CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Jun 1906, p. 1

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i.Â. adWAUKGJN EKYSUN vort. XIVI.,No. 89. *YiTtM WILL DATER TO moun lesey farm, nartir O Lihrty- suitdER RWSoRT TRAr-FIO ville, going drectly ta Gage'% LaIe. AND MARKET GARDEN Tec tvi niDues ht THADE.- Wl 5 OPL N tendon',, Mltiitire's. Baud LaIte, DoP RICiI ~RAV!L aki.Lon Lake. Antocjr sud LaIte mgo.. CaMiarine sud enter southaru Wis- FoIgows DesPaisnes Valley and Thon cousàin. Th ' a countr vIl! ha opened Strk 1es ntoMoo ofLak Contr- vicirta tItis lime Io lacklng lu rail- SîrIte lat. eat . Lae Cunly-rond facitiies sud ilaI.belleved. by P-omolters fRemain Ou Darrness ut.tMtelketaewl filas Promised Obpt s Behu.>d tire pramterstitreakIdevl Deal. be, througir lhe summer moths. even greater tian teproî.osed finely An etserlerallrosd vîli W bum equipped line cah. sceosumdale. It. la te I-<a o f the men , ?ahind tthe. thrOugh th@ fusit t theLake. COUft> adro tnerest land ovuiers lu the i ramor seglon.. 'j rnbliinlg ofi irlt arasalong lie i; ýwîî foliow thé courue of the Ine lu the fertile valley sectioîn aftire aseaDeplaines river, nanlied by aul labo ten-acre tracts sud lire coin- psay vf11 boom- ftie market gardain Palier lismuett "-River Divine." ri. rey.tislserlaere, il Ïolll teuci at Ilsuth. msinl Istue. nmre tirüe. undred acres of ehiocet sorte.. an~ld iras, beu 'lpronsed for tifs persuade he fermer@ of Lake. county 1Thre road vil! ot ut,' saute tinte.- n ta forea.ustits lrmsuad tare up maricetlf ta! auInovatiotr t irth nt-ni of.IL garden(ng. - market gardon ef,î'etl," a traitn leav- Tt carry ouI thisi.dcà thre.wlilhbit Ig the tma riet gai ltn country, whirha a mvarketýgsrdcn cpec&I îta Chicago. . vIl! h-i--ated ftii. afablt 13 acloctu Thte gravai teuls of Laike ceupty Wiltaeil macnlng, tîtîs triuing tire irat a146 b. .xploted liy the.prom6ters. ie t lttire' lty t an ealy irouîr eacit Thimises of the niesbsttitet the (lAY - ttn'lludît.' tutu' for te duyse des# andl 'th roue etf-the. roadin de. 8sal-9ou Southr Water treet,. Il bell are »titi coafidentiel. PIaItfOrm'n'allt ii erecied at every sujo*» d nIaIt sfailfarma craotet -A prjet as yet (hi: et-bryo ifi îe4irt'ii.anfi hece h.' produce ai wbtqir wiIiitq ýn0cli l .é dcural be îfIk0d iIPin l tecarly boarffiof tire L5eé conti l eeja4 ~ ul"eor actire Mtfunr Birt Uinie ataide tire circle whilchIolapoituer eitcaîg attraction for tire planing it on Saturday Inet. 5s, eseul 4-le ebiga t-uel hed. vhIch ir i Ope ai1.r tbMeâ nnae(Qd thte aCieme. be oçteued' hy tire conitructlau 'aI tire litla t à t*at, * !a"4e1b l cel; , U I&j>tt,' îi#î a ù 9oby1 lire region ai nortberu illtuls and fat-m. nntih t'iiberityvfl eeut8 soeattitcnhcausni, îoh4awýag îî>,.dtiIul»Vlb'tire rigirt 01 -ay 8 a ÇcQffle. >oftht ~lie, tir yTte 9 lietpresent hitmaDpxe-téoit. I dltaS »orne lbret*miles northo-if ~ t hosî empiràtlally 'esî4fit LIbetYslt andi *enc. e n - ,nqthir n,aie 1 ?tllly cuiable