CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Jul 1906, p. 4

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ramIS 50 5i5rn valu Ne. i N il. Ubostg aWfor e01ntY cl.01 s' hw eat*tisf&ctl'Yr«berd. Ibea hald honora tIe»An té pariy saiks r.peatedîur, lb a of splendid edu<'IlOn.Anasd. pavtkiti fI ttod furi'thé office ho -v te U "Lie Cosdttlin, Iole; was lova ctrk of Warren 04il for olghisI yers anid puptvbeon raie 5819 100, whssu lis ned te accopt bie *0 4 t cewsty cierhihp et liese lictaton of, ty Clark jtando. o 84tp iffl hs srved as Assistantr reMWin lsWoukigemt, r.agni'sgte unMe the, procnt cpmpatgst -, 197 and 18» WM. S*er, %W&* Wa hrMn ufthâ Lake COoUnY d of Supovsri adtise Board of Revewe Me hie acted as, ofe oast five. Rpublcin couhIy conventionse.- h.Ot Mn Swyorwaeprincipal ofgmyraalkeand Ubekrbyvilbe ois. Hia éducation bha. hoe ibéral, Ho proqarod for colage. buf Mà mpon a course 1in hlgIr mabismaict and survlng, vhich ho Omlsts utt te ewMev rm adom4y. N. Y. Dm ansd upright and posssed of oqy desirabdo quill!Y - nocossary i fflclont painstaklflg aid floabit ceusly offiai, ho doer vie thé *rteof RepubOlleist thie comng prutmries. j à" L ýiii utoeitseImit' n%" vithits i £11 licousfavorod as hie ýné' lctnt. Mis record: ........................... 10 0 5 8 LT con*Sptdothatt ln sosklnt bu Po ebu is.n il premaess m i t Ieparty and tMtaaI teitfle dole 9fi1. and viilb. se r.garded by lths jpuaInuofty fi ~Um T1. 4m PAOPIRCOpUR"a.À tiSu.-hob . euf la epuruipg 1 ord lakuovu IneverY voter la theo eWUTUO ta ýtbe preantns- tite., Hia position la tht ho eau do WàîfosrlUnited 8atoe senelor. lu no btter la theO future than ho hin ffl e bu ia a >dtY tn perfoiii doue ln the past. tuat he yull do hoC .t es tito lu ýWàààlngtçn and le lesu thon lits fu and complte dutY. 0* ovoling tes tu private internats thatthe peopleof Ifllnos are nov ,ipib rabttufly belonge tu the public. scquatuted vlth bhlm, knoW, hi er- ýik bue atitéd thit If élctd Unted ors. and that If they vlsh tu contiue lits mnitr fr aothr trni hi;lm1luthoîr servibe ho vîl i llUngly sere m mtudlg ostehierec- continue. Ths le the attitude of a ~~~~~~~o hes en tg Ihi O me wbo onmeso f boiter lae-hlgh, mlrs o agt tao rn e front hie vite .devotion tu duty la clear and Wyt W ahngton and spend 1hvho dues not. loir that any - amy enu t~plD u Illinois. but If ho ho fouud upon bits record auywhere. do noIl voWdl ble on gond The peuple of the state appreciate the ~*.,geiUUtDOOt gailethlm. Mo senators position and viiiaprveI la ie reçrd to run on and his roc- by reeectng hlm. -CARLLES& ONE$ WIL1L DROWN. Ybo estai number of drownlug ac- oudangeme eldente ywhlch each summer ccur There la another serions aspect te Lak couit's ordr ae blngthe matter, however-the feeling tilat1 wIttbhufl cupys odr r bigla galnlng grouni' amogegcty folk rècurerd. The rocnràlal appalliig and that te lakie reglon ln a veritable tIiere seeoa Il 1îttieiltkellhood îof a de, death