and things don't look haitau gbod ta you as they onçe dld you wlnfiit that lit an't neoesaary to stop eatlng. Juit bny a dinner of us and you l me how tempting it wl li be. Every thing here in f resh. Our Uineofi green garden truck' la t ho the village wtile Our mas have al reputation that Is establiehed. 1 PIOPRIETOR LLIBERTYVIL LE MARKET aind OROCERY ig -the Month -of WEDDINGS dn ing te.fS l'ou to choot I ~ ~Im l altowinl od"r b catalogue f«r you efor I buying apeeSttesu i0 A.] WDrFYvLW HJJNJS To Bou Sém eSommer Goods Don't Wait This is When to GIO Men's and 5oogs Straw Mlats, jKid and Dog skin, ght bock aOd Reindeer Gloves. ¶J Neckties A fulliline of nicely assorted ini bows, tecks", four-in-hands and string hands. A complete line of overalis and underwear.' Sn»t& Davi TEA 4NDl COQPFB LEADERS, 'Mr. amýd Unr. Harrison Brown eIdt the a trot of the. week for Mchigan for a short sodl visit. -A ni". Helsn Wrght arrlted Wedneday viei velgfromn ehoul at lionticello M lm B erthia James, of Antloch, %pont M th ire Othe ti wek wlth Mfr. and lira. Wee C. A. Boswick. in a Mre. W Un. Worden Wells, of Elgin,& sàe l pendlng the. week with the thà Bd. Wels familjr. 'nial Mr. sud Mnr. Charles Kaiser, gr, OfÀ DeerOM dvlsited their on Charles Kaiser, Wa sAddfamly, Tueday. cler Lynch Brou. have cainnenced spiinkD lng the. treets one more, the. Brut urne Wel t sWeaâisnbelng op 'Wednoeady. The Tho. water mains ame fat progreesing ar ,,dtbe noe I oon have-peoper J ie poeton lu i paet ôoftenWfl Mnr. E. A. B'lshop snd,0 Frances, lef t Wedneds mornlng for a vi@it to Frankford, JInd., hier former home. n lie. A. J. Raymond, sud daughter sp Belon, of Vola, epent a part of lait F week at the. C. G. Huson home la w& this village, lu. The M. E. church bas a complet, set oth new hymnalm jut in. They were p*- 'n ehamed with the fond raioed bv the. "tlde i Faikes Concerte." ir Dr. J. L. Taylor leaven tus@ week foi, a Ali( vimît with bis lrothi.r, C. W. Taylor, of Che Jefferson, la. Two of blie daughters are occ ta accampant hlie. Ski vlstrcv 1 retM sua W4.1(iveqetti.i eve1a by ihe muoic pupilo of Pidl. ~ Qjuinlanand Mis Chard. ail lire. Saraih Mason, tirs. Ellis and 1ev. Aui H. F Le wler attsld da Ibusiness uî.'et- Aij inig of thé DesPleines Camip Imeeting 01i Bociety lit Des'laines Monday. Mi Miss Jesele Davisan arrived ini Liber- Mi tyvillp tbis wesk front Waterloo, la., for Ra' a vimit with lier grandfatlier, %Villialu îfo l)avison, and other relatives there. L l! youN went to take the Weukegan w Dlaly Sun leaveword et the ' I)EPZ.NeoÉ\T w office. Ten cents per weik i. what'it wh will cost you delivered theemille niglt te pobliahel. tr Th iin -ilge bias flled the ditelh onte Milwaukee avenue mt nortli of the. BU electric depot and liai covered up the. tî rubyish whîch l&i daccumlated there. Congratulations!1 Harold and Wendell Lovel trio have MI for the past yeer beeu attending the n Staunton Mlitryieademy, atfitaunton, wr Va., arrlved the. latter part of lest weekc for their entamer vacation. .t The Libertyville Eaatern Star sent a loq delegation tu Graylakre ta attend a # meeting of the, Grayalake chapter ho Wednesldey .vening. A very pessaiet I social tiese eported. w -enu Dietz who bas boenliving iq ¶T Chicago tii. paut Sveral years speut a wi les, day. la Lbertyville r.newngeso acuaiataes recently. Hoestopped at ] teFred