CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Sep 1906, p. 7

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pIy KNOCKS 'BM beee Thot accounts for its Popularitq ILOVELL'S DRLJG STOR E.2 ~EV<_*- I IÂRNESS' - SRO~ 1 amr nîuw In-a-d i liu,. e a tone in J. Eli, Triigge lîuîllru onu Sirsgup street. Tb'm Pelioloturute onf t.. mgiiiu c-î,rk as> i-au w le ithe ..itsitn,'. ivo-ac neiritrial. 1 SOLICIT YOUR TRAIE ANS ASK TUÂT YOU (iIVE -ME A TRIAL 0. 1. LUCE Libertyville COA Illinois UT IiOW ABOI j 4 j 4 j 4 4 j 4 j 4 j 4 j 4 j 4 EMMONS-MERCER LUMBER CO. ED)WIN A. BISHOP, M'g'r LIDERTYVILLE. ILL. lPhone 47 67 OOOD PRINTINO ...... Io a niecftssary element of business suecoss. Ordt-rs for Job Priîîting placed with us will be promptly and correctly executed. Rushi jobs our dolight Imported Percheron Stallion VELO Registerçd No. (24655') 44784 VEL o bcual black. with -- large star, let hind footL white', weighing 1925 1h. Foaled May 10. 1899s bred b-J Mon. . France. H was shèed by one' of the greatest sires in France,1 Desigue (1906) by Brilliani 19 11116 (2919). by Fealas, 2682 (38) by Brillant 189, (756) by Coco Il (714). 'by' Vieux Chu"ti (713). by Cocc (712) by Mignon (715). y Dam IR' olette (41821) by Boule d' Or (19129) by Grevin 6846 (6892) by "A 3065 (1334). by rlliant 1271 (755). hy Uiliest 1899 («756). by Coco fil (714). 67 Vieux Ch&"il (713). by Coco (712). hiy Mignon (71S), by4ieCowlaneiàc(739) VELOilMahàe the ummo .1 t theà=a3M a mlsu " of hetv~h. t *"lns re. Mugts une- V -W.ue %qsusus Hi Capt'au GEORGE In the, Ranko Tir. girl'lad compieteiy gîven way t cniu e a e m i uit. nef, f coutlo ber~~~~~~~~ eifoauw bt=trfra oo ac tir.kelnaket for You i oftf n do bterteferilucnstniefubut lit' beut rem. l ut. self mastery which wag a dom-1fiifr utm sofI, an.ln ,inant note lbler natture elle presenfly; natîrral uapato -kiuv a' 1o1,gun. y tire icai. 1mw mue!> coutrolled bersoif. m ey bave yen f lu ".Yen do tuot kuow ail."che 1sid bave $12.000 la Net, Yuk"- Yeon have uot hiard al f1 have ta tell 'Where tire tutereaf rîti- ,lire ernli yen. Yeu lhaîen 't heard tire moet Ii lterrnpted'lTaudy. 'Ylîîî c .îrt fa bring portant part ou t if.Ihavé'ouni! furhit Ifwesf. iviere it WUII ianiure. I un- yen cahat i1f iruglît ouint o veotug dersaad, YVorrre rlghrlt thfint. Thre wieu-wheu you aaked-lue"ttonal. . 1.est îIR thirpat-efor turu-.i amil iarey tu sf1tirl it tîtatoungbt f0 sttie tie nuat- do tii.. lst tiueyteu flt, îh.'mmeives. ter. but yoîr seeliute thinit-erbatre-This panrt ut the rlc:'oi iî-t groctug you uieht have ciîuîiîuu'E41nie. tir ut litte Jaiîk's beasaak. )-i muet have leuet -oh. 3cm doli't know! 'lire. rtnr' ottu-t'd t. But coue. 1 -'ont ta teikc ettier ressuie -.troiuger rensone. 171e11 yon for a drive amnur ai itaf show sons* tint nofhtig <au remonuvo" yen viclunt we are 4ullig l iridvbaf "*'rPlî tue rf hlent.1 niai, inle uO wie are plrnuilug teailo. 1I lt,îk cahe reseî,îîwliatptv>r finait collti aîlfY yon seec if yotV4! kîIiifia, yoursetf me." iwirere fa put your uuunutY. iarr YOn go "Ift1.> very funrd te teh i. Von ow wltli ue for a drive?" 