CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Jun 1906, p. 1

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..NDEN and WAUKEGÂN W#KY SU mO.XV. No. 88 DOIE-ST&I IN COURfT TÏte SéO! LiSfS VISIONS. RELATES HOW 4TRANOE LIGHTS out, but the liglt remained. It Pz AND OREAM#O OUDED HIM sied me net a littie. until 1 sMid: 'Oh. AND SMAPED MIS DESTt- bother. yais go te qieep, I1 abat mî NIE$.MOVI9 HIS eyei, but eouid not ieep, and opon NIE.-M VI8MIS openlog them, 1 sav the'sa iigbt. HMEARER8 TO *"Then 1 remepibered that 1 had TEARS. prayed for a& ide et recognton 'Ir" GO&. Suddeniy the ligbt horst fie Was Prcoelus hil andAlwys ive parte, and tuere appeared before Waa aPrecclou Chiî sudAIw e a pyrotechnies] display such as 1 Hcd Wonderfui Msrory-Says Man bad neyer seen. it filied ill parts o Who Pend As Ki* athller Married the mre. andi 1 eaw many tongues of Mis Mother After Mis irth.-Rea l ame. The lght changoti lto cepa- Father Oled ln, Crirnean War. rate lndvlduaiti as outil the room vas Iilmi. Thon thoy moved behind JohnAlexnderDoves snlty~,~me andout of sight, .and 1 vas asleep Joh Alxaner owt's aniy b-In a moment came an issue la Unted Sitates Judge 'A tev nights lter i told My vile landîls, court -Thursda.y sternan of the light, andi, when It appeareti during bis cross-examioation by- At- again. gee ton. sav t. She vas iorue Jaeo Nwmrs. cunsel fr rigliteneti. but ahe said t 'as beauti- tome. JcobNewait.emâselferfui. 1 kould fnt expîsin ltoeber,.anti Wilbur Glenn Voiva, vhio succeedai1- du net pretend ta -explain t nov.' 1 the -fiei apostie" au leader t flon .mv -6te llght again two or three Cty. Reçltlng tic tory or hi& 1Mie. tinte.ali 0800'-vhen-1 A& oin - beginnfing with .an account Ôt hie pre- leeping car between Meboune and ocit~y etthe ice of à n. 1ve vove a Sydney ln Autrîlla t vas accompan- taie of visions and manfetatloti- led by delîgltinl music.- of wonderful iîghts vhlch biasd b. Nerrates Storm tory. fore bis ee. ln the lgt, ot en. Thon Dowle narrated the story of a trancing mule hicb greeted is c«rs tarniat '»R, durlng vhlch the mi- and of a miraculous escape ftront ablp- chierY of the steamer became is- vrecit vblcb Minveal bis xryer dur- abledl and the vessel va drlting on a fIg a taru. reef. Ha .sali heoaffereti Up prayer ta 1Reolnilg in a vhed chsir, veak save thle vessel, and iu response te and trembllug vtbclt emet. at 1bI19 entreatles the vlnd snddeniy ibit- tinte. omvouse le M et ai lug ed and thse sip vas 4iown a-altram and t o06cr maments qivcriug vitb the abore and saved. ladigniaton sa.ce l3o<>IiedM Voay, Oume*uring bi narrative Dovle Aleuander Ovmpi a*fi H.Wmstlar - stIiiY 10doSi is oves and fel litp ton Judd, wvom o alhd t- as*oe&ka doge.. lsem vtblcbeh.emerged 1.v» SItan.- Dovie va pnbbmyilissiesau apoogy te the outt. u"«athe ta maet sMt wivtne e eer oenteinthe b. always becaine sleepy at 3 o'diock faWda m et o!tbla [o L '. Oin-lla e ahe rruc. tente va» the pubelattercat ai Wiibr leun Voliva, Alexander Judge taMbdis htaeaor the cout rt 6mqil Pd L Worthingtan Juli ,ru es dm e»« ite peyuut ote?