ffiudam home while her.. e The. Royal Nelglibors of tuis placeu went ta Antiocb Tuesday tu visit the wi camp. thonr. Tihedelegation loft ii.e t zaeuing via thi.eislctric rond and the bh Wisconsn Central, returnlug in theice] evenlng.M Owen Newton who wai striclisu wlth es ree yses.ome weeago inleynfilIet bi lie home aud owing tu, hi. advenoed sm aell Is condition lae conidered crItical. M Ris dangbtei rie. Hewes, of New Berlin bu N. Y.,isaethbis bed sde. mi Dr. and lire. E. H. Smith left Wednee- OP day or tr p a Lnleille aud lit. le?. nonKy. wbre heywill attend the.of KEnckEZ's"Hoe cmiug wek" na and viit lir@ Smth's relatives Whio liv, bc in that suae. . ô* Erneet Hungerford, a brakeman living&@ et Joe Bond'. iioarding bouse spreined Pm hi, back quit. severely Monday eftee-ti noon while attempting ta turm a switch ni at Itondout anI wa tak-en home RB il condition i not et aIl dangerous. fi The 'Epworth Lengue liai decided toai eccept the contracu of the. Mutuel t Lyceumbureauas olred hy'tnio- pan3, for ateeao eture course fr0t Pl c amig winte tacnito .leuber NoueY ha o!th -p t fi nu- or e fome. av'ver appeared l Lbrty- c ville belore. 0 The. cotreet bas been let and inaeiral orîlered for tihe' erection of a ocleool soutii o! tawn lu wiiet le known ai the. Locke district. The building will te. of c brick, very neent anid a great improve-D ment over îh.' une wiiich lia@ .tood I an s@hé echool grounds tiiere for naauy f years liait.a Chldre's dayv %vas celebrated at tii. M. E. churc I lait SundeY ight l.Y theia renderiîsg aIa very pretty aed carefally1 arrane ~rgram in two parts, the lr.t coaeicting f aumbera by thie. emaller children and the. latter of a cantata by thos.' lightly older and th ii.grw up muembers of tIse Suuilay ochool. The. cliarels was flled ta the. douo by anb appreciative audience. I liessere. H. R. Adams, president-of theN lilut Mining & lilling Compauy, oft Denver, Colo., F. N. Giddinge. af thei1 Crescet Coal company, ci Oregon, andi tGeorge J. Schweinfurth, of Rockford. ae diretar of the Square Deal Mining & Develpment compeay@Pont SundaY with Frank E. Wire and family. Mr. Wre left the. iret of the. week- for Frisco (Clo., for a iit ta the. fqure Deai properties.i Monday evenlng while work-g in the. gardcen et the. Perrlgo home where lit tives, Frank Boss; a work-uaas at the. wlr. muii wai taken with a falting epelI and was uncousclous for soins, time. A physiciala wau msusnonedand the. mm »oon wai bronght iiack- ta hi. normal condition. The. incident gave nu et) a vumor .Wilch qulckly spreail about town that a man biadi eau kill.d et the. m. R oss return.d to work -the. next Contretor Titus under direction o! thé. cly onil bh a begu a scn vlgeWl sme little distance fIn ts peutt w9Il whists bas alter »muecot d trouble ro d"bOt aIlU l'h » eilwU s elag dug aitee tree ur atii.od Y 1M W aa.downabutvtllt Ii "0 f~ lpeiding et Leoll's à. a. Niue » iily, o1 D.erield. tw deyg t thê Willam Sikinner houe. Mia Wim WM ' lrand leit the tiret of eek for e kw dtp vicit witb relatives IeA gid a Ca., 0f Waukegs Ill week pIaoed &fi ne Melville Clrk iao la the EiusflDavis lhome. ktto Ke I H. her la back irons .IiugC ;b!hMlias benacting. as rrk fo.7te jb*aà eoîaraittee. Dr. and Mms Martin are on a tvo reoke caMplugpedition at Fox Lake. i.Dct Wda3- night vith bi@ sais fu of foutas day'. rations. Jack