CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Jul 1906, p. 7

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&&&AI .CbIC^AGO "Ne$$ fMAN WIN WAUKSBAN SOCIETY SaUg. SAtos .Cercsrny Coapsliee ules pues suem by Meus o "Puce" t4pie ani'd ogrta n on ieysmecote AI 7 ocloci lait evenioL ai lic hc»oua fth bides parehtâ. Mr. sud »Mra.william J. Alleu, o! corei av- eus, tir. Ray Iftirvin Lbcvas UnAted la, maryage t10 Relus, Malic Allen. 1%*c ecreua'vas perlcsrmcd b>' Bey. C. M. Bureluholderf Toledo. OtSio, el b>' ROI. T. ML lggla botkim. oflt.eViMrst CoagnegtIosia ciarci. Waakegsa. 16 te veddlng Procession ver.eJ reskom~.lic ramns sclub 0 pot sd bcety belles. tb. Mms eO<ias Guruee. Eitbel Witney, Belle BiIe- e,qS. eorglaAdams sud Verle Mr mv. ,thc bride belng one of lbe lub:, ltIle MissHallovelilibeaing the basket oantalelugthe ring; and lies lic bride. MIss 11511e Halloveil cauglit the bouqut Allai I - he- ceremouy refreabujenti ver. servedl.* Tic couple vas la recept 09 muni bestilul vcdlng gfl. Ouests-toi lie aumber o &bout a bnrsi st Allai tic ceremony, by thc uic o Ivo crnas li te couple mais tir ecampe hom tidr.biend.a. s'laie" couple gctlng into one carrnage sud drvt g asîvith lie covi follov- lag. vill e élmclcouple gl lu an. eotie vehAle aid oobe lb. sImcar Tiere vill b. a 5v. e is' bouc>'- mmc .lb.thsut,&fier vhicb the coupla yull pobaly maie their home lu tbis City. Mms lma Atle firsI of the exclu- sive Breekers to become a matron. buttbeforhcoipgmarriage o st lest one otber la nuouncei 10, taie lace. Ur. Lee lu a promIneut business man of Chicago. FA&io FmN COMCAMONS (Prom wededai's SUn.) Tvo nmore Cbiega w ere drovu- edai athliclaies yesteriay. Wtb bbe record o! the day listore. Iis bnrings tieost o! Chicagoans, lives sacrA-1 fcd ln Ivo dais lu waters near Cil- cage up tosAs. The seres empba- ass thlicunusualy large number cof suci leta Ibus fan lu Iis summer's oullng s.aos. ' Ycssriayereacrt vctimes vene William Kruegcr. 20 yeurs oh. 1666 Humboldt boulevard., sud Charles 8. Drp-us, 19 icars od, 1775 Humboli boulevard. The tva v ers frtiini, soi bai pane in Bluff Laie, aanAn- tioci, Hl. lunt Saturisi for a tvo veeke' vacation. Tic manner lu vicb tici 10.1 lhir lives lsnot inova, for nobody ssii hem drova. Tie>' bal genebatn, sud lieïr eloli evre tond n the, bath bouse. *bene tic>' bai left them. Wbclicr tic>' bai triadin swaim serons tic laie or vietier on bai liecome dis- resel aud theothlen bad goeniebs ushatan sd nmet a simua fate viii neyer be inovu. Tie faIslily stirred lie recorters athle laie, vio ail luruedlaluand triai to recover thie bodies. vithout succea. @«h Victime Clenla. KIuège bai becu emploîedsi dcs giaduating tram Levs Institute lire. yeara uNo a àa emi for Thompona & EMile. 227 aie.stiel. Pur lau ommecutve summrs b. bai spont is vacaion et lic La.evlcre bc vas drovuci. Dr>'u a vathe oly sou of Jamées S. Drynali. a terra cotta layer. H. vas gisdualei troim a buslae* college tvmo yeanm seo sud hsd beaui emplcyed inceas ascleri lu the officcofpet i Equllable Lfe Ag- surasice' (Ompani. 