Yoft s.jý'aptto tblk yontr fa7OWitO diahe.s bave 4MOrted in qua.fty be- cause jon l y@t ,*-»Vooppreuaed by the boat , »t4 ioàr meu" May b uade pulatable atid invting MMex la latswmer If the proper materlals are noed. The kind that we koop are always pure and fremh. Our mats are aboltely the bot and yon wiU b. wiso'to buy from day to day at our store. It[..BRTY VILLE MARKM. and GROCERY I. A. IiUSSI fNo0w is th e time to be think- ing about F ALL HT We carry a complete line of Kingsburg King Chucago Leader King vlle and WallkiltMats In the latest styles, stiff 'and soit from 50ec to $3.00 Lome)114l $et L44Dfoveo Smê &Davi s, TBA 'AND ÇOPPM2 LEADERS L ....~.4* 444*lI*B Rye Tract or Chase Âpplm Will Me.Gatea ud Dm114 hôberi Von Tobalef Daketa, caliaden Frank ]L Wtt,,thio week ,aeafred a Ne p » IugMall. friands lan tue village Wednesdmy. Caaadsan péatnt ont a rail joint for nu - 1fr. Dmi.Efflergivs akfthenos n t maend OOWWfralroade, o ethlb- MmBoy ero rlday 1thsaeki oerha owns & ha 1t The. iitst lai 5piospIMOUg AND aoMte n da ai tuhise utonorthivention oeila R. Thonm, Of OWN MOEPPLR of wée thsmmoisaWhola couto iedWat.rtown, pis, lit. Wir.. hes aready »W N motcP UL 4 Missluez Palmerton et LaRoy M ionurelel yod a promfoig offer loi bis intermt, la mamutg au-extendeiaviit ai the D The Square D uleis o JI raT.. eCo0 y gmltrl 1OB Wd tuononNewberry avenueé. Ml Bet ulltins 'eor ly flue ThLatCày giuurlesoc- *111 fiabeur who has beau iriug on viaet iii.-Slie Deal proportiosud te none npeeat eti thieC M. & St. P. a . Sle enoying a euiier Clorsdd *hto. They ame of place tbis mien wblch ilil muPa- abry iebis bhome la Libert: .çellàIntefettthe stock holdeset any wblch bave been aiud.fo e o Vll.. V = living iu Chicago. 1tii.Cie.mi* 'eare. A purchase frein Obarle APPIloy Segter Pari.rand wifsensd 1Mr. and Tii. Bait 5gnday echool, of Wauke- of two acres at the wet end et the, Um. John IL Thempoon, of ChicaZ .gm.pfcitked lW. Uoeland'e wood.gde an oti ,rhfii nrance teek dinuer Sunday et the Tboni 7TnE Ti. spot wt. eho..n pêrtil rudadoynrhlhetl Stock faima with Y. W. Murray and bcus i euhi Le reaclied by tiie wili wjth a ontémtlated purehbane frein faiiy. letrie nas w.ll as becau . of the. beauty Edw. Doyen of a like amount of land, Mlël Lulu iiurray .t eka o 0f i cati.,attable the association tu, moe.the gats gt nt the John um. te home in The. Christian tnt. will hold their Wmne distance teutthe weét sud incrmace Chiag. rguar ,weekly Meting sert BundaY thisce. of thegroitude whevé an addition The lph clb. erauieatoneveina ai 1:0 'elo'k n leth e ti e is et needed. Ion'rt' Workr'. baIl oWer Siniîth & Davis' hl iih attended- the Damreech Concert ai stre.Subjaci leve.- MEides ibis a dinng bi fl , 1R . C. Weoa fata etody. B Mr. and 1Uri..John 1î,gri.of eChicago, arected on the newly purebaeed sie 1) . oBy, fr11 front of. @. Id B. U>b pani Sunday a té fllward Magon 1wbich yl put the old oeu e ii.blel. home a foe, dava ago and for a tinte il twl eeaiu. n tya< pt was lenrad lhe was var eriom AI Handea ual SM ton n Tuesday fixing date in evary detail. injured. 