CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Aug 1906, p. 3

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w' 'wv Mou People have theml this moiiih, eepeolai)y aiter an ontipg or a long tramp. G@t mOrnf Our It works 1k. a eharm and uiý« 1,jour feet feel cool, light and eay. Neit iNe use It treely before yon go for a long walk. IOVELL'S DRUG STORE. RACING EVENTS WITUI $33 50,00 IN PURStS>. $150 Purse or BaIlGales t BALLOON ASCENSION t WITI P ARACHUTE DROP WedwM.edThrdq a end .uAltermoorns Trhe Association has purchased three and a hall acres addltional ground and is erect- ing new buildings and providing accommoda- tions such as heretofore have been impossiblez -The Best 11.11 Mile Tràtk ini Illinois -ad this geai' Wil be witnessed the Best Racing events eveu' stau'ted at the track. lmported Percher'on Stallion VELOI Registered 14i. (24655) 44784 VELO le coal black, with large star, lit hind foot white,, weigbhing 1925 lb,. Foaled - May 10 1899, bred by Monsý Lucas. deprtuent of satli Prancý. He wuasisred yoe of the greateot sires itame Besigue (1906) by Brufim'l III 1116 (2919). by Feuloni 2682 (38) by Brilaat 18991 (756) bv Coco Il (714). by Veux Cau"a (713). by Coc (712) by; lMlgnoa(715), by Jeawà4eBlsnc (739). Dom92)(41821)b rBoule d' Or (19129) 6v Gtevln 6646 me 306,1 1334). ienUt 1271 (755). ~dlI6)99 , by Coce U (714). by Vie (71e VELOviiisaa goum 1901 et th. broMu n alessuth k4 Fç ni, .U igr, HE« CFp. to M t Dowd cm wbatever aont tat goenequm pW>- M by mimgM 0M __ tbeibi wee itlestll i t. e came. a Ten I wfMr b âbout m lme 0forDunca'retais tg . l'e, f M 0ý r Cairo ho sUbi .another tu bisoffeos a 8 0le rmChos.I" melust Tentr, plu a av t. 30teMmifri mlf pju ie bat allunt vssn iotily eutry. *111 '4onue jom bOM va V Tandy vus scexnlIng te secure a get bocki Bat the country viS bM il tort wstly extension eft tls brencit rail- as soon as mhe ralironS penetealstî taS titrouglia spareely settildand n tsI m vi b u bnla ils selleS reglo n la e ay tuat vonul ntn ilfor me woed. an" nda a c gratly enricitflsef because of fils bra me," forveh e rDunca t es ast pioperty holdings ihere. Ho bel .'.eParo leenshroughIb uncagln. soe weli ulgit perenaled a gieup of capi- 'e qslo«nol ofartasta glu el tlluts 10 undertako the extensionl'eqmod vrfreratebs et waon, acting cautlously. as financiers crosa. 've questioned eveiy marchentDo mnaâ. tley Secidol ta ask Duncan t u inevery vIllage as ta hi@ possible ehlp-no stu te>he siuation and maite a report Monts hy me rallrJe6d eanl astu the IIt~ prjee. Hobelelreîyamouut of gonds ho hoçosbtuooeif Ilthe upOutWpoet H a ied raitroadlalu 5011. 1'hor replien are N EY atudiel lte question tisoiougt:' lSuilngbpoesylourgn.TlfgIo ble atay ait te minai mud.was con- hplsl teorAn.Tsigter 'laceS tuaI nolting but lois coul outaiSOe esimates as certain, tuer. Can- A core of tise attempt Te* region net h.o sh itraeileover suci aàlne Ins iuoigh viticlithe lUn. amail .n wufor tvonty yjoan to corne tupal operat- tva c, pour lamgriiaulturamuaCer' re- ing expensse.Inuthe meantlrno the mak cs.t. Nalove a ~ mmn viom n uare asiug ta, hulS the a accue tu ffc rit e le ifl etas ah.rosnd*115t lMae uot nly tme listrst on palig taMe TheUneltilf met o ýtheir luvustment. but the investinont 2e a cosdy osehb-- oof certalaIMM> po- tMeif.1Iknov ail the tacts t*et bisa' aud andsibioter ie, ma. fnmy , aotuer1upon tue cmso» The u.lstate lii, loeS'pes.I5lli£ "Ail but osu%" ansverel Tany. aistn t4b prope5el 01155*05. but runa ' Wlueîla mut one?' li broet mah iéseonuUT.