w ihh local frieudi. Ioldiu, of Woodick, aeni i b bosse bems = 1 a"d Wah ii Cra, of . latè". sd blonds ky. rsioi rsortseailided *lb àurSelinry lait Sudav aM bm eiame home iih roaed )jagllng pocete. Th"ey meq W617 vàs 'p agatuit. 9 oa Dajy drev volI from tarde, ar Wauielan, va. DWML S, W Uucbl an sd Iaily spt ~ jois Ederattended the luneneil rbi er lut lit.voit ~~ Ubod~ nisd son, of Chicogo az m~E. P. Parwolitveek. lArm a ctnpn iSnl ~leUaPetits fi visiting luaElg00 aoter lire R"Y Lord. do kLedis'. lile.îoay otymi aid eExriai. L=14: 1524 bbinégiâm'. mtigviiiiep"a ~ Bally"wviii o einlutheI ~ltoacliuchAguti9. Delgato vo toponts af ie vrtdoue ai lbe Counveutio, vhlchwau hdin ~y r sd lamily qspe unday vihi lrgeyers parents. KMi J. C. Prim Msd benilihave returned Irm abvee's ýlet vltb Waehegsa elattvs.~ Suoayasthis home lbre. 'Doutiprttevote ai lb pdriaoe rheITes w l viii ha liin th11e hall, Wednidayevening, A,*.5 uda gàdtirni le prornisad 1 ail A orWL nieannounSent vili appeaiDt veei. A lawn soc ial ii haheid on' ibo catholle rmap WAB s aiurdeay evemg, ug. _4. Admission 25e and 15c. Uverybody tnvlted. Mire. 9. L.Harrison te epending 1h. veet vi iteaGo frelatives.. LAKE MR Fialinl u . n lire. F. Hast ie viiting rInonda at Joli. et tht. veet. Joh l iimade a busînes trip ta Palatine Tueeday. Fred Hof sud W. C Bleinuse toot a triplao Chicago Mouday. -_ lmite ennie Seip tot Tueedai for Waut«m were oh. vl pend a ev Wiima Beineet sud lady lrieud, af Mlauknee, arrIved ttbo formr's home -,-jbeday tujoie in the celehetim 0o, the veddnof his jeter EmaaRelecia to William Hutieli. Wll Algrisaand Chas Seipvwere en oi o aur etreete ans day tie veet. lir. E. A. Ficte bas eold is beautiful harS und buggy toma party inom Ibe&r. tyvitle. Weddluge aors ctehlug. Fot Thura- day atornoon Heury Reeivl b uultei lamarrlage. lilsliariba Ooin- seo f llôeld. Cogratulationsiare o- tended. Don'i farget lb. da"cqeaithe Bicinase pavillon Batarday evening Auguai 4. A good lime ila aeured ail vho attend. unsluang, ol Ciag a lit ir.O Col has besu quits HItIIie puai1 e haro.tW veot. lMr. Co'. niotei le tattng rare bmond of Ornabâýlevt Ofig ber. blar Mn. J. L. ibeon. 1 The funeral servkee of-H. F. Pepper j li. Bd. Blurnellvislted lu vere hsld ai ihe Evane"lel8t. Peter'e ai Frlday. hurci'sad the emutenattan the Wlar- .M Waodmsu th4e 01cometary Suuday July 29. He vos ,&taynd or4odme i u lrnama ofthe Noria Omag yluni 1 where ho dtsd July 26 atibjeage o 38 q it bua ruturned froni a ean. Ho atoa ahen, one brother sud Rvi% ei tDenver Colorado. tire. mutera. oqI ofArrta %Mt Sunday [ I ~ ~ Z yomrday veatng. 1 lin, sd lire. Sndornl, oiWautegsu, I WU'maaad son Mer ae vI- hun aro. ak. H.6. Frlteh, of Soma. *marepedlog tho mouili or iLh: Pooom f Waukefsf vo s ese ma a licery istai 1. 