1 tecer kuew ny iParents. Rtoth MY "VePry gladty. But firit 1lvint tu ar, ntet loinîu my t'ailier illidoithtie day range te birîg taoCsin> îîliaf mout'y i I wvatt iari. I seeru ftaituow my mofir-1 have. I1euay net waint t ,invegt it ali er. bew-nus.. alnie loVed lier RO0 mucir1 here, tînt Il wili lie hi>iilYta0bave if sud lu., frillidtafmnmumucir about uere, i ebenid Iliete f0lOitlitIf luu or her ail my lite, But ire nover talked1 bank asea depogit. But titiiet draw on ta e n ucir abouit ny fafluer. Ri" N'ew York for if sud g-ityen te ate l'anily ivas a gliOlléuu. lita fatirer ira'- my draft. Wo't yen dîr-i-t yonr cash- ing becît a bunketr. iviti orne rePUts- f er te telegnaph tthe utirthr National flou as au arftt suce. ,and! îîy ftler baillior New York, a-4..tng for what wias'lits partuer lu business. But fIat amount MuY dratta ou 1.11 Institutiou te ai!li1ituow of my frther-no. tirat wl fie liouored'f Thon, ,tie hn, cae gel lau't mcaut Iireauf te snîY, I nueuf te baci, from unr drive lIlI draw fer tht' say thut liant1l4 ail my aont ever told moue -v sud place It on ilericeit ivitit Eue abtouttituuud rt!il 1taewtirufil tire your batik. ivere I1t-au -or mny linott riîtt wipv oit rîî ake-.! uetIatona. tpon ît vircu uecessarv After >omi wenrt sa-sy that eveniug 1'1lie teiegîsu, wae s,itit. aud fIer, woul tia ry mrinonudii!tliougit tht' Mat- Taîudy took Temple lu in l iarnage, ter ont. i juive îlreitiy told 'on what une outhtient sflu Cani il(lirai tinie, ceýoitluuiueià 1rei-lItil. W'len I1usd sudd showed fhlm ai] ltnut.' lias of're- decidëeii wpIien u ntle's ruaot sud sOure lit ft'e town. , lîîîrîîîg uean- Rat ait the' ide ut lr'rcfuilasd to!d lber whlte ou tire pros]pILS .'t airo as il everytliiig -thti- rled titteriy-1 lddut future greet cormrt'ia 1 ndmi)anuotac- nirtiiid wyiryrttfiret, Affer awhilioturing î-ouler. lHii, utila il ele. cailti! eh'dîid't etai l ugret' iitir there ivas teble mIen natnt tilet) sail mei luny 'onrclusiotîn,eand added: te bînu: "'i'11 thînnita yoîî mention were ait, "Non, ltu,, au apeette ofn iisterik de- iat). 1I slrotld tel!l iiite stop tlmukitg celI>uit, buau s111mortý 'iitruse oie a Iloand lt NMr. Duncrtan Jndge for tie outhlue'dei'eiopuent rf i air,, luni bimnecit.,nt there ta eemetiig cime, a huIt un flie rountry znîaî'ail,îîîon Bal anrt'iilugvery drpadtrul, IitOV' tils rity, There le min.t l e det.. Pr lnttu'iii!ta itel! your rît tbtn ow 1 aud il ',;li equire tht'eirrestînreut of must. Vîîtr cubIlfinî If ont very mceeu, a grerit dciet uof lneé -But tht' in- ter Tauîly'a calte tnuws il. sud If aire vestuleuts ilipay ;a" nohiug Plate beearil n!t tîtere wae auytllnrg !etween promises f0, do. We muut have grain yen sud 3fr, Duncan mie woundMate lievatoreisud mlle sud ai licet et haste te taik of if, patlcnlarly alierIL We'ce two big flour mille aiready, wbat bas happened betweeu Tatdi and thore wili e two or tliroe mure aud %Ir, Duîî,'au. Titin yon would wtthiu a year. Tirey muet lave bar- nover torgive nie for nef telliug you. jrois le thouaud anid lnnset thon- "Sire tirent un then sud told me wirat eands, Now. a