àad WUKGA W KYSUN VOL. XIV. NO0. 49. tSWAVER Ma a.Chomese *y People But »ef.ut.d by Clrcueenloea At Primari« lu Make Mune PETITIONS OUT FOR SIGNATURE& Pelitioni; have'tîsnatrsîrdand -wil lielcrclteildby frienile tof J. 1, Swayer for nîgtatireanlitiidem thet bis "orme mey appear fin the bllolt et the general election it Noverahar for county entr. Il wll be necesnary for Mr. Swayer b hbave on hIbis etltion La !,,:lt twO pér'cent of the' vote cent at the lent genérel electloandet ithe 1er'- irovîden thst only titose who dîi not vote et tbe prinserleasaolicSint to mnké up the requlmed two percent. This la net a dîfficuit proposition, however. as no meny faliedti 1 vote at thes prima- iez. andi whillé 1004 signature% J3 q S enougitau ilarispcre. at iéast t300 nmens viii be etipendédt t-thé Iwayer pttions. Btti Question of Candld.'cy. ThiI action nltien al dotlit as 10 bir. Swayer bélng a- candidate, andi déspîté thé trenuoun efforta that have beau matie hy trieudseaud sup- portera oif Mr. Hentice to detér hlm fronm accedlug to the great demnand to rémein a candidate on the grounsi hie vas the populen cholce et the prl- mariés, hoha$ies net hie lot wth the people. la thé proceedume iitw neceesar>' Mdr. fiayer has to sisal oniy wltthUe elecîlon lawe whleh mate adequate andsiIntelligent pîrovision for placng oif names on the elecîloît tickest by pé- tItIon. He willi nol etcounter entan- glements reasonahis to éxpeci vere he et te mercv tif the new plimery lev. wich Laike couttv Repulcaite kf now by actuel expérience folin lu It; tuost ensential purpos., the choice which han lnsptréd lttie confidence lu conséquence. There la no posalbillty of ai sreversai tof thé expréssed tieci- s'ion of the people, an lu Augint. Cioem o01he Majorty. An han ne oft beau rehéarsed .M r. Swnyer van the candidate b>' najor Ity cholce et the prImarlen. recélvlng 190 more votes titan A. I. itendee, vito lo the convention or ilelegetel nomînee. It le thîn feet anti the over-j rettrenentation et Zian City u.ut>' conventions vhlcit han no tîrreti thel Ire cf Réitubicans ail oser the county and gîven inipetita to the iel n that lie standt by the deci tiof the' votera. Peope& Ont>' Resource. Wifh Mr. Swayer suit ii the' tact' ls offered att iîoljxrtiînit), fuor voteris ici an.,ert their ittdivildulity , 10 ay f lun.ah-e ttitnty fi t abie niajortty osr nlioritytitis lu titIs tua tur tof se'- iect-ig art>' catndidtes'. Theme la lnvouii'd a tîincufl' a heu a fîjîale tii t ite Ru îtticein. lu witi lie the s-td.aiir tif Mr. tIeni- ti-esaftiuloiîg ta confuts party aet filiation wtli affiliation îta îarty bosses. htnt iysit> to the grand old larîýl aleadisai tauticl Rsiublcaus ta, Vote for NMr. Swayer. an the popu- 1er choicesoratifa mjrltv îof tieit' perty. Becatsse Mr. liensise van the con- vettion itoittes daeflot argue he la the betts'r Repîtiican. lHe van de- feated at the lrîmaries liy Republ- cane anti yet b>' the graesotf a new anti untrled .primary 1ev van the Re- pubhlcan namîtîse lii conventiont whicli very feet nmore tait anythlugj ese eccouuitn for tite generai tiemanti