CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Sep 1906, p. 1

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iJ' ?ENBjNTO and WAUKSGAN W -V-EEKLY SUN VOL. XIV. NO. fil. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDÂY, SEPTEMBER 21. 1906-b8 Pages, $1.50 PER YBAR 11Ç ADVANCE. Thre repart ram adopted. PASS O N Tbe Judiciary Committee reparted 1 - 1 . bat the total aMitunt of salaries pald RAIS14 G* . f bal been $1,042.80. 'beir report ras laImdalpted. Tbe board la catinulng SALARi flits session tbls afteraoon. Bupervimoru lu Baguier Session Witb an ezctlng close ta tbe yes- et Wankegsnu Decîde abat tarday aftarnaon sessi on af the su- Pu eToo esager. parvîsars the move ta raise the sal- Psy iares of tbe different connty officers - ras passed. wth one exception. tbat aumuAnv 0FTHE of couaty dlent. The salaries of douan- -OTIER BUSINESS DONE ty judge. abarlf aird depty aberiff al received a rise. At the sesàsion of the sujiervIsors Judgea Rime Aiiowed. Thursday a requeat rais read fraif The matter came up jnat befare tbe -Ïlat's AtoraeY iannaý askisrg ibat close of the session aad ras irîtrîr-1 he lie aliowed to earîrioy assaciate ducad by Inîrervisor Miller, by arov-1 courisel forrthb rrasacution of tbe lng that the ruatter of fees and sal- merder case (i! William Young tbatariles be brougbt again before the meeting, separateiy. wil coine up i the Octaliar lorm o prisrr court.Raymond then maved court. - that tbe salary of judgr- hc raised to t'poa niotli of Supervieur Apuule- $2.500 per ypar. The mntion was car- ton the request ras granted aud 8Mr. rlad by a vote of 14 ta 4. - ilanna ras given iermission- ta do-sno, Cîm's Causes Figit. ThIs ts the irst timîe lie bas amked Suparvîsor Appleton moved that the rlî ini luis say. isalary of ecounly clerk lbe raised la There is nor b)etorrrtihe brard the $2500 lier year. Srîîervilaor Mil I)hyiciall*îls of , t he cîrui). ItLfa lm;media04y arase and ln a short said tbat the totlal wlll rh1,l690, speech) stated Iia t lie did fiai ihi4kr or $9) more thaîl the- total o! tbe cure the raie- warraniad as lie dld nt be- for fl laionr. ieve the- work of the -offce sas auvy Oiire ot the Is Ji§ for the <esse li grpater nos- than il s as farir yeari' 3ounîg Thiele. the boy wha s'as Il,- ago. The work la the office itself, lie jureri lunqîeer cîrcîrînsaces sme satdmight bavé, increased. btntextra tlin ag bybeig thownfron anl.cierks lia<l irtei blred la attend ta it. tua.-ator h a ig thsn frhm a cul- He thereforP noved that the salary Yr-ine rigee rsrdlag rn iie 10r6a liereduced la what it ras four- years liigers îrntaîîible that ras lassiir6 Mndge.Replie%. lu the ronad amd rail asay. The- boardi caiied for remari.s f rn) Tli r-r are several buils frour the dit- - Mr, liendee aud lie replled Ibat lire f-n eut da<-tcrr& aira i i înrflibta airrt4'5'rk of is office had iacrt-as.-rillailIre frotî tirelir,.