CANDIIATE J. 1L SWAYMR J. L. SWAYER, candidate for County Clork. sa meeting with cordial .4uppori. pavttcularly in tihe counry districts. He wiil defeat Albert L. Mondes et the. primarese, a great mjority of Republicanvoters 'feeling that Mr. Monde.,Who has for twenty vears eervei i cOuntQ office and no* wants four mors,î là "king mors thon hoin entitled ta. Mr. S*a- yer je thoroughly competent. a splendid sciiolar, and flot a derogatory Word his been sald oginst hm in the present cempaign. _Ms record as 50 dean there Io naught Mr. Mnde* or hlm aupporters.can find as an ar- gument egainit hlm. LOCIC 'IAT MENDIEZ LOOK& FOR. A Jauaic» aiveta b»a coustvuct.IA RM O e4. a remarkable tombinstiati lockil that soeern likely te dey the. mont eX Mr%. Wmi. Giliugoe l very.ii. part lock pleker. Tlhe oombinatiofl ia arratged tu tour sets of lattera.; Mr. H. MeCaun i entertalnlng bel twenti.foiW lattera lu e«Ch, and each bluter train Kanssa. letter reproeonted hi o figure. It eau Mnâ. JameSmitlh returned home Bou, hc ent tO a teuteuce la almOft o an y trsedigafwayvtb modern language. one letter belng tak deymter Urs. digIL. Dug eyshh en from one set,onue front anotiier, and, no on. The. persnnWho vonld MUi E. turaudt la spendimug ber vaes open the lock qipustt iret know vhat tion wth Mr. and lIra. B. Burandt. le gatCawb uIeO represents snd thon wbat language the sentence l». lun Mttchel ltyau @eet Sunday a 1'E cientlftc Ameican conaldefsWiswrb that one trying ta pick the. lock vould i SevPral froam ber@ attended the bum bave ta, work over 96,090.000 years t 1tnessmi4'e Picule ut Waukegafl 0 the rate of sixty numbera a minute Wednedav. bafore arrtvtug t the correct cambi- nation. FoM 5SALE-& lýady's bieycle in gai It la rumored that AI. Hendee mai condition. Cali ut the office aif(irap boy on of thens locks for i job. Laâke Ittet'ENflasT. Imported Percheon Stalli, VEL478 Reistered Ne. (24655)4 78 VELO le coul Mac elu larg star lbinulfoalwhitell vciglng 1925 Ibo..oad May 1. 899î brebyMas LUCas. d epeteuco f Sh. France. H vas sire by on. Beaiis. (1906) y BriIi IWU 1116 (2919), by Penlon 2682 (38) bY Dllat19 (756) by Caca il (714). by' Vieux ChanU (713), by Coco (712) W -Mignon (715, by' L Dii Rglals(41821>)b Bou-le d r (19Ü29>b G (6692> tb ua 6Z {j334> b, OrImtLen Ediham ~ yCouIl (74). b it Ch ion '~r~' ~nipg * i * iiqet hie e- GEORGEbewoy.leQwcollai ilo, aMd Ducan. E. J. Who hdjfi5im ui ed tIoieuptl. a V arr Part ef lits equlpiotulfor von. te CARY promptuy veut ta bia key andi aawor- th EGGLESION edthicail. lTe gauerai frelgbit agent spelleti ouIt us message-s:d tix"Oimpiy Iupooeibio taW furulalicarsstationi Hak aveu't got tiem." ismeru uncan reapondoti: Lun tydI * C0pb. un iy A 9. Ueam a e..t f i mFmiAvonne. New TomI heQuentin mine gets au ciify o sd. W demanti aur osaro, asdtiai jgjWheu iI i51 etupon the. demani." ie vat tbre r furn Thed reply came: romainu( Mi tIR XV. t hreoriatourWmye Ule-IltUydwe f4 do It l'il rua vich i T va aiai itistim tiat nU. ~ iyaE:-"Adietapce refnd Don managedt tamats, a Ob*. u1» yIerttty fuebaud barsorC "Don't vaut explanatlana" anver-t. in h, * nov nmy sd ancmors eilUsbos., inuet have ait tho au. eti Duncan. I vaut thi. cara." ww theadsntfti OW1 ioomme onr clb asn eo. ,, vlle fi ta vofrk hbbani upon ecsA- Â.ser liT toifltathl'But we slmply u iti.hlm lé alnthan il the. ret vhom hoehaad Of- For Bu allam eei fi "But you iuiply muatImn!o Naalo Tny.peatiu o ueX Canie? yiUi'11tthe whole ttuan. 