NIsr. Svayer egan ftles ecas ta the people, andi under a reliable ant firI election 1evw hlch allove tof no nucli Inconunitien an thons possible b>' jîrovlisonn of the prlmnry milen. Ziona Statue Irritates. When Zion Ctyn eapportlonmieitt of thlrty-nix delegetevan madee h vas a thrlving place oif man>' thounanti ln- habitante anti entltled 10 the repre- sntetion gven It on, a henie of the numbér of votes cet et thie preceding prentientlai election. Tode>' fitean tielégatea vomiS reprenent thet cit>' ln thé proportion te whlch It laeéntitieti, anti bail thet numben luteati cf the numbe r cf thirty-slx heen lit the convention, Mr. Swayer would have béén thé nominee an véli an popular choice of hie perty. It la thîn aitogether tînjunt cotubi- nation of circumeotance wlch lu- duceMr. Swayer'n trieudseanS thé refit anti file of Republicen n laite count ' to uisnt that héie ppel hie cane te thé votera, anS hie victer>' will hée adécldéd one whén the peoi- pie havé a chance. "*To Cure a Folon." seyn Sam. Kendal. of Phllllpnhîîrg, Kan., 'mest covér It over wth Buckt- len'a Arnica Salvé and thé Salvé viii do thé mét."1 Quicitéat curé for Burns, Boilî, Soren, S&ade, Wounda. Piles, Eczérma, Sait Rheum, Chappedl Had, o eé t andi Sure Byee. Oui>' -Uc et P. B. Lovéli'n drug store. Guaranted. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTYI ILLJNOIS. FRID&Y, SEPTEMBEII 7, 106-8 Pages * s plans cempleteti for thé 9reat Laites Naval Tralniug Station et Nortit Chîcago soenmt toIndicate that the achool wllU ho thé most compflété anS beautiful lu thé United States andi perbapa lu thé venld, as Indeeti it wiii have te hé ta accommodaté thé 6.000young imen vto wil coulé théré ou Its opening. ýThe entire npval tation réservation lis te ha perkeS end It la stated that Wauitegen complté wth thé plans tif thé Outdoor Art Leactie carrled out wili net hoid a candis ta the nsw lu- etîtution. D!EGENERATU M UNDER ARR!ST Taken et G.' A. R., Encampment Charged i Wth Makiafg Atiacits ont Olti Soli's-Now in Count>' Jail Benjamin Bénson. a catk it re uéof the -béel. et Druce Laite durlng the Pest yéar. vAn Fride>' taken 10 the' county joli from Orayeleke. vheré ha' wan arreated yeterday charged wlth being e pervent antia e Senefals. Benson. vho han nat beaun unpectsd héforé, vas caught yénterday et the old mldir' réunion, whéré he van attémptlng te ettecit thé olti noldiere. Heé van arrenteS on complaint of William ;L1eonerd andi Robert Sarley. vwho tietectét i hm. Thée aeuts are saisi to have béésu the moat dinguting te. have beau et- tésupted Ince thé oný oneaiboy let Diemend Laite. Frent thé nature tof théenesaulta and thé tact that théy verée ttémpteti on thé olti noidiere Béenwatt nearly killed. Hé watt everely beaten and Intérferénce vasnuecéeery te keep hlm from being lsjuréd. le van trléd et Grayeleits, fineti $140 anti hrtucht te the countY Jaleli hère thin morntlîg. DOWIE TO SPEND WINTER SOUTHI. Announc'les oviii W;nter ln Mexico ReturninÈ ln Spring in Full HItih -Meanwhile wili Continue Fighl in Courj». fl a ltter rmai l sture 3(X) ot thé tatliful et Ziou Uit> tabernac'le tunday atternoon John Aiexaîstisr loutaie stat.'d that lie eilrsturfs tai Mexico tue isnd tisecttiiinO viiet*'r. 5Oniaaettinttif tise rein Dr. Dotîns diti îot ieve Shiloli houssé. Tise ejisî s.rosihit v attrt-tit iuy Eilser Aringtoit. -Titie liescosu' a hen î u itî suett- aîtelieuséiii tsekilitgth"t'a..',f'î a higlisr tht' attitude Jttlge tandis hait talien we tas ettxpect lhînititîtrt'nur a jumt tlt'-itîi. go thei" ia.'