CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Jun 1906, p. 9

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7 .kmà lodYC*e ...........$I8.0 la= f.wdMnbw. per lb ........... I ~ ~ éW --Iovs mlgPowdu ...... 6 bons sOid ....... ... ....... Lgalss-eM cmamd ASIe............. ciwChw. pu buW6............... os qeo&Mgopoua dComuad. OoSi Spc e-s.-- 0-ý 7;- Owl i..u...........................*0 lut Satanes ........... ............... U <boadO salJn.per yd ................ 07 P.às ie. Cwisis .. ................. 2 cmm TwIb.ped ................ ................ ,lgIy & Carl ld [>ept., Store. heds and s ra drg ct ei V ~~~Furniktre S:toeud loochk oTeto * G E~STRAGProp. * OrmYsiakOIlinlois Theini Wasson bdStalloen Tmn Broeck -Fanny EBuis À noted aire of hanters and high-clamé ntilit.y bonse Win stand until btrher- notice at EMLLWWD Fin ,Tdoqlm& Lake Fini PMI USlt&s. MaflKeT 110W ABOUT CO0AL EMMONS-MERCER LUMBER CO. EDWIN A. BISHOP, M'g'r LBIEERYVRJ-EILL Iose 47 67 DO% WANT A Waha"-ktCourv Facto iy ai Ubertihl a faw muai lot* of Odds and EnideOf Ourn MODEL FENCE ,These are ofihe aaMe lalgh Cron Sprlng Steel e Our tegulr stock, t.e onty dfeérence blng l. inhe univen ienghs. t~s he#gle« .go~Ik Thingaj3 en and Heard.Pertalning to erayslake and .1 20 - --VIciity mari- @mffl ---- .1.i Il? I., t.' C.E II P. ¶1. ra". Lssve Chiesan Arrive grayslakfi 7:45 e. m. Et uday 8:.48 a. m 8:05 a. 113. Snnday only: 9:54) a. mi 4.00p:m ay a0 .i 5:10 p. m. Ex SundaY- 6:11 P.m 0:05 P. M. l)ally 7:12 P. ni 1:25 p. m. sturday Oply' 2;37 P. ni MonraslAtweil wap in Chicago Wednesday on Business. -Ail roadi; fead to Oiryclke Ou JulY 4tb. There!aewberethblgtime wlll ho Mir. more uf Kineman, Indiana was the guet of Edtor Savery over SundaY. Mrs Fd Adanis and daughter Litilen epent Wednesday at Deerfleld. êtt . jolInSOlI and' bis fliil are laying the cerent walk around tbe hank building tbis week. LdU Frank waa at Siolon Mille aud Spring Grare ai1 business Mondai. Me«sr. Martin, Dorety, Janileon and Sterouo ofai lilburn attended the Maoaie Lodrbers Saturdai eveulng. Mir. and Mmr. Lyman Lewis 01 LibPrtY- ville visite.l here Tuesday. Lonnie Garwood, of Waukegan, .iPent Su da_ at ba me. - -ýjWnea lir. sud lire. John Morse spent lion- day lu Chieo. Mrs A. Douglas01 akeal.Villa leaa goest st tIhe ManIle borne. Borate Adamievisitéd hie usd5 Sti lngissido 8mnday. UmiesMaudo Tonleaof' Iaukegu offpent udai at hon.. un, Wiisono cf' Zada ent several dayâ of 1"t vek hre. Dr. Grablai, oteopath, actionnie« abat ab willl.glve treatlents onl'ue- dais8sd .Saturdsîs 1- appoiutmsunt. She "il ho on tistes lay'@ each week et ber office inlu lbgvill. lioek~itFUbXNuptiale. At uie eukwiOOkon th- rveuing Qi Jue 12 st the hou", t--i bride's prne sud m..#.. Knox ocrtned theb maarriege of Miss Rl.