Eoeiomy ars * D fu de'ostnt .ctrgPrmeu lgJar la useuoeag.Tise wluëeh ail ugEcoàanëj arssd UITWISE J, 13L1TRIOOS PËOPRIF7TOR LIBERTYVILLE -MARKET and OROCERY Buy Yours of... ANDREW HUSS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Iieadquarters FOR GRO CERIES 4 21h an baked eans ......................UC 4 3.1bcanspie peathcs .......................Uc 4 2W anscorn. ..................... .....2 C .1 .3-b can to nats .........................2 C 3 i te Ican gal lon .........................UC 4 tins sardines ..............................UC 6 ans I ak-ng powder ........................Z C 18 Ibme rnrusail............................25c 4 bottle ptospi Iate .........................2 1 li esmoking ti bat .............;.........2 C 6 lbs corn starcli..................................... UC C) lia baking soda .................................... 2C '10 tilozen clotiies pins.................................Z C 2 1;krga l-eriii . ......................................... 25c 7, 1-lb paxkages bied acd ............................ ZSc .........îîcy ... ............................ 3 .1 N -\ . t) awi raiglolie ............... .. ..... s 3 Ibe ulxed vandy ................................... 3 1 49=Ib Sack Victor floué 95c Low prices prevail ini other goods. Corne in and be cooinced. SMJTH& DAVIS- TEA AND COFFEE LEADERS LlbetyvilI, III. Mr. and lire. Jacob &Scbelcof Chcg,lelsted at B. P. Scbnacb@Wa' Eurnet Young, of Chicago, le a "i à vigieof corne tAmt lths borne1 8. C. Yooag Md faanly. Mmire.renk Niehol siedad me. . Ibard eud con of Austin, ae vatlng *the Ilice. .101ve la Osege, 1w.. A baoak party fr. taie villege tgo" luthe Ladlee Aid eocal st IêodLak enltaiTbreday eveulug adbad aancuouet abwbe lme. À good meny lroca bers a"cplanning to attend the lielanry connt f ar at Woodetock mbleb tekee place Auuet 27 tbci3. Thiejeair. a festure ofteai mil ha aa sceneion 0f sualrelalp. Yon ilii ba"e 10 Set 'eady for the far Dow. It omcrse, icret meek in Septeanher and tbat la not far ama- your.out of town frlsndewill cailripon you. lire. Iblla Sbarpe. of Raceine. mho le isltaag with ber elter, Mm. W. W. Bulkl and brothere, lebon and Jobn 0l.aos;I Wedneeday for a short vieit in Cbicugo. Tbere are at the track now norne seventy-tive b..ad of borees lu -training ani saiie excellent work :ontsecau le »sen, thougb the bigget trainere are out rang on thes circuit«. John Boysen aipped the iret lima beaus to lie sent froan Lihertyville to the ity on Saturday laut, li. Boeene beau@ are the oDly one beiug sent to dateansd the others are al muelb ister. lire. Franices Tripp ln compnsy mitb Mmre C. C. liorrwl, of Fox Ilk iss Ariette Monrilliof Grnielake sud lirm Nelie Wm&<y, ofPlttabncw, kae, riait- sd tbe litmé of the week wtb Rtay Morrill and wife at Lake Geneva, Wls. The quinltette of Lberiyvlue Young ladaseu Sposed of gml wDmn, Glas- sou. Taylor, Basec sd XMlabel Blles wbo bave bea so apn a week ai CetlParl,M"c.,reacbedotnaTfedWy mornlng and report a pleamsni ure. WilliamCter, 8. M. Wbeele, Willia Newtoa, Thom&& Fry aud Edwin Austin Lst tbe rsi of tbe weck for Calgaty Alberta Ptov., Cn"anad l eatb ofa likcly place to invet la lae. Aibe ie fhet lucornîg a popaw PlacS o oeitlerneni sud le attirlanmcb attention. lir. sudlire. li. B. Colby teturued thia w"e fromn Beloit, Knm., sud other pointa inibhe et wbere ihey bave been for cone weeks. Mies Flot. Colby wbo bas &peut several monibe in Kauma returued mtb tbenau nedld idre. Cobys ulece, Mies elbJohnson, mho il ninke a riait lare. The village admininltration continue@ to grow prouder of irs new mil ail the turne an. krealiiesmore sud more cebat a good one it ha succeeded in getting Street Conamisionar Young bas givenh 2 oog tes sudaindea h ia capable o anihiugmucb more water than cau lie used et the present tirna.. Captain Cook, of Waukegan, with hie baud of Volunters of America and tbt gope agon will bold a meeting iv Lletvi..le rhursday (tonightj ai thi uinia place, the Lake County Nationsl bank corner. Capt. Cook intands mak. ing Lihertyville a visit every othei Thnreday evening. Singing sud prendh ing lis the order of th e Volunteer services The captain feels much encournged ovei bis work'lare. About twentyfilve round trip ticket were sold to Minneapolis for the 0. A. R encampinent. The rates are exceedingij low ai this tirne and this accountafIo the large nuumber tnkiug the trip Among those who-ent froua Libertj ville mere: John (leamon, E. W. Due betty, Chas. Phillips, Eh. <leason, Pets liowers, Bd. Appley, William Fullei jin. Ailes Fuller' L. H..Bryant, and Mi and Mire. Fred Crocker. lire. 1mnk Cdw'eck, formerlyMis Aume sin., will isa relatives bore for a sur dAYIs Trip apnt undiiy sud Mona7 i"~hveeaet Uncoin Park TbelâkceldeCetary naselatlon mlii mml.t tac -Q. Of Harrieon Bown, leu vrasme êoiey, of Chialcuole spendjuga it qeeka at the borne of bert "Itr àWstr8bericsu. Dbý »ot ILe ME. Suudqr eshoo piei l 1 grove wmb l esa plc YnnelWusay aftermoou. F. N. Glddl9, Preeldet of tic CreeceniCool opany, n direclorothe la SouareDccl copany, @pent Buuday wilà P. E. Wl,.. ire. Jaice Tclpp and eblîdren lait, saturulay fotrElhotn, Wl., wrbero abs w vmit vIeliMer other. lit. Trlpp bae returnsd t10 Rase. Get your -job work ndrl.The INu)EPEi<DEIIuTjob cooms are hable tu get overworkcd durIM the fait and rush jobs should blatuin ladvaxice. John MeAtce lait t1w . irst of the wesk for Wterlowu, go. )a k., wbere in corn- pauy wth D. 0. Loriepr, of Elgin, lu wililook ovet hlb "a o tf that vlciuty. Born, Batnr al- ugust 11, 10 lit and Idm. W.Te.arlatt, at44eir home lu Kenoshga, a daugliter, Mira. larlatti *6s formetly MiI n Uolhy, of ibis plae. 1 1 lira. R. H. Sebuelle. on Austin sud daugbtét Della rstunred Satutday from a veeks visit wltb frienule and relatives ut Barrngion, Palatine sud Long Grovp. lire. J. D). Mardi laaiong tbe lilun. eapoi iiore iisweek. In that city cl le Viiting ber itar,lire.M. IN. Walter, andi Mr. liartins brother, R._ J. Martin.. Huntepa boulsiget tîjeir licencesud do seat once. Village Cerk E.H. Corlet bas the blmekand sueready 10 Ilue them. Il le ebealie to pay a Ilicnc than a fiue.. Bert Halmwu burt qiita serlouely in a ruuavay caneW by su automobile a fem da" u4». At. fitet it waà roported bis log mac brokoc but Iter it wu» found 10 lu biadly epnauim. Prof. Opeckuua, of the Kansas Was. Joyau University mho te studying at the Cblsago Unlversty duriug the. summer quarter epegtB utdai, witlhbis fatlur- inlaw, Benjamin James. A great rny bave taken bdvauug 0o he lactdals of the akrbts1 get tluit malke tarted tus vllage all- log the rehatec on aIl walks tarted at the tirne the ordinau was repeied. soi ci au bi ac fie bc t l fi bc The INIuEPEICNDENT tii week raeceived a e communication from' a wlli kuown1 rldent of the outaklirte of the villagev mlilch gives sjolt that cannot ba mis taken. The letter which waasignesi bye the mrlter was as followe: "Liberty- ville le well ituaied sud with ie unsur- pased nedicinal matera, table watersa sund other attractions, beiaM su nent Chicago, shouid rapidly grow into a cityi of msny thousnds of people but it le Ji grmn too slow. Burdocks, thistlea sdeset clover are ripeunng out nîceîy.1 The @ide@ of ik. printipal treeta, as of oid, reasibethe eurrouudings of corne1 deeertad farmhouse. If there le auy hope or push about the officera ut the village oas wouid expsct to ope the aides of the streeta cleaned up at lenst twice a yenr sud lu lime al noxiuns eede would be detroyed and gr"@s grom. iug in their pllse like thie ide@ of the roaul on my place outoide oif the village. Snch conditions ither cause risitors ta corne here aitiîh tua uitile or to select ailier places. i amn getting tired, of leauiag the citys streete aluuîg my land a,4i have donethte, past two veata. Juat tske n ride do .vii Milwaukîee avenue right nomw.' A moveinent is on foot tii forni a ire deîîartuuet for Libertyville and it is the îulîîuof the couîneil to intetest young men, eeeiilytiiose vho are centrnily em- ployed, ta loin. A lit of se ten naines hais been prepared aud will lu l reented to the couneil for ratification. ht i8 hoped 10 have a well drilled comn- pany in the near future. This is a matter which Liiiertyville lias in the past nsglected sud witli tue pressnt water worka systein organization le néeded more than @ver. It is probable tîvo home carte will ho. maintained. Tikeae will ta pushed b iuylnud sud yl la keptinl a building wbich yl lu buili on tbe city lot tîpon which the waier tower stands. The fi roman viiilu epaid for their services though jusi what, re- munerntlon iheY wlll get bas Bot as yt beau declded. luail probabilty a cer- tain arnount wilI ta allomed for eacta Oirs. A systarn of alarma mill lu deel4ed. upon lu tii. near future sud poesbly a mblllezhlwl be plasasiai t themater mris on Oprgue treci. The malie lu lin s ebande of CiaarmuaLoval o!flise rie sud Watsr corniiliesuda" c lu lm oabeamromm sur who umiybe sacwe a Ibte mater or wlao teal jate dng. suggesions Mis b lit, sud lire.Ed liîitterfild !Pont iznday aibtbe Idielîur cottage at Wau- >nda mith lit. nulMre. C. N1. D.rand and D>r. sud lire. (bulkway mho bave cen taking their vacatiun ait that place. E. P. Crossfleld wliii lias been viaittag, la minter lire. E. ilcDonald. returnedthe frst of themieek to 8it. Paul. Mire. Me Donald sud fatlier, (î. D. Crosefeld, ccornane hiîîî * The eider Mir. Cross- el.d ha. bsec tayinýg at the MeDonald horne. lire. J. F. Cuuiîtet arrived the last of tbe msek frouîu Il ikoville, 0h1o. with ber littie daughter. -%r. Coultar la the new frernan oh the .LsNDEENDENT Mechan- ial sud job deparirnt. Tliey will naks their hiom in one of the Niott RaY house. The Wauki.gan Junior Orchestra, eorpoaed ëntirely of cblldren and under lue lee.dieshlî IfWill Farmer, miii furnleh a part ofthémnie at thecornlng fair. The clildreuî maie gond music and tbeir unuanal youtb makes the orchestra aornetblng of a nuveity. Tmo burly CIicago '"cops' îiared Ibesu and Johmeon, and weighiug: 96M. and 28 ponîl respectiveiy, pasaed tbrough bere Tîîeeday oua walk 10 Fox Lake. The long hike mas the result of a wa r the remuIt of talk as 10 vhich îTd make thu dietance the quickest. Dr. Martiris automobile refused to retuaborne withli bitfroan the country a fem sisys ago and so tbadoctor wnited util darkncea lied seule down aud ment alter it with a tecam hauling it lgnorninously back 10 the garage. As usuai, asu IElUr.DNT reporter was on baud to get the îîu-s. Central State Thecatre