CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Jun 1906, p. 7

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t WS -7oe"ws Du E~rgsba. ~. ad I~. M~ Aihw. Fisse deNvery te ail Nea4% à" I Tewaa en agilpurehacea ameua golng e ni.w< or~ o»e5 ni T1 IT We now make Free Délivery by lames Bzp t bafl N«*tShmot twm n ncding North Chicago, Lake Bluff, Lake Fom.s, Heghland Park, LlrtetyvMle, Evanston THK . MG BASEMEPIT BARGAIN SALE - GRAY "INESCO"I ENAMIELED SI EEL WARF, sEAmmLs AND STRICTLy FIIRSTS A HOT M ACOLD ___ MO N DEq M~ M ,_ ml- veoooooishdiPans. à à' at .t.....19C Pudding Pana. uW deepMix 4 stLipped Sauce Pan&a8,Sj 4 at 9c 10e Perfeetion Grater, Blicer and Cutter, for gratlng coarso or fine Siclug potatoes sud cuttintfslaw Thres distinct artîces in on; we bave &old tb-nm for 15e redwceaita [ipped Pre- 24e ervilsg Keti e, Asbestes poUah- lng tron at $1.00 s; l or set asbestes $... 6 'i rnadhood or cover rt-ýs great beat retai,l ngjualilies ha- aides reuriug absolute cooltes., in the handle ~TO THE PUBLIC-- ON AND APTER JULY FIRST WE WILL1 DISCONTINUE ISSULNG PUNCH TICKETS OR CHECKS. Ail Tickiets "Ii be Rtedeemed. GROCERY BARGAINS IN BUY YOUR CHIA NOW"AT BAR- GAIN PRICES âw *- Z-6"In our Chiua Department we have rnsny rare bargains for yon, Our stock comprises &Il the latent desîgna and pst- tean.&t pries Ust wifl warrant an insmediate investigation. Ou Out'Olonsaare in new and complote, inludng ail thse lat- et cretions imiaginable In this line we bave many nion pieces in angle and in setsi. Yeu need net look elsechoeafor youor birthday, oommenpe.ment, wedding gifta, mas you will find &Hl you vaut st tempting pricea. We aise carry a complotealine of plain Ulasawara ta be had st liheral prices.dnring iis s4ale. Any 3-Iftencta~ of Plug 25 Tobacco for . ..-.. 5 J. T., Star, Horsesboe. Spearire-ri, Climax, Cadillae, Standard Nasy, Ibex Navy, Battle Ax, 3 of any 14k or 6 o! an y 5c *packages of smoking ,ob.c2crJ *One ponnd Plow Boy paeked 35C. * in a mill< cao for US> 9 ba Lenox Soap for ......... .... 25c 10 bars i'roctor k&(lamble 1 Naptita Soap fi rr. ..43 4,lb- package Gold Dust Waàhlf ing Powder for..cU 1-lb, Twenty Mule Teani Biorax for. ......... s ..... c &&polio Per Asbet»s Press- ing Iron at $1.25 mm .Pottsa Snoothing Iron reducad trous lise a"t to 79o Large sa .lap- %nned Lunchi Box eluead to 190 H and Ma Paris Sugar s l o OUR TRUNK perrau .... ..1 - -C (,oo.i standard Corn 5 pe-r i-S.... ...5 Sele-ted Lalieside Ear *-le (. ,'eas par eau ... , IUlo Wrrconin Early Jumi Peaa per eau... . 7c T1 çro prt ,ottles SnJ I tup for .. 25c Tivo -nrs rani-y Red >r no 25C Tcans tanr 1,a,1 for .......... ...lOC 47a S--. Self heatiat etiar co.l Sinoothini irun top aud eue brenSed bard WOO<i h a n Cie sbaped ro baud, 5p5. dat baSelDefli bar gaIn sale 69c1 priC5 ai. IDark color brul- liant Graniteware Te& Pot at k24c nuar at baud. You are probabit' going ta take a t rP ' and t.) kaep your wardrobe ini - -- - order von wiil want a trtînk, muit case, telescope or traveling bag. 'Our Trunk Department is the largest and moat compiete in the city. Hera yon eau gat auything in this line yon want at ptices on Trunkm from $1.75 to $25,000 Snit Cases trous 75c to $1500 .