trap, anrd the laites treacherous tseuie o! tues fatattes as th.aum- whlcb la resulttug lu decreased pat- zmer growe older. rouage. at the large boteis and suma- EUffl careioses Le la l a majortty mer resorts. et Instance@ resitouslble for deathe by There are no enfer bodies of vater 4rowntg and t here ta no cure for te than th>e beautitul lakes iu tht. coun- -eaffleae one. He viii perelt untîl ty. but as stated. the cerelees 6ues the iuovtabie end, whlcb would ont hovili perast and fools rock buate. no bad vere I ual for other lives ho There la Do cure for tbem. VALUE 0F QUR COMMERCE. Three billion dollars la' the enor-,last year. Il has almost doubled lu mune mm that represeofte the vaine o! value durlng the let ten years. No the commerce o! the Unted State country lu the world tes maitng sncb durlus the last fiscal year. It le altr'-mendous strldes in capturîng for- sur tht taggere Imagination- It lse et n markets as la the Unted States. a strikîni llustraion of the exteit o!f Eqilly as sattsfactory as the growth the. prosperlty the Unted States en- of )tir commerce la the tact trt ex- boye. I mons that for every min, ports exceed timporte hy more tban -womian and clilld-goods worttih ' )tUII4(,whlch .' relreseflis the vere exported. Durlng thé twelveirstm forelgn cointrtes haVe pald the monthe ondIng .lW 1the commerce Unted States for the privlege of 10creased *3A1.0 over ha1 o!. tradtng wlth Il. CRIME OF THE HAND KISSER. OnQe by one tbe iberties of te trîbute on te part of those wbo rmn Americin citîzetis are *ben-,. curbed otir 51101)? auti Itin n woder hatour rto s1 urely. wien a womau cornes ln and untl I lanowomer htourAstrewrecks three dîfferent couters ln and aur Jimmîehydes tatte the fast-1 searcli of sontethlng tht she doesn't est steanmers to get to the other shore.i want and whtch she bis not the mon- manager of a store and a gentleman leaves ta look somewhere eIsc. lsn't it of the old school. hase mt been up l' iguof self-mastcry and vonderful -alut the liv and compelled to part control to have the clerk or floor Wilk- Witu $100. er 1r vntbe manager, poltely Lay Mr. Cirter's crime vas the pliclig Bo msny as tbree liberal caresses on o! throe large, succulent and chaste the hbck of ber baud? oMseonuthe bacit o! a vominecue- Who le hurt? WIII It Interférea wtI toners baud. It ls true tht, accord. 1 Monday's iashboard oxereîme or thb fl. ~ tu the testiuony, ho asked for the cleaeslng o! the dînneor dshee lu it Ï temporsry use o!flier lips, and oui, band that h* beon klssed lousa ahi veos'ted ta hind osculalton on ber ro- vhon the aringer la to ho tutuod? Io tu tu st urnder theni, but one wo, thero somethtng about a man'e hlmj dorm yht the couhtry le comlug t. tht vili prevent ber chopplug hlu< Tme.vaz vhon 1h vas coueldoredlng vaod or hrlnglng lu the'col? eý the heiglto! chlvairy and courtoOy Of course the law l9 the la,. ad t0 eleâtte a àAdY's baud. Wmoe muet ahlde by Il, but IL seeme 1tonia V =~rted Ilt». ey 11h04 I. and Zwblle ILtht a mi ho hie em~ulated Aruolt ma *ea tb«1ai ind itasàtaighhY Wlnkelreld, snd wvobu ieattempto »" f odder, yet il muet bave b.d a to revive a colonl euston no ffl a ilïmor thèrs vceld Dot bive tbenuronce shoud ou.u1 againet ne o 4 or t dose. And vit"0shodtnau c lu tna cou thibt vod ne tbmgm ne bliemare aof IbIS POILtah0à recqeulme chlvaWtrhk'lisetWon Il Wy s tlass.,.q . ,, - Init 15 26,Le4k» ForestC .d.. ........9m 001 L>nr ùpd iti1 WtaMUnd 1tfu euhbetyvlbO *4... 800 00, utate o! p6t'k 1ggan ta te iormeletor kvto iif.oyjmp W part It15 ..... 1400 W x. Nîtgt t.l-r..t1 HovîtI îUn 14 î:. l6 .K 1' Oalabnd et."Iuh kgt .... .............. 210 0on Wordgpl,. 18l1112 Kitit & wd..... ........1000 oo sirei ofJ ti ..Adee.d"mui tu Wtt> talt 414 h!vl4mg..ý W 5mtrniÜ.*Ib ts fi&140 8hreht- 1' uk' gaýin tess.... ....4; 1 O ster' ltl»nfis '91 Wlc Joouu?1 qow~y le81 » ...c. ... ......... m150 0 diu W Ne _ d,.uit 70tu ils il l4à pilî 75.... 0 00 6 je K Md 'tlls\ 1 *udme Ciays ad WablPe *wd..100 6 MA Thom .t o Jm aimE Washonms d ....8W0 0 Laoite Il14 ý 00 WmbbttiPêuwd '100 C ithonuson & f t JR b .HamtIt os$vJAt Form1tq bi 108 0 C g, Pimubeti&ttl2tuleons suite of poI t 813m- 16 4 Wa*okega iv .......... 100 0 Rame Ms 1%a14 trig40 000 te $25,000........ tficato AC - Thomson & Id tu JRhB OMarlok portbit 10 Wemh- hugbm priu d ...........0 00 THe len oHt kbus ot e Jne tu Lumasy h It 12 Higli- lan Pak vd .............. 100 0 0 (elromovtockwfrot0 unl CMot 2r)00 t.....h ..... PbPkCuondihnd Parkwdt . 760hn Matr lo thaJri o (1 iHender îl&bus to e- i landParo d .................18000 00 MastBrlon eri o Aurieti LCmbelrtw-20il ho 14 11 bik 70cag ded...........1009 00 lMnter lu Cbancery tou F Maierti t 1 22o87bi 18Dr 'eyer's u Nothic Chiagd...................... 1.59 e- ganter lu Chancery toa Luoe ltIe 2324 478 blk 13Du-verehnortb Nohic Chiagd........ ...........1lo71*7 1 ganter i Ca(r uceri 10 P MatinavUln1 ta 221>1k 12 Droyers euh North Chicago deed ........................... ..... (56 Master ln Chaucry o HuH- Bioy@nutli2334ta740 bih Dreyeres ub North. Chieugo17)5 detod ............... ............ 16 MaltinA TamCer to D H conayIta537 mopat lk1 254 Lerssu orthvO.1icago d ............................ :14*1 ganr lt ne t FranH Ktmell Il 1 Burueeuh o rdee a............. e.. a.......... 562 OP( Juls A TVoie bs o C C 'Jacksson-r Stulfad t ft 25Lke toest d .rk.... 7100 Il Til rtet ié oO Oroud a f nopon 2d etWaukegan wd............................ 34 0 Iarortb Citicao theFrank Cool (Ja.@ .costlait wo! IneoMpot SJultaA bus aI n GIighamil.Pa......... b75 1i J J Mrlsy & wf ta Emaf Vlt4 ila P................. fllzsiset BWoodbrl d.a et ..h ~tNrb he......udvs [i Nothr Chicagor Lnte ro& SitUaOd v.................. 1860ivmi JaJdMorle ge'ssdd Wama- Vigla .a......... ... ..-. 1 >e .? Fltot 0 &8oNd4Up5 iof if 0ipb ork bm-.. udvé âe JA' ubi4W-Ï-, la Fwe &w lrosCem 1usd o! Wiii qdevaIs su:d Il-eJ Primary1 tu . M.g I nnuos 01 COW4Utw In Wl Olpp adimti Jut. C. t Stale ai Coutty. John A. t and iee deceaset' sastfat Odasu. 