CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Aug 1906, p. 3

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7 l"s i>tIee............... $ 0 xdx* $Mmir, Per lb ..........*........09 6 ~-- ~ ..........................2 l4gcmioloean ...e..ple........... ............25 6 bot« Sard . .....i..........................O 1, dlgv n Co ad A pou ... ... . ........... ...07 CWwaQue per otlke ............................2 hicanSalm, 10 1 aio m ikes .............................5 F1 aeau urtans...................................0 HodF st lr uppoýrs............. ........ 19 Cotton Toweliag, Per yd .......... 03 Ds .gpm er yd..................... -07 Silkoin. veryd ---- OS.......... 0 Iiigley & CarIieId Dept. Store GRAYSLAKE. IWNOI *MATTrRESSES We are seling a bigger Mt ai mattreeses,4 bee nd rng bis season than over tes guaode. Cal st the ra sake Furniture Store and look over aur stock. * (i.E. STRANG, Prop. + * rayalake Illinois 4 GOAL This i Wsre unio n gs weath odi- lt -8o your home di ncrses ilsas oing valus a Verns. lrnili ~i b a a hate f rtand s pre air at r sem a Theomloaessodond saithek idltitilntdi. LIcrtyvUIhom and &Pnces iIs ig an a At. UCI1TPIbu. LIeryve - - I.0ol IltueCflî su JI. jto aek udnle.. 'W F j -,-F. Jl. DRUCE, E*oir - Phoune Central Thinga 8 en and Heard Port.ainlung b Grayslake and ucs:ssnuscz:sVicinity :sa 8 10 1i é FUTES ON APPUICA'N1 ..4..44444 Dance At the Grayelake apera bouse. Au g 11. liusie by Prof. O'Connom'si C. PL Oa St. P. Tinue Table. orchestra Tickets 75 cents. Lmeve Chinago Aithve <rayiake Mn. and tire, Eiieîîger and tamily via h tîzîdy 9:30 a. ni have beeiî sic-k witb typhidil ever are8 .n inhziiiîy i:h)a.a caaal.eei i4:00 P.. Mahl a:01 5p. i llarry (1,.ry spent siltzrdîîy autIVan- 510P. F Ex ie 541î' z C<,ada. 6:05 P P9' :12 p. ni C. A. Clevelanid, oit Anadonka, okia- bousais bere forn a 1,-w day. enrazte ta the G. A. R. ena-aninent at Minneupi, Mn. amI tire. J. J.,Janes and daugliter. af Chicago, wure the guesti otil r. and tirs Ciaul Seaot several days ec-eiitly. tir. anîd irs. Guet, ai Baraboo, Win., are the..glieste o! Mie Florene Smith. Mrs. Gumt vas tormenlv Mines l.-riiire lusun, a si-houinata ai MiNseSth. tusses Iîtelia andl EmmeMillier are guesie ai relatives ber.. tirs. Piî-kthal and tir. A. T. Reynoidm ~iid vile anîd siweý-r ,pent several datym et C~amnp Renolds oun the veet sida zot (irayso Lake recently. Misese ffie and Florence titras-s, ofi -Newurk.otare thi..guestë ai 1). <G. %iie ani] tanîiiy. - isLillian Pantrizige, ai Watikegaii, urne the gtient of Miss Winited Coiiej et Gages Laîke- ne<-ntiy. Mies Carrne Doyle, ai Waukegan. in viiing ber auut, Mrs. W. H. Iligley. Miise Sarah Toriùes whblas bei fflmilting aithe positoffIce lias aecepiedl a position la Chicaegoanad Cemeni Witiliore bea ' - r pýoition. .Mn. Aibriglît joined hie !amiiy Frides- the l0tilit (,ami)p eyaalds w ber-eet wili epeat his vacation. Ervili Brnîdsetter spent a fev dntus witb relatives ut tVakegantheti.. iret ai tbe veek. Miseilirac,- t-ayiem of Fax Lake. in viiiing Iiendelie. Mn. and tire. Sykea and daziglier Catberine. of Bionington, I., are tue giueoio of L. Y. Sykes. Éau Frank le snffering vitb the rheunatisn. J. C. Riely viited ait Libertyvihhe Wednesdoky.1à Tii. ourigent daughter oi Mn. and d .rs 1 AI Thaomson in quite i.1 Mn.. Claude Root vas teken inta ther Eestern Stars Tuesday evening. A reception vas belli and lighi nef reseiL mente served. Mn.. Wallon entertained her brother- in-laur the principal ai Grinneli <olege, loa. vavenSunday and ithe gentleman epake iu Rev. Waltan's place. Y<mn vili miethe tineofaiyoun lii.