O>CUSATiONS BY'WOULO-SE8 vloTls>-£ GRL. APTER cMsý#i, Iris "i frae ! 44wdellv NogIçent of the 1 ef w*siThoîr Daugleis?-Ai'e > tLasehleg ln Moral Chîvairyi Ttrut WWan'aa udLaki Count>' Ïo**nq> et«n il, but a few, havi md bten 40' i~dîlt t~t fue I ve vtj ai d4nJ ail «< YOUn9g irls and trIbU l'la,- pose, elintlIma.ifa moments of wemlc-9 1ýh" **me of theifi rival theIncluot bsell 0rose in theîr leofwrou 1iliatily am covaril>'tMW triaci- ~inlatImr truilment o! women. «hiss.e » emmtleee Javelait et hase by. the vomen thîmives and l b *a fort tii. t. prove that thiey aiame aendeaU ot ballets, the faw who1 lav. bien gulit>'.1 Th . paper. hrougb confidental mrcsii. ummearthtd amaiai lacts cou-1 engag intrigues lu whIch tht young9 mes. of Wauittgan and Laike Connty wi.-aA *elbe hatmgaged, oubintd in itrue vere a hofésle conspracy iga.nt the virtueaad honor of t toinen o! Lake coual>'. anch as are wu^Mrred,,an4..the discioanrea made are «Metcent te put even>' molier and fttber ou ., guard for t site of ilitîr Chldren of tht weaktr1 Take AdvanUe iof Gi rIs. The, aptcllc charge agalust the mug rakes agalist vhon tht dia- ufie la levelti Ila that theytake .ttad-1 haalge et yommg womea vien tilt>' balle thew i t the îolt o! despaîr. Tà but«.Illstratt 'thtejpont tht une eto, obthegir» WvhI hav e t se toïd. WanttetaàmCountry 'Dance vus.faachialig. ilfileii. circle lp wtta nmwa othlng gs.nst the man r ivInluthteomnat>, about four- ~1 iUMt»I ~W ,WofftMa thttunn bai -flmmi rat.'!telles. Se trPansirWth moleI Aboltfe miles trom tht smene or Mr wib 4itgirl ag tit vhmn ai iaiaeei te acotiste hie'oe*ardY de 0"~ nid tilt OHMEWOUi4) BITR- M M&RTIPY Mii 1.115? OitWALK 4 ilio h topped t horne b>' a tu-Mthtetrins ami lie buggy catie vasmin mlesava'.Tht bailvastvamils bcitove>' B ut Sw SPurni Hm. 1 Lits the brave lîttie vomanshe -"0 '*apeithe t acIn tI. :,*k MdImaiedfroa the buggy Cu 1io «roundai a b.toppti tht utq .bus beatsilove. *TiUE GIRL WALKED HMIE,- stur- eily ,rw"uin er lovtr's offer o0£as jstae.* The youma nu rove aheai htart- jeaanad left ber. 1Parante Art Ignorant. Throwgb obeme -tht Young vonan te nId not bu have coftssed thl. ln- clident ta btr parente as nan>' vili k i~4 !tht hould have damie. se mnoiesty deprlved her o! tht A~fctI0ion frrel-tuge. $ho kept stllinla ear that tie ver>' -«e of blehi shancetui love woîld dis- Sali on isau enht heard af the Imchent:1 "5l ,AM LOOKING FOR TrIE COW- Y CUR WHO FIGURBO IN T ?Ig-NCIDE11T AND WHEN i GIIT HiM an WILL SUPFER FOR IT IF 1? 18 Titi LAST THI.NG 1 DO ON X AITH.Y Tiare Are Otier Intances. ý&he trouble ie liaI thîs le not the Tmare inu>'other c4aes in d9eih pure yolin gins ha tben reated lu tht samt inanuer. TRIS PAPIIR HAS _HAD THILEN -=B INSTANCES BROIJGHT TU -Tu NOTICE. lu Miost cases the youag voman Mas confded ta lier coett riend or a broiber lanlreteence tû wepf 5elt feariug tiat biame wouli efttuced ta her for-her shane lu "r golagg wiVth the mail. Té -eu tht brot er, ierbaîce, bas itI4IV>tlloe erouni to tht libertine MM mIatéhlbm up-anothen nicher- *ft la a mater for congratulation."' SfU ons mai ubo la on the. Insue = hat -gota"ty irls liav-e tht e m hti kér vouli.be go- If u lws1,b>' -no otiier ý,Wta efi.i ilsiomorele taer i no punnfhment t00 severa for