-- "'flut a favorable report ti'om jon caiid alrosdy lu conrse of construi. mnusà e eoci Iht nov mnS be. pl Tan«ymev aIl Bise tuings qalte f p$at asvol as GoIlord Dunen i& .But, I gbýtu 'boarlr.' 01 lTaiy aise tuev maay methoislua 0.lée 55poo .h'go u i m vhwieh Di M W"-bot fer 511 l iclsfor. Ybu 0cmbav t S AIl , nOv, sud l ii Wh.ocasteltomosrov lits àne B@» onitla. PcyoM ptu boas'- 'rhe A& seon as te vas ntollhl by theorseas ît 1% yen nedn't ludrSt.Ia" an d a - Il Mla'ltu vbom hb.wuvasngotlat- Yeun afo t tM e inovn u uhemalter gv in tuaI Bey ba&. employel Duncat. aaywy lmtllg«ole examine aldreport and-: U*air fapo n q 'a au. ,sns 1.51cmvoul h lageS ~anei by Duncan msed llte face of bie lu- Qg bis julgneut Taady. wltli susoclapu- ti bautOrfor au Instant Thon b. rose Rin lktmijl6vrete ot.DUMMUa uskngbhlma te eau- et bis house Bat seuming "fo L rom hW i Ituatand iit utterenco liltie onsulation on busiaie affaire ieltokel by enetion manageS tg s»y:, metht Clay Interestbht fus." .,l quillse un&tLn(L.Yeon voul Dams vil ev at e ia~ f~bibe mo vitI t tat check. Yu vouIl 0 Dunci a w la tuewmter t ue c4of-tire me te botray lise confidence of the C"I cuede bta'an y beIalt5er of the cu vite arepyiug me e very muaitRHi mm, ut u Tndyb" odeno igu le suthan $10,000. Tont Pro-, r hie couhl 50sesnopoisible raison for ae- uRU fuiug Ibis requtêst for a business con- pose tu buy my lntegilty, ay honor, C' lIo. MreoorGutlfod minysaut. Vary veil. My iutllXiltj, la fuai Molus e rlf unl to r eaunMy hor wm i, oniare sot for sale nu bilty. He fotit at ho mut IM Sy eapor ntis m shah am i nhot. i guaiti Md pro0mote tue intereets <Ot 1repot uBach a emaoo it -min thoseo aildemplojed ihm la etUly hopol 1 migbt bc." 1515 question. but titat ho vas aise un- And vlt ltaI Guliford Duncan . don oblîgallons ta coffsider cerefully italieS out or thu mus. elpiug hlm- ;ý the interests Involvod on tue otuerulle self to-bis bat a, ho passeS tue rack dol His funcllon, bho tItas entialy in tue' enlny way. lfur a judictal one. Ho ev ewone silo of thecae.ItTru ig ut t hr heCHAPTER XVIIL Sti olten. and 'rend>' vas tue spokesasa F Onuflor Duncan bail been a limte 1 ofunana eceio vsmst - more voriliy vise tBan hova, ho toi cluWs euSNper 'rD adyost ua- 1 j oul bave goeeta- once tu Fi clou, ad Nppe TadY ameet WIlI o onlhave tolS once to tueeexib)ect i lu aS. ta beds fo e fteo "lunmore ttaân glad, Ijuncan," lie wmat eitovt dee ! tevd mono teL F îyîngly Baid, -"tisaIt t hez niai Pu, elvand ail ba baladse blvo lm-baeF. pie bat. aked you tn examine ail ese anS Tady, anS hovoulal o haeld port upon tis scitemeo f extenslin ,e IiHlai' liea ava you are goheartlly ln eympatuj Wit course lu purse. evey