiIer brlicieni; ihall ot rcoveri Compauny andul -it-a thatuhohas ba lui'c i lto cense ton a saloonu atitRuissel oil iseltisi1h511 t-5 2 auu.; exîîîted ta I ratirafi, hteim-u:ll holve conîîtuutahiy anîd L. Shione ton aile ah W%\adswcntb die, 4e oui tht- m Ni s'iîcb attenihnuuta hais- a-trt-repu-bed tuvonahyilliucoub>' the Staftordi, Walter, l30 ycacs oui, Lake 8 nasa hrotixgit iihm, Ht- otans aboliut lIt-t-se comoîithcc. Supirisai- Murray, Foi-est, chîauffer foi, Mca. Swift; frac- ir f 40,000 wtaa-tf ipruperty liii Highlaund a! Newpîort,waaaoui bis teat inueititrue of akuli; sallluuconschoîi ata2 C Park alouto. atel>', callilug attentionîtluthlime 1v-l p< robllyl>tali(fiea. t Ah tht- suiti fiy's sessiont <f the tioens o! rt-otafstruhiCt-bt-fonet-heb- Pinget,-',trs. Elizabeth, 4848.Chant-P hubard ut sit-cruisurs Tueafiay taas lire- buai-f. Tht-e taas a leuthyfilacuus- plainl avenue, Chicagu, 60 years oi;- sentefianaxîioiiwt-f.la bill ut$25 fou- Sion, Athorot->' dwarda, ahu rt-lire- ht-ad *uttact-hrîuisefl sud e-ut. bncka etht- capturne of ha Itaihan murderens, aetuI-fitht- ilrk Bras. Brewînt C'a., Inuiurd; viii rt-cuver.a i. Salvatore Piiui sud Salvatore Gi-a- afifrassînt- tht- board. Pioger, Miss Margaret D., 4848B ri vano. 1h devalopafi a number uf Newport Champluali avenue. 36 yaara olfi; hea il à tracter named leFitcher, bath of Wads- resîfieuts baa it-ut-fibath pet-itIons anîd face bruisefi; recoyerafi cou- tworth, laiuîîîithe rt-yard. Constable andi that tht-rt-vert- naines oui tht- scIoîsiut-55 atter -rnaoval t ho bopîhai;a i Martin iLux, lu vhuni tht- îînsoucrs peitton askit-that a llceeusae e il rt-cuver.v r- vert-. huruiefioser, aiso cialitas a ne- grantad fi o! îccns living lu other Victime Rsturnlng Home. P 4yard, hhough le dld net prescrit a bill townushipîs. Tht- raqoîraf majority ut Mrs. Pingar sud .han dauglîhorsP d for -Saute. 'usnmes vas 162 sud tht- numbar se- vert- retuîruint- tram tht- home ut N A bill fou liait tht- a;penst-licurnefi curefi 178. Allumne>' Efvarfis cou- Mra. Swift ln Laite Forest tu thair I by tht- city of Naukegsn lunteart-c- t-udd t at aliovînt- fur Ihasa vho bots automobilet, vhîcb vas s 20 sien sud !uunuishlng ot the sinali pox it-ut-fl ithout rît-bt tht-r t til ce- horse power Stanley steamer. Misles tbospîlal a'as îucseted sud aliowefi, maint-f a majority. Chaîrnian Habla- Alvine Plut-tr vas li the- front setst i tht- counly thum aresrlils portion af son asked for a collt-nil on tht- vote wlth tht- chasuffeur. A fev miles be-r SI tht- burdeul. Thc count>' paifi $455. aund 12 tavored grantînt-. vhile 7 op- blifi 4ha part>' vert- Mca. Swft sudP ir Albert Huuusuîu petitionefi tht- hoard iosafi. Russel sud Xadsvunthli Pl . C. Prîce, secretary o! tht- Fredaricit hta grant a licelîsea liowtug hInt taet-et tht- saloons. Hlghae Compauny, lu Mr, Prict-s ina- u peni a diramt shep aht Russel sud Charman Rubertson vas suthorizef ie.it, oint- through Gleucot- Staf- tht-ca vas a iti-otest", pehîllon signefi te appoint tht- necassar>' ceiniuttees tord. tht-èhaufft-ur, apeaded Otp te a f b>' residents o! tht- communihyasakîng.te-ota a-tben nia tate cenveuhil ocf ,O-ile gtait. f, 1that tht- huard rtfuse te grant. 1h supervisars tnt-ttaht-ce lu Octobar. 