Every week bs-luge uew gouluI f dry goodis, notions, Pe,' Coin Make us &Dl the trouble YOUii lu we wWl make rree'w low w* ni thernawey. Oosîd ttiia. t(, in eau buy goode att e6m tan wll.î of nus- bas-glus: 24k4;-)Ichb1unck towefîr ... Al linen Crash t.-îling p.r y1. Cotton Cra&h towFling per yd... Lo)t short lengtit -Ilaunnilttp e Fancy Corset C0ve .........s . Laile' 2rie antw e ete ... Laies' plain uînd trssnid musli lAtrge Mize sipn s Mune HandkesvýI SheIfi aper 2 bun. hes for ...... Initiale for rs.îrkng lotlsing 3Id( Fancy vbaf k a(Inl .... ....... 60 5(>Taffsta Iililon Pink,bltis Iligley & ariel SAUGATUCK Psr . F .Mash, e sunthe s,k lut. l.itil -PU-c Mos-af uis-t has boeu quite Il but is bettes-. missIlelia a-eml, ut Evanemon, Ï'us s1ue'rding a fs-m days witln E. E. Marml.. lits Mubel Mas-ehandl Wihh Sellas- alsu vi@it.d at the MasuItbume recently. Tbu5o mbcu lhave aamuen"Pd t4) cuisn s-sjusist tbh- us-p as Ieing un'uallY liglit. [ZZRIZZ Ms. Stephuenson, ut Chicago, gars- a taI t t he itoffics-ans! teac huers ofthe ciurci' ans! Sunday sboul MuudutY evs-utng. Ms. stewart and! brnihv entestains-Jf eouuîiany ram Cliago 5ussday ansd F'iday. os-lu Meti-aifWo mita h e sn aiite sick lus- the paât em usweksis rnschî bettes- ut Iri-snt., Ms. I)ushiîahbaste-n baving a neir erneunt malk laid! in front ut bishornte. .John Austinsu -t-ie.l hniaay ram is tip n)p . tht.. ma-stt c. . -tuîic for fSejt. 231-A tsuug mIll. Bawu asgt il: andl hum to use it fors- 1 Plsrtuu- Ilst. 4: 1-11.. Mre. Haines arnul Blanus-bCùttenden leaders.1 -There wilhhle- n.s);remahing sesvices Saiday aus 1ev. ans!lits. '/,ratis9go tus' aila tîseis-evangeliâtie wuoisk in Mb-suuif tjismesê-k. Tîey us'11 returues! to [e- usitit us 1s-s-ntuty iu atxUat a usuunilu. Iselfay M'.4la.akpy aulCrs-s-.'Lyon. of Wauteeîn. uer.' gilessat the DilWsY haonae-Satnrsda. Missi lelI liiueýl l entD a fs-w dayuu of thîs meek mitha tris-ustu at Lake Bluff. Mlis" Casrie Shener. of ltllstssll. rsuiteiî uith Miss Lon, Xutin SuuifaY. Mrs. ans! Mre. Allen Ilixsl51ast 'S'in- day m itb relatives- bers. 0ONs-F SEND TO CHICAGO. for an Edison Pbonograpb. We offer sanie fs-e tsial anq sarnp tes-ms of paymnht. onto ly ou Edison but vie- tOr as maIl. Prîce the sarne eves-y- We have 1,000 Edison records, 35 cents each ans! 1.000 dlsk secords e t 50 ans! 60 cents each. ALDEN. BIDINGER & CO., 206 North Geueme St., Waukegau. STO Wo have a bigger an( than ever, this year. Cc choice. The Gragmiake W. F. REHE +One Third of Y k spent in bed. fi able bed to sleepi f )11e at sîîch a l'eaË * Strangs Fu fi Urayslake '-il i: F. J. ORUCE, Edtor Thingt3 8 en and Heard Pert fuis oui fait seIllng,ý silliues-Y, - -------z-Viciv ne in and 100k thern oves-. ltI lI l lI lI AnvUsrmNs-izeETU l, we like it. lfyou will îoine i.' warrant YOD wil take moituWr. MacLachlan and molfe spenîj lavet yans- morn1ey wbes-e you udyathr cottage at 0age Lake.L olesale prste. Bers are moule Mies Belle' Hall spient Sunday st Lake7 villa.8 ..............c Wm. Wudgp.