Co. Lese Charles A.Takae, Manager Saturday, Âugust I 19%IW Matinffeand nlght Lineoln J. Carter, Presentm i TeCel Fiti-e È ARRQW The Attack oi ud Fort Reno The Wondertîil Honm, Arrow anud Th. (ienuiuu-lud-ian Brase Band Mîl1\NEE PRICES Cbuldren 15b, Adulte ;l.5e MORHT Plt ICES 25-S36 .;-) and 75 Suuday, Aug.st 19, IWÔ Rowlandl and Clihford Present the Sterling Young Charaeter WILLIAM V. MONG Tn hie famous roie of Peter Denug in the eseul,drasna IHI (~aff 11E1 lit. Mong as Peter Deufg will neyer la forgotteli PRIZE8 25-85-60 AND 75c au n aOs et la s. Want Pair Aueocistlan a t. cp Lay Walkc-WIIIThona Sigu Te Vacte »EBATZ OBDINÂNCE $TAUD@ REpueAL.zED mucb dt the liane ai the couneil meet- ing Mondow lal mctekenUp lu dis- c"elg liaimattet of vaeatlng ihe ceci end of Fait etreet that the Agrlcultural Asecotton meat incorporate i halo, Precideu illet. ot the A.soclation, mas ýpreeand urged ubai l; hecouncil &et lu the malter. W. H. Appley relwc- oenllng lace Who objeci t4) the cloeing of th~e etteet wm calmo aithe meting. It la bihi@m tbatth ibegnatures of in the ptoperty omnero on tibe etc are iiecenaty 1 Maire legal the vacation 01 the street. Tb@ plea of the, obÉerp ceete be that the FaitrAUeoe&Ïtion ehould aid materially tomard the laying of cernent aidewaika leading 10 tbe grounds. The association, on the other band whlle it le perfactly willing tu@ce the walks- put dowu mante 10 make no promise of aie lu ibis reapect. Botb property ownere and the association are willing to have -the village ehare a. liberal part of the expense but tie village seeme Very unen- thucastie ln this respect. The counci refueed to met and co the unatter mii la lof t open for the lime helng. A eormlittee was appointed tu, lokinto idw-umtter sud le the mienu- trne a mubsclpion will lu taken Up 10 lay the. walk, the'several meaulure of ibe cosancl agreelng, ai the Iaetlng 10 ghs'd .aiaterial aid toward the. sum Deeded. It le tbougbt the association li agroc 10 pm a portion of the coci am It wil lu hesflted sud ibat the property omuere mii ig tose1 the vacation. In cuch cas the etteel milIlabcclocsd ai once sud the mldewaik vii hi dowu by the Orut of September or in reainese for the fait. Rebatc Ordinance Repealed. Tb. ordinance mlalcb bas beau lu effeei aineS 1001 allowlug rebats« on cernent walke wss repcaled aI the meeting sud in the future unoe Who lay thean vihi bas ibhat henelit. Dnring the past five Jenra many tbundreds of dollare bave lucea allowed by the council in thie manner. NNUCMNT The Christian Scientiste mill hold their regular msekly mpeting t the Mystic workere ball oter Smith sud Davis' store, Sundny svening St 7:30. Sublect: Christ Jesus. On Suuday, Anguqt 1<at the Methodisi church thepastor viii speak lu the mu iug upun 'Forgiveneu ocf Silns" and 7ta the evëning bis cubject miii ta "Joined 10 dol*'. Mise mith will have charge ot, te Epworth League ai 6:45. Strangerse wiliila made melcome at ail oerview. An ordinancs repenil onneNo. lme Be it ordsined be os i ednt andBoecrd o1 Trustoesof1the vileg etofLtbedtyvi1be that ordînanse No. les. ait au orinanoe ln regad ta cernant sud a.s idewoika ,àl ets mee Mgu 51. sL approvsd Augetita.iai udpuais iAumasl. lest b. aud the sains laeohrob7 repealed. Ptuais)tlurm P realdeut. Attet:. Mý. a. If.CM~i Passed. Anunez mli.19m Aproved. Angust lait, IM5 P eoAunusilt1h. asi luths CircuitCourt ef Lake County. 111. 