CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Jun 1906, p. 12

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--- -- -- - - -- - - - - 4#,OSY Vbalea Kucker, of Belvi- la e uWsUkenonm a visit. ~r1~k fcha', o BatimreMd., la ~8W<~t*e Waukegan frlende. #thes filiem lOf the. late Mra. Russel **bnTmq1t q emeter7 chapel et- d wm atrday aftterii, to Mr ira. Win. B. Oummers, 313 Wateri *IUSt, an 8-pound baby girl. ,- »=ii, to Mr. and Mrm D. U~ Dono. hue. o 513 Cayton treet. a baby jirt> Bunday marniug. Ml Waulegan barber 51101)5 vi dosa il day the Fourtii of!.ly, but *M1 be open until m..ulgit the. lgit 8. U. Arnold la the possessor of a Mitchell tonrlugi car.. prchasel Orougb'the. M. E. Smth & Co. *ffey. IL B. and i&rs. Price and daughter, £vs, bare corne borne ta Watikegan ai- ter a etty o! six montiis ln the sun- obine and fio'wers of Caliarula ' 1 Dr. Jease Buckley Ogdeu and hue- baud havereturned fram an extensive tour o! the W~est that included pies.- abs~alu Kànsas andilna Okla" . V eha4 .5celbqwth.,t were appropriate exercises and -Monday evening singera of tbe'cburch gave a musical lu is bdnor. *There vas a meeting of the Frsca Teefl tnd commlttee Monday moru- Itig lat wblçh lt was delded ta d9ose the laund and transmit the &minuni, neariy $2.600. to Or- aou Smthi, a! Chicago, rep- ,*trpatlng-the American Red C a. ~-AU told about $3500 ban gone ont'a Waukegau. WAUKEQAN 18 TMIRD. 7%ie Waui<egan Cera! schooi came: >ont -,thilrd lu the American statuary SiUest, vith 65,049 ba Rots, the two dc ba etingJiL out belng Dabvilie snd Forest. Twenty-tlve schools ,-*i$a'awarfises per the. terma of the 1 - ,6tt and Waukegn au amang the ',ipl "otber's, altbongh she wa beat- Ml hY about 100000 votes. Sotelriy C. to Springfield. MationaiGuard. vil go intocamp t. flap LLcol, Bprlnglolid, August for ;;ten days. 'betour sections of thie buudred .1% i Smormaud of Captain laeWaukgau Alignai -aiv a"et the camp on tâe >il». ,L=Ip vilibreak np ou theii lti., WUaa iiieha s peclal trais for àke -ud and ýaIlo the gens aagl èWVlp»eiit wyul be tairen aloug.- §ttclliaFront Montana. "itsa iotiw a bas etùrýed for the. 4W~a4onhlet. £ vry onta u $.gPý , tu addt)pn toe, ' rega- WrtW Zee onduzld. durlug the. hA v8frla prlmary metiiodeansd dMlbhg lI toacheral Institut«. lu the state, ot Montana. Qaite a party left Helena together M9'* hrertu rip tnpud a delghtt!ul t1qvallient by ail, stopplug eat a nllber of places eu routa. mien SOMma mda a short viâaitvibl ende In UD. Paul and vlatted Minneha »%an sd otiier places oz lnterest. SelleGels Promotion. Oeorge eIls, o! Waukega, bas bea appoltad ilsuperintendent of the fBcot- treet mile of the. American Steel sud Wlrs Company t Jolet and wlll tale charge of the bg In doitry e±t tiat point jly 1. Pred lngrQbam, o Sheridan road hll beeu aPPoluted toi tale Mr. Sella, 014 pot as assistant suparlutendent of the, local plant under Supernteut. et Wsldeck. Mr. Bella bas made Wauloegan lit bo- eWormany yers aud wt bit1 Iaudi resldes on Northi county streel BeIa way cx'Mason. aunl nW1 s.MMbOr ofcolier lodgeq, Hieit fund r.oicee tu ie Iappoîntint. 