aofavingfng plceuetresee Laie 41hY. - The 19M u il hcg - ffie - if Ui w tcw et-1-4-, In e yset atIiued 9risplans teàsn ioli lait» Tht r0ustila ta perce tie vlley Along t ibe rou.tlebave att fac r ntakten lands of tir epl>t'titts. recîtgtlzed as Jifte, ccoufiflienci' aithe' pramotérs. tire moa t:-irile attd vuai la4ii lirte hut tires.', ilIosaeiti. have îtran>sed to eounty*i5 iciest sectîlit as veli as gise fret' righntf css for the. cuaiti caler ta tht. lake asu tamer resort Pi lait ed lutiott tiraitirhe valueai trefie. -thirîrholdlttguî itl, ie1>.greatly lu It-aIl eav'.'%#eeriver on lire Soit> 1creaseti tîy thi.'ctîtuletlîî ai lie ln' LOVE !ILS TOMIX trunks and llie decitt.d not to marry WITII BUSINESS f rio'd forlrtet br Lovs an theLovr Oil Ito eal Missei ees>say.s sitepurchased Love an theLovr Gta Ito ealtheéîroperty froni Mis Dunbangh for Esiate Deal and Affection* Wane- the muentlon.'d suin and that te titie Man Claims Property Vanithet., waa lu her tiame. She citas abe did - flot do s0 to defraud iroadkorb as he Cuîtld waa sbocked and the trials elaims.- sud tribulations of true love exposed Master ln Chaucery Clarke beard ci the testimony 'eaterday snd orqired when. Monday. ln Circuit Cerk Circuit Clerk Brockway to issue an Brockway's office, John Christian Injonction for Broadkonb, prohibiting Broadknrb brougt suit agaluatIMar- Misa Hennessy front Irterfering witb garet Henneasy andi Rase Dunbaugh. the property or ejecting hlm until af- W~hen the suit cones up for trial ln ter the case bad been tried aithte Octaber young lovera who wold miss October tertu. upon the plaintiff put- the stumbling blocks vil! doubtiesa ting ni) $1,000 bouds. ob tain many blnts. The bonda had not neen secured yet Broadkùnb tates that lu 1904 he thtis afteruoon sud no ljunction bad engaged tu Miss Dunbaugb, who vas been lsaued. bad entered ltonan agreement, to marry hlm. AIl vent veli for tbe time belog but WEISS 1S CIOS! N mooey matters entered inta thre love CLERK Or, REVUE W. pact and the fond dream vas abat- tered. Nmso e h tIFr or Broadkorbs story le thnt ire vas ae fMnWo itF or egedta Miss1 Dumbangi. t*ho vas Which wilI Listen ta Complaints ln 1 4 an attendant lu tire Dunning oh Taxation and Correct. Mistakes hompital fiôr tire Insane. Margeaie are ?dow ail Announced. Hennessy vas a patient tbere and thre- tva bhomme great frlends. Miss Hen- Justice William F. Weiss Frlady essy -as. discharged ln November. received notifieation. tram Ciairman 1904, and Ass. Dubaugir resigusui of thre Board- of Bupervisors A. Rab- her position and the tva renitd s. at ertson, of Highland Park. tirat bq had lu Chicago, virere they. lived ever been elected clerk af the Board of gice., Broadkorb' livea t Fox I*ke. Reviev, vhicir meeta moan. Wbile engaged to Miss Dtînbaugir. he The members of tire board vbicir mye, tirey agreed to. buyt Q lots reviewa complante ou taxation are there and own tirem lu partnersirip. John E. Hall, of the Tentir street dis- They