CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Jul 1906, p. 1

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.55.* and WUENWEKY SUN VOL. ýXiV. NO. 48. 0F TH£ TMTV ' TH4 W- ' TRIE PUW9TCD tu Upow IO HSG.No, CIT'Y But EIGH'T A! OEAD OIT Adkpoemw of Do% Th Pce l$tis Ys lob thse ýear guuteen hti twa. thifty tiaesed* truieli iind e voepaitod l inesun en infant ln mwmdlng CIloth Of tise s iht have died. The 015cr. are flialelg. eurton J. Asiey w». the' in é e h éle 1liever. wu l.y'm science that caê th Boe.wai nthe prime se t#ofhlm power. Wmmt U of Dowie thet causedtI h. 11wl Whichf MIon Cty letisa modal- cl venld, for arrangement. lu tuB 1h htales runlia city et Washngton, Captal IunttiBStte. et Amerlos. But l laàCIiy ge teo vti lte vacant hommes. lù cousplceusafor tisai lack luge, aut Ils long lino of I vacant etftiveilers, la a stu& ulficent pomblitles-that's Mas tise made# Arrasp The City hua, amodal arr Atreetm ara laid ont ln-il tarant vays. dîcgonaily. duei vrest anti due nartis antimse oeaotfitan ewctiez lu tie streeta-oet visiciare geogî strrniglt. The Tstreetcdduat rmn Cent are numbesei tram .Aixt Tbhty thilt, macins t a eh ter for au utter trauger te Tise streats ruannlngli southhara nameti vltis BIbli trom A for Amnadahalut he tu i fr tise veal Tissu tiare are tour grum vards tuât radiate trou It site cudthie tabernacle te tara ot the cty. makîns ti- ment exatly lîke tliLt lun'.i Trocs tise Remarkaislo Tie trees of the. city srt urc. ZIon City ln a paradis ara et toliagie lu ulueteen iundrad and yeaare go. nisen DovIe prime anti liedgatieretial -ader vorkera lu Cty ha of etmis .Burton J. Asiley spire tu t makrethie Cty ag Undar Dovie's direction tie coin efthie people et iay piantai thirty theusanu varions indis&long tisa F ofeasciistreai lu tic City. Only EigisI Dicti Tiare tisey stand atili. anti taller, anti more beau evary year, gdetistiat tis large anti sigits et beauts' tise vIster te ZMon. Ofthtie 30.000 that Aabll force pianteti eniy The - iareBi cru living h muta 'testîmoutlasta, a raui stance ot torasîgisi ant i * city building. for trees eud tliat tliay mata are tise ba irethiîg spots for any pop Wsy titi onIy elgit oet die! TulaIotise question tisa asking. 1USAN0 Did the prayera of Dowle. then a "P Im-n ut Goti" andi the 'overseer." net 0F thea "irst apomtle" or 'Môes." preval lie m tsaItihe trsee, 29,992 of thein, r tourished? Rteligion or Science? Whlcht Osr was Ilthtie science of Borton .1. ie Ae Ahley. vio may ha ranketi au oue of -Apostie the great city buldera despîte tisa Whon 4. tact that i cty lm a fiasco for people and grontis. Aly ba long abmndon"e Dowie and tha Dowlelte churcli andislanov s, lu Chilcago worklng at bis profession roll'd miof englneer. of vei'ioum Tise reea are stilI growlng ln tise City,. thon cty of Dwie. Whih' vas It? Science, or religion and Prayer? i eIiOift54e' The church Ot Dowie in raplily as. SA1 It A0uli. cuming a new phase o? developinent 10 lme. tu's@Utlinla lnature. a. 1.0novthie ethurch ef tise coiereti id lIl people ilh. PraY*r Almoit to a man the coloreti peo- trou es 0pie of Zion Cty have stucl< w the forner firt apotie and thare are trkius Incidenta of thelr Integrity as; fer asalleglanceto hlm la coucerueti. lty ot tir. Tins prior tW bis retuirn te ZMon Cty the grasis about Shiloh House' ater M il w ilteti and ii ed ftram lack of car. 91 Of - thÇ and the tulipe hati blossometi and, dim- appeareti. eed aud Nov any day the coloreti ,pp iatBreets, out of vorklng hours mirae,êTlié