îritS. -*four yeara as a look at thetees af h- oîffice sorîld show. The siate legisla. Start Saiary Gran. Iirwail, be sain. evr-ry year 1 uttiu9 lîrch hbisinress wsas transacted at - more duties oîr the clerk sithout extra' Ibm- Tbmrlay meeting of the supervis- ees that s'r,îld soon force the cauxnty ors pîrd Il'aq a most Important meeý-t- blire Ira cleriým. s carnty cleris andl ling., The nrast Important business iCi' a clark of the county caurt. came 'hefare the meeting was tbe r- Robertson for Rise.. port of tbe Commnittee on Fees ilnd Chairman Robertson remiarked that Salaries. Ta tis conînittea ras ne- lie tbought the office of sncb respon- ferred the communication tram thel bar aaklng that tbe salary of judge ha' iblity tbat $2000 ras not sufficleut raiseri tu a suni of not leaua Ian $3f0001pay, nor ras 2.500. liar yaar. Soînrvisor Miller again larri, tle Tbe cammittee reported that la con-, i loor aud stated that hie had noticed nection rltb the communication the that as the work lx) tbe office oI salaries of county judge. couaty clerk. county lerk lacreased. nes clerks county sheriff snd deputy aberlffrer hadl been addad and therafore lie did lnaderluate In the dutlas tbay Ier- tarmned, thoir duties baving lacreasadnttiktecer oeg ra materlally durlag the lest four years,.Irespofisibllity*. He nId not. lie said,ý Reconmeande ises In Salaries. bink the couaty cierk ahorîld getl Tbey iberafore ecommended that'mare than the circuit clerir. thie foliowing r-aises lu salaries be Saiary Left Untouched. madp: 1Mr. Hçpdee stated that the head of Coint ' v Judge t.. ram $1,940 ta $2.500 a demnrtment sas esponile for al Count*v Clerk ... - 2300 - 2.00 acta la that deîîartmeat and that be Cailis' Sherlf -- - 1.200 - -*Y.o bore al reslioasibility for the county t)eîruiy Sheriff - 500 - 750. clerk's office. He bad neyer, lie saiui. Motion W«s Lost. - cle ntabadfrhlrlrar Tbe report ras algued liy the ,caleomth-'r frhl tiay îniîîee. Supervîsors Thomas Apple- Mistakes made ln is deiartinent. bmrî trit. Mles T. Laiey and A. J. Red- bad alwaya stood for theur himseit., nond. Supervisor Michael Gbbl Suiersisor Huntiagton here movedj nnved that the report ha accepted ad as a sulstitute ta MIr. Millers ameari- arioîred. Upon vote the motion rasl ment that the saiary a! the cautnt lbst and the matter la ta camterip be-I clerk remala shere It now l. The fore ilie aupers-isors this fteriraali -subtuterscred udte i- reîarately. crrai<rn wscare ndteds That la instead of presenting thetino. ' stopped. raise wanied on tbe offices collectiv.e- Sheriff Get l $.0 19, écd office wIll be cansidered sep: grlliervisor Gibbls then nioved that aratey. . tha salary a! sherif ble iîrcreased tla arateReprte.$1.800 per :iear. Sîlpervisar Raymondj ainscmite objected, saylug tliat as the sheriff. wReprts v.Tram varns conlîtes besîdes bis salary. received the rent. Reports of committea tu audit reports, etn n i-to osh of circuit clark and sharik: tbouigbt the salary sufficient. Circuit Cierk.j Supenvisor Grahamn moved an EarningB .-.-..............$10,3230(5 amendmient tbat the salary be lii- Receipta ai office----------- 92355505 creased ta $1.500 lier year. More dis- Expenses-----------------..623. 50 cussion follus'ed. Sutrrvisur Hunt- Earnings os-r axpeirsea .... 4.103 . 5'tngton moved as a sîrbtitute that te Receipta o1mer expensas-...3015.80 aalany emain rbere it is. Sheniff. Supervisor Conrad miade an amend- Far-inga-----------------...