1He had neyer bai s vacalipa before. Car" -B& Dr>'aai, liclieoinb av* beau drovuel vliehacompaolon, Willièce tnueder, ai- BluffLake, near AnUlocbi Modaï'. vas uaemplos. o! the EqWUsiheAisursupe Asociation ta chIasSe. 14e as iMteson yeare ol4 sud li"ci at 1775 Humlboldt boul- evard. Kre.i vas tIv, >'years 011 sud lived at 1474 Humbolt boulevard. lic voikul tom Tbouiig hi er& Co., aI Lae anlMisikh streets, Cilca£Go. Protet park a Il of lie B»ù 1 Oriet EIka - W. J. atdw,- oimet Sondai »le *5 been- 46ser the i tv osr aud tsicu10 te 9aoPlI Il proved -auii t- veabattsalciol the sigbtest lraftAlb tic nigbt be abat Slth. slood ou lie bridge sud vheo lalined that bis vAdtim vas deai, eXclalrned. "Weil. 1 am off!" and rae vest. T hoe ira"bebhis sam thal bo remeielCsHB au*"esught a train nortb or souti sud le éov 10.1 lu bbc vaeat Bmmletg<Dakets, vicie be formeri>'vngied. (Prss Wedse.are Sua.) liA&.lpso st a 5o'6 o .et lie boorfMr. pAd tirs. W. P lgleî, àw lic corner o! 'Wata" tiadiac set , Mcurs lic marriage of isa . réce B. Ple kekt10Guenon W. BrvOr. Rev. J. G. Brlgg, of the ïiins hiaptlel hurci As te perforu lie cers. mon>. Iauedilstl> follovîngthli ceremrthle couple lAs to tartI ou. a laie trip andi loneymoo n l Michi- g&n. Reluruing tisy are toeatart bousekecltïtibers. 1 Tic ceemoni sla t aie place la the parlor of tie nome. Under a casopy of marguerites sud feras sud before a bani of marguerites. as- parais.fernasand palois. The vcdding marcb laste b. plaei by Mise Editb Duail. Mise Peniôsiî ls a velI kaov. popular young lady aid la ptotminent lu bier social cirle. Mr. Brewater las tic sounaofJay Brvster, of Sheridan rosi. Heolasemploîci atthlb. Oicag Harvere Pouodry Company. at Norti Obicago. snd Ainlied sud re. speced by al bis lmends. Republcun Candidatsa-for CeunI>' ludge. Perry L. Pssos. candidate for thc ltcpub licas nomination for Cousit> Judge. lasa native of Laie Coust>' ai seeda no Introduction 10 tie voter. of Wauicgsu sud vluiiti" 1He vas bora u Nevport township, livcd lu Warren townshp seversai iearu and nov lives Au Waukegau. Allen com- pltlug ils educaton Auli té igi scboous of Wauksgan and Hyde Pari. ani et Chicago University, b. cu- pleted a cours la lbe lav départ- ment of Lake Pomet University;: speot Ivo yeams la the office o! Judge FrandAs E. Clarke, nov deceasid. sud aince bein aditlîlcin thle bar bai practicci 18v n Wauiegan. 1Helas s proninent figure lu Repubrican poili- tics la Wsuksgsn, bsving serredas i police magistrate. and bavng beau elected ly atocrney la 1903 sud re- eleceidiyattorney lan 1906. allai a spirited content n eecb cae, not only ai lice Republican prmarles but ai thc electloas. -He lasnov uervlug is second term au city attorney sud bis record ln Ibît offite bas becu excel- lent. Hiie vide experieuce llnt c o- fice, combinai vlth hils private lsvr practîce. bu asd~se im famlier vili aM banchés o! hl. bas VOIi qulfiel bim1te11tiltite oOfce of cSuat>' judge 