1 Mr. agrabam la a youug Wauke mauMmatWho ba, rusnfroin th, racha.1311s1 Oat la a god on. Mdni willmake geod. Weddlng a Surprise. MIsa3011n11i.6 UBrooks. datugbter oc I. W. Brooks, Dobuaatr and maya ~' qfWaunda, perpetrati a surpris wm bero b le rinds en. M we4nesda *0 vas quietly manidta o uais i PUl a a iminent Young bar IW* 9eret o! at place. Mot nui aftir the yoag anupie WUr.M oun dii « tb* ractioa besose i Mslte mail avas Do cSuf ail .?;aUOIbut tu la lhe vsy viti Wai o»4808, vbau tiiey r«Uetunalust el tilto te celebration vbicii met fiai SMUlier the tailt that thi e rena Wir0,11asoutvttei. -'bms band sud everytilg Il ,_ M bcuimakea anoise, W& î d IBIlD1 m oM ellgrand charivari, th rtaalg by otae l f ilet Ilthéborder O!f e towu an tufair &bosle. Tbe veidN '~aplafê srpduset ti «PMWita aer. TUe fafi -t-----------: Lake bfasa 1ev L4n.14gSchooi Cia.. Day. Acres el new land are bel)]Ç 3iie Tii. annuel ca9 ayeerelses o! by Lhe carrent O! LaIte MlchlgagP tort]$ the gratuatlug clitas o! the. Wauk.- Il of Wanlregàu banbor. San Ilgi sciionl vere belit Wednesday lu Wbat theii.luash take avay frois la the, Scbwàrts Theater before a ur the, snutb shiore lin. betveeu Madi- bouse 511.4 wtti relatives sud friendsaus pon &4_4 Wter Streeta leauasrapidiy pftte graduaI.. e -,, . ti ad&ed Int tpae north i a!hle.norti 'l'h. chyty chéootteaciiero occupledai pier sud slready miany acres bava. ac- the upper- boxes and the. junior claie. cumulated lu tiie triangle iietween uext lu Importance te th1e seniors at te per sud shiore. tis ime o! the, year, vas grouped s This land le the. property of lie lu tiie ceuler front of the. maz ineor., îl Elgin, Joiet & Eastern. raliroat., for Arouud Liem, back o! bei aud nr the. accumulation of tiie vesltii pofuma in the. balcony wre the vis- lI whiicb the lake seema ta be lu 'a itars o! the graduates. Mothers aud se league vltii the léeints. fatiiera. brothers, ssmer nud, friands bi Growthila Rapid. st avaltîng Lhe curtalu. sa men aluna the. vater front wbo> IL vas a happy tiiroug aftdr as the bave observed lie pienamerion tate curtain rose u the.assembled chiena tiiat the 1incresse oftheii mate lant anxloua eyes- souait ont "tier" e nartb of the. barbor la startling sud graduate. si propbesy tiat tiie raliroat vill' iave Clans. dayr belouga ta .the. clans. i uîany acres attedto t 'aL original low Then Lt la 0.1150 the différent members th pnlced purchase before mÉany years vbo bave preparet tier honnir papers ie bave passet. ', read tiiem to tbeir clasamatea and 1 As this land t> la tii tracir o! the tienda. P future ralîroat, developruent a! the Il Thsy Read thelr~ Papers. hi banbor, t assumes a great value aL Tii. papers openet çw1th the saints-!t once, eapeclally as title exteuda La Lie tory by Lida Gouriey. fater edge sud the roat vgutd prob- Foiloivlg the sasiuatory tlte bitary iý t .put O-A;p4t tpaInt>fie r of the wsa as read br %ý e R4e ment' - g ."> ntnr ild và *éêlrdd. it la rafidthbat tbe road mait ual Somne Amnusing StatîifIce. kuav of is accuîmulation a! praperty. r'he statîsîlca by Marie Carlson n Havwever. tiiere Indications tiiat'1t were lnteresting sud amuslug. Theii. daes lu lie forru of the piere that t paper was an excellentonue aud every e bas consruceltot presprve the sauth pint.that'could be appiied va,. writ- 0 shorehUe, lon g sifch alsa its rap- ten lu i. erly extouda. . oI5mIi Charge to Undrgraduateè i Tii. game of giv e aud take betveou Tii.