~ S e . . ~ j e . e e e e . . * f l -j A e * . e e . . . . S e a e . a e e r A MW~ Chanc fer Lttie Wemen GiREAT REDUCTION j Our ntire lins o! Fleeced iUnod O OO E wrappers. double fonDâes.aaiss 322and O OO R 34. These gooda a-ebargaifla'kt 11.60. for rapid selling they go for WASH DRES GO( Wa have a tew more leftC bea.tiful mereerized Wash ay( oods that forinerl> soId ai 6,5c, 50c »id 39c p«u We hal pratty daslgiS 1.1this linea i (.0 investigation YOD will flnd mn gains which can not or neyer duplicated aithUe price wa aBI this sae which la Other Wrappers lb aIlies andi col. W k ..e~ .u orse8,*.0f 79C.,-89C. $1.49 gDs.sbOUfl S190 aund SALE 005S of those Drasa rYard ive many ana upon sany bar- er will be îk durIng ir*.7 LACES and EMBROIDERIES Wearae showlng a most coui,] lina of naw Gernian Val. Lac- adgeansd Insertion In matchaI Pry insertion for waistings arnd a large assortmaut of sets lu edge ar. Insertions to match. Draperies 25c, 35c, 38c to 65c I)otted and Figuured Swisa, ;- talsat 124,/2c par yard. Strlîsmd Curtalu Muslus at 10c I.r 3 ard. Colored Madras Curtain Drapery Materials lu the new shadas and color rI,,ts at 25c, 35c, 38e and op to 65c per - il Linen Towals. Turklsh Tom îr Crash Towels. Wasb Rags lu great sariasy. and pricer Muslin Sheets and Plllow Camssrl to use. White Parasols Our new arrivai Is a choir e asi ment ot White Parasols kxidi mnati desigrs at a prrive of $1.98 ai WHITE GOODS Wr almrîî carry a very complet@ litre of Whitenr- Uruds for es-r y purp.,aa or avent sud have many pretty pat- tarns ti riita L.luen. l'ersian Lawn, Lo~ng ('lotir. Fr-tir-h L.awîr, %WaFb ChIf- foni, Pearllr, ses, Masalta Cioth, Nainsorrk arnd lîrrrilyir littairy grades atrd irrires Henrietta Cotton Suitinis lu Siteçard Plaids and the new styla checkasîmulifar to those rtaed onu glass TrwiedIng 'Ihase goods are of the lat-st stý le and pattern, 36 incb goods sud i t ler stores hava sold for uruch imerietiratiwe ask iirrriug this Salt, e r lit re rut tire price-i, . , ... 19C yd MEN'S FUIRNISHINCS Here we bave a completselineo o Furniabings for every man. 3peial Sale MIenu'Werk Shirts We have loft a limlted nuinher of black striped Work Shirts. Te look at this lina you wilI aay they are bar- gains at 50c. During this sale we are offeriug the entîre lot at the special prîce of 39ce ach including FREE a blue handkerchief with each shirt. We have a snap ln this line go corne early and make your selections before the lines are broken. In our Gents' Underwear we have renare& lue. Underwear, llght summer weight, 50c te 81.00. Mens Balbrlggan Underwear, sale price 25c, 60: and 75C. Mens Hoslery 1lOc, 1 5c and 2c. Mens fancy Neglige3 Shirts 600. 75c, $1.00 1 - $1.50. sannonne .tnnn~snfltt# ..e.~nn.n.n.. in oui 5Sh.. Department w. have Maiy Values to offer in Ladies' Oxfords, also Shoes for the, Children, Worklngman, College Bîncher shape, gun mutai caif, welted ex- tension soe, outons grade, $3.00 Collage Biacher Oxford with patent kid vamp, guis mtal caif quarter dulI corrugated eya, speca- Ladies' patent leath- su pump welted sole, patent colt leather, groegrain silk bow, ousto n mde- le q00 Ladies wbite ptsmp m ad e of fine grade sai island cotton, grrosgrain ilk bownirtir wide welted medium weîgbt QC-1l00 moie. custom grade ........ U'> >urnp sirajîr, aIl grîn meial edlf leather, olose welted extaersion soie, grosgrain silk bo w, catom grade 'È q.00 in faec the Batte Famiiy Pattent kid, Gxibson tia, write.1 medium out-ide ex- tentsio.n sole, Euglish ritli kid quatter, wide siik nib- bion lace, custom grade- 9È4100 Collage oxford shape, made gun metal caif, t.iree button, ivolt with seamlems front, cnstom grade- $3.OO Maay other Ieading and weiI known nakes includ*ng Tans, Sam"al, and a large line of White Canvas from $1%.50 to $200 Buildings That ho Purchasad at Round Sum From the. WauktgSI Dairy end Produco Company h. le Romodeling and Wii Have th* Modol Dalry of the Stato Whon ft h Completsthe Work-S0m5 DeW talla. l'ha building occuîrled by the Watli kegan Dairy aud Produite COMiP5l5Y ont Lake street recently ptirchssOd bY F'rank T. Fowler la, beiisg thoron"bh ovarhstlecd sudremodeled in a VW" that wlli urake It wtau finifthed tise hast dairy lu