- Knoî ta lMr. Rolland Hock botb of arnes. The roome waritasiily docortod lu pink sud whita em tir white predonil uatiug. T.h. bridal lîrir taok their f>hw hane bneth rak ar-h i abUhiteroses nterwaveict wth frcr- hjethe Ret. Waltan a rof sk-priucdtih. worde wich pede thiii busband sud Thfbà. ootssi clirruing iluàSgowai of white silk sud rhiffan. Ouly the immedite rlo#l N tiliesel the cela- Mr. muS M çq, Wrdéu Willhî speut Sunday lu Waakegau ettendiug the cbldreusa day exorcises et the Baptlst eburcb. Tbcy report thet the exor- es « ere eyngood. The Mont lterestlng occasion 0! lore wus the wedding Tburaday ulght et the home of tire. Alice Fuller of ber da*ugbhr aud tir. Guy Klgbt. Taie ceremony was perioraued hi' the Episcopal minster of Kenosba. Atter the weddlng s reception weeiven at the home the groms'm iother. Mm., Kulght.. Amoug the guesta front out of tosu sers: Miss '.%attis Pierce, of tladison; Mr, and tirs. L. Hewley, of Maconb. Mis.; Mies Elele Barrett. af Raine; tho churchîlîs froa Kenosha. _Th>ehrlde -was iobed lu white salîh. tiany <itse from, irienda, mostly of liver, sers received by bride aend groom. Th«ylait Thureday evçning for as isit te licUregor, Iowa. Gond wses go wltb tim.. MIss Etta Farr le soon in leave for Seattle, Wasb., shere she bas taken e scinol fer e year. Every une -ho kuowa lils Parr iMi regret that ebc le ta leavo the Harbor. Tie Iiuivttlons are ont for the wed- ding of Miss Nina Griffu eand Rev. O.- M. Strmpnon Jane 28th. tv-lpo sas for several yeers the pastür of the North Prairie churcb and la blgb- 1 esteemed hy sai) ho know hlm. Mise Griffu le as favorably kuasti lu the communnty as eny Young lady se knoS eaid, Mr. Simipson le fortunete lu securing su goad e helpmeet as we helieve Miss Griffu swilI prove. Bbc le well kuowu lu social aud cburch etrcles ln Bouto n sudgreatlî heloved. Sbc w114 ho gregtly nilssed lu the North Prairie church societî. Tbey ame ging ta make thacir home ln IQwa. whrr.Simpson siU takea acharge. M7w.<zz -- , n"'noom ve-3 u c w--, P.C uncu and rsmuîy bneye d Ear Lfts Ci i ég pent Suuday their preSeuce, *tbe aroi ru ing thet ret9 at home, grand cblld whoee w.ýdding theY bave into the Watcher bouse. Mfr. Hartwsv ai Chicago, s;îýntsnnday able ta attend. Mr.., and tirs. J. Shonaban have * wîtîî bis parents. Al ter the cemmony al repaired tu the been ependlng a few days wlth Mrt. %)ha rdining roc. wbere n boantiful repaet 4lle Fuller, retnrning to Chicago on M tr. Mtheson of Chicago was o guest iiweited thêni. Tuesday. 1 o Atty. Churchill ovsrSud. The bride and gr)oit are of t ha bent Mr. and lMr@. J. C. Cutler are re- )Aise Bond, of Virginla, lt t he guest of ?haracteand sudFe rel ta al wbq kuow Joiclug over the advent of a new lit- Ati ~ Mr Paler, em. May thWiourne.y through ilsb e tIc dangter lu their home. She came Mr Plmr.long sud al the. wish of tbeur Saturday aiterncon. Mr: Cuter ln as-- Mr@. Bullârd in spending a few days many f riends. sistant postinaster et Zicu Cty. - at Milaukee.The bill knowu as "Fosslaud bil" Mr@; . Atwell wlll entortain the I .LOM - LAKE le helug graded. as it la. nid to, ho iWeouary soeety Thursday-p.m. 1... 1-. -- J bard in travel. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Lewis are *pend- A numr of Iot» hhve been sold ou ing a fow weeks at the icheardson hotel the uorth sid of the lake ta Oiegoi w nr Iu . at riicee Lake. people reentiS.P lire. Bert Jobuedu of IVonhoe.wae ýE. J. Groani was aC Ulgaviter ToanDykes bas <une to Kanse@. taken ta *lu A. B. Combe weut tu tbe cty Tliesday. wsek wbere ehe will ho t Tom Whte oi this place sn u Mr. B. Amaim le lu Chicago for a few Memmre d aud Wnî Higley and their Grace Battarebah of ilaitneeville were dil wives spet uday lu Cbicgo. married Wdsadaî. (onrayet.u. P. A. Robiamon snd famlly wlll returu Mrs. Neilla Wilson ofi Zeuda vislted MranMr.SmnDvsreiotg freon northeru Win. wbare ibay are visit- lire. Emanaoseu thie week. lu Kenoeba. Iug friands and reatives &bout the lut of Mir.dBd 6raaandntt Mr dM C. B. Coimbe bars rnovad JuIy and July 3rd a lawell reception Clucina"t tBtd.Gay ?igent shoot Chilcago. ewil lea oudedthe Wstd. JI SbFriday and rom %bare to N inotsapolis. C. L. Tbomson bas built a uew stonte Bs,. Walltonun aiyapn ûe .rl. . O'BojrIa bas airnoat recoversd 01e aude ayor» L&eand peteTueS- rom saverehliees. Arthur Stanford suddaiter Mary are captured a fine string of bopa. A nomber of tamner, have begunubey. t Cloverdale faim. tau., Umse eorâgna Walt epeut the piset J. C. Rili sud fauillY will bon0 nove £ ______- two weeka wltb, ber ister at (isueva tu Libertyville wbetéey. ha pu- laite. cia oe s ertvry aun oFO fl Te Fort Bill C. 8. wltb vietare bsld __s Monalr. Biley and isfine fIly. ,Tbe Ths fo Lake cemetehy eocety will a very plemant meeting wltb Miss Cors hou.r«wllml ccuiMdr. Ie r. mr.nst witb Mmr. Walter Wbite Thursdaî Huson. Fortyflve tonir aupper. Tbe steOuerand f.muly l.. e eegaged June 28. Viitars cordillyîavlted naît %meeting a"I ta wlth Mm. Wm at ta Grdilerlver bau.X. Bello Caine, Thomson of! Upaspke, Juîy 12, for Bsrney Jaohebon whlla ridlmg bores SSretary. oupper. bock let liottda eveulsg bad the mi-_________ fortune tu ride luto a ruety clothes UIns cotting bis face very badly a ilmaklug LOON LAICE. IL* la ueessri ta take eerais Lb. .Th.e1iseesElvia and Beuleis ullidge have wouudà healiug but will make ou ugly been viitiug %with their sister lu Mil- C. B. Cummîngs and Miss -Gmth- star. wagkee, Wie. were Mllbui!u cahiers lest Wednesd8y. Lest Sâturday sveniug Mr. Albrt Mise Unaslit bas returned home for Mrs. Nichiols. of Irviug Park. lis vie Flary and Mies Matr reucer were entmmer vacation, Bbe hmbasbn teacb. ltlng her nelco. lire. Sarah Dodge. married at tbe Cougregational parmon- iu; echool iii & s salI town uear Maedison Warren Browu ta eàsitlug bis grand- agehby Rer. Watn. Later a fiue W1e. parents.,tMr. and.Mr. Wentwortb. luncheon wans mrved athe h orne of tir. Russell Kimbail, of Oak Park, te aud lire. Toby. The. young cotuple will For perf...t attendants, duriug the ot et John Trtter's. b.e t bonts at lire. John i'larys starpet rear at sciool Editb Booko July 1. Pnuline Petersen. Wiir u ey le. eto.isit bru s geneto~ran-. F. I.Lorol aud J. F. Clark of Liberty Linolk Park i ens ay otîg t eg n iie r nEene .bas g vil eecaler@ bere Tuesdsy loo$uig Lncl Prkl their teathor. Te""' Ms .enelihye bsgD afe h ueet tetlphne Cuuigbarn,. Mary ticCaun aud hom- e nsto speud a weeke vacation. Ct"uingbaîa t » alo ý the parti. H. D. Hughes and family bave Frank F uderean ai Antioch «peut Me<* lgiws sru u ird ln the honse juet vacated hy Tueeoday bere. 1l to utoh o~Wni. MçGuire. day te Z ir. Mn. H. B. Tawe entertslnedot- Lau itta tranutod bus4iness ut VWatigratulatiane.Twretetie h couda. .