- iiuttt lie tppiaiei tu a iîsg'rî'court.i-itftitv i dejîamt for 1 ..'X,'o I t'xstolu have' tîrraisgt'stentus Prt. Doiet i'dss-artud tiit liév. ii return frosu Nexici t mIupriui ilîil itealtt. othpr 1,n the ..zlillîit nd help te > make THE FIR uptihe .Lot 4é of the gr.'at Lakte Couuty ONCE'M()RI oiiicTe ý a a S ~4I~TII ~ cool tand it l , btttisst telsef t0i tise MMM S . go iimg laC. t 'fiurday will break ail records. ~Thursday le îalled Lakte Shorte De! LEid ui'.ety wvill attend A Record Dreaker laEXzpected in forace. lu altos. rerrisgep. On tIhe and Everytbisg Looklng electric they wili tîttu into tihe Occualon.e grouînds. A piiuefor O , n.. The borene rae. r- aU i vell i 5ud ansd - good lields wii selrt in t'ait erett. Tjhe RACES WELL PILLE» ish laté. tfhfbrs.sto ..m[Ipsî..ins.ures fir tinte and silo- î.'T*rottine. PROMISE TO BE 0001). pa'ittg tnd run*4g inr,'s vili h.' hehit - stitit seterîsoon. ;Tiî'î mgranti for t h# 'rie fair ix .t eainhere. Gld> stltîresi Iiit t wtdey'>: i .trips .of bunting, dont in the br4'sn TiI'it"àv.Si St t6. 2.24 trt-............ ........ ...3044o Thei fatkiriantd hon isrm are itrewien ca Free4o-irali psé ............... 404) c. itt him e .'ie. Tentnis art' hurr3 isg 2:3. ae .... ..... . ... :.... 100 baï r nd forth. iiwrtrvilis ree, - uile 41l3ih, rmantitte......... .... 5 tn'rUttt'a ith the eCI'*i "Ol.v a d<lut .the ritIDAYv, S.'i'i î7. Itir gr..uî.ds. Butjustgoitigdo-o-owii." '2:25 luise........................*34> iit;ttatrmp n-ieing warînsd up upion the Fue..hîr ail trot.... ............ ..... 41n) tracit and t.verywiasre the exhifuittu ae. 2:104 trot ...... . ..................... 34K)0 heing gut' tirer and exainitactib>'- tt'i isu'milatuls. ruanhs.. .............. 15 (; t h rougstigOf <ralout. . Tiw uuai nef-g ii u uî.tîîled The fair i. ist.'s flitorswith uis. Tht. ,l.ý ,,rkigug aBW*y finuî .i'ar ife. M9'- big potattes, the. talit (ntor, mmtîstl ng piuttièarse a 05 Tu i atpntA lire suit flowern, appleo, s'abbagesea.nd ail; isjgc.1ow, a it sf()ttuai' pigz, a enake t#- produêts of the foait are to li' e eater, a gyps'f'tîu.i- ,ral torts a. Itainitngt. and drawhua, the onedework'part oft tseë 2- 4~ donc eit laire bours ail vie with easci Itiie' idwai'. DOWIE BORROW? isleriglit for Zlo: to Ilaurow ?"4 -NO le STOLE! Dtor Dle l 'iorrow ioni voit?" 