10 vblieho enovras- pires lie duties ald mcponsibilitlerl of vble c .keel appreciates. Hie dotAes. AuWaokegan, combiai vili the demande upon iselime from Ide private practlce, prevent hlm f jom maklng as active a cauvai lirough tic count asulie désires, but Ils msny fines feel that lu vlevof hils abiliti. energy and filus for the of- lice o! counti judge, bts rendus-ci vii mccl vîit stroug support tlirouglioual the county. M. Per»oiW la a génial, courteous gentlemnan,, sud vhile the younger men n polilios arc enlbuslasilnluhis support, b being the youngest of thes four candi- dates ton counti juige, ne one-young or old-I*lll maie a mstake, la voI- in for hlm. lu is home life ha. le pleasaUi situabsi, lving et 414 Grand avenue~, bislanilly conslst o! hilsvile sud Ivo 1111e daugiters. Mr. Pensons bai à natural aversion te asinig personal support n a cani- palgu, but vlI b. grateful for an>' asistance renierad ithlmettthe pri- mares et the usuel polllug places in lb. couty,. Augusl 4, 1906, 7 a. m. in 5 p. m. MAO DOG INVADES SCi-OOL. Minampolie July 1&-"w* te ce lu c.»ase a mdsgburel ta At of cc"' vu lb.e unexpeclcd problilcuthe solu- tion et vicl Deao J. Ir. Pow'sic>dem- ousrued te blu clan lu pedagagyet thse éule UniverstyauMeier ciatH "a engsged Au poitIng the peod&-, icel paih o u Interédiat grup of prosapective seboolmainis, vhe througb the open o dccinsames avalanche of dog, sasling, eulnapsA frotlhig sud rsnlng amuaci. InstantI>' evar>' fair pupil mut*e tic topaiet Porton or ber seat, vWih tbe maddeued brute cliled tlic om LDeai Dovny ut a a large revolver Au, hus dci hvblc brougit halay aFet. >ce, kllllng the dog on the spot.~ go'Wonder. *Wiuu hicilîl, lihe inuii a- gi.sed, 4118m.u b ià s if amidail e,ltlelm 'b' lieriMd i urteou,uSassvhof m eaaeff rican Terri. i Cau Pay 'nos S#umwtonBugQLfl MAN WALL CLAfbi+TAS SOON LIVI4&iN NWTII CIIiCAGO. AS LANOSMAKES DECISION.1 OSc4bfl;ade PublisAisi Account o! tha 'AeclUor4at udPiacce Mn as On@ Who Dsasppared Two Osys Ago. (Prm Wedneuday's Sun.) Mdystery no longer liedges about lie ,ientitY O! the maes vho vas niglit iclore lait struack andi illed hi Oue of lie cars of -the Chicago & Mii- *ankee illctrie 1Rallroad. -.lietveen larvell'a sud Sacred Heart croeslng, oser LIÀe Forest Ibeadlngap copy af the SUN con- tainlaf ug accouant of the accident lait nlgbt. Olcer Steve DempukI saud aler perusiug the description oh the victim. "W!Iiy, that must1 li the ci man vbo dissppeamed from tlie Czobei home." The North Chicago police bad Te- celvcd a report 1>151an auol man, re- swinug vith tlicgCubeis of Phiar, tecanth sud Stewart avenue«, b"i-ils- appeamai. vanierci uoff. Dempi communicaes itih the Czubeis aud cou. ta lic Larson & Conradi morgue viii tvo tmes etthe laimlly sanm ore otliers vbo kmcv the mAssAng man. They denlified hlm at once -as John Baralllr, vbo came tu Wauaie- gau tromib hemo f bis daughter ai 1145 Mivwaukee avenue nme veeks ago to stop vkb ilieth Czuabeks. He vs. oven 70 yeuseold aud le ne- putel 10 