tht 'i.help who wiii tike &dvpt- age o! an innocent girl lu n nYva> and send her to dîshonor. Adie ta, Parents. Tht tollowlug set of raies la drafttd f or parents vlth girls: KNOW WHERE VOlIR -UACIGM. TER$ ARE OF NIQUITS. TU ROUGU TH-E LAW MADIU-:AND psvpDFOR SUCI CAS"M. Ir ,'VIHRE ARE ANY LONG *tiVftSe TO BE TAKEN ISE S URE 1TO KINOW TMOROUGMI.Y ' THE [cIARACTER OF 1THE MAN :WHO HAS CHARGE 0F TOUR GIRL FOR THE ÉESING. »uttesToile s ecrets. ..Yo nton oui>'ont Incident' viien thare are doses&. Sald a yonng natron: 'h, etrouble la thm5tparents. are Indifferent and do uot taitecase 1 jnvestigate thq.- character of tht youag mai wth vhom their daugh- ter gots. -Then, soin. daughtei'a are wIlful. "It i.a amere>' liai so mian> girls have escaped the valves lu abtep's lotblng wha are ready ta, speud mon- et. and tînt on then only ta malte, dishonorable- proposais ta- them> whtu, ý*ý* p eta dtadvAme, I»cldenW'*«*-e than tht ont. von cite. -Suci ai occurrence ha. beau the mak-init o! sont girls vhio have itept "oitand caltits conpany., 1 '*Otitra, 1 tear, have loved the man who ioit their ail ava>' Irmmlthen sud consented 10 graii'hiel ust andj face Illeloug dishonor." Thîre la no Known Police R.medy. There le no knovn police rtniedy. Tht charge o! mténpted rapt cold h. prefenned but ' It of Itseif ettali a -latiag bloC on te naine of a pare and Innocent girl. There hs tht charge of disorderi>' commuet, wblch mamm a fine of tree or fi-e dollars and conta aud a repri- mand Good CatAft0i51 Ueing M"deai Lakot-One MiGls Anxlocîsad Findlig Rod and Lice too.Slow a ooauldeebls omuat and espeeialy st Po.rtb, or NOMoW@ le aite, ýh&ve smaleVéry larp bauebeen mmdle. MOnY .fsêeoi #O@bl*i. rUm th tutwelve pftuasbava tboic taken ad basawefgb- 1 frulmr Io flvý. poundo have bous ='t. M)Ir. Va ouen. owner o(Ahii Wlqsmia, rsonort Ns hvlng dapib. mo.td wIivh ben captured, wefgbo bie'amdi a bal ponn a ad man thyms het lpa Lg làet Frlday fLndpb VanLoamd bis beotWur. E4. ,woe ihlag vbe latter oaw au lui.enos pileslel milse qatofl aawul M URm raui e oar <irasaplg thAt as a weapon he «truck *ae rnh a 'bw Md road lue -gsttu e 4m~4n'haê.S oumid, m ube.in 'F0mZ~mS Il The WamouM magulm deetdtht Round Laitw e.lst Iunda>' the score boingt 10to 7. NMut vask the Won- coudas play a dcuble boumler, the Iwu- lare meetiing the Round LaIWetihaa reinru gaine wfille the fanions !laril bitu's tean ci! timat place ili niat the (Iram>'Lakqse. OEERFIELO-The home leanim eet- c-d tii. B & W Coite from Chics-o lacît Sumola>'4 Cci iClh. visitors b-iîag ahut ont ntal the laut lanlng. As nanti1 Walter Lefnge pI nch.d astroag ge anad bail thesot support tii. boys c-ver put up.. Thre vers no scoresuntil thiealift, inuiîag wvn tht Deerfielde busclac-d thehr bite and ttrue uaeuein. Tiie other rua vu asmdeiIn th. aaventh. A good gaine is bookeci for next Sunday aitliter- EvgREtT-Th. Hvtattte dealeatoi the Ivaibom. laat Suaday at Bi-eratt viti a score of 4 ta 1. Battarlin; Itaihot: Tony Dorier and SicCarti>; Evereit: Lavrenve lledinud amdi oran. Umpire, John Lancaster. The gains was lnUmretlp througbout and was wnOunb>' supermor base eteiling goaue 0-llltam eahlngotoleu b>' MWeEveretta. Noâco -f AvWard of Contract. 