CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Sep 1906, p. 7

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-IR "w- KNOCKSI'EM -ibet amaonts for its Pop.slarltq t OVL'S DRUG STORU. oseNàIe iNN NE W - -. IIARNESS . m - su-OPI ______________- I I ahi ~'~~t~ted iii t64ws~tol~J.EILTTigg14t'UildiIi%~ ai Spn.gae street. Tbi~. JL.~ turne ont ae.,it>d worl. ac cati be daa.e lu lleatat~. Gir,,us a trial. I SOLKLT YOIJ UR M AND SI THTU @ IVE .JE ,ilTRIAL 0. 1. LUCE 'Libetv4IIe UOW ABOUT I EMONS-MERCER LUMBER EDWIN A. BISHOP, M"r r LIBERTYVIE. ILL. <hone 47 67 o UImnoisi e -.4' 4- 'A co. WINTE3R BLANKETS Our new Winter stock of Blankets has arrived. The line ineludes: Wool Biankets. Lined Storm Blankets, Stable Blankets, Plush and Fur Robes. This is ail sxceptionally fice aesortnieiit and 1 amn selling at very close prices. Let as show thern to yot Hiarness and Horse Goods of ail Descriptions ICHAS. M-. KAISER Libertyville . . - Illinois -- -- -- -- -- :aem m::e smme a *î 1 1 ii :1 1 :1 :1 1 CHICGO ~ MIfl WRII 11[[CIRIt R: R. LiBERTYVILLE TO 'KENOSUA Cars Every Forty Minutes Fare--SrOc. Round Trip 85c. At Kenosha connection is made with the T. M. E. R. & L. Co. 's cars for Racine and Milwaukee Faro Kenosha to Racine 15c, Round trip 25c. Fare Kenoeha to Milwaukee 50c., Round trip 85e. r 'i j: i. 4_ R~etwntletohis noe. s, eeent a note 1 i-1do net know. 17be h-,e uhis to Barbara: lietell me. I only knov that tbO2'<' 8f, I81 enga to s.. ntolnlght. unie». you never eurcesed, *1 * ~ %ltife~d. 1 i ot bhat more Yeu have "Ob , You muet net thlnk that. ton ~U/%~~. hIU ~le tell i&n a"d1 must ln mi' tura tell don't know what wooders CaPts» l- GEORGt 7«en om 0< of mYtvit.When tltat ie o' Idoee it5.. renew my igforts to win 3you ? tit. Please end me word that 1 -, come. In t t R nho ToN For aunwer lie got the single word I n th .R a n g M Lsiro r î "Coine," rlitten lu the milddle uta page, wtbout addre.,s or signature. Thus It came about tîtat whilte Temple Cndo4db 198& hg AL ss" S C4.. F beo M àm i ul5 %wVok wa s ttng la hie boltlroum la neiu- tlatloà wlth Tandy over a nititter t Lit- lavoçtd Duttesueg future more vltailly 1 "Iam 1nellned te thizak." be Raid, Y« have the baak aloi iuti103. tha-infot mrat Cn it. i ryne Utt 1[shallwant te tïthe t least a, 1 Temple w@ as es t" lose the bar- D)Unan Ilms'e twthB ru'ra.t Utie W'ib'barelfartery stock te- gala. but lhe m telý repreaaed bis eeetmedjte tn thaen motter eoic litie f Oemarrl ila t det uiothn ner cose mrell, and posaly I nay msuberlbe get'5. He *sb.d a'il-'ore uf ques- for nome ot the gas stock aiste. 9t!f tiens, as If ta doutit, iiii it et h. quanre thaet 1 amrneft yet sur*. But bt-turc Ibelttlgl 510d tonmakle teur Barbana Lad ber entoilons la tita 4~ laite ather1 muet limenet tour or oive diae. The details usrcteL a iV0. Nltît b eatatiuîî and witla thousanti dollars la somethIng alîse- 1rangou ntie naiday.tind go > ày bravely controlleti nîterulîce site w.Ivet Iutéiy séeure. 