'Ihonfau ndepoadodfaLhi ruest cacop ah 8M conteper bu. mn Davis .building 6 nviol - eLau Rende, of Halaeevih, ispen viii ber edater lin. labe %bs.Wat vomclied tram Chicago me madone Wneofaibis ion, Charlso, lei vlitpbi ee ai bis Os. )Msmr f ryltand s »d ur. ar lu tena1e wvile, ns speudlng the vok it iiber parente. lim.Wlson r«utned borne Sundui afler iyending a veei vith Iriendo tu orayalate. Mr. Albert Dering te spending 1h. vee t aiDeIool'e. Hov did jon liki.tlb ramn? ie. Fteroon, ai Chcago, in the guet of the Mismé .Ssuson. Dout lorget the lue croan social Fil- day evanlug Aug. 1 ai range Ha. ie. JiuchoFe.er entertaiued a party a«àlier friands Thn raday ove. Ail report su excellent lime. Mm- gRiniabsugh sud aen Genn, of K.alamaoo. are*podng lbhe est a Dunlap 'a. Mn. sud lin,. Dunla, sud frtsnds apent Wedneaday in Wantegau. M. and Mlira.Athur Long spet Sun- day ai Foeeer 'i Mmre.Fue.r sud dauglter Crocoeput lui t SkluEvanston. MJk0Mik!M0 k Thets what yau vant a à dairyrnan.Its your bresd sd butter. jour Win You csu't expect Tour COWS to give thetflow of rnlk they vould. &ta *eV bave ta fSet filic aU day sudthe mooquito p I al aight, Of 1 U the *t eaa limâli.petered asud a .the vouder le that tht k»It go eazy but whst ori you going ta dot You have t&Wd e«" bie ym culd hms- of sd yots tidthertak the hi off Vour cava or got émak matof yourbau, ail ithot harmag tht filesv"rmuch. Hmr & i w wne Sm cor ayou r reiefwith a preporatios wlch laminotth. a(t odor sud perliy barmlmseta the cae cooL On Ui pp"ct Wlatng FUR DATS ÂNE FAII.LY 8000 TO SIVEN PAYS. Th Iis smuadp" itybg, 1 grat it doe&but 1Im arn Ig ta ha v yt tut MyrIsh. UitsuoamllmaMy mdvothtorou the twLàOgailoyou mi E bis. yaou iii hameyour money handd bock ta yau. ha ot thisii Md would avauwt su? thig bitter? Cmu - be had at ERACHERL DIXONS Curait or 1. N. McICENZIIMS R'Muhis. IL 1 viii pay express iarges ta suy sdeu luthe Cousty on &a or aver. J. N. McKENZIE. You nmagses goursel face (o faoe at the LOK! lapuseePuzle Dt. Ijader (grecdiof, 1Prof. GOLDEN RTEL1'II'S PARK SHER3d(UVILLE, ILL. Y -Atwmooand Evmdnl-ALIWJST 511, Wd*"IC NwLakOesi en -Mu*s by- Joliet FamousQOrchestra Tickets soc EZAM ZZE W. R. Ede bas linlohed about 150 fet ai cernont volt for Matibev Her.cbbefger.? Mir. andi lim. B. P. Loonias@pont lest weet Thu"'dy lu Chilcago shopping. lie. J. A. linon sud fiaughter' Sue nidted vlth Mbs Sprague ans.* day emuty. Jeunie, Kaediltraturned 10 Chicago &iter etuendýpg &aweei ai borne. Dr. and Mn. Tracy- and utile ean Evertt «Lxutthme Liedaj.leChicago limra. j. Dolleumeir and son and M-s Belden Mitchell add chlldron, of Lihartv* ville, toot lu the Prairie Vtsv picole lait veet Tuey. Tin Mitchell sud foriend. Tes. Rînton toot a.tiip toae.Zurich Wedne.ay of last veet. , Capt. Sapli1 vieited hige alaily at the village Inn for lhe peut 1ev veste. lira. M. -Vasguer and cblldTen, oi Graysbike, vlsited ber aister, lim. A. G. linthen sud family aven Sunday. li. nsd lire.Elleiy ar etaipresent vlsltlng tiroir daughtor, lin. Cap%. Sapli sud tamtly. lir. Elizabeth TulIoy lin gone ta the ctty for a few veeks visit. lira. E. H. Mason taok a trip ta LlbentyviDlult Thureday. li. nd lireGeo. Aman> entsntained ibot athor, lir. Arnanu, of Round Lats, one niglit lait vsst. lira. B. 0. Frltch and daugliter, Adas, are opending the veet vltb Mn. sud lim. M. W. Knedler. Idra. B. E. Kodier and dauglilsi, Flis,epent Tbunsday aI Libertyville sud Rockefeller. lin. Aug. Boito:sud van, Eddts, vislteil han brother. Chas.,Gerbert 