- charge té untengraduates by s the uorth asuoîtb harbor lines IhIrene Tyrreli tolavwet. lu a statelye probably au even onue wilh a trille saut gracrionis manner the noies sud r balance lu favor ofthle îorritory uartb privileges that tii. departina clans of the ualthii per. lbaves toa ts auccessors sud thé loy- f Encroaçhmenls are Flerce. or classes ver. resdy. Msuy andt Thj.e ecrachmîWite of thle iusweep- novel thelP vere.9 lng curont on tliç South are tierce Tbey verp .uespauded lu for tue9 sud ail of the indtistrIes hetwoeu Slnd- juniors by Weston Psrtrtdge, sud ho sai> snd Water streetsanad fartiier succosafuillit shattoret mauy of lhe j soutb have been compelled to take miles ta tbe dlaconîiture of the grad-t mensures taa'ward off au lmpeudlng unies. coltapse ilo thie vaters of Lake Mich- He Shnwed Much Thought. igan., Theoaration by George Campbielli Piers*o! pillng. old'seovs. rip rap wae gaad. IL. siiored mucii tiought 01 - pIaula snd ,cludeqevadud even sud study Ilu. proparatian. Campbelli breakwsters o! barrelà bave been talked weli sud strougly. His euh-t ertnt to k*1' otit tii. laIte vashi et, "Demacracy aud Educatlon,"l that âteai thie land.1 was ably Ialruved sud is argumenta Tii'teudeucy o! Lhe curràt gener- vere aIl velI ciiosen. ally la southhaud wvlle thi. shore lin.e Pi2phet an Ingenious One.. . 1 'Suthi o! tie barbon ue beiug eaten Tii. propiecy by lddvard Ghlsutfoi-1 gaait y thie uevîy created curreuts ioved. It ln the prophecy that us fr!9mthie uartii, tue same currnts eagerly avAlteti by tii. clans.sud tiilr are addlug te the. shore lin. uorthio~f fienda. tor n luiLt th.future o! eecbt thé. nortl i per for of s mile graduate lu frleudly !asbloùi. lashovu raisd a biat, o tiiè "point." as t is theugit by the ingénions, t-Lak men propose a emedy in)lu propliet. !rofcoude ig.Tiie prophecit vas clexer sud -' sud- greatly creitet *h .e 14, n thie rpg*ety oflils soîbar. 'The résulte o!fLthe propii. tbQ,,rsllroad punti Éit-he goveruiment areh1w bq. thiy argue ,'tiat perbapa the. newly q- r_ aoy elv Edvard SiierwIn vitb th6 Ifrai .tittp tigt honni teouli qouýdfi honor ofthle clansa,the Valedictory. tnprsrond p trpss vatregewou d ivetlu an excellent aitresspolete iare- on rid :rpo: tiat vuldprevnt ell to Lhe sciiooi anditIs teaiera. lite clatmlung o! lhe mnjda landtand t îtas a fine tal and vas tiioughtfully Un, teil ye rlrge a.,dy . lcn tenu a muci-needed street tirougi the, railroa$ land ta Deveyt avenue At Indeed, mot oft hemn regard lb. prospect as serionsansd yul urge mensures for tue erectlon o! plansor road building teo pievn.t hie claim belug euforced by the. roat. imy maiiages. Thera la no uos. tsklug. June la tiie'montb for marriages lu Wauklega. Slxty-ouo lîceuses bave fins fan beau issued froni County Clark Heu- teWs o;cman sd thlre verte oly !orty- aIne fils day last moufi. Ther.voe slxhy-lvo ailleIst month. t Tii. number fils moutii vilI probahly exceed one buudred. * PIgft WORK BEGIN&. Th 'n oveament began vorl ou » the. construction o! the. uev south M pilit a -Mirng. The. derric vas 8 pier Monday. The derrick v as ail thie ad piles and fie nov pila -driver fiatla being contrutel 'bi thfe goverub* yUl bagin von ,on ibuildigup hie elpmitly ceî e sp~ia lpvo caot by fie 8Obq»ib a sortl lIme u The Sasiarn. tls etid,-amo tt guininar or steellBam a nd ame s native o! fia PuiS coen&. 