1Ihae been golng river look bis leave, and Tempijicletty awake 41: once 1e the marrow ut the matter. the bilent reports ot yonr bîuk andIl lec ail 'aigbLt as be lied don-, on th ie aighrt "I tld you. "lobe begun, -thal I uni otiser oue - Hiallama - and tLev La vp efeore. thte daugliter ef a tief. .uyraller lrnpressed tue with thie- convction ihat A 4 ocelock te nut i itruns 'rm- 'was trusteti abolutely by my graînd- the v<ry bemt aud sittest lnvestiment 2 pIe troiled loto thee îî jliltoffe e r atlier. lie lîelraymil the trust. lie man oftinimaîl meana lîke mygelf. cals report renilts. Ha tiî he ppe madle useofLiis antberity ats a.metuler naulce-Ili t Iis tewa s 10 lubatik mas-. pot. a desit aud senti; oi aichair lk et -f thelunkiug lionnent unly te vwrttk -I thtttJ Ikri ow Suvtea attlvr noir." l'utg cty le a pointut wlîlttseamn v -nue exitanateti. He Nxi, n tac-t, . i- It -tu îe'ugi but also te rot) itl tam can work when Le I la lueanest. liaw.î otfttrel andtiffltc converge thai most lu a otate et colli'--tIle lpeuple lîn Lad lntruttedteir thu tchngebusiesslta'lt tîs li WLn LeentredlItetIilisney ta l.I 1dunt utdersîa suc euon ust have hotte anti confidence. -tlitlnt to pay a 'hika e'xpenses c tn ad h apr ,e'r-hie bpad <of natlere very ivel: but, ut auày rate.,loy esesnbd-okoi o l flather mine. lu and laid tne prpierd htfoeverbelleve sucb a stery as Ibat. Ylt tact, Il parsmoe. as te report-; show tbc Louai-lLe sait! only ale uiàdtefrnad oie l w Alat thpn th"el e la i rgerbri - "I've iecureti the'iti,'k.- WLeau Le utstomers., At a single troke Le re- ir te vill coutradliet t lii iiandS ~lieig monety as sounîl enterprels oia nt no the chîair lluin lias ik'inlced h4ftler ta loverty and fer- Tandj's reputation lmatant of si kîîdtl l liai Inusril opaiei ndes c l, cndtin-cire t m i ooabenm-lead sensible people toatielieve hL," fît at flnaneiifg6 -uatlieiroopnnies amihce f sec bissondItion.dver eityourhave hiethonrable naine lw'CIally - tîdyanelng titoey on bille ct o p te linneane v.iiis and go Whten etut btltetcsme e audve e ae'- i-~t iaiiing for goodstaalt. l la we * ed"h Drot.*i'î't nat conte known ut once îny tailler ncnt againat It. Yen are tlepreaau,ý41 l.- home and lew ia bruine eut. Iî vasspendeat now. TIlîe utouilI- u, "" ilI thie IIt surprises me te er htsepn. nta 4e e e of OM. (be sitoc.k lu the.t'vo-banks ltere sam Recoverlng bîmoelt iîuickly.Temple bock ami grdef wudthi te Le.ofy "Tell me %-ba t gilu i.i «nly a trîfle shove Is. j anitvered: - poor gan ifth te ormoî.My "isofalo 1o141»l - "Oh. lliat'g becaune of.twIo thinga -,;, "uithînit I'd Mier io If u4va vpout r llafte ivd foratofita oi t O li .'t. wiPeofile g wrdtaabrave, strongnmantial uitx" . titut auythlng tems tati10 or 12 lier aen lie . hetran ou -tno n em holiti lirahae t t b har eai ne tr therae t i ri , t an u he teuLrt lvng"thtratandi îrttidi 1' l " rWi ul u ru feri Sa oey dont wes tts euce. o < ;and the o rti i' , end h er eau. "t s k uld net have let y en tell t, sim ple, dire t t t t . : t .# n - t c k , O i é a l i r a d t e y o , a i tt., ll t o tjoir tt r n tie pou r e il d' ",o r y n iovi'i 4pnkstoke.On Oe oherbau. tI. jn at a'î,tmtto! î'î'v'.îett uE -Oh, but 1I ias uîlii,'d ttell vou," thîtli 'i l' - " etou captallste bavc gea mbJintheir give you mv checkt for iliai- t,aiuî.e la steibiittite )îted. "It Wtt5 y Attty Wait tilt1'"... beade tat anythlng wtich pays mure Taiîdy's batik. 