- Wl dlffl te cvitieisstand Our. codilng. gui severi Omiwse Ibeaten- 1l«<the forencon 16 testify conceru- ed ta écS thle nom b@ecauetaithe luSrUiftm oiproperty ln ZMon demoesratiomso!f te auflcc. CMI IuVng Dvles absence. Vailva quom e ai.Tn Lité. VU e"bta . iith le transactions Itvwu D~o eStiilgp a es thé vtemmStead 6 ObJect bing te sbovw tht the MoUmma vas nover ntentasiy sount. Dout w e ii b.str? v1ibt * ni urgtlng, andi ln a simple. unoalftt&- tions vcY that riveted the ettention ce everlbady la tii. court vuent. At the cioof ils testîmonyln he a ai ternoon, mlter paWsng tiirOugb c» o- deal vblch vaulti tas the pours ofai-i mont any nmgo.the modiem 'EiilJah" turnedtbis l negro attendant wlth a amll, andi rematlcod o! Attruor l--ev man ln a loy voicet -The gentleman ln trylng ta prove mec a vieoary lma.w" 1Mental Conitiotin bueu. Attorneys P. C. Haley anti Emil C. Wetten, counsel tern Davie. viii seek ta prove by thein client. vbon h ne- sumes the vltnnsa stand todai', tht the %toies ho toit union erQss-Xam- Imatbon ver, elatai by hlm years son, andt tat they ea îot ho eidereti ai Indications of unenamesOf mInti. Physieans aun mer teatifY au ta DoviO's mental condition, ai- tbougli the contention before the court dose nat hinge on iasaMt7.'. Dovie coud mt refrain frOm gRoing Into an explanatIon'ai hie chlldhaati tisys. He oltit the court ULaM John] Murray Dovie, wvoba as clalmedtetabel bis f atier, marin iaisimother six monthe ater bis blrtb. and tbt 1116 real fatier diet inl the Cimean van.1 Wilie rlating tht. part of thse starY ai )js lite ho became go excitai Uhtt he-vas scancely able tae peck intelIU- gibly. 1He repeatetily truet the rail Ing et iesaide, and t aliy vas Inter ruptoti by Jutige LÂntius, vbo stappiti further recital of th1. part ai the atory.1 Boaa of Preycîtî. Accardlng te Dovie ho -hati rendi boos on tbeoiçgY anti the histories of ail the Unropoin' cuntried by the tInte be vas 6 sears aid.» He baatei ai having a %vonderfol memr, anti - uslsteti that ho coulti remember ev- erything he hati recti. lIsupport O tus assertion lie namedth e tiRes o! dosons of bocks ubidh hsai h oiti rend beforo ho vcs il yeaM ai age. Visions begaouta appear te Dovie, according ta is teatimoni. ven b, va.nouir' 6 yeaold. ,The firatbdl s»d, vcs that àt a becutiUl Cty. vbîch remaineti viti but throogh lueO unUli t reslie t tilIlto Zicu Clt sas a rality. W1this bas an Intrc. ductioi. .Attorney Newmauisale.~ "'Di îau t any "t ime iiîur lite sse. mi ligitte of a peaular nature?" The query seemite plise Davie. He asmiled anti stralgtna uP In is chair as he began ta tell the sta ait a pyrotechnie tislaly tlt vould tic credit ta any Fouth o ,uly celebra tien. Dscribes Crat Llght. «Thot Won in my later yein." he soid. *I wax varking uia.a imo- cri' ln Autraliaanti vas nt receiV. tng muci monoy for my vork. One ight. for nome receon, 1 coolti oct * ieep, vbich vas unusual for Me. AU 1llay ln bedresting,I1suddenly sav a gret, ilgt- e square, b ilgt- ahoyasemu.1 o»tup atti coere the6 mour <hen court adjurneti. Prudlctieg that aier hie death lie vilf reCoin ta the voridt anti finish bis von as "Eliji the Regtoror," John Aexander Dovie ereitfi a prafound so-ination lu the Unitedi States Court liefor. Judg K. M. Landis the latter part of lait veet. T'he production came> as the Clîmex o a graphie description ai his expor- lenees and sensations vhen ho vas tricken e'lth paralysie t a groal meeting Ilu iloli tabernacle shortly hfore bie departure for Jamalea te rostore Iils beaitb. Followers and Fus Awed. Foliovers of the "prol$het" ant those via vene formery untier bis influence, but vho are nov ln revoit, gazed lu aveti silence on Dovie as Dovie vas entering upon the Mtory oM one oa ise ouderiull experiencel ater be bad taken up hie abotie ln Chicago. lie lad descrIhet I t as e message af great Importance, tonuh Ing upon the reiatlonchip of tva ar threpersans. vhen lie sotdenli criai ont: -Stop the elittenlng of A. 5. 