'sud famtly Sund"y. Mime Lettre Sprague sud cousin lir Wlnklsnan vere entertslned by iÏn. sud lira. A. C Clernent ai Bridgevater f arm one day.recently. Mir. ansr. A. C, Ricbardieutertained tirteen gueste ai dinuer Snnday: lin. and lir. John Hulehinb, of Vîrginla; Mn. and lira. Jos. Riehard., Goffrge Richarde sud deuterei Vorofa Gienvbev; Wrn. Hutchuna sd son, Loale and Rassi Trfpp, of LlbertyviUle sud li. n, sulre. Won. Edysydi, of Prairie Viev. liUn. Richards muaiet ail& suerstition ln regard to the proverbial Ethel Knsdiei speul two deys ai Rflghami Part "uiee. Feu Suuday, Aug. 5 the Tovnshlp conventian vii ha eldi tehall I Prairie Vlev afternoon sud eelg Bev. PfanatrL.of Righisud Pa,,rt. vi aoeminlubeevenlug. Everyonaecordialy lnvllad ta cous. Inr.sud lir. S. E. Kuadler enterlalned lte J. P. Ritasuthaler farmiy ai dinner Bunday. Mr. sud lir. H. A. Kuopi had os tiri £lmet§ lir. Cloihn lusaer, a1 Chîcago sud lire. Moyen, R1 Faltine Soit veet viii @elb eginniDg ai the DOw churcb. Subecriptipum are aiready bing paid. ltvenyone noemi aalloue t tahebtit tu gay tiri oubecrtptlon l u ll. At Ibis rats thb rnoney vili soon b aillu. lir. Emmra Krueger outertalued besr tva nophava froni Lïbertyville Sunday. Mn. and Ire. F. G. itîchell entortained rtheir. neph.v, .John Rouas laiet Saturday. ThIsin latheday a01ithe "politicia." Scarcey doe@ ans automoble disappeat béorlng uasiraut t o ne couat3 ogie vren anotber arnartouit dashea uop vîti anoihet aspirant sud the ondlaliy vlth vblch they greet jonIoi gvery fiatlenlng nov. Later, veil, thej inov you noti J. C. Weesing and lMr. HaIt, o Wheing clld n . udlie.M. W KimaiorFlda. Mn Hai laprincipal 0f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I belg eo. Bu ,nom Piouty ai good kilug ai Ettuans liaaLomaa 0., Libertyvîlie. LONG GROVE Uir. sud lim. Wm. Wlitman toot a trip 10 Palatln lait Tueoday. Mie Gent. Moyer ot Paltine, le spending thidiwtek 'with relatives bore. Mir. sud lir. Honry KrSege enJoyod a ride t0u lbewiyvillie oueday laIMvot. lire. M.igeser rÀurnod 10 ber home ln PIWlue Sunday ftr *pouding a week vith ber son Fred sud tamily. lte. attie Suente, oifNorth North. fi.1, vue the guest ca i his Rftmathaien the unail ee ailso the Mimou Cilugman, ofI igbiaud Part, vitited the latter'. iss llise Frets, of Bensenville, ba bien viittng relativýes bore. il: Brglionu retuned home sundny aiter @poudiug a week vtth reltves ai Raoctefeller. l'rack Quentin box rSigned hi@ pooiion in th croarnry andhbusrtunned 10 hlie home la Lbertyville. Ur. Chu. Herohhhm.Tn le havlng nomereWrag-dm toiahoue.. prao"the y t *09ecurbot . lor Heydedwerise 1.aiwayl0e - 1 bydUit sud pporwe ot the. topubleia ce" 1b iiit elflhlated MuseI and. upre si, r=wu rerpub na ornineen, both EH.ret publie CUit vas that 0f city1 Attormey oi tbe cisX of Waukegaa Mi esao,, w~e he madan îclet reor lw.efficiene! and b<fflmety. Homnver wawkdthe voter. of Lak. county ior.a ýoonty office uu ivo yea:mg visen he rmn for the. ufieo tzM attorney and madeé& phenomnnai raelaihis friende nad opponeute allire ver s urprlsed ai bIs .etreujgth anddlinuses. ln thai cain- pe igul vilibu