1Ur. Bse i.n. evonty.ihinehis peolilctsfoeee.They seeni. te need Asscjation Has Prospoead. yean 0of mg. t was ai fini thebught iling oiie tee. Thie association la now on a botter sont. meonever. ba roenn. B ppae Mt.Ana er, of ChIicago, i. 0 i.d- finanlal footing than aver hefore. te ti receeriugat prsant.ngle cepl tweekm witi MieÈtb.l Baverai profitable and uni vemeally Dr. Davisen, fer= ogf 0 Lake Zurich, Flo ucomesuî seamons have enabled the. tIhe surgeen whbo e lully ffOi'itedutweclpigh.ofene etarwate aetes thie oper>tlon fer appeindcts il rn An epidemie ofMonielelipgha fcrsomete wyomiletg Urn. J. Grdieyay the st rie§trutck tt. svllérl iinti m e vaa day mnprvemia bich have beau se long hospîtal l Çhicage. me nemAlnpper lhp onetao et,,nnp,,tad. w anChii.go.red il"man bas aeid Dr. W houD t b ightand t. trylag te wuo hie adeauntent Thons it will be sem that the. manage- office over Reat's ferniture fron ow lmvtttmg.I Fl e.ae a ~ment tea ilve te lia avar incaaiig cie on. Dr.D n aasktg--m' ei. -~1~b iai contederabia Îwa.ticae s ot* cit.ne * M.H a*@,~ t al iie aecut' îieulhldy u ilîl be lu Lt rityvilia o.n riea adPuvst Laecay'unerlhody &d Saiurdaye of eCh ueik. dysan br miter, UM.johuCroker.eu atudaýY ui hau nreadiuese tu furnt.epace ef lait toppîug off wltle oin ber way eau. th thmong which uilattend. The. Q et Q club Itiven a dance ai tii LeWeeipctcuî h.ces us. Hertel'a, pavilion, HaifDay on Thurs..TeMytcW krapcl wl heIces us day nfob of agt. ekt~. ie it e y ear coule ou Taeeday July 24. It yl Tepms hya n4rrt" a»D&r[à Dy-dues01 heQ et q, .haitMadion. Son.efrein ber. are @Tii.beuoe an hi ,@mr are rarta asuna, nuu ~a ~ '~ planning totle , sauvatage of thi er aesdtt eahrut M21Z & Sens, of Wankeoeau are excursion ratu &md attend. recogised aiity ta draw fut sud fine nalm tredeilvet7 hean d in Ïtoek- o. i.Luie t. sor t home tei yen lu bermain ulli 110n1tiea t thteraces ulîl faloier en $ prbtm i U a. ruains. op. ha good. .Thea Royaà Neoirs uUi held a laun L.M obvk.noe uebsFlrGl ek sopial on MMs.H. B. Egsr'olaun Clyba ied ed n ookh Tii. Fai aa u Wesi h. em 0 Thureday ev.uiog, July 26. le Crntaréently compoip rsdneo ok TeLk mt.fi ubMio and cake vili ha .erved. Music. Every- avenue. latineurea quita a seciety avant,inlu atl body t. iaviled. Fred Fick t la a ratier serous condi- t. a gala ueek fer the ubelaeftheb Lais MieLymu et Monroe Mici e pont tion at bt. bonaenorti eftoten the. Shore a aIl hias 'for Mm .ceuntry Snnday a et 6 Cii.,. *Oelr1dge gr. eIlt et an abses.on hilg. districts.. Fubionabla Laie Foreeter4 honie. Si. came. han tu viw the Ma AI Kfleiuma'e.orà6 1 ,ntafrigiteued attend in antomileesud mirilî ub the. &reui faciury blng in tii. eppley et a ai a plis et bi7 beide the edBfVaglltritmlvluntepouc minilarfmni n ler hme tun. day. sgo and tpped tii. buggy over e tilsadt.d u i.gnae0 George Yimer wu@inlutewn Wednaiday amaabiug lit coneiderabl.y. Chia! ft" n eliad'hegrosf lookfug alter hi Internat br. and, Hetga. wn lu . rig t the. time but thoie ubo Compatie for th. prisoe. cslliag on friands. could't ay y and camne bock.te The fair t. aluomst hane one more aud Mmr.. Steve Bemg ha. beau very sici tewunwith the hatig hîngig Out 0f uhosandi are planning toi attend. lit the puit feu day.. Atiet ber came as a. elwl hsyn ateI ekl dlaguoned ad appendiciis sud atm A blg mtoe arvitb headquartars n Septenihar, Sept.4, Z, 6and 7. Pîsu to opration wau faard ai a naenty.' GlemicS vaut deuil Tnetday mtereon At presait @a eht.vrylgbtly iniproved. and teiii. acille of e Chauffeur George iniareur friands tharp.