irauaof your Intelli- I mueittfellu yenSIfoid tme. 3fr genre muet se that eniu[ty arreis, Duncanu. that 1 arn lthe dangîter ot a %ueiug înîity. are i-osîîy tiringa te trans- fluer!"' port ei'er uonguistanusces. wîîîe tire The girl panseal. unable te go on mille muet Iîuy fleur aithtie lewest pos- Dunransw finitirle wae mnferlia ille price. (itherivise tl1e'y tant sehi acutely. and lie determineal tea parO fleur lu CeMîretîtion i ivlthfe mille Of ber. et lier vît les. So il,-ieaesetty ut lac'- "Vyon Must tol) nowc, B.irlara," ie iDg a big fiarrî'l faq-i-ory lucre la obvi- said lua acareseingtlune. f"Yen are eus, sud go le fil,,- prirt.t1iarn Juet overwronglf. i wilireur tire reat an- tormlug a rempar for that purpose. other fine wiren yen feci efreuger and We bave alaurrdnîjtlfitibrirgit ai @end fer me. t1uit gotug f0 55y gouat baud, Juet arrosa fle f we ri'ors, lu ulght uow, ao that yon may rosI. But Missouri and Kenfncluy. We rau mate betere i go t warît te Kay that uetiig ,srreîs at legs -o'.t tirnût tier eau lue yen baa-e toid me eau mate thele an liadt fer lu suy th,'r etty, white w. ditfereuce lu MY feelings er MY de- juave a local niarke't flat wil leun- ine or rny purposes. You are what failing. Tire î-oiuîîtuuy le cspltaliztd yoer are. Nothtug Piao matters, Wben yen teel strong cuongh 1 wîîî cernseat =2,000. aud s guis! part etof llaai. agalu sud persuadeO yen te le ny wite. neady enirecrilied'- Good ngîf!"lie did not sayi3îtiîsnoeof ti it As s Ic tooil'euglrali unt- been pald fer yel andtfinat lies'as un- tesable dstrem aclu ecer>' lh n fbruscc'essfully tr-irng l) fiud buyers for it. ft'rle st toca'avrd iUnpuoftery. *It'g a sure tiiu. The profitas wil! lut wtth extreme gn'iuetsm, sud rei- te large front, iwl,-znunuhg. arnd tht' ereiuîy kieed hm, - stock as seonan in, f' tnitory 10In luoper _________ d er.fleurivili umirlit, .o linr cent ait basf. If yoin 'vaani rlIiti'..iud orsauofut If CHAI'TEIt XXI. l'illjet yo n t i Iui-il ni-onud fleur. Ofur O N.Ilie nring lifter île cn- ewise l'iU ite il uî il sultatlloru ith ai tlau Wil> "Tînt ilipr>'"i's tiii, vury f:iu'rilly," Huilai,. iiard Temaple lad aswond Templ11 îî,îiullY, "fit su1 lite first Inte'rvit'w with Tan- euterprise Itseti 'ît unut prluchple« dy. Jewett, tireliotel preprietor, waii - -oee fat offers ils citly lu direct an- edt filmiintate ,'X National lbatk.ewer te a îîeuînunîî1 iauiprouiaîîy foot ilumu tthfe bauikparier sud lu- decide te fakituIlti" ol'fliaf stock t! treduccd thlm te the presideut, Intimai- 1 can gel moune -i ceîrtîles te goî lng ftate hoeuuid irî,abiy wlel tedo witlu if, btrfofr nui ac f the moneY I soute 'Iitui'se i-th flic li an sd as- irai-e f0linveat 1 ilil-.t-t4 stock lu cornu- surt 'rsady thf initt'eung man was glrtniqly estailliAnsls'il ,îîiassurealbusaI "'as square us fluey matle'en,,"lems. 1 I eioîli ii.lsllite iraut Taudy wcelconed the visiter cordial- stock. ltuier tulu r, tnt or Captaîn V, and wht'ni Ttwett lad bewed hlm- U1allaîu'a. VeutF- self out Te'mplîe ole noî rgotiatioue. «'Oh, >f43.,1aie. '. Vît itta neSt egg very csutiously sud iitI every seem- ftnt wili certaly ot-uet a echtcken. lIng of Idecislou, ris te wirst ire might l'Ilî undI t for yoîî. il'aiave thaftti ulflmuately dlîctde te de. tomrorow. .ÂnlîuiiNii 'n an sdvecate "I bac-e a littie mnouey, Mn. Taudy, et local investmienita. lti u utîni eVery that 1 May wauftealnvest. I'nr rather spare dollar t've g gainuttu filentsud I a trauger lu, Cuira. 1 wondcn If yen, aocaays advlse mi -tuuo egeIntethon,. ases laniter, wonld mind advling me, We're plaunnIng 1;1ialan d f-to et 0f course if t1iakt' auy iuveatmenta paggpatlei. lleet ed l I shall do stîrrni yon liant," -and a gas l arnt tieni- vorde co.yVeedetell "If lamny bustiness te sdvtae Inveat- yusudt'l al retli i Yr eu lIl eu ors, 3fr, Tt'mple. sud lu yonn case i' e enaent fato nwitumriir i w e eeo- aise a plensure. If t mn>' le permttot Ilg sud planrnng ttil lîen we'il finit te sy se. 11haut are yunn ideas-in a fil est plnces fuir. yii te put yenr genera! way. 1I meau?" moey lrfo. Ics gu'tiir5 late uew, seý "If ivoulit fîtsoniewiraf dîfficut for we'l] drive lack taf i lant. I told me ta"-fie-s. ilser te wanu fui' us, fIeugh ot "Oh. 1 qiite uudersud. Von haveu't course ît'sattfer taiititg heurs." yet made up yonr mii. Von waut tc On tirir refuru to rite liant escir ot lok about yen. eh? Weil,. thsa Iglit.thest'mrn e tiehoil 'Put lu a g00d There'. mono barra doue by baste lui day's wont," Tnîurutv suas sure thutiry, maklng Iuvcstncuts than iy auythiiug îettîug fhe Younig 'in bave tOÏ v';; senm. Çere- are lots et 'easeasd doge' eliares l i rly eqt4iIli'ulid enterprisea on the martet. Of course they'rQ a ire conld "nopehipLý,-aslire phraaed god bey' ometimes if a man wants eI uli .frthu',ank_ haae et so-. LUMBEÈ ALL KINDS- Good Grades at F'i ir Pricem. DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULD- INGS, BRICK, LIME, ACPI4A PORTLAND CEMENT, SEWER PIPE, DRAIN TILE, ETC. CG. il. 'SÇIIArck The le wntte his bote!. Hi4 first 'TOO LATE TO CLASSIIY Impulse wms fo #eud a message te LOST-A $"'aiivalie eh.tsepni iaîoîrd Captatil WiliHatllm askiug wbether Laite and I,.k'f.lrFinmer l,'ayoat b. mlgbt take the barrel factory stock. Ro.-ket.'ileptor le t. a"i perhapemouns otier things of Ilie .-. tind, lu aid o ut eue'e'aII in bi issioni. FOR SALE-24- ar a îciad t!,,,,, but upon reilection lho deedltu net futri,,, ýnol,. sat at 1 ofWaîrî'ouîa. upou hl@ own Juttgmort. wthOut ('Ou- Lske' îouîitY Ill. lrnprov-d witlî ni'rv imiltation or ada-tee. fHailaruhall giron r-' ,l'arnand .,l volit i ii 11and hlmn a free brand. iemviug fltm to work 11&4-'taSM>ry ont lîiîliliirm, ori-ardi timNi'- out thre îrublirlu nhis uwu uway. ADN i' itait,', vwte, 'ou.. ilose O> comtnic'tion thetwee'ufilmîniudHfii-i.ýI. la i1k.. !inîstlte' Molli kt 'nie f0 Ian, or betweeoubilamad udtncan weuld 10sîe n tii'at> %I;ike offer. iuvuir'e something or risk. So'he gat 82 Acre Stock aid' lirtar,, :t ,,îlh'a Wset otf Gleuv.îw. 1I.' .k îr ii. aloîto lu biq bote! ronit. tbluklug sud 1-th tueseaof Milr v -à . r avi plannîing. %%-!ltig-eo'ilia.- i ii îr î'wl He did Dot kuow or drean, how aux-t î aud ien rooi mi.t, a . r tous Taundy wsea to dru w bhili luto some ,îvî-tîrd eatrîttî-e for $150 ipi, a-rr, of blte chemes. lie dldnt krrow thlat 120 Acre Farm-N>'ari oi,..lelrii2 both tflicbarre! factory anîd the' gas e,,- toiles..f., n. i iýtlut llr .a t on i ur.oveti terprife'hal rei'ertiy hecome'v.'rltahi,' vitli gcsu. i his'. îandî.tliaual (,it white elolîbanla ou T'iadys bands, lie btilings. Good on>,,ard n it,7 did net know tirat Taur>dy. lunlbis eager- fr n$19m11liera-r., ness teo -errcavihtitllant. ladit a'eti-li- hav,, er oral goodui largors whli-h îr,îrým ed biîmseit ont Ilîe a Btrlng.' as liai- le - 11 'liteaaifioritl td-' tant pilturceqnt'ly îput t.l,'y,,luvestlng sît 1 .[t ErieEli" llid more mouey lu thése fwo compatîles jIivragî>. Iri aud severril tiers ilîrîrie cauid jmet thon epare. Espec'rrliy b,» did not kuOw %,, Voliva Mocks Dowie. that flattant litl iiinseî eurntlet,'îy Wle )owie lies wrlthing lit lain, orgailzedl antd >apiitiz>'d lioll a gaq St Shiloh boiuse. Voliva rîrocksanaid eomparry sud a l>,rreli corniry aud mimîle tire wirds. actioînsansd ftibles thaf Taudy's Iwo ceîîtni>irierpreserit- of theititlder of tht' faili. Aird i ed au uusuei'e.s'fitatt>'rit>t ru ria l)pltases thoultanide who a year %go ho- enterprises luita whlchlalhrm 1>>1il leved John Alexander I)owle as a "breatlîed tire tîreatir oflire.' tî.avv>'nlispire(i]îiropilrt. He was surpriî.eî. tiaevefoe, when a.," We waîrf ahepherda," eried vol- bell boy bronglît hrilu Taudys card as tva, "who wiIl not take the' alun front ho set there Ialu ita iorely hotel roon, th, iambs. They shontd lie satiefied planning flic morruw's campaigu. w i t te wooi. W~e waut 110tont' tait- "I1 thought yen mlgbt be loiit'y." said I,îg Goda rnorrey aud spîeî<iiug It for the Ia»ker as bie was ushered it thie dlamouds, frrniture and hundreda ut ton, ",îoclîrg ftaiyo'ro a arranger tlr towu. sa.1 have drojpod lu l'or a ui>rsersicai things," cat.' Scores BotsaMethode. The chat sery îînickly fell tutu fluai, 1 amoniy une lunZMon, 1but wheu a cia! elanuels. snd ic!dMot proc'eed urar, tallus or belng boss, arrd. Ir yon fair liore ihrewd Richard Temple dis- do, not do as ho 5535, threatoua to covered morne thinlgs or advantage te take ni)î by the' neck anrd bîtri yon hirusei3f.Amorîg thet iings discovered fromt ZIon, itlealime tlustcatihait. was the' tact nthr Tiy was sone- Yon cair noftirive ptiuîle l1k..a lttof rebat iisu'raiialotr, lu basten the bls- catille. 1 shaliInvite back th,' peuple nees lu hanil. lie liireued nith every wh1 have becîî whaekcîluvi'r the head ludivatilu,,of resî'"t t i aIllrira t Tan- ai,! rîld lu gît out. . dy brui to aay coîrcerriog tIre t wo stîli ' shah Irave' nu sheffh>'rî whtr wilij uulaurrched enterprisestht be arrel tac- go into a slc4 roum n s hoirt, 'Yoîî've tory asuithtie'gas -onil)i*uiy. lt aaked trot tht' devil lu yul,' Zior, îîiîst have Iutetested quîestlis e>2îiu-'rulrgftlent,.tht' right k-li utOfsbcpherd. arnd -i and aet f li rittî'iertly sure outli% hhdt' fiicssr-l8tr ler gronrd to venture r.l îttle trurfher. hl ii eesrl h teiy i To ý Oit il wdlho get une." Tii l..Cîiîf tiiiillBillem Charges Falzeheod. Stat (i Ilinos, otitv i Lke.s.,. : Eider Billîs, fhe Duwle candidate for Staieuit Cliort'if Lke oiint.c- ~general Overeer, declared he woîîld tîrler Term A.. 1). 