1 ,Then 'il aotober measunes. But and whE Napleo Tadypreldet o th X t" e u ommiligte and absotute autharttY. nI adopt." ote National iank, wbose name bai been Ilitre or dlaaberg r'n t wll. Order il 70 o Oit eue. oe lirst lapululî shartene tota "Nap" Ton- lmWoawm"e Ota 00think best. Dtav on "wby sot?" loungilq tbe ban iSt eefor dot eum Yeu noemi. -Because i knav 100 much."auavon cc u iy ami uftetrwacd exterided again Inte, Oniy mua" te itl,g go If ydu Ceau.<'4 Duncan. 11shall senti ta YOU hî mades m "Nau~per" Tanuly. iras the oniy man l'hus armed iruas set ta vars lu special meesenger an the. train titat vii I l in 4t'aira who hall cnough of financfl a nest. pao here vitblu au bouc a letter Im al- I s trenth or af reative buineescapoc-ý Wymtoripttolagrrmr ty ta lie e ckoneti a rival of Captalu "thoni lianr au iittof ri a rger l th Iig taformai tender of the fretgbt. 1reiari Withen Ilalao' iho oepcd tfrDnacoin-n1 aue1make that tender hi tlegrapb nov.viid WII Hllm r iecometta l cni sperintendeiit. sunti ou may as veiliaccept Lit lu that CIel) oui merdiai enlerprisee. J "I ca't make Itl Inrger under the cir- vray. Your roid le a chartered in. -t-itain HIe had severill tlunes trlet eonclu-il cutua." mas carrier. Tour lawyera vili aila.moueyi $louis witb tiailamn u such affaire, but, "lihat am e .ctreumstancee? Wbat you that you cannut refuse freiglt tjp tir, alvayo vth renuite dutlnctly usatis. lkîmcultoe ar e re in the vay? Yon formally tendereti ta yau farcarrlagC factory Io hliif. tor, as iialiam one hv ».mul ueY"ul»yucnso uate nbl day expiaiîedta Duncan, "Be ham gaI baveil fraeue tiiiigthrelinel iyunîdea o cageshYwuanuatual lutali a goond deai of education at my bande, 17Wl.frnetigtemnlaad t.ltbtce.yu utbavtaTA ~lidho as eu ilatuiiantee." ventilateti. N Mof thtie beat gai- yiufave doing îour best hy al shippera and c bs plitbistulionfee.l' lerlea are filiod witlî cbake daunp anti alikei; htaIyau are treatlug tuem vlth Tandy vant yet paît utdile age, mut te irept ceul n" I Ibn.Yo etcty.w but o wi awayscaled 1014 Na 'wliy don'l goit1Improve -tbo ventila. 1ksow lTou are not dolug that. Ton lier Taudi." ciofl because of certain liait? As an enzinper ion ought ta mcv ow o have Cars lu pieuty. Tau Mta, objetionabie traita of ebaracter taRI know bosta do ttat inuch." kuav yçuu are deliherateliy di@cnlminit- Bue hoe poueseaed. Ho vas repute4t ta "It iwut feagei¶e 'y«-, vOeu l ing agaluagt tlis mine and lu revoir ar Do the "meeneft nman lu sautheru Illinuois.-kuow, Mc. Dncaii, if iou mev anylYits rivaL IMake formai iewaad ou Hoevwa certaiuly lhe bardent lu mriv- tuînt about Mmmc"' rili!o heeipn rpeln o lug a ran h otmrle a ýlOneyer*Mid iIgnorance! It aiu carsneetie& .for tii, aiipment ar Fret lit sud oey ealiyHeoreti.coially lmj h îur kuavietige flut I'm canceruet inusfreiglit.IfthbeY are uot fOrtbcain- Barritl pae andseti. sred sd terl Cidself itabout Just nov. Du I uuderstand y«u big, asaYeu smi iber viii uotbe. 