elernie ltaIîais a tede- lustead ofut at Guilford DutiCLe ha veopamt o! ouietern oosIuthye n eut ai once la Barbera. Ho bail a cig yeopr itiîof u oestper eel of eympatuY natter titan a nemi fe InformnelliBag cloneprolocWall of asiIe. anS h. biait learult t.lokJ nfreta fyours oet ietu Barbera. abovya à otlerpople iluof, ti appeals u ou"the vorîl. for eyinçatiy. p Iltdos not appoal to Me at ail, Mfr. He vrasatilla goSd el dlturin luct Tandy," seiS Duncan fnauLklY. "I dobis ernations vîtes Barbera greetoilca nol Ihink vell o! Bhe extension. Ir'- m non tue 11111e poncit. muS l wusIL n "Pardon me fan inlerruptlug," Inter- ccie ofue con Btisgv poseS Tend>' lu fear that Dunce f hthd apn&t Mlght commit himseîf hoyoud rocou -h on ht baitupetnl. idBr- ginsttBe sciterne. "Pardon me frlai rIso't qtepultffl.f" aeIL ln lnterrupIiug. butîyou muetseetat tohe uis aolte Perta us If th? marier Boivoolmince, lu vhich. 1 under- cup o! ee y nd wou as aitngfomaser stand. you ovu 15 per cte" cenor"dassent@out vld tiug Ortas-e --j ovu 21sper col, fer 1 have Put kse o lisent, mit e gIont t tuo ed -My savings luta tuaI enterisep 'as- ilaien, avbegncodupeofll00et-noi "weelIsoDucnte. a ut "Nov," she salI mIter ho bail aippeil ,,Wilno uebth beter Yo mu Be tes, "tefl ameeRU ut what bas D se that tue Redwood mines, lunviticit itpponol. Ion voie lau mucit excited you ovu 25 per cent. wiii benefit asvien. yau tbd me bofore to tell me mucit as tue Quentin mines Sa by thi clearîy."l extension af tue railirau. Xl vili give -«Weil, îî amotints 1t tis." ansverel us tva marials for aur cool lusteail a! DUuen. 'That acoundrel 'randy"- one. We eau play one mariol aguiust 'sr adBbrelanmta't "thal eu'l u e qusInd lia- i a t ive toue. 'Nover minI 'rendY'e char- empalaelte qpldl ueon nter-au!acter. if you go off on tuaI jou'll -- empoye an pad o aswe,'lIntr-or maire me unîleoutand." f rupted Duncan. "Yeu have other anS lu epîte nt bis agitation Duncann vastîy greater lereata Bhan those of langueS. ",1ow you do arler meo tue mines taI vould ho serveS by te aboutr!" extension or tue raliroad. But the .1,Pro eecamdtegr funanclers vita are eskel ta Put tîtoîr "On , manifs lumr'Il aidume tuegil. maney t hspoetwl ol 1,do tBal. S vonId noer Iini oft bing t vise boeS fted elîluer by tue inereesed d earnlngs or your coal mine anl ours 'Myit ar 'Mg.iseoBararaet l n or b>' tue Sevelopment or your otterde "My ar 1ilsa Barbare,1 uilboun-t and fai greeler Intercala that ar e»e- Sersland I neari lotn£ abut 10-l t penSent upon titis extension. 80o vli oitsSm ln arll vsynvol the>'emplo>'meta report upon "e Oh but i conlil nover Preaume tu project I amrnonu free ta consiler any tdo i of tueso tugs. 1 muet catider only -1 o' p h» gwrdDn 1 their latereste. 1 muet aab myslfeau. I Sot secMyvit>'," euue nd Dun 1 vitetuer an pot it viii 'pe>" tuern O lan.theYbuinne >gool eugeidanSe'tel unlertaire tuisextension. 1 inOv that s e usl'iMe a fdmyoit l aengol t a îî vii not. 1 îuov titat tue exteniled 1regult eun ee ehbaoa lise conut vîtuin a genermtios t e ..utl.Dna, corne pay even Oponatiug expenses, tu BuMi..ncc" my otuug ! ilerol I te oit et "But Baittana"!