011%i o! lie board 6f iccAl lip.ovenents puba. uinoita le beretir alvin pnnt 10 thé etotuté,ba pcottrot %U",hlcem sia u eton e a t .v la ue auer y ll - 1 tei.DIo t-at:Aom0tm 4u2.0<evrpw' Sshe.mi uIr. ONa a.seeat a l theaim village o!f. 57iA. i eno mors DUr M.11900fthe W»» rior prIe mlqred mei, eas« tg ~~jeicr~a ewn auo 8 o.raa =11C %1 Blrtb Toolt Place"Li rida>' NiJgikt , 11RWsOsIwAueAt 'P4ai l fltagY lEail. OROGANIXÂTION IM OB COMPLRUJULY10. The, ake Coumt>' istorlcal Asso- lation 1. Wbat iakt week vas ai Ide" sud a hope I. nov an -oeganstd body' and tht prSopdt are that withîn ivre weetis Waukegan and! 1.4e countY will havre a. ç-icd a corkltg sachet>' for the pres-r'Vli'ci Lf local is- torîcai data r s man> rount>' lu the state of! llllnoj. mhe oi'gnlston e-salon va; held Frida>' nlght lu thét lecture hall o! tht WaukcQt-a i'îhlle 1Llhmcsmy. The i ýpresentstlon wa3 good. but net rs gcd as I wIl be on the 0v- enla -vita the permnpint organiza- tiomi1-, aff"etd. Tuesdzmv eveulag. Juiy 10. Thare Are Oaa Hcndred. Whillc mot uearly ail attenied and took pa: 1. titre are 100 *ho have slgned çurds vlth the newspapera as- social d i lime proitotlon o! lie«Iseu. and thi creturus fron th count>" are net > et competît. Clonel, Partrldge la Chair. The uiffmm5 v, as called to prier nIai b1Cob51- jwlnA. ait- ',dge. adjutait for thé dqpartnuont Illnois of tht Grand Army of le t- publie. Hi. aomlnllon as teinporai'y chaîrman vs. made by Dr. Jacob P. Ratiner. The motion carri unani-1 nouaiy.r Afier tiIs WiII J. Smith, edtur of tht Gazette. and George C. Bactînl clty éditer of th~e SUN, were elected sécréerines, aud tht sessi on was on. Tht purpose ce~ tht meeting wes nerely tb affect a- temporai y orgaal- ration and te pave the va>' for the. permanent organisation whlch 1ikes place lu about ten days. Appoint Consiltutioni Committea. On notion Elan Lý Clarkte, Dr ltoemtr and C. Ir' Heydtcittr vere ap- polnted te draft a consttution and a set of by-lavs t10 be offtred at tht permanent orgalatlon meeting wbleb vIS prohahi>' h. held lu tht l-, brar>' hall. Ganeral Discussion Opens. il vas aler thls that th. géneral discussion of 1h. aima and objce sof t.e sociW -,- eopened. The mn az. ,mled, ail ldohrast- dents o! ths tuvu vho hava grovu vith it, grtv ýrtmialaceut, and the <embers generali> recelved some firaI rate 7tlpe for fture pape"s. BURGLMMiA(WM Atmpt te Force D..i' of Seuer Suas. Gênerai Marchandise store And Are Met Wllh Sliot*-Leave Malet And Chîsel ln Flight. Burglare entened the.Carlie Stempel store et Long Gravi Wecfnsiimy negt but tendod la gettlng uohbng of mnch vain for thhir trouble. Prom atis stars the>' croied over bu Sanar Bron. gprai moemdloa @tore and tli.te attemqpted btome tii door. ýOl lieproprlitor iv. 1. th, buidimngad haarlng tht operatlons o! the min appearsd on tht sme iwth a revolver." Taket unamaathe man vho vere lho armei attempted Afigit km a buggy and "itr a li-el>' exeâige o!fs@bots made tiboir gotava>. la tchir haste ,tii.