r.rembered thai 1-Ir fianna reetved 81 delegatoe. E. J. Hydecker 85, 2. A. Bnikley 12 aud P. i.. Prfola a8 dlgao. Mr. Heydecer, wga bthe fOrst mon to mSnSlc himmeil an a candidate for tho office of Couty" judge, ln i~ eaapalgnan»d hb " moai xnaing avl elou and e-," u s iglit for the nomination whlois ho hopeo ta vin at the noit Repuhlcan conventionlto b. Mod at Lubertyvile on the 9ib day of @pent lu Lake eoniy ho vas oduîated bore, ho ba@ labored for the peuple bore, and in a man -for *hom the -people entoilai" conideaic, respect and trust EmmetWIolya n-a01ofthe people, bie fiondefbel liaithtey. have ln hla abie, efficient a6" hument candidate "ho ýwili mont credibi peuiform the duties ot tho office 10 w . beho »pirs. Ho ia aiso tfie auycandidate vho bapledged to devote hie vboie tinie to the dut"s of the, office If eloctod. 44A.-d PALKTIN Married, at t ibonomo tthe bride. ln Barrington, is Maitba Neets 10 lMr. Wm Dinu, a former reeldent of Palatine, nov Bofeister t fliing. Tii.y viii boae aiomo hou, holr many friende at their residence in ArlUgeon Heighta, vho wish them ne c ontinued baneymon throagh lite. lirs H. Sclilerdlng and ber daugbter lire. Boune and tamily loi t thio voot 10 viait friende iu Evanston, for a Urne. Mise Mary Blile.ine pending iheée day. vith ber doster, Mme. Louia Roper. lir. and Mrg. O. M. OWun, aftor a ve spent witb relatives in Palatine, returnod borne Sundsy. 1 Mm JZ. H. Schlerding nielted relative@ lu inEvanton lu hanor. 0f Mim euronntta Catiow, lber* nWec, upon ber birthday monido j7uly 30.- lire. Broe r and doughter, of Deer- bld.0nober lber etater, 0f prairie Viewv Dvi.lld relatives lu Palatine Vriday. Ilertel's Dance Meille's1 Park Pavillon MWAI'DAY, LL Music bgu ertri ~Orcestret !lver Accm.o4latloo DARINGTON - m ic e oy, of chi-sgo, s vlatlu 1gr vii Mb» Coa Robin.1 lira. Chai. INeyer. aoCfprau le vlslti g ber parents. lIian lr. ileny Mièmais Jouais Homt ansd Aireda PWaWvislied lu Cicege Sumday sud Finant Rsa.odeltrM lr are spendlng their vwActioue ai the homo oh tlir s ister lira. H. M hiler. Mdisée Mua Danieison, of Chlcag,caled uMon @de hope Sunduy. g. lhat Gesti sud dater Olive Plage re Cileago vieions Suudsy. The local Iodge of tue oderlModernt Waadrnun held ti sîrannal puenie in Conisoci'a grave We0beedsa îAns. 1. Gainue, raceanad -~bet msmente veN lanabondance sud uxueims magie vos'turui@W by the Berilglon concert Bey. Henry lMeier vito ai bien ilI. le iald ho ha tntproviug_, Th. Lade' Aid wvIlI gvresalava social on Thunsday eenuea 2a Q at the eorge Ray born. frid e cottage, Dlamand Laie. lifreabtute. vili lie simvd. ThebsioIdbod nC0. W. ltcholl'iaa vas a iu.ceea about $54 halngolaare. patrons of th cro&mery bers vere gi aqt ,rpri.ed luit lioneay ase Hary louséuo bftng is -miii tu $ha fa wr iii' a veil beokos n trco mn. hlordmvloped tlmaîhbad preliod lbm lu Wisconsu in :2aWi Jubroçgh ihomdovuIrn k60 tau., dmraoe Hall Day, limais ~ -. - bug lire.