bave been fainiî veil te do. carrlag machlite lusurance. Names of thc campaules couli net be louni Ot- BaWuter vsudered front tie Czubei résidence tvo îdays ago sud lb. ln- cident vas reportai 1 lieplie U, as lie o14 mavas teehle minded. lie- cause of bis age, sud anme biarra tu hlm vas fcared, a prémuonition that provcd aecurate. Net Ocnerally KiiOWM Thal Oid FirsI ^pool*c Nid AéY. Deeds tg Land Ouîehéu é« thie Unted John Alexandei Dovia. s nov con- fident that is loloers who desented hlm for Volva ame anxious la returu ta, their former Ol a nd the "Pro- l)het" declare litI bis rival'a bold As broken ou telie pohlein Australie. wbere lie vas ï*pgsed tu be strong' est. Dowies resions for entertlning this hope are tic result o! a secret meeting of ths 300 Australlans Au Zion City callied i Volive, several dayi ago. the details o! which vere obtalned by one vbo vas lresent and vho turnei 01,cr bis report Saturday tu ElhJali III. Reports from Auntraiia that Overseers MeCullougli sud Hav- kns bai repudlaled Voliva stirei uAp Àp V Au-t !411w»- !ho Zior and the ueet- Wiaec.led tu quiet thamiM scjv7 Iugs. Dovie nov dlaimis tîtat he bolda deeds to a tract of land Ini Afrlca o! 60,M0 square miles.. From this source, lie deis, lihéexiiects tu de- rive enougli revenus 10 PuY Off ail 09 Zlon's lndebtednles as soon as tic present litigaion betore Judge Ludis o! Chicago hbs iestraiglitened i 1. This Information vas contalned lu the lett* w rlltenzby 11bvle on July 13. Il vas flot knoovo hat the firsl aposu tle" held loch ieids or had any Inter- est lu suci a large tract o! ]and any- vhiere linle votioutside of the United States. ]WoU ta ulide. TrsycillatuAlIC0across Borne riv- ersalunmait. ouai boats madie o!fbide tThe boats are puesed across lii nc- gros&. WHV ut SWAYR 18 MAKINO VMS. What 'Jamne L. liayer lacis in reslgned tu enter the present cam- political .sstulenesela more than off-. paigu. 1set by bis *clean" record as a citi- No man la Lake county te better 1zen and publie servant. He a one nited tu MI1 the office of county clerk than IMr. livayer. file abllity la un- of the early day seholars andl re- questioued, h. bas had cxpestence iu g elved is liberffl education at a the office and As consequently tamil- tAule vbema t vas more spprecAited Aar viti dotAs lnvolved. than nov. and wbAch afforiieô hlm op>- Mr. livayer Isoflot spendlug rnoney portunities over the average mjan. HiaAn saiSns or "buying" suMort to clercai sbilAty attracted attention furtber hie candldacy: bis campalgu »ad County Cierk Hendee sought hie la as "Cleaii" as bas bean hAs lifte services as tirst assistant to hlm. record, snd this a making him votes; T1'bn Fostipaster Watrous engaged every day. ls not sucb a ma en- hlm as assistant. wbich position lhe titied t<Cý your favorable consideratlon filled ment credibly outil at the er- vheu YcMa on-August 4, express yotir nesft sollcltation of M-ends lu Wau- prelerence o! candidates for county rkega sd tbuughout the county he clerk? [LabertMlie