1906. hv o a o h oiaedr Raymîond Il. .3if,i-rwnod ve. George ursde a brouîs@tu bonse 'anases sud P'arker, <ttarra Par-ker, "nuknowu urlisreirteeuted thet' r-le etafe ut af- lcirs of John P'arker, t'ct'ased," faire. Ht' eald that V'oliva sud ut h- 'îrnkuuwin hitrs or devtacea Of ers irad lied shamt'fitly atîoît sud to George Parkuer, deceast'd." "un- Dr. Dowlt'. If t'lected, he sys ho wili kuuwrî heirs or- deisraes of CelanaPlc deBrat.Vov's ig. P'arke'r, deceaat'd" îînkuowu heira iats ie rai,-Vlîe rgt utlilorafio Ste'vens, deccast'd."unu'baud man rut the tc-ad ut tht' ciurch tcnowu boire or devisees of Daniel tir ZiOn. Htead, deceased" sud -'nkuowu Dowie lat ald tf0 lin lua vorsh coir owners of sud perffns iuterested dition tbap ever betore, ie old af- lu tire reai estate described Iu the fliction iras corne baci sud Iffai tes Bill ut Complalt" lu Cbuucery tîvo negro attendants fo care for hlm, No. 3002. Satlsfactory affidavit that tht' de- Ho walks abouît the roon,, but ira@ to tendants "rîrkuowu heirs of Horst lulie belli by f wo Don. Tihe plecfaua Steveus. deceased""îukuowu beire have atated tirat ire muet exorcise or ut John Parker, deceaaed," "unknowu die'MOoU. Dowie, lu a publîsued boira or devîsees ut Daniel Head, de- etatemout Angiiet 28. declared ho ceasod." "'ununuivu boire or devisees wisbed to die. utow G ere ror, deoasti od. ""na Zion reidents loit upon tbe dlvi- Pareir eeor deviecea ut Celna aon Outhtie churc ln lualarm. Since Parter deeaed.""nunow owers tire overthrow ut Dowie several talse of sud persone iufereeted lu tire real estaf e descrlbed ln tire hi!!of comn- Prophets bave rIsen, tuiey eay. John1 plstnt." are unuitown aud ou diligent Alrnstedd, tire "SOventeeuth prectnct" lnqulry cannot ire ascertalut'd atnd that Propiret, bas about tirty followèe. tire deudauts, George Parkter sud Pt-upbetess Crosby bas cone o liguit Celsua Parker are not resideuts ur wlth twouty folowere, wiro are lruild- tht' State ut Ilinois, mu tiraf procees lrrg ber a irome. canuot ire eerved nup.uon letor eltlwr o! tbem, having been tiied lu tht' office MNanY are movtug away front Zion, ut tire Clerk ut saldt Comurt, notice teandaIfi le t'xpeeted tire outire 200) tol- tirerefore irerehy gîve o fhfeic aid luivers of Duwle wil bave affer eiec- ahove uamed sud îukuown deferîdant l tou, Tire tiret apostie, bewever, wîîî that the above rîsmed ConîPlain- carry tire case to the strpremt' court snt heretotore filed bis Bt!! If boaten. ut Couratrîtt ini aaldt Courrt, frisaet el etvl ou tire chancery aide thereof. Opuar nHl etvj sud tirat a srintillons iherenipon ta- Tht' Ike l u tff fîrîdiatnge 'wiIi hotu a suod ont of sid Court againat the lîrrve«t lhom,' e etivalI iiiXt ir.'k orn airove uamed deft'rdants. retîrrushle'liiirrcda.v. .It ladies are 'invite,! to ou tire irst day ofthtie terni ut tht' leadbrn -nti ,1lo$ Circuit Court ot L.ake'Countv. lu h e beld 5ftirhe Court lieuse lu Wýaîîkegatr Resolutions et Sympathy. lu salid Laite Courity, on tht' first Mon- i"ostOi'if ri'sîicit and condoiîiep' day of Ortober A. tD. 1906. as tais Y rîiidted îbyî Colubia Luîlge Iliii Mystie la,@ rt'qulred. sud wci leisuit I t sf11 V'-kere iliche Worid, Lilie rtvva'le 111. pouding, Wlîekroa-Tiie URîIcof i eatir hia. LE~WIS 0.IIROCKW xv. e>it.