> leait a mitanllmd chisei whlch ma>' b. Ch.eens eo! ldcntlfyhng thani. Long Grove atores bai-t bain burglar- fred a bal dosen tlmee in as mmm>' yeare and km preiomacases i-minable pnder bas bien aecured. RWOM or "MIE US P'ARTLY SIJRMED. BlazaeAt C. W. Chandler Home, South of Gurne.. May' Uive bean Afbsi'- {ComtiufJontlpage 1» After a monlu of stops lu Wauke- gan lu omupotti6~n -wth thte1511f Steamboat LIAs, the Cnlcago North- eru Navigation Company, over the. en- trance of wbh tu tht. port the.s was io muck trouble lu thie couneil, hau sold lis busIns to the HMM peo- pie and hm e ttlred trointhe trait. The. C#Iel, S 3ortheru Navigation Comfany dle&, Mes out of existence.J The, Frontema go.s toMlwaukte, where ase la ta b. uned la the Mil- waukee and Meiftee sait trade. The Waukcsan, Koaha and ChIcagoi trade wilUlie doue by the HilM lIne wlth the M&rÉntte, the saine as be- tore. the entrance of tht other com- The. sale wua complet.,- lnludlng the. gooid wlll 9! the Chicago Nortiiera Company and ail. Thesamle te theHiliipeopit*marks the close of a merry war of, abot two monthe' duration. 'Nt iat tînt ago the Chfcago Nortiiern peo. pie askedt permission of tht ctty eolin- ell to enter the harbor and use hall or ail of the rarehouse. -Tht coenilany has been inakIng daliy tripe and bas run Saturday ,and i3unday excursions troin Chicago and Kenooha. It bas gîven out plans for 'mn lncreg«»gl, gî usiness-.' that rec ha. arst-ÏatedttlÏa-nWi sieël boat was to be pnrchased. MoUd FamlIy Reunion. Tiere was a reunivofe the Roii5e tamlly at the reeldence of Alderman James Mann, of Sherman Place, TrI-i day,.membetbof the famlily *..ýir at the dînner table amd i di.t- gether. Those ln attendanee were Y ill l: H-arry Rouse, of Di:cr"od Lake, Ilc)n and Rob, o! Rocklt'ler; Mrs. Miry, ,Mitrhell. of Prairie Vlew; Mr@. tli- rnet Ray, of lamotnd Lake; Mra. Nellie Terpnug, and Mns. Jessle LiI,. of Ravenewcod. Mr. (;. l. Ray was aiso one of the part,. The avent wms la the nature of a sunliise. the Rouse boys comiqg ln to have a groiip phoiograph taktu and the ssters gathenlng tu wclcomt tisem. Mrs. Mann is ohe of the famlly. Parson Accuses Officai' Sengeant Watson of conPeny 0. Twc'ty-aeventh United - état.. lu- faniry, vas accmsed Thutrode>' y tht Rtv. George Parloqe. aofilgbvood, ln a statement wvIlin- probabl i>' vii i thebmt hîsfor formai chargea tu lie setttltd by a court martial. The mînîster, vho reeently echleved notoilety durlng tiell lghwoýod "nI vice" crusait, accuse'! tht strgtant of lnnindatlng young girls o the streets of Hlgbvood. After teIepbonfng Whicomplelt bu, COi. Yetenman aI the t a-tecorporel and tva pivetes vert sent ot ta er- reg BSergeant Watsou. Tht>' fmlted tu do su and vers confinedl In tht mlUiar>' prisnet thefort. case le Dismfeeed. Lacit o! julictiou catsi tht dis- missel o! the ase of the cl>' o! Wemkegan againatthe Smith Piano Company' on the charge o! btlng an tîneraut nerchant.- As vil h. recaltd. It 1la<ialiued that the compan>' begged off lilcnse paymtnt hecause Ilcalmai perma- nent location here. mhet- it tiovtd sitar a moti or no. Service hai bren obtaineu on D. H. Rogers, tht cab man, aald to -have beau an agent o! tht compan>'. Tht vice - preident and' tha secretary o! tht piano compail>'offerai affliavitU to tht contrmny uni Rogers himseolf sald that ha vas sinipl>' a man en- gaged 10 heml panos for the firm. su tht service was ieciared no goci aid tht court, Justice Van Deusen, declard tiat Il hai nd jnrladictlon. An attempt ma>' bc maie to gel service on the conceru and try tht case lu Cook camaI'.