ef huilA- about the Dowle resîience , ttendlng bOulevilrti to Dowiels vanta sund to tise grouindi ly lu mag- that v round tise flue resWldee ail. tructur. Tliy vaad the garden, timent. mov tbe lawu sud lu other ways man- 'engamant. ilet a love and devotlon to theelbu- tree ,dît- vhimhei'.d prapliet thatinl tonchisng lu esnt sud the.extrema. luth. It la Out of theia mualng thîngs ot yen- v orldtheUictérdaY vas theaftact that Dovie an- graphlcaly nouneeltit Iâ mdiately ou recjpt of tie nv. tisatie biat won in Ï4 tand West sut againmh Volîva et ai. lie would iteenth te seund ideue hlaste ou tihe m aud impie mat tih people miieulti gatiser sud rejeice »1udd hlm iti hlm. He maiethé prophecy tisaItii.declalosu voulsîi le an- nortii ad souemeti iceheeda. The hei wue ical ames net blou. 'Thore vas no tieclalon. laka front. )obte tll hopams. teri limita. -st boule- And Dow,. Iept. he temple John Alexander Devie belt ishatirt iail quai- meeting lu Uic taberuscle'iu ZMon Cty ec arrange- ASura afternoon sînce the meeting Washington, vhlch irak. up ln riot six weeks ago. The. dapomati "propletsa" physical con- Thîng. diion vas such tisai lie had to lia 'e lilsftest- lifttatiupon Uhc plattorinby ie tva se for loi- negro bodyguards. Ha spokie lama than tan minutes, 1 tvo. four atid ' prently undeF the greatest Las lu hlm pbymWal trin, biug unable in risc about hlm tram hlm chair vithout lielp. During ildlng. oua thea play of a cornet solo. "Jenmmam Dy vas ln- by a coiored girl tram Chcago, DovIs glant park. fell lmb asound illumbler. suad vltlu Wlan theasBo yaa endati thare ZMan, ABli-. vamsa pantul pause. Eider Arring- id trees ot ton wvho vas ittlng on tha plattorut park vays vith Dowla, reeclied over sud avak- e nad the tioctor. viso than hagan speaking. Hle velue vas go 1ev thal traigitar ouiy s fev of tha 500 of hle folovers hutitul vitis prescrit vure abeiate her wviiee le pqppei et saId. suad grace ,"I axpect te taka full chargeof ZIon City ncxt Weduesday nîglt." lie ay and bis1 salti. feetCtlns, naskabie lu- rudence lu I the parka est possible )puietion. tisai. traus it many ara OLD LANDMARK US DESTROY!D Ancient Roatihaume ,ae Quentins Corners Famnous in Early Dey. lc Esten hy Famea-Origin ef Fire Unkflown. ouaetfLake countys fttuts5oit laudinerks vas tistroyati by ira earhy 1riay mornlug. Olti settiara vîli rannambqr or hava be.ard otftisa reati bouse ou'tise Peter Popp tarin et Quentîu's -Cresrenluouthvasterus Lake ceuuty, tamous ln aarly deys as a topplug place for stage iraelaers. It teoti mat acemas tisa ilgisey trous a large barn. Early Thurstay moro- Iug tisa baru vie detroyati ly a blaze et unkuavu ngttInanti dempîha.efforts. et tise visohe cuntrysîdeth ie ramuhns olti Inn ceuidt ual laedt. Inu hi. figlt niti thae flamec eue man's aru vasc yroken. Te bau vas filuet vth besy, tools ýanti grain, andi ail vre oonsunseti.Th i Pi tèîk vhsthe. excepti»ofeta cetU, ia eTeti., . kuma1i" la the. Tm aup lm Comnpany uo f XlhuuI. LIBeRTYVILLE, LAKE COUJNTY, LINOI, FBRIDAY, JULY 27, 19ü6-8 Pages CHIICA~GO Mf UDP vnhrrl-Ius PERSYINED fev. QuayW 0t Issue Lawan re D W N E> i.av eEudorsementsteLito Meett iDeath 'u Sand.y Last ait Taylor'. Lake Where He Another hait d,,-n blind plg" keel,- 'Won Ceapjn Wel rsa ppeared lu \\aikegan Wednes- V.iudu day and "tok" -i ine hea nu*l "rouod-uP " lti plrogrcisa FRLL PROM4 BO;tT W HILE and the eot&it' will lu con- QETTING 6"CAT TAlLOt" sequence del'lV a considerable amounit. thoiagliot what Il sbouid. as Frederlek Johinson, an. 