$1.091 .90 ment ta the surlstitîrte that the salary Raceipta for services-...1.544.85 ha ianaased ta $1.600. but ras aver- Disbîîrsad haIt year---------- 865.00 rled liv Chairman Robertson, rba Due caunty-----------------.679.-86 stated no more ameudmenta could ba Second Haîf Year. marie. K&ryqt gs-----------------..$IJ857 80 Recel d for services-...1.130.95 The votaé ras then laken and the Dsbur d... .............. 600.00 aulstituta of Mr. Huntlîrgtan ras Dire c unty ................. 730.95 bast by a vota of 16 azainat and 13 The re urt of the Committea on for. Thre vote on M. Grahai's hailtea a ear. It shows the fol- ameadmant that tIre salany lie ln- loring: creasad ta $1.50(f ras carriad by a llliWi5Narthern Hospital for vote of 11 for and 8 against. I1sane------------------...$10720 $750 for Deputy. ' - illllnls . Aaylnm or Insane.. -69.60 Suprvsar Conrad then mos-ad in tlfton for Educatian of Ili d...................... 21 * 60 that the salary a! deputy aberif hae îîI Il1 s Schoaf for Deaf .....25.17 lncreased fronî $500 to $900 paer year. 11 fois Manuai Training fichool Superisar Raymond ameaded bly ... m.......... ......... 630.00 moving It hleacreaseri ta $750. Su- Dd lA IFThat 1ia ail that r-malns lu the tu*7 D YVUU..tatre for the rrfck rot a man wba gatb* Tfl er eiunder hls baniier 22.090 persoa VVO Ç'TOain l parts of thr- sorld, anrd bound DFFFATthem ta himmef sci fast that tbey I)EIEATgave thelr satire mmiidly wealtb and - Instrusted their soiuts ta bie bande. Wtherd and Tr.mblilg Wreck The avents of e-terday irnpressed of Once Proud Leader thîs conclusion upon h hm more trong- Mleurs tory ot Votes ly thaer, and wnirh but a balf dos- en of i id tbotisarnîic near hlm. be VOLIVA lB CHOSBN q at aloneanmd safl in hie librery LEAI)ESC OF HOSTS.jThree reeka have jarsed ince be - asroie to ise$mal inîlorwing, and be The fast trace of any claim that!bas announced thât he will address' .John Alexander Dolri may bave bad tbemn next Sjindav ifor the last tIme to the ,JeadermbIp af the organization befara be goez ta M- xico. lie es ÂMireid ras riped out Tues- It ls a ques ion inther-be rlfl le dyla the eyea af the lar by tbe a]-, able to keep the pi onnse. None, ex- mîrat unaulmous elactian of Wilbur cept is parsomal arîîî'dants bas seen Glenn Volîva. bis more youtliful of)- hlm for days, aud ruinîors are current Ionent. as general overmeer of the that bis h«ealt«, l.îbl'o-in tpermait. Chrstian Catbollc Apostolic cliurch in In any evant. lie inýs made bis ]ast Zian. Orly an InsIgnificant opposition addraas Ilethea gr-ai tabernacle lie was offered by Alfred E. Buils, ýa fol- hut ta hold the li- iaiiadiences of lower of the aged leader, .1 former deys. 0f a total of 1.919 votes cast, Val- Oovie% Yolwers Stay A"a. lys recelved 1,906, Blls 6 and 7 were No element of il-îiexîîerted an- elefectise. 1tered Juin the, eI.cii. Candidate Iteese H. Cary, a young Chicago at- - Buis. ritb a vague nîiitirn iat If torrey represanting Buis. rasi the he g<t a single Soi. 1w woild prove DR. AND MRS. DOWIE AND SON GLADSTONE. Tire abova portraits ware laken %wien the trio wae 'nrieit prime, with Dowie at lie head of churci and state ln Zion City ari tire arbiter of the des- tInites of many thousands. cause of the aul'. distrrlairce tirat tbat he ba(] mmii Ibhes-clory." nid marreri the elecilan. Juat bafore the flot look foîr unîre than ta-a score poilms closeri heapaîrered at the Sarth- ývotas. Dowu.- lrad naquastad bis s-astdscbooi hanse, sud rber ha l- a- thltful anas' ro,taiy as'ay tramttire sistaeiumuan standirrt Insîde lie rail-i iag an attampt s'as marie ta oust hlm. polas, and neai aIl of Ibain did- so. A amali diot follored, lans'hlch ha nefuing ta recirgiize the metbad airdean-orari tu ight off W. H. Licbty used- out lni ]ne oril"a sufficleat sud H. W., Judri, ta-o electlon juriges, ta replace tne 'risdom of Divine se- and ses-anal othan men. Haes'asilection. Two ',IfDasle's leutenants, Inaceri rndar arreat. Latar lie ras releaaad trîor I bs orn recogaîzauce, andi Ieft tbreasenlng ta prateal lire elactionaas tînfaîr 10 iis client. Fouir polliag platues la the fouir qoarlens of the tas'n rare operi tram 6 s.m. tîntil 9 pin., aridlietreen Ibose banna men aud roman, many o! thein aufeablel by age an crîppled bly dis- essa, antereri the bootha and cama ott aitb the feeling that the "nar ara" had arni-eri at Ilsat, XItraS "only a malter o! forar," for the deposed "firai apostla" hadri e- fuseri ta cecogaîze tha dacrea o! Jadge Kaaegas' M. Landis o! the United States district court as any- Deacong Pauc- il nd W'lhlta, a-eut fishiait. V'olva, activeanuid buinesalike, ras not eligible ta ný sha bas not hari a coatintrotraic-reieucalunZMon City ifice Jaauary 1. Ha urgari bis ari- herents ta goî mû the polis sud shor by Ibeir unaaiiirrity Ibat ha hari the backung of thae etira people. Ha ne- maînari lu hic irifce ail day and It ras stateri thai ira ras peparlug to taire arivantage of the changes that wIll resit fraont the renlaning of Jurige I.andis' drisiion. Ha ras wrIing for the Leaves o! Heallng. the 1publlication of rhlch ras stapperi by arter of the court until the auttlerrent rnrthe cnntrnversv as, pens-sor Huniinglon stibstita*ýd by prîncîpe upon solda tis cre a miwi '.e-'--. - --Te igi - Total-------------------....$253.57 movlng that the salai-y emaiu as it foundar-that of tbaocracs', a Gori trol lits columirs Tha comminltea racommaîrdetithe W55, chosea lesdership. Final "Decree Soon. paymte of tcomalia nshso an- Tiraaubttutîe ras ost. 16 to 2 Neyer Any Doubt o! tie Reguît. I Final deccea in the ZMon City litt- quater bycomuniatin ia ~ Tbea sîndmant raa carriari 16, ta 2 SicJugaLnsarreitagalnaaxc r fmJrgeada ment of $500 In tire Lake Bluff Or- a tc ug adsodrd teýgto aepce rmJdeLni phanaga on condition tuat;tiray shonîrisad the sslacy of the deputy sherlf populan electlon of a liadaof thaýl a fer days, eiirodytng the culings furalsb, tha supervsesra the naines of rli ha naisari ta $750 Ir yean, ecclasiastical body of Ziorrîbere bas, mada three rnthîsr ago ari makînit the Lake caumty chldren at the Intl- Immerilatels afler the sotlng on tl been nt the sightest daulit of Vol- nprovision for Dowi's lest da5s, ln- tutlon snd tira cot pr capta of car- neusa larîsias the session aliaurne isa'asleclion, but the pollur ras - cluling a pension. iag for tham. pros-ided It jid not ex- sud tDe wroaf tire sapervîsons ras eesr ostsytedmnso eutto fDwee h lc ceeri $500prnannn. enriaril oriay. ncsayl aif h ead !IRpdalaCfDrea h lc Poor Climm Report. The dîffreat offies ta, get a raîse tire court, His decrea bas be en witir- tlan meana the misitegratîoa of tia The Cammttea ou Poor Claima ne- ln saaary ari the amounîs are: hll paarling bthe casait, ardi lta9ae- cbnch of Zion îircorgbaut lira rond, poteritIraItIhe total arnount claimeri irra. To. Raies. pectel tirat It wIl ha Issuel rîthin a say tire apponants of Volîva. IaI beau $4,670.07 sud tire total ai Couaty Julge .... .11,800 $2.500 $ 70 fer laya embodylag tlb, rulinga of Accondng to prophets lunZMon City lored, $9,960.88. Iu Wsnkegan $3- ISo 0 h pno add dw he oaZoI nlnArcAe 404,87 bal bean lairnel and $2,956 25Couuty Sberlff . ..-1,200 .0 ieaiin iall dnrtre-tdy Inl alnAncAs allareri. Thre raluctians lun'.auke. Depty Sheniff ... 600 750 '250 monthsa g0, nitI tira Insertion ai'tire tralla, Sritand ansd Chiîcago nil gas rare li lu the. daInis af pby- - - fiaI provisian for DowleSls la a, hrwVlilva averhoard. Revot us alln.Totale---------... ?500 $5.050 $1.150 a pènelog' sumoeit for bis ln s reporteI air endy unnder ray.. THE RACES ARE ON TUIIWEEK Crorda lu Atendance no Far Very Suraîl Thougb ]Races are Exceptlonally Good. LIBLEMTYVILLE GETS A TASTE OF THE RUNNERS. Tite r-ar-ilirgSt (tireLiis.rîyville rmile trac.- under tirhe nsi of r the Liirrtv- s-il Trrtting Afflma-ition Irâve so ra ii s-eak ireair sry grîrrlrrd i aterarting tirorgb the- cirirrulsJuive nît ir»-eir ta atteodrairre. Tuerrs.-tit-ir- ras irut a husemilrOF a lre ru. tire mrnrd, POasiiuîY a errula ifitrurdred irr ail anrd Wedaaslda.y tar'd littie btter. Btnt iretiring-arr lasanailtirat-is that tihe rai-rr arefiirrt cîsa. 'Thrr irorsas tirat trunî>rte artheire -ty last aud tie re ait smurmtthe Irirses r-it rut gleklrmlditet àurerutwlii-h arr inrnc ir au. Hi-ees-ci-rwisr driveir ta w. eî nid suire u trefuithé ,tatm re a-nr' îir uilinge tri thb.e itr-ne. <rî "I -l asmt tie nrbsttwn w li murmur. lng eacb year. If they dIo nat, unlesa excusad, by mental or îrh'sical condi- tion, there la a fine frai $5 ta $20 for eacb case. I bave not boid an affidlavit train Zion Cty achoole for Ira years. There are 2.00 helîdren ln Zian ibut of tbia number leas than 50 are ln L.ake conuty achools. Tbe reat are ln private scliaols and for r;rls reasan à have flot bail reporta. "Isai dtermlned ta bave thei n ow howdver and» arn galng after theîrr. L.ast faîl the Zian City achools dia irot commnaece trîtil late. This spring SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1906. they let mnt early. 1 understand tliey have nat cammencad yat. i Sm goiag ta land out rhy and get after thein." <Fverything jr, Readiness. Secretary Bonaparte bas approved the plans for about $2,000,000 rortli of wark contemplated ou the uer na- val trainlng station at Lake Bluff. and ever3thing la now ln readînesa to pro- ceed witb the constructioa of build- ings whicb Include an admInIstration edifice, dermitories, mess hall, etc. The navy depar'tnîrcît bas at its dis- prosai $750000 o f the $2,000,000 ait- tborized for the uilarate expenditure. Contracta for tihe mn work willbe R urions if4ere For GOc., aaruen saarîîy. lb rg tue Intention -A iror bilg marri-h of' rntrir'rs ibas-aloithe departmeat ta îîusb the coin- ihhra- inf rornrtIr'e irstoth ie eek anrd iultian rrf the training stationr. t irurgii tire 1r nrrrrig rave'rs Ifor tirefii-Mrt dji ru -a '- offed iw uneatiratrrsunimrr LkeVll pAgainst Law. po e - I i. a-rurieriont ait.]rîl tnsMairday. oua Imairlito! Etigene A. icatitre i. .1ri&r te rettauti:rirof thorsi- Wiltotr snd ssCiinîher nasîdents of N% linv tnr , Im f 'thle jitiirs g < Lake Villa. arr lujîîuclinn as graîrted try Master lit - Ciarrcery Clarke. 2:10 Pace, Purs. $1,000. agaiiirt the village, alanirnit the rark Charles Sinos, cli. h., liy - 0f lay li s draiînage ses-en thab is nos' Chrle attîi IM ed.-------t 1Oh goliriton there. Lesli Watraiat, ch h., 1OhThe nienbers clainntIrhat tire rk so (Hlgliee)------------. - - 2ai ayirg a drainage sewer lu a par- Tommîy Teg, b. g., 1u3 Noble- tiori of bthevillage la beirng drîre on mroînt (DaRydeci----------..2 6 7 nraîiy that la abont to ha naiseri by Arniold Patcheir, 1. h. (Rîîck- iaaring warranrts againat the general an----------------------...4 3 4 Tîrnda of the city withatit first îassiîrg lya B.. b. g. (Stouit)-....1 4 5 an ordinanca ta allor t. Red King, . b g. (Bannes) ...6 5 3 Tbe mati s'o are on the petition Bitte Riblirn. ra. m. (Neweil). 5 8 8 ara Engerre A. %Vlon illlam G Personette. hik. n.(Ganotitng .7 7 6 ....ral_%Vllm akr )ýi Tiîne-2:07ý,,:071,1,2:07%. 2:18 Trot. Purme $1.000. Thomas NI.. b. g., (Castelloi.1 I11 Doris Martini, b. m., (Dean)>.'t 2 2 Rlddte.> b. g- <Mayberry) ._5 4 3 Red Gift, b. g. (.%cKeear-...6 3 4 Emura Grattan, b. m. (Nick- elit>---------------------..2 dis. Qîreeti Bae, b. n. (Haw'kins. -...2 dis. Kste Macca, lir. n.(Bain) .... dis. Tira-2:l1,h-, 2'1?Vr, .2: 12%,. t'îrsler. ch. g' (Hall) ......1 1 1 jThe Donna,, <DeRyder . 3 ;, 2 Rayal Lina. b. b. (Jones) ....5 2 5i WiIIia Beatan. b. h. (Sîrercerî .2 6 6 Richard Grattair, 1>k. g. (Pub- nain)--------------------...6 4 .1 G'oarge R.: b. g. t(Bonne)-...4 5 4 Thor, br. h. <Dean) .........7édis. eAltonist. ci. g-,r Nîahoii) ... dis. A $5.000 purse foc 2:204 trottera -ill t'enty-oaa utries and also to day, tagelgier wit.h a three-klurai*er mrile riaci. Strgar. Morton S. Miller, James Me- Fadden, John Palamer and Erastus C, Thayer. Chiarles Whitney la thain St- torney. The Grayslake Ciambake. Grayalaka sîrortamen held tbain an- mierl clam bake on Thîrd Laka Sua- dîuy. Oaa huadrad ad ts'auty-ls-e at- teirdeti anritIre carroborea ras oaa of lin, rerrl ahI fasirioîed tUnies 'silh trirutilugs. A German banrdi vas inrattaîrdauce. Green - r nr rrîates. clams. bsked chl-ken ad rther good tiîgs too irunreroîrusla amantionr s-re sqrved air liy Grand Chefs JohrnrPinter sud Mat Kinriali. A iglit letreeti a ceaI live iradga <if thir ranal sort aind Dr. D;iliaas birîl- r(aog follous'd. Tire figlit raq a tierce aira. the caîrîtatarri a ieitrg rermitled la get togetheriri goori shaîre, catch- as-cntcb-cau. Tire dog wson. Eiectirk Ta Enter Chicaga. WVhileaiaIlSteation bas been di- ZION'S SCIIOOLS r-ecled ta the uorlh enri of the Chi- SEING WATCII!Dec,.o sur .i laatkea Electrlc Ral-* road ('riirilamry*s lina, siicb bas beati Siperinîenidenl Gaggin Thinirs Law la extended ta Racine ana Is ilg ex- Nat Livsd Up Toa-Chidren Must teuddrita Milwaukee, wrk la also Atter-d ar Suits Witt Be Brougitprocaedlug aithIe soath end so thal HeSays. the roadrill enter Cblcaga. Itîspacteri the rond sbated that tha Doas Ziori City seuid bar cîilîlen tri ecînîca rare tn- runtîlit os-ar lie achool' Ara tbey, as la raqtrlred bye las'. glvlng the children nadar tourm Chicago, Miw'aukee & St. Panl Rail- beau years af age at leasat 110 dsys of road Comtparr's tracks tram Central scbooîtng s yean? to Churcli sîrees In irEvanaboîn ard Thase ara the questions Ibat Caun- flt'ork ras lîroceadînit on the la- ty Supenîntandent of Scbools Gagintil talation of thiri rail riesides as fan la asking it lseif andti itetîrs ta salk as Rogers Park. ZIon City officiais. Ha intaîrds to Be le of tira offlira that the cars aak theur nîbar quetaionrs also that wIll maka Chicago on third rail nIll prohably greaaly embarass theml. tracks. the syster lilg arrangad Then ha Intaîrda ta autorre the las'. mth foîr troley ad for tînîrd rail Ha bas for same tireeliaan nstcb- clirreiri. lag Zion an sîr anawrerady to itet ai Tha rond vicies ta liring ils pas- tan thein. Fort Irryears bcliias iraI seingrrs Ito tlîe heurt of Chicago. recels-ad au affidavit tro City,____ abownnithtre ninnaer tir thafr scburols and ttthUne tlhav baseeuatarîght. Gratalake Mas DivorceSaui. Every other school lu the cartrty Etiily Thurell, of tirayalaka, Trias- gava affidavits durrig the scinorl yeaar. < ilied suit againtat er bîtaadr, showing tbe number a! acholaraInthIe(George Thurireil, frrr divorce on achools. their tianes, tira trdiea lirey gcunds of druikenuressansîd cruaity. take anad the tie they puit ao theni. SIredimson that lira bas arade il lm- Zioa City lias n<î lotie Ibis trui, aosaible Tacber ta le is- stb hlm on apaca af la-o years. i-coîrrît of bis di-rinkeinhabitas ari bis The arîpriatendeîrt Ilairgr aird fiîr- treatnettofT ler. tends to gat aftar tire Ziair City ica- She salis, tbrorrgh lier lau-yen, R. pie strongly. -I ai deîerrinad ta W. Churchill, of Grayslaka. dtvorce, knor If their children are attendlng achool and If trot, wby îlot," liasalid the custudy of ber four children andi today. allrnony. "Tha lar cîearîy rendis that as-ary SIre also ietittoneri an Iaiîructlan persnsait $barge o! children lietween rhlcb ras grantad. rastrictlag hlm thre agei 6t 7 ari 14 years abaîl sea tram selllag bIs property at Grayaîske tIraIt tey are guvan 110 laya of scirool- qta, keap ber frorn sbaring Il. WAUCONDA MAIoEOIL, Standard 011 Comnuy Seu#* Man Tva Spot sud Tri«s té Malte Long Lasses P<9SSIBLY MUCItOIL I'RESENT iN COUNTY~ Larnd owners ta the reat of WaQ. condS, un rbat la knara as -the lis,' are looklng forrard to IMM&e diala riches and ail liecause cil ha been dIscovered la the raglan. It la airs lielieved tbat the strike la a Sure aire. Tbe Standard 011 Company bc, Ilieses It trong enougli sa that a rail- resentative of tbat concara bas beau mnakltg tests sud examinations rlth spacial Instruments.