vere «echta pay biat Then triet, superlutendent eit the roling tirey vere te buld a home on tire ila of tire Ainerican Steel and %Wtt. lots and liv there., Company; Thromas Gra"rm, keeper of For iis hait paymet he deeded his the leading hotel t long Lake, and mvetheart two lots lu Frankrlin Alexander 'Ropertson,' chalrman or couty. Ohio The property, hesaye, vas put lu the Board of Supervisora. vira by vit- the irl'. usme and ire started vori titre fais iece in ala a memtber on'.tihanseou. Ail vent velI, cad af tire Board of Revlev. paylng expeuses until lu September, Justice Weiss vill maire a capable 1904 ire vas inini'md by Mine Dun- officiai for th position. baugir that shte had declded not ta ________ marry him sud tht sireira! soid the SOLDIERS' REUNION. proPertY ta Miss Iennessi. The executive committe of tire He vas ordered og 1>7 Mise Heu- LaIte County Soldiers and Balots nessy snd nov seekanoutice. Mîles Diubsgir.. as she irad Reunion Association vil! ment Bt . sert"te t liUTyBsodkorb orsliy, A. -R. hall, WAukegan ou Saturday, but that no Iroperty vas metianed July'7, ati1 p. M., 1906, fortire pur- iuen ouu tiavil t. . pose af selecting , date -and, place for Sire bougitthe tis1>lx ake land, tire tire annuaI reunion ofi sud associa- ays,, vitir her owun qojrey sud "psd tian.. --Broadkrrir vgs ta orirauOb tire Proposais for grouud sd etr bousle. TherO0hioland, siresasys, wstanuetvi eev d a pesr 4od~t >t m 5Ct11t fo ~ tinmat isirtahae re rm pait. ô ins so' sdvsUced ta hlm. h g tbaehemno 1Sma timsbir tvirile varklng enCoçmradcs sud tirers are crdial!! tir. hoasee 0 t on perodica lnVlte4 itaattend. {JBP IIYV1LIe LAKE COUNTY, MWLNoIS,ý, FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1906- 12 Pages LLOT$ "elY CAMEA :UN ZION' Pheofflrpblc aimots neMene of Kicot.aiùg Vox Populi Ila novation on Part or volivane. ONE MNZI mANbS OUT FOR DOWIE. Photographie ballots, the lateste Pt S N UA.KE. DISOWNED Vanosha Wb~sazuSaugiru By Police Ou Statulory charge Vîcttm af San- B .:& H E Francisco Ofeasier Left i-usb&utd For noter.Eider flowle 4rrtvea, la Chicago - With Proof of Patat-ulty Yet Beliesers lu niisii ai vii s Bet ant efUses To Reconîze avfkfi tesson de tir'- if-au aifMra. son. Frankr Macluacek, tir riit'als fa ni nth bave Just bhaeutcriilnitKenosirs,66WAB ]PROUD)ORP HIM ONCE Tire vamktn éd hti -'SutnFrancisco CAN NOT SAY 90 NOW."1 eartirqtalte antd-,att' 1> i is oi vait-' tngt taéaarn Di he-i mii'. ier former - Wilront ta toncir of tant-or ln bis tt.ctbod ai regIsteritg vox poputl aud 'or ýe arirhlvie-adwt n au Inntovation of tire Voliva faction ait riends 'lu Keoa receÊ1ved tlt- ,lteibltriacilpat vole atîdohni Nf- Zion City, wil ttcexhibted as evi- ter$ from t tirelit'l it iring t a) Dove. whoata tohn.Alxander detîce tis veek iu the $20,i000001<i tbt :adhi*I-Dwsbsdso da ale. e - year-oid daugiter. \i mueknet lo.i rstutaut stth-... prnpcerty ettteat il ujîdge Laudis' d.mîir lu tire srttt artrt-i T'honla i that lite a