1 giv abwaY tovesidcredad uhIerlf eil ta Mr ta amine lytng ouiy sevoui -notice that I vilii <ump the. cool f0 theewuad hia attitude twrhe. elwm ivse feetor,»e lelow the surface oam- aide or yottr odluig aide trae W a" outsi a"ou ltmdlilmuîli vaaltonathe dit-nolt ho ventitedi" liyeit tigre at your neL. ~God cycle tueat rom tha"of bia VRth molet -1 ipo ISe1t ilitth.ieIf the huai- niglt. '" Ant Doucat 09hétais~ - nea. Sthon, Hal". -He foit nUeet ira- am *0uolMe'dthe oxpmmes'" gravi n t anu sd devloteti le lama "aponhlnsintjerest." as Dunung "imai 1scsaniviiaaff k tii.a propaationofaie km" e- w niali eauIet .la plitilothle samne afcon- ..r" tw ho ojand Win aller merce anti finance. Be vw u CL lta M"- tMa fy hn l sseIOIstiI I (T BmCulnutThe e!oeopm iu n oïwatbl emjo u fYu-w m T e iiont __________the_ bmu ovvonlnitiee -- aof glnoIimta tédevine a practicablO lua sin up<%n thora. blt no hiot l»p for voe*fiaing the mine ruilfur- he of a pagniror public beneflit te accrue ni y« &aU te uoney you nest inta yflW0(gf-.unlnu er recin his entorpt" e ver onnmd j aryillUd"lon latslmi .HbaiutiaU1febae it lambnd ta addIf ~yon h i ai ouludY ugs ae oui r me! into the flirong liio în't Inolaough fthtlSda boufi; ~téheh aral uSaud ariot le or a freiglit cars, but ho ba do"tse 1 m ore om t engineer." but lie îept bni alefres viii an oye ingleteah oinvuadi- ýte 1 ~ er~Mr. Bell, o! Cbkiego, visiteti a faw dais nm! 1_i_ pe Arfrie.ab Mr,' Waddeiia. vas at vanstage, vlthhne o ilit of snythlug "TWatIit ha of aurînu," asaer- Steve Cutahy relurned lait week alter ha but dilvidenda. Ho baidcatemPtaun- m av a afler a moment. "WWere au exlented vii viti fient. llna. in e- iy calieti Duncan "A ralnbov cliasr" t~gmare ruai nov lathon Ti.ougelchtcm hra gpe ntîà on hecause liat Young min liedapaln ret."Bl nla erouiciiorso si villi nome eutbuilasm of tue boe» t Hovr la tiat? i dan't undertani. Oedy atTheLr.Gaei ta vbih bthe cieapenlug aif relilt rates Tour onier liook-whIcit I looketi ove n a ln ek r kve' ta od minaI brng teatheieopl,0e et an ti steockvastiestrayet bY lire. Juil boy h ,Bail ~e- u iief Naper and va a erytOtYia-e faonuemRs afull mOntit bappened nti ulkuavn u hulilà Ibougli lhe te yo'- l brief Nappa Teat wofashigm eut. oidea maY C5fl*il was etartot hy ciitireu playlng near- on greti mll! gttn at naiing*~ celiedaciers, coutermaudeti heecau»i y with match.. Ocu SOn bis part WIII Haibam. vîtbout sot Ouled PrOmPUty enaugli té atlafY George Gaaehnore ln digginx a vii. Mr corti e al tis =eu nd temnlt tmadTu'e ueraen tI ies. Ifahel Lux le viitisg relatives in torty ainaiti. h a lu ntu simte as olas ecugineer. I viah îau'd tri: Waukegau. ta clear up tiIs pustie. SeunnSWilluy.a Wostc. o Neethlsstee w nvrquar- "Obit. t'simple enaugiti The.rail- Shermaîn Strinoubrof vattek w ree.Zcl cf tum vasto vworhtily ctitpeople wan'î fnrnlsh us cars wsvstn red e Sty n wiet aean open breacil vitit one enougl.-1 coulai sip a btundred car- tOneofathie bornee» blougiug ta James abon wieaik o et nicutgle. Bartlt alasikit t ot a vbOse co-operatiou lu great affaira Dehomladstamorrow if I1biedtue cari, but 1IKelly1 a caick ipntwo rire oot. la mlit at any lime neet. bavenlt Kellylvam. and 1 ponvha reovulem." On tue nigit of tue bal Haliani took "Do you mess tuat YOu are offerlng A new milk dopot nov lakei tb. place Duncan &aitie sud saiti ta hlm: culias frelghl téta ibs aliroatiand of lie nid one. Mr ..1viistyau'i teke the 7 o'clocl flie road le refualag l?" Mr. and Mmn. (Graves are nov enter- Chal tran lu tue morang anti go 5p to 1. 