CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Jul 1906, p. 1

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a~d AUKEGN WMKY SUN VOL. XIV. NO. 42. OtT iNjuiqeritm AoAit4s*CORN PRODUOTS REPINIMO cou- PANY AND CAU«SS UUT 0OWN Planrt Was Planning To Bajin Opar- alien Som Wth Forc.etofNcarly Tv. Theussnd Mon-ciesing of FactorIr Throw ,PoMon Out Who Had Bien Working. lillîlonaliresaet Leke Forest yl *bond a million dollars te close the factoriseaof Waukegan. Warfare between bloated Intereti and lihe citiacas of a cty. the ufetY of vblcb. commerlisi and otherwise. 119, dumeuaced. la the program thatwl Il lait for many a day te Coame, ln utc Cern Produetu Refiug Company. Trhraftsn te $pnd Mllion ..W. vill close the glucose factrle at Wajjkegan and preust- tii pou- lion of oui drnking watir if lt engti a million dollar," oe CUitsen e- Lake Forest la aleged tei have sald. This weil Illustratis tiie spirit of the. nort ahoe.astlbc" who have rappedi -loster sd "taialVilla, Iolng lu May Sufr for Slns of 'Others. IJ Fomt oSiclale snd cîtisens bave under Instructions gatiiered splsof Waukegau water off the Wankegau shore and down as tar au tlieir own shiore, the haunt ofthUre per- fumed sephyrs. f rom the septlc tanks wlilh wlli net vork, sud' have had taken exhaustive analyses wblch are matter o record. .Howiever, thie Corn Produts Refin- lng Company mar b. aufferlng for the. posible iuns of the Werner Sugar Redina Compssy before tt au noue ef the.sanalyses. se far as eau b. de- tenaRueit. have been taken ince.the. glumieus-factory cbauged bande sand tell Inte Uie cotrol of the combina- * Mai0 ~ ~<uv. -Çinittai. l'proffe to Presi- dent B. T. Bedford, of the Corn Produets flefug Company. appoint a I cmmtee oftiree te retain an at- tomey alho vil act wth Attorney Calbounuo the cÔmpaoy for lis -de- tenue. The. main purpese yl be te gatber evIdence te prove that the -waters et bak. Michigan are nt beiug con- tamiuated by the alieged refuse from the refinerles. LI.UID1TYVILLE, LAKE t.UkTy, IMANCoEtUS Cu dn Ci ga be 'i do ut ln I~~UI Dfftmore than 600 regular arrny soldiers t lett Oort Sheridan on their 240 miles.bc that number 600> are liserberu ot the bt LITE)varions comtpnles o the wt New Commandant leovokan batter>' et field artlllery. Al l i n las *a Olvea seldiOra take part lu the mmIe vartare sud e More gr..dem-flawsl maneuveru te take- place et Camp le R.eItU.Harrsonduriug Auguit. feptember w and October. .f0 bOLIER STNThe artIllerymiten left Fort Sherdan i eta .n d arrivei et the foutote ON LOI40 MARC9Cileao avenue laItii. aMtrmoon sud ~ood ~màft "esm, 1r t i ai I bo rStln ibv nrdsywult.snn lu s b#te luleryrnen are eucamped near thi erno- braw Thrady nght.ln bo Iobers ef the Fourth Iutantry regimnent, the street. a sldier mueli Richey, vblcii arrived trorn Iit Bradiy Bat- a private oft cornpan B, Tveaty- urday. They viii leave camp earlY seveth regirnut. Fort Shieridan. wu . vasgad rce twr n stabbed penbapa fatilly and tvo diacnlsertlagud poroeraeoftev lu otiiers suffered loeaseriornsIanjuries. ianeis daul ter rate !tet The. fiahIteoloved a drunken cmue]enmilsadyutlthi ere'1 et a ,Iarge crowd et soldieru