'naT eyame iqe lind orItuColuna- a.the salmmovr lleuedlt la Akei Su1peator lax Un ut imesgoveru- àment a andbve f*Mdi far vay imb , Lke-r U &.l a. lae» Supanlor lu fiiey A-a «VMt luanmties for fie a Mnaret by thie U5 »Le,~ te Blocs ielvth gte to angot ami 0- mut ID Washinlgton.geveral more hava mi been csaot by fia s Mermen hart, g. but have bees ibrosat back as fley sa vere At lre or If niaYtb. thal lu fture itears waq- fe laa ebrmen viiicatcbhtaesaIMoM aludanhy. DELA!D 'BUILDING AGAIN IIEARDI'O Waukegan Appropriatîi lu18Drawn On. Notai Nerer-ise part of Onini- but Public Bulding Bill. The. amulbus.<puhllc building bill, carrylua about *20,û,0O00, aut at preseut servîngthie purpose, If noth- ina more, o! leaplng a quorum ah tha capital, vas reportei ta thi.bouse Moutay sfteraoon. 1h passadthte bousse, but viiefler 1h vilI gelthtrougii Lb, sonate -before adjourumeut lu problematical. Amnong fia teme are: Aurons. in., ta aeulage bhistit log-------------------....... Southi Beni. lui., t urchase laud and extant building.... 75000 Waulegau, IM., site and, buIld- ing ............. .... ... 75000 Mcigua Clty. la., site snd building .................. 7,000 Rgeoaia, Wl..,'site sud buld- ing..........1.0 SouthOiag.U, ap ciasa ite ...... ..1,0 'muae mw sommmdiiorga Eimuud Fmod ans. long l for a Wal[ gý â I« çëiIouf sareru 'bal I vl!'Pmae iebouma la co- Unl asaims Wla--OIldifag Wi»U. Tii. uullbg vilI ab*ote .Wan- k" uuPMal o1o0uni fteoobcee0o the cooillt ce tbaport aMidfle ravaea flhfe4ps. Iocqtýer wt P Ueiih Quuen or f aitea i e Whftll i Va .e ty a 1 o inte matte h é laquetbâor cioaton Is a big oea fIatboas baistaileoven la Wa*kffmu for t"e gora. -estes y fmnci preset location e! fthelmoul basse pI fie orner of LaIetmt an sd Ubemre od ta lIe vacut >ue ee c mreno! Uflc THE LOCUSTIARt DUE-THIS VEAR Stsie Eutomologlst Forcasis Arrivai of The Cicada-Two distinct Vailles Scheduied For tuls Summer. Principal Stebblus, O!fie Waul.- pau bigb sciol bas racalveil a com- munication fron thfe state entomolo- glpl'moffice at Ûnbaus ta lie effect tia li seeuLaeear lmctslaldu. lu liluais tis nommer- Tvo binonda at tie perlodical cicada or seveuteen itear loçunt are due al ov e fi dli htes: MWeo!fIiena the .ueventeen amidlb.the ier fie Uibm- tean pars roo. 1 Iaeformer buha.hretofora heen re- cordadinluIllinola fr't fe couties o! Boone, JO Darient, laie, U M 7Mn-, NeLesu, Putuam, Stepienmon sud WlMMibago. Tii tbUteaprinbrocA la mot luova tao car-Au Illinols Evldeuce o!fie ooqwrrmca of ather sacies, luam" panr !mlinois vii ha bighly voasaiby1the lstebu- Uriena sud aol e abacfla upx' vbnpossible bit atuel spdemns of the broot. Otler ûnsan are n. quenlly mîstalen for fie cicada. ' B. A. l'orbes, the state entomologlat, vill mal. a tabulation etftactosgafi- arai sud renter report ta the Uallai Statea bureaus.. Q&aeyouf o! Iepmeîu i rdArm !