Lyuch'b» ae nen appalnted ta ar.rnma[ routa nimber 2 rnnlng out ,f'd 4). ECirhl nigned. ne ', nle hl*s rsi tnpi Vedneede. Tbe.carrier for route 1 ta acceed Ernet rowis lies ual been ppointed as vat, Frank Nelsou, a K'nceba liveryman ras lu Lubertyvifie Wediîesday eveang ok-ing for a bore ei ili waus stolon eat n .orinçfroue hic livery bemnby a can Win) tdx> t tunder pretext of rentîng Sfor, the day. He me am îraeed lu this rectian but track. of lîînîî %vas loat. [nvitations are out for the u-edding of icp Sikinner sud MSi. Frank 1Dudley %adwick, ai Spring (liiv, ulicb will v'Ur et bigh noon a ithe Willilim uini' hou.oieJun in> i@s kinner 'cweu îïnownand pupuin.' lers. Tlsey Aniioueioeut len nide "'of the eî)1raacinioamarriage (>fMissJesgiui M.- istin, daugbtoer o!, Mr. anid Mrs. Edwin Lutin,of thus placatii'le,ým C. lieuse aiea iLibertyvillio, on We-eiiî.eeîlay Joue '20, le Austin han baena uî.itinig ler'cousiîi, lso Etlielyn Austin, I1 lu lerry avenue, tavenswood, 'who gev.- a line-ii elîwer r ber lait flaturday. Uhberuyville'a V"leit lire deicartuteat ai callei out ta give ai- 1ta lRock-efeller 'eldneeday aiternoon abouiit four o'cloçk heu it was discovereîl tuat the old levetor at that place uni beiaugiugt îe Wusconsln Central %vas abiaze. Tii. iretighters however arrivei le. late ta Xi ian. the structure cvliirb wai con- insed. The. building vvas deeerted and le lues as notgreet. The. lungs t eui'e ls thie week lu cespt 0f a copy af the Wiisconsin edustriel 15,1ewitrhici devu>es several pages ta givlng, Edgertoa, Wl.., e w lteup referrlag to it ai "the tabacco ty."1F gro~la Iser.' Wlrt Wright àcasiusrothe uFir itionalBauk 0f blat plance, whleb cînace ildeposits of 100,000. dutn le as vel the Ooa ofise, "Momrcls remedies and 'ont the. ieview la a tliriviug littl. citY wnthfoety-eev.ntobaowarehoufee. vwo and a hall million dollars, il lansaeil, ras pabd ;ont r toiiact'w therethe pat iseaon. Lihertyville my ualb. peeparing ta celebrate the. Foorth witii &Dy greet amount of nois. There wWl be no lire rorks'oe alebealion of aay kladnder theanspicea of of auylocal ogaixetion but vi itisi h iii in the tnotittngmet nhedulsd t et tis Trotting asoclation trark have the. bept drawing card of umyplace lu 14k. conty. Tii. big races wblch evill tae.p lac. that des sud forthe tirlesfollowlng wiul be amnIg tbe bbut lu the countryad ithe boresmen are already teegianing ta, show ilc intereet. ion iiad hotter plan lin @pend your Fourtii ut the Trotting Park., An laisteace vues brought tu, the notice of this offie a few (laes&go kh'ich cen. not but tauc> a tender chord la the iearts of those vho have taken notice dif tue -de.d. Au aid man cripped witt fge sud the. fatigue of year. bas of late grown weak-er umail at last he bas teken to the boid flwchich Illevill ris. uo more. A neighbar, another man wiious haïr bas Ion g sine.