0utoberTsrrn ale. Stie or Illinuois Lake County.cs.. Osore W. ioues lin Attachrnent Adeibr-. os Derand, lMe7 Noties h erche clveilta You. the aald Adobait T. BOcs. ihet a&arit otAtiashfft bas ien euad ot oftbe aU of lasOat c thet CircuIt conrt 01 Mid ouvai, o&CSSa tiae suit of the cald Goa W coes u . ifor t i x and SI-nse Dolr dlota t2ls ber I of snidr<Juntte c- eoute~~ ubioja ,nitwllbusbeau roiet b naid ÀIl qeouted and thaltton sa6 Adlbett -1T. e 110nov.and ae ae since last lau.absent trom tliIss tRie. Nov therefre nuies ton, the nid Adelr T, taoesahBlpersaneIl7 bc sud &ptuarbcore the circuit court 0oh nid onnt on the.On dai t he nsxt tactthexa. ta bolbaiat the Court Houses, l tla h ,t 0f Wauks lu maid countr6eonhes rsi Mon0daiInt 010nIa of octahir ext. glve gspeolal bail sud pleato action. udsinent ulil b snteradt sgauetmnou in favOr of thescnid plainif sud tus properti attacued sold ta sutte sons, cliii conte. LEwiS 0. BOocKwAy Clrk. Waukegan. fl. eAuut ai.,tie. . P'. L. jorgsnson.FatutîfeaAtorney. se.' OON'T SEND TO CHICAGO. for an Edison Phonograpi. We aNaer camne Ires trIiland came termes of payrnt, not only ou Edison but Vic- tors as weil. Price the saine svery- where. We bave 1.000 Edison records, 35 cents each aud 1,000 dislt records at 50 sud 60 cents each. ALDEN, BIDINGER & CO.. 206 North Genessee St., Waukegan. TO LAI! TO CLASSIIY FOUND-A iliver match on riverbank near L.ibertyville. Owner may have Saule hy applying atINDEPE-i6Z'r office, provlng property, and'paylng for tlui HORSE FOR SALE-8125 buys a handeome 1200 lb hay bores, pacer. Not afraid of anytblng sud good saddier. Bave no furtber usefçr hlm alter Sept. 1. S. 8. Butler, Gagee Corbere or Box 127 Grayelate. SPRIUERS FOR SALE Coie, e weil bred beles.. e. S aP=ael Viem, Illinois. i t i lbI11 EDUC1 IN ALL SUMMERGO In order k dcean Up our stock of summer goodi so au tk make room for onr fait stock wbieh le now beglnhîîg tk arrive we are making big re- dnctions in ail summer suitîngs, dress goode, lawns, white waista and summer notions. Ladies' $1.50 white walotel Ladies' $2.00 white walos Ladies' $1.00 wrappers Ladies' $1.25 wrappers Ladies' $1.50 wrappers Ladies'25ec unbonnets Ladies' 25e lace and fancy hoe iu.e'50iq black oilk bete Men's 50e colored underwear Men'é $1. 00 straw. hits Men'.s 6ocstrait hate 98C $1.39 79C &)c 15C :23c- 39C 79r. 39c We a"t have a lot of odd disheu whlch we are closlng out at rtdiculously low prices. Just the thlng for threshlng time.> Llbertyville Phone 29 Minis F. P. DYmeoso, Paeg. C. P. Wmou,o~ l GEo. A. WIUGHT, Vce Pros. F. B.Kae", Aumoial LAKE CO. NAINA SANK CAPITAL( SURPLUS<6 THE RIRST DOLLAR YOU SAVE Will lnspire you to save another; and the habit once formed grows on jon lieany other habit, until wlth the naoney yon've been walotlng yonwi ha" accumulated a reserve land sufficient tu proteet you ln ernergencies and pro. vide for yon when your productive perlod &hall have paemed awýay. ..Patitrsnnquestionably the buet known land mat satisfactory patterns oni the market. Mm. Bsn. bert hae handIed t1bem inIi Lbertyvifle for théeâ 24 years with great anecess, and we 'hope,- her o customers and many tiew one@ wlI give us patronage. Mônthly fashion sheets furrnished fé'1 the aaking. PRUC! or: BUTTERICK PATTERNS NOW. ONLY 10 AND 15 Cents. 1~ THE FAIR LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS Should b.farnilar mlitiith ruilez of Sankiug. Wh.timw a maman of wahth or ofIml*c< means.e.* in leikely te hi cald on ai one tue traneect buainesé cvlle*4 bank. Sanklng mtbaoê P w. practice thenturcaaui, IM AIONAL iU 01Mumuvitye urBI sA< ~it