18-year-oid if the 50 or muor, -hind pg operators Chicago boy. ýeas drowned ln Taylor peld thse .ttpiilatý,] i cense of $500 Lake Suaday atternoon ville gather- each per yeàv. $2.', would bie the log "cat tll. Search for thea body aunit derlilid. t.ast year'a fines contlnued until dark and was agalir turned over to Cointy Superintefident resumed next morulng. > Gaggln by tates Attorney Hanna. Johinson, vîtis a couple of compan- from thls sourre anîounted ta Ione, had cansped for a few days on 12.291.63, vltlch figure tu more than Il the vest banks of the lake. Baturday vilie bu tiIyear as there are fever atternooin ail vent lu bathfug .trom 4a 'blind P9s" lu 1h.i> lee reglÔn owlng boat on the lake. Ater 'tley re- to lack eft rOruage. tuned to sbore voung Johnson de- AlWays Cry Pe,'aecution. cldedte gatber nomne *"ct tailla." He Rev. Quayle. vho as representative pushel Off in a boat unaccompanled. ofthtie LawaMd Order 14egue. la vg- A short distance from shora ha crled OrGuBly- Proeing -,tato" sof Il- for assitance and his companlens quor lave. ays that et Hlgbwood notlced for tihe.Iiràt tima lie vas out there.vas a Wot.,1 erv of"ereu of the boat and akppaeatly struggllng lon" durng hIs activities tisere. It la to keep aituât. The vind blew the1 now the. saine thing at Lake Forest, boat out of hl$ reagb and lie seemed!and lie al4 Iis nrning. "*Wben we ln dlatrema. Batore thay could reacli .get to Wankfgsu i1a-net I ilwliha as hlm lie had dsappeared tn the deep lu the other plaes»' vater at tret partîcular point- Ha Hovever. Mfr. Quayle saý s hie ex- a cenidered a gond svluumer aud Pecte crltlclam of bis retorin work. nofectly at home lu tlie vater. It is but cars not a whit. conslderlng tbe bsEeved h a va, ezed wth crampe. Burce. Jebnoa'.Motlier 1la a vldov lady INext Saturday te .111 issue tbe aud ha vas au n ely, on, InformatIo eau'ercmmndations to votera. of hlm deth igs erbl lwWler. ant effectng candidates ln the prit.- and mie le Protrated. lier' grief pIt. eut cainpaign. Thera wlii bie 10,000 table Io. behold. circulera esuit roadcast tbroughout the ceunty. Candlidatps anxlously A*Olit COnItOr With Bottle. j awalt appearane et the circuler. and iLake Forest earned a leseon in liow tiiere le Mnch conjecture as to Its f» treat a »ap under the Influence ofi contentas. lîquor Sunday wha% a conductor On 1an electrlc car épUlled off an Itoxl- ,Menday alternoon in rite hospital oe- cat0d MUa o hoved fRgot sud then ceurredtheticdeaul th ofhointZinixerman. 1 dellvered hlm IL tew vigorous biows of Lake Florein, of pneumnonie. Zlm- to show hlm tWutha anmt runnnlng Imarman worked on the Toomas tic eectra. -Shields' place lu Lake Forest. iHe was Thei. tintoated Mau alidbeen taken ick aMi vas brougbt te the lios- me-kel s&" thOlb 0oemm1andOd tn kecP Ptal tlsree or lotir days ago. Haelia .111 b ho.amenyempoie an t.a mlirliving lu FrederIeke, Mary- ,gel aveu had covertly dravu a hbUla=d vh avis otfici of hlm sicku... tru lt pochet and i ht the cond= 1e but n o ser wam rudelveti troin ber. vlth fi It atruck the, ounductoronT VeIey of his. death ha been sent. the. aud the figit tolowci. Ztmmerman wes about .18 years aid. BELGIAN CN.rCT LA60R lIAS !