-it vae tue firet time cy ontctio iirntaonItae s el ott h aSever addresuel ber by ber gît- cuostuctsonluiam' reodt.u'mit>' th enname and vîttout tue "MIssB'-"YOU tme t. 11 latue. veot. etacsae. puy inov 1 lave yen, or you ougit tu0 iuw mousuellî sitail tn te itachela. Omt il. Tonknowv1S vent YOUu 10ho uMY vius 1 ebouil l t b. an hoseu t e vlfq. Say that you viii andSthen 1 uitoul h.a auvindier, taiug tir mo- uhl Mfree ta 101you aicln>'trO- ey as pa>' for dSaeviug tt.malMu- leu unS BaytatoYjui lovemeluBailaraf ,duclag lte. tuunlertake a uoolng on- ttw. ui jn oto me,Brea teepda&' Su~~fy tuat you vi niymr "Ohtuas ai rilut.n~t~ ~ AUi tlu a, lu contravention et be uhêsitu, jeu kaov TgRVe Soru- Gitetuna'scsfl i pas, mi J t itr abse< e s ia ele@ la.Iapttei me mmUT 1~a oaey lng se mesa are, fumalltsau 401 ms ee usma. ebad 1AW464te a -mmposIF tIeioa M mi»« btpet nme lb.ugt « wuloe o Ul i à11t p r ggeflyIo «etbo bueb. te w-l .MUee ot u n a" bell fetUtet the Âflseuom4ta L alwm% for a game et coquet.1 im oasaebo,'etir tis lUtIe lam maam gracleuwigeatieveiflISgave rn mon .,. mla *0bu ite a iss uao SesMarne. ne a ebtsred a etemboat Mdai î t.l oive a PUMNI lu tue Kentacb aemiebelev 01r..Ï0 wubld mooee m sabawa. HbadlhoUt bmeue aet tomae ue eti Sus. t ome ,iae gamugpomâ a gI» V 4 -b ~m de*vau - m - ornet 110ib m leastioet Wwé Pissl êbwfl km. for dwe a4ale né un. W udbve. iatud 9» amvoe dol boeegukle. adstIM mm@ 'VoMl it tBau fan truber bandM )»=aswuS, standllUV »wua" la tor MM tho bd .jtlWelailby bis bpitauey. neo viateus pautmtil li. eould for the gIrls anuver. but cme, not oBere eelnSmedom- bu tu hlm. St seemol tu mmeta 0vaz eboeedcandoffeulel lW a aratlon of love for wvbh boia ln any vIse prepared ber. (Ta Be Cont une; M SWINOLE BEING WORKED. ànov gamte le beiug worked on the ospectlug public. It la warked by osharpers. One visita a store and tes a amail purchaso and tenders $10 biji. ÀAuttil abarpor No. atersand make a trlfflug purcbml4 dbauds the clerIt a dollar bill keon rkbringu the cange and thé rauger kIis ail emayi lhogave the k a $10 bil. The propiletcarla led and the indignant cuatorner ex- lsi that the $10 hie lett coutalued apencîl mark "MaIn 580 EB'"and ,s that It vas a toelphone aumbh. t b. had callel up that morning. se proprietot gcec tbrougb the euh mulend a $10 btM on mariol and vos It to the stranger wItbau logy. At ulgbt lIme lho Suds his ah short 19 and dlacavera that the at mau lait the 'bill. Woodmea t. Plenia. Ou Tuesday Augait 28 the Veruon Unp, M. W. A. vîlI give a plcic s e rtsl's Park. Hall Dy twich yje rcordlly luvited. Thra villh be ial apeaàklug, sportis and amusementa .T. Heydocker viii b. the orator oaithl ay. Thure vill ho daucing bath aller oun aud eveniug. Hertel'e orchestre MI furuuish the munsic. Honaeue.ers Bzcurslont. Every Tuesdey, on the C. Ml. & St.F ailway horneekers tickets vîli b ol(o o eseru points for one fanre plus twe lHans. luquire of van? local agent fi Lrtber particulars. ate af Illinois, Caunty of Lake, es Circuit Court at Lake County. c ober Term A. D. 1906. Pances J. Sweoney vs. JamesE