- If yon mise ibat dance ai the opera lon@? Saturday evening Prof. O'Connar archiestra viii be bers. Mirs. Jotanny Speelioltz returned W dneffley ta ier liane'la Wicita, Ke. Mn. atd tire. Paul Taby and Mr. and tirs. Aihent Fiary. of iver Vieur, vers the gîlesis utftins. Jahn Flery and faaily Stînday. tir. and tIre. Win. Edurerdu, of Wankegan, cailed on aid fiend e be the latter part ai tbe vqek. Wetau nPartrizîge. ai Waukegan, calied on trieads ai Druces and Grayelake Sunday. Bev. Walton te entertaining hi@ nacle iran oout ai taua. Mn.. Bert Johinson di.d at ber lione ai Ivaulice Saiurday narning aifcancer ai the stanacb. Tii. tunenal vas lield Tuesday et ane o'clock, 1ev. Walion afficiated. Intennient wase t (Irayslake cemeteny. Mr@. Jobnean vas iarmnrly ai Grayslake and a namber af the Royal Neighoholir.. She baves a nbend and tva uitile daugbters, parente, sietemes and brother.; beffdes nany wann friends lx) mourn lier deatb. Warren Cleveland, ai Lawrrence, Kan@.,i* lieguýst ai relatives et Raund Lake an viiaity. The bal gaine ai Wauconda lest Friday ,aiieraaon betveen ihe Grayolaket married tean and Wauconda tesla resulted ha a victary fan Wanconda vtb a score of 14 ta 2. The tva teaine viii nîset an the (irayslake dianand ibis1 ueek Friday viien Grayelake expects ta, gsi reveage.1 Alfred Jargeasea vba urke for Win. Whitnare, wet ai Heinevihie bad the1 iisortune to alu ram tlie baylott afld1 break hils arni et Sunday.i tir. and Mr@. Joe Reilly and tamily uîoved ta their lieu home et Liberty ville ibis week. Couil uhanve a gond ie aethile oipera bouse dance Satunday eveaing.1 Praf. l)Coniiar's omhastra iunishes the îne"nul! said -- Wni. Jabus bas leamed the aid bote? la1 ti-blasser Grave of Tiimona Bras. and1 wvll i marebis tamuly ibere thi.loicifai Septeniber. Wilhie and E-ddie Johna whbhare been. spendiag ulie pasi moatb witb reatives la Btîlingtan returned haine oaday. Mn.. Vaosser and son. Cias, o! Wauke. gan, are spending the îveek ai Steele.* cottage Druces Lake.1 (Jerman Lutberan services vwili lie beld et the village hahl Sunday at 2 p. in.1 Sumdaysechooi ylha belid mmnedateiy ailler thie service. tire. J. M. Palmer in enletaining ber sieter irain Mlton, Wvis. Miss Knott via recenily undervent1 an apenetion et the West Sida hosptal it dolog very nicelv and viii retura home scon. i"Chapnauanacampainled iy lier mother ta the West Bide boopîta Mon- day, avi ii aundengo an operation. Geo. MaeNamara and vite, 01 RuseIli, .pen.t Buaday vlth the lattera paret., mi idMme. Walter OodIrAy. 1ftî MlacSemai reînalned over MoàdoW. Unr. John Book, . teisvery fIL lir, Boumra Md fm vbave noved latoe h o sslt rm» nbd*~~ wdmMIfss. M.