(if Waukegati, wff bers . on huminesis Monda. Ms-. Emmra Chand..ler, of Chicago, le .......................3c the guet of Ms.>and Ms-m. Ftcb.6 er Yd ........... ...................... Ms-sM , Herman Ott and childs-en, ofý ............. ....... .9C Chicago, spent the puer week witlt Judge ....... 9. Fitch "d wife.1 lin ...ra.e..s 2k Hear O'Connior at thteOprBos ..l................................4cSatuirday evenlng, .'Spt.2.Aite ...........................S latent songe llayed and sung. 14r. E Wald aîîd cbildreii are mpeiuding osen for................5 the week at Bîssiigoiu .................. 9C , 'E B. Sîses-mat. retus-ued fsont ean i si ta e ev î........foi:Indianapolis Saturdity irlere h.. basi S lu LouieS<as-wood uf the Northa Shore 4d De t Store Wilur n hes nid El,ýreetCsi ingt ,lie elpetrie pleut. P. niLNis Pure sPiies just as ua-asthe v etdultrtýd andl inuei' bettes-at Grsayslake Pbarriiacy. .i Mlies lisez (usr-, ut Nordioff. Cal.. wlîuk haut lu.ei. tolipinse witb ber uni-le. H. ROSEM ANS Coîunaî at Gages Lake Piiteri'd thse __L St. Mary's Epieogtl scoolst Gailus-g, lîner Faulkner- bae purebased a uew 1111 lue"'week. gasoline engine anîf ensilagse iutter, and liont i sgt tlîe dance at thie. (>jerait wiWstas-t to.worusk at once tlling milos. H ause Satus-day evening. 'ri Fred Miluire lissetusned to Cli(ago O'C'onntor orchestra of Chicago n ilI b..V to sebisul ater 'kpeudlng the summiner tses-e. 1 witîa bie aunt. Ifs-. Kelly. i. Ms. ansd Ms-. Thom&s Wal@bsh cit Little Id.. Oliver bas ben sick but i Suîsday at MBenry. bettes- noir. Miss. Rosâe May, who bas been a guietj Ms-. Faulknuer'aînd MisestFlor-ense at thse Ks-usemrsk borne, setus-ned.-toies- Nos-throup wre-eWaulegan iallers îas it hme it Chicago Monda mos-ing. week.Louse Rteckof tss entestaisuai bis Victor- and Blly (ielliugs @petit Suuday Irotlueu' fsor Frauks#ville, Wlr.T witb their gsaidlathes-, Ms. Williarusson. R. A. Cooke, ut Waukegan, visited Ms-. B. Faulnes- ansd son Suudayed Ms. and Mss. ManicolmRn unday. with Eumes Faulktser., Frank S..lenes- visited at Wàdswosth Lâissa Williammn $eu~t Sinday at sunîla>. homne. Norman C., Cooisbe aller opendiug the Blanche Oliver bas been entestainiug a summes-at bis fatbes's borne ut NorthC f rienil frotta Waukegan. Gran"e, Gages Lake, retnrned Mfonday ti Hanoves-, S. B., irbere he mil take bis last yeas- at Dartmnouth college. GG R'LA IMs-. 'satbew, tof Prairie View, spetnt the past week witb ber Mastes-, Ms-. M. Gjeor-ge James font a valuable cuw iast Wagnes- week froin eating to mateh corn. Grsanta is ight let Mouday for tîse Windom Tuckes- reeentlv retus-nea Old People's Borne lu Chicago, baving fs-oit a tiro weelku trip (.0 Oklahomna. uold ber place in Grayslake (.0 laines Be itrs-ilsed160 as-ses of land wbile Shermnan. there. wt T. A. lteynoldms sîeut Sunstay at Nf s-. Chard il; sîending the wee-k it rooked Lake. re.latives in Chicago and Austin. f.. . Ritta iras in N'iskean on businesse Pliii anZandtofClis-aRo, im viiting Monday.'it bii is-ssnter anal fanily bore this iresk.j Herbes-t Wright, of Fous-tIi Lake. is M iss Mabel Mas-eu an-d 1ev. Sellas-. of attending scliool at Grayslake. Evanston, visiteal E. E. Maril. and LuFakbsotîelasadu farniy unMondy audTnesay. 