- Ha claima ta bave traced thre V4-a- for tbe distance of tan miles tbrougkh the lor lands of wblcb a large part 1a marsh and "bad, land." Soma o!flthe,' rSy. bowevetk la througb alluvial, il1eldsansd gond farm land. ' The farins traversed belong to C. Er Sheroran, Il. C. Werden, H. L F'or031 and chers. The Taylor, Burton,'1E Johnson and Corrtuey farms are alma toîrchari ly the route rblcb the. spa. etallaI asys the ail vain tskaa. Ta show that the Standard 011 bma î sam a ith la the vaine of tha strike' It aiay lie sald that they he've, tbrougls agents, attanîpteri taohtala flv-yesr lasses ta the lroperty rltb oil clauses lrraerted la the lasse. The s-aur la believed tb axtaud a« far as the Fox river ad ovar Imb. McHeary coruty. It ras orlglnaliy discovered sanie tro years ago. 'rbiîle- men rare drilling a rail for a cr555.- ery. At the tuae the strîke ras not< thought to lie ana of great Importance and tboîrgb efforts rare marie ta In- terast capital rrothlag ras doue et that tume. Wbat nIl ha the aulcame of thre, explorations le irot kuoru. Ouands traces of petrolauîm have beauis.. covared la the past ln varions lir)Ma of tbe country sud If the atrIâte PrOves to beha sgondi ana, It may ha tbat the rbola of tbe county co:a talas mucb bidrien raaltb. DAM TO A!rFfCT LAK!ES UTYLE. la Thougit ta Be Too Far Down Thrs River Ta Rais. Levais Maierisily% Tire. inciesaBelieved la be fihe Mott. The McHenry dam rîlI trot altral nraterialy ralsa the levai cg tIre ratera of Fax Lake, Grass Laka. Lake Marie anri others ln Laket county, as ras at first reportari, a Waukegsn man rho vsited the district yester. day tates. la act, the dam la so far.away tIrat probably the levaIs of tba lakes nul not lie affected beyoud tbreq luchas. la tii coanection, "Shorty," thse keeper of the hum boast on Grass Lake, ta stilI sae,.asd It la tbarrght that the rater ril nat sitar ail îeach bis borne an the peninsula tIrat ha claima tu ha "bomasteadlug," CAN'T 1&LIEV[ % HE WAS DRUNK. Can'a Man Who Dae Not Drink à Drop gel Drunk?-Jos. Powers of Lake Forest Who la Often ACcused af Offense Says he Nover Touches Liquar. Jose ph Parers. of Lake Forast. lt- sisba that ha does not drink, 016X rben arrested for thet charge. Ha tm sa aure oaiit that ha bas IlIed appaes) arits ta tire circuit court ranjustict o! the pesce abaps ln Lakte Foresut s'bere he ras couvîctari of the O- fanse. On u .ly 23 Parera ras lied for being drîrag. $2,50, sud appealedtIre, case. On JuIY 26 ha ras Oued S$0 fror the sama offense and appéeWb again. On Angust , for tbhesaiue *ê tense, ha ras finari $209 and made, bit.' Ihird appuil. Ha ras trieri by jIw7-ýÀ the last tro Urne@. The ity ai Lake Forest la ragiFi-. Bentad by James P. Van Duegi sê Parera by E. V. Orvia. KEEPS REV. PARI6L A Ras-. George PansIrasbu ot ba*, raleaseri froni tIrapaatorste et- lllghrood Metbodiat olsuse, &'a reportaI. Ha said yeutr4a rol leave the Hlgkwoe about a maOIr attend Theoloalcal B b«tq ~ reep n utee* 't~ sm~ Lýj El' IIIL thing save a distinct violation or the "'e ... ... ' -"""""y '" h.- - - ---- - -- - 1 to which Dartr liad the riuht tc, con- ýe-11.

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