*EpbCbtt=Ias UJi ÏBaýnquais. Tiiat âea tWlity-aeooud annuel ba- nuet o! theia luin ssociation, heli la the. bigh schant assembly room Sut- urday nlgiitvas lhe bost sud mout succeseful ever iield by theasocia- ion la th1e verdict of everyoug viho attnded. Thie largest 'iumber that ever at- ended a boaquet, 203, verpent; a large lucreaea over the. 16 â~at ah- t*eded last' yaar. Despite the. large number tMe aaemiiiy room vas aiiply arge te seat- tham aliand noue o!f0the separatlug o! classes that bas bad te le doue lu former year. vas noces- ,sry that ulgiit. The. banejuet room vas prettlly an- ranged for th. banquet. From the. chandelier lu the. center o!' the room stringa of elactrie ligbts iiad been huug over the tables. Tiie habiès .iiemselvez vere comtortably ,ar- rauged about the. roam. Dovu thie conter o! the roam v as placed the. long table tbat sesled the looa' tlans o! 19oe, the laleat added te the slumi,ýroIl. Along %je !iortb %% aill as the- toast- uýaster'oansd aid members' -te~le. Thbe otiiers werE, gatheréd atouud The Aeiwal ReuniosI. Refore the ebanqilet ,.«,IWa the aîembers of the assoclation gatbered Lu tho sebool bail or iii lb. diffeient clansroamsandami ýhted, sud talked over thie oid scbool dlays togetiier. The tact that lbe banquet vas held iu the very rutmom s, any atleuded school ln awakened minemorles stroug- er tbau merely .sneeting aid .clans- mates agalu could dlo. This tact took witb ai1 #44aside trani the. tact that the sciiol bad been chosen for .room everyne vas glad It liad fer old nierories sud as- sociations. *d Tbe social gatheilce lun tbe hall lasted ntil about n oclock viien, ta the aIrains o!fuius'c front thie Junior Orcbestra, the &&ses gatbered .aud marched te thoir placen ut tbe tillai- ent tables. Finally ali vere seatpd but the gradunted citas. sund as they enlered the joliy, beatty welcoae a!flthe a- saciation vas giron ta tbem. Veil Theniselves I-bars. lmniedlstely où beiug seatedthtei yelis andi calle of tb. dîffereut classes werpesar.ted aud througiiout-lthe menu vero gtvou at Intervals.- The menu Itiel! vsis excellent sud the ladies of the. Mahhodlst churcii 'wbo served 10 are deservlng a! mucii credit. Only one tblng dlsappolutlng could b. natlced sud tii. ladies tieiuselves vere for bised1sappoint- ed than the. diners as I greatly Iu- couveuienced tient. Tiie ladies haà a course o!fmal parfait" au the. menu, but viien. atter iieing sent ta be trozeu, It vas de. llvered lust before the. banquet It waa touud tiiat lu dellverlng a mistake bad been muade sud only part of the par tait had been left. A large treezei of plain Ice creant vas leftaud man3 ver. served wltii tiat lustead ot ti parfait. Toasts Woe.Excellent. Atter flnlsiiing tiie banquet the. pro gram of the evenlug vas eujoyed mSeldoru bas so geuxerally gond a pro -gramn beau listanai te. The. toast aIl ably raspouded te snd tii> ,toastinaster, Faruhana A. Hudson, Se! proved bîimsel! a capable, *itty aum tplaaning master o! cenamonies. L~edk. IuprovemeutBonds for Sae.' eIO G I - lt Lake Forest * Enterlug theameoffic $a lhywetaii, tllinklag. fiat