aillîl itt e couit.Thte piotograira vii show tire Tire sensatlal k, ti or tt i M nuothitig ta (tuowith tw"li tist afiiitl'.. ' rtsuit if tire vîva 50Cr' vot'titg' >ýs te Nachaeek tram Mi i . î'tilt firesI-t'nth rnt-ti.iîtsairfli' s-littht-r Voiva abould renîttîn lu cou- l t ti inds et mi 'l i- ,-f sîîîtî aIdeý orarelta i-hîi ' a['lie -.Iugelar tfîu ety ud he - ~i~lt~litut i i i . s .,t-tittle ý,det ot tire Ct i's-i iait itot tof tireproîtertis. Eight pho1o t'0 tagit'deatir laî -'i a ';t'ui]îî -fle ftciietitr il rîî gr'dlIrtl' begatives ver.' taken yestet'r estbu"ý witt~ti" f-.t .i'tef> rvta h lîy .iti! div tus Jire Valisa peoplte. Iu gelera Mut-.' tlitan six Mtrie -tIa ii-vài at ,s'ksý,craniuiéltl itir lette,.by~ îlut'y show art affirniativt o vote of v. s isîued for tifti t ua i i af> ichf f,' fttetds Ite -osa- 4,tîtt, eg lrso)ns statillttng ftt- Vliva and ' tii-à,,s gn g 1,"~f i - t-~, i-it, ra.tî.-îiad uta a nt'gafiv.'sittvo îte o îue alet biit. stattiry crime. f' " iiiu fIl ., si-ut Itîtl ijiu ttîuti According ta the 'courti 1lîîttctiiiti. -I- mintint the1.110Iri '--l-îu-ît t- ii' ii.' iîîI-ifî ti.' hhi'tai- s-tl.,terujay waa àhlinA lexanîde'r lowi"' iI t't sdlte- "ii ttatui, Ii '~ u lt ttrn in tire t abernaucle.tI- e î i ttaf Ichargesia s , î-'i i tîî' ,iuiu .ihh 0'is atntt 2fl1 ieratin l fe DhXiv î 51St'> fieigitI'tri bunsl. 'u'.qw'c'i iistt' t ui Ill Vet t y 'is. listené t-tf i " tiî' rît."1 Msui. %Mf clC i - v -i I' : -- il --,' huil 'If li, îfî -oli,- wie o n fi '. fî. ciu it .r l ', f . --i ý!i"it'. 1us' sentatite. Eitlt-'t-Hall, of Siiî-îno -'o!rani ft . -coiiii ii-eiurtut' il' ta-ii "uit Texas. jfaetaieu et tire Ai, ii- ~ 4-~ iin~i Everttut cl intutht' cite' about, i nant' menthea .âi'tt-,p-î iItlti i 't-tis i 4 feiW ti» at-ut. attetided tire '>el tvita cr e'- i ctttu'ti ti wii t ar i iiii'ii -î h-ti5 .utii-i- t- ' r,11 X. tices, â ir~d1k.'thos-e of primc'ývafdays. f cjiîin(file l i:I, .\t- Ii ji r i u, iiut l(î>uîît' fr(Iîf hî undir tl re icsAter a sermonitt J eety( .iý.MVlý,l lh 0f. littf,t t ti',t)po iui fil OverseferDanie lBryant. Oversee r,ase.k was aliegod ' -tleIf ti '1 1 I i ýt ýI l1- st i l!li i l %t l, i n i li Ilfratfeld pr~ iti-'elroitits wtich flii'il-ligoodab-l. i h. i1i4 , , - i tl,-- î Jiîdge Lundis litinmated lu coirt l:stlh'ttd and tbshe let .' ,It- t 'u, itb riýil îîlIii'.. iiif vt'etu mightt b.' insalved luniils df-e-s tslei ie s- %-uu!!1-1i i1.11 ti',ofti if,,untl,iu Iii-. îliî stop o!flthe case. Tirey vere- jier Adua;tire danlf' - i-f e. >-j vitit 1t'i*"1i1tv.'i-t iilif i-i t. Al lu favôr Oetlire truintfer of t Ftfîdk senîtt.-b 'riL laL fI t'tîies cai rhi ttiutsthutt Ilii Lire 71on etate, trainJohn Aexander jelutîiniaipairvert., ' -4 Dr. D"i e iCji' hisfil- Ikai tetoAleitander Granuier îleasetfi)lise and, thiraI h - if ut-t ie , to, i t ftîuty ,0111:0iu1i1ti. 1il stad. - tke1 -t.but, a tev i fh ii - iIii i lus, :ig 2. Ai! lu laver et 1lo àtt a ken lt'arutd t1iret. e c it sluilt l.Di 1%bvIc fuus liiitihe sîfg-tit. by tire cOuttittet aofatierautrsansd SsniFTaIC159. I i 'i'% l a iRhtd tussirs' ti) te,'idz- - i 'S. u l ederasluraspeadirig John .A-ieandér friepdis lu there' - - 'lind thuese fut a fraid of ativ letters lbe car, lir-tr DovIe trar is aUb Ofie ei trainthre Peole adYl lait Wn îtire action cla ta t lucourt. 