7.tht bu I'eakdfrtaisiug canipany tram Milwaukee. iy mine for a fev dors. Evye tilUE car and canit get lem, excePt a fev isé Alice Luxi leil Chicago. flore seema ta la at iei anti sevena. eoaci day." M.Jh TeI e niig i . Mr 1 ca't maie heati or tait Ont Of iltait. "Do the then mines along t9 tutle pic. JohnThe ooiila boingil ose yds Ai ko l ht h cnouddbranci railroati bave the name trou- Johnu Moran. Mr_ mine la loing a gond many tiausanda bis?" IMr. andi Mmr. BuS vent la Grayelake aele ai my dollars evet7 toth. I1!"uat "Titere Io auly one éther mine an. oun ecaunt of the ilinees of the turmier'e CO y0u ta go up anti mako a tuonougl inl- tiis une." sister. bous veltgation. If youe att fini a W17 "Weil, due 1h encaunter tue saine Mn. andi Mci. Sien are entertainingobi ont I ll abitup tue boie ln tue grautati iifiuilut nmarketing lits oeil?" rampany tram the veit. (l anti quit." "Na-at lsast not té no great au ex. MisGarni e Sciever hll gouleou a vsit thf Captal» Hailani mev. af cour o tnt.uToneee, aomebody tuere la tuat uncau rault Dot gel ntuch lOP standing lu wltu the raliroati people. taruan attuer u(Jarrou oj Tb that sl#bt. but ha bail longugos cau"ti1supposeethey've bai s little blockr of A. Clark. le entertaniig bis iter Mci. bold tînt Gulifard Duncan utterly dilare- stock gîveut ta tuen-the rallruai poo- E. Carke. i gardai peceona confort * vhonover pie, I mean. 8o tue Quentin mine Thome front bem wbo atteutedti vieaj iuy cailedud ntio bcbadainao elii- gel ail tue cars tuey vrant, anti ve get Rumsli dance Fctdny eve3isg repart a Al tion inon denlng bis Young Ie»ulsu- ly her eaviugs." filoaenttinte. gai eutté oit auealy Smis tainau "Weil,.sowr, Mr. a Ion give Mmi. Hallie Faulkner anti Daiey epent ofi lie heele of a nigit cf dancing. 7ofl has order: St té yack at once Frniay sud Saturtisyl Chilcago. foac "Perhaps you'd botter go uP tuera anti bnlng out evct'y ton af, rami îou'vo Mr. anti lrn. J. Mitfler entartainoti mnd vitunie" suggeeteti Duncan. got reay lu tue rmille. Titero'll ha u Sndy.pou, "No. That vould embarra»e mat- cars iere lu haul lit vies you get It cmaiSna.eveu lors. Jire been up, severai tumes, anti I reatiy. Gaod iglil. Mn. Davîdton. l'Il NMc. and Mmi. Davis.,*of Waiikegan,- vaut YOD té hrlug a, fresi mini to touit it yon asotier lime about tue seot Satîîîdmy anti Sundaf viti Mca. hoar upon tue trouble. l'Il teleffgraliotez, maltera. I bave a goci demi téaM. eb. tue people tuere ta put everytulng aI do touight. so 1 can'î all funliier vitu The Liiicoinheide. o!Chiicagoî, ci- ne- your commiandî. 1 vaut you t 0. etuui y jou mcv." euo.rtiug ai BHileide cottage. tue situation ami maire up your Min&. Davitiion went out after a grutting juat as if tue vboio thing beicuge oti «G ond lgbt.' Duncau titi sot yet LOON LAKCE. you. Part oa itIlinges. yau inov. aid.knov on anspect. tiiongliho vas lu- ue aotiMnaiietetii e moreoc f ilahal If ion int a vay aut.Ms aodMnolsetrann qr C If ue hin ca h maie a g l'l etly ta Sud ont, tuaIta0Davitisan, iratier tram Woodvortb. Wiî. gIv t tn maeai tegobund asé,. tue proprietol of tue rivai mine additi fu oe ta te Ovelynia - ere paîluga alitho trlbute as a te- Ail ex-ept six of the caunp af Kiglita shares lu yiin oteOe O i ard for alesuad for utekîng