ha Xi*,4peohber com- plaint, su. 4m l là -el be*ia vIe Thwlaiay lUovIDti-eW al k.4 f9 the Waultega Peut houaWin lae hie Ilnsit sud vas admtted a patiet vIlle police eMd heait of, ficeus Pcoured thq city. Mootila la-h y tsa ham beau employeda 50Li the. Arthur Mooeeplc Vo- est, fie reaideuca halug huit by 1the millionainepaler. That day lie vorket alone, sa lit none, ere exposed excaph ou fie vai la the. stçeet car vien Mont .As a malter pf course, valked viti om panions. He la emnployeet a Laite Forest by Frauk Whidden, a Waultegan cont- tratlor. 0O"n the vay bhom e berode lu a car crovdgd vltb otiier vorkmen viio muat tiios bave been exposei sud lu the busy ime lu Waukegan, belveen 6 sud 7. be 'must iiave'jos- "noi.- ý ý- me. maanail -. X. i Mtar stper-lhe youug Igan proeA ceeded la Jb. office <f Dr. Rtadcliffe, viiere .an exarpination îîroved Liat be badtheml l.suilpox. %Ho va*,- tld of tius andl inussted liaI il coui\6not ie. Tii. doctor'%illy cooîluîced hlm tint IL vas Sn ani Sent hlmi ta Dr. Kuigit' for confirmuation.- Hove1er. the ytnug mInuacceptêd thie diagnoals and matent of galug ta lhe Kntgbt offilce vaik(e a rile sud n bal! ta theietatliuso, wlvre h. la nov iodged wtt an extrernely mlld case. Tial be viiili e the menus of carry- Iug the diseuseo la niatter of ex- trente douil. as bè was taken lu ime ta Prpvent the exîîoîire n! others. Had an Assumed Name. Athils boardIng bouse, vben lte police startéki the aearcii for ,hlm that ulgiit. alter the, yaung mnumd taledt tauppear et tie Knlgit oMfce. t vas Oitee that a niarii>uaned How- art Mont stal»p-d tiare.1 H. vas fiualir loctetl as ta ronis sud place by tic intformatlon suD- plie4 iiy anotiier latiier 10 1the affect tiaI Mont. ta escape lie quarantîne directet agalust bina famlly, viien 1 bey ver. taken villithie .disaes, had taken the.unaeof Johnson and realslered unter IL. THE INSTITUT! IN SESSION TIS W!EK SEASON 1906, $25 J HN R.-TMOMPSON., Prop.. LIBERTYVtL.LE AddreataJ. .W. ,MYRRAY. Supt.____ Vol: 5. A. Salit bay, baset pointa.>hit cias bigli. veigis 1,200 pounts aud tait, gond bactt. vith long set lui bigi-mounted sbneldena, and a a<urrel ear, a modal uni iarness. Wben tour yaars oIthie i vore thirteen blue ribbous. si Kentucky, viiera b.ebadtotago He la a saddle iiorse Witt acting rioder; gond lu runniuj slov pace for a ladieu' gait;1 very positive Inlu istrot, both baruea; bas great luee acî around actipu viiîcb ia requir bomses ton etier satdile or bar Registeret ln Ameican Sa Sret by Digulit Dare, XN iiy Chester Dare. 10. N. S. M.1 by Black Faglle 74, b. by Rui Deninarl 64, hée by Gainas De -mibe-raca-bonse Daumark, YF.8. Init dam bi oùns.Me Second dam bit e boa »aL 1i tamn hy J'ek's 8ýmuph«ep e Dignitir Dras firet dam. by William Walsh, ha by tm Gypsey Quees.thie champi nov ovuet by Thomas W. siffler ho Dlguly Dane Prospect la o! royl blond. NO. 2 087 ! 5.HU.R. ind eetwhit. 