'Glad- stone Dovie. mi' Son. 1l I sdthBe ailier men eicýer contlnnoonly andi It ennoya me sliameiullY. H lethe cliaîttrlng ai s uînghtY bOY:" 1Jutige LandIs seemedtu to ymPathme vitb Dovip., anti tol lAttorueY Ney- ma Uat the observations O! the vt nes ver.Dot far tram being jastIied. Theroupon the son ai the tiret apols properly bing bis beatiand bai aath lng more ta saY ta the attorueY. Mr Nevnnvpe not disosa, haveves tu abandion haUe ai ntndywvilch D9vle hlà opened, anti presseti thO vituesa for the detalle of the message lie bai referredté t. -Ir 1 tell vhî it vas it vii liomi iîe a clip of thuntier." salti Dovie -1 sitta ho exoguot, not for myseli, but for tient. it had to do witi t lives ofrnty son. Judase V. V. Barnsà anud my wve. 1 vouiti Dt sPcn tien if compeiledt t anse ei question." Reticent About SeOu. The tory oi Dovie'. «eperen vbie lnMebourne, yern 5<, camE out vben, Attorney NevmaIn mUet hlm Iif hie soul ever hati departed front hie body. Tbe aget I vtuess shaved some reluctince lu ansverins the question, but vhen the court per« mitteti the question- ta tan ire- e pondeti as folove: --On a pgrticulanr morning years ago 1 vas sleeping fer lina the dey, Uas bad been overvorkiag. Suddenly1 realizeti that my sprit vras avake. bul My bodiy vas doa.. Waoltid nefind my body ountil I ioked dovn t tvhere I vas anti eav tht MY bed va 1coveredti v'6a i seet anti that a. bd vass enaath the seiet. i littet iu thse sheet anti sav my deat bodiy anc my avn tiest face. yien1I avat e (OOUD»lnd on, Par0) LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY. Arc.ted For e.t@ oiCsci a Waukegmn Wan Jés luts Front o aue .li. NECK WAs BDROKENi SKULL FRACTURlED. Diti Ignac Burja. arrested Saturday, nîglit for steaiing coal from the E. J. & E. ratiroad, prefer death ta arnest or a possible stalnluJoai? le that the reason vhy lie braite avay from Offioer Frank Tnyon anti 1rau lu fronst ai the 7:45 eveuing train front Chicago, or titi le not eee it? 1 B1urja, together vlth Johin Shoflcz l wre arresteti at their home on Lakte astreet, mest eaat ni Marktet Street On Hope. Tho ccharge vas st a nig coal irom tlie E. J. & E. Officers Tryn anti John Frauzen matie the errestand s turtoti up Mar- ket àtreet vlth the prisoners. Tryonl lad H3urla anti Franzen hati Skficz. a The tva men vere talkiug tao, ach .other ail the vay, but sai unothlng ta u te offiers. As Train CorneBaksAway. a When theî reacheti the Watqr street crosaing the gates vore dovu and train No. 153 Irom the south. that gots bore et 7:45. vis ruabins op ;fron the south. kTheî stoppai outoide the gates O the Market street valt. Suddenll rBurja etartet ta run andi doctet un- Ider the ralroad iets. Tryon chauad hlm anti caugbt hlm about fiteen feet front the trucks. . n He bai Burja hi' the arm but titi nat expeet any more trouble front hlmn. Jumpeti sefote Encin. 