trou- O Coinnibia have returse ta Chicago readi cru. Goot b nigotyairer ependuig tri)excitiug reekil an ya'r eay l repart." hb ie. the shores aifbrion Lake. li yu e e é eot Duncan st fer au bouc vritlng lot- (lei. Miller anti taughtar Via ,sl hors. Oua uf tue5 vas aitireseedt taTuesday ln Chicago. Captain Will, Hallaut hati ecentliy flicgeneral t reiglt agent af tue littho i. J. L. Hughes le entertaung iber bouiglt Iis coal mine On a lutIle brandi rfliroati ounirbîi lite mine was mt-1 sier Mrs. Ward Bain and dutugliter talinoati lu tue interlor af Illinois. fHe ustot.i. Il idas fouivrntuuiRaciner. Wis. bal sot wauteil ta buy il, but bati dans Withln six dsys 1I"abaLve 1W> cor- Mns. Gonya epent the fpant reil with so hy vay of iavlug a debt. The mine bIs"aofcol ai the mouti af tIIs mime, relative. lu Chicago. bitibien badly contructeet theb.ho- roiiy for siiiputent upon ou-ters. Aller glning ani ltteliit ati1>05 oga lat ulime 1I alSbave about seuty car- Mise lieth Wilsontut aOk Park iii gluint an latery I hal ben gnd "à ad> fo ahpmet ech ey.@puden ilîî new weékm rill M rs. E. deai n«elctsi. Thero voro ther dIii- Piemscee ta Il liaI an alequate suptli Cunninghamî. cltina, as Duncan sOoniecoversi. aofcars'ta suave ibis reigh are aide-. Mu. Jantes Ilyau ant fi tîily fronutîhe sud lie mol reacurros otue 1*ropsetytnic»dt bers uOn limA Ryanstarni have retunned ta Chicuoa bai neyer been hait ievelapeoL Ia Duncan asti dtbnt ltIon vitu ait mut a lamuiYfront Chicego luas conte ta recognition ar bis services in examila- ueedet icîuuspection. Thie signature ruantho faris. lng ttianamiéther malters conueCtetirend: Willie sheeban le iearsiuug.lihfarber vîtu lite purcliase HalliStit aigivm FoPr the iledwootiCool anti Iran rom- tente at lie Itadtke euap at Antioei. tbe youag man 5 per cent et tue Om> Pati. Guilford imna. manager ant i a- pony stck.Be vs tua on Im trus aIlaw and la fact far the rom- Elvia (lullitigo la visîuilnx ber sieten illfetlime vorklug ln part for blini pmay. sGlana lu lIlirankie.d a W6vieliso vas sent ta tuy tue an- Tht shcitinv nomida on enu ees te poison Plue-nies 461 tien. 1 p In~~~~utmation. cer u ftekdesadbadr 1. QOUlot'.but Iniat , .in îaeaoris Whouon tue naziaflernooli te gen- A le oeait oklleya an4 hd111110 Il ml l*aiolb. oerth ÇigbI agent, via bad several ACDI aea elm 11so *'- 5h10i~ lmosmetDunan I Cp i ât. yen moreopoilospn Nriitue nonS Carroll. Station Agent ai renton, 11er h0f Timeplece ludet a w mh iMs loftin Depot whlle ai Dinner. Jay uaau viihen E. J. Carrail, 1agent at Warrenton, vent tu i. loft a a trivalued t a lly Aline lu the packet o! bis voit. te reîurned a 1ev minutes bIten atcb vas gone sMd ail thut utd ras-a part of lie cnain vltb it vas tarînenly belti. .Caraill no liveu but a short e tramnlthe deoalofttht station arge of the section foreinasi ai vas grise. Atlue lfltie o ld okep au oye on the vept. The >vwevec eteppeti out foc a momient rhue ho retunnedth Ie vatch was Tioe were sevecal hahaei tg ontaieite odeoaIand ilt as cunt oi lies. ibat lie agent l'ad mntion o! bis veet anti watcb. Ibaugit ans of tie nuen beard lie r anti enteced lbhe coanithraugh a Dw weut lie lî'ard lhe fbrumas 3ut for ait institnt. Tite test alto ineti a poî book miil Romte ,it uthuit the ihie! îid ut take mie ta tecure Il. e %M BOUIS DRIVE'R 