1 bans 3 10 la erngfltboebav m I ýgbeutfu tpein nck W O th fretdivilt a. ts, ast n san. srnicea bou e beavyis I uder h allrdodleanltyle va siovuHeh t rea imesau ed fora u ubIs nate sire of againtHor eafiters [o 18 Val. d.8H Jo-rL; asa ec Rb back munIrrcanl8, la g uWtelb., sud aIngti. on.wl 1ha hfitheadtour- ru. or f Ior bli. Iefrd bêrote or auutoa sr.o R, byab B lanonsqu.irredb jb WIllam . ha bYt Wum«lnto smurl 1. fluecli four- per"Mi maurthofdaheby BldI Uazie ono t. la amohaitb To introduace Prospect, h6ievery 10v fea o! Tveuty-flr. Dollars vill ha ciarge tho lueurs a lIving. COltfils. Crut vIllan reasouable distance. H. eau ha sean ah hie stables of Bnmcl Brou., 2606 Di-. sou Avenue, ZMon City, IMILou A-Pnd witner of damond ma for olterSrs, 51.5 ta s 504.1:23, ISACS E ortonoN 0F orMiSFIIAS? 7 0at.. - -7Trotting Race Record 2.1: -- .-- sesana> acinos teOhls#e uas etS-Uu..tisd"LI. iilhaçttoR ropi, 4rn4lto laAduresa Tii.annruel Lake Cauty Teaciera' Institut. la lu aesstou dîîrlng ibis veek sud f rom point af attendauce. outhusias ansd supenloritit of In- struction IL lpromise ta eclipsîe ail pre- cetîng gatherlngs o! this klud. To- day mare than 100 teachera are lires- eutt ndthe.nurail esciiers are lu the uuajonty. Countit Superntendent Gsgglu has cnntantly urged a bigiier standard of vont aut superlor professinail equip- meut for hils teaciiers snd lu resporuse to lies. demanda mauy ofthLe leaci- ers f rom lie rural sud gradet sciionîs are lu allandauce ai sommer normais. Superluteudent Sith, o! Higland Park. sud several of hae eaciiers rememberet the lutitute vlth kînt varda o! encouragement. ilupernteudeut Busuelle, o! Lake Forest, vho beata vbut may be calet a motel sciionî, la spendlng bis va- cationulu Europe. 'me majanily a! Lake F'orest teaciira are spenting themr vacations ouI o! Lak, county. A large colouy o! aur teaciers are et DeKalb. atteudina lie somamer taris. Charles McKeuuy, Ipesident of thie Milwsuulee Stale Normal Scoi, ma, bis flraft appearauce befone au Illinois teaciiers'. Instîtote yesLerday audhile culture, congenallty sut ripe experteuce bas alreatit, entabisiiet f or hlm an enviable reputation as au instituts conduclor, Charles Fanr, assistant couaty su- perintendout of Cook countit, bas charge of the. "Nature Work sud scScll Management." Mn. Parr would'have tho teachors undenatani boy a cueIt Islamadeta o fut bhisaI througb 1te introtuction o! indue. trWal eacilu. Ha eau make' ies teaibers fusil the, valua of liiis voft lu a mazuer that vili bave a *gond ae 1fco,' Mr. Parrtairaura abtiity aud thie teaciier n .lit. Counfy dBepeintaudeut Gagla la té b. oongrstuated ou theosucceo! of bi lushitutes. lia-apiecta lh. hat'ami belevea fie betIo noue too gooi for bie tuachens. 'rie Christian Budeavor Socetia. o! Cook amid1*11e cocuia. ssud others la- the Cic aunion dare th ave an ta- cunsion os fie uey steamer, T'bac- doraecSeveli, troisChicago ta Mîci- lgasuCity. The round trip fr vIll be 75 cents sud tho iart, vil be maie lu Chicago at 1:30, Satunisi aflennoon. An Aiarming situation frequeutlit teaulta ftrous nagleot ot cloggi boelsamind torpi li r, .ult constipation becomtea cbronic. Thi* condition le unlalovata those vid use Dr. ings NewvLité PllE; fia has* migatieurogulatm uo! stôai. acnsd bovals. Guantaeai 1w X' 5. LoaI.4 ugaJa. Liberty"Il. Pri W, s. -.,11 5 r Lt ie le ut x d- LU et qe Ir kt w Bd 19, de ft or

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