1 dont ivtant te a" Yon see-wel. you ate beetD su geotadi îr tban 4 or 5 per cct nhtit b lirsky. snidut, Itlc. and 1Inuniobliged te Sauj 'Vi'er t eittc sthey doi't set t' litîrke tere. as HIltai ntinersteoti. % ry el. -< nttvo -telmebfeeyn aw cage. yoat t1: tli- snirely volddi ImIutefr tîcir fuel- ~hae red no Tenmple tii 'cd te a desk. tbis liorrîbkith îinz. It wotldn't have geons. N.' lsb tmilîtitr. The e-oept-ct ot a blirîg ý Iheresaved Dun anditi tere*lx îîeen fuir julit tea ay o' ani ttetll ILa nu i.1 ti fer their molley simîply smeares netliiug more for yen t" iheu'. But t'n t ltiia ht illuus athn tint oDttet thelrli cen iecuiec. Sa yaùn'unet corne back for lici final gra-ul liat ittust mute Yen witiîYenuleidn'i for a mitati Hxllamî's batik ant intte have a nou- tabietui just a taeek 1'14i ltllet'ite asked ime that." sat id: nuipoly, ot as pretir a &bliaitt; as joli Ibis stock lu yenr nat-titlItlen. andi -'But Il dues Dot mali- e evish auj-'*.%ti, find ln a day's walk- Wlty. vbenthte yii liltîlk Vuttit i- ilonIe estock- 'lthig etfflickinti. Barbara.Il mates liel-I' runà wa ounltan t iter andt tny helders' meeting and 1' in@e aiîvatem oeeprtanee evnynvui ' otelearthatm a day va'- Ieavlng Caireold14Napper Taut!y. MW.«Iitl i n hl m or e hueert i (uwil 1- ni vîttul tîîi-argees. te i aay tothlng o et ntateplay trîcits-" linorter thal 1 mai devote my lirete b a, yi 1~ gret itetm or grain 'birges. ltsllam (taptaln uiain, spel'.no wo Uic te vlng tank ut niiking yen torget cî~--i . ... an mti tîl tageerNen oktos a t TmleuLad nerhie wylat t hebti-ofutidtliiîig. OL, Barbus, are mt-tii " t', r tiulv suden Ill tbfvent tenew t banth anr empedion for itevrk î 1neyer levet jeu lait se madly and eu! ina hier. Ylii- ltiis bon, poctones iront.leu .orRi Word.> lnnceisry ove yen Dov. Andi yen loeeme. I rescuet Iltle-front leqtiîitieuey; you uet, lttyll'. -We pait! C erI cenut Par -'hopte 'Imade ne tî'.,taiin sa uh- kuow It but yen must say It. Yen love bave malle e itiltigtîaili; yen have annumt *tr the- meney andi gel troun sr'»tiiîg for liat larrel rompauf me, Barbara! Say it! Say IL nowv!" metyine nîY (11,1tvand litsplired, ut ou-ha11te 1Pfr t'eut a457 Ou mueonstic sod Tempile us lte itaîsedthe Thea girl Lesitateti for ne more thsn wlth resulution te do it mantnlly."1 Il by advantIng on grain droits. witb completed Itapers uver t'. llaiiam, '&At a moment, viile ber whole body qulv- "Ian very glati," sIte anavereil, bleo aigattache&. kt vasas aujvrate.,.ld like tii i1'eîîthat my- "Then promise me yen viliistand 10 bIlle eas dlttg 9 a109à sate ss self, 9 1t naj, helter lt ever proves -'od Iip me!" seaidthu " d *y ide always. Ut me give yen 1th Insuring Ipig trou undar vatur'." te ha e rt auything or tet. 've ac- ilove yeul 1 love jen tee veilito lat etght te beIp. gaz' that ]jeu vîlI lb "I1 have soute nation of t il t,"an u.m niet! enough moouî"y te puy for ît. Yenuhit jour lite vith mne, te let My vîtert sveret! Temple. "andi that's t e ort et' -Oh, as tate lt, aI."sitered Hallaut-raen takle upon jourself thee shadev ot Hts volvo vas full et tender plu«ý lnvetnea l'out eikng fofr. 1¶ might igitly, "li tbe-Ock i lieK.gootd eneugl. my tilagrace." nsdfr oetUo Ilhoi tahe ta nome 'more.speculatlve itIIigs. l'il ma «it8seby takiaîg a majeemmy le.-'But yen have no disgracie, Yeu ~eI.Fianalfor'asioettegil:et 'at 1 gretliv aut tealeveetadW tre l ~aya ticeneliItnocent. Tlie tsult la net jours liaIe titm F Ina kee y t anvarne -thmâeand doiarselnil'Se stock ofo-ne? ing It villi uty cîvn. Yeu se.. va our taliber betra>'ed ig trust a score but Yen mnst't lterrupt l'teel ai eSter et these tIve'ntionali 0111110-sîmpi>' feuido svrnethiug for oit! Nap- et jears age-befre yen vere bortn." though 1 coldn'I stand mueS thia aven. CoUl yenlhéd ammody 1ilig lo perTandý-,The bye vere standing nov, ln-1 1«1""yn t snAoi> llngl a TniY"1 vaut yen ltaoit devu whîle I an'- t«I vil! net Iterrupt. 