-tuned gray and a ifelong friendo0fti> with.erd form upan tii.death-bed hec lecen latiih ee il sine the. iret warnî days of lie spring- tmni, of cariug for the. dyhug mans'i ýares. Ofteutiiie-s as early as hall pest four o'clack iii the nsornlng he hai been seen diligent.c ai vork. Tbe aut msal unit b.'dois' luthe naine'0o Chriatlibuity tiieugi penteape there le ao tier *ord expreesi v' of the meauing. Loui, Mentanu got ta feeling strig oine night lact werk sud on a vege, inarried e man f mci Highland Park tc Deerfleld, a distano of nearly tbre miles, upon his lad. mand thereby teecamt Olve dollars lbhe iier. The. vay it earnî about was Ileat tii,.' were several nue workîug on a jeu. au Highland Pacrk Tteey wanted ta gotn ver ta Deerfieli t( anotber job. An mtalien tey tbe name@ Tony made. tIse catmneuettiat Me vouli give five dollars if lie did flot beave t( walk the dlstaii-c. Meuman offered ti carry, hlmafor thet noîney and consul.' aile bauterieg mwn- started emong-th men. Flually a wc ger was made. tha iie coutil carry the minanthe, distane il forty.Onve minutes. Tbougii the. mu weigbed a hundreul and sixty pounide th bet was wou. Meuian stopped, la rem fins tims..Nov lie-lae unsetîleil as.- t whetsr e .liedtlicIter go on the @ta@ s n stonft man or etart a dray lipe'. TIse gain, heiweene tbe Everetteaend Ghuvlesluit Suuday vOS forf,îted ta the Everetté la the. faurt immlng vien tZ score stood 8tota0 lb tiielefanon. Te ge= vsgt arred iiy rowdy hal Wl outrutivetetice outise part of thé. lenvievsansd wase adagreuefnl ex. bubion of th. national game. Net otsnday tue Everette psgtM eLake For. set et Eneti 0o1) sth ie C. M. & St, P. staton. Tise LbeyIle Raobes pie l @lhwoods next Sund*y et tise Llerty- alipounds. A good <asie l epecheil. Wb mm o %0 0. *s odle la Probable 1Nov Walk Win B. &nid on Lineauo Both aide@ 0M the.Street. DSLAYUD MONTHLY At a speclal meeting of lhe village c<uncll beld Mouday nigiit the Brood? way sldevalk.matter wvon once agein bronght b.! or. that body. A petition signait by a large nuember oi proporty boldere &long the street vas presentei the coundlhien e.k-lnk thaJthtii. ide. walka hult out frosa the etreet ins b. ail ordereil back.1 The. matter vas discused and turneil over ta the boen of local improve- meute ud that department vil taethe it, lu hanil. It la tii. seemlng wish of tii. ,ossisci that if tIe <lwaks are ordsred teek- thet everyone on tb. atreet b. tr.ated alikre and lu le probable tint those wia have obeyed the ordinence as veli au tIsas.wteo have flot yull be forceil ta put lu cernent waîka andl a epecial essesment levied for the. purpose and bonds is.ueel. ThoSe living on the. soutb aie, of lie etreet swell ai thoe% 'lpon lb. uorth Bide - wÔuld then b. affeeted sa itIlaIsthe ides o! the council to make theý joli thonougi andl lay uew walks upon the eitir.e t!tet once the. work- le taVe_. Owing ta thé 'evdtii of sd"es itlà,u puossible flve foot waîki wilI b. ordereel lu ansI as there is et thse lresent tinte lime nat eue walk- o!flhau wiltb upon the street the>. hole mtretch would b. laid wiuewc enisent idewalke. Bills Passed. A large number ai bille wer. paiceil wlich lied been bell aven frou tIse tiret of. the monihi ut vInifi time it vas iounel the village va shiort flnisncially sud the. acting upan tlîem postpaned. Obituary. Sensuel Moor vas bora in tl ie ltar- le country near Ticondenoga New York. When about two years ofl beiseparent@ removed la Media County 0h1o, sud agalu lu 1841 they moveil la Dlanionil Lak-e , On Ototeer 25, 1851 tee vas uited la marniage ta Mies Auna M. Conklu. To them vere bora four chldren, one dy- lug l ininncy, two - b.couting o! ajie helore deatb came, survlved only on, sou, Judson. Wheu the Cali o! bis country gr.w imperative la ite néed dneing the daek days o! thc Civil WeSensuel Moore bade andl ,allsted