tromnCm t vntn FortSherdan.The500 mon et the Twety-seventh Oncers triei te quel) the dlturb. tpneaît or hrdnse ! suce but witb uitile succesu. Tiie un- tèrer atIeyad mrhdt kuevu man who dld the stahing bas North Evanston. viiere they arrlyed net hecu appreheuded. et1-20 p.m. Camp vas male t tËus fil lo sid Commader Pitcher. vWho receutly succeeded Col. Wiitall et point sud the grenter part efthtecPpep Fort Sheridan, hua revuked the order ulation of Evanston vas on baud- te probting the. soldiers fronm leavlng gt'ent %sce sam's igueora. The. beavy ralu durlug the, early aternoon the barrackisud going te Higiivood. did net check lie creWds tiat sur- Lad Off ut ighwod. rounded the eucampment aud watched Au "open bouse" policy lu te be pursed a For Siirida whle. r-proceedings untîl "llghta eut' vas mais udeFrtheridand he t l .Sunded. main uner he ommnd f Cl. . 'Thé iutsutrymeu brohe camp ah 7 R. Ptcher. whe bas receuti>' cone teoilnteorngadmc tafid the pot te take the place et Col, S. R. lu ti. rthtad matrc, he ea ted Wbtall. retr& the few days thatnerOseud eetr.hroti he hbailadcentrol et the reservation troops apet the uight. The sol- ho hn cuse th reova ofthediers are lu commnud et Colonel W. be bs eased he ernoal e t .L Ptcher. thre uew commandant at ns igna et varulua te auterne- Fort Sheridan. bilts sud pedestrîass has called off ac Wl oStdy the setries who tormerly bloekrdI ac ilb tay acconetui ,.1ûs ý upùn, i h the Tèîe trip te Indanapolis vIhI net officer' qurters ire located. and han ui b cotuplt betre èýAuBIstli 11 aU destreyed numerous barbed vIre o ie marchlug viii be teady lu order structlons.i te reach Camip Harrison b>' tat date. Came Hure From Minnesota. The detachment et the Feurtii Reg- Col. Pitcher. tormerîy lieutenantinu.nwecrieia i uea colonel eftIhe Tweuly-elghth iufantry., the font et Chicago avenue. Chicago, expectu te ju the Tweuty-seveuth as bas been statloned t Fort Snelliug. tpuetruhtect oOrW Mînu.. durlng the lIst three years. IColoanel trou heanucy tmerrow.e Wble there lbe vas a member e Clnlofthe neuesahlh number et clubs, sud vas eueetf teI bas net yet delined his poicy regard- most peplar officers ever at the tort. Ing thie management et affairsahu At te nrth hor pos howillfoliw ort Sherildan. He states, boveve4 the uane Idea tiiat gnlded hlm there thtsieo hIbu asnwi -1ha1 et 'malntaluing tbe regulatlouu ec ii .aruaed evi o and maktng the best et everythng." prevet troopi fhem gelug te -Hlgh- 'I vauthie peeple te uderstand," vood, but heoyl Inslst that tbey he aldyeuerdy, thaltbey are deal« preserve the police vien theY go Ing vith a western man. This reser- hr rsfe tecueiccs vaton vili not b shut up.1 the en- trance sud exit gates viii net ho SUSPIECTED GIRL locked. se long as I bave the juriadle- LA ! iNcî tien ever tbem. Tii. Unitedl States LA I NCT arrny lu the peels army, sud thet army reservatlon lathie people'S reser- Mazel U.eckering, at one Time Under hation. The more vîstors y, have' Surveilance on Charge of Polsoning thie btter 1 abaîlli1k It." LFath*r Leaves Zion For AilTime. CeL-ý Plteer ba ablisbed the flive- - 0 mle speed lmt ou automobileu, aud Miss Haxel Duekerlng, et