Mle Says Nnsband But and £i.Ik.d Her Also T1*batenud Cbargng ber bhuaonditvili - UIsome crulty esud vii ti eatenlug ber 11eI odai' lu 1h. circuit cler's offie, Julia Shani. o!flbertyville. nied suit for divorce against Charles Shani. Tic tvo veau married lu Chicago, November 26, 1879. Threp icars ago, tir.. Uli oisonm, ber huslisud le- camne an babitlsidruokan sd since lien Ilfe bas liesu misenubîs. la the bill for divorce sbs obargeu hlm vili revdlliug crueit>', of bîl- tint sud iiciiat ber, dragglng lien tebolled and giaiing ber !rom the bouse Ato Ibe 'nigit b>' thrsateniug le shoet ber, Tic eu4 cm IsJno29tbits ycar, aibe daimis. vebuM' bIt ber 'ou lie icai viti bis UOnt aud Ilreateuci ier lite' vili a chair. She lied lb. houa. ani bu met becan baci sInce. Ilutebill ellemis aims tliat sbo la pour and unable tu supply berself ii Ibe mecues. & lIte. vbilo ber 1usisudis liheovuen o! a tarm of 101 acrestAnPremout andaofiucbper sonal properti. She dlaims tbat ho tu itromealuc to e thibs nsho non citais mno mono>' for liersei!.1 For lies. rems ae easici s diý vorce ànd au Wnacon te restnaiu -' eWuaorisposAug-ef th& Pfopri>' tU lie circuit court can siiiigaaW ber. ý&ie a laàassthe custody af the ~AupshaRisi, 6 iara et age, l#sg i ilbth alion. Pur athwez bilsln are o! legal The Broncha. the champion pacing mare, vas sou OSaturda>' by ber.own- er. lR. D. Adams, o! Dixon, Ili., tu E. J. Rochon. of Wlnnilpeg. Manitoba, for $10,000, This- price vas placed upon the mare a veei ago. wben È. S. Joues o! Memphis, trled 10 secure lier. The Broncbo beat Baron Giratian sud oli- ers $ Li betyvîlle oau Juliy 4, pacLng a firat hbA ln 2:05. Mr. Adams lsaa lilacksmî91ý YOUMEST Wssblogton, July 1.--TPP omcan ce thc penoffiice thini thea"v diacovesed la Lystoni P. tlowe, Ot BltftA. DL. the yangftt iIaniui'cr ôf te ivil var. nee ulieetirsst lIs 1861. vbeil bal>' 10 years aaid 9 siso lsold, saii ue29ed ton four uxontaj, vieo lic vasl dlacharged onsaeuccuni cf [isi âge. me eclistel&gain i8lu, whems Il lurs Lad-5 moths od, ndti ,erved ansti tieendorcftle var. '-vVueSdws developed lit conued- Iom'-fthliiapplieftion lot luvreese et oeulbuo, vulci wns gisuteti. Im Ill«: 04evs, lu ltai- ifaeunth sud hie $etconi laIlie Flfly-fiflliIlinlos Velunteer. - lie>' psoied Up. On lie. eve of lie maalclWt eecIOcuB lu Mlwaokee Sherburo M. Becker, tic yousig Repubtilcfa mtdat. '-br mayor,dilstrlbotei 5000 corucb pipes aid asmani packages et tobco.. J'b For the soetim lime vitia lve hours aire vsged' î in .014 ldopéra boée buildlS os-àdhlaton Street le Bihotl tbe-Leashfl turnsiluw Kt about 2 ocloIxI, * shectý,,à dame and unokVýbu= thýi ad vidflw o! tic segoe &Ilî lmlnated lthe skylànilw~ .Forth Ibeseoué IiitfWB suas occumï6 nohi to Bats lit second slor'yof Ibe building baiar- rov escapes lrom asphyxiation and eatb by fdames. getting 10 lie streets in their nAit eclotbes or la sea>' attire. Fror tic Second "lime in 4-dP"it ment fouglit a sîx-hour hlgbt silis te fiasestusave li rom=lUl buildings by