ý math of Fouwh oftluNy Celebratiun. Oealh Cause* Inqui'>. *'Chales Gustation, a Swtie 24 or A blase af unituowu orWglubuflu-tIa 25 years olci, did suddel>'Monda>' greater part 01 the rouf frant thie C. W. about r)ciocit on the Judge Upton Chandler honte soutlc of (tunute at no.>.1 farin la Lakte BinS, about 5 mile% Thursday.. ThaelIre vas disovered lu from Waukegan. th. alingleu of the buildng mlter it hail Gusta!san vent tu tht tarm lest gainsil consderabls htadwmy. Saturîla>. Ht bilad acou heu aid Neigubors vere cailed b>' telephone fet Il. On the fanai are a foreman1 aid aidadink putt4ng it ont ouI>'alte and tvo iired mna ho F-un the ferai cusiderable damage w.. doue. Itj for Juige Uliton and a voinuta do clalimed thei.cihldren 01 the Chaidler tht cookItng. lamif>' had not heuit Ug 9froraekera (hustatson kelît allng.ani a sort o! and a& tbere va. no lire in th e at0f pneanna set in. A doctar '*a. boul whre he " etrt th case Ilanal>' sumnonsi but dii flot arrive teoutpunwtretbh le sr ete i caseuntîl etter Gustlfon had dilei.1 a. talothe.ovulerl t hnhI .ese Fth.Itle The Uptons bers vert notfiti ami a rsut a te cleratono! heFouththht>'Iu!orntd the coroner. Atmin.u- AamoumîiaatqUest l te be he.ld ou tht bod>' lu Iannounce EuMy canilldat>'for t'W Office the White uniertsing roome at 4 ohCathe Snerislion1the Sebt e"'o'ciock thiI.afiernoon. Convention. Joux Homxi-89-ti Gustafaon haui bean vorking for' somteUne around Laite Forest. Hie At the Methodst church on nextà-ua-l aibnaeanrltvavtl de>'th tiquarteri>' love limaI vilibIosltehaeu rltvs aý Îi.d et 9:45 foilowed o.t .lo:.80b~ ever lu thî. coilutr>', but vas a frtat sermon froua the Presidima EIde Mv. frieni of a Swedlsl militman vorklngf î >. C«al>. The sacramelît o! the Lrds Iln Wauitegan. SUpper vil b. admkmtred. bonday' - _____ techooltaimbleh lsq n. Tue l ar$ Wlien appled and Scveti viti e tioimvp h. b.ibIla taternoa m i ebot loti Pluesalve M lUBtee aponi- t-brc. pwrsbI.egu.memat'1&.45. lic. Deit for bem»woU o So. Ssragsr mndli li o d wihmniiecuçmaskia Wisg4 ",etc Saib'j a1 a l eve., No evelss Wl1aM Ble>', Lcbeit7?%lled-u'! ms servis op1 thte Se f*pt.Pa a>' woré uniaimi-Mer ftMi'iOta ho ~ ~ béius* ie w 4kwe al; ta beu mace. Or sain- te ieb«u8d ltl pa4:111 a", roet wus foundtato ti.hatlg don.. The.traaportbt&OU Monta »Yio1k0fa pprtCam' i- Cati Waal lin mmd CgéodSmeD facliltlea evidoati>' have dlmtouuaead Fr" sýllo1farc.Afiglairi sur- R.ttln a s ary. , muir Chiagoue. suznaiiras: plieled in elgbit sbort monthi. PM re,~ ucatm. las aunaI îwaaerî..aii Our' viltore wore pleasd,siven am&a"e hte isa.'oles ,a to aal.......5 a ea tétrteoutrop, anesomus fsdgse IBUT TWORCTs b,~ .......... a - aid tens. tii.fifch ioaqmill or tht Oui. àZ1î )..;. #: fatli5bo rile s lthe " v tainscm bur inKM R RA L mailngu. bis. u.by Ortima f) ellèvrtil umesss, an &tan the MuantPeMlis..ter. 6. kb ie MXsleifI Cohr...sda domi Tb.>'t sof th &4l mm wok Fr th.oeond day at the. Lhbertyvhlie etotui mu. lis it spatte à",t dt. prbiered noniely bonfience.-jerck Thuredo>thtitires .raioM a SW14 bw m bi ' Wot%êttêo. . i.... i th l M omay tetel_. .Job». W. Pataseseseh ý, hi- DBobla, gr~e>mditit.ah.' satisme étl ~aufi ot god fii~eba Tmeboi (ea............. ........ . . beetflag t bu> itott l eat 10 ru~e [rm a atandipomt of a coltet Wasll o%.m r.,L r. i M ri. t êau),.e: cets i o perfrIll saéesod, lia' 9:18 para. Tii. haos..»kmoqid 1.. ab. *#ou IL oi s h. W. haveal wa" e ft qw vieiitcim¶-endsluok lb word for the. tirethist oeul>' son) ...........................'4 ClliUliSprtasonatauetvar- bumched and mdethe dres~t ua liibofIby»4U(aa.,..J4 foui prolirtiabtimtaktbms mi t ff -- ml tmvotwc î>' l.« ý 1mW te& Pi. <Blle;ïu. a the Poopbl mi>oe or -mes& WIUP.rsiantIhif dise-? futreoledsourcwes they Im'w twledilîl, the. favorite, but îlfitly mu the la-îsLall bav'sed haiwe retbought el. No fld. The. -viol fiIeld of @aveu1 eit.ttd l'fr i i. iii»016 pare Sm. touypt>lu Our dle8rlet due@"thl isbome. trttch as thougi acorlng for . * terl. n6 hvoatre ;i oremb da at1 ot l 0wetleau.arani tend the.crowd rmie 10 lie fut-mBa (ia") ........ 1.................. ot a re etereontuca mng. ryt maethe o u et oxclting saisit, QI flsibme Pttç«. bI.al. M., -Direit à", ýgo with ns. Baal,* arever>' 10w. gleday . 4.he w1reSWI' W Wofîer ~ake .... ... às TI*âq» Square emiC., belle you and et.. gainai ot lotia ,aàdtulsmeclw maegtZia*mui blé. i.. Mt sestaris. tert& NouIw hll a md ear iel a m d th. field, nuch as he bad *mag is 111 iiiteLouai(M.Deittî) ....4 4 pan>' kmIn dsta c b. htlnIn "c travelos] the viole mile. TinU.a-sahhi ao dignit; 0 ohe ii. lareDei Company'.Ili the smoud blitIof this race the Oui' ne o t.aetîg boue@ -là mat comm- infsi atteaianot as eucltlng aud for a oi î.te mm quippeti-. and le te tii l ut iii iuéitlea uoked ueus ioubi Geeeh i lih G TRO ER 11§ co 2t.h 'xàa~ oc-Wt 'Ouide, iha. *4ite i O -Nýr aclaup.cîcirm, @ci-h-,cte.8 ktr egta 81.glt satiibrut pubthun. Welter r~lue iir-ilgi -I Thé uew rbnnb lùw.-vcr, the blig Irow c e îîr.. frke houge, blackscntftissle' P cte., are aliland winica i tee4iugik iteslMei fet wu lckîilfGrattan, Puce .4f Grattan. s- A 1 tiI-. Tht biginuuel i uo% n la0UPfeet, and tgucd 1-lur bth lccJh.W.lutsi, blet. A Youngoter of Maris 'Potnama tira. efght lîcur slîif te am Iî,atbilcg it lu drîv,.u I»HBast, auviiug th, visu tu j Tralnhaýg, Beuglstbit B>coil Mcay as& faait mo c.efld.. Two eQile are léjîu moc a-e it. for B g j~ [.TOsmaüeIm0*t pp1 u paen Fasy fRac. for The Phatom. * i c teiuigiofte mnct vs-tstalpcatnt ITh.int. ruý the2::M) îrui. Nw1 icelf Grattaui, a piodnct of tht- ut tht earliei icosibi,- 'moment. We nl tesusL-d Ley The Plcnuw druie-u by (iratsan Sltock Fana, mmd periaepi the ara friencil>'wajîliail icur a.-îgibeursandWu16i..r,)icm lielimoment iiiestasise Imuet prauclsing trotter ta h. broigit are the ail aricunîl favorite e-oaîpauty 0.Oses ou i,, aî,w.Tie. fiere ,,c mlicse ont titi year, watt liii. week aold by F. til iîtrii et. 1s ibal offr.o! seveWral rccc-19ii.1 y l'hise. eiii.il'y W. 1. .Marsi ta Seott, Mco>' a.verternu stocks in oil-evpuicuffervd in équal *I-t it hicihlago rendcfdrivea l.y flic-k 1icreinan lfi' tichennmg anof 16,000<. excisange fier teSquarelcal. ThiioeaSs okik.