Zion City, wîli allow them te iunn reely, se long recently the vctn et a sensational as tbey observe a zone rate et travel. polseuIng Incident on the Beach road H. bai uet yet detcrmlned upon ils where ubc resided wth her. adopted courue of action tevard allowlig thte parents, Mr. and Mns. Herman Duek- solIers the treedom ot Hlgbvood sud ering, vîi lu the future malte heri otiier adjacent snburhs, but lu doter- home lu Olo. wbeucé si e îrlglually1 mincI that tbey. shall net tee 1 op- came. Si. la 18 yers ld. pressel b>'abunutial trlngeuby. Mru. 'Duekerlng ban rernoved mb Col. Pitcber'é notion ôt houpitlilty MoIn Cty gind viii reside there per- exteudu turtiier thia bibecu stated. manenti>'. sud bo hope. that befot. long a lage As viii be recflled, Duekerlua .met amout of'entertasinlug viii be do " ideath aithiereuit 6f taklug te b>' thieMboàW s ou blé taff, fo wvilci poison, vblcb was adtiUnistered ln ho pimlea te ut as egample. tmre manuer neit et detsrMdhi. 01tFRIDAY, JULY 20, 1906-10, Pages __________________________________ i DWOWN, tEDRE livri . uamdeu e Zun cpCsau.d Met Hailu te Houa.e SinIs . a ndtes. of Von Cit0f Wb.eea Babes Are Bans BI«O»Te zeisOfKepa lent Lent HI. Bride go Be. 4-atPt 01 L FAINTS AND IES .W ATCIED,&UD WAITED MINDR» ia «8cx. OiR C*LiJEN'8 VOICES lu slgbt et hi. fiance.. MisesSaille îAcquittaiedot Isa[iuituce and i-e- uilett, Edvard J. Dunsden vas gaina h er freedouîaller ber hua- rowevu Ibte lait enst yeek eahMZinbaud hsd deo$" iber.,Nirs. Pbllp Cil>' vhie bathing. Miss Culletuahlîbr.e srligiu ak a nm the, beach vatching Dunadea. whe - iTiuraday taboU itn charge by' the was ont nome distance. Suddenly hel authoritles ou i, charge et vagrane>'y ave a eryandsud dlappeared. A uum- suldthhereby>'w04srCetaied a strangel er et persons isard lie criefet 1 Young vernan n sud uuht te lave story et motbeon Jovp aud its vagarles. Daunudon. Hie body vas tound 151cr.Br.7 Goldbc!týJvmovid le Cicago The Yeuug couple came trom Englaud et once on bea squlutal ot the lu»a liiu Uethr. Irmu e b'be hrSi e 'dtehaa ia MfsCullelh'u broiber saw Duns- them 1 u sem be or hait orpban dnsdanger o! death sud aI once asylum and te bavre lived ai]lsenl weut te lie rescue. sitbeugh beiug a a_ tenemeutlnlu ite City, eamutng hem mailer man hé vus unable le do bread viti soUkdlffirîutitv ual sbe much.vas oblguli te oeil &il ber 11111e be-t "'ls Dundon,' he criai vbeu ho. ugingu n yoeo tret beard the simrner'a er>' tom beip. Flat > i hr ui.d Miss CulletIt alutai and lbe brolier, ailyteeswbakolgh od vsti>' différent frocu ihp woîan vbho usteal of golua te the aid oethtei leit it. drowuna gmai. vai dîstracleil sud lu ber eyes burned a I'-î e.Are and StePPel to attend teis sMater. - et ail ber qunudàmt friends aie de- Tic remalus ot Ounsien vere found manddite mcv ueuheu iCcbiid vas. .40 feel fron t te place viiere be aul meaulua the ou. ctild leftln lbe c>' Cuilet, vho atepped. on the desd custody ofthe oidî r Goidhergz -fer body' lu uba4dw v ater. * aeiteeping. This cild the- moltmr eîîdeavored Drown.d Mon Powertul. te getlnl valu ini. ltuîuî about the The drovued man vas a powertal>' Geldberg réslde*oe. il lu tald. It la