* WrenSoleyFrda.The next Mesrs Theodoat- aud EHarr.y ieeker 69 Eleruin- i(ryeeteveitfaGu 'e nuxwille held et Orange bell Chicaigo sud Lberty vlile spet Sunday itb bis @imt-r . r-. Warren Book. Mednesd.'Jun. 20. wltb their slter tire. Lou BRok. . Reýv. A W. Safford wlll address the Carl Erlcksan iio Libertyville vsitedRO N L.K high echool graduates et Gurnee on fiond e hem Sunday. R U D L "Tuesday. inne 19. Dr. ran spnt nnda etCîrnne Joepb trnnn psun bewee un Miese Mabel Bonner. of Mllburn, Dr.Cmn 'pen Snda e Chnnl Jseh ýman i endîgthe Sk'n ill graduate f roni Grnee blgb La&ke. -%Ohicago and 3Johrit on a plbonre trip. school Tuesday, Jue 19. Mms. Palînateer. ai -Lake Villa, 1irs. John Bot and siter Mise Sur- C. E. toplc: John Eliat sud Milssione trlnnsated business here Tueedi. cliii are se,ndiug a %viskâtan Fourth aniong the Indiens. 2 Tint. 2-1-13. Mi@@ Zeeda Bendulin sud tiss Etta- lîthe. Victor Strang. Leader. Fart spent Suuday lii Chica... John S. Boa is shootiug in the. Grand Wm. i cGuire. aud îdugnter Ethel lire. D. G. White sud. farnîly spent American at Inrdianapolis. have moved ta the farn for the pres- Tueiaeîasd Wedesdai in Wankegen. et wth Guy licOnîre. Mir, sud Mri. H. B Tower. tirs Dr. Mises Pearl Kalîple visited ait Liberty- Jamleon. Mr..sud Mvrs. Cannon, Idr. ville 8uuday. 4t » l CjsIl am4a sud lire. John Bonner. Mr. and Mre. Ernest Eook ?and sou, of EattFoi VhiJSeJý Uo.StephIne suad Mir. and lre. Ue. Lake, spent Wednesda bore. hy Orly stendedthEaenSart Cbldre' das will hieobaherred at Gray lake tast Wednenday ulgbt. - Haineerilileinuda sud 1ev. Mait îwill A. Wi. VIctorBt jngretuned hast Frlday deliver the sermon. a C rom. Belo t callege. lie wlll spend Mere. Rchrso, ededo anus ont of hie vacation et home. RlchadeOu Msddndor sudAlezii aghes la borne froni Chami- MissesRicheardson sud Jeffeftswore WICK'S GROVE paigu for the sunimer. Chicago visitorsesday Leter Mitchell, o! Weîîkegan, le Mr. aud tirs. Paul Toby Witt sonon Gagslake -lilinos speudîng a fqw . montbs with hie nove tu River Vean sd Albert F157 ________ graudmotber. Mrs. Safford. will take possession of tbe Toby home lun(Irsyolake. <>' EERYOThE M. E. B. Sherman lfa Wedueeday tu VR TE speud Several weeke visIting at ber old 10:80 s. ni-Grand treet parade, . bomolu Plqewa, Ohio. . bauds, druni corps, freman lu uniforin. Saturday N lght Mm liteburu le ou the alck flot. bandeorne flaute, visitoresud local lir Bxlr' mth rnred ta ber camps. There wiliIb. a grand homu luWiscusl Monai.12:30 p. ia-Baud concert, Bnrlîngton braseandANCE IRST 'inqoire et ractoi'g end take lFenc S e ihgs P ir ence Coqnpang mise Fploues trang le serlonshî ihIa bpr hameau Lake sticet. Ou WedneSd" i t 10:80 ut the Dam»On agi- o!f athier Wolfe &t Wauçonda oecured the weddini aifl'homas Whte. of Long a I sdmiss Orae Battair- balf Bauhsacehes Tb.coupla Were