1 Bob Cdi dren an Mira E. boreios, Public t by virtue lered Ilu al Circi A. .D. 190 Master lu vîlliou Il guet, A. i aflemnoot> and besl lic anctle Court Ho, gan lu ea or Illinois estute ait and StatE Part ol sc-tou t ty-eix (4E o!hIe bounded 1h out . .. .. .. . ..olhavoe a upeo - - datcm"e teausvelW4 Ila outot witP., m an Ir i te h s e thaI O 0 «,l O a n tes , .ol .. .... . - vîlidri» thoe mi aur cey à ..... . 1........ . - deptit at qdikflta, frin. 014 tracalbo. olir Prim e .rkght. W26«.eéav,.. gUin"tsMatlmftation, b~ usd *v -sdee Usot ou Choic a'. C. Jepon. Worthb»J flfrlaootat Fauey Sd . 4q.epue lOgrode. .. bec lot'thabymeiL W. Winl oeyles-esd to.asuai a t.boa, mouuy. W.e Sau mis rmk. at....ce dru, vwelts fromlfto IFe Gipvd. O 1000 feet lu dtsptb. nesu Yr eceedtsTe -A DES Pinte, ai...................... 45c à 1 A lotb" 1I oome uIe ro[ea*tmu '-Berry.BlAK Exracae.r d-........... . .....1 a My holetimetoi t, &ý tu »DUL remmwe 1Itfâber- IO;per otdos ..........dSO et interesta !l. mp, t m t bO» Mm 0"OUnIl ud te ISI ruit Jar luer, FA.j................. 5 M eus.nsI~ ethma. A perfect premenvieve for j.tfille EDWAUI)J.lto ec mc li e~ nSee-Avenue. l'AutMÀeQIvmis. Lber à=.I hocrvprls ples prI..S I ls oen I 2 obocnoo> ~ t I - xtr E aatd Pemeu, pur lb ..Il ________________________ House for Tot luailHpartes aliCuTba8mi.....S __________o!Ib cly Cnt l sd el Quart cm Table ayrnîs.............. SOC FOftcin M SALE-f20tmoé Carty. a-(u Qurtin ,andlogît ............ à' Cer»~-dMs>,. FetL MMh.tVi, Itrtvlh. -itur litt, Git = k ... a ic.l' 'obied dacy for Vb'-o01Ik.02e4!. @Ml.ei1L Honc-39--tl OR RgN-li n0u, iSi. lu.qure o~~" I' lélaOof tbbc B.ll-ott-trl'atous cernai, lvm ePh& .....*....SI -e..________________ VACANT LOTS-lun11 a u t«Il-.stlb' od opg. ýhàgt*nov Cillcers, AL-oa e o uNew' divisions, Boy &_ lot and vo vîlI l'hldIe .4 FOR on Btsmtoot and lot un...toc tegji.en thi the4 h7.1, lruyAve. ,Màodel baprovesusw. tt î vii a bouma oeeerdlhg toi1007ofcen. . 20 y 9tIOlu- firn il 0Buylait and ev0' rsc. Bond- ber sud gade"s; 1."MO ltyoo psy fonr It la monthly .o. 2e tire ttns-,mlis. AI<rod C.2-b 0..Te.UIsî'lh adiig ie aut>titsiiiir indbt.t. etsiems et aid fIrm i f05SALE ORnEMI4l-Farta mtltblut Sboulte m but LAw. Hugisand Park. 111. Wmnf b atoteerrtr,60 actes oit L4amotud -------e--lut...e....l..... __________ Lako, Hgev Eue, iRockefeller, 111. W ru rSda 1epk .8 fIllinois, Cottnty o! Lakte, as.______________- BUSINESS LOTS-For mieou Mi. UOIOjcmD..... Circuit Coturt of Lakte FOR SALE-Nev 7 rta onn oe. ou vooe &aest riglil priesi.. iead.8 second street and Part avewili poli aht l cnSlo.... ......13 tome va. George W. Odosu aescrillle.sud o att esrtermes. Ap1ySblatmDoal Ct.o............e orge w. odosu. survlvitig E. MUdIottad. Lîhethyvil i. a7-tl Muatil.Olivu battis... . il o! Elmira E. Ottotu FARMS FOR SALE-W. bIave thom Propared Muatared .......... bc ed Laudon Odotu. May Lu-olAsndMmebodeudlkurcn. 