bulit atlo.aleged tbat Bbc 1uîiiwi-lAliout lie The cause et bis death le a mys- bouse at unhOl>' heurs tut the uight ter. Tiie inquest held later deter- sud mornîutg. eeritît tub ls vin- nlned lth act tliaI.he bad net heen dova viti lenglog e-ca and llstenlug toisai of crampe sud lie supposition fer tic baby viice that never came. se cither that the Young man lest is Sie la allegeil en c ii iave ah-p)t lu terve ou beiug buffehed b>' lie vaves aleandpborpapd er j porchesi ®r ltsI be vas tatou lu by theIre- But the e"dsp ludherzs. wbo are ucudous uudertov asinit vhieb he people et veaiti and standing, re- tound litlflMpsble te cois. tuued to surrenier the Infant cium- Duuslioevu.s ltt clcrk .- at lb. mltteli ho Iheir *arge sud fiuaS>' the lbihiinmoit. molier yau artauîî-d. J. L. SWAYFR. candidate for County Oieraç, la meeting wth cordial support. parliculsriy in the country districts. Me wiii defest Abert H. Mende at the primarîés. s great majoriljof Republican votea feeling tha. Mr. Hsntise, who ha for,twenty yeurlsérvéd iu counîf office and novw nts four more,.ls ashiug mor-e han ha is antitled le. Mr. Swa- yer la thoroughiy competent. a spisndld acholar, sud net a derogator>' word hassbesa aaid against hlm lu the present campaign- Mis record La $0 dlean there la aught Mr. Hendee or is supporters cau Snd asu in ar- gument agaînt.hlm. BLUFF LAkE US SCENE 0f DOUBLIE DROWNING At Bluff Laite, tree miles f rom1 Atloch, vas lu progreus Tîteuday 1 a searehb b> relatives sud trienda for the bodies et twe youug men, sup-i psed te bave been drovued laIe yes-i terda>' atterucon.1 WilI Kruger sud Chas. Drynan. 191 and 21 yearu ot age. had been stop-9 plng a a lakts reuorl. They came ot front Chicauo fer a fev deys' outlng sud vers couatauti>' upon the vaher. se uItie vas thonghb ofet il vicutieyd failel le appear ah hie nensustppet heur. Later their, clothcs vere foîiu n the batb bouste anid as thelr bathing suta ver. gotie the iotei manage- ment uarhed an Itnvestigation. IViet alter several heurs ne trace couid hi fouud et the youitg meu, relatives lu Chlcago, vere notilled aud arrlved et an early meruiug train. Tien vàî undertaiten asaystemltic searcb ef lie laite bohlem vlth Ietprevlsci dras. SOC WTY WOMAN ASKS DIVROCE Psemineut Lake Forest People Principia-Druk*afla I Ba"sof suit. FAIL IN ATBMÉPT TO KBEP IT 81C UT. A divorce f rom Turiiugton W. Har- vey, Jr.. ls sought by lirs. Dwlght Harvey, who says her busbaud made 1h a practlce te go te their'home tu Lak. Forest intoxicated several times Mm H farvey iled suit tast Friday. but thce obàgng lerk et the superlor court kept tUir Papers. eut of sight. YXterday the plaintiff appeared be- for J udge Chytraus jand told her stort'. tinmeiateiy .*!ttr the bear- took lte flebUInc'hesuit frem ÏWEr ceurtreom. promlslng. 