- Tii.axcr.ln t fiaimo evr ~ Lync and île tealu(it truoty baye uMe Th eeuWo t Mdionovr her.equined tO e gaIfiinto oun froni the ~ mI<f1 MC. M. & St. P. lieder the auspieet ofthe5 aletrie depot. ~U F~I. -Uyitie Workeeriate .Myatie Worker picule oecur.eon Tueoda.y, July 24. A MinesFlornce Tamnite, Ra ,Catlow 0pecal train léaves the uew dapot ai sud 1Mr. and lireil. Olsen. et ,vanston, 5:8a. nm. the round trip tare biug $2. viâited ever Sunnîay nt the ClevelandCA D AT The retur pecîa train teaves honme home.CA D AT jMadison at 7 ilok lu thaevlutug. For full poxtielars luquin et the ticket Barry Pester antd George LaR-reuce- agent.,ore det iet a day timhiug ai Third Latke 1 o h hud B Our Wauconda orepondet aye laie ubat th.y dîd net catch. Kleituod toe s.OMeia Se that carl Erikson, o9 tht. villesage, t.iled having a week@ argument uitii'the Dem;July 4, t. 1Ur. and 1frm. H. Rl.Aby flid lang's Lake litinge. After h liste Dot.et9Sprngfield Massl.. a son. Mfr.- throng l i tic fhe.esh ilI io baci and .f . Dle are known bhan. DOOLEY OF BBELVIJ>ERE hen teiliug us@b<tw ha caught the. big A Chicago sigii uriter bas heen in DESIBES. TRE HONOMS unie. :1teun the met of the weai sud bihem u - Csudidate J. L. Swayer @pont a day lun doimg sieme very itest work lu gold leaf. Lîhertyville recently lookiug up bis -and P"Its. Perhiipe ttheboat jebs are flou. Deunns Gibbons, of West Daaield mauy friends hern..on ?l Ehîortîts viîtdow and a correct- township, Lake * ounty. tie paessant Chas. Woolridge loft fqer a buusinesa on inluine Lake Cunty Natitonal btik tilority candidate froni tist district te trip ho Wisconsin tht. WeOMO. the state solite is a candidate for re- The Ladies Âfd of t:aesbyterian 1lire. Margaret Nmaison, wile of Join eletion and sbould have the hearty church will hold a home bakary sale at 1 Nuimea, 0et bis vilfla. gefured lu a sen-m tie Nortb horie.Gem Company routn n 1 satien n luChiiio Wediag.day. lBer .tpport et al the dentocrate lu the the Kaiser block ou Satnrduy alter n..n;rfotiein on trial I(r hie.fleta carqed viti couuty. Juiy 21 etthmg bhlm wife n ir. with keroeHie Ii.record je cienît and lh. bas, glnce ierctlgiven lu the Union' chîrch fetla m.in u hare amlng ltrhelete etctryfutîpea byle ppisvXilsé Card on Friday ldaeattoras.nuyagttieupenhe peng taseebly two yeare ago. served the l flawhk t u igtysae.atre tkta h nigi uý ek isbt l t tiideattiLe go en hanfathe aitittau people ln a conscientiotts and îfiorougly atten.dad. lite prograin however was R er siîter Mies8-mie Falrgrieve, tdded hoetiaurad île wonk ehouîd ha nusat od sud thoe viefaifad t u Inrecuoriugliter tt cenacouenees. The nore tlit.erturiu tî tie position ha and ietad a trenat. Mies Maile ciMterait the coronere Inquet gave serne Daviso iet Otitg, a ea-der 6f ability,,otartling infornitnuagantthtter 8a s by ii w..a eaitr e te rograin. John Fairgrieve. States Attorney, Mr. U ibbons lias priutr to bis eloûtion lir. Frank E. Wir and children Crovecharges tih. prisoinar uith builiig tu tte tate senstonlmlp served iin varions retuned Friday nigbt front a. viit et a the. lantp at the wenian becauee@h euue ndba ve fortnight vith relatives aht Sharon , Win.sf». d tegive lhii emoey for drink. minor iPutlic cctie.adh.eey R. D. Adants, et Utxbtt, ilà., 1WE. Tiie atteudance tiithe entertalumeut bco.tWnh.g nthfrta gire..in ii.Preebyterian'churcît linniegt'. . ý !o T rday aeu iug vas muci lighter than 000. sTap ri ce vai pl.aoed upeit ti.. va. expeted owing ho tih. tact titat thie mare a week ago, vianje'. 