1S KILLED )Cycle stampedes; Bit eaks and Fret Bauman, a Wal ta )o Fermer, Receiles Fatal MunIs Id Bauman a fanmer living -near igliou, vas laaly luiret lu a mun-- yMouday aflernoon. Mr. Bauman drivlug a tem cof lianes iu tue BtIe ut h4 tovu vh.n o motor- eapprooclet Irani the rear. imniediately rbel 'contrai a! Ibm tae %ntivas throvn fiastle.séat, on.1aor the braiesbits ite. i barnsa ontinueot a u lirough bslss districtis of the tovu belors v ers stoppai, The leom v51 ured but vbon Mr. Banan vas id ho vas usconcicus. BeVrais ent the omoni.abis simIen, Mr». tel Gbe viwere a Pbysicienaua naniti. Be itated thaltite victini souffteng tram internali luunes. He remainet unconcious aller the ami- ant ieu Wotneedgy ulgit as a re- bo! îis hurle. eh boy vboee molorcycle t rlgileucti amanas ore.. md alemuptedto aus ,boom a lev minutes befare sud ltso und tut. tiid, pais vbeu theaccIdentl wreti. r. Bauman u e a valthy tanner, ty-Oyve yea old andsutaaproseul 11gb- ry commisesen«aifBafnnglon. ne 6utmarriet andti ived wibh Idemoîber e ster ou lie aid Banmn a mm ut Ibriemiles s50db oi Barclugtan. LONG LAKE gr. anti Mcm. BI ast nfmiy aieatle aimney tnmily. bave nitunetu theI y alter epending severai vesirs aI luvilde. gr. Battener, a!fLChicago apeut n 1ev ys boe.1 ire. Tom 'Whbite was a Round Lake or Baturday. alttagos are helng eocteoth le land ghl af Neville & Book au the nanti ore. ifford White vaioà Gicago visitar ec airoof tesk. <Another Ornepondemt.) ed the aunual Sunday Beb"o picuic Meyer'@ grave uorth oi the agef of Long Grave on-- uday tmat 12 . Bey. Hummel viii deliver a àiee sud amusement. wlll h. the order the day. Fris vlU b. awarded for et râmes douginut eating contste ii etc, 'tere vill he the usual, flihb id with bigger aud botter ftsi th" CWntrallState Theatre Ce. Leasee Charles A.Tackacs, Manager SUNDAY, AU4iUST 5to, 19W6 The Melodramatic Musical Mit KILROV & BRITTON'S NEW ONE The... COW BOY GIRL... Big Company of Dramatic Playera Chorus of Show Girls Scenic Production Throuaghout If vou Oon't U8« il.., uLtit PRZES 2"5-40 AND 76C lsta o.nkht. Good GIrades at Fair mi DOORS, WINDOWS. MOUI. INC8, *RICK, LIME, ALP" POR'tL.ANP<OCIMAENT. 8EW PIPE, MRAIN TILE. ETC. Lme, yvIla, i iir UTS Y!MCI TIM MODEL IFENCE The Only Fonce With Every Wr cf High Onu-pan Spring Steel., The WhiteMotel Coating Pcevenft Rust and Doubles Life cf Fonce. Pnices, Text Book and Rouie' Infrmaion on Fnce fou- the Aklnê9 Addreaa, ROBERT KERRY. Agenut WMl. Wedge Place, sait of Gray- sake. BOW SÈ$ASTUUM bhe Mriicotibreti Utollo. af 47tun 9f, by DU16 maiffl:1)yHmbraaS.1. Wl)nelb Mmeé4 sea 0119"0 JAMIS DUGAN, B88. w UT ST., -WAUMKU. .0 With Thorougns AND. Dlspatch WILLIAM LAYCOC« opposite st. Pot.>Froiglt r. BAMIM Cemetery Work et1 C.,rrepondenco >»I 126 Genese. Waukeau, MCKINtty. AND SIFb Saune ielp ring"b mdnt Spavini but ve cure tbm, The trsoîmunt vegivelaoi tiorcngh anti lsthtg u,1 Tan tian'I bave ta o "5u. A trialii eaavlaoyot liaI ve have gai vqi$t 4" Qbav enl lg lour. t. r -I 4 I I 4 4 4 I I I j tspecially iet tfoitfof ýut f eet feel e it treely Most people have them thjuu month, after an ogting or a long tramp. (i our FOOT EASE It works like a charm aîîd makes yoi cool, light and easy. N ext time us before you go for a long walk. Price 25 cents., *boue* IOVELS DRUG STORE. l