1h te said. te send them te the lerk's offtce 4u the Fort Deanboru building. Chicago. He dld neut return themn and ut bis office tast nlght 1h was a sud b, d lctI town for the east. etwithstandiug ail these violations et law and court ruies tn the effort tu get a secret divorce. the story came eut vben Mra. Harvey gave ber testimouy, though she spolie ln toues e low as tu be bafely audible. . Mr. Harvey Not ln Court. She appeared lu court. vearlng a light summer gewn. Mr. Harvey waz net lreseut. He had flled au auswer te the bill and was represented lu court by Attorneys Rush aud Helden. No teg;timouywaus offered lu his ho- hait. and ouly Mtrs. ilarvey gave testl- mouy lu ber behaît. She wau asked wbeu ah e aud Mr. Harvey were married and replied $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. AGED MAN !VOL VI RUN DOWN 1< BY CARI Blectric Rlgbt et Way Near Teste of Nii Ove Medicine. Lakse Forest Acaderny. Edrfhel MAY HAVE BEEN DOWIE 18ONCE WALKINGIN SLEEP MOREB IN ZlOBN. Anu umîdetllied man was run don While Voliva lu America was flrt, and killed by nue et the cars ot the Ing with Dowies chair. inally teoOb-~ Chicago & Milwaukee Electrie Rail, tain and hold J, over lu Australla au- roaM near the lAke Forest Academy other man, Eider McCulloùgb, leIt tUe, et the Sacred Heart et midight Mon- charge. vasflilrtlng witb the Voliv9a day nlght,' through bis slowuess lu chlr. sud. flnaliy rau off wlth the eSi eresslng the trscks. elther purposeiy Ure Mebourne churcb. . or because oft mre defect et *sight or Tiiese are the latesi tîdînga frffli He vas seen walking ou the north- Atîstralia. bouud track. between what la kuowu IWben Volîva cime te Amerlos te as Farwell's eressing sud the, Acad- take charge of ZMon Cty at Uic tele- emy cresslug, at 12:20 thîs mornlng. grap»c request et the tiret apestle.~ ou whlch il vas cerniug sud valked ecelesiasicil Monroe Doctrine. lu tlo diagoualiy acoua JIt. The bamper ot southeru ceahinent sud inoclaiméd the car knocked hlm down sud lie fe b estpa ti atta vas thievu dovu the embankmenl, Australla wsuted ne American tbumob the Injuries killlnig hlm. leaders. They eouslsted lu the breaklug ot Then he started lunttafli a os- the right sheulder and chest cavlty. tienal chureh, se called, for Australie This lu a deserlpUon ot the man, asnesud se far lu sald te have afm-~ wbomn perbaps even nov smre aux- ceeded lu lts organisation. ions famlly luarisslug: Ju other words, the AUstr5ligU Age, about 65; gray moustache and churc islufOir nether Dowle noir Vol' rather long gray hai. lys, but for McCullough, asu air , Of medium hslghl, 5 test ô Inchte Melbourne la coucerued. Di'euued an talrly good worving. McCullough bas neyer beSu 10 3Mon man"e clothes of gray, with cap. Evi- City, but le sald te be taklng *uuiàt dentiy s iahorer. of litsreputation wltb yubs 181-ý Mad gold ring on ieft hind linger, aglues Iso suad la gethllmg out a @ worn thin aud wlth Initilel probuhly t - advocate the so-called natIOna "F. M." or 'E. M." or "F. M. NY" on lit. cburch. Carried pipe and had purse wlth 42 Dowie held a meeting. tu 8blok conte-aud pocicet comb. Housah Zien City'Suudsy. lu' ob-" Wort two good sets fais. teeth. servation et the llfttI anulverauT et, Large bundane wthh While conter._ bis entrauce Inte the clty. years ago et the home etf her par- distance vaîked and the. tbeory la marked by the soýcalled eeait et enta,.'4r. and Mrs. John I-. Dwlgbt, that the. mau belonsu close tu, lie vi- Tabernacles.. About ou. bus4,Am lu Lakte Foreut. She told the court