1 amn toe ee Tandj haed empeeted titis andi liad CH.aiTEiLt XXII. sver yen. Barbara." sauti Duncan, vith t e hear." .prei thmmeM fer a. ButLie pt'e- HAT "effn ti lford Duncan aiment uniaginable tendernees la bjs '1 thitnk 1 havea aplane for jyu and teiieda ethnk Les a mementthefoe a ai eitliiîyted te Ililam's tone-ý *No, nflin that straigiet bavked nie.t1st111 thlnk vbat 1 tltenght lb. s'splylcg. Then h. atId: T homte fow auliier. Wlth enly Mrs.chair, for I vaut jeu te lîsten te al I fore vhan 1 saidi ne.' I01 i thjk jen 'As te Hallae'sttook, à'a unste T la Hallaut for outer, HalIarn bAve te sej andt ie tease white ogî emrjavmnta e tzy.Helem ati ts.f~ OiI'i ~ lilet! e tti lte u n aialltaIjeu listan, Sit bere" puabieig an easy neeti tevar lhea saautetite inreUe >ai occurreti. for J etuncon lest! ont beau chair terward, "oit hera vhare yeun seas yenr vite, If t vere sure et My patuitteat e iiîîw autgli t fILsînca sesniM' face se ispeat. 1 waittyen callacity te makis yen lhappy, net Just Hatlam bellit rileitLila ent of hie omutat ses lu my ejas lte slacerlty eof ty for a littie vhile. butl tbrottghout ail la eider tiattUthecuterausie vitL Diet seul. Nov I knov yen, Barbara, for çour lite, i voult a>gas'e, te eque. Tempe miglit Le a 'trittly private one vbat yen are, andi I love jeu fer'liaIt iens yoît have asteti. But I mustn-" i iNor itat Duncatn cetnied! ver' great- aloue. WLat -jour tather ina> have mate any utstate that mlgbt spotl 1>'eooenadt' itlira H bt!doua er beau mates ne diffarence 1 ortae at e tts emsy'a net expwted 1fala ansd Temple t e tinn 'aterorlesa j ut flen',lt toasîtad yen vilI net let eneeaed ln iticoiîtlIsbing auylbing. love for jeu, ant i t neyer viii. Knov- me say 'ne.' t1îat stîli oery yonng, as anti ai th. lime ie fate vas lt a eris Ing It ail, 1 arn mure earesest thon ever Ye n kow. Ion. ton, are yonng enengi lu anether anti, tiin i. 1adearer my purpoe eta matae jon my vite If >a vit. ';iltii nbtk îe'Iltloave. Loti t~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ coinneyisiwt abr bt i< a persuade yen te that alter I bave the 'Y",' titthe 'uit'unasai fer a Iong HIt!,nservaievtIhprbsa lietoIt! yen somebbng about myseît Oint tintie te conte tîî a yeîtr. perhaps--long belia e nîw-lit thpi eslu coim-may very Jnstiy seem te yen a realubar enougb. ai tiny male. fer belL tif ns ta isutation vltb r-gari te Oie mtter utfte'Go oplas tadth ir."Tl ititiontut icrltu s ieright. During Tand's cem.Ijiiila sutedeg "e m wot on piesset," shait lerl.b"e. iltt lime ve nmusît Le the verj hast ut et as aceatt"fi lha sute ftiea m va Inni-.Lu sahnye ie rîus. Yluit ttiit te îll me everything triewst ie arbatvara anteIlet that- la ve auythiug 111 ef yen. 1' now bel- ltat concerna yîîn, sa that 1 may prac isfactery resultal ul ditibiis mind tter..te epn o adtn u -te Oie thar troule.