16about tirtY tet vaW. Butte ied g ut et Tryomls grlpam, jumioti'W y it ru tb e eUSie. Idsec at reaci thce u sidaet tboc t ut c utumils hOck mind *4 lue twuc He vas dabhedt oth Ie air aa4 ittroeh the largo timben tat sUPPOta e thegato pont vith bis heci ad, di" g vltb great force. -The train passeti and Tryon ruehai 4toa id e. The train backbd davat rt anti thon vent abesdtot the station vrýchere the asnuIance, va. telephoueti xfor.,tl'le train comnplotes lis ,ra r-bore. Vu Other -Arreat Falots Aval. LI Thse ther primoner, Sirotiez, ammout y liteti vhen ho gev Borja bit Wheu the ambulance arrivai the 'njurot men's heurt vas cftill liestIn iaintly. but lie soon dieti. Ho vas r.. move t the lune MeAlistor hospitai. Tnyon. the aflicer, la of the opinion k-that Banca committai suicide. WbY 'Y he -hoilt do thîs vben arrosteti for tonly a trivial charge Ia not kuovn. ýn Burja tilaias le reechedth te bas- a itai doors anti vas no pranounceti *hi' 1r. Gavin atr an examînation. )r He ,snstalued a fracture of the 17ekuff andi a brolten necit, beelies tahoer Injuries anti va only talutiy breaUk d- IngWilin picked up. leBurja resiiet i a 212 Lake street id Sofict et 208. ;joffl r. IBBONS W- EoS ATr EVrR!T[. e If in le WLsOrother offichard anti Hon. Den-% ni. ie Obos--Ocath Was Due tuo John P. ibbons, brother to oan. Diennis »àd Richard Gibbons, dieOu t the home ai bis ulster, Mm. M. Tare. at Ecvorett oiste torm6og ofsAtun. day. Jonc 16. The fumnal viii b. held Sonday at 10 from Atý Patrick's. Evcrett. The lite Mr. Gibbons vas vo» knavsi. central Commutte.Muect$. There Wvi ho a meting9 ai te Cousit>'Central Oommittéee aithe Re- publican parti' of Uic County cf lais,1 tate of Minois, et 10 o'cloct a., nt.9 the Rd day of ,ly, 1906. et the Cir-1 cuit Court roont ln the Cty cf Watt. kegan. Laie Cbunti', Ill., at vhlci meeting the committee viii compl>'1 viti the requirementa of the Printini Election Law anti Issue e Oeil for the oounty conivention of the nid ltepub- 11cm pirty of Lakte County, for 6he1 ninth 'dayo! August, 1906.1 CHAS. WHITNET, J. . MORItOW, Chairnian. . Acretary. Datoi thie litI day ai hune, 1906. Eat ono of Rings Dyspepsia 'rab.1 lts ater each muai anti. yon vi» nul; sutter vitihIdigestion. 8"d4 hi Wli Vackley, 1LIM>rtyvllc sod Grils ý01S, FP.JDAY, JUNE 22, 1906, 10 Pages Politictmua Aireadv fulsi ThemueItM endiLialng Up Marie@. SWAYER 10 JMAKINO WOMDEI!FUL GAINS. The poltiélc aniaign le riglit nov in proceso!r mop-i 'ig anti not a canidate but la ho..ting ta tht end ttire hest ai bis abitity. Ail are re- sumlng theirvelte I.. tle cauntry dis- tricts, but report il. .E-tluâaam ex- istlng Iust hetore anriing ai the pri- mary date-is bard t revive. Ail of the candidat«s ai.' havlng carde truck off vtth the i-w date (Auguat 4) îrlnted :on as weII as their "cut" anti a 6vw flues wIeltlrg support. These, viien -distrnlnted roadiat, vilI, morel 6cm ythlng lse, ativor- tise the conglwtnîariee. Thhiags are -varmlng 00," however, as mndi- cateti by expresIons of suporvisors vlia this veeli bave 1heen lu session. Susys? Gaînlng. The varionS càliddated embraceti tho opponity, ta query supervisors irom various townships as ta senti- ment aof their Constîtuents. anti thore vas a IfflW. politica dolng" tiuring the vbole veeka session. On. suprirtsing