ë,R!D5LAKE COUNTY Tisa comlng of the heet muser la- The. Belg ana are a liard worklug dustry lnto Lake county tlim season lot. beamdes opening a' new field for tlie ln thse ed country they have lia- farinera and one vhlch promises te be, corne lnured te liard labor and long lucrative bas brought a new clans of iours. Thay have. beauIlily carad for labor Into tise vlcinity. The Rock! and poorly ted. The average meal of Couuty Sugar Company, for whlicm the Belgian î,easBut las a roll ot breed the beeta are growu. control a large and a pînt ,f ml bear. Meat, au- number ot men vho labor for tlien cordlug to the men thamselves. la sel- under coutract. Tise men are Bel-. dom had and tonce a montis la consld- glana andi have been tauglit tise beat: arad a treat. sugar lndustry as a speclalty. An able bodied Blgian laborar mey Fermera who are ralslng tise beets: earn 15 francs a montis. A worknien may almply turulis the landi upon jet extra abilitiea may succeed lu get- whicl tise crop la to be grown. The! tlug as bigh as 20.. As a trance la 19 Tiis vas tisa only definita state- ,mttitha mide lu hie talk. lia. proý to e bufTttatly hisesbodyguarts anti ha supportethism aegainattilh aut et a chiar. At tisa close etftisa meeting lic vas carniet ouhtftise building. Vlilva lield a meeting et thie saine unme lu the open air eusda tisa col- legu building. More than 5.000 attend- ut Voiva'n meeting. DRINK CRAZED -MAN STABS SELF lu Drunken Freuzy. Charles Tilden. a Laisorer at Fox Lke, Slabs and Sîashes ie Owu Body With Jack- knife Chsarles Tilden, eerauuen anti gan- erai laisoran on Fox Lake, tabliet hiselt nigis tnte deatis lu a drutuken frenzy ast weak anti vas tounti lu bis lied week freuX bans et looti but not saniouahy vountiet. 1h la tatedt ist Tildan a recever- lng trou tise effecia et e long tieliucis aud isati hd thrau tayr et delirium tremena. Ilu drunkan trunzy, 1h la ru- portedt iat hea tel i laf vitis a clasp kultu tire. on tour tîntes lu tise arma, chet anti abdomen, noue ofet tisvunts, iavcver, blilg deep or serions. Dr. Match attend t ieminuanti bu viii racovar. Tilden bas beau mar- nleti sut tuvoreti, buth Il la mata ils domestic tiltifihes hlisti nug tu, de vIth ig Ie mpt th kai himealt nhlals vas mrely tii. reut etf hie dubl. company' vilIsue tisat tise bets are cents ln U-t S. mauey thein liy a"et taken canaetffreinthetisa me thay eesll' be igureujtiout. Womnt tiere purforut isthester part et the fid comae up util thay are readtiQbcliaork suit carul about oute-aifthtie harvutut. 0f course tamurs rnsy vagua a meutcummns or trenu 7 te de ai thaîr oevuW'Yrk If tiey vîi g t raeu ler uuîuuuth. anti visera th ise 01rctcs tg Tisameu t utise accomnuyng il- have tise laben pe Il 4 charge et lustretion are ail Belgiana. They le- 121 par acre lsa : -4glu yack et dayIllet anti letor on Tise grever ag rusi tisa util dent. Tbay arealal peesanta men visa ara sent vîae io-hiave cone te thua country te buet- iuitable place to ai BdPienhy- e thir condition. This la a part et ffreniooti. Baides lalng lthe labor- a gang employati by tise .ugar beat arzansd tiair beddiug ta andi trou the peope eut tisa pioolrapis a tatun depot tiare le ne.ailier carge. Tise au the Sciauck farDs ah HalnesvIlle. Comnpny on lie ohluer band: ameeu ho Aqe'oet tse saiae men haie wnrenkt keep & vatcuili aycoves'the cre» andi aâ'hhe Lbal tarin t ahcrsenton, mt he supervise teicv r ettie Won est et waukeganl. WAUCOMDA FIRE VISION Village litnd Buday Nislit By Aparka Prom Sîmouderlmg Ruina tof Burned Mill WINI> FANA FINE ANI) APRISAI) SPA RIC Wauconda was roused trous liasaup by a vision oft a second fine Suudey et juat bafoie i 2 oeclockins. Tic aiarua ves glven and tise entire tire depart- ment turned out for aunisor's action. Tiesa care waa caused hy tise heavy It appears tisat ln a'quantity etfcmai lu storage' et lise