1 ATASaesiîBIO yTht-ce vas aisea a peitîcu agaînat tht- Theapapioinhmt-nts vhll. prebably ut- INQ RESULTS. Art thq1 bringing granhint- o! alceuse te bUlae P. mafia lu tva or tbr- veeka. y<Oj any' Doeai Pending :«for soue1M for Norton PaTinat kockfflie Sali to Be CIo».. INIQUB SCHOOL TO LOCATE ON MU» D K There have beeu pendlng for sevee*1 ,'eetis negotlatlunff for the bea4tlqtý ;ai-taî tarin ut Rockefeller.,in cotrid, l.ai. county, aiid an whlch la locaffl Mud Lake, a 30-acre exîanse of WatOr srraundd by hlgh bluffs., Eastecn mcii are alter the iiropertY and it la liraoxsed ta locate on the baîîks of the lake a privste educatlioý ai institutltinot considerable mau4 oude, onie wlich wili cater more pat- ticularly la ions ot wealtby tannW#s To coraînercial studies wili be de voteii greatest attenttion, 'whle -th» moraî:l utnosulere will be lu kee5pIii villi the retineent that la to pil vai. The iuakiug ot pertect and rU fined gealtlenien out of tich MAMÈQ souis l the lîla. Thase be-buîd the enterPtise CM! dort three such scîloqIin ludiffereet paits of the Unîited States aud I sprîît a gýreut des]o l u teinvutw ung destrable locations for mis0 Chicago. No exîleuse ls ta, be alauil proving Mud Lske. whicli, dueDite t anel a beauty spot lu theIlei.4 a grave of splendid onits siMd*I and is spriug ted. il l te >= Rockefeller-and UbertYVIlie sudX! of.jbe connectlng hlgbwsyt -Ail buildings are to bu of 1SÏ architectbe jet moderu ID b veniences lhey wll* c5tain. printe ot the laudscpu w0nk platefi show su arranimment ot Wallis, tontains and parka U ln the West. St la reiiorted tud&Y thQ 4*0 cloied and that the rePmlWu . esateru enterpelae which hu<kee returned, ho Bosto n te cenh4r 'n principale regsrdlng of building operfltUOnB. For blôating,- belChIlle ach. bad liresth. food, sud ail sUNptf» Ç RinnWs DYmPape prompt sand-.UMUhV by WIil Heek2ê5 Grslrss** Man Overcome by Exiremne Hetaiof Lait Tbursday Dit-i lu Waukegau Mospital. l.yiumg oxi the traci.a of tht- sidihuit leaduxîg lutotahie Nelson Mtanis pack- it- buonse,,ah Russell, MarrilaOCan- mu-, a lahai-er, witb relatives lu Chi- rat-a, vas fouhd la hava succumbefi ta tht- extreebt-at ut >eslacday. pos- sihiy tht-iist Lake county vict-in ut tht- ycar. Russi Boloîlo, tht- Italienu, vho put a but-t througb bIs bt-ad Tîueaday uit-ht, vus tounfi uot ho have sut- fenadf ron a son stroke, but ho bava ýaen lu a pt-ifatl>' normai condition. O'Couut-iI vas founfi b>'tht- station agent ah Rosseat-lsd ah once ct-movad tu Waukt-gan, whcra ha vas lIatt tht- Jane McAisher Hospital. Ha bas a brother sud mothar ah Twyt-> elgbth street sud Wetuwortb avenue, Chiect-o. Tht-y vara cummunicateci witb ah ont-a. To Have Big Openinif. G. P.Rliet-au vii loruutsily open hbu sommeir rtsort nt Round Lake ou Sat nrday it-ht Jue 16, vhen an geaf time la prouaised hlis t-uetI. Fine vaudeaville artiste viii ha out fi-uniChieago ho entar tain,' n Chicago orebestrs vwilforulal musite for tht- fiancersansd Do excuse toi lot-k o! eujyint for thue vo attena wil ha aliovai. Tht-rt-ort la upon the- anterushore ol tht- lukre in s hesutiful Oak graveansd id au ifleal spot sud a great favorite wihl Chicat-a parties wbieh cama ont vers reguarly tram tht- cuîy. 1 1 1 $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCJC.