CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Aug 1906, p. 3

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Muet people have thern th!@ month, ospecally aiMr anu.out1ng or a long tramp. (l omorn f Our It works 1k. a charm and makes youir teet feel cool, llght and easy.- Neit time use It f±reely before yen go for a long walk. Peîce 25 cents. 't OVIELLS'SDRUG STORIE. UBt WY VLLE RACIN~G "EVENTS WITII $335.O0IN>PURSES $150 Purse for Bêll Gamnes, BALLOON UASCUNSION ýWTIIp»RACIUTr! DROP1@ý Wednesd..hursdag udW uidag Aftternooos The AssociationVma purchased throe and a hall acres radditlonal ground and ie erect- ing new buildings and providing accommoda- tions such as herethfore have been imp~osible The lBest Half Mile Tuack An 116noislendlthis gear Will b Wituessed ;ithe Best Racing events everstarted at the track Special arrangements with the Electrie * and steam rc*ds have been made for ade- * quate transpbrtation facilities. There will b. speclal rates during fair wek lmported Percheron Stalion VELO Fre H e red Myo. 2455 44784 VEOIou Cu=9 71)by An it weiliaàt192 5 by ocoU(1).yleeh.i May 10, 8991brdby Mono' 71),bfA Du Lucas..fS20tolnmureofMSartht." Fran ews iw. ed*mb oneu ofthegra srs im SFrane, M.G.,ilx"Mg Be«Éuý (90) b Bil -un intbe Ranho AR -00vanorug. rou oar it oINg, 'n " à ~I~Iwow ormaking otheoa umg- rillier, forut l a nov I u'c-leitk. Tour - 't Sf sIU, eroivd L vit. la Mary, of course?' tho Uoawhfl- He didIt Sam té t 1hèro vas a cbolking souud ln Dn- setencoe »làibis ovu mind. But csn'o voice as h. uttered the. vords. wbal ho d414 à that *meanvhl" as "Ysofetcourse," aswere.i the otier. toe -s a mranSspossible of Barbara, lustinctiveiy, grasping Duncan'@ band ote 1*k lt b ler irnt.ersonally. gontiy and preninj it tu warm sympathy. and Interostingly. lu win ber parfect «WUiiyen hoar hier a message f rom trsîot aellae is ,roando fauions. "Tes; any message you are 1lOTO e tbtg teber. B,H aid er nepublicet.i * teution of auj kinl, but ho pald ne "Tell her that Gulîtord Duncan bas, publie or Privais alt4'Ltlon 1n aur Otb- aPPOIntad jeu soie englueer cf tiiese or young vein Iti was weil under- Mines. vlth fail salar-y, sud th.1 Ir yen stoed tiuat for a lime lie was living succeod in the tank yen have tnu<er- at 63e mine ud4cornlng to Caire, unly taken a fur botter salsry awaits s'ou. ter StIrievist falbiers. H . g Yeu are to go te work et once dlgglng tect et sctout tertoreseeHiai lu the now s-eutilatlng sud pumplug shatt. Wto cI nI teoe emdl FOU are 10 preoeeti et once te ingtil coeil et ne expianation. vhile bis un-q auj otiier îmîîrosemouts qeçessar. natent..tloua - luimacy wltb Barbara l'il look te the Parments Incidents]i o attrscted noblttentiou. The 00ly per- yeur verk. My mIssion bore la om on Wvbeovor spolie 10 hlm about lit makie Ibis mine a paylng prcoperty. To "Fou, re goilng I moryBabr tisaI end yen are to beur lu mi SITer yn, aet cg oUrs7 u aitarb, ait bave an entIreiy tree baud, sud ail tbo ereofcu " hhatslai Mey needed hlaIetmy cemmand. akdeedy stoy ad Mry'. 1watelhiu meour&Il On bis fiual ratura 10 Caîre, buvever. t .at bis uar te-Mary..IvEte of ouaffceDun ofud isl xpected i --em Ince oe. lid, mesbo eS e wala callel so..Icty. Seclety vas tu«le. Tell me tise storjot vhat det n d imslPPointmeut, frDn ba hPPÇudM tlu ansd Mary «mince eaulIvent nevisere. except tuaI ho umm- -teday -h- e oquarreled 163e 9 pairi au sbat for soins heurs evory Sunday ifd$4ots sud, ilk. mon of menu, d4cid atternuenla" tisne cdES perciaof lte te Olit I aut e bar t ai.boieue lu vbhlchélaS ook bis munis. Bar. 111teU It 2a1," mai11the otWber.A"1 boa'Osmont Ofeu st there w itblit. Temple rolated te lois former rivali inIBarbaea al diS su lu savwe, te luyO hew li. a .eli educatsd englneer visaI seenled le ho bis vlsh. no mado la hie Coofederste serviceha&. arter 1 n Cu&cls.He declinoS m niuvtatiode thse war. bom redueed by n ue te hU10e excursious on tise river, equve istrtuei o te pmitonyor 1whli eeCStuted the, chiot social se- cuemMlsotn«. l iepsiin t tivîtien of the summer lime. Ho Save ______ ltont that ho vas toc buelly engagsd CHAPTER XVI. vîll affaire te bave lime fer anythig SIX Muths came sd et bft, ese, and 1191 explantion semd for C8 uncan'. vork eat lie mine walime te mIlo(ypublic'curiueity.' N dune. Thon, u mld-July, hores. And th51 ozisaustion was true. GkIl- lurnei te Cairo sud gave an . ardfu!DifUcan liaitbogun lu tair. upen enclt O bi bte*rdhip Wit Tu.,bimmîf thse dutlof eta leader, lu su Pisun etissubp. WintbeTomnd'Important vaj. lu tbe vora et upbulld- peane luetri a perin endmenatrsud lg vhIcb et ibat lime vas engaglng eang rer t mnde baS eme chIjy tbe attention ut aIl nmou ot affale. Ho payn re aourt dviti epeortheeliad acc(-umulaled 5soute mouoy, psrlly bona re vsene utne. for n- y savlug, but moure ty the profite ut caus renco. iityarDncn bon i is tIle luvostinents sud bjr beiIig Uvdrig t t hT eper inn e' ,lot lu ou the ground fleur" utr many 8UPer0utdiel il buemplhes lur1h. largo onterprises lu the conception sud Temple baS qulekly converted tram aiprondorf appr.cîtrlbys . aiitalislaer barculike structure, standing alene upen vlio uerto ppe Iebei hen.lWg the face oeth1e bald prairie. imb .s Excnet ogaiadls h va n home lu the mîdst of a gardon et flow- longe asma -le d b, ther m o ors.logramnepoeV temn Durlng bis long sbsy at the mine On- can lied made troquent vist oCalro. The"o vere brief lu duration, usually coverlng a Bunday, but eacb visît gave, ilitord Duncan two, oppertunItiesý that lie desired. He ouleuidCt ale on Satnrday evenlng. dlscussiug bis plans vlth Captal Wll Hallain, and on sun-i day ho bad OPPertunlty te beceme more sud more clasely acqualubeil vltb Bar- bera. Ho maSe ne fermai callâ upen ber, aud noue vas uecessary. Ho slmplyl adoPteS the Plan et remainlng atlor the 1 O'clock Bunday dinner, and litho bY little Barbera came tn teel Ibat hon expecteS ber te join bhlm lu the 11611e parler atter bis cîgar vas finîshed. Ho beemed te lîke 13e quiet conversations "Yoeu are goiig 60o MaTO'I Barbara with ber, whlle she regardeS the ep- verne, of courser'" portouity tn tslk vit3 a man se su- nov. is relations vith Wiii Hallarn perler lu education, culture aud Intel- vere closer tbazi over, but they vere lect te any ether. that sire bad known nu longer tboseofu secretary or cierk as s privilego te ho prized. or omployee lu any cether capscity. Inu. Theîr attitude toward each other at many enterpriacu ho vas Halliam's tbis lme was peculiar. TheY vore pertuor. luI ail ho vas bis lega S ggod trieudi, tond et eacb ether's su- vise,, besides being employed lun 11 clety, sud seemIugly nt least they vere capaeity by one or Ive rallroad dem- netblng more. The fascination thal paules and the like. Ho bad offices of Duncan bad freintthee llrot toitlul Bar- bis uvu, sudwvile ho vas stUI nul at baras preseuee vas still upon hlm, ail rieh or as mou seovras reekoned s but hcsccepted it more cahiy nov. capltailst ho vas everyvbore recoguIz. suad il sootheil bis natursi restiessness eS as a yeuug inan ut paver sud lu- visete nt first Il lid exciteS IL flueuce, wbose bralus had brought hlmn To Barbara, aulferd Duncan's attl- lute, close association vits the grçater tude seemed a gracions coudesceusion. men ot affain. flot onty ln Caîre. but ln whhch she did neut dreain 13st she de- aIl parts cf the vuntry, sud effpectlly serveS. lshe sometimes woudereil liaI lu New York, fur that greal clty had tIs young man ot rare quslity. vhe by tbis lime ruade Itl ocmpieteiy vas sure et s veicome wberever ho the funanclal cnpital efth1e country, miglit go, should, ho content 60 sit v113 sudls entroilil'g baud vas toIt lu ber throughent the Sunday afternoons every enterpris, et large moment iustead ot seekiug compsuy botter fit throughout the land. te, entertain hlm. il vas a riddie that she could net CHAIIIER XVII. rend, sud for the proMeut St lesst Dun-'r OR more th:in S jear uow Gul- eau wouid net offer ber any beip ln L tord Duncau had been diiigently solrlug IL.Ho know now that Bar- studying t buse processes eftoup- bara Verne vas the woman ho loveS- AF building Nilch ve re so rapidiy the ceuiy voman lu ail 1th enrd vho Ceuverting the wv ut mb an empire ot ceuid ho lu hlm vhat a wite muat bc extraordindry iveaitb sud pover. Ho te a minuoet is temperamenl. If Vive had maSeo uny n~suggestions liaI baS sonis are te bc satisied. CoMmended tbeumeve for lminediste But he sawo cleariy 1h01 Bsrbara executien, togetir vit Borne that Verne lad ne 13ought of thst kind lu nmuet vaît for years te cerne. Ho bad ber mmnd, or, atI Lest, no sncb con- cendemueil sonie prejeeta that seemed @cloue theught. She vas sccustomed hepeful te others. anS ho bsd Induced te thlnk o et beot as a vory commen- modifications iu tueur. place youug wvoman. not et ail tire AU these things hiraS een doue main- equal ofthi3s very- superior man, to iy lu bis letton. and reports lu Captalu vbom everybedy ln Cairo pald a mark- WUIi Haliain, but the substance et ed detereuce. He undorstood Barbara thune lbIters-e indepurte had been as abs diS notet a al undeestaud ber- prumptly laid before uolisers, e.pciiy soit Me bld booS upen ber vbite beoeo hoso great inanceqr of 1 seul sud beved lbis had lunvoehlp ut eut upen vhonm ailenterprime tme- uatio M s " ~t .4 d ov visob hW plAM vto Mscitod. On bbe o0m baed, some prejeetoms. eom enter- plillo. ho haid dlnus.ged as unsum or preçsature, compislnod that no. ti froum bolug s avWsluaryho wv a tact a peulit~ a dis.couralug tforce, 1h51 etood ia tbo vay oet iat "dovolopmomt of lise cuntfry" from vhich lboy hogol fut persunai gais or ou. klnd ur au- other. (To Be Cont nueS) (Continiued frein pe S.) les wouid belli bave ta suhinit the fol- towlug report: We ecemmend that the caulpensa- tien efth1e members ot the Board ot Roev ew foixed at $2(0 each. AIl et wbicb in respocttuiiy snb- mItted. THOS. APPLETON, A. J. RAYMOND, M. T. LAMEY. Superviser Miller moved ta auronS the repart by strWklg out the words aud figures fixed af 1200' sud Insert lu lien thoreot stilowed $4.00 per day."1 Aye sud no vote belug calteS for Su- perviser Miller's motion vas carnIeS by the toltowiug vote: Those votlng sye are: 1upervisors Clow, Conrad, Fsrley, Gibs. Horep- berger. Lamey. Miller, Meyer, Mur- ray, Quentin, Reardon. Simon,Suth- erland, 13. Those voting no are: Supervisera Appleton, Edwsrds, Huntîngton, Ray- mond, 4. Superviser Quentin moved that tise report as amended be accepteS aud adopteS. Motion carried. Superviser Sutherland, chairman of CommIttoeeon Judges of Election. aub- mIitteS tise, loaing report-. State et Illinois, Lake Caunty, sa: Board et Supervîsers. mune Torr. Joue 14, 1906. Mr. Chairman sud Gentlemen of the Board ef Supervisera: Tour-Camoulttoeeou Judllgs a.Eiec- tien weulS bog bave ta subulit tise felloving ist of judges ot election for thse several districts et Lakte County, aud recommonld tii appehntmont, and tisat the sevorai oln lcsh fieS as fellovs: ilnpacsb Bouton, lot distriet-Vilage ball, Wiulirep Harber, B. E. Simmons, G. A. TruesSeil, Doxter Ferry. Beuton. 2ud district-City hall. Zion City, John E. Sciselz. N. E. Cisson, W. A. Curtis. Bouton. ird district - Dickertevu sciseol bouse-O. W. Farley, J. 'B. Fry, H. W. Ferry. Newpartý-Rosecrans. J. D. Murray. Geo. Brove, Michael Hogan. Autlodir. let Sistrlct-Wltou's hase office bISg.. Village et Antiecb, E. L imona, Percy Dihiste. J. C. Joues, Jr. Antiocti. tuS distrlct-Vilage hall. Village of Antioch. W. S. Rinear, Hen- ry Grummi, G. R. Olcott. Grant-Ingleside, T. E. Grahamn, Chas. B. O'Boyle. James Dalziel. Avon-Vitlage hall, Grayalake. H. C. Edwards. Emory Adamns, F. C. Wilbur. Warren - Gurnee. Woodmau hall. W. F. Close, Thromas McCutiough, Leo Feulon. W'aukegsn, let diatrictH Ra sCar- Mage bouse, Belvîdere satreet. N. T. Rosrdon. Chas. Crapo. M. P. Dilger. Wsukegan, 2nd district - Lee Mc- Donougb. Osavid\Webb, J. R. Dsdy. WaukegSu. Ird district - Crooker's bouse. Genesee street. Albert Con- rad. Gea. Sella. Fred W. Churchill. Waukegsn, 4tb district -, Perrin hsll, -Franklin street, ESsearS GouraS, J. A. Sutherland. Timotby Speltinan. Waukegan. 5th district - Englue bouse No. 2. S. Utica streot. Philp BranS. Max L. Bsado. John J. McKee. Wsukegsu. fith district - Scsool bouse, dis. 63, C. W. VeSSer, Antan Dudek. Carl Bjork. Shields, lI stistrict-City bath. Lakte Forest, Tbos. Appleton, Tlmothy Hove. John Matheses. Shiels, tuS district-Village hall. Lakte Bluff, J. W. Bridgman, Andrese Gunu, J. W. Hart. Shields, Ird SIstrhct-Village bail, Norths Chicago, Orrin Coes, R. S. Grnce. T. V. Murphy. Libertyvîlle. lat Sistrlct-Town halt, Lîbertyvilie, W. E. Mier, Jay Morse, W. C. Saubera. Liberlyvihle. 2uS district - Flag's barber shop. Lîbertyvilte, J. T. Ayres, R. B. Epiter. Daniel Morrison. Freinant -Woodman hall, Ivanhoe. H. C. W. Meyer, Carl Dorfier, Frank Dol ph. Wauconda -Englue bouse. Village of Wauconda. A. J. Raymond, E. A. Golding, V. D. Kimbaîl. Cuba-L.umey blSg., Barningtlon, M. T. Iamey, Fred Klrscbnoer G. HeIm- erdinger. Ela-Townr hall. Lake 0Zurich. D. HluntIrrgton. HermnîS L. Prebin, Emil Frankt. Vernon - 1-haIt Day, Geo. Quentin, Tohîr M. W~eliuer, Fred Stanchliff. West Deerfield-Tovu bail.,Deer- fid. M. Horenherger C. W. Pettîs. John Carolan. Deerfield. lat-PrIor's office, High- iand Park, A. Robertsonr, D. A. liulnies, H. M. Priorn Deerfielui, 2nd-City hall, Highwood, M1. .1. Gibbs, . 11. . Turner. Charles Gordon. Deerlleld. 2rd district-Fire bouse, Highîland Park, W. M. Dooiey. Jultus Zimnier. B. L. Stevens. AIl o! which is respectflly sub- mItleS. JOHN .A. S1FTH-ER1.AND, ChaIrman 0. W. FARLEY. DENISON I-IINTINGTON. Superviser Huatinglon moved that the report lie accepteS sud adopteS. Motion carrled. Superviser Huntîngtor moved that the Clerk mail 10 each ot the judges s noticeofo their appointinent. Motion carnteS. Superviser Miller moved Ihat th44 Clerk ho directeS te Issue orders ta the several clainants for tise several ameunts ailowed at tbols session o! tise A. 109 1 Mn.A.Pruas4400 mn. Louisa Stalg .. 2100 M J. Erickson ...........4.00 Mn.. MacArthur .................. 8.00 ise. A., Rotalt.ka................. 3.00 MnM. A. Swanson .................. 3.00 Mary A. Pundt .............. ... 24.60 MM.. lrgosky................... 1.00 Mr$.. D. Dugon . .........16.S0 ]mnm. J.hnA,,n .....................4.00 Martin >lde. ...................00 Mm.. Malonwy............926 Mm.. P. oaaaek*...'...:....:.....2,100 Mnâ..O. Waters.................... 3.26 Mm.. Remceus .3.......... .00.g Mn.. Wood ....................- 42.00 Mn».. O.. VanDylce............. ..26.60 mer Hefferin.................... 4.00 mi.Fauik............36.00 Mns. Ruikooki*.*.:......:..... : Mn.. M. Otly ........ ;...... 2I¶ Mm.. A. SunelIe .. .................. 4.00 Mrs. 'è'.Pspp.................... 35.00 Mrs. 1toneberg. ...................4.00 litr..Mofland ..................... 4.00 Mn.. A. Wutzon ................... 32.o0 Mm:n.). O.trob . ................... 13.0 Mr». Vallne....................... 6.00 Uns 6.01) mn. M: Îe . . 20.50 Mn.. M. Brown ....................49.00 Mm.. Lentes................ ........9.00 Johanna Varwek .........33.00 Mn.. W. Corser ................... s.00 Mn.. Kent ...............6.04) M.. J. Anderon..........7 Mr. J. C. Jewel........... .00 Mn.. J. Brodeki. .................. 36.00 M.. J.'Rfemn.........6 M .. Siirmn.............. 17.6n M. fner 2300 Mm Myer.............100 MrMia. Mry ugaàn................. 16.00 Mr.. Gonyo ........... ............ 9.50 Mm.. Darling ...................... 16.50 Mr. 1H. Trowbridge ................3.00, I ll ....................... 39.00 Total .........................0866.00 ahlsida-Thomas Appleton, Supervl00r. MM.. Rohalai.....................710 Mr.. Ithalski .............. .......i.00, J. Dickinson...........19-.70 Minnte Garbinaki................ 16.6( Mn.. Kinshian ..................... :25 Mrm. Iutchinsoln................. 4.00 M. Rse ............ ........... 21.28 F'rank Moyen ................... 12.90) Albert Hutchinson ...._.......... 12.00 John Littlejohn.................. 6.00 Wm. Henderson ................. 