luitY in vbiblish met bisi deatb. trleulis et Dowle vem. preut..l that ater tiîr mArriage sibe and WbOweu-t Motbrmfti ou the car iov liNee xiiisuec-thmt be 1>88 Mr. Harvey veutto Late Feireut. the unkuowu abead, be gave the ybis- Roues out et moltey besaved bw where tltey bave @Ince, lved. tle aitheugilthie searcb lîgit - as by moving trom Cbicago beObM o, Begin* Drinking le Lsceaa. buruing brlghtly sud vien h4 uav firitet fJune. If hbe h& leuSdq~ "Severn] years go," eald guc. that there vas ne meve b. uleyai ter Ibat date. hé snid, b»s voulM beint' "*Turllugtou began te drink te excesu. devu se tbat the car shopped twe had te pay 320,0ff lu tges. R. msé4I Several tîmes a veek lie vouid r.- lengti beyod thie accident. $1001001 et itua huilli Sbit EHondà humu home in an.-lutoxcated condi- Ail efforts te ldenlity teall nsd O.wi. Celehrstn réant Itien, aud inally our relationsbeeame the verdict wus accidentei death. Mouday ah 6:30 arn, se lu te se unbearabie that w. deeided te The accident 1 the ie rt hhat the dayu et bie primo, Dôcv i. Itb* separate.1" motorman bai bad lu six yesrg oetnus]alearly mrnnlgmee.tiug te ctl The wîtues then related that Mr. taithttil service sud only lest nîgit hie brate lie econd day et Ibo Fesutled Harvey loft their bah. Forest borne rettitrked. 1h la sald, ou lhii record the Tabernacles. About ifleena6 and vent'te Racine. Wis., viere lie anîd lia dre.d et spolling it. teu'ded sud theetfrit apostle vai csr-t lu nov lu business. ried te snd frem bis carrlage. Mrh. }Harvey seerned much relleved Talk ef Rebul'dlng. The servireeîlsutedl an heur sud wien Judge Chytraus hold lier lie did Residetsofethte village ef Wau,. Iwvu@ tien called off. net -clh ub e aitany turtier questions, couda are serieusi>' tbîuklug efrais- Sunda>'. ah his Siturnon luetft< lu' a uubs<-t-ptleu 10 rebuit ' tbe Dovie bail resu verbatim tic serras udeadv set buthluexpccted Spenceer mli.bîrned uown lu a lierre that Volva preacied lnthie morulug. undr dvlemntbu Itinexpctdire Salurday atternoon. l in the taernacle. that vithina !ev Isys hie vîlI aigu a The cuIllwau the euh- eue for iplies Greeted vîti iau.bler vas Yi*, der. wHarvey' lave ru.Tedre byaroluind ud,"j lghiy regardeil. 1h lu ivlyseassertion thal b. hadlkeIlci viii bae asd ou chrg.ea e ren-a total tles,. vith ta exception ot tbe genersi stores for mut sund tiat wilesd on chîpuages that neie1 060Obushels et wheat, and lie l]osejlhe woudered vhether Devle voulu neasaggr"gahes 12000. go tint. Mr. uer Mia. Harvrey may rernarry- lu thia tate vithin oee 1ear. - Thç defendaut le the sou et T. W. FOWLER BUYS THÉ FOR IG«pa IN H-arvey, wbo toruuerly vas lu the real GURNEIft CRrAMERY ri>u "is 116111 estate, business, sud for vbeup the tevu of Harvey'. Illi. vas named. He was a member ofthle Ouwqptala Club Fermer Sun Edtor Takes Over Well Two Men Differ lu Opinion Aiid lEsch. 'ad à'tf'the Lake. Foreats e i ~r uter VaFcFwîoi- 6 cme'Stabu Otiter Wthb nif-ArO AasÏ - Herse Show AssocIatioir. The Har- Properiy ot North Shore Pure Food ared sud Fied. - veys bave tbree elidren. viose eus- Company'. tody loasaked by the mother. 