this part of Use atate. Extensive changes are beini Ms and about $4.000 la holng sfpent in the work. New camnent floors are being laid and thera wli ha no wood whatovoe lu the building. Everythlng will lIS o! washabie cerment. rThe mllk ls ta hoe bronght by tb@ farmeastu the rear o! the bu~i~ Io a new building of camnent bb@U» being buillit for the purpo»e sd t». empty botties are to ho taken Ilto tisi basamant. The tarilizen bottles udua" Sgr ized mik ara to meet on thse,> floor wha ra averthing wilib i ' Thse work la being PUMbe KU O the building will bho ocetIIi4 lI talitkcompany. ~u4 .........n t.. e Ton Peunda of Cane Suagr fe............... . - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -flo~ -'Wmog CHAIRMEN OF COMMiTTEE Anut OINED BV PRESIDENT. Boxes Witt This Vear bce Roofed aud Buit Much More Subtantlaiy Than for Previous Show*--Llat of the People Who Wi Make the Great Society Event of Lake Count- ty thtBest Ever Held Here. This years horse show at lake For- ýs I)rrrnili-H tr) be tne graatest the a8ruicatîrru bas held. The dates hava itee fixed at July 6 and 7. Some of the irest lod horses ln the country are to he ertered and the show wlll be nue oftheb, principal sociey avents of te meiretru at Lake bOrest. Planse andi arrangenments for the af- fair were disr-îssed at a dinner given by W'.Vernon Bootht at the Onwent- sis, club. List of Chairmen. The guests were the chaîrmen of the varions cummîttees lu charge o! tha horse show, as foliows Ribbons-Mrg. Booth. Mursic and Buglar Commutee-Mrs. Edward S. Adams. Prese- Mrs. Hobart Chatfield-TaY- lor. Decoratlrus Mrs. George A. Me- K inluck. Boxes- Mrs.fHenry S. Roblns. Catalogua and Poster Advertisng- James 0. Hayworth. Printjng-Edward A. Russell. Refreshmnte-Henry M. Hubh&rd- Ring-Fredarlck MeLaughirc Tickets-Turlington W. HarvaY, Jr. Transportation and Ground Com- mttee-Alfred Il. Oranger. Entries-W. Veruon Booth. Erecting 100 Boxes. Especial attention la to ha given ta the confort of tha spectators. OVer 100 boxes are lu course o! arectlon and instead of the unstabie affairS Of past years are to ha floored andi roofed. The club colors, red and white, anmi Ameriran lags wili ho tire decoratlons used in profusion every- whare. As ln past yaars. a spectl spot wil ha set slde where tea and other baverages wiii ha served. Mr. Booth la President O! the alan- eiallon. Alfred H. Granger, vice pres- idant. sud Turlingtun W. Harvey, sec- ratary and treasuirar. The proceeds which are over and abova the expense of the permanent ring are devoted te charity and ibis year wiil be dlvidad between the Aile. Hènme hospital and the EPIsoopl church of Lake Forest, APPications for boxaes shonîfi ho sent ta Mrs. Heu- ry S. Oobhlus. Lake Fbrest.l Crack polo players Of St. Louis. Kan- sas City and Chicago will participate, ln the blggest local tournament of thse yaar June 26, 28 and 3o, when the&a- nual avent la slated for decision et the Ouwantsia club Lake Forest, ac- cordlng tu an announâcement made tu- day by W. Vernion Biooth, Who bas charge of this feature of the countrY clubs sports. Laughlin ls captain of the Onwantsia teaus and as the gaine la balng made popular witb the ment- bers there much Intarest la belng tak- an lu the matches wblch wIll 1e ln or- der on the three dayS of the hig evenlt. As the polo field la entiraiy seParatefi front the golf links this avant will net interfere with thea national champion- ship, slatad for decision June 28 ad 29. Adverse conditions at Lake Foar- ast hava compalled the suspension Of hunts for the season. HAMESOVER THE DMIRY CO. PLANT FRANK T. FOWLER 18 DOINO GREAT THINOS ON LAKE STR EET. Il %m , 0 DEPARTNIENT li

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