î 1:2 j> ni Stuîavolv2:37 p. ni Mise Belle Ula aîd Mrs. Kerrj retnrned from t1b*i .N lieligan trip Mon- day. Misoe. Mary llý,,k anîd Aiî oolittle returned Mondit ' vliosiitlieir western trip reporting a Vary IiI.iiant tinc. Many ipovuî~t are bcbg nmade around the W.aTiiii entrai depot and1 a lHue gravaieleîffrili te tolie imade itroumd the depot. Chas Hook Meint several days at Gjrand IRapide, lihricently. Mfr. Rigàu î,îln(liazia, fornierlv a. remident oôthim ta i,. e ie iiting Iiendo here. Mrs. Tonies si».nt S&nnlay and Mon- dlay in Chicago. Dir. Palmer ma, in <hicagd tinnday ndz Tuesday on iî'n-s Mr. Someriter zizi *anghter. of Kaize, were in town uW . The pAvon t~îIzzSundaymechoolsi wit! hoid a pic-nic ii l Tonîon*x grove August 16. .êNIIOCH. A uunîbýr ni1,îzz I.,....leit lest week for tle barveet Selde t Ilzîlotaamaingthoa.el wlja vent were%% Hz. 9lier, Perey Haw- kinm, <hariie Bîiýv. Hznry LaBarr, and Martin Sorensen. Mise Iltrtha itirk,-ha.a lbeen vieiting relatives in Wu.gî, Several couple- zf voung îieoiile went ta thelotus ei zz,,wiic are now in fui] bloomi. Mr. and Mi.Frai lthyiner w.-re Chica- go vioitore rmoentIv.t The littie crippizk.d ilîren wl, ae been Bt Hastettez es unjncr resnt for the past six weeks r-tzrned ta the City1 Monday. bise. John Wz-lclî gave a reception Wednesd ay aiternoo.n ta the littlee hiId- ren who tank part in tihe entertainment. EVERY OTI-ER Saturday Night There wil be a grand DAN CE! -ai- Amann Bros. Hall Round Lake, MI. The next one wiil be on AUGUST 18 MILL CREEK William iWintz-rs, ai Ouruse, is spend- log sonetine et the home ai Mn. Thompson. The people oi the vici nity w.-re sunprised ta lîcan ai the marniage ai mise Katie Meyere and Mr. limite whicl) acenrred Wedn.-sday, Aug. 1 at Mili Creek. Alter the wedding cer.nîony the yaung catiple rstnrned ta the liame orthebride wure.a hountiful wedding ibreakfast ures ez-rved. ln the ,aiternoon teyrturuedta Kenosha wbere tlîey viimake their future home. The beet 1 ïhes aio their maîly friende go witb The lawn zarty given on the Daniel agrty.iaurn Saturday evening was veil ttended. The evening vas six-nt la plasing gines and dancing. Mn. Moore, of Higburood, fnrnlsbed the music vbic vzîld nat he heet. -Tlîe aid tolk» daaced as ureil as the Young. Abaut 11:311 reiresbmeats ver.e erved uhicli ail did amiple jus tice ta. Ot ai tavn guesie z-er.: tMr. and Mrs. lP Sweeny and daigbter, Frank Gleaan. MargaretGlleaszn, Miss Alice Hagerty, froin Chicego: Diaiel Bagenty and tir. Maore train HighXapd end Mr-. A. Beshel front Grzîyslaka. Fred Maguinentertained triende train Chicago Sunday. Mme. Thoma- Tucker epent Saiurzliy and Sunday in tWaukegan. The innenal iJohn Dietnieyev uras lieldeber. Satzirl:y. Hie uileaudltîîily bave the s4yi)itiay ai the caninunitv. Miss Minai- I îrney epeat Sundiîy at borne. Frank CreiiiiofaiMilbun. %vas seeli an aur etreets Friday etîening. james Ryan and fanily ententained Miss Mulverhiii and friend front Wauke- tgan Snnday niglit. 1Miss Mary Hagerty speut lest week ia The; pi o a ilven by the ladies rf 01t. PaîZck'e chureli Aug. 15 la ta lie bld la McCarty'a grave veet ai Wadawortb.. -Cool refreshlng drinks teste good the». bot and & dustly days. YodvMlll tnd ail hope that she viii seau lie an the gain. 1fr@. Garin is ont viiiing lin oiber. Mnm..Bovîtian. Nellie Smiîth and lady triend frant Chicago are ependiDg a week with Ameun iBras. W.. are ail ghnd tu sep. Frank iruintîîionls mlinir face. lac-k ai tiie biock lu Rhtaing Bras. mîenitumarket. Wili Rosing tnansacted businesq in Chicago Manday. Alex tiankeie irai, Milwutkee i8 mi»wnding hie vacation, la Routnzd Lake ai th.