1 Elkbos-n faiirbere h.' iillseli bis famous M isses Croker iinal'(ileason anid Mes-mrm. BIne Ribbon Cresîts. E. Wald in there Ilecker andgauluon.îf Libertyville. ase bis aistant. visitî-d thae Ts-îggs fainsly Sunday I>s-*Soiiaanes-viîlewm iniated intAs the' aiternoon.IM aollie Os-des- Satus-day evening and a liages Luike lis! osity wmIl miet.ut receptiots mas lteld. Ils-.and Mss. the borne of Ms-. Geius-c Rayv. 124; Sosîirnes-ille wIl sfoon leave for Chicago Hickory treet. Wsukegsus - Tlum-day irbere the l>octous- as ohtained an office. losenoots, ept. 27, lilloi. Viitors M- n ss yrs tOl.mr Welesine. Ms-. Sicltolamses.Mran Mm y ,ofOi.we gueste of Ds. Clark and fantîly the psst LAM Z 3C . WAîiinzo Feulon and ite, of Guruse, were the gueste uft tleis- daughter, Ms-. mr. W n. fBasse s ou the eck fliot. Cha-s. Wgtuan and! farnily Outidav. Ms. auillMrs. Louis Selle and Ms- and Lau Ritta basl traded l@bI buttes- Mm. F. Seip and tamily visited their facto-Y tbers for a qnarter section in parents Saturday and! Sunday. Oklahoma near Olustee. 1 John Fink took a trip to Chiago Ms. and Ms-. Claude Root wes-e games Wedneday. of friende in Austin and Chicago Sunday. Misses Jennie Seip and Lydia Hoke- Ms-. J. D. Jeffes-s and daugbtstes-*e meyes- visitedl Chicago Thursday. Chicago visitors Tnesday., Mise Wilie Ahîgrini bas retus-nes f rom . The tas-mers-ofthtinviiitywbovisited Ch(a-go after- spending a few davts witb in Oklahomna the fis-t of the rnontb, bave ber brother WiI. . seturned ves-y favorably impressea wibh Mise Minaie Hokerneyer and Ms. Otto the la.nd there, Frank took a tri p to Chicago Monday. Ms-. Mat Wagner lm entestaining ber brother tbfim week. Mesrick Ricbardson was in Chivago on business Tuesday. Em ta (Ierlacb visited tsiends at Round Lake lest wsek. Fs-day. Astbur Adam,, ro bas been on tbe ý V SMLacklan tasrn, bas moves! bis tami1 V E S ~on tise oîd 1arby tas-rn near F.u-j id btter Uine of stoves Lake. wa a enso~n Mre. Bsans!, h ba entoig ome in early and get firot with Mrs. MeLeause, returned t(. au- kegan Tueda. A.. D. Bueli lies annou need bis inten- Hardware Co. tion of1 selling bis psoPertY boes'and! BEIN, Prop. movinlsg (.0 loriugtoi'stu lîve with bis iuotbes-. Ms. BueIl bas made many tsii-îds bore and wili lhe mies&l. EEGE F. D. Battes-shaîl and uife spent tiro daye ut tîte Elkhurn Fais- titis week. a.. ..a. .. A..j. Â. Monte Allen has reigned bis -oitot y~y Y~ ~ ~ Y 17 ~ itit Rohester Cloting C., and s-isume *bis se-bool iforIt. Louis Lawson bas as epted tbe position. 