-Lui frou = lire.. I -1eD4p vl*a.gest 01bg re" u l tjef vai adue t oSk lir. sud lMrm.William U&bve bai lb» cornpay of a lady f"ed tram Chieago Mir. eaud lire. J. Carateu, iW Spoane Wooh., ville visltins relatve.ait 11 Day ced aon anme aId friands hors Wedueeay. Mie. LU&a May Rouse epeut lhot veek ln tue City. lir. sud Mlire Seeefroni the ech7 ad lins. W. KruMr sud daugliter Adis, ealled on fris bers Fnlday. Mir, sud lir F. Bervli'sebuldran have bienu under tho doctor'. em. Mrnasd Mr@. tee Warren eutertined Moueds lb paut veek. Umie. Crtie Rapte aud brother Arshur ns enJoyiug tbeur vacation ou i .towu,- lb former luina tbety sud lb iLattéÊ viii' grapdpare t IWanda. lr.F. Enlagale ala 10 moye about by tko aid of a cns. Severai froi bore vltnoe.de lmbal] aist Wamond Lake imayed b .'eier sud lv b..oe. Soe. V lu lavai i of hoo0s., Theodore Swan caied on friends sai DeaPlaines aturde#. lire.MiuM ement a 1evdajsinluthe clty recenily. àWllie Kuiggn ham roved hià tousorla poron ia Ii.Bergiiorn @tore building wbere o vii ha ai.tu0gir. hi@ patrons more comtant sud acoumodain. Main stnit le being 'lrproved by ceeneur alks. A joli of- aiea hitched toan'olad inehion wagon paueed Ibrougli towu Bunday morningdraw ing sornsattenion and reminding the aid Settiore of (iden limes. litre. Potte and >ou, Lawrence, guestiq of ihe Sharmsu'a, vent ta the eity Aunday eventug. 0 PIetsuy aigood tjnding ai E)tus-- Minc Lumota Ch., lhbertyille. EZ~ZZD A fluee aoyer of reluin ib tis locallty lit Saturday vas rnuch appreeiated. Grain lu ibis vlctntty. la noaiiy &N lu the shoct, oata are reporled loin to Sund. lirp. .iaueeBayer hb lcouviattipg a lev day. la Chicago recently. Un. Olfoo, of ake ièla, Win., le lir. Caroinue Skinner, aI Ltborlyvllo, la epending a lev days borav ithbebr nephev aud D"lec. nsd lins. B. D. Well. Ernest Becktiba accepted a position viih Sear & tiobuci, Chicago. Louis Eadts le vtsitiug iei brother, Dsuiel, lu CbicaÈô. Mrn. Mariai, of Wautegau. ha@ bien engaged bto cli oun echooltlb euag yen. e M" Feail Smith wvîl again tacithe Cier mehool, ibis bing bî;r fifth yenr ai ihai Place. Audrev Decker returned bomesllait veet hum a 1ev utaniha sojaurtà lu Oklahoma. lin. and lir. Othm Smithb are vlaltlug vlthMli nsd lira. Fred tlsaeb at Lottaville, lad. George Havinsa cosed hie van viftb H. C. Pajue li the crsmrery Tuseday of tii veai. At tbe admjitrator'i aleof the propevty 0f Xavior Wlemer; deceaasd li«t Tuseay good prices vers eal"ic for nearly evorythlug. Mdise Daloy VauPlsv sud Lulu Amn vho vere. delsgatee la the C. E. convention ai Shelîbyville, Ill., liant veek returned homo liant lioDday asudune Sundasy eveuiug viii accupy the time vitb a repart of thai meeting. Dou't tati to bear h.. New lBook n out ak ota By thie ViCokgo, Milwaukee & St. Paui raivay. A nov book descriptive of Southi Dakota, ls e rourcos sud opportunitios, lin luit bien publiahed by tbe Chicago, Miwaukee & St. Paul railway. 