8 rnoerly Moy Odosu) Frank LOTS FOR SALE-4a Grimale s uejv.pre'.Ltnskuow vbstl!seb Coob.anied Moup ver a SI soubd nqivisio! B. J, of ses PCYb-ObAnudSu erm, Deta odom. Stauieyodii oq udllmo B.pJoth . o! lihie aut. Wo have IL.2l eF1 oePs»......... 0 emi oue]5ILv o aI O L-Hue andioton maroid- 8It ................ .....w.0 ni-bl edt a oid 'M1 0 - R Lbe-Rtyli. s. adloqt roPaUL 8 lb c Bbe l s .....------........10e 6YIeM 10 118 09i ALbar.ono ...................ef the abovo oohiltied cause lu estato sr.uity. Bas. SS. MnLSR, Uber- 0 CemLudySa .... 9 mit Court ah tbe Mardi te-u t.vvie, Ille.. 8s ____ 10 MAapi. City&Sop ..............te 6. thdreol tue underaigued.I 6 bars Wooi soap....p ................. lie nCacrofsiCor;GIRL WANTED-For generet boue 10 bars Amnerieau FamilvIai ........4111c Cueae ot sday o u wrt. Mm 3U P ME 8-tf. MONEY LOANED-We bloan uuey lieut Lump utarch (ln iîuik>. per lb. Ac D. 1906 e ei nc otocnluthe __________________on I.provred property or viii ma. yoo Pound package (.io'. sta ...-....7 ao! saia day tu the bigbet FOuR RNT-9 roon boos on Orchard a bnmi4ng la t e ta li esd motthly. Perfection bye pur es-s....-----------....9 hîlder for cash, seel et pub- #trSt lise M. A. pma'îe. 3-t Extra %troug Aminauta per lxattis...OC u ah the eaut door of the ____qa___________________________Perlimehlon Biuing par kotle .......toc jue, lunthe Cily o! Watiko- IORSE-Work bores for cale, Swift 1.1lb. Waehlt>g Soda-------------.........8S adontofLakte and Stat10 Austin SeaN, Mr. 9,UperScae ........... ...... se a the folloing descrihed reai vgIfoIIa and Aus n Am.ipercake,................. Se taed lu the Count' o! Latte HAY-For sals 25 tous ont bay, bsld.Deieo nRîiug 8utri 9tv, Poil............. Se t of Ilinoie to-vit: and 10 tons born eyay haled. Swift eaes nAsbetos Mats, P .....a......... Je f te soutb eet quarr), Farts, Raserça LAw5ce4L'; Mgr. 39-If Ra utteoasliuac 5 domet>Ciothes Plus.......... .......S ventyfour (24),tovstsbîo-for- _________________________ Tangieoot Sticky FIy Paper, 3 il) nomlli. range 10sf' (10) eist BUS FOR SALE--li pu»eger, et double fiet or ................S Thîrd Principal riîn bargalu. Write or iuquuire at lisososu- îNh E. E. EL L SW OR THI as fotove: CmmncngouT> Ofice. IU39-4lelU i flieof o!said qulirter section, N I j« VÎI R Milliurnt taHickory corner; ruuning tbence uortbvesterly sang the conterd o! laild road lbree (3) chaluts; thence eaeit paraitet vîlli Ihe uauth lIneofa al section tbres (3) chaîne and thir- ty-four (34) linuke; thence eouth east- erly parallet wilb Mid r9ad threo (3) chaîne ta the south lhue o01saidquer- ton section; titence 'vest ou eald lune hhrso (3) chaîna and tbirtY-four (34) hunkttIhe place o! beglnîng. beluF K) ones(1) acre o! laed more or lees. Qaleti Jts-y led A. D),-1908. 