--,-d oîr lodige f'or tire tiret tînre aud clerlu. tiik,'n tron, <ir uildetounr twiuveit Waîiktgan, Illirnois, Arîgilat 27tti. A. NiV,cîlir rN ir- 1km. Tlrvre' IIt. 1). 1906. iteiiv.'-Tliust "t'the clîfîre iudgt' [tanîna& Miller, Compilairinsut Souici- exteud our heartfoiî ..yniupatuuy t> the tors 4t. ts'rtsved hîiraiand aud famtlv. - ilesolved-Tliîat ris atrilînfi'oftreslws.'t %Vi' drape c'Irr charter ftrr ithi e îriod of si\t ' vdaye aD f lhitat s.opy ofthp îce C EMr.'olutious fie s'nft» tlire lot'isi ln'... for ____________________ lilîilat iii!,: f0the Iucereu, avîil an Lurira sLt.K CII'iiE MI-DONiliu N soune conditions the 1Pei tBoK pan ,(rom th~e use Stnte of itiijole.Uountyv uT Lake, as: ol Scott s Emulsion 15 iltrTtrm A,.tD. 1906. Crriy c vorl rapid., for this Frances 3. Sweouey vs. tJures P. reasn we put up a wee.ltCacrNo296 fllty-cent suze, whkch 15 îof residonre of tht' defendaut James enough (or an ordinar F. Sweere Ia tnbîow. and that c esor cold or usefui lnernce caniriot ie actrtalned. so tinat as a trial for babies pr,îct's a cinot hc, sers ed upon hlm, having be lcetietlitthue office ot thre and chlldren. Inother ecîrl ut saiti court. Notice ta there- conditions the gain Is lfone herolîy given lu the saill s1ower-health cannot Jamres F. Sweent'y, defendarît as in a&Y aforesaid. tbist tire aboî'e nared com-r lIsc cases Sott's complaittun aill Court, ou tIre chan- -k ery aide thereof. sud ttat a sun,' EmulSion must Illetaken nions thereupun lssued oîrt 0f eatd as nourishment, a fond couîrt agaiuet tire above uained de- rathrtha a mdicie. nidaîntrt'tirrn:ip eon flic tfiret day àt MOD!L !!NC! The Only Fonce With Every Wire Sof High Carpon Spring Steel. The White Mode Coating Prevents Rust and Doubea Life of Fonc. Prices, Test Book and %fliable Information on Fence fat' the Askittg. Address, ROBERT KERRY, Agent. Wm. Wedge Pace, east of Gray- siake. Factory ai Libertyville. Ill. Are You'Worried About It ?j See us for Housecleaniug- SiipplieÉl Stove Pipe bEnamel Radiator Bronzes Floor Paints Paint Enameht Varnishes, Japaa Camnpbell'@ Stains Calcimos Bring on Your Sign Work D. A. YOUiNG3 FARM MACIIINERYV., u of ail Klnds R L EPà1D.A I R.E D wlth AND Dispatch WILLIAM LAYCOCK CO. Libertgville,l. Opposite St. Paul Freight 'Depot F. 1BAIRSTOW MANUFACTUftgm or Marble and' Granite Monumeni s Cemetery Work of Ever Description C.orrespondence 'olIcited 126 GeneseeSt Wankogan McKINL! ING BON AND SPAVIN CURE Son,.. help ring boirea andl Spavine but w. cure then. The treatment we give in a thorongli and lagttng cure. Yon don't have te 157 by the bore. A trial wlu convinca 7011 thaît w. have jgot Who$ 7y" have been lookhig toi. i ils !EA4ciNG Fime-

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