deveiopntent le thse grovlng strengai J. L. Svaîer'es cm- dldacî for the connty clerksnlp evi- doue.s ju Il quartera. In i cas the delÎyet prulary date Provee a reai benit. as ehlas tien ativan- taie of tht lnterim tuaeaqualut hlm- self vîcre behoe uhe vas net vcH OLD, TIME - IEUJION. After Forti Z.,. s Oid BrOve Ichsool, Nemi Wmde. viortb, Agasa Aittend SCNSARE AMUSINO AS 9JBLL AS PA'IHBTIC. Oid people whlo hati ont ceen ehcb other for over torty-flve years gatli- ered Thursay et the olti Irowe1 school. hanse reunlon at Wada- vorth joineti bhanda anti caii lug eacb other by their finst names as in chiltibod ived aver again thein aid district schooi deya. White liaireti men anti vomen gatI- ereti In groupe anti vith "Tani. re- member tbis." anti "Mary, that," everyl lîttIe Incident that 'bappeneti, nerîl hait a century ago v1- e ýeJ]"Pd lo) iuemo-az ý' anghed1 s t 'o- over. Three Hundred Attend. ..Tbere vere at leut 100,people et th. reunian Tliursaîy. from aild, gray huireti men and vamon tiovo ta bahes ln arme. These 300 gathereti on> the olti Brave echool grounds, near 'WVata- varth, amd vhen it ranai crovded Into the littie ebhoal bouse. The 0011 raie of the gathertng vas the but Of good follovship, cail evoryhotiî bY tbeir firet ame antid s iau ay olti- friends as you euo. Amuslng andi Touchlsug Scenca. This vws carilod out tu the letter. Many amusing andi meny ýtaucblng aceeuestooli place vhen the olti fMende met -- -.- - - $ 1.50 PER YEAR IN ADV&NCE. nle o oeeee6eeeêêlêosmsussmts the price ai over' artile ain tiortntet; Dry goasd, Mlllinery, Carpéte, Shoeu, Rady-to.vqcr 4Çt>thlg antIli 'uahlnge iliib. cmt îct c lm susis wl ho qoteki! «efatd. Cash vi» aot b1>cogiUeWt, every artieie's prkce viii ho matie ted villa ie iaghterlug pencil, euch articlemae.qkettei bargain. Groeerj' antimarteS viiibe »pbad daliy, anti for Ita ded usseàfs convience ai oui store'@ patropesMd Ifér viiib. cioseti oui. Fixture, bhse, vmgoU, aée >tools. Everytbing must go. The gSws tboek viii hofor mile or vent. Wil» kesp store cpm. Moetiai,Tuosday, Fridca- cnd'Raturtiayeveobig.- IiigIey Waukegau' V's Dept, i r, -'l.- fARMER LIVING NEAR MION DiE-S ROMEATIN(iuPOI0pý DEADLY POTION IN BISCUITS Whlen. DePu tY Coroner Bavn,~ SRING88UDE1 !A.eIFE rlved the dog vas deai and scoren ANODAUGMItE MAOEIL chickens aiea vere scattereti --0141CKENS AND 000 the yard la a dead or dylngcad~ FAT AND OIE. Chef ofPolice Walker, of Zpou lipn, wlio also le a ueputy s@hortS aia Was Zio .nist and Staunch Adiierent ta county, and Overseer Speicher vie&e Voiva.-Hawv Poison Was Placed If) nlong the firet to arrive at the Food a Mytery.-Acting Coroner ellng home. Waukegan, autliortWai Conrad Questions Dauglter Muid, thon ver. notifleti andi a coronra s W', queat vas heiti.- Hram F,. Duekelling, a member or Girl Questioned Rigîdly. the Zion City coiony, vas poisoneti Liatements aifZMon officiais canud.l mysterlousiy lu lisa lamé, near ZMon the deputy coroner to, question tii. Cit 1 rdy aj ntolie fgirl rlgidly. Sho deciaret i e.bal CityFridy, ad auhoriies mut returned tram a visît tb the-%omà,. Waukegan and Zion City, vba are ln- of an aunt ln Ohio. Higlteen mantlit vetigating the case, are uivlded be- ega, wvlîe a pupîl at the Zion Gulii tween théories ut accident andi mur- the girl lad heen