'TiI' aIdmari aoid rWrcbpisaft d. llriedeclç sud bIS-t,. coor vfe. lechtut, ont ta the ueppe lu4.M Al - Il i fayor of! Wllhur Glenn clvii- montras gt V îýif,l-cekappeint1td ifat iaofifilil]relations"- Volilca as acti ng general overse'r or tire circuit ct-tii- uc ýi divorce'asd tht' Chtarte$ E. Lautder, ou.' of lire at- lire chtrftand bacc so re'eéogntzeti ticerie.'as 1' t d snd 'ire was torneys forVoiva's-irae lunfte legs! % hilm silice %i)Alni1 tiia.w-stand. awarded tire t' ,Ii7 ef tire tatigir.rontrovet'sy ov'r te Zion ittdustrie'sc 1. Ail ho irauîîîrîce tire stand fer Silice that t- iii.Thefatirer liai- tuî-t'u int-tu ibard Mttore intdge Ilatî-f igalooîtii-ututuutai,> tfis'tire, oserseers laying ltuans 1- si cure thé darlir.dis," Doe irroheuettesir hl su tit ttre lresentt conttdttdtt'y lte.aise ad tirel,. -nitouucitg lirer tlt',th Ji- ItDoaunte rubicir it! b'i tnd stantd. as veli as tha tiiirer motirer canla rtnîded asmeîdench il the tiret A phtirttgrtuîh w-astaittu at cadi sagreat corn, Il, hlm. t'trtt'tilt ai te ecourt ruent lits the vote focrsuit ugaluat caci rtropositiotn. The endinz ,t,tire romance if Mi-e fedlerali buildittg, ahere lbe aplent an Htibett Gtant of Waukcgan. a steirog. Machacek ccii i tud one, for it la hpart ai the aflernuot liatenlng ta the ratîher sentu hy Dowits sattorneys ta iearned tiat 1-" i, teck md tleirleîl crotsexauiatJott ai lhe minuWho report tht. meeting, vas te oly per- lire voman iimontirs at«t sudlitas sulîplanled iirs sou as general 1averseer aI Zioti City. - son vira voteti against aIt.on tire tiraIiis wv.h te insare rnovlitn-,A n tg itr eruvru tirat vote tc oatera stoati aloite. Af- kuavu ta tire i î,le lu San Francisco. Atonrîta emof ltedoea lettere ter tb.' sctltîg alInlthtie audience net Ater aire hat Ili '-n deaerted by Fric rtending ta show liraI wben Dovie memirers or creditors of the. ciurcir deck. Mcs a. l'th.iîek tank lber tiatugi- %a cte itlire vasmeetally unsoood.lire were requestedte t stand sudlire pho- ter sud vetut il, tîve lu a lodglng ceîdeavored le bave Vlisa testity tograîtbed. There ver.' tventy.- bouse lu aile uithtie congestedt dia- ctnceruug IL. Tire endessor mett Prelminay tethe alloing thetrice ofSan ianiacQ andwhenthe îir' t ' a isobjection fron thIe court: auretnc r tas ihie iatfotsectisretclak i uFi thci. sud boe : ir If it vas vrltten by a man vira audenc va'dllde ino sctins arlrqiakesur,, , te cls bishou.' as out ai bis iread, tire anlyniarit snd countled iry teilers. Those uat vas ont of ttiti ret to fait. Tht re- vbo could tell me viral ire iad lu bis votiug vert driven te tire outlaldrts mains of tire woihan sud ber daugiter ha