'our Tim e.... Ms. and Mrls- .Josepli Litwiler iisoved frai the Wicks bomne near St. Paul Why uot have a i'omfort- deliot (.0 theis- tas-t.ain Taylor Lake lamt in w en yu cai puchas 4' onday. in walen ow ai ua Dr. John Turner, of Chicago, vleit.ed ,soabe icerprices 4, bis parents lbore Sunday. idney Barnstable, of East Fox Lake, irn tur St rebroke bis leg secintly whiiIe a setling ,rnitu e Sto e 4' itb anothuer hboy. I lllinois ~Pitre andl bnadultreil epicem t the - G(rayslake pîtrmaey- 4ô 44 6 4ô4ô 4 4ô ô ~< Chas-les and Jamaes Tusker, of Chicago, attn ilthe e itu tak.' asThîrs! Lake. Principal A. 0. (iulîidge, bas asranged Sfor a series of eitertaitiinenta ta b.e giveua fil thie Graislake Otesa bous. under the ausîsices of the hsgh sebool. The series. consiste 0t tous- nurbers one I of which is a lecture by Dr. James Hedley. Thue eîtertainrnents are aIl bigli grade and tomte higbhy rcorn Xantedmendes!. Tbe iret numbes- mllli e gives- Oct. 2 by L. B. SpaNford castooniet, hunmorist and! instsumentalist. The y quatitty of gn second nuinber' about Dec. 18 hi ths good Arusari Compa'.Ms. Amsbarx la s àifalfa bai .np ta. 1000 whohe show in hmaet t au orchestra op price for very hest. ths-own lu. Tbe thîrd nuniher about Jan. 15 wIl he tbe lecture hy Dr. Bedfiey Dn.Hehe'sleturesas-m lmy 1 -IIU MN VL.I W Ms- ans! Ms-s. Jsîng entes-taiues tira r - Phone Centr-al lady fsiends acfilîe ot (laye last mes-k. m.e. Mikie lub% eitertaines! lieruroi i-uuri rtainig to Grayslake and i from Rondouit ans Lilurlyrille Siiii-lhaa ~ity-------------- j ast. ut Amaun Bri'. Jss auuu '.ila ou APpL.~i Is4' ..b.4 ma im-l attendes! und ail report-I au _____________________________________ osîd tatîie. Thue rails-oas! graders cosiplete-l liaiar G. M. & St. P. Timas Table jobu of gru.ding on Munduy lest uur the' Idêve chi fi Asrive Os-sysiake bttling tactos-y. 7:45 a. in l1 Sn8nday 8:48 a. mi Mr. Fors!fsouti cliagui ilent Sundai 8:0a a. 1Iu. Smiadiy oîly 9:30 a. nu ut the White Bo'us. 2:01 P. i'l, lsy 3:55 P. ni 'Ms-. Jungle nom ernpîhuying tous-tu'i 4:00 fp. sa ÀSuudav 5:01. 5 m for inakitug cernent m-alke for the neir 5:10 P. xsaSuufday 6:11. p.ni miîk fact .s-y. TIhe. meli aue alâo been 6:05 P. fili luîv 7:12 p n begun by Mir. Adlassi Tittîs and Ray Wels 1:25 P. lit..aturdîy only 2:87 p. ni af IVanue. We mîîu tliuiuail suese. _________________________ Frank Doveîl is nouveiiiluloyeul ut Ireuh * Converses -a . csîple of dayas. BARN BUJRNS The Ru.ing Huinse le kelît iuite hm su ie our new arytisn as ls'gun. GR EAT LOSS bad a nÎmnber oyugfl@itne OS hallganue ut Lilly Lake last Siindajy. TO FARMAER. floauTs-n ssn A las-g aris.uon a tarîsu ouvues!Iy lis- sud Mr. A. M. Wliie ans!d tl Ada trunsuactenî businees i -gu Thomas t1%îîaîiiigtu>u. ut O-aiîke, andf Conlîlet fdayu last meek. uvoskedla '.. illaiue. hme i tothe Miss Franu-es ltusiîîg cliet suiuuay grounshhu.a an t 4, Mn. YsiliasiM uith las-ente in yul... Ioing guii.iî ay ans! stock togetls-s- D111 Srnitîîuvlas a Waukegau rleitair wltb the i., iIlitiîll anud ail oiitbuilditigs asu Fridiasy ast. The la,- is îîurtiall.v suvereil lii Ils. uadiMrs. Ed ltniuaan eî'nt Suit. fusus-ane- i.farsîu s near us Ist ile 'day mi titrelit ivi's in 'hiu-uguî. known a. rilbHill. 1PWI Il l'ou î fia iurîîlu iet TalieelaY for' Ms. uns!lis-s. 'I'unî Sîllitiii.uitf'%Vau- Calforniiu . w li ilîl uikî' tbeir kegan vi@iteil mith Ils. anal Mrs. Hi-us-y borne. Scitioser oun Sinday. 0. W. i'. of suuth Ilweus. Iîud.. is Miss Kuthie Broches- i.epeudiîug a leur visitlug ha- laitugbtsr. lIre. Claudîe Risusi meekus mith triende in Chiîagai. of thise&u .i- Ui. aoMss-o-àciosraihu MIsr. .1 asrm'o'I and taruihy M-Il movs ista t ir Dem home noir occupes by 'tom M'&I iaiand! iife un liaîle ave., mas Ms-. %% aisI. nulimure isutu tIse Ituse nom 1,ul' Iv IDr. Sumuiesville. Ms-s. Jt..a arwn.ialvisiteif ut Antiorbh 1'ueeday. SMs-. Rayvaid lîo wiIl etant a ous and gent .fur*ih'ngstore bers about fct. 1 Zwainn tomuWýn.- dy. Dr. Suiiaiurvihle and! mite mere lu Chiffloqns.business Tueeday. J. J. Latigabangb mas ut Autio-h oit busInesMa Wn'ay. A good taunaibes froni bere attend the races ait Lali'rtyville this week. Ms-. 4wd NIss. Bert Plonlen, of Wau. keg4n, are thie prus parente ot a huahy guit, born th, past week. MMt. Annta Keef le vieitiîg 1fr. aud lire. Vlckriiian.1 Ms-. E. %"ali,vrn'and mite rrived bomne fs-oit, tlieir meduhiig trip Moîuday evenfng ai 1i rayelake. w EONESI ÀY .EVENING There %vill be a grand DANCE! -- Amiann Bros. Hall Round Lake, Ili. The next one wvihh be oun CUOUER 3rd liss. Pott@ bas been ilI the'lpast week ut thieborne o! lues- sistes- Mm. Sisurmen. Luarall Kig lis again assisting Mr. W. lirhi ut the depot. Mf, Swiknand! sons le'nt Suuduy ut Ra-i uta. Mi.and rui s. Lewsis Kuiggs- o! Liber-- tyvillu- calleal on parente bere Sunduy. The, Illuols Coiedy Show given bere urus melI alteuded. Mies Gertrudle Bila.ke seseiving tiue las-geut aiuount of votes. i rithe conte8t. Ir-aliuolittle $pont Stinuay ut hb arne ier,. Pi iin-ipal A. Wîilmington enîuiyed Saturulay ans! Sîsuday ut bis houlie at C ryut.al Lake. tiarl Bock and lady fs-ieiîafreturnes! te) tha.ir laoiases at River View a atr a îueeke 9 isit lî'em witb the formierss arent-4. le a'li. L. Speeht mas guest of relatives lie i law aitu' t e firs utthe aeek. li ra. Beasley ans! daugbter, of Minne- idaaI~ fuus-nes-h of thîls plas-e. made a e. je assant caîl on frienale here Satus-duy. 'dIli. and Mrs. G. Tiauteher entes-tairied 1their piarente. of Dianoau Lake Satur. 'eday. ls-D. tCarson beabecs. usder the dustur's 10 cars the Isut week. Pickling Time Itsm jatt as cbeap in thes lonugsun to use 'pauree pices' as inferios- and! adultes-es! l ices. We carry eftulh insf Ith@ pce si re conforuies! to . In"e pureltos tam of 'er state. We bave may cubtam esas are sure if yon give us a trial you.mîlI be a steas!! customer. Gragolake Pharmacg side, Miaeh., speut a teir duys witbtrienilsq and relatives ut Wadâwos-th list