ooufahuthliemcoflgra- ion 10 tbe 1145 baIbag st sicouau*cod. rbere vas no hope mur i te strdbl wlth the damasse dor 10 it 0*i before lait,ths ti .451tic Urd 'o Psne n c a 04or fuildinsilo Paule struck the ne itIbm aides the burnlng structure Business mand thilr clerks a@W assistants burrici dovn tovu sud PU Ing books on barro*s or cari>'iê tiem lu uder arn» brougiltien -« places beyýodlie rancb of ltefiasses City Clerk Tiaccci and Mayor Bol lou closely guarded tin.lrt>' reordi iu the oorrdors of l'o ieti fer havilit-emptied lite vaull 01 tii Inestimably valuablespublic déo mente. Othen property ovueris moontes roofs and foüglit the sparke vili brooms aud sticks 10 prévat tii catching asure of Ibeïr ova good' and chattels. Scene ct Confusion si Pire. Cloude o! sparks. the abouts o liremen. tic murmur o! thec cmvi liat feared t10nseone of the ceaI. business blocks of Wsukegailetppil and fait loto ruina. lie noisofutae dreuching. the roar o! the dcvourin dasmes, velu llghtsand shadov5 ca on surrouuidiiig btildings, baif-ebothe figures at vlndovs epd ou lAre ai cape@, tisse cotered imb a 00000 c confusion and excilemeat, tiat di oc let U uputjl UlhreeV tlMic uctut.& People Rusdy te Nove. people l inte aelgbSuo6d or uth tire vere ail prepsred tu rernovc Lui the Street& or intic plsernof!raeg Officer WiII Devis taracd lu lh atarm. Prom bis pont on Pearce corner lie sav tic Sanie.bim througb the roof sud viudovs of lh building about 12:20 o'clek a rushlng 1tult.elgre box, lurucdi là alarm viihJust a couple Of mAille difference trom the aigRit before. He then rau dovu Uic streel 10 lb building tu aroose thones leewt vithin. .lust az ho rescbcd tbe fres of!h Ibluiding ho smv tvo Mca nu ning dovu thc Street sud abouting 1 the topi of their voices. Awsienc Fiat Occupant&. Calling *"Pire! bhe spnangup l istaire sud made his vay 10 tic Wa iersidot. Itileonlite wetside ofth .budlding nextoth 11 eitUM'Udai suad farticat Irns ti th lairvar. Il 1avakeaculthons, snd then tic '«lài b au lsrui lc ieIv« e, aUic fat aM the waters.1 Boi abfmmeis @praosefrous -lic lieds sud forthle 0se0ondlime Sel b .fore lie dorce rush of tie dame Tiert vu wo lme 10 drese sud gra' bAloc e arcsit clotbes lici cou] Sund thcy rueied dovo the slairs A the Street. riere vas col mucb srnol 10t overcorne liem lait night. Il vas doerée, bot fiame tat vould bai caugbt tbem bai Officer Davis bot but a lev minutes Iater. Waters Familly Loue. Ail. Beaides the Misses Waters am their brother Norman, lut vigit vn rtheir niece vbo vas Stayiug vil 1them. They al avkened quli*' suad 'got tu the Street lna sais Everything ln tbcir fiat la rulued. - ev clothes viilho .avcd but thi 1are soaked vitb vater sud ail ai damaged. . No Insursuce vbatever la carrit by Ilium. Ail the von o! years1 bard effort bas beau svspt avaY ai they are left tu start al01,cr. Noise of Pire Awakcaed. miss Ida Waters sadisi %à=muis iu speaiua of the lire. "Wc va av1 akenci by 05001, Davis mal b>' il noise of the fire. Norm an sd vraie uap at the sasselime. Tht lilama, aud ve cailéifoâr niebe ai .usbel 'eut Into ticebai., 0 "Wc ver. aIl bali frigilcuel b iwien w. vers lulie bal 1 turnel ai rlooked b&citovardlich ýU'lihibà1 fand thc-liamse. er. soutint tu. . "I uotlced liat muci belote 1 ve 1dovu staire. 