avien ir vas o aiirsha and campelied te kneel ta e aot toai er. fonirai uie illider deirria ai the I sud made tire statemont vblcb vas lu range ai tht camera. failen bouse. They vero buried, i 'b iis bead la tire man vbo vas ont ai San Francisco lu%' tire goverument: bis iread." officiaIs. TcVr etRmd o oc 1FOUND Df D N The varrant fori-tire arrest at Frit- reVr eT roe.eyfr oe CHICAGO RIVER. uecirla sîli la1ht fit'bands of thet chie! Af <itT orugble. a i u OfPolice snd if liW la localeul. an effort wl reswnmidlent oa iunflon. Iud.. -vlI lie made tii foi-celilas ta reltua esaya; "I regardi Cbamberlain's Colleg William Burkre. Know n luLbel'tyville, Kenoaba ta statut trial on a chtarge of ChoIera sud Diarriroea Remedy as And Brother of Mike Burke, of That abandoning bis wife.and children. as trhuble. Imes Iis aedy eftralt Place, Roasumaster on C. M. & St. P. veli as au a ciri .01 ad ululery. t rouvle. 1sedaire rhsaeme lu y ism Play Bithd icamal ou îy for several years. 1 amrnenver1 Pa.Wiren appletiand coiered .iliru itrant IV' This remedy la almoat1 -hot clatir Pluesalse acte IlIt a PtO1- 'sure ta be needeul betare tire soimmler Identilteul by lire contents of a let-.lice. Bet for ftirit,, ball$, laoser. WhVy ual boy lil nov sud lbe te ha i bohr al.wit- i eczema. skun tif-ases. etc. BaId by rprulfrsc an emergeucy? 1er balilsirrlire ia. vittn u iWl!! Hackley, .l)fert"vle BailGraya- Fraebyfor . ovli Lbety tra Lbetyilelie od a Wllamlaite Pirarmacy. Ville, and Graysiake Piarmacy. valuables sud maitey, ficateuldavuw tire Chicago river ltnlday sud vas poled ouItaItirhe Polkt street bridge. Burkie la a native ai Galvoad. Hel recelveul the letter tram tire Uarty- vile man. Mike Burkre, roadmaster for tire Chlao & Madisaon, tire local brancir oi tire Chicago, Mlaukaee. & lit Pau! R. R. Ce., about Je, 8. Tis lu tire chue tiraI led ta iis identifica- titou. Othervise ire vanld have joineti lic ranirs of the unItitavudad. BIs steps atter hg received tire let- ter are nt kuovu, except tiraI ire drev pay for tva montiq ro rmiis setion sud lbt tor Chicago, dressad ln bu. hast clothes and viti tire val- let ln ieispociret. 1Wreu. ire ateppeul on tire train for îChicago vas hlentasilme ire vas meon by tirse vira mev mm. -Tire lrearyts tirat ouniis arrivai lu the city ire feu intavhr féroks vhi druggod hlm an ' dtirev um n m thre river, an lie bosm of a vici i re r- posed up ta tir, lime oa, iris ftndtag. He ÎÏ111 ware tire iliday fluety but ail aifiis jevelry andi coin ver. gone. Tire brother. vira resides at Liber- tyviue, bloft rCimcagata daim tire body, virici vas litterreu ln Oilo. L BIRC if LLE!NXT WEEK. K>EST AND FASTÈiT I4ORSES park only nevenuraes viii ha enfle& sud OF THE COUNTRY TO COM- lu trou vwili appear theoist tralned and PETE ON TWO -DAy'S Ouet canditloned aftie lot. - TROTTING MEET. Ou. race especlally yull ea feature. This inthre ires f qr all paeand lu ti, are entered mozne di tirs epeedieat pacers The Drawing Card WII BeThe. he