- Itomiiîg bouse. Ilarry 'Nelson and .txle Miller train Cii-agzoare .lw-ndiug their vacation at the. &îsiug boune. Mir. and Nire. Paiinestiil visited tîeir daugliter, Mtr. ueo. ichardson Sanday lat. Hellen Raymo nd uras seen on our etreets oit Manday. Oie . <Usa, uane sfl. i erz- Suiziay evenin,<. Mre. Pnice iraîn t'li,-ngavi.qited lier parente, tMr. aid tire. Saur an on Sunday. isses Katie aad Frances Raehng and Chas. .Jargelîson visiteïl frieazîs ila Chic-egao ovr Sunday. 1fré. Lubys brztber wbo bax been spendiîig thjetuant turo ureks ber. returaed ta bim honte- Satiîrday.. The (lance at .tiannh. uras weli atteaded and a good tilue uas taxéd by ail. .Tbe drainage af onr bottiiug taitory -lias begun and Fred Di)niiai oaVla, is doiiag the work. Rtound Lake le. iazpro)ving rapidly. Tibbits and Caméran Lrnuber Ca.. are enestiug a teeci elevatar. It * Tihiite ,made avieitlunRound Lake iaet ureet. Frank-Dow 1 and Deli Smithî were seeli dowsn ut the lake lest Friday eveuiag. Wbat in the attraction NUell nd Frank? Mir. and Mrs. Ed Browna enterteineil tb.-r irseter, Miss Brown frani Lake Villa. Tiie.Rzound !.aks Fans bad a gaine viit te Valo White Soi and the p vas G. ta 20 iia Round Lakes ifavor. Hurray for Round Lake. 1fr. and Mrs. Jack Stadtfleld <er.. senu oa aur streets on Suaday. Geo. Il. Rasing te képt buey suppiyiag tbe lake is-aple wiib meais and groc*ei. Will Kret,-sînier vas seen gaing out ai aur town ast liaturday evening. Wbat*s the reXon Maud? A. M. White vas terrnbly sbacked witb a gun filied vlth vater, urbici. was desbed ili lis face, but whai followed? MULLBIJRN Mfr. and Mis. Scott LeVoy and son John, of St John are visiting Mr@. Etta Winickie. Mrs. Wmn. Mitcbel, af Waukegan. came out Thuraea for lier son Lester. vho lies heen stainDg the lat teu months wlth hfie grandma, 1fr.. Stafford. Mrs. Jaephine Mauliews visit.ed Fn.- day vitb Mis. John Rails, of Waukegan. Mfr. Wentwortb, ai Chicago, came ont Sundav in bis automobile. MieseCook accaînuanied hlm. On accouai aoftthe raja tliey lied ta return hiy the train. A number tram here attended Wauke- gan day and aiea risited Ravinia Park ta hé re Damrasch. Mr@. Griffith and daugliter. is. Calurell celled on Wm MeGuir. lest Fn.- day. Dr. Nickson and family aiea 1fr.. Sikinner and daughter Mrs. Wite and busliend are st Trotters ibis week. Mfr. and Mrs. Grice of Nortli Chicago, were out Sundey ta, J. M. Strangm. Mr. Safford was e Chicairo visitai Tuesday. Rtussell Kimbili and brother retumned ta John Totters lest Tuesday. Mn. Ford, ai Milwaukee, Wls.., iý visit- ing hie sister, Mrs. Marshall Odett. Mrs Nedham' two ehîldren ai Wauke- gan, are the guests of Gileo Harlis. Mri. Etta Wineckie vent ta Bycaînare Wednesday and returned Frlday. Mn. Wineckie lias r.nted lier home tu Wni. Thomi and wili nove ta Sycamore sanie time ibis flu oSaert and Freida eau attend seboal. Mm.. Adamis and daugliter Mable came ta visili vith Richard Fantail Wednasý- day. Mr. and Itre. Wheeler and Miese Emma Jones ai Waukegan and Mr. Ruseil, ai Caliarnia, cafletélet Tbnrsday on R. Pantal and Mr@. Mary Mater. Mme. W. B. Stewart and Mr@. Anden. son were Cihicago callers Thuaday. N16o Foote r.turned tram Wlîeaton lest Tbureday. Ruby Gillinge caine ta etay witb lier aunt 1fr.. J. A. Strflbg.and littl.