1 eried, lit'@aIlafi, Iagala.' wc gol out jUsl la lime b vs guit dovu tbe staire liii lime." Mr. Mînsiu sM . t,5gt4r ' the lire, "W ea vc ot out. b o u Lnot teill vbere lie flic vau orn Ifrom . Il vas al over. l i i i 1ablase upat*idmaMd vas Gsontic l aoui floor Sieo. "Wc got do4Ai 10to c*@ ah-se l rigbL Ail I1 »4 oaWWIv U %S a M .pauAs aniid k suI .16k lé 1lui 'îRt~'o* y bu iu otsml a »t te iav* Ut'tr m a i'k t ba eq beap ofl eéir. Holca«otaa * plouulieente cilpg et nus iiicd UfS115 vihe livlt or* - I In §Oti Wbea tic frouen siiiYd« thMc e athiltd ftour vàà one soiMSa sieet orflmearnsd tbey bai spfcd IA to the second floor suc. inu the voit bait of the Globe vas lire MdnIt kepI ondzup the liglit and ventilation tbaoked 10 tic spectators as If the9 ci block vas dooned aidbut for tb 00ànl vork of tbe lire depart- tif. vould bave bean. One leasO0o! bom'uevs qu"cly striing up tbe front1 stalri sMd lther vwu taken 10 theI rrin t tarlid gluet tiefare lheïe.1 Frata hboatua i 11W.aller Ivelve1 unthl'«am ixtus mAip. tb, fiit vent On upfeWasian d titis aller tic, agit othe mAitbefoâe. Ee~4eb itJiuy Pe lu.5 Steve. Narrov eusepes voesaiM. Tic fSr o f lb. bird 51017 vas buéÉÉt *tirougi sMd isiioka sd furnifér .4 lmuglL -PIresa RaIosWin! t*pîo "huilhé. Hejicli a crat*ti &W4 nè steppddbée lent ow's large stave crnabed tirough, soi'liI lit'at bis féet. 154 . hotastebppu bbebovuild bave beeu killed; To&r oon à frail plece of floundas »Tard isstove, an recovded together. àd .4itl as the sae ail over tbe.thAruI floor. Thb mml foorlng la th* * ilaces viere It à MI; buret throdgh. *supports bth aie M"of lbe soudes Mg AfuruttureliaI bai been atored on l. -firessea ln tic aigitvas truck ountic aboulden by a lllng timber aidhuit d qulte badly. Captin Gibson bai> bit h Utileblger alinost severed. Mca burt In tlb.nod opera hucié bilding lire 1lsnt ngt and liAs m"r6 lu iuwere: ]BtrURSON, JOHN.' police oMMr*è Shurt by falling 1ls*erln starvay cf Sbuilding vicu bclped tiraitle1"« cf boune up 10fiu s. G (BAON, CAPTAIN D)AVID; haUt »Ur onty u b>'thgi a A ltlIgir Oe- Ssustaaedbumioeroa us Md bruma. orf mAti "tre. GRAVES. OUT: shoulder burttlu ke aumaislgfirernen agit couflagrat400ý , Noté, o! thb. njulies voet.serim ansd no medical or surgical attlenli>U lavus reqw.ur en 11l vas etose lUme liovailtu àl vO ieues bhm becs csughl" on Si le iawrva>. a tbo.ght iPuovud bas. àec le Ticecil opers brp bu mS> ie of su bistotebu»i tub. taifsa-the m et. "a go Igil Hugucl..Who vs. «M làffll lie hua if s *IP la d ,,ow, ea sn- alita tym.,tq tl t - 'r] * ail W m S mmel h.l. a m ticket bus »r " a 1 macUla. suiliagtic re a Sse , iras a seperale room la vblb »tos'r $DodosoftI t Globe0 tbe amoput of 17»00. la t.16 Aiouday aigRit Ibismo s aged. No ,r" reb0b(« 8. ai îigbt's fare mmcd corplctely liche tire stock. Il vas bhe lié a"icras flercest. Le". te, sAhim la, The loes .01 tic lire 10 Mr. Oie@- beng yullibe bsv'Y. Hé' arrled la bis store aàd atoffl cm tU» *hR5 floor of!tebeuIaa S&.O*k *t* sgîo.0d.on tliih. sulq I Maatuc to the amounl 0ofP.L0O. M biilé If vAili lie beavy. Tic 1nsa55i40 carrled An seven pollules la vatfl companes. Globe Lou Covired by ahli m~, The Ioss tetMr. UWMorrs 0"S alubAn *Illlbe sinali If .itl$I '&IL for vblle tbe soc le pletely ruined. it tbogit b>' Ibatlie Ausunanceviii l bver. On the third Soour tic iru Boode v ortb 87,200. sand the atooi their main store lie>' valurn Yesterday. Mr. morlaGlook veniory otlbe sond, on tic fIoom aiti got lie above resui., bail started Qa lis maiu StOCsb- -toda>' mi&d. lere,, v a 13e0us 1 %Ilng as the ecalme stock v"s 1 business for msoy isys to O". e Mir. Morriso" vorbe tAI l1, dclock lant nigit on is IavcSt!!¶, ee sald Ibis ioralg:1 abito leltuw; W& *d1 - tâ--w tpiissut Itisom à 9~ lisd thé RtC W lu abolt 7 shoot.T tmeo flcsf.èa» Ji"l PIêP Wlblock. afler be h 6 Ot taW m ill dspbesa*& lit, taue coittu c- bila. be*4,omm Davis if h. vW, tin uia i tel vtei'ff 'M«*w s sud li budwt vas laie a 0 ..... ýA lb. bulltdiag ill-ie a...ix" 00; dmmAatri C&t.......... v , , - h. , Nu"hiPfels.u j.-h Bi =s7717a7;77-lu.. 011 Opera bouse bauiIbgdlet nili sud ail reportse tu 9 eemk are'90 tic effeet liaI lie building vas so smouderlag or blatlng, lie se"0h shiet of lame eoag et mddghLi', Tho vo dieler.WUaI le>'py thmgitic building o. toursof * 1- iton and Sound everythilag al rigit aI léié élai uiC PRI% JENIEN andi JACX- SON Iupetcdscne o! blaeb! niWVbefore et 8:30- or near that b;baud Ir fleS ouI and 'ho dan aller tioogissacbanId5m repoète ed tu heMmit.iu, vbece th*ii vere seul out. NORNAX WATERS; eadeal o! one of the.flats; unoUetahI>' laspectai tic mcena ofttlic ire as&th le beidUWl genersli et about S o'cloci uni tom*i .t ail rigil. Theo cl>' oMeWoalIspection vas, Ihat ofthle Ivo firemen. Building siatacis Wromed. Toda>' lb. bulldiog vasa sony looking place.' S14ýdhng llichstig thc curions cOuMlookt limoUgiS liArd 51cr>' vliovu aI lie bRie sko beîoni. Tiers iu ne otoflett. Tht come la burut andulten*un dme Dot look smie. liM scao It seen sliciing Up ail amuai tic bull' l"g. The front AsailU blackeoci sud ev' emy viudovlas broken. The laie ci tha Globe sud lhe Blâbovg atu shows Cbsom. Poole cf vaher arc op lic nons aud tho steady drAp of mas- las baud ewmug-m aboya- Tii stocka are ssturstc viti Il mai vilS la tic Blmrrgsore lie calirs a age la tronc vater AtlaIoecause 1 uliae a total louaof lie eau"r p.c la lie Globe lic comble« oso of fire sud valet bave prodhit ed sasse result. Tic large stock la 'couwNfee ufa. T"e lp5er ousifs, am sgo, Golag Up lie front à*sirs, tic amcre mi aé 4daap., ne S*aml liroughiL l lbà 0«« on lie stryvwesi e 'W Milghhà' bave lsed l* lafS slw WW W 1%0 ai~& iet* auth ýàûf i4

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