accompauied .bvMr. Thoase Grahami sud M iss Kthriii Gorbani wbo etood upwîtb thei. 1Tbe bridewaresdrecoedilu a =rett gray tae Inguit sudf. .e hidsmaid in blue. i.gro les emploies of the Kuickth)etkr Ice cern- pani and wielI kuowu, shila the bride le s daugbter of Oeo. Batterebaîl a marchant -o Halneevihîs sud ister of F. O. atereai niOryshabe. Sbe là s theu e bppi ud reeprous 11e. 1:30 P. ni-Exercises et grave. $Peak- w Ing, readinganad musie.. ,Oration bY Amann - Bros. Hlai JUDSc. j. NEELY.. of Evacaon The ndkt one ahiib. on - 8:00 p. rn-Rat-es aud other conteste Mine 23, 1906 Prises awarde.l to ail. M:00 P. r.-(4rand dhpljoai ilreworke FLOOWËCOMMITTEE near the WisennaCetral depot. Bil Ceveland, Bainestihle;:'Dr. llarveY. ocqylske; Peter Statield. Tala; Jas Music by Burlingoui Cornet BO"d Schoewer, UcHenny; T. E. (irahani, ______y____-_ Long- Lake; Bort Paddock, Fart Hîil Dauce et lipert Bousm aiternoan and Fred Beapke. Lihertyrille; Jas Natt, eveing. -Music hi Wb*kQ"n Orclletrl%* Johnsbmirg; Frank Fredericke, Frernont S.L. Darfleid, mat" of ô the day. sud J. Lankin, laiide. VO&educer es à mdi *s$&-Round L.ake, lit. *We ba., a full eupply of frewrks. including eky rocketm and athei' large piece dawn ta thu~e @njeuire raker. Ail sues of firetvrakeig aud 91 goad onem. -Gragslake Pharmecg Gragstake l lligis Ice Creami THE GRAYSLAKE ICE CREAM 00. Manufacturera of Ices atid Pure Ice Cream Special Flavors Putup on Short -NMo8ce L. A. FRANK. Mnger DR, E A. CRANE IEN-'TIST' Haure 19 a. ni., 12 in, 1:30 ta 5 .n. Evenings by aepanatiiiellt Offic,in Bank bild]-ing.. Seeond flaaor Grayslake, Illinoig. DENTIST amplain Building. Bét*AKeîo Streite, Chiaig. sGrayalahe -ma811 MondaFI ta 12 am. aud 1 to 6 P. ni. DO YOU NEEO A WELL DRILLED Prompt Service and Business Strictiy ttended to. JOHN 0. LAKE j Barry Block Nauic.gau -Illinols i - G Meals and Lunchesi SerV*, at alil hors CIGARS and, CANDIES Phone No. 19. MISSEMMA GERLACH. PrOP. Off NEW SfflG M SommerSmis r jm SONS ehàbil THE GRETT j ~~~irne ndpei WM. JAIINS, THIE TAILOR F. W. fMARY Childran's Haîr Cutting e Speciat located in OpoieDing siore Graysake -illihtl S CR ,, ES' SCRÉENS For Yeu Ci Leave ordens wth Oymd &J W& bave everythlng te, makei Fishesmah appy. Llooko iiW Polos, bobbem sisnken, etc. lu and Iookover oui' .uppl7. Dangers of Defective Plumbing. Defectiv pb.imbing permuts the entmane into the bouse af sewer <as besniug <crins ai c Sont uo s dimcas to wbich the hu m'su 570 te. redily succumba. Sewcr g< s enet necceaealy gcriersaed lnothe sewer, but le frequeuîly èsd îeinl the plnanb- ing sytem withun the home sud tutus &c w akea palty of Dtholg etiv e t We.u Ifrin Subt, onsPli sardge. epiÙ Lanrtdile1-epatlng & Pie ixumblnjit AL. LI PoCeinEnseled àe-O scnwide seethe best "try eq- - - 1 w C.U5Jvsad n e sFiuewt O loisi i Our. lieuflu e osa.Usif Flomhbelm oe, 2.00 to 88.00. and boy@' N<liges sMd 841rt4. overau ansd j Mon'» spiag bats sud o nov arnlvlug dalhy. When in want of 5"yOe Lin.osil 0 20th CeAu sclhanc IN lek ý Copmeu# HUN<VN For votir 10

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