-lit vlen et Bar-"Ttittit joîtfor euying titat. dean." le I Co reaiîY îleItor net. If you flac bara's 8eemingly inial rjectîon ut ia reepetad ti.n a tremur la bis toua. thal I can*t yen shail Le perfectl>' frai vnelng h as tîstîtaure Ibat le grentllv."But ubappily otLers Bloy believe il. ta gît anay tront me. If 1 finit that 1 ~~ ~ caret! vhat miglît t'î-'une ot bis repu- If titey du.,then thte cancer you bate clint.tItan l'Il say 'nu' anti stick le il." ttoorbis career. lie vas tue sîrotig expected for me maust Le ai au eut! at Iliti ainxti<tiisîîîîac to lîleut fer "I y moebribe for sainceof the aiton ore.Nle y vrelîtatioti for lutegrit>' vîilbtter ternis, battheUicilte lady Lad stoc tes."rama alitsîumoral iartt dîf: vrbegoue for gond,. anti I must Le conl- ftty madetieIlier tnlnd anti venît!se- abereatu ung in." ai iattetfsut-bnif wboie thlig. exeept filt tey bave put tereuee. but fuir tthc ltmelîingbefeunîl lent ta surrender att my ambitions. cept ne modileatlon of tbe real>'. a abare or tln mbthe Lande of meut- It Impeossible lt ia i lis tu sra la a Tutla ny 1 must tell yen ofthtis As Uiey vere ou thetpoit et partng, bers oft tLir owu faimilles, juat by vay mutter ofet ic 'i-' Der ov that tgiy thing lefore agaitt astlng yeu ta Barbara. vlth somcthing lite a strng- et qbUlltyliîg tbcnu te serve as direct- Bairbtara natuact i o -itre that future Le My vite." gle, matie an addition tate cL epart. ors. as tLe luw reqttIres. Nathar onea vibLlhlm. "(,e on." she -ntd again. *'But I eLali "If that slauder sticks te yen. G'uill oft Uemn'ould selI a ahane for Ivice lite"There alestluionetaou' chance," ttie belit-ve uthingLadâti fY-u,'tve thongi tfort!. Pi marny yeuî ut onire andtigive market irice. Thte saune Laing la truc. retiecteti, "eue ni(,,.(>itntervevwnw Lan Ittîgel shoniti tell me." Il Uic lie." lna agencral n'ay ulilat, ut our haut. Barbara, oeamîr t iteltaI I Mauy 'I toit! yqe alie hrnigtit," lhasait!, The stock Ile se geod a hitng tbat ne- vin ber, If tait tilýthtle ther tbing 1 "tîtit I Lad quarreicti withi Napper .II"Et XII body vite bue geaiuny oet h aver vante vont malter itoit. lPt borsewhlp Tant!y, that lie Lad triati te tempt me Ciltentl Duncannlitîlate ltai te part viItLIl But lt bas alvaja been Tant!> anti then go it a:y. Ne; 1 vont vitha moey bribe te de un lutamouut ntglit necallitîg tLe eveuts of our pelicy te Interditthîe peeple lu Oie go away. I voit.îtact lunlte pres- ' ting. He non' gire Il out ILat It vas 1lte eî-utug ih etbIiuli baUk by 'leting titeithotu sanme 0f liae aaen fthOe enetur. 1îren't-ob, îIion't I1n-Le propoeothbbcbribe; tbuat I vent A more ettul utore nearî,t'iastt stock. Be ut gouti deaI ofut ile5eldtu in tov vhat 1 vilIotwont dol Ail that ta hm ii a n offer tu de thiat Infu- isilei vitb Uic otteome ut ia woeiug. emal lots urouti ltn, anti nov anti nist wattit 1 kiiti' My rtle vîit i mettething forlitire andt Iat he indig- It vas trnc, et course, tunit Barbare lien eueetftitese le put lto my bande Barbara." nanti> rejerte th îe off-e." " - îtti nelt 'oitilseil te become bis vtte, fer sale. I hav'e tour eharea nov ît Titis was ont lite iaiorutng afttr bis "lic ies!" broke lititLe girl. as Le Ladl bolîcîl litte mtglîl île, bot salI. Itbelongs te a tng captain n-ho avening vilh itritur:ttaielIternnnîg oit-Y"c,Ileles, ut (-trse." anavereti lt amy rate eueteuit! confeseatber lovet la t!own on bisa Inejt Dt ovantimusut vbirh Temple tiret tadtie acquiîntanlca Duncani, "but iLtave' ne va>' ut prov- toc hitut lu a a îy. Uiat letl nothtng la selI, le wnubemore thaunte marktl vlîbTandy. Duiiaiti ias sltlng Idlytng Il. Ho end 1I reti nue ant in iils conjcttire. price, bat thUicbant bas lenî t itumoney tu bis office, mcctaaiiîaetlly Ieylng vitL bouse. Tltere nere n wlîneesem. Hov, Moentet'. itua