'lrhe flret chapter tele ail about Lymnn county sud the rest 0f the territory mwst o? th. lilesori River recently mae acelhble by railway oetension@. The book vili ha mnt 10 auj nddreos for ivo -nu' poA.aMe. F . Generai Paseenger Agent, Clîcago. HA IN DL GLASS, WALL ,De . O Storte aud soP et «O. tjuo,», 0j» WI!nD, Tvîm,.,. Tii. tgsa w me tobueythr tit by sel uk gfo$& uram uthki H EGER 5 UD2RTYV~LE We can oelyon a Staver or f3tudebaker Bggor, Surq et about the prite o r would pay for one that yon know noth- lug about. Would it pay to take the cb4ancet You are sure of what'is under the wInt on these makea. Corne in and, TaIk it Over ONE Y#EEK AN»DtCASHIONLY N. Y. mil muant ismes, per lb ... Seeded raisins, lbpacage ...... .. NomWub Mnc Mlb pmic ge. Giape nute, 2 packagesffer....... Shroddred cooanut, per lb.... Poaturn verrai, long.'package. Mary bonus, 7 lb............. ohuniachen Avens roileoaala7 Ils Onue lb package UrainO ......... Our pt bna*,d svaoaated ecrata 8 econe for...................... 2i cone graenaining bonne. ........ a lb can Biouton l"aed beaus, 8 cane... . ..................*** a lb cana pumpkil, 3 cane for . 8 lb cana tornaicea. 3aaefor... Boot Bgota coitées................. Our beti0e uncolored Japn tesa 9 liare tivili Pride aoap .... .... 12 bars Noua» aouap ............. 12 hans Calumet ooap............. 12 bars Victornsp ............... 1 5-l package Johuson vashiug fpve............................... .7 cakes Scanrne ............* .. Breod, cakes and nu 16 4 cm$ne Lai lye ..............1... 23, 1:0 Large odo.package mailbnaktant 1 food..........................,. O» ýZU Radolpb , brsud eveet crn,. 4 as ,Caus for ....................... 30 10 Farce, per poctage............... M* Shreddod vbolo w1wat. . per as psaet ..1............. ...... .... Io 20 Dr. Prims food, per package ..... 10 00 Pilieburys Vltoe, 2 poctagea ....... Creani ut vbat, 2 packages ....... a 25 Plut Jan To afruit butter.........O09 08 bbmau bulled coin, per eau....... 0 a l.eaum Clifornia apiwcta........ l 28 Gallon ea artiott.Iean ......... 30 tg Pound package "Kofflo,............ O0S 20 Yenst foam eud magficyeust, 2 pkg 03 28 Pound p kg good smokingt tobaca 20 4: J. T. taba.tco, 3 10-cent pluge -.. 23 29 Diig <In pius toacc, 4 10e plugs 30 23 8 t pige Corneratone tohacca.... I 23 8 Se peekague Red lBell ..S... . 10 28 Baanae, per dos.........10, là sud 20 6 ibnrim .............................. 25 l3 1erisae toui, 49 lb -%ack ....... 129 Carnation cream 10c îer eau 8 ton Z& 19 Borden Eagie Brand fondenoed 25 MIii....................:...:....** 1 4cane Quoesu Iyt............. 3 TU-E EDISON PIIONOGRAPII In three àtgles. dhs Gem$S10, Standard $20 end Home $30. Alis latest Song Records Ruilroad Tickets for'tie Noithwestern, St. Peu, end Wiscoosn Central.1cr sale here. lWIII 1niggoe - u Rockefeller Sorne places where you can pay for the LAKE 60UNTY INDEPENDENT are given below. 1hos. areOour Athorized ageumCles and wil lIor%«rd the money ta the central office whoro à receipt wiliibe prornptly Mmi.d you. DelliSun Office .............................................. WUkffn. Gr v la e P.Gac ..... ......................... S. P. i4utchison .................. .......................Dsrfld. (ml lPr ze... ............... ......... . .............. ric *$ u = .............. .. ........... Pleggo. i. U<ED iocMUPhtiATelephone No: '46 SPECIAL ATTENTION BAKER To out of Town Orders Ubertgville - Ilni epd Shippivig Trado MOTELS AND RETAILERIi SUPPLIED. ______________WE DELI VER TO ADJACENT TOWN$ ýrAUColVOè4 ie r. le