'No," came the arîrat r fhîni a Stormy Stene in Last W ednesday jhtindred people, 'he î,lt' Night's Meeting When Bills Defends, Bills did net pressihi' qutestion. Eijah-Priddie again tu Fore. Priddle Bobs Uip Aglain. IPriddile, the self t3. d uophet ah., Wednsday nlght, lu a meeting cou- s ae bentshed from Zîîîîîanme tie1 ducted hy Eider Bille, candidate for ega fer prophésylué against Dowis, oVérseer of MIon et te comlng edecj arose lu the meetinîg andi aald"ines tion, Mrs. MJaicolin. a couain Of Mrs. lie had retuirnéd toeXimii li had learn-t Dowie, addrenned thé meeting and ar- ed tuany thinge. gued for a reunton oif Zion as lt was i He had beén wrou.g, )w sutated. atnt] under the doctot. and the stopîittg of wislisd te, take back iii, itige he liau ail the strife. saîi egaînst the dacîni -tow aboutt ler naid she 1;,, e isdoctor lad tte $!.00 you wotn tuithe doctor srrd, butit tt wllfuly, and ehe gave ,tî),that damage euit '- alitaionitini -xt'usfsn te 1)3 otnt'for e'.ery charge flie audience. agal ual hlm. -1 Intenti te gve ha i ak and ilat' She wae followed by 11111e. who t-P thlng 5e e ayowi- Zion.' lie re- viewed hie îtiatform and policy tof bor- itliedt .hi hIe mai i, ers ttot greet. rowng for ZMon nitould lié be eiscted.'esi wilh enîhuaissam. t la thonghtluit A lanky IndIvidual et the réar arose Zion that he la s-, long office under i iz hIe st andi ankesi, "Do yen thli jt I Billest case of-biis. eUtton, DRUICES LAKE US ONE Of OUR PRIETEST INLAND RESORTS.L One Pheasani Féaluré. Otte féature oif the Laits ceunI>' faim he vlch In naiatidfrom yean tu yer anS viîcIle a source oif greet peenître tithé cravdelu inat tendiance, le thé meeting tof acquatnt- T1he aa4-nntpanyiug ilusration ehuivenia">'beaulifutliîiiuuiiabave hlt set-tc ancen frtra vamiaus parts of thécotn- a via-v of lrure'o laite viit Ciiittsids.na upon théir aiîsrî's andîl sre umed ani0tiî- t>' vit e edonu seeccli tiér et any 1liahit e fscdistance. The-se tum lalsauviolfuir usiii. - îîstingn i.>'tii. othn mé. lpet h fi aa i are îîssosg lIse preltiet iu tle M.vlulChicaugo on-nets.- lu tn>'renléct th' tan l a ic iuit î-gioîî of tisis. L.aketé-unts.u. Tht'>' M thé chi.iu1ii i iu uts li erhl.tît ti plcnic, and familles mate it c point aejiv yaraulwhc a e -tiona ait&ip we*.Go te spenti an éntire de>' npou thée r- w t-lLvacsnp lte asbe se tsi îasa-uîît- ssr.<ut grounds, brngiug Ihelr iunclieonn viit'téd anti déépenesi ns) fltul tusishi huii'leteara hmii it,-1téere attudout anti pre-amptlng shaetinooka for théeiiisaisre botfs tay pias frouîtonet fathe éxt-eléett suîîîuî,-îi -iilîenn. G. xi. aérviug. Many' people conte ut to ethen. iiharmus aid illuiatitVent Wii née thé crovila anti are w1llng ta con- lîmuté's ak- h. aIse itnuîn an St-tond are veili inow-îî auuuuîîîîr. remoit tkels'rm tnlhule to a situelr opporttînity for laite and in us link lu thé chaisi nituîtanti welconî lt-îtth, v.'hatarmi- at others. Fimt, Slcc<nt, Thirsi anti Fourtht laite, thé laite. Thene feattîrevilI undoubtétil>'be the prouier namena ofvhich tare lne, Thèse laites. eiiîiîan setviable reputa- mûre In évitiéncé (hie yean then evén. Drue',cbittendenus anti lailtitîirsu1e ion anti are î.xv-litiosta1hy freefront and no mare delîglîttul place couiti1 laitei. respsstivéhy. abuses tif thé lit1uor r f til anti iinsirei hé selectetiforan anoutîug than thel Nons tif thèe,iaks'e are upoit au>' éviha. Olplaces i -gooti home etîting beautiftil fair grautis ot thé associa- airoad andtuch have ta hé reàcheti b>' il h. bard ta u i-ptsams thém vifi tian. Iacceunts ortonlsh eiténrai favuritiant ________________buse tagé. Dinug thé paet fév.' 3-ane nhown towarul tîîcîu. THE BRONCHO, 2.02. Thé Stele Board tif Agriculture li contractéS vîli Rechan & Doble, et Winnuipeg, Manitoba, for Thé Brou- cho, thé vorlisspéeriesn padlng siuéén. to go agalîisettlitslinois State Faim tract record oif 2: 00 % et thé Illi- noie staté tair n oi uetnesdae>, Oc- tobén 3. Thé Broncho asat hed anS trainéti ln Illinuois nduSbanthé récorti-bréaking habit. Shé brota neveu vorid's rec- onde ln eue attennoon lu a race. What vîli abc do et thé Ilinoin Staté FaIm on thé atetnttrack lu thé vomiS'? Simpiy smashi aIl her ovu anS othér records. Wednetiny, Octoher 3, vîli be Broncho Day et thé Ilinoisn file Faim; mate thé day a record-breating eue; mate It thé bIggest Sa>' et thé tain. Give thé név pecIng quéen a royal réception. Libertyville Trotting ,Association G3REAT WESTERN' CIRCUIT MEETING SEPTEMBER 181,19, 20,'21 AND 22 MILE TRACK2 %ih Ca. Horses fr-om NearIy Every State >in the Union to Cooepetelfor1- $2 79000.00 IN PURSES c Corne and See- the Best Racing in the West P Admission 50c. Chidren over twelve 25c. Speciai Train Ssrvice b J. W. LU'rTRELL, Président. J. S. Gate)uy, Sec. REUNION US'GREAT SUCCESS The Deçremamng Tht. Bine LIne BoloS. til Another Gather- lirg Wli lBe i'ew More G. A. R. ELPCTS ITS OFFICERS Gsasake. Iii.. Xitg..1i I-lsîvet 1,000 aneîti2tllii tfautiat tonsdtithe att- nusal retuioît ctt Lake etitînt v suldiers andt saihîtrs otf thle civil wasr atI iks grove in Greyslake N u-erdau- andt there' aes ieitiasu Iutall aven Laite cotînta-, nhffiy %%tsîk(-gan- litesattendlng. Thé progratwas tiaîbiy inîsu est- Ing fnom the' tact Ihat the thîn lins of biue le thinnfiu5 1ne asthe 3-eri rail on andti Ibre viil hebcman>' more camp tires ansi neunionestîucluas --'- éing ielti. Program Wu@ Interetlng. Thé boys' tirtîtaendibugle 1corps openeti the îtragram. Rev. J., A. Wai- fou then pronotinceti thé Prayer ansi a song by he G-'néi A.ry Ofthe R@ ptublie Quartette of Chicago foloveti. , Camp lire stor-lea vere then relatéti b>' Gênerai J. H. Gibbn, of Chicago, anti au atdreen was deivérsd by Hon. il A. Dîîîn cf Watakegen. Rev. J. A. Walton. Hon. Charles A. Partrîige. asiJutent generaI of te Grand Army tif théeItépîulc. tif Waitegau. ansi Vice Comumanden 'lharleB. NWilson Ihén delivéreti atdrensen. Atter tr sang, Ameica. b>' ftle bu- Inuse audilence. antia eonoab>'Rev. J. A. Waitout. voiunsteera matie re- marte andti lid atomie, tins otthéfe.te- titres bslng lts theitrese tof e negro Prechen vho, anslie . éxprennesi if, 'Le&nt coiortor thflisoccasion." lunltse atternoon Long Lake played Grava- late et bane naît anti van. 13 ta l10. $1-50 PER YI Electric BestInluLandi. One of thé expert ssîutortîen ou the lilu state thet lte ('hicago & Mil- waukee Eléctmlc Raliroati nay saely be cennldéréd, viten completéti lhrossgh te Milwaukee, thé best la thé worîti, and authorîtién genemeliy agre lu tim etatemént, 'an viii Waàkiegatu poplte ahe havé tled numbeme tof