CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Sep 1906, p. 5

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If You' re Particular L .41 i The raù * If you alwayisinsist 011 having the very Mia 31 hest of everything delivered to you 0Boa, l ciean and w»oiesome; If you appreciate Ulms Win] * mothods and care in hand- office biers. Bono ling what yon have to eat, then you liW.and *.pound boy. éhouid buy at the store where theie ~El year as tee proper pains is taken. Mdonday la * ?Irei. Mon wit liber mi 1 Witli lierh Are you IyIi'TfId1fl bas je L TIIILOR AIL i Gg LIBERTYVILLE,, MARKET and GROCERY lisdeiv hr homnea iiîg tiie'saun faauiy lere Mr. GW* IM r. S.C Urun iittf BUY RIGHT.... yili e About af b.' a lairl iiîoutoi of!S tlaey iltene and priuci befoTe hMuni lasteit pou eau b.e onte Mis Ii11 races Tuees Witiiout a1 Covpriiig1 very cousu H. H. p I3uy Yoursof. .B iennett, W ___________was injure shooik n)Ui has benf ANDIRE W H SS t .fali LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 1 >iiiard ti ave.nue.A S fast of lasi v oudition o.pitritiou. in Lubiti * Ca" tal exi tii.' .'y. %q structurea eyeceai be Thinq'trui neîghborl( A Libe.' se'rmonii hall the pu Ihis towes 1rot.etalI A Sewing Machinle rtoo regularl. CA that the gallery Z' aliery Di tyvilie pet photograu daya in Baturdays gan. Hie saime atti The.'gui Is a ousehold necessity. We sell the = 1i N!EW ROYAL bail beariug four andA api six drawer machines. We aiso handie oicad if publiclà the QSJEEN manufactured by the New from the ,ýai (Company. Our prices on ail those mer Soaleao machines are RIGIIT and range from have b.'.' into ltie $ 14.75 up). Lot us shlow you wlîat near the indiieemexîts we eau offer. hyen toi dirt andi known la tiieni if iî the work lienry, attendan that ofE lie atte' Was beld tifity-tlire WacsOt Five bhi day a bl were pri of tii.' towil ii teMr. SMITH & DAVIS smash.' thrown TEA AND COFFEE LEADERS w&srid Libertyville, I[I.MrSo lus of Unterest ~ Ubeulpil le Readers rIkffd U. lere and Timr - Oncouil :- are ou. Have yiîa beeu yet? Ilius thel Turner visited th. past me Battereon i.'ft Monday for w5itk with relatives uti licipvaii, WiLs. F.1). Sebinhit lis retîîra.d fron aa tant Frlday, tsi tr. uniîtIMrs. visit tu Kaucasi a .îei- lentcci.'T1U J 'arc.' street, a daugliter. lutIle tlll.. ionifred Young is now keeping Conductujr Dorg enti-rfaiuî'd bis tather, tho North Shore (Jas ceiupiany's mother, aister andl frîter, of Chicago, Sent bacl e.over Sanday. Menlus, a Il in Friday eveuing sept. 14, ta Frdayv nigit of ti.' eek a dance wiii middle of1 Mru. Julaus' Haymaa, a twelve lie giveu at the to whiiliai i by Brown and St. Paul tri Y. Hapke. 'The Bail.. Orchestra will bohl Downis iegau bier cc friithe. music. was tossed eacher of the. Bush écbool u Frank Pritchard, -if Mlulwauî.'e, visite.l aturday il laft. at b.e home of bi. father, R. H. That la *unaian returneil to Jaîîesviîîe Pritchiard, the tirât i: tic week. - lege. Meîîi sieter wiio @peut tiec oust %v.'ek Frank Keru ail- Charles Austin catch onti bers'. returued tlonday igiilit alte'r spending frona bel tg in aeîlcf rui jas? us-ton days in Coloracbi. Iii inî'er and the Mli. Ltieiu. Se.' bis firiicii i1u.tit.'dInoutains.tetrii * coluiin. 