ws-ek. Ms-s.Kutie Wstm of Chisisgu callîs! tan relatives on gatnrs!ay ans! Ssnday. Ms. Wrn. Ruff entprtalues! campaîti ne day this msek. Steve Cuddihy bhas returmed f rîm Wau- kegan. C. Bruce le wos-king fs- Jatitem Lehey. Mise Anna Haggesty Whbo bas been quite-ili, is Irnprovfîug. EiZ~iLAi Art Lyon sMd wife and a party of frlendm f-rnChicago were caltess t W. Wlsite's Stnday. Jo.. ibas returned froin bis wesilersî i sil. Mise Eiliia Sloan spent Saturday and Bunday iChicaugo. Thos. Us-abiai was a Wauikegau visitor last week. E. Cleveland entertainesl ClaleU people oves- Suîsday. Mise Maude Ellilot lias; returned frontm Chicago. Ms-s Mitchell bas not beers very well. Convertie Mas-hIe je building a bouse for biinseîf and wvife on onse ut the lost@ lie pus-chased s-eeeutly. 1)r. T. W. Bs-opby and a party of trîends Opedlt Sanîay at tlîe Fox Lake Stock farm. Sidney Barustabie wbo broke bie lei; ie able to lie uut ou i'ritclies. Heus-y Lernpke bas retus-ned fs-out iei Visit litiChicago. Herbes-t Nelson was a Wsaukegau visito- recently. HamîlinBs-os, bave built a silo Peb for James and Sid Bas-utahile. Thte Fox Lake CeîueterT' soeietY Will meet witbhulre. W. J. Caiae, Tbursday altes-noon, Sept. 27. Tbe For-tHill Sunday sebool also willgive an icéeseam' social at the maine place Fs-idav evening, Sept. '28. Yourself and friends are cordially invited, LOON LMCE. The new s-ails-oad station bas been treated tu0 a coat of pain t. The fas-miers are busy eutting coin. WiII Book and Martin Sorensen bave returned fr-ont tIe harvest fields of Nor-th Dakota. Alex Hughes bas returned (.0 Urbana, [to attend sehool another year. Earle Whbite lias also retus-ued tW the me scbool: Cas-I ughes as attendling Isigh sCboof at Libertyvaile. Ms-. and Ms-e. John Mas-tin and Myrtle vieited Sunduy witlî friends in Trevor, Wle. Christian Christetieît ias kicked by a colt, irbile watering cattle un bis brotîsere tarît.. The iain beiug erusbed Dr. Hazelt.în, of Chicago, pertorrned ait operation . At presentble is iii a critical condition. eMs-s Sos-ensen vieited a li'w daye witb Prelativeesîand f rienile in Chicago, .iliring Ifthe paet week. Mis@ Editu Hook entertained bier two ecousine fs-on. Gurne. unday. Mss. H. Sheeban ans! ulîugîtes- Mailelisa -peut Sunday willuMs.anus %lrs. M. Cas-uey osf Hickorsy. Chas-gem Kldnaping Tony Bacosn. formes-b ut Kenoshla, chalruus that Chief of Police OHare ans! Frank Losamltz, of that clty, n..de au sesîsatlonal ittelentt to kîs!- uap hlm thît nîornng lu os-des- (. aois! the fos-nalty or gettlig extra- dîtîoru papers fui a charge of thertt ageinst thlm. Bacosu. irben seen lu Attorney E. V. Os-vs' office thîls atternouti. sais! that fus- tio or says days Losamitz hais been alter hlm ta persusade hlm te go hack to Kenosha. This mosif' Iîîg. ho tols! a SUN reporter, Lora mîtz bhsougbt'bief 0Oltare ans! the tiro tries! to tell hlm that the beet thlng bo couls! do mas to, go hack ta Kenosha. Attempt to Kldnsp. He refuses!. The party mas near the cas- lino, ho says. The citizen andi the police chie« gnahbed him. lie daims aud tried to force hlm on boitd the car. He seslsted and! made ifor the lamyer's office. 