aiter lUnes lnvarions hparts ot thé The C'hicago & Milveukeé Electrîe itailiranti Companyle bnltlisig islsilue fom tl lfitnie. mntutg a motiel tif ail- rond anti trolley uine c-onstrusction. atîd lte rondi bet i viIpr-tbable lent maîiv hundrede tof yeame. For epeti. rt'giîarltvtof sertvice, harrIng e few accideénts. for saféty anti accomtmoda. fiuuut imross ronkulislret. M AD BULL GORES - 1hORS! TO DEATII Infurixteti, Attacks. Tsw e 5inix1 Open Abdoaeî.'Aln le t '1s Aiment instantly1 A lssrtt.' iu.-iturt luJuiblîSuytilani, v. tî lires îlturtll%%est tif t.ileîtyvjle1 abit t t-s uti. iasgurt'd tsi deacIl laet wseit lv a ft'rus-isoslîtî11111 hicli9 littnsl.'4 tI lupsoîîl te highwa. 2uMr.1 Suydatu halul luni tht' hormeitiots'ultoit1 te mi'sd. A neiglilaur. Jo utla'rkierhdi turiiesi out moins tle. AI hosrde sand the cattîs a-crs-grit±ing cîsusé tsgether'i- a-helas îil bevarue iîtfîrhaîetl anti atteket tht' borne teariîtg aersitbill abdomepn andtti tti'ngà out Ilis sutraln. Théelionne iveal oui>' a few iiomentts alter the atlas-k. KENOSIIA DOCTOR 15 ASPIIYX1AT!D. Leaves Gai Burnng-Wind Biows Out Plame.andi Délhii.Resut-wife EAR fI'A»vA&Ncjt iMoXn 8iusgedon -Rand Wie' Club Whlle »rtvlsg Along Country ir«d CASH AN» NOTE TAKN WATCII THRoIWN 4 4Ay. HanS ltîck ant i volence seem tb be followîng ln the foolttpe et the Stelubucs. Lest week Fred Stein.> bock van nt et etDiamonti Aeéwhii. ilisgaily lehooting ducce ont cf BsaSe aad Itle n ald vîthout a licenne; D hie brothér, Henry Stelnbucit. la the vîctlm ot foui pieay. Thé latter whP vanta for tharles Barilett ieylng cemént sildévalca and % han 6esu employeti lu Wý nu anfor neme-.tlme. van héldiUp Wednesday evéning wlilé "et it van bro»4 day llght on a country rondsinlagged and -Pibg-?hIeiise'confaifntg $9, tv -17 note., une of tem for 1110., andi a mortgage. Stelnutck itati een sent b>' cou.-' trector Bartiett ta his ferm at Dia- moud Laite for nuipplies anti vas e turuing te 1sanketgan. A littie alter 6 o'cleck hé vas lu Libertyvilie sand halti a talk w,»h thé chief cf police relative in hIe brother who w.s shot, on thé SBunda>' béforé. Hé thén leIt thé tewn fer Wauitégan. H.ld Up la Oaytlght Iu front cf thé Colt>' tarm, ou MI. waukea avenue ;ansi about a mît* nouth of thé Seugatuck' cornera, ha wem stoppéS hy thé tvo men *ho helsi hlm uP. It van etilI board Saylight One ef thé men asteS hits vhere lie van coing. Hé le saisi te have an- nwered that hie business van hls uno Thén ene cf thém gresped hlmi boa by thé bit anti hé other bit hhp over thé head wlth a Pick-axe handie. whlch hé carrleti lu hle hanSd. Stéinhuck tell from thé e et adthe 1 anti Chiltiare Overcome, ivo"pouneé upon hlm. Hé stIi ýha, B>'. i-loti.. A. Daimut.) -conniderahie- iight lu hlm and thég Thet' tenl3-slxtl animai réunion Kestosha Ia greeti>' stimnesi sver thé thug bit hlm tvice More, once la thée of thé Laite Count>' Soisn anti Sali- accidentai deatb b>' asphtyxîation or beci auS once admis thée Ullgb. OM tire ' asnociation auusuesi veatérsay Dm. Willam Cleéver. one tof ber lng ho vu iatmtheir unerocy be ttnllr thé most susapcionscondilttios.n