miii, burnad orna couple ot veeks ago. tisera bas beau a smnuiderlng tire. Tise ceaivas wet ten ly the englue but tisa lire tcad te dia out. Lest eveniug s heavy vinti spruung nit sud isiewcontinuions- iy for soeatinte. Thiss tnned tise smouidaring tire anI woon tisa cai vas viovîng ret. Guat fvîndt tok sperks sudscat- tereti them threaigl tise village. Tise danger ot a conflagration beceme Im- minent sud tise entîre tiapartuseut end e large piortion efthtie village turuati eut. F'or an heur tise ire hase vas playeti ipon tisa big pilaetfceai andthe tialeap raducadt tebut ea moîsi- daring mess. M're Chlat E. A. Going, et tise de- pertinent la sufferiug f romt tise bset tise anti et hlmright thumis. as a ra- suit*'et iis receuit activîties. It vas eccidenteliv cnt off Baverai dav9 ega nisila reaerlng tise angine. MAN IS KILLED ,BY Body Pound fDy Fermer Butvng. Ma9cla. and Kemooba Dmdiy Tora end Mutiisted MiEN MAY HAVE PIT UP AT WAUKEGAN Mone tinte Monday nigist ou tise rend a haiftomile soutis et Central Park, betveen Kanosha aud Racine, an un- kuevu auto struck ana iorrily muti- isate imnusupposedt te liaWlliam Dreyer. et St. Charles. Ill., anti than vent on, Ieaving hilsbodiy lu the oati. Seercis la belug matie fer tise ente, anti evary car nrti anti Bouth tram Chicage te Milwaukee le baing axaminati. Tisa country la beiug rau- seeketi by tiese srif etotisaecounîl' sud every cv wthat enu be tounti la beIng tolioveti up. Wisct tintiste accident isappeneti la net kuowu. Tuestiay morulng, et 7 o'clock. e fermer uemlug loto Kenosea toundthetsabodiy sud.notitiadth te sisuriff. 1h iay abett e-hait mie sentis et Central Park. Tise bodiy vas lu hoirrible shape. Tise back anti bresat oethtie man bati beau broken, as isatiotte arm, vrlat anti ieg, anti is, aktli bet beau cruaheti. eFreintise piaru-tir-t-ha rosai., I ookuti as tiseugis ehaid bëeaudraggeti about 50 tact. Couiderable water spilt lu tise r(atiemaltes hitlok as tisougi tise rediator efthtie ma- chine bat beau demagud. Footjtrintslu thtisaroati causedtihie tise macine hbe haustoppatianti tisenmen gattiuîg eut hati goute hauktot see bow badiy tisa vlctim vas burt. Fiuduuîg hlm deati, they a liedet. A rucuiptuti drugglat's bill frein St. Cisarles, Ill., lu tisa pocket .oet-the man's ceat i, vustte naine et Wililam Dreyer on l, vas lise only ItieutIfica- tIen tountionais sm. Racina Capitaliet Arraaled. Tuesday atternuson t'apt. William Mitcbali Lewis, a Racine tapitalisi anti manuuactuîrer, w~aa arrasteul iy tise police1 of Kenosiba ou a pnetaxt etfeuceeding tise speed Ç>,dinanme of tisat city sud tlnaul.1 Tise rali cause ot binginsitî itto court vas iluat tise olice uisie< te ulquestion bin, as to niai lie -tuai" ottise killing. It was knîuwn tisat bis automobile .ith fuour mni in 1h panssaithete pot whcca tis a in nas kiliet lutt aut niglit. It is probuable it vas tise lest macine to gui cvei' ltaerend tisougis sucerai vara nae na kuitî t have beau out. Wisen quesionad ragarding tise uucn-ueut Lwis neusedt t makan amy stateinant îvbntse. aven saying ha wiluti toe cee i coususel tiret. Lewis belongs te a weii kucyn temiiy? Bis tter vas for nearîy'bell a century a membem.