lu thse 144th illInie Talun. teer Infantry on the thilneday of Octaber 1864 sud serv.d until the close ai ver. lu thii loyal service ne va@ only doing au heceme hie nasa., for bis faîher vas asoldierilathe van ai 812.BSon after enlistng b. vao ettack.d viii a nuvere cas.of typhold lever, tuis viti the ept- sequent .xpoeure la theanmyand Inrtber .uffering robb.d hlm o! muèls o! bis sirength sud ensrgy. lu 1866 ho removed viti île !amlly to Lertyville. Tbueloforty yeàr.b. has hunae reident o! the, village and of th coeutry ion more than alxty-tive. Ris long resideno. gave hlm aelarge equefut. anc.e mbua tise people o! thus vlcinlty andl hp.wyl beparticularly mlssed tey thé. group of older men aud the old eoldiers wbo lhave kuowu him long. Hlicend caine Jue 8, 1906. et 6 a. ns et the. age oi yeare aller au ilnese o! a few week-s. Be le eur- viveil by tl@ vile and sou vte %vers vith hbien ta teslaiiinllerlng ta is uoe'ds, and aiea iy bis lait remeining brother of Hall l)ay flou- a mian of eighty tu-o. Canal or Thenke. W.' wisb ta tlîask ou, frienils andI neigliterei for thei r kindus.taous ai lie tinie of death of our huebanil andl fatteer q and especially tiss. ia urnnîsee flow.'rs, and l aIeathet woodmen. Mus. ANS MOasuE Junso,; A. MooicE. CAR BOHEDULE CHANGES. Ther. la a change In the lime card on h l Ltertyilîle hancb of lthe tChicaga & Mlwvaukee Electrie Rail- rond Company flIn. tiiet bould tee noteil. t Cars uow leave Lake Bluff for th>e * est 55 minutes aller every hour. tee. *glunnuawltb 6:56 a.m., and contIn ug util 9:85 pus. Tiie servi(e,. 1 tien 10.35 andl 11:15 for tllet v caPrs.1 East-bound cars leave Rockef eller very tvenly-five minute, aller lie bour, race track every thlrty-oue min- utles aller lhe hour, Libertyvllle, ev- ery thirtythr.e minute, aller the. boor, andl Roudoul enery forty min- ate. alter thie hour. maklug Lake Bluff filty miaules af.< the bour. .A half-iaur sciedule le panneti for speclal occ..sous. Thse lartY mInute aehedule la chamged because of thse danger o! operatIng the cars et snob X ANNOUNCEMNTS 3e The LadIes AId vIl eetJoune 21 et ltse home oti m .Ale Tuppen.Dïvié- The L[#@" de meteey association Wil meetis, bome -o!fMs.Bd Wells on N.vsgeg(e o n ou a.16. The. Wanumnda MIl e ompesy 1.1 eshtutLhsryvfe ou Bturday fIBEATS Staple and Fancy grocj.C VEGOETABLESO" l dm i inte of tege.Whe ymo re- poticular about gowr mn order. Y.. want it çot op rgh amigvu waat itin time forthe i io meal. We pride oorseh'es ocour meat ýdepaftttn. - Our order and! deiverg soptent wPrkb ike a chat. Our o«durer s wlU Cdlfor fc~ for dinner.. Give them a triol. they, wiII surelg suit gUm. "Phone orders given prèntpt and carelul attentn [Dois- I . P . D n n e o Oua o. rWuen'r, Vi,.so LAKECO NATIQNAL SM SURPLUS ZM4OO To 6e ec«Om ial doesat to6emsrg MUSLIN UNDI3RV Ladies, lace trimsned muln Drawema opena or closed -,--1 50c Draver.mmed wlth vide val5 ac élm i rtiod.1.1 35ego qafiy oretCovera ................... SOc Coret Covers ............................. Excellent values ln La"dies l4ght Gowas et e60.a s$ Bgvuesla UderSkirts at -.5 Oc 7 5cSi.O-00 M Viste Aprona, large sizes vith or vithout bib».........1 1'TH E FAIR -nlIm Acf r~Yi LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS oo a u I thie space, anti1 peivil5g01 fil once aupla t depeulor in 0ou Av .M Who othetls ie Tour seeoW THE1