Sweeney. lu Chancery No. 2996. Slistactany aMfdavit. that the pIec )freeldence of the defendant Jame ýSvoeney la unknowu. and the in diligent lnqulry bis placeo! no oence cannot bc ascertaluel, noathe çocese cannot bo served upon hfi îving beonfIl luI the office of th Ierk of said court. Notice le the'g ore heneby glven ta ithe et lames F. Swooney. defondauta aforeseil. that the above named cou ainaut herotofore filel ber bill Dmplaint lu aaid Court, on the cai cey aide theroof. and that e sui mons theneupon issueS out of!sel curt againet lte above uaiuodd regdant. roturnable an theotiret dayg te teriofthlie Circuit Court of La) County, ta ho hold at the Court Hai ln Waukegan ln saiS Lake Couuty,c te tiret Monday of Octoben A.1 1906, as la by 1mw requlred, aud vhl uit le st111 pouding. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, Clork Wmukegan, Illinois, Auguat 21, D. 1906. P. L. Jorgenson, Canipîainant'aS lcitor. The Umpirec Comlng-One of the fuatursuoaf"TheUmpire' whieh inepiresi a lavai for that mnusical counoly during- is msord breailng rus ai 850 perfora-- anom la Chicago vas a mercit oug m#It" DiuneoaiThe Fore sud -At" taesfiomKiplumald emhellu&ed Fi*su ppysiiteS music and attrae gOve vonouby te borna. The vrouesmm iegelluintes hatty uifforme ocilk iBrtlsh "Tommy 5 - ed*0 ocm i ' roman- ailletyI. elt. pesecond mest a~Sew rts Tiietre Waukogan on Mis Lest Dolla-Nov ln 11. faurtit a saison 550, uuder the? diiectiou of Stuand olNlel."nils]AI;Dollar", vIli DaviSd imnsand Eleanor MouleSl lu thse lesdlug aiealy supported by a largesud elioleut company of players, pwytsan engagement ai one night, Stunduy, Auguel 25 aI the Shwartz tiseater. To Play Wauconda-One nexl Sund"y thse Libertyvîllo Remblers will meotthme Waucoudae ou the fair groude at Libertyville. A good gan e ooS for. The, Everetts defeated lte Warret.u base bail tem Sunday by the sc oref 9 ta 3, L Bemond of the Everettsi tîr- jiug a erng gane. Ouhor, wbo offici- ste la the-b e r Warreuton, r"e o but pour support, mauy errais beug ceikel egalual Ithe Warrento u-ye * NexI 5MaI5 te (iibhe Maraous vil amel te Everts on the grounds oi laI- tero named tem.. A bard gan e ieex. ivanho. D.foated-Ivanhaoevas de- i feated- Sunday by' the l hoirtyvilo Ramblers by a 4 pn 11core. Thse games vas à. o"- . esslug for W . X axbiere have so, t.frthi eason van twelve out af thirteen gwom MaMred Mon P&y-The Giraylcis maremr e lte Long Laoiestisa mtal a o la çmpi& TM in a IAn nltBuu L aoosg ak thse Wanconde te cmarlotêttg tem 9. Notic et 1 mei Iuc h An nmaser iMusons luinLake eont Y,. id titir familou I " i~elfrinsIsa Scorlialiy rsqnsstel.»toattelnS a Nom*i pjenic and on lgat Bay" lar on rup~S commence et 2. p. m. sap ocet a-.800 ald 800 P. m dms eton te pari 25 oelfs. peeial tableé d'hote dianer on grauie at 6*00 P. M. et Ji per plats for tovtbm Se dénot na doemlt. ties, LÎket lunchssi. SP9elW Srae,on the C.