virole country. Tiers are cigit for Ail Pace lu Wi#h 1sany Noted entrie.: 'Baron Grattait, (2-04%); Tire Anà%imais Are Entes'ed-'Fs timIfeucr,(2:05 %); Allersan, (2:05%) CannaI But Resuit. Hal Ciraffin, 2:05%)r Citaition, (e:6); - BlacI Locir, (2:08%); Bolivar, (W.06%) Lihartyville wiii e'el>brate thre Fourh ansd Buapsiot viose record 16 not gian rsud Fffti of Joiy titisyieto maire-sure but iro ln a grand circuit barne. Blackt 6that tire auniversary .aofaur Indffleitn- Lock wviile iisrecord in the. savwetbas deuoe e isfnliY aPîtr'ciiOd, The . ï'son hato maluing tire fastestt'ime of tirem 1for tis inta ta thteirormemen bave re-aIR titis sp)rlng going a mllin2:04%, and >sparided ta tire Cali 09 tire Lihartyville a iraIl it ln reparted, It 1-01%. eTrotting association aud irave place Ali in ail, it yullpsy anvane vba carte seutries viricir hvîli maire tva days af tire for a bore race ta laite tva days aff hast raciug lirat nartrn' Ililinois bas Ibis Fourtir aud ses tire race. Tint. ,ever vitnessod., day'h r9noswll be as elously cantested as à.Beven races filled ail togeter, escir for Wednesdayts and tireclasse are veil r- a 600 pures, aud lire pick of tire fast ffled. The. raos aciedaled for Julyl hebrses st lb. track vil! compete Wile 6 sud '7 are dseiaed off avlng ti tireiacik tire.areovni, tva iuadpd -hotuses isolent4*s. e ;i. 50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. 1 JuI 4 anàdiS5, Il UibertyviIIe Trotting Asf New mlie reakUe ]loft«. from uearly Qevery "tte lu tbw ma ta Compote for $7,800-0(y la Piu, M tu pragrm tirraughaut wii be fixOs* nseelethie place ta speiid your Uourtb, as tire free-far-ail-pace, open ta tirs varld, au. ai the. star eveutsof tire day, viiiakaoebe ortii thre price of admission. W"ol la 50 cet fq Comfbot" S" A.0O6dIIuI JW. LUTTROLLS Pres- .S. FIAGLER DEFENDANT IN SUIT FOR BIG DAMAGMe RONDOUT DEAL WIIICH WAS el ble saîd as cotîidered * SHOWN Up BY INDE PENDENT te-tinte- tut, rat it vas deeîued !04 PROVES AS WAS EX- Wai. it îaî.l PECTED. -COMPANY "Ti.e oînpany was incorporlleill NOW ouiCOF 1 M)4 Witt t. apital sto.k or $5.000U04 ,EXISTENCE. t(, tus. -II l, ittu, frac... vorlr.51f ioîî.'tt' utiiîjaptoîtertieil. The oilf*I Fiagler Charged wlth Obtamning Money .îoiniîany oun.'d itlin" atnd a vaàt Under Faise Pretenses by Com fi .îue 'nukt HighIlatls. Tiý sdn by. Mtf, plainant In Suit for Recovery of lîtî-iniaotti, wlif, -a.-l, ti nit'.r of t 8l,000-DickInson Malles State- .'Ompany. tilrt't ian %Ir. Flagler, ment. hallatf ay lireç,t dealîngs witb tbe cdin Tihe'gr.-at -Flttgt.-t iiitl vh Wll "h.'.-îîdî.dts ~tto tir.'lsuit, othlt sup~potiedt t I 1.atienuttt. t , t tond-thaii k i t nsoni andtiFlagler, are F. lit outa .-a ail lilfnt, at. ltte ý.-lien,i W. R. tikno. Frankr A. tUt~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~lb a tu niatfniatt u tr I lî.î.1tînA. Clancûy and ueo. B.ý v, lwgin al] ett t> tCiit it-ard 'it ,itî fîut'tii-t tiliw t, îi,,r let'til-ftt, . h e ii'Ume of tits allk.ged 1i f rz ýiiult.