Lu- reilecteti upon the on t nearly Dip ta isb>face vaine, antisau a papen cutter. î'rî'eIItîy ha over- then, amu I aven Io cicar i> nDame ot se comupact, liti-saîtt tiw cartoltîly the 1 codeoçretty muclu as t please n'ltb Iunut Lett-eai. plfn l ou t aul accustion?"nt at itmteflnihl e hc Il. Ordinaril>' I eboulul bu>' il uyseit. tente oversmneleboiraui aers ILaI ha "There lm no i> tîct" autavereti the Il rorided iatîcet d<lland at!honnI>' tiiaw bot l'ut ln se man>' Iings just nov, bat!dtrava up tU i iy lefore. ginl. "Neboti>' io kuon's yen wyul Uic vo lot-crs clouer andi douer tegeth- anti. besides. I'd liketalebare yen vit Tev trnac tceauatt scer Leilev- te tory. Cuptulu HlaI-er. uaking ehoet Iem more anti uns.", vîit bîtîng pais lie sengitîle save tam veuiti Dot tinuk l vortL asking a mnieanecessar> tu Oie alier. Tant!y tit not sa>' thut stnce he alla' wvat hi- cetlti eftitt- documents. 'li quetion about." As lic nealizedth Oe extent ef bis euc- sean Temple lu tLe atterneon lae Lad gîves me soethiug lbetter te de thon '"ýNo; ('aptalti Ililtin-oult! net fer celis lu bis vooung La pianuat Iot per- laten lu tht-se tour silares of stock ftor it bore idI>' motniia Those papers ammet Ltîl ut suý!ll at ing as aven tect II: lu a Lundret! vaje. Ho regelv. tibiu Bpr et elvpaviI Oemut oof >'îe rtroo ial at pesaîble. Bîut îLnt Ib teciise Le knouvAettentaae>'psteoponty kr ài ur te ve It- er td fie slspt VZ Wetbat"ngltW 7* - merrov b. e tt 10lii4WC& ~*I bu«e e' t irit luth as be Ib *I »M tiiwovshm e Iat aveatta whla b11~ fireI deetarot! bis love. Il vas Ilu is ulooti if elalionS a" itopetulnes lat ha venitote lb. el lemis' an heur hatre lteapper time. Re dit! net jet knev w'haI t alîai Md Temple bail beau tryitîg tu i10, 4anta "-se ha tnav nolhig eoflte*nemm te>' Lat!aehiavat. But lu is preset moud La vas eptumistie aengh te hope for soe goot! resuIt. Be týeu8et Se mîgbt meal Temple nt suppar If bis vert. vbatavar It vas, bat! beau mIsSâ- cd, anti vien Le feendt lt bis friand vas neilier preseut nurer pected b. satisiied i hmiai t videIr erefeace liat Uic test Temple bat! underate vas ver>' probabîj oearoqulries a goti deat more Urne dean btd elap004 alace ha Legan Il. A 1111la Ier' hagel moeadefinîte information. To BewCoutinut-ti LU MBER Good Grades at Fair Priffl. DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULO- INGS, BRICK, LIME, ALPMA PORTLAND CEMENT. SEWER PIPE, DRAIN l'îLE, ETC. G. M.-SCIIACK Are You Won-ied& About It ?; $e ls fOr HousecIeaning supplies Stove Pipe Enainel Radiator Bronzes Floor Paints Paint Enarnelft Varnishe@, Japalac Canpbell Istains c~iCalcimos Bring on Your Sign Work D.A. YOUNG. LUbertgvile, DL FARM MACHINIERY,11 of ail Kinds RE%&.PAI RED wlth Thorough ness Dispatch WILUAM LAYCOCK CO. LibertijKl,Il Opposite St. Paul Freight Depot F. BAIRS-TOW MANUFACTUIERt F Marble and Granite Mo0numeni s Cemetery Work of Every Description C.irrespondence oicited' 126 Gepme eSt Wankegan McKINL!Y RING BONC AND SPAVIN CURE' Some help ring bones and Spavifla but we crem them. The treatanent we give in a thorougli and ia.. ting cure. Yon dont have te 18Y bY the horme. À trial wîlI ronvines you that we have Rot wbat YOD have been Ioektng for. McKiauleg Meidm e . Praire VIw *-.'d .11 I -1 I A J 4 'J L 4 r ~ ~' 4 ~ j i 4 r~fi - q j 4 Il -ALL KINDS lit )f It '0 lo le le d y lt

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