&,M. L iaiva.y for *0 stoccasion. Cames cud enjoy a pliseat 7u &ternoan and evoniug uSsei itea1is- ho ncsa the Wauiegau Commandery, mu. Bv~Pueus . C. eld s: e les lat ea- lat the re- a, Ml- o! un- lm- 'ild de- ake uise ou D. lch ýk. A. Sa- 41 lStte o!fIlinois, County o! Lake, as: Circuit Court of Lake County. Oc- aober torm A. D. 1906. Frod C. Stuckei va. Erua Margaret Stiiekel. In Cbancony No. 2997. Satlefactory affidavitltaI lte Se- fendant, Erna Margaret Stuciel, la nt a rosideul o! the stete ofIllinois, où titat proceas canuot bo serveS upon ber bavlng been fieS ltu thte oitieso!flte Cierk o! selS Court. Notice le therefore bereby gîven to lte laid Ems, Margaret Stnckel, defendant as aforeseld, ltaIlIte above named Compiainant heretoforo il led his Bill of Complalul ln eald Court. tut the Chencery s eetIereof. and that e suinnions titeroupait IssueS out of eeld Court egaluat lte above narnod defondant. relurueblo on the lIraI Sey o! lte terni o! the Circuit Court Ot Labo Couuty, t10 be bolS et lte Court House ln Waukegan lu saiS Lake Connty, on the firet Mouday o! Oc- lober A. D. 1906. as la by uew Te- quirel, anS whlcb suit laestili pond- In. LEWIS O. BI1OCKWAY. Clerk. Waukegan. Ilinuois, Auguet 22, A. D. 1906. Haona & Miller, Cornplaiuent'a So- licitors. Walsh MaIle Aursi We are lu recipt of a Communication tatlng tbal there vas an emrril a ru, cent ulalement Mals oouornlug lte Bhrn-Gserlclont vtreu it aies Waalrao4 of l enrjcouny vus @aMI »ohave Igurol aaskisgtebvst. lui Welshla "seul .&bve nthe amlpicg oos m "à aot *r.W OSfes 2ud Floor Houes: 11 ta 12..1. it a 8and 7 to 8 P. ni. Libertyville.Ilîlinois orixC9 O av Us vmoà a vLOIee. 0 moýus:-7 ta 10 a. m. 2 t9 4 anS 6 ta 8 P. rM. -i B.ieslece an Broma>, oppbsite Pari. LihorlyvIlle, IlBuisis DR. C. 1 GALLOVAT, orrice ovzie'e nette avoza. natta-tram 1 ta à anS ô to 8 p. rm. Uhortyville, luisais. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. AMIOBEY AT LAW. Lihortyville, lUiaI. 0 euaxa 8U. DL . H. SMITH DENT SBT. prmes OVEs lAg£ co"TrvDAMeN. aocse-8 t. 12 a- a. andS i1t. 5 P. a. DAILY. LibertyvMle. luIsis. DL, GOLDING DENTIST Hours 8 to12 am.-l to 5p.m. KaIser Block Lihortyville, Illinois Eve "PKïIA, V N Peulore lunHat Uldék Fridaje mal Saturdlqe BOUr@ 9 tu 11:80 a. ni., 12:w 0 9lit No charge mal.for .elas~ LÀbertyvIlle IM GSod Grade@ ai fair P"e DOORS. WINDOWS, MÔIS INGS, SRIOK, ILIMf PORTLAND CIMgNT S' à" PIPE, DRAINi TILIE, ETC. G. 1-L SCI1N FARM of ai l Kdi With Thoro.ughnessa AND « Dlsatch WILIJAXM IAYCOK UbsN. t. Phbea ;wO7 csm.toer WriofIl Crre.ponduadecs o1 126Gseê$ Waukqaa AM SPAVUN spavins but v asle Thte tremt ve wgiv lea tharough aw mal asg oua You lou't have to lo by te bora. A trW iavii onvinosyon t" vo bave gaital 70Vu bave boeu looklntg for. Prairieklm PIh ptLikOom#- DY . . . TTERFID, = VETERINART SURGEON. ioj MA555'ÂT a'rAva ItOMvastes. il-Q Lihorvilie.lisais. stoat lnuinri. se LYNCH EROTHMR Li"erinaConnection Phone 387 Lihortyville, 111. :?ils W. G.,RAAEE M.D. C. Veterlnary Surgeon and Dontisi ie Resideuce, Half Day P. 0. Prairie View âdl àiu Illinois 'Phono Llhorlyviuie 184; â A.CL STEAM Sissaum LAWTER 218 Washington Street Waubegam, 'Phase 2761 M A. HATCH., D. î Physicien snd Surgeon Fox Laite Stock Fe-m, Ingloeelo II 'Poe882 34~

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