accusoti by cia*m der. mates af steallng. Slio.vas questice., The ls ai $400, Duekelingsa s#f- en by Overse1or Bra e,.iwhlch,ad'4 < ,claovb. i Clyan<au Îh li -bld svdhAoIe 'ýerseers, ordered ct vainly trled to vltbdraw, Incline aev- leave the city. eral ta the hellot that the death vas Thie girl vas sent ta the home gr suicide,.lier quat. tram vwhich ehe retreli' Duekellige ite andi daughtor alieatour o!eelis ago. la the. Interii ibar voie made.iII by eating biscuits lu fither, thon a resideut a! Zimn 011V. vhieh the poison hail been piacod. renteti a farm one mile a'ôili et t* Hasel Doekeiing, the daugbter. vas tovn. ta vhicb the girlemaie. la ie examined for maisy hours Frday one vIsit tauMoun City aho la wedà by Deputy Coroner Baver aofWe.îkke- ta have aunounced ber gan. Thse answvofaithe. girl, vho lo at returnlng andi ber desirs ta f 20 yeoin aid ani quit. prettl. dld nat the place permmentiy. entirely satisty the eortnerle juil andi 0"osVietin. Dffuere the examinatian ai Miss Duteeing Sm d-Mgoae pu andi her stepmaother, vtdov of the houri lu Waukegani. tUrmA, polsoncti man, viii be cantlnueti as lie home. Sbe delares tbatM sonon as the. contents of the deietrilig purehaica for-bersel! M4 man-s stamaeh can b. exanlned. faeniiy voie madie, but tbatch Expeiîcd Prom Zion City. ont vielteti my drug store,. la The girl has aniy recety returnet Iing the Inel. the girl asserto&, ta the communty, tram vwhicb eh$ued al uy tffheordtbnary iras expeileti bî a vote of Its over- Ail bad beeaufaintd la thec *ccra eighteen monthu ago. 11cr di&paces and, noue hOi adisom satIsfaction at returoînghba not heu irvng .~beu&.tgSapqei Iti. conceaile&i Deat fi owoedthe .eatinc of severel MMft et the i.grli mm i 4a*.w corn ssgainemloobeti b the «gi wm b Im for the noon mS«i Thursdaî. Whoe. ais uo. - ums véèr re opa7ed uia.oeid the cdQ b- tention ai ber seatoer to e euse et ot rat"li cakies.Temte o »M "They looketi queer," s alit'thedied viien ie vas hIwo »w' deputy coroner. -andi 1 askedi vbat adber haies-90«ai« vas the matter vitb thcm" o urrdtreý M Mm. Duekeiing broke off a smili yasadat« lilê vite eevu l plece af one of the biscuits antidi- younser. bled atit I. Ah. dociared am ebeffs Dr. ffoîeî. ofWaukugau, wlt. of soda had been useti. but tliat the sumàoneti, bellevea tlat doiai$, biscuits ver. eatable. causeti by arenice or cotromwv An haur iater Duekeilnu, vba hati mate.. beau at vont on bis farma, camnetu At the requegt af. &UcptY 0w the bouse mnd vlth hie daugbter est Baver. the jury continai te dovn taoat. When theî hati been queit. The offiiels. htmatcd oA eatlng anly a moment the vite Of the daughter ai Duekellng wouIqie Duokeling, vho vas tu another room. kept under survelilance.J vas taken vliontly Ill. The girl at- friande af buekelins temotbm fý tendotiher and dld nat return o the the man bai depaclted WW table, the huebanti eantuinlng ith ZMon Cty bank several years Moueo4 tlio meo. had heen unabie ta vlthdrav It. Ut Death Cornes Qulekiy. bcd béez. dosp ondent oser the ala%" Before Duekellng leit the bouse the but hati not spoken nor suicide. daugliter bocame 111, anti a iov min- Duekollng. accring ta Depur utes later Duekeling vas affected. In Coroner Baver, liveti nineteea boue a short time the girl recoverod sur- aiter ho bai-Baten the "gemeu." ficiently