irant'iltn h>'eiclittiî ast veét. malueti quiet -vhlle thé moun venu Thé a-éatlitr vas perfect. Ftle )r 'iéé. rte tfCelnthrough his Pocicéts. Hé baS a. ViItt Faitor-Dr.Cheeera bothe ofChalesable vateit, but theY spurned Ibie. nangemtasl le ien matie la vél- tlievertif Wauitegan. vas fosîntitdeui throviug it lmb the Sitch'b>' the roeS- camé lte boys, anS Grayalake vas n l lu s hiedtiThurada>' momnng about 8sieveeitas feraSond gala tineen. When Il conetéanys- 'ctoci adsat h e teatîdi taughle i he r " lit w Oapinha.,.lXW lait th inebitntetifth - fluneit-vsm nconnclous. Afttr tatlng vhat valanabies b llias Itîg village cannot hé beatéu lu giving Tht'>'have nîncé régeinéti cottediout- about hig pérmose the nien lieS lovaiS th- nid nohsilére aata veicomé. tuson atsd iliirecover. bust thé phyni- thé DesPlaines river and aSs their, The lboysa etnuttenceti bo gather as, clan van tieS wlin foutits.,.Tite mai éscapé. Thé holdup la eue oft. the eryan tel'î acîtieta.n. u i'i ell- i'éi iaovereti thém. boISent te ha pulleti OUf ot eceat date. isîg they hlednothineti do tint swap Tht' tieth vee accidenttal. Tht' htThe usoiat>' etthé attecit ta thé yartis astdi lov the ' vititait. B>' event-1 1 1amlý311 lelce(t mors to1lié vondemed et an it took inîg etai ltitis hindi-eti ofthe liva i -otiiart t ltlie l )riei utlite ttace aithîn a busînstradrile of a liai gatheicti. At -iglil p. ni. the' boys ibouses shich islaheateti livgan . a an ntbouge lanS lit a Ibickl>' nefiti joînd nst pihrocessionandauh beaded ibu' !f*iiiîil f0lis-fuirsied onast i hutm ne igihbooi. te lra>-ntake Itie antitidrtun conta 1i lug andtusi ttiîhave lien sigtt a.il niarchedti the flic îîtituîi grave where' jl19htf the' exercices are always fieldi. Here , Forgut lu Tumn Off Gaz. RAINS BRING a liugsboline halilîeti huilil. andtS aur- t n îhtliîaî lie ioctor lit î M NiSIlS rnîsding il ft-e e avret'ual uti ll-i - l.inig otil i aku lht n ogt tit cus unit iciisaitis i9- i - ast 2.10ii1 - ilal utt urc awalting the exeuuugeii ti t utl îlOf eitT 10iiLuiebd. An-%Vi),Fermera are Hippy-FuIl Fai sl Thv a m tire sxcrcaie i iiiiîu ru lunt-e hileheit Was opsît anil Iinsuréti by i-bey 'Raina which Have The Coianuts l- was aet orott hsl ho 1t Illeîî i i u- itti1",vîli- r' theîil,'gas Fallén Plentifuit for Somne Dîys associationî. .fler a i fa- a-cii îts l e l-fle i- îilii 'iidcals Il% ium i o Past. su r'eniants lie lîîrnt'd uIlecamptîhi le l.M0). aver ta Catîtrade Citas. Paritige lt ioî1ciirg ut utai res-i . ie -'t. l'ie armns tliruîigl)tîîthle veitt'mn vito isi hishatîtiesaivelu int-ultîîteui a1itî li l e ae tiikutilt,' 0)01 -pelt o tif I lints Waho a mosîth as the' speakers. Thets peakutte ace s- liî-u. \huidisetredthetus-liîcttî i-unop eavti eur tessara-nomu-ail stiien. celhent. anti lstithe î-iîîsst att I C it ultiru-ait v iel ti td ii nas jit lIniTh,'hi li-îaèe leiIrvaat haon oftheliautdiencte,. u wl - -n ron n ' lu'- favni-tht' tives of the nifs andt -buriteti ans toïking titi a greén thst Tht'('ti utîîhl n't 'ei'e 1t ctît iliitei,. The Ituqiiest ses heis tii!; -ouid fait the sîînhehJ a n mma pi-ssent andl 1h(,' aîuîiiiîe couiti;(1Ot o uet tiot gevt titan>'oftif luir stitga. I' i a iiîiîi. biush. Canurade Steclbs. nliwhatlien titeslX l St'u i-î i Mw .ii as Allis- Mead hiitst i-ouinuu.l "ritit". lainis alittîtit tiotkno Stebs.