1 Frank T. Fovler, bead et the Wau-;i Knives sunr utluo humai 5mb i.1: BOY LOSES, L!G kegan Dalry sud Produce Company,.iliea vlclouu grasp et maddied biasé» anouced iDrday that hee bad and greuud againat bumaun uip IN A OWER pîrcbased the hurne, crearnery eah struggle ou the hatksof lte raine Gurnee, Il.,util tbe sale the prop- at North Chicago near tie ruina et Neglected Ie Put Machine Out of Geair ert>' et John Austin. the Raven Mining Company yffliei- and Taem Siarts-Amputstion Nocet- Edward Smithb wili remalu lu day. sary. charge efthie Iiutionteu famotis for A gaung et men vils Playiug &?ý lse butter aîtd luttermnîlk. quiota vien between tee aa 40rrl Anttbey Ghehuci, a GI-sud Rapids. lu tact Mr. Fowier pcrcbased the sharted sndudne stabbed hleothèý Mlch.. 11-year-old boy vas serloutsiy plant maiuly te gel the aupîti>'oetbut- rv i .b ths ke itia a ssl Il aud perbaps tetaill Injutred by a Lerittîlktlu Laike roiet>', te alantentas rau vkais.tHe cl uprsl mowlng machine vhilceh. as rmn- a,, eîe~ a ,f~d dauIie ocanaitthe .mmut94 iug lu s bay ield near Waucouda Ipsil ogtlh ih rd ie orner k te Bradws litisud i ý Tuteuda>. He lied been vietting rela-ilituiltegtteigtg-d ur auklekie.uloig/ tives, vbo Ilve about lbree miles bîcteruuil. beie. The Goruee cïeuni- wouud that whlle net georiô îîortbveat ofthtat village. aud vas ery wiii hereattr be a brauch dethle frcely. -cutting ayata the hîme et the acci- North Sboî-e Pure Fond Company and The North Chicago- police Vs4* dent. v.>!! malte a specialty ef butter anti both aud the>' vere,0& . éli The nover becarne clegged sud lhe btliermilit. gel off efthte machine le lelear the it la lu the heart of Lake ceuntys Thsmrng J WM slckie. He bovever negiected te moant tameur creaneî-y district andi h Abert J. W. ""d Charlea At= lhrew the machine out et gear. tcin'us fer ils buttera wvilci re lut- couvcted ouen a géetssssMO Wblle lu front et lh. sichie bar lie porl.d tut Chicago for the fastid- batter>' profeareli by tieïr tena shsrted sud lb. boy vas tirovu lotîtdaradWeeAe 8 NU ,te the groîud.- Tue hulves caught bis *C Fldhed.eud vs-toue p uti i left leg. cuttiug il uearli off and trac- The North Shere Pure Food 'oum- Tecs gl.o>Ol* cturing thie boue se badi>' that hlie l1mb po, h as. beglituiing loday. discen- iegod assanlit on Edwud- b3r a- ble o amputahed juat belov lie iiiuedthie suieehr is.productsta t o-.botiems ou13ithe010ectnie t knet. eethlait regular etîstomers aud people »Celeeler ounJuiy 5. * The operatiofi vas performed b>' viillind t lIpoasible te bu>'theUicllfcuiletbf ey iba e8OW' t Dra. M. E. Fuller sud Wells, of Wau- goMof thie comupan>' frmern wie «.g visionuoethle faima ovuea»;; * couda. asaalted iy Dr.,lt'aers, etf Me- eus. unuesa lie>' are on the lias. cidren. * HejrY Youg Geloc's ondiion This lis reudered necesit>' b>'tho * He~ry Youg Géloc'u ondiiongrovîng lieuhage. tl tbIs moruing vas reporhed criticai Tue butter mnaking apparat«s lu the OUR, WANT A"sé d sud hilsther Jes -eou is va>' toe sW"kegau Plant vhll ho remeved ho ING RESUL»TI. *m bedaide ai the preaclt Uie. the Guine. piauf. YOU AuqM B" ile Strick Wbile Cro»tugigecedinirFollowerofD&wie" 1- 1 l'

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