ta give emetlcs ta ber par- ent, but betore medical aid couid.ho Llvcd Nîneten Houri called lie died. The ieath rate among the chlkep;w In lier testlmony the girl deelared vas caused by the excrétions of the thet she dld -net gues -he cmuse ai man lu bie death agonI. a» ho »ubo-w, their illness, and liedt only administor- i5p lu the back yard ms.ny ttnes. od the emetic at lier tather's roq»est. WliOf the coroner'@ lour arrived . Befare the arrivai ai noiglibors. lle.the sceno the chickeuis e»M dtii i- sald, the romains oi thie mou ver. Ing anti the yard vas strevn U v throvn Into the yard, vhero a dog thom. and a numiser ai chickons ver. kept. (utneio ee8 knoovu.antiengorge ihan one uper- Muni ver. recoguiet i etfireta vrier vas thiseek hoird to ex- and the bearttyhandi grap pros.sur7rise becanse -of the rapid- greeting vas sveeteat mie. OU iy increaalng Uvayer sentiment e?- dd etnot 1 veh ther at irem oryvhere &pou~fl. nmseof the aid compaulons ere. A Antb&-,$ psper Saesit. tound i th6e reunion at ai]. Bdito- Jfooaoaithe Astioci Among thesevas the laie .Iutiî New*a. Miitey rammenti lentA. I oyUmm,01 Chilto, vho taueh veWon Mt1ilà 0~ ni the situation, Scheel tu 180, Md *v1%a ater hi deelsefmt $'dRPW v.ulis8r121W carryaMer tva yeArs' voit, vaut ta ils ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ « Md~~#ee sppr i:cs liUmb*ito te 6 top eo ~I~IU~pswing p r *0 Ue lader. ne vasilesot Kent c Whde lm 1110 1111« et LAv "M bu died. t. *leedsMr. Ut. i e* 901gai:.Among theanusiug scenea vas ln- vge e r) dy 'I.epese. vheu tva olt vhite haîi dles, sie011s111uard- uttIs eh e a0111111j 8t thied baiot met lu iorty-live yUars. C fore Part te lcws* ceasste hi- cd oach other. lu giru ducat UalOuicolt-ti.e D&isd , ef Us they Ilidbeen the closest triends. promeat eeety clark garsieusrtl*g on. vas c Catholle anti one aPron hlm.ent, and ln those daya It vas the As la tIse country dIstrIcts 80oIRlu îl among tbe Catholie that, 'iVaukegn-Swayer ln galnlng lu but a Ctholle coulti go tauIseavem fil'ai. Sa the Iwva mentis, lvays tagel Te Re-Distict Couanty. woulq cry aven It and thp Cali 'hie Repoblican caty contrai comn- girl voulti say, "Oh. Mary Annu. j' mttee le te meet lu a fev diysaundti usnk gbt t ven vo tue yoena' 'tale steps ta aceon4ilsb the redis- ln legaven vlth me, -cause youl trieting ai tlie counti' for gnenatora% Protestant." Stite anti congrepslonsi pilmury lec- Tbursduy, vlan they met. tis. At that tinte vIIIie bc de- lnev eueh other Immodiateli'. tu.mIneti viether canditiates shall ne taiiing lu oaci tboru arme, the nonitai Isy luralti' Or majlorltY vontis spolXen vero by the Cath vote In conventionan d ehIcl In- "Oh. Mary-.Ann. it's cli difforent truetlnanssall -nie the dlegates. anti you and i cen go ta heavem gethen." Then toiiovod a gond anti the tva wore happy lnt NO ff o RASothera eSocety ail day. I~ LK CINT.Met HL'ittelsyae Anotiter Incident vas vhen an - Wankegan man met lis littie Owing t., Fact That the NeedeAs'. Ton playmate and remindoti ber iret i Narre.. Slg Evest W"i Se Ghrveu Up. of vlieu. aay iscit ln the titis -81111 Looke For Suitable Course, laed fallen off bser bendli and eut beafi. -Having tiecîdedt i aiolti a ratirace The olti sean vas ebovn Stijlicar next fll. the (Chicago Automobile by honr anti u round oi roninisce club uov finde the course t bidlu iaiiovoi. shInt for the content 19 eot suitable. Reunlon Big Succes.. se the racing board mendiera are nov Tlie pleulc aid reunion vus scurring tbrangh the coentry la mont succestul that las evor1 theirepar. moments okIng for a cir- carietiout In thie couuty. The cuit vhlch can le usoti for ïacIng pur- teedliers. tliein pupilsaend the clif Doses. .