- Gearge is gaiîîg ta siay witb hhie aunt, 1fr.. VanAlsýine. Geo. Gillings le going West 00011. Sanie oathte creanieries are ehutting doua and sainieonly rua ,every ailier day an accouai af the ebortage oai milk. 1 t rained lier. Saturday a veî-y bea vy rain-liglituing etruck Will MeCredies barn aud Mr@. iHarris Jouaes*hanse anîd several trees. Lola Austini eatertained Mlies Editb F-ourier, ai Waukegaa diuriîîg tiie- ast ureek. J. McClure toak a business trip ta Chicago Monday. Mrs. Appieyard le ententaiaing coin- piany thie week. Mr@. Grandey aînd baby started Fni- day for a visit t<î ber parents at Clarence. Allen Dixan, ai Russell, ras liere Tues- A Nunher froni bers attended the gold medal conteet t iLlIberyvflll* Thuredey evenlng. aiea th seliver medal contest at Russell Saturday evenlng. 1. Sevemal memblers oi the "Pleasure Club" $pont Frlday evsalng ai Gages Lake. Rev. Zerua oi Missonri vif preacli for ns durin. this mongli. Preaehlng servieset 11:00 asi. mnd 7-80 p. m. EvèiybUiy wlomse C. E. Topj for Son"h Ag. 19, Chrits LIfa u. My favorYit.e parabis 60 hW I-tléiime.,Mait. 18:10-17; Po. 119"7-104 bi mamie saines, Leader- (jiffurd White and Marie wers Chicago vigitors the firet of the week. August Hansen and vife. aloa the Somn-itîfamulv uttended the social at ~loaîii,- eholhouse. Lyl.- lzzrzrelaunched hies sii iboat Sunday. I. La tlt)i zszz.It SundaY uvith hiesmon@ at ldiewilzle.. l.arl i lîoiîpson oft Grayslake was n Sunday visitor. John and CIlarlie liay. aofClîteago. @peut 81111-zzy at J. 1;. (z,uveres. Ther. are a azîniber of zaitpers antbth- lait@ and tihe- hatele bave had il goaz mun o! board1.-s ez, tar. tirs. Wjil Su *yder anîd dnzzgiltpi of Lake, Villa wer viitorii aHtl the<'Bovle bomne the tirmt of the wi-k. . 4 Mise Louise Hucon spent List week uit E. Cevelnde Miss Anna Millher Sattînhay ,and Sunday with tiends la Waukegan. tues Aîîaada Huson vtelied triende and relatives in Wiecaneiii .lnringz the pIait week. tirs. Il. C. Stinies anîd dauglite il-i dred, a! Highiland Park, @peti Sunday and Maaday at iatîglit Bras. tir,.Winii llonanadzison Atiuf visite.] relatives iii tVatikegaa hast veek. tirs. Jolin izIqardean entertuiued canipaliy tranii),ePlaines lasi week. Mis«s Man.] aad Elsie Waitaa spent Sunday viii. iniende ta Watikeg,în. LAME VILLA Miat Sugar vas a risiton et Brawns* Lake Suaday. Rlay Kenr iteessoiiig in the ding star. duriagtbe ilinese 0ofMr. Berustable. t! tes Sebora, ai Junetion City, Wis., iti vlsiting ait tii. home ai lien brother, tVill. MisAnnie Ilalphl, ot Chicaega, wliesa bpen risiting lien aunt, Mme. J. E. Làir tan the i.ast in o weeks r.turned hbine Maiiday. Mils.e izgedel.., of Balinara Park. ha.] quit.. a serions tai. Fiday sîîrainiîîg ber ehionider saluai sue reqnin.. the services of a doctar. Dr. W. E. Hesseigrare vas a business vieltor in Chicago Tuemday. W. B. Isreal. ai Dayton, Ohia, uho bas been vimitiag bis çster, Mme. Max Lewin tor sone lime pesi r.tnrned ta higbqne Tuesday. The Lake Villa bal] tean played tlie 1)eering