'nb Drù-i matikind wo invent milk. ture's emuli VADSWOirTH. E. V. Lux asnd J. Sbelly took in the .%ilwnutee fais- last wek on WVedneday and Thiurm,îtan ad reîportus-n excellent tii,,.e. Milr. anîd Mrs .<Sulivani and smonCliff.îrd. visî.iý a fîw da.. ut t he. John $heu hol.. e 'cently. lr-'lSb.a andI lene.' Muanu attensded a hall gaine in Keî,ua.a last i-iunday. *Adolçîh Heydîi4kei- waae a Waukewan viitoi, Saturdav. (asr.- Iing, whu las lsers (fuite isick i le .covering. Mis. Will Cannoin, of %Vlintlruj, Harboîr visitedal boi lt tFriday. George andl Artie Ja.ckso, o f Wauke- gan, wer.'the guii-tý. otf'Mr. an]Mrm. Jon li'u jeasuikday. J. Ilartlett, w.s . a !.il ivait e' vie tus- l,îst week. in the. distatia.. Mfr. uand 1frs..Il. Spoulîeinrg asi, rpturnesi home 'alter an extendd imire, wjth rlati.'e in catnda. Mrm..Martin. Lux spesit im s-w d wjth rslatjvin iiWas.kegan. Etigene Ms4'anisu iipr.uviii. George 11 -'aslinim s ehiavinat laie lionse .-eneëe.,lThie .virk being ilone bh ii Ms-. and Mn.. W. Er.skmni' are staying avt thetI. latte.rs parents. Alter a wi'ek's ilînees ut the honte of ,Mr. and lIns. Ray Kelley A'nnie IIa;zestýY was sernuived tii berhontie wlipre'eh.. je gettlug iuug njely and i le t.. l'e out again. Eddie- Cuddaby je very bitsy %workiig for lus unele, Ed Doyle. Mmre. eo. llartlett spesît a ilay lamt wueek in Chicugo. Mr. and Mrs. John Shea eutestained orpany troua Chicgo oves- Sunîlay. A.K. Bain was à Chsicago. visituir Wednesday. Mr. ans! Urs..Iobu Chope ans! ebldren C Mabel ans! Irons bave gune to Amboy. ' Ill., t.. visit Mrs. t"els sut thuat place. torni. s week.1 Mire. Bunphrey, of St. Ptaul, Minu., ls de the guest utf11ev. Safford. Guy Hughes liadt a s-unamay let Sunduy mas-niug returniug houas f rom buarch. Ms-& Gilbert and tira children, of Cais-o, as-e viaiting Ms-. ans! Mre tA.K. Bain for several deyis. -H, Ms-. Bas-ris, of Chicago, mpent a fs-m iays atbis ftanlest meek. 4 Mise Enice Fendkck, of Waukegan, le visitinx a short tinie urillibes- cousin. Mfrs. Mfabel Young, Mme. Taylor, of St. Louis, formnerI, of tluis pluie ans!UmsJessie Riehardson, sîf Lily Luke, are gueteof A. H. Stewart. Mis@ Cas-rie Bçkter retu-ne! fs-urus Highand Park Satur<tay evening. Lesmlieg Kaue, tif Chicago, visite! ove- Suuday mith Mre. BM4er. Ms-. ans! lre. A. H. Stewart mers Chicago visitore Mouday. The Misses Vous ut Chieago, ans! lre. Fred Deninan, of àlgbIuud Pas-k, visite! a feir days mftb Ifre. C. FE. Denmi. A Young felloir ievenlseu yeare of age na.ea Cfi.rietensou, irbo mos-red tas- bis brother on the ftarn komuas tIhe Thayer tas-m mas dangerously bus-t laçt- Wednssday, bis ekullhelng fracture!. It lis not kuomu If howmu kleked bhi a borSe or if omelbibg'bll hi. dnsing the Isigb mmnd at thst tlrne. Thoe is litthe hope. ofai@u secoves-y. Ms-. Sas-ah Dodge, ut Rochiester-. 