î tttu tl .v.. w tj,'tb e îîv.'tsîjsdt. dmftaullthe çne ,t1'.'4t~tî tî' etî t i rt' e, I eidtn ftell ýjiintît ta l d dfa t t 1- n ,,À'1il-i ibt ttgtî" - ' t iio, t ît t ia,ý iiîf4 e t r.. tol"w y 'l' il n i 't, , t ,> l. 1,-tihîiî ,, i igt" výl i î ,it u iî-.f Und'sttrVp iii,,i l l,i - t li ii j, î,,îîîjil,î-îî'. .. t.î,. ilfu'ang. d o bs Ilîî-' ai ii., il i ii ii t. i fI.iiiti tît i r itvct,is and I1.9 t- î tii>,. iu , , h. '.îîîty 1 fî;tî i'n4Iftîtstr î,îi t;tws 41 ,-iilgtti, f il-,,,î i te'nd t uIhe,o tititîîîi Moutei tf ohîni ii, e t - i îî.. , 1* lia e îtith-,î't-îlt-! i, îlc .'î t i itl, a1.,. Xw r litti t' 1 i '; tkw i I ii - 'Ie!1,111 flrt tii'.,- Tf, tnt lin Fita* il: lvll , :t, ig, i l t t ,.iii. h1, ta ,,tI.i iiih uouit a i i tgrt" , [lî ~ tIî,sîî- lii! IL.i,.ît iî',ît , li t î,%iltule' .3' tf tii.' cîlltp W y fut 'ii.'r .ii wl l. . I ll . t h'.itl f iii, I.tfligjiltdt' n ed Ifor e 1,11,. itll.r i o ii, i 'lit 1 r Irt vî t et lit i uo .t't Ifiiie-tatI ol dll tif 'it',l utntaîy. 'li.' pettA.t aleg ' .11tit- l %%,t i . a b y a d it. grti eit'otî tiire pltîtfs tt ti.itf. i l atirey aliolieptn a ven .a go"sat r heetl n lite rpr.eeaatit. Diejineno tst igh, ed t vest "%>~t-~l~" % ýN1 'uou saed utedlit n ot iet li&aînd tirat Ia&0Ij itit u(,.ca u. t îrtl. I un rm aliiofte ellel t ý uiraI n ttc eIe ,îld iii tie ' etitî tutiIeet ii, utlo r atr epe u fia otil l'lai atietuletti, a ieirutaney years', go. e le flo ui uti res ide t tit H.'otte t lii -îpay the to t ti ,'xst- stîredadout a Yfllagoyearnid a. t !>'.' t (l'n'. a l gen îo r tati a o, l itju tia ittg .' m n , s t a e i o t, a il dr1g lat w l - sot' -1t,> l i out t 'gidebtfis- i bon ld e rpoiti ton sud i aiut nelis Thrsot c rit Co .hi-teanreet(d.'lare aganuteupled â fothFge r tradvorir vii ei an lae and vi.Hl ae a cpeclet pai 100 lvrthe sruto iule naval traluiugyctlards aneart'a da, s. Haats ne mithorn a dredenvout make pat bor vedil a about for eof ote Peelnioes and egoljuixavtlflg rail told. ntai rgl h from ITbe e miontr ii cr etén teeek. WIII *u i Twoidges,' lion aiteharborbas be n avarded ndoverlieave cvaii fi1.0«, latl ta H.Eoreratorth.Chi cag o. a lie ar eing wrvev er vhe r ý Sxt Motbouma drds wi a ert Il scir sitelea aotireorvl i bie Ptke trantiregie9k.d.vaicil codt. svrpps lcreWt aso ater otho tct. il h vdeud atr ie, ud so forh. an e d reepe ned ta cerit the exctra - Wo r idguztire bridge tI= ar io crfthsncb a tre 'ashool siauldedOu-o tireavnek. ltelainH .Ovrtet o cg. outeut.mcK saind lve argh7itehres-a wlll Ftho1sup arsones. vork dovuthe iteatdtre'sitersuDe 111111 ie aea roth e catcd i aed ta belcnuiaccameplhie, etieV1Q as up mer f aitire il e rsle aer-ae ie, n ofrh mand morpe ev ermbiit h n si kenteshaeURWATAD r siS ftrt, li rf buildins aitiec greatsiroul, enaotESLreewes.Ar e bd Tire dredge yull came by vay of tire yQU an'i 4 a $1-50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE.,

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