àlahnn, iiud Adermau Chiselt. Nickel] Grattatewio ha. cont onder- ara ail oellîit lr oie 25i ents pcr &haro and 'Matnailrih Atc cîii tell t-entà pet sallre the M a ian e rt» n lde I.guid-itullytlie frontneler the. tutelage ol rcjii-#iLciopaay's stock l i a s c thCere' lebeTcn.tw ijP rae km re 'ia aitiss. Lierty- dciîrciiîf hn" o "alu" n ti.apihtd Igi fo scon lion>'adi~vffle Ti'ttiug Akmeiation park,itaa le riqid 'Ily" r *vale" n te. apritd âht or mon inpeynd i cmdidate for tii M. andiM. at Deitroit .îcei-ciwàrkes; today. t0L a th- sdwti a divisioni. each iaiid i. looked tu win the cvent. ii.IýIAEBJ, alazgo part of scnsr prop »::.X heo:llàer'out o aliit muceaien H aseewulthe pride o0l the G(rattan l.r1 - îaetel'adle --~LA ssii-e leatés wies't the wire. ottblee.siace h. irait began ta show evf- Iucw PReh- E RTY . wrie uIir. 'cpic uh aatrc Bakoktei e ssep diof agreat siieed asna ounoter siedl <lui' rrumu wrtet4)th a ..i k al > aues dthe ac hwo lhavc-beo tersiicg hi ils tiie cndtiet test 14.W- Or tick. mae. gud or te ueeanl ducaln veraver>' oh tI, b ie bimago. cjci't iare tes gi-c-refc-relii-es. èQ tobois letwo heata any wîîy iu waitîcd w hicre licar the way îve do. . lReforences. ta travel. Saif>' Pointer was equall>' Say Druggite Sai Booze Hon. Heur>' Heckman, mayor, primco, <lire of1aecoud, witc- thrd aid fourthlM'hhle no eatenent eau bel Ob- Colo. - maneysi wera divlded Iii-îwcen lcpine 1 tained. tht North Short Law andl Or- Jack Norman, (Mine Ownc-r nc] Pr'o- Direct and Blacit Pet.I der Leasgne ha sahdi ta ha planning an toebr) Friico, Colo. 'bs onslanght upon the allegtd blhud . li fyndirlitar (Mine Owuer and nuOc mn tce llclcki l rst b, pîga of Laite Forest and posilbly Peaoeec) rimho, Cola. made the fautent time of the day, trav.l2 Highland Park. WUim atVansettem, postiaselster aad pros- 14g tht ailles lu 2:07% rendl 2:08%~, respa.-- Northi short drug stores are saad to pector. PrimClo 10 val>'. h.drtnilg placesalit ii lae, and N. J. Nllander, merchaut, prooptor, T pca bc a inucs o II u htol oe auee P. i. Painàer, merciaut, prosieator, Salon tirattan, thé king of the Chicago t Io bs a Jaga Oito ti uptt Friao. Clo. iawpatI~ Ui gougeht hi -Iune a~umI ieplaces.is Prim, ela. ause vb tonopseput bin tintst 01 The attiaitUgu sale d- Den Nicholson, expert blskamlth, 2:11% dhd "not materialise, the 149l orderi>' places laut at presant tait- Priote fn l the ditrict or couaC>'. stalîhon falohg ta appaar. ing tht torul o! essleence gatting and Fo. uthr partlcularissou Dyiuoud & ?be emowd lu attendealle vas nual arrOaStsae oMMd tub. mbout ta hliw. Austi n or W. L. Haekley. ___________________________ FsÂmcxK Er .slePre.. g - --- ,- .. - State o! Illinois, ConntX of Lake, on. In tht Cont>' Court of Laite louut>'. lu the matter of tegusrdianshlp satate, o! Mary Olive Parcelle. mimmor. Public notice la hsrtily-given tiiet undîr and b>' virtut o! ai order and decrat o! sale tuters d lb.theaboie entitlidcanu. et Ch. Innterni A. D. 1906. f sali court the mndtralgned, guarian e! theaestate of Mary Olive Parcelle, retor, viIou Tnaada>' tht Ith dey of Ammst, A. DI 1905 aithle boni' of one o'clocit lu the alternoon o! sald day oeiliatpnblic vendue for as totathébligbest and iest bldder. etai. e st main entraice of the Court flouse of Laite Cont>'. lu tht City' of Waumkegqn. In tht Count>' of Laits and lIatof UInois, the tolow- lus descrlbtd ra estate sltuattd lu tht CiL>' o! 1.1. Forett.lu tht Count>' of Lait. and.State o! Ullinois, to-vit: mhat part