-of the firm Mitchell & Lavis, wagon usanutactumens, andi la reperlled te b. worth snierai millions. - 81.50 PER YEÀR IN ÀDVANCE. IAN OUTINE O TIIE I NÉ» PRIMARY 1 ON AUGUST4 NEW SVSTEM 0F7 WORKING NOMINATIONS WILL BE TRIED FOR TH4E FIRST TIME Each Party Wiil Have ifferentColored Ballots-The Methods of Voting Explained sud the Candidates. Tisa new î,rinsry electlon isw, uin- der tht proisions of whlcis primear- les viii be iseld lu uvery county andt votiug precinet liii llinols ou Satin- day, Auguat 4, gives every quaiited voter au opportunity te vote lr the candidate of bis cisoica for all electîve offices. Thc tact tisat ou August 4 ibisisv vw iii ha givan litstiret triai means tisat mauy people,. va astue,, are net familier vîti lis provsions sud for that reason va give an outlua rqf hoy it viliioperate. Alil Prlmarlem on Sarne Day. Ali poitical parties. Republican. Democj-atle. Prohibition sud Socialeat, hold itrîieries on tise saule day anti lu the cama votlug préeînts. The jutigas et electîon et ganerel alections, sud dlerks chosen by tisem hava charge et-tise votng, wvIlcisshahllib at the samne place as et ail geneas lectieus. Tise poils viU ha open train 7 ln the morulng untîl 5 lu tisa aveu- tus. Each polîtîcal party bas a eparate ballot. vici la dîstingulahati by a perticular celer. Fer instance. the Rapublican ballot viili e, ou v hlta paper, the Democretlc ou plnk sud tise Socialistan r'ed. On ech adillot la prîntedtheticnaine. tfal candidates for effice-Rupublican candidates ap- pearlus on Repulilcan ballots snd DamocrstlucandiWdates on Democratle ballots. Tiseusomes are arranged ln erdar ofetasciotfie and the namea et tic candidates lu alpiabatîcai ertder. For Instane.ethe nass et.,CUliOMa vii came hatore Yatem for senatos'. CoveY hefore Aliurtietf for representetive, 01ev icoreUni.Su engee.011 more betore Aiay -for Jutige. Hentie hafore fivayer for lark sud se on. Nos. t. Vote gpailot. Peter. ascii nane vii licprIited a square aud lu tis square Yen arc askedti teplace su X te Indîcata ens'u tholce for ecciioffice. rememnberlng tuallyeu can cash eue vote forUTnited States senator. oue for stte treasurer aude on dovu tise lisi. giving oe %,nte te nue candidate for escis offIce. incltidlng mamber of tise legialature. visereaiu l aBI elections ven couti cast tire. vote for tise lesnt namat office or ona aud a hl aseyen destrati. Bit &t tibs prhnsry yen cen vote for but enaeofthtie tour umen runung tor titis office. Al tisa candidates oft criarty erpucrine on tisa ballot'o et tiat To visiis tiey beieug It viii net bu isard toitisa voter te kuov itow te vote. Al bu bas te do le te talce tisa ballot gvun hlm by tise jutige of alec- tIen, enter tise boots anti Indicata 1w n. cross lu tiesa qulare opposite tisa naine oftttisandsidate ie desîras tn ste nrnsinateti. MWay ha Baverai Ballots. Thura vîi li e tvo ballots for eacis eleetor ta vote. Ouaevîi contalu ticl naines ot all tise candidates seekisse tise uffrage et theývotersand viii ha kuova -aea'tihé candidates' ballots, wiuliara furnîsati hy tisa county vithout cash tte savatéiTise otiser (andti tire may lie auy iuninber et ilium) vii lia eballets ou ics are prîntadti ticnaines etftiaegatas te tisa stata. congruslanal. sanalariai sund caunty conventions. These ballots are paiti toc eltisar by tise candidates or by tise delagates tiseiseivas, the patter on1 whIcii tluey area îItld belîtg tuîrnlahed et cost tsy tisa cesuty cler. Tt woîttli e sun excellenut thin,- 't an aunleahle agreemnttcoui lau4 reachat lu ecich eepate and ipt-itiarv district lu tisa county, so- as to ava,'th is'mue set et delegateu. Tt. -o impunuliry utattars materlaiiy snd mnouid bu the hîrupur thiutg. hacatuse et thtstetnica ail candidates ate voted for tutti lie- gnIs us ri- Instrtîeted te 'arrcs' <t ttfcir Intructio-ns. ln i esr words. lisp ra- suitetftise