- anti grantichlldren vere aIl prenez WVien tho race was put on the club The grounds commence tet calender It vas thougttgibet ont le flUleti about il. A P Lake connty. near Uibetyvillie, there dînner vas enjoyedtn~d It vas on vue a toen Mle circuit vhlcb voniti those dinnens that are onîy know b.e Jost the tbing for such an evont. It thie nid folka. beIng planneti to lave the ricers pans Ater dinner lit vas a goueral et the ginsjiti stand ton tintelu the tinte that vas ln artier. No spa course ai tho 100 mile race. Leat vas alovei. -Only vialtlng antig veet, howvvr. scouts ftie the club piaylng vas permaittoti. vent outt Mlwvaukee avenue anti ln- Ahout 4 a'clock, afiter "sebool vestigated the o auition 4W the ligI- aut,ý" te reunloq, brate op, but it "cYs. lit vus founti lai tiat the nover bc forgottea by tic aid ig rocd vus i00 unrnv t. 'admt ai aie that met tuene later fortyflve big »uae«ing each oSier hi saty. ity yeinm' absence fnomn each otli se pirt"elIy thut coureila ide- Tha aid Brave Sceel iedua tnaieti,:-sd the cosmttlea sfsting more ai ticecounty children tha"_ somethInsg better. 1i-1 - ý,,.. othor sehaci ln theoonty. It Mil ho Kccplhg .àt. starteti man3e years ceicre the go tir nothtoz la boO urtleti, andistill stands rnear Wafsvortli. ori If It ha.. the commttui la keeping Al te prominentLi, 7roui quiet Iii order that I: 'my gagcore the vera tis4iitii ch ooidlx neceuarypermits. Thg,&,the race te ln Wautogin mr-" ducteê an cused fleture le certain. though. t aî.àot 0 ms0 lit vili lic for stock taur#kg cre anly. vbo ittendeti Scheel tiere are with f011 .tiniient, mdtb te stiecil poséession af Attorney' C. T. Heyd racs sci cmpoe a eta. a agraduate of theSeool anc derbllt wilI sAerhave ada cine ta toprmorvr h fqm an a local circuit. - h piei ar l h tbbirmn Gegoy i le rns ndunion. He aise bus a regicti tour cnmGtegorynf te lubebandiemuni' aithe ntes of those ta hourd c fis» tho theys, Ibas igotendeti the reunlon andthe -bok tilrte tre-no later tilc jest 'ues- nov wortli much tInlm lnthey day-4a "orphan'eldy." I second ta crime vili hoe a valuable cuni annuel effort of the club. Obirman Old Tîme Country Tescliers. Gregory bue securedt rous oWuers anti Among those presont 1 local automobile agente the promise mani' ai the teachire. T or et leit seventy car&I. Even tîle ver.: theolad teachens vho ta number la inet sufficiolt ta garry the belon. 1865: Nancy A. RIchara po . youngstene. 'no the AomWnttee la Antiocl; R. D. Ames. Russell;E Stijl, iactlng fav' more automiobiles. bath Igiaaon, Plessant Prairie. In theNov Tort aftUfli àcWednos. Othor teachere vite came aten day 19 taurins cars and geven truckts lathonine O'MgIsoney, Wcuke ver. uiied, anti the locgo committen, Ktherine Banà~r, Mlîburu; Ms think* It viii take at le"at 100 nts.Brove, Wadsvworth; Peter U, h oiaceou.Ti - dA : ' -ý: ion. Wcukegan. 1-1

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