0. Joue.sud evelt was",ttgiven ttie publicity n ici Jiempils, tried tesoecurs lier. The. Evet wa isdo-Ue. nr. Hotinanu, vocalist, acho, boat Baron tirattan and eti- aev alone wua.well vortih te priee of radmission andi ail vite beard lier speak et Lbertyvllle oit July 4, paclur a 8ara blgbly of lier abiiity. If eh. ever appears bpetIl 2: 05. Mtr. Adams le a dami localyv again mile viii undoubtedly draw tsni5' -N a good Ihomme. ___________ Mms. J. S. (iridiey le doiug niceiy ait theiar West $ide bospital, Chicago, vierme -ilthey vas operated upon fer appeud.icitis. ) gfU. Tiie Lakemîde eretery asstocaten l,-Notice hi. Tex Pavané. viii îîteet at the béie etfir.. McDouaid rPublic itlct'l* liby ient* tti on Friday Jly 20. Speciai work coneILi outy Board et Review tn non in before the meeting. session lu the Su lrvisor's Roc> i i h Mises es8eaYoung ia eîending t.the.lc fCourtfBonns aItukegan, Illinois. at the Idiebour at Waucoîtdâ with theii Complaints wii1tie received for thi. M.lCormick fantily. j revision ofut nsse-nentintil Auguet 11 Invitatiens are ont for tîte n'ddiug ot1 Al i o,, haveri complainte to intike; Misa Ada Louise MacOutlu and 1Mr. I vli fit. saine liýre ahove date, alterr Louis MeiroeRe o. icb yl take vbich noue viiile cý onnldered. î u lace on theafaterneon et July 25 at 423 W. F.WFiiÇ'etss oclocknt thie Mactifin h omerne utuie' Village.1 Low Bstes To St. Pamal And Lous Flagg ha. added a polka-dotl inneapohlis . A. XM. viosioan ,h wo1lie ba-3 the dog teuhe fauna et Hogane Allev te il!t I EntipiStt., tue vacuumn caused b, the abliauce etfjfÇ.7O te lit. Pauni or lnnia4tof leand indoreenentut ofsevaral civil organisa- Spraugaa and Chester Crokerasgenit. iraiunri via the. Citigo, Mlwaukee & St. tlons and ln a mian nothing cami lha said Car~eutws sd plntnetaa t at Faut Rmlway accouai Ananal Eucamp- agaluet. taerek. nga a &litile siack jut M Gruand iAmîy < 18'til. Tuickt Be ibaivitys been a rnfilattof Laie ai proet in Libetyville. If jeu cou-vr lieaou saisetugutlltola. inclusive. euuty bis blrtb place bing lu Liberty- teniplata anyting lu tiese lnes cou t. FuaI retuan lunit Angut 1, 1906. ville towniship. Ba vas beauJoune 15, a god tie tegai uey.Llherml extension oeraono paymntu18$47 and bae alvays hee identified Usager Takaci, etftthe Seiiwarçà of eallusfextension tea. FPrurtiier wt h ercai aty theatre wme lu teun Moud ai ufoanaln regarding mite@, routes orvihti amat.cpr. W big barde, & m dr= tIia riabemrvica. @o me u lnstwtlt nt o et Haisopnosead atth e penfng at the mb orbgeiM rkopoa n h ifaoMlaueAS.P R -comng prmarles b y DOeley, et Blvidert me elcelisut .1 eumlmg maies. >W,,.TKDYounin sîitesu 7eanMaIl dentorate cheili e clmlde'sforraf 9lIWs Ou tocey. tout «dont mid fn hl&mtwntu,te lUhartyfille. Heit madfg Co. offic inb t8sejustly île. Jus-the Thi'*Po0 NOW. yNDMWflR ead 'summer fIorIsbnags. hlà l-plaid ami !ancw desegos. la wsar &Id other washahe finc« on1le tried aq trm ucmn!ctures verg best output is on ouý counters Thé aosJosil vrl Juimpesm hrts. theg cmm sble bsta sfor q"tVtgs u Coams abTiso vu eslrawl a"-l clusvsstgl* hir. ou Cms laiet go dunes. W hm àealt y. P. Ongoa». Pus. Omoe. A. -WmmmRT, Vice Pros 1AKt c NATIONAL INO.mm u' shmiuaq smm o1e«a r g b Wou «à&d sous part of wlat hobel rla h d shmolneglet thoecars o!fIds bod% or hi. adW. ine IEn' NOHRLOT 0F THOSEFMNE Xà Y JM A~ ~~~=I las theie 1907,avmemmhpS* 125 piecea. a"piece4 112 yars lnmma mtw 0ealk broidery rdgn mtosDe adl&BUNgAILOVsM Md 24 --w- ins wtua MdDmd aao& .hh4v.ulI. broidç*lust .duiàty pater,. Mllproe brauWtbim hu they ae asau1ed tgin eiedesigas u th ý',bort ueh of the pieces. Thewe-,aboutON84HAU- th.fr actu vdle-ougi t eo "e the. gmtemt ttactin LET US SHOW THEM TO YOU. D IETVLE - PE A lIR . lL.LINOIS Mamy o le 1% bsu -0ý"Ooppoes fer lssltu; ,othetm eau hm eeth"a ubS about uluh th.m; a» oMlé- te avotd > b amltyamcef0< hý tibaf r nonay e I Beut luvetmcet.1 THIE1