1 ELAM U .CLAUKE, 7-6-4 t M a ter lu C a cery. Stale o!fIlitnois, Couuty o!. Late, s. n i lu le tmîlnty Court of Latte weuk. Ill». MeanrNEwTox-. I39-tf. FOR SALE-Elevator and col business cbeap on acconut o! old, age. HElite SEn'. Lake Zurich, Ili. 30-tf WANTEO-Maaojil"' vork o! ail kinds. Cenent work a speciatty. Walks, and harn> fluors, J. L.. living, Ituemlllit 1. 4"- CEEN W1K-Pseerngau brick ssork repaiiug, etc. Wu. R. l9»E, Prairie Vfrw, Ill. 404 HOUSE FOR .RENT-New seven roont bonne. Çoruer of North avenue and Second sIres!. tL. E. R*I. 39-tf lu the Intatter o!f te gttardianship LOST-Ou roule t.etwsrnl Chicago, estate a! Mary Olive parcelle, minor. Wbeeiug, Waucoisdua aJ Vola, a Ones Pubic tols- l beehyglen htsuit case uttth iniiripîlon "Dont tubier ud tvirtu a ereo! n rder sud ry" aitti initiaies'"F. C. M." Cou- unde an hvirileof n oderandtained articles of nosot vaine. A muitable decee or sifle enterod lu the ihove rewardsi vîtibc given il retttuod tu ontilled Ilctte at the jistu terra A. D.EîosMauu Luteber CJo., Liberty- 1906, o! said court the- nuderelgned. ville, 111. .41-2 guardîsu o!f1the otale Oa!Mary Olive __________________ Pircolîs, mînor, wIilou Tnesday the FOR SALE-Hots@ sud peddler's 7tb day o! Augnel, A. DI l.906 ah the wagon>. IciAl: Fous, Rtockefelier, 111. boum o! one o'cloch le the alterncOn 41-2 o! sald day seil aI public vendue for__________________ cash ta te ilgheet and host bîdder, et the eaml main otrance of the HOUSEKEEPERS-Au>eiit vomie Cour Hane o Late Conty lu Î~wIats situatioan s'booekeeper. Prefers City o! Waukegan. lu the Caunt! ofarS uI se~st- fie Latte sud State o! lluois',bite 10110v. 42-2 lut Iemcrllied rosI ogstte stuated ' 11. F.-TdrlWoo r 10t -he City of Late Foreet. lm thoCouty 10WAt eO-T Ori votil et 1ta, of Lte iandbeji vîtit bbc besit ebau That part of! L.ot huirdo and rie...W e dotbbc rut. AIdrm oJoli lforty-flve (46 hi h* 017 ! i t e AIO .Lzi,,B1rnyblock, W.%uhcgani D. I'orqeb. escrlbed e Oceoulg On1 ui the mauithUe of $MdatI Lt 09-ditt bet*eeo tue sontit vegt e Oruer 'Md FOR SALE- O re. 2 Mnu l of o the goumhmet coreïosfsud alolt, andlLbegfl uC .E.Iopet roalo 'heuc tof1f prale bto he ÇMa houas . & HICIseUANi 192, vu f eo!mal lo t»11*etlS'l? lisAve.. Obleege.41- H»e êt mil lot, tisse.vo'W~17 oun tue ootbrly ibt 10f0 Ike to 1àO le= b ièot 1, *bM vest cocer I isskeof, ý the MI drsI ~Jîil USiboo et ombe dqrtbereuL a Oote.0060wr ib M O&MOn <h»ý*wft UniWU , sait lI-AN DL E G LASS Aundan% fodgt WAL L PAPE3R D. A. YOUNG Store end shop et GEO. TRIOGS' OLD STAND. MI[,- WA;KFEE AVE. SOUTH 0F MOTEL. A TE1EPU1ONE Dodoes the wehor Savos lime Protecîs the home A few cents the day Làke Couatyp Telephones Conneci vitltiChica.go Also your friends Lake Coantg Telephone Co. Oiffie Kimiht B"ock R ÀRESS -- SH*P i - I am nov lacated lu Ibo uev store lu J. Eh. Triggs buIlding 1a o ou agueint hIe nstpor n JuI as goi builds' eau, b. duos noute tats. 01v. us a titai. I SOMCT lE lTmAM D SK TTT U UlUE- A ÀTCIA 0.10 L UC'*E 1 . -.." m ý -

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