Ramblen. ai Chicago Sunday hooing by a score of 5 ta 3. tir. and Mn.. J. Alueli ulin have been visiting tMr. Awivlis nolce et Mayuood returne.] home Satnrday D. Sugar vas a business risitar la Chicago Fridey. G. V. Cardngiy,, of Bainuara Park, fil frani the rofot niei.nev cottage Satur- day sprainlng bis ankle quite badly. H. G. Barntalile ie conflned to the hanse vith a sllght Illnees this vsek. tir.Chas Hrbaugh vas e visitor la Chicago Friday. W. E. VanPetten, ai Antlacb, vas la toua Mondey marning transactlng business. Mn. Deihent Ita m. ade a business trip ta Clicago Fridey. Dr. Byron Rabinson, ni Chicago, and Dr. Warren, ai Antiacli, assisted Dr. Hesesîgrave.haan operetian la Lake Villa gManda.y.n Miss Hall. a iralned nrobran Chicago, ila ntaun attendlng Mné.. 9. J. Sebora. tir. and Mme. Dr. W. R. Hessigrave are the proud parente of a baby boy bora Friday Ang. 3. Hurray for Doc. tir. Belzeastein, ai Chicago, vas thmona ira a trap and serionsiy hurt altennoan. Se vas rldlng la the rear seat: vbeu the tasteninge bruike allowing lier ta tafl ont backvards striklng on ber liead and ebonideme. Mir. and Mn.. William Sehara are tic prond parente ai a baby boy, At fas reporte the mather and cilid ver. doiag nicelk'. Chas. Harbaugh vas a business vietar In Chicago Tneday. Mn.. Abert Petemeon and Miss Edna Faster veres laltan aAnt4och Tuesday'. m mHÂIRNESS 1 ami nov located liit. new store ia J. RU. Trigg* blding ou Spragne êtree. Theisb@op turne out a@ gaad vork s enub. doue in tbe state. Give us a trial. 1 SOLICIT YOUR TIRAI>E' AND ASK TUÂT YOU IJlviEMAÀ O. le LUCE "Mornlng Olory" W.6 Commeneing Saturday Auguit I11tth and oudi Saturday Augut lSth. We will oUn the vell kuo- brand of MRuImg G8OrV Wrappim nufactured I Waukogan at COSI. Corne in and mse t ,ho big vli we will give you for only a littie monoy. EV ERYTIIG HME RE Ve carry everythingin the hirâvare Uine from a flabhook.. to a lhreming machine. c e<ý . GmgysWS Htardware Stoe L - - W. F.. REMI4U, Prop. - . 1 The lSmart Set viii of Flarence Yonag net Fred MecGuire entertalnsd trami Chicago aver sunday. v Hannati Patch 14 -nt a t.w lest week in itussell vith ber ssâ Mlr. Northrop lias@rturnpd alter spending two weeke in and Gien Ellyn vitirelatives. Blancl Oliver hodk been eltett yanug lady friende troin Wakqs. 4 Richmond. 1Grettan Mecaliuet af Chicago hb"h staying a few days vitli W. Oliver'. iant forget the picole lna msi~ the 1Li Good dinnere gond apmsai* an.] siiging and a gond tume for sgiý bad y. Qziarterly meting wiiilibe leld et -buircli Aug. i!). WilIi,- Gh.lling lhas beeu confined to i hoiie- wing ta an injury he recel wlîlle working on the arad DR. E, A. CRANE IIENTIST H<,urs 0I a. m., 12 nii., 1:30 ta 5. p. l Eveninge hîy appointment lîffi e-lan Bank building. S8econd 84 tîrayelake, Illinois. DENTIST and Oral Surgeon. .3haiplain Building, StaSe &àEun"* At GrLysloke each Mondaky, toflaq andl1to p. n. Ice CreaM THE GRAYSLAKE 10E CREAU 00 Manufacturers of Ices and Pure Ice C10s8 Special Flavors Putup on8hort NotW L. A. FRANK. Mu*ti. MY NMW SPMIG AMD Ssmor Samplesut eee evu Gragslake a ï Restaurant MIARS and -CANDIIA8 LAUNDEY OFFICE Phone No. 19. c miss EMMA GERU0AH..Pr0p. m m NEW

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