'Tle manv frieusls -o Wiiiiaai Kuebkerthtria 1 Mr. L Kinainn, f llck8 "'ho lefI bei.'aulpt cri g and hemliassie'yet visible pent~1nday ad tfaday l leeii livîngin Dakota i < ie b. srprimed jtracka witi liter tIrs. J. F. Geuib.r. laula ol î'îîra'. aide. The A. L. Wiibur wIi, r1.etlîtly sold h races Cr'awley. of Lake Geneva. fatn nortlî-west oif tti. village ieft the h ina and tc î'îsitiag at the Sliermaii boule fitit et thewo.'k fi Califîîrîia whfîre teather. eiter tihe'Sr. .tlaryV'@ cchouîl. tîîey wiillceaide. "Tii.'tlis renne tliCarty bas retarued 10 luliiîJobussîn, i"î,.tsonîîoftNir. Salidthe en ai. Monaroe', Wis., alter speiid- und lire. tM. 0. Jobil- iii lias lx-en (fuiitei red iantern iiauîr witl thei.' i. B.Pritchard i it tiile paitnlil ,,eý I lai. tlreatened adr o t. it wa.' tcared, wltht i pliiidi lever. a rkfi irgi' A. Wrighat anîd lier mother 1). A. O>wen. a coaUthi-rai railrîîad rng. found Meli C.Willard, i.'ft tlomday for Date sperit several lîîy.4 lu this village of the. trac lirîli.. where they wli visit rpceiatlv s4topping at hol' ixfiaihobeiis. tîehis.a llard and family. H.' was enroute tu N-..%%Yoirk î'bhere 'le and examir are reporteil up iu Saekatcbe- bas business interest. caD.J vilîce wh.'re the Webbi aud Ti'li uarteriy nieetii>c of tue W. H. M.ia.Dr 1 famailie» are living. lu Liber. S. of lie tietlioditit i-liiiri-li waq held liast the. inJurieî lare suffering froua the hem.î. Thurcîis.'vatth iiiii iii.'of tirs. J. B- fractaredc Jf wa'y betwea the two would Mac<uial and afte'r the. program the I aso iy good pilace te spend the 1f<0ikaig Onilers for the iusuilsg year broiso Septetnber. were.'l.'cted: Pree. Mir'.. Frank E. Wire; possible Int ete wiicbave cbuilren wlsiî- Vice Pros.tire. Barkl-y, 2ndii iie Pres. la lu a sert( md to start in the lirai. grade tiS. Bryant; Cýor.-8& . Mrsi. Fred Croker' oeswl r a averupor boti teciiRoie. Sec, tire.Edith iVarrea; Treas. Mmr.cvrswl cipai by anartng saut childreu Iiraucii Tripp. iday, Sept. 24. as@ tiiic the.' Word wa6 roeivedI ir' tus week Of iubie ilat.' on wiih b.'giauerée i.ouddeu doatb ofl L'ii W. Coiby lu theclos tred. L. Btutu. onlY sou 01 tih. laie (;ibert COlb)V illau Rum.seil watt out tothformorli, of Libortyvilie. at bis home fï[aac .Iamsl dayau r~rud t CsicgePelereon, la., after auil inesa et but two waIes lipasef ait ad of nLie tyviChiao Ms tr. Colby wa.' aloutthirty vears Tiie end of b ber ideutity or gaiaing a (if ugo. He lmeavoilî xidow and one'131 190(;.E 'lier. dli.' ttraeled very 11111e ranud. fainiiy te Ai as gooal Iooking womaen are so An Pebcange says: "Tii,' tllow wbo leLola i mon iin tbis vinlage. the <quickest to, My tint fils home paperLaecui aut Roa Clitdoms Dot &Mount fi. anytlîiug and foliowedi tii, gel a i w SntahRomf oindet mllers tie loudemt if it im nfot up te withiu a fe% A'is., aud lu tiîis vieinity. He taundard iethe feltet' w'io liasu't paid oued ail off]) cil in the .'artlîîaske wbch iei.subscription for six ortirîgiat yeare.*lewmt tii. coci ut a rcovredandTbe [l!,îiEENDgSiT does't havelii.many eof 'ws . iîteaiof a îgeiee rickandt bis kiud of subsi-ril»cis and is îaking panion beias j one tiof ame l. i hfric-rnthose it bais got Off ti- ii. Ibis lire ini )r Kme ime Hewil reuu This morning (Thirr-dayî tihe entir.' Amande, li er digger le Dow working unboard tif supervios' îiilit tii.'cîiinty Isaac .Jan mile. cf towu baviag tinisd pîor fhrm to ilivi-'.tiicate coniditionîs tret ue arwes a Milwauikee' there and make îî.fiuiries iuîte the duriug tiie, A second mac-line arriveil thse îetlîodel.mploied i vSaperiiiteadeiit liq'~glir tw'ek but it W a"'louait ulou Appev Las atheir rJ-.riiar cu-itorii. The hiiyalty t10 s ion e b'i daae oaril