voie'ouicandtidtie,; tut ac prinery dlatriet rgerna tise nay dele- gtttea shah vole- i lu]hicouventio-ut3. Thou. Who Can Vote. 1Under thse lhan ay legal s-icr -'t, i,a!te conntv eau cenaldor isac a meehr et anti effillatet i vhany pariy ha dasîrea; andîtiha eauvote ai Its primary by atating suicl affiliation, uniesa wltliln eue year ha. tas veteti tise pnimary tic-ket et a dîffurent panty. anti uness ton that primary ha lias cignadth ie patition et a candidate for a dWferent perty.. Tisa persan deeju. ing ta vota statua is naine, recideuce sud party affiliation te thse prlnsaru jutigea. vIte viii tiun .hand hlm tmu rballots, eue ballot bains the direct prlmery ballot, liy vIlci Uic inter lu- dicatues iscisoiesetflits party cand- dates, andti le'aihar ueing the .dIeie- gates lia dastras te represeut hlanl tise convention. At tisa pollilng place vîli hao N" tise varions tielegate bellots repa'e.eil Ing the dhfferent factions trltug-fo tise dalegates. Tisa voter lias a 1MO bo aak for vacisonue ot- the dlqaid delegate tickets ot bIs party lu cielï làtion at the poling place. nea S take one ofecb Into the boot a» vote any ona ut these delegate t.llo ha pleasea. togetiser vîth tIi. diiiý prlmary ballot. Th.eCpndidates. Tia tithe people may becomei milIar vltli Uic namies of ailthe est didates seakins the votes of alectft on primary day, tva veaka from no Saturdsy, Auguet 4, va lint hels tise names et alvite have 11.4 i W tieclaratlon sud patitions lh . th ecretary et tatu sud county eci ' anti the office for visicli asciila. aspIrent. parti Balot. For United States Senator-Ahâ Id. Culiom., William 0. Webuter. Em ara Yotes. J. BFor Stata Tréassue-Adan ]Knuo .tos .. eik' Autrev Russa John F. Sinulski. For Superlutendent et Publice sOtruction - Joseph Edwsrtid egl Fraucis @.'Blair. 1. F. Etivardg 'W ter R. Kimsey. For Reproetative la ouw" Tenthitltt-eOw. Etimuni ue For Repraseutative lu lte Oseé Assembly. Elgth Distrietý--»rakI Covay, Etivarti J. Munu. Wiliam Plarca, Edvard iD. Slirtleff. For County Judge-D.I.ous tJ. Heydacker. P. L Personae. C.1 Heydecker. For Cebnty Clrk-J. . Avayer,J 1. Mande.. For Couuty Treasurer - 0.0. Stephens. Fred B. Amas. For hrlt-EMvlnJ. Grille, 14 W. Svsnbroiigii. Henry C. 1Iwud rRalpht W. Clilttentien. - eu' County Auperltendent ý Oh ol-Frank N. Gassiu, -A For iteprettlve lla te G" Assmnnly, EajhDstrict - im Dooley, DouaisL Gibonsu. Oid aeelocat ie Jaremithb 0NeiU, , ago 811yeam's.i or the ucrl"es ettleem is rLAe . ec anti a ploneser farrai. ied bMug et tihem. of Mis tiaugiter. lire. I J. Dolci, aI Waendm.' Tise deccasetiretireti trom eai lit, seayaare mgo. He azas v1 kuevu tiroughoultishe contv. Il Douleyhliee viera iia paBseti avay but a liait mile trontishe busnesse tien et, Wauueuda. PHIONES 108! Chsicago T lephone Ooaupd.iy le, PI ing is Lai Shore Un. AilU Un Grounid-Sysl.m hum Advahtoge. Witbiu six mouihseor feria the.Ci cage Taiepliona Company wnUl up.a its pole tell ines betve.n Cb»Wc anti Miwaukee sud.eujoy conduit t service wilh la nov bein., installe At'pesn 1>ýï-t vuit -tugfl tieing installeti beiveen Wuuc 'and Lakte Feat te gain acceme tcr vires aà" te permit efthtiir beln<1 l In tise conduits. TisaI tdistance ap ls M tefat, tise ieugtisof tie lUne, ten ea mile. maklug the von 0of< stallation a big ona fon the tm Mlles. d1e ite h U4 diii ttacisr..tet * O ur prire ID rifilit Iguarante.etsaM fer tlust volS WRIe- (-ave seu moum, i000 lféel -D t l epti :I r M .,I:, ýj-z

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