%va thee ad (l- ýot'Wateegt-n"y ila>'for tise pat t urtuighit havé liîîîeth tu audîcienaIir'atî tI Vtil hitu.inters ipîsil thtrééhiuigbut havé m»ured tiîtei lt uiiiiuis n11 h- ifîs piett>'of rail tend. The muett ef té fIlus grainahétittrebe is luthés ak ansi Blesides tiîcs tti-i s- n sus-aî îîîîuîuher iIGMIWOOD AGAIN su the fananmevilii ufer prataiîy ne- Ofute ostî tîaliers lîresetas n-cii as BREAKING LhusIrn h nisasivh eeSua nots oif the' Lake cîîîîuîîu-bave. andiirois the Ihinlapropliésied that thé rl aa eturénl fly> lueiilteauadisten utîtitil a a tis omli ho hi Hsad Iilethé béat lu yenn isaur ansi évsuutietelcaudtilîee w omaopanhtTsirHnad 'h moath fti go. eut vaitîst nore. Thîts Spenti Eemnings et Oembling lu closeS onetof lte most sîscccsafîîî Resonts cf thé Viiiage. Toae> la thé gi-ett de' ofthfIe ns- 1Iligiuuiisid is det-Iareil ta ttc 'aidé e uttion, anti nc of tits targestgalber- 1 pn.t uttilionir.t'Conduitin su-ih n as mesq ever prenént et a reilotu lis as-ltsetRe. George E. Parionsi fough ith .1 itl sembléS. 18Ilastît mut-ettKil s, algain premiail 'e have an up-to. OffIcers Electeti. iti tti' vilags' iéar Font Sliiriditn, dlate steamvéil dmihiug Reunloît tffIcérs acre elet-ted ibimsti-îrdingto ts lt- t-t nt-I)ortm, . tfit it a îtiameond aflemnoon as ftiuiovs: %it innesigiitioii til uondtititttitusudnllh att.cbmnte tht Pretient-. .S. KEtlls, 6 Menas. "eItistu usittlattut'îlstv nîgl a ses antit tof wul silli thrugin "y Firet Vice Président-E. Giesetn,.37 es'tiiuiiuitsia viisg in b> lte e-use front tipth ut qufrioand, ~~~î.ie oflusuvul% iritgiti-eil ditithlegaiînes et -)ut-pn'sce la rtlilbit. Wé Second Vices Pressldeît-H. Domiîskl, Higlnitid aseîtikiug ail tée bouse~ guaratssatisfaction 96 Ili. îouîi nitine>'.andttei ls- sltrisiut i-large ThîrS Vice Presiîleît-J. Hlaycitk. lttat thé gaMjits are uit 'ou thé slnre .1 jý 96 Ii.'. hiaiilade. ain theanti - e e -U S Secrtar-Il W.Hal, 9th ndittir plia-s-s: 21et l. 10; 1 Wlclis s îut-'îtrandîeIfs-iig ol>uéa TreestireT-.1. M. Simpsoin, 92 111. 1iritîks on suttlai. t9r that ve11.W*. v1j Exécutive Boatd--a.son Latit. 96; iîevine'.4i, musitî-PoLt'r end lie andi- ny o oq H. M. Bate,Il Cav.: A. T. Lookt, 17 yftiiiliy Mleitioîns. Cav.; Thoman Strante.;Ccv.; 'hllieui id Jotues' saeiîon-Gliiing vith di,% ~- ii vlstumO Fuller, 96. #2VWiliam IN'ssitit& Matthe'umt litidvéissr100mti eb Thé atidmens w-en lv Jense Cale. saiioou--gehiig ta sîinors saou - Chapliluof ltse lova Stuiiene' Home. tindua>'. This atternoon anS évening thé Park hetël, rni by Ah Sitii-Gétbling. 4 Palatine miltter>' baud gave concerte. The fgasibiing gâeé are elS tan h Graylake van Mgain defeatéd 10 te 3 ruit b>' our Waukegau gambiers-Bain- m b>' Long Lake et basé ball. Général oré,Grisn rv nS",cGha@ . - Gibbs this aflemnoon gave humerons hEarte.boasttÈ bathénakés $3,00 Incidents ot thé van, ment h eean. I j lý-Il 1-