round everythixg verysatimfas'tery ta a àaîîd unable tsilie.'puat ilte alter a thorougli examiuatioîî and u. It wasdamagedan transit. voiced tbeir apprit ai as a unit recoin- try ami mer, W. ~iderî- las us.alediu nding bina for bis vcork. Aîag. 115, 1 W. NileiekliasinKane in An agent ofe fal-imsîu@ Tabmard tan reginment4 t] y ville otfiee anicphtliaimosrop.' uscoe wji bicmlera rmaki, Litîrary vitîîî,îî b.'in Libertyvilie see- fighting oet lanaoe iatncofii. ic f fl ieflbereliii'.witii vicw te estaliili- fruîn' tie.'n W.ii.i tie instrument the. nerve îng a "station" ber.'. Ai tiiere 18 1no and hyscai oudtioncf uaiibrary of an kind here at prsc.'ut gageliient an cee ayial asditof bare.thoagli offerts ha ve bealen mOnnadle tb Ciickanaauk leut eis ticoiy a.'i bis s.tar. one it wwîiiîl em that the Tabiard îy Lok C ,hoo. b a gcnd thiuig tii boct frora a stand- being the. rtyville liareoninarct point ef beucilt ta tis village. W.' ilag, upOn Mails th? stateiment tiat one- ueyne irr f on id tat a aupilo in the publie chioula cf crl edailrmyo on id at a chbili were not in an~ manuel Face Ridg, fd with a cuZ either Freeinan--Smlth. ý%aiO. Loi bt or Cathelic aîîd bat the adulte acccrding tuestatiitics Ou Tuseday afteramoeu Bt thie' hoame with ekirni greater anîeng the. non-cburcb of F. C. S4mitiî iccurred lie marriage of dîîriag tho bout coelu eigbt attend ciurch ie sacigmplishetl daugbter, Miss Lydia. meut was ta tihe Roi. tilton Sterner Freeman. comîplets t auoneThemsericeswas lu thep~resenit cf Beswick, winies te iii.' unhe embers of the two famille@ by the. arnîy at Fi ie opeuiag cf bis Waukegan 11ev. H. F. Lawler. Af 1er the ceremeuy were arnel Wini not affect bic Libertyville refresuîientsj were servemi and the. young ctood beat% l the. leaut. Be wili bie at Liber- couple lo4t ou the. eveuing train for is ambiti ersonally and ready te tako Chilcago enrîlute for a quite place ia chagda apho witi the 'exception cf Iso icbiaa0. hre g 1the. week, Wediicêdavsaiand Mrreenati is anative of Aleutowu, response tc swb.u en eWinla i auke- a.and tas cducated ai Scbuylkiillassurance is work bers wili receive tho en iîe ry recciving ut tinieaf graduatien U:ewe teutian as lu tic pon5t. the degree cf B. S. Hic theclo ' cal a »verninent le getting alter the course was takcii ut Garrett Buhira i. n tive" and "imlpertinent" pout Iuctltute lu Ecameton an ie . was gratin- happy tern bici are becomîng so common. atod wli.h the dcgr.'e of B. D. lu 19i02. theR.behi agn Le to be opened at once and Siortly efoe ie ~graduation i.' was 1 01il ft l will lie suppressed. TheI.'lNDE- aponted past )r cf Union Circuit inla l -was aurprised tu llnd aecentiy e ,P.ryCountyiand hoe'ved ieary four wit ieste le@ ou sale in Libertyville wiiby.e eiigtccags gci adrbc atfa o lied lu tuis papier would bar it effort@ fronon.' wblch was alwayc - i- mails. Can tiere tie people aervedl by 9tîîdents to one which now9 te eneugli to malte the sale of supports a resîdent ilister. At tihe W"' wish îrkc of imbecility profitable. Iset session of the Rock River Conference tbcele wiîr aiepreurnbly aîai byshewas appoiutcd 10 ( daprou and froinlaaic.'nttirai aue in teshab o mailbakiu tb.'urgent r.'qiicsrc liat have been iiiiîdp en n e abi geflaitsc a irchfor bis returu 111e <ertain that tiiey wili le Grman Fangeica chrclive lu Caemu fuir tiie eomiug year. park sud doing macla darnage. Xo one îc ltter knowu lu LibertyvihieA se bave been broken. leaves have than mimess Sîîtlî For more than a Tiie Chrii tru froua sehool books and clowen yeare ah.' lias beenaupu *tendudit regluar w,' I andi thsefluor@ bespattered with orf le lriiaiars .-îîirt meint ofthe letao- Workem mltad, Who the boys are il, nOt dust Suuday ;cniîio and a rneuber oI the Sunîîay but e'ffort& wihh hocimalle te locate choir. Sile bas bien a recognized le'ade'r I*ureaiity. ýthe offene is repealed as the among the' youîig peuple of tie clitiriiTii.'Le] sof the ciar-li are inens.'d at for iuany years. serv -init as airesident of wîîî naet rk of tie despoilers. Epwori.iiLeugii for four years and aise Sept. 21, t y Appley believes, is record as i&ias preoident (if the Waukeaiisali is' ber is reqi nt at the fair im even botter han tricu for tiio ye.,s. Rler Services ivere SHouer liende.'. He ciaiîîîs tiat always ciie.rfiillv rcaadered thiat every-- Charte@ ended tbhe very tirât fair wblehieu nared fe and feit ionored by lier in liamoi 4d ou theo ld Frencel niamaorne aquinane. W.' ongratîiiate tir. iviaicli iii e.' eare agîî. At thattimetîmere Freman utifis gond fortuilaîîd w.' t)aiiîtnd tract and no races w.'re bâtid. wili belut tiiitbote higlieot aces' in tlelsi forti indred -people would imalle lb.'tie itineran-y. kuow w ig oeuad the oniy prizes given ktiîwii. auted dîilonias. A great iuany Miss Stellat 'i'sou a Cbrietiau sciene " The ri- suigounding fariere carne ho pactionor miii fIn- ah the homei- Of irs. premert ci tsi attend tbe fair driviîîg 0. F 0. Turner, L.incîoln ave. Everv Tucs- congregal day, Fniday aid Saturday foireuooms. subseriîti Oliver Bown was injuredin i a LAyone wislîiag 10i'onuit ber wil iei.'in theei. up in front of D. ,A. Young pailit kindly reveiveil. 49-31 @0 tbat1 Saturday nigit and thre otcitches raimed ai und necessary to close the wound Dr. H. biaidi-ilSrg.'r, desîtiet. Otiteth et i eived, in lier foreb.'ad front iieiugi over poctoltin'. L.ibi.rtyville. Phonue 9l'theast i frona the buggy in wie h.'bel sermotf ding. With lier baband and a iLedr eti h com.îianIed themaslîe G ond for the.' ougi, removes the' In iej îtrnnghoo 'etly af 1er dark., coîd, lhe cause of the cough. Thai.'acocurt.'sy 1la .. rvlga .» i.v.e tonthe uork et Kennedy's Laxative Bon- madl, pe' golng indiffereut directions. No e>" and Tar-Ibe original laxative thînga nws exactly iiow l happened but cough cyrup. Cantaîns no opIateu. ratier ri me ig bcae ady utugd.Salit by ail drîigglst@. oaten a, L 0Sf HMAN- ISent Back to Signal noi Train Btruck And Badly Iiijured ' UT TO HAVE BEEN IN A DOZE ek te flag a train. Lewis H. brakeman, fell asleele ln lhe the Chicago. Milwaukee &1 racks, ni'ar LI.bertyville, and Id lu the air by an elîgine night. iwhat conapany agents aI. us says, thai. h.' trl.'d te i the engine and was far gin the. land of dreanas. eérna te have gone te fiag and seeing that fi. was flot ete have sat' down on the bhits signal lantern by his train thundered downi <pon tossaeilhina aside 11k.' a st- t knýew et the accident,". igineer, -wa.s when I saw a in go high lute the air with wu. W.' facked nie and us unconsciotis f3' the.'aide Lk." was takeit teLibertyiile Ied by the corupany physi- ýL. Taylor, whn pro.'ouueed i te be a broken nos.', a coller bone and cuts aud 'L he face and body with ternal Injuries. The mail' rius condition and if hie re- 1ble rnatilat.'d for ]lie. Imaac James. ciug dayc <if the. year 1905 ie who waa bora tu South 'd bic eighty-third birtbday. bis long active hIfe came Sept. He enaigrated with the. Janies Lmoricm in 1852 and cettled iu it imanediately after. Be ie ..î'upatiOu of farmingoutil 1" w y ars et thi'eud and pur- lus îvork witm great euergy. wie îîarried, hic lirstcin- g Susam lRie@' wb<î departed 1 5M76, and bi.'ses'oîtid' was jsîuwhi di.'d in li3 bec was a voluteer soidier ewar of the.' febeilion. Atter , fir oniy tea year@ b.' feit sncb lie couîntry for hic adoption icted iithe.' Jitb Vol. lufan. rved fronti Sept. 4, 181 2 until Su.Tus was on.' of the bast sa w core of the.'b.'avlect fanyo eti'troopa that w.'nt nortii. Their fir@t cevere e'- wac tii. blooîly fie'ld of uga, and tus was foflow..d Out Mour4aiu bic regimeat eue to plant thefilrct Uion in that etrougboWl. The inîpaigu foliowed with Rocky ge. iteasa, Kenesaw Moun. :ejey's station, Joueciioro ihes almct witiiout itumber me. evenhful daym. Tii.'rfe switii Thonias aud iîelped te the 'anaihilation of Hood's Frankinu and Nachville. Tiiey 3g the. few regiments that îeu Bood and the abject of ion and wb.'îîthe Rebelis gain and again at Frankîlnlu to bis comauda and the. added e Break that lins and nothiug m yeu asîdlthe OlleRiver."~ was flot broken and witb the. rîuation of events lu the East ion was put down forever. Ibis activity Mr. James vras rgiment and did bic duty as a adier. Card of Thanlke. ih to expresp our gratitude te ce ere ce kind te as duriîîg our ne of sorrew. Mat. and Mits. BENJAMi.' JAMES NNOUNC£MffNTS ristiau Scientite will iîold tîjeir weekly meeting nt the tivstie hall over Souath & Davis store eveiig at 7:3l0. Subject: ake'iîle CmietFry association t nt t.' îownîhbal ou Friday, ,t tie eoifoertr. Ev.'ry îîî.îîî wust.'d te b.' piment. sWhitneyv augbt six fine.'bacs *îîd Lake hast Sîinilav, twe of vofghed i ovr live 1iiinds cri. 1Lake it im i-iaiaîied sl .tii. best bams fliiiig ini the euîty if yeu 'herie the.'bic', are. Charlie îîîiag Sui.dav ic hle st o~f the infereaire vemir for the.' Metlîoîist atioî. hi. i. hloped that ail Mons o e i.wbnevoleii'i'swili b. sunds if tii. pastor by that ln. lie eau gir.' a repoîîrt as te fuuds ida bow tfa.y huve iieea appi.d. nake tii.'last Suiiday as gond as iof the yea.r. Theii.'îîrning Oabject wiii t..'"A Sîîcecsful ese days of rush and hurry yle ofteu forgottea.i.nluthe. Ill meil rush of aur lite Ilh are doue' ta offend that w.' Meats .Eroceries Dy Goo Cloth ingà Sh>0es Liberty ville Phone29 Minois F. P. DybfoNi), Pres. C. F. WMNaiT, c.obls' Gto. A. WaloeT, Vice Pres. Im. ~ve ut..O»Wne LAKE. CO. NATIONAL BANIK CAPITAL SUPLS I$65.OOO.OO Why I Bank My Money Beeauce or ail My carningo get jute the iîank evealýualIY. wbether 1 put thon there or flot, audit lin botter for at.' to put theni tberethan'to lot the. otho flk iow derive of ait the benelit. OUR Fal Line o! Outing Fiannels and Fian1ý ettes has just been opened. It le larger Ï better than ever before. We carry a bi l 1né o* the famous Amoskeag Outing Fiannela in Hlglit and' dark checks, Btripes and plaids, plain bluea and plnkô A fullI ine o f 1,îbleacmed (lutînge at Sc, 75/jc, 8ye~, 10e ansd 12%ç. Neweet dosigus lin ARNOLDS and MANCHESTER 368 ineh Fbumui. ettes for Wrapperc, Waims, Kinionas and Cblldren'cq Dresses in dan and iwbt colore. THE FAIR 1 F--J LIBERTY VILLE. ILLINOIS DEI'OSR R fTeDAY Mtortun.'inli able to oVi tako you lu monoY math thon it ln that a Somd 4 "DnutsggW in the o* "povortuil haady." etarte okA t in lthe tlmeto doIL THE FIRTNTOA lýj

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