3.50 Tille Mswman ....... .......... 25.00 D. W. West .............. .........1.25 Total ........................ $138.88 Libertriills-W. E. Miller, Supervitor. Mm.. sher. ................... 11.87: D. Hoftefllng..................48.10 A. Lyor,. ...... ................... 17.99 Mn.. Strand...................... 25.42 Tota......................14.0 VoneOo uontin. Supervisof. John Otunda ...................... Ù.8% Henr Kohiberg. ...........e..... 27.55 Mdine tn pour .... ........ ..... 10.75 D..fld-AIsssr.d.r Roertis, Supe"Irisr. O. flentîe .................... 211.3 5 O.Iace........................83.75 Mr».. S. cieskie................ 12.83 A. Wlcklander .2......... 3.47 Mm. Xoethllng ...........50 Mms. M. Miler .7... ..... .00 A. Ocheskie ....... .... .... WV.hitecomb aind wite....... Mrs. J. Carlson ._........ 4.00 Mma. (jNefl. ................ . .8 210.09 Superviser Graham moed that the minutes of this meeting stand ap- proved vithout reading. Motion carrled. Supervissor Huntinaton moved that vo do nov adloîîrn sine die. Motion carriod and Bloard stood ad- joîîrned. ALBER1T L H ENDEU. Clork. DR, FREDERICC H.MARTN. Ofice 2ad Floor Kaiser llok. ,MilvaukeeAvemue HOU»: 1to12 à.m. 1to 8 nd 7Ttc 8 P. M. Lihertyville, Illinois DR, J. L TAYLOR. OFFICE OVES TEiGOB & TAYLOR'@. souns:-7 ta 10 a. m,. 2 te 4 and 6 to 8 P. M. REsidence on Broadway, opposite Park. Uibertyville, Illinois. DR. C. R. GALLOWAY. OFFICE OVER LOVELL'S DEUG @TORE. seuns-from 1 to 3 aud 6 ta 8 p. m. Libertyville llinois. PAUL MAC GUFFI. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Libertyville, Illinois. FacEs 88. DR. E.FH.SMITH DENTIST. OFFICE OVES LAKE cOUNTY BANE. nouBa-8 ta 12 a. mn. and 1 ta 5 p. ma. DAILY. c Liborbyville, Illinois. DI. GOLDING D;ENTIST Hours 8 to 12 a.m-1 ta 5 p.. Kaiser Block Libertyvile, llinois DR. O, F. BU'TTDRFIELD. VETERINARY SURGEON. ABOiSTANI' STATE VETEDINARIAN. Libertyvile, llinois. LYNÎCH BROTHERS sl4rtkr Livery la Connectien Phone.337 Libertyville. 111. W. G. RAABE. M. D, C. Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist t Residence. Hait Day. P. 0. Prairie Viow t Illinois 'Phono Libertyville 186 A. K- STEARNS 9 LAWYER 1 218 Washlngton Street e Waukegan 'Phone 2761 ML A. HATC*. M-..D Physician and Surgon Foi L*ko Stock Farm Ingiosde. li 'Phone 382 EVE SPE6IAUS'I l Eye Troubles Treated h y Mudoem âius, title Nethodo. Office lu Heath Blocka WednémIar Nigbts tO Saturday's. Liherîyvilie. lii LUMBE'W -ALL KINO9 Good Grades at Fair Prices. DOORS. WINDOWS, MOULO- INGS, BRICK, LIME, ALP14A PORTLAND 'CEMENIT, 8EWWLR PIPE, DRAIN TILE, ETC. G. I.SCIIANCK Libortyvrille. 111. FARM MACHINIERY of alilKinds rZEPAIRIED wlth ~ Thoroughoffs Dispatch. WI1LUAM LAYCOCK C04. Opposite St. PMaI Fv*bt Deot F:. BAURSTOW MAMUrActunrA or morIe amGst Cemetery Work of EvoeJ Description Sollcite, 126 GeoeseSt Waukegan McIKINL"VRIM O m AND SPAVIN' CUIIt gBeblelp rlog boundt Spavina but vs cum e e. Tbo trealmont vo give 14. tborough and lastiug cure, Yen Se't bave ta lay by tbe borse. A trial vill convinen yen that vo have got vhal yen bave heen looking for. MwcKimee"m C.. Prairie VIew - Se wa ls 1 1" PAU ~ulâm and r *a cajze% tu thë ý 0 tbe 1

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