'l calling on relatives lu tItis vlcinity ans! ls etavNing ut tbe borne of lues- brother W. J. White. Ms-. and! Ire. A. W. Sfuisd mers Chicago visitas- Monday of tbie msek. Victo-Sts-ang returnes! ta sehool Tueisday of this week. There le a Mlsslonary meeting ut J 'I' îke Fs-lday ans! the stoeiety ef =11 1.hur as been Invitea. Ms-. Scott ans! son ans! Mmr. Weis- retus-ned Sunday to Chicagohuaviug i $nt a dellgbffuI msek mith Mr-.mss! m~. John Trotter. Mr. ans! Mr@., Holmesé entes-taineci seves-al front Chicago over Suns!ay. A"fOCK J. J. Maure, of Avon, an olal-tinie ssaaohl eache- nI thirVt.furvyeare go lu Anthoeh, mas ealling ou frlendes-te- saenthy ans! booking alter- a honsiekesper. Ha-aId Sbugart i.. visiting bis sîste-, Mre. Albert Bas-netable ans! tarnly. ynIn Paddock, soit uuf Mn. Geo. Petidock, le expeeteaf to nuove bers and! open a latinds-y soon. Ms-. ans! lir. Besman Bas-k ans! son Ar-thur-, îstt Tues.ulay tor- a vieit ln Chetef. Wis. lDn. Reading. Js-utist. leIis.ring a vaca- tion of a tei dîîye in Wiecouteqin hlsliing. Mr'. Reading ilu. e lIagîet oit Mini Viekere ans! tutuily. 1Mrs. Liucy 'i's'lub. ut (hisagu, u i ii iusg îîlJ Isirnalitere. Thte tniios:al of Mies ValisgaBanins- mas liels! isu tIi M. E. Chu-s- Wealnesday utternuion. hntermu'ît ut Biilslîe Fs u-li ls-ry. Next Sontsatiaiml lue the lest servii-em uit thie conîfereuuce year. Mr. MiNuisiier wIll attend cunerence iue\t ureek. Baral! W'lliarns, mli. unde-uvu-t asa ols'nation for uppendicitis in a Chieuga isompitul s-s.euntly. iras ir 'augbt hoste this meet uîsucb improveul. t] t' Il b 5 cg ei fi t] ci 4t Ch Whien You Are Reae VourYarnswe Have. (lernian Kriitting Yaru Shetland ]lmo !ýpaniâh Anigora Icé WpOI Germantown ]REOIADBP4 ut n shape tion. Cod lve trmely alurs ihas to be il before we can scott's ombines 'the, mIth the valu phosphites s80 asy to digest Far more goo4 Dl alone coul riakes Seottell the most stren nourishing fo cie In the worhd. Send fo, fre am*U SCOTT & BOWNIC. CM 09o-44 5 Pearl Shoot ..à 500. and 081.00. AU dW WARRENTON Ms-. ans Irms-. E J, Cair"#I ininieuliî. Mm' 1.1hais e eîtes-tsisiug se M i.I.llse Ilsz j io tsshh ingf i ls Alkgai. Wina. Renis-I pent suride other. Oit Bunday the Eves-ett bou feletd tbe Wars-enton teags DIR. . A CRAM4 ,DENTIST usurli 9ia. ns., U-2nu., lmO1 Eu'enings lsy appoIate Iiti..e in Ban utsilding. si (uillhtSe IhUmowa and Oral Surgi Jhamplain Baulding, *»»0 Streeti, ChfasgP, As Us-syaske aob âmaoq, anad1 t«6p.im. TH-E GRAYSLAICE 10Câ 0 Manuf"wSur.0 . [ces and Pure Ice ipeciai Flavors Putsap oA4l My NIEW sfflG Am now om exIéIum WM. JMMNS.TIt Graujslake' and Meals and'.LontWo at a491 wurS CIGARS and CA LAUXDRY OTFj Phono No.lu MISS EU"A GIRLAO Iiay N 1IWmIl take at3 N. 1 claver or al to ns. Wihh puy tI John. Prairie Viev e >r rt iv logodiciiaïi 1,11 ego j ý 1 ime, la illiwiqvll jql&lr ---