o! Lot two huuired and forty-five (245) lu thety>'o! Lake Forest, dtsci'ibed as comnenclng ou lie sonth lins of sali Lot oqul-distan betwetu tht south vest corner and tht south tet corner of sald lot, and runnhng thence north paraliel ta the vest lint of sld lot bo the uorthtrly uine o! ad lot. theuce vester>' ou tht nortierly ie o! sald lot ta, tht north vtst corner thereof. Ihence south on tht vtst Dlue of sali lot tu tht south west corner thereot, and thefice east on tht south lihe of said lot tu tht place o! beglnnlng. Dated Jl>'3rd. 1906. ANNIE BURKE, Guardlan of tht Estate of Mary Olive Parcells, minor. 7-6 4t -Publie Notice. Beae itdeiiwvîI h.recelved b>' tht uuderslgned village dlent o! Laite Vil- la, at hils office, ou or before August Oth A.Cp 1-906, at 12:00 M., for the construction and compietîou o! a sur- tact vaier and basemeut drainage1 sever lu the village o! Laket Villa, lu accordance vlth the plans and speci- ficatlons nov on fila hIs office. Bds muet be accompaniti b>' a certifiti check for len per cent o! the amount o! the bld. The succesetul bicher viii bt pai- l cash ani viii be requrd ta execule a contract and.bond, copies of vhich art nov ou file vlhh sai village citrit. Bds viii be opend. ut a regular meeting o! *the Board o! Trustais o! sali village ou Angust Oth A. D. 1906. Jli> 3, A. D. 1906. JAMES KERX, Village Cltrk. Anyone dumping rnabbish at or near - vhat ha kuovu am the Lee bridge on U*s r mdà matb or tbe oty Poor faim vil b. promacat tii »falleit ixtat of h. law. Dy Oo of 4" 4 DosaiOF supuvmaos AGAIN IN COU4R. Edward Appeli, who wana ohort tii.. aW ta ha la eympathy wltb Bd. Ai>Pel' yWo arrootad on complalut of a brother, w»s aloo on the. train but linamodier cebarged wlth attemptod murder li now coach. The lattgy was at t he train tu camplalmant In a charge of mamuit and meet ber and w4in tie two brother. battery aglvat hie two brotbers, Albur aligbted and saw in the. mssait J., W. Appeil, a Chicago attgoriuimd oueurgod. Charlai AppeU. Tht brothers are aiMo i' Their @tory le that h. madle a miove- >to have assanltéd <linhlmTbrsday ukgt -ment. for ie hlp pockot and thlakiag iht ilaefeller. hi waa about tuo shoot thai. liii- Il@a flrot ofthe week Bd. 4,ilva *# wered hlm se anai ctof oel partitoneid for a diviion of the. APpfldefemi. Deputy Shfierifi Rentge tolk fat neai' Iranho. wifh was sotie tham to Wankegan arreoti nx thum ce a montho mgo tnurnsd over to hie ebildr« Mte warrant. The cane la helng isard bl thie father Lewis Appell. wbo fin bilèeJt ie t miee and au tuis paper gwurai manager of tiie ierman 1 gostu prostie defendants are asltn departmient of the Methodist lBook1 for a contînnance wich will probable COmpan!, ofChiecago. Thndoweveufnglha grantod., Attorney UimGoMil tiie two brothers. carme- ont fmi.wpreiaentethe, defendantoi and Attorney ChI&ago. A Mlater of the Young is», iller will procute for thé. state. -~~ FEDC!OK13R - Ziï'aiZI Draper Ubertgvlls1 IlOut$* lis m ------LIWàTYVLLÉ TOe*KetfOSUA.-i Cars I3veiy Fort>' Minutes, Pare--SOo. Round